w9 professional judgements Flashcards
what is deontology
appeal to duties to determine what should be done and consequences are thought to be irrelevant. To provide patient centred care
what are the 4 biomedical ethical principles
non maleficnece
respect for autonomy
what is non maleficence
To not cause harm including both acts and omissions could include withholding and withdrawing treatment
what is beneficence
promote the well being of others, benefiting the patient which encompasses medical paternalism.
May mean acting without consent or overriding a persons wishes wants or actions in order to benefit the patient or prevent harm
what is respect for autonomy
right of a competent adult to make informed decision including to refuse treatment (All)
what is justice
fairness - distribute health care resources equally and treat similar case in similar ways and have the same respect to patient in different circumstances
what is the ethical decision making framework
determine the facts
determine the ethical issue
analyse the problem
develop and evaluate solutions
making a decision
assess and reflect on decision
what is consequence
actions are right or wrong according to the balance of their good or bad consequences
what is virtue
place value on the moral character of the actor rather than acts or outcomes of acts.
what is context
appeal to the context of action to determine what should be done
what is consequentialism
results based ethics
what is consequentialism based off
whether an act is right or wrong depends only on the results of that act
the more good consequences the better or more right that act
what is utilitarianism
morality is to guide peoples action to produce a better world therefore consequences on consequences and not intentions
always act in the way that will produce greatest overall amount of good in the world
what are the 4 principle candidates for intrinsic value
why is utilitarianism a morally demanding position
asks us to do the most ot maximize utility not to do the minimum
it asks us to set aside personal interest.
what is the difference between act and rule utilitarianism
act is based upon actions alone and rule is based upon rules of action that generally max pleasure and minimizes pain as consequences
what are some issues with utilitarianism
limited to considering consequential utility measuring intrinsic value
measuring intrinsic value
measuring consequences
determining what time frame over which consequences should be measured
differences in the experience of intrinsic value.