W7 Respiratory Infections Flashcards
What are some examples of respiratory infections?
- Covid 19
- Infective exacerbation of COPD
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Empyema
- Pleurisy
- Influenza
- Acute bronchitis Bronchiectasis
- Pneumonia
- Community acquired
- Hospital acquired
- Aspiration pneumonia
What is pneumonia by definition?
What are the 3 types
* Inflammation of the lungs caused by a bacterial or viral infection, in which the air sacs fill with pus and can become solid.
* 2019 – affected 489 million people worldwide
* Most common population groups:
* Children <5 years
* Adults >70 - highest mortality
* Can affect either:
* BOTH lungs → double/bilateral pneumonia
* ONE lung → single / unilateral pneumonia
* Pneumonia can be split into three categories:
1) Community acquired pneumonia (CAP)
2) Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP)
3) Aspiration pneumonia
What is community acquired pneumonia?
What are the risk factors?
What are the most and least causative organisms?
- Caused by overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria in the upper respiratory tract leading to infection
- The bacteria responsible for the infection will depend on local epidemiology
- The severity of the infection will depend on:
- The invading organism and its response to antimicrobial treatment
- Patients underlying co-morbidities
- Presence of risk factors
- Age >65
- PMHx of COPD
- Exposure to cigarette smoke (active or passive smoker)
- Housed in residential / care home
- Alcohol abuse
- Use of acid-reducing drugs - stomach acid, allows pathogens to colonise upper resp.
tract more easily (GIS ISU) - Weaker risk factors: chronic renal disease, chronic kidney
Most common causative organisms
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Influenza viruses (viral CAP)
Less common causative organisms
Haemophilus influenzae
Staphylococcus aureus (inc MRSA)
Group A streptococci
Legionella spp **
** most common in immunocomprom pts
What are the symptoms of Influenza? (8)
Fatigue, low energy levels
Severe coughing / sore throat – yellow/green sputum or bloody mucus
SOB / rapid breathing (High respiratory rate)
Chest pain
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle aches/ pains
How can you diagnose CAP?
Diagnosis & Assessment:
* Thorough history from the patient – including HxPC / symptoms
Blood tests:
- Patient observations:
- Blood pressure
- Heart rate
- Respiratory rate
- Temp
- Oxygen saturation
Chest X-ray: shows new signs of consolidation
* Within 4 hours of presentation
* Within 1 hour if suspecting seps
What is the differential diagnosis of CAP? (7)
- Covid 19 associate CAP – treatments differ
- Acute bronchitis
- Infective exacerbation of COPD
- Tuberculosis
- Empyema
- Lung cancer
- Pulmonary embolism (PE
CAP Treatment:
What is the criteria used to diagnose a patient?
C U R B - 6 5 (Hospital)
C R B – 6 5 (Primary care)
Urea >7.0 mmol/L
Resps >30/min
Blood pressure *Low systolic <90 mmHg and <60mmHg
65- Age >65
CURB 65 0-1 low severity:
Amoxicillin PO 500mg TDS for 5 days
OR Pen allergic:
1. Doxycycline PO 200mg STAT, 100mg OD for 5 days
2. Clarithromycin PO 500mg BD x5days
CAP- Amoxicillin
Antibiotic class: Penicillin
* Side effects:
* Hypersensitivity; rash and anaphylaxis
* 1 – 10% of individuals exposed = reaction
* 0.05% of reactions = anaphylaxis
* Patients with atopic conditions more prone to anaphylactic reactions
* Cross sensitivity with cephalosporins
* Diarrhoea = Abx associated colitis
* Nausea and vomiting
* Contra indications: allergy (anaphylaxis)
* Cautions: Hx of allergy (inc. rash)
* Counselling:
* Can cause diarrhoea – seek advice if this becomes severe
* Diarrhoea is not an allergy – common s/e
CAP- Doxycycline
- Antibiotic class: tetracycline
- Side effects:
- Angioedema (swelling –eyes, lips, tongue, hands)
- Diarrhoea
- Oesophageal irritation
- Photosensitivity - skin
- Teeth discolouration (avoided in children)
- Hepatic disorders
- inc intracranial hypertension: headache and visual disturbance
- Contra indications: children <12 years
- Cautions: myasthenia gravis ( muscle weakness)
- Counselling:
- Take with food
- Swallow whole
- inc skin sensitivity to sunlight – advise on SPF use, sunbed avoidance
- Avoid calcium and aluminium containing products when taking = bind to the Abx rendering it ineffective. Take 2 hours before / 4 hours after
CAP- Clarithromycin:
* Antibiotic class: Macrolide
* Side effects:
* appetite inc. altered taste
* GI discomfort – diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting,
* Hearing impairment
* Dry mouth
* QT interval prolongation
* Cautions: when used with other QT prolonging drugs
Clarithromycin is an enzyme
INHIBITOR interaction potential
What treatment is used for patients with Curb score 2 (moderate severity)?
Non-pen allergic
Amoxicillin (PO) 500mg – 1000mg TDS
5 days
PLUS Clarithromycin (PO) 500mg BD
Pen allergic: Doxycycline (PO) 200mg STAT, 100mg OD PLUS Clarithromycin (PO) 500mg BD x5 days
What treatment is used for patients with Curb score 3 or above (high severity)?
Non-pen allergic:
Co-amoxiclav (PO / IV) PO – 625mg TDS or I V – 1.2g TDS x5 days
Pen allergic:
Clarithromycin (PO / IV) 500mg BD
Levofloxacin (PO / IV) 500mg BD
x5 days
- Unlikely you will see the use of co-amoxiclav for CAP in hospital setting, unless advised by microbiology consultant or for
very specific indications - Why?
- High risk of clostridium difficile infective diarrhoea often associated with the excess use of broad spectrum antibiotics
- High resistance rates beginning to develop
- Within SBUHB & HDUHB 1st line for CAP, CURB-3
- Amoxacillin (IV) 1g TDS plus
- Clarithromycin (PO/IV) 500mg BD
CAP- Co-amoxiclav
- Antibiotic class: Penicillin (amoxicillin + clavulanic acid)
- Side effects:
- As per amoxicillin
- Hepatic disorders: ALT, AST (liver enzymes)
- Contra indications: Hx of jaundice due to co-amoxiclav
administration - Monitoring:
- Liver function (in pts with known liver disease)
- Notes: allergy potential
CAP- Levofloxacin
Side effects?
- Antibiotic class: Quinolone
- Side effects:
- GI upset - dec appetite, constipation, diarrhoea, N&V
- QT prolongation
- Affect glucose control
- Photosensitivity reactions
- Eye disorders / discomfort
- Headache
- Convulsions
- Tendon damage
- Serious musclo-skeletal and nervous system disorders
Specific MHRA safety alerts released
CAP- Levofloxacin
What are the MHRA warnings?
1) Can induce convulsions (with/without Hx of seizures)
2) Tendon damage
* C/I in patients with Hx of quinolone induced tendon
* Patients >60 at an increased risk
* Risk increased when used with corticosteroids
* Stop immediately is tendonitis suspected
1) INC risk of aortic aneurysm / dissection
2) INC risk of disabling, long lasting or irreversible adverse reactions affecting the musclo-skeletal and nervous system
* Patients should be provided with MHRA advice sheet outlining s/e to lookout for
* Patients with QT prolongation risk factors
* Use in children – arthritis in weight bearing joints
* Patients >60 – s/e risk
* Patients with renal impairment - s/e risk
* Disorders that pre-dispose patient to seizures:
-Alcohol dependence
- Contra indications:
- Hx of quinolone induced tendon damage
- Counselling:
- Provide MHRA advice leaflet
- Look out for signs / symptoms of tendonitis e.g. muscle or tendon pain, swelling
- Monitoring:
- Signs of s/e – discuss with the patient
- Renal function
CAP counselling?
- Patient expectation in terms of symptom resolution should be addressed
- Symptom should improve steadily but the rate of improvement will vary depending on the severity of the pneumonia
- Symptoms resolution timeline:
- 1 week: fever should have resolved
- 4 weeks: chest pain and sputum production should have substantially reduced
- 6 weeks: cough and breathlessness should have substantially reduced
- 3 months: most symptoms should have resolved but fatigue may still be present
- 6 months: most people will feel back to normal
Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) -
What are the risk factors?
- HAP vs CAP
- Symptoms occur >48 hours after hospital admission
- Symptoms differ slightly to CAP – less specific
- Treatments differs as infection likely to be cause by different organisms (hospital acquired):
-Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-Escherichia coli
-Klebsiella pneumoniae
Risk factors
* Poor infection control/hand hygiene – hence why this is so important in clinical settings
* Head of bed at <30° angle
* Intubation and mechanical ventilation
* Acid- medications (PPIs or H2 antagonists)
HAP Symptoms?
Dyspnoea (shortness of breath)
Inc Resp rate
Increase in lung secretions
Increased oxygen requirement
Leukocytosis (high WCC) or Leukopenia (low WCC)
How to diagnose HAP?
What symptoms can deem it as severe?
Chest X-Ray –signs of new significant lung
infiltration PLUS
* Fever >38°
* WCC >11
Any of the following:
* Inc resp secretions
* Cough
* resp rate
* impaired oxygenation
* New confusion
- Unlike CAP – there isn’t a severity scoring tool that can be used to help guide treatment.
- Severity of condition determined by patients clinical status e.g. deemed SEVERE if they have any of the following symptoms:
- New confusion (other causes should also be considered)
- Respiratory rate > 30/min
- Bilateral or multiple infiltrates on Chest X-Ray
- Severe sepsis and sepsis shock
- Multi organ dysfunction
- Acute (new) Respiratory failure (PaO2 < 8 kPa and/or PaCO2 > 6.0 kPa)
- Requiring critical care support
What are the non-severe treatments for HAP?
Non-pen allergy:
Co-amoxiclav (PO) 625mg TDS
5 days
Pen allergy: Doxycycline (PO) 200mg STAT, 100mg OD OR
Co-trimoxazole (PO) 960mg BD OR
Levofloxacin (PO) 500mg OD - BD
Co-trimoxazole (BRAND: Septrin) in treating non-severe HAP:
Combination antibiotic: Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim
* Dosing:
* CrCL > 30 ml/min: 960mg BD
* CrCL < 30 ml /min: 480mg BD
* Side effects:
* Hypersensitivity; rash and anaphylaxis
* Diarrhoea = Abx associated colitis
* Blood disorders: Dec Hb, Dec PLT, Dec leucocytes
Contra indications: allergy to co-trimoxazole (or
trimethoprim or sulfonamides)
* Cautions:
* Blood disorders
* Risk of hyperkalaemia
* Elderly = increased risk of s/e
* Monitoring:
* Renal function – affects dosing, avoid if CrCL < 15
* Blood counts – especially in prolonged treatment
What are the treatments for Severe HAP?
Non-pen allergy:
Tazocin (IV) 4.5g TDS x5 days
Pen allergy: (non-severe)
Meropenem (IV) 1g TDS
Pen allergy:
(severe) Levoflaxacin (IV) 500mg OD - BD
Tazocin (Piperacillin & Tazobactam in treating severe HAP
Antibiotic class: Penicillin
* Dosing:
* CrCL > 20 ml/min: 4.5g TDS
* CrCL < 20 ml /min: 4.5g BD
* Side effects:
* Hypersensitivity; rash and anaphylaxis
* Diarrhoea Abx associated colitis
* Nausea and vomiting
* Anaemia
* Contra indications: allergy (anaphylaxis)
* Cautions: Hx of allergy (inc. rash)
* Monitoring:
* Sodium levels – high levels of Na in each vial
* Renal function
* Bowel motions – broad spec Abx so C.Diff risk
Meropenem (IV) in treating severe HAP
Antibiotic class: Carbapenems
* CrCL >50 ml/min: 500mg – 1g TDS
* CrCL 26 – 50 ml/min: 500mg – 1g BD
* CrCL 10 – 25 ml/min: 250 – 500mg BD
Side effects:
* Diarrhoea
* Skin reactions rash
* Contra indications:
* Severe penicillin allergy
* Monitoring:
* Liver function tests – risks of hepatotoxicity
* Allergy / cross sensitivity
* Cross sensitivity between carbapenems and penicillin’s
* Hence, contraindicated in patients with severe penicillin allergy (anaphylaxis, angioedema)
What is COPD by definition?
What are the symptoms? (5)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive disease of the lungs
that is characterised by airflow limitation that are not fully reversible
* Increased shortness of breath – progressive & gets worse over time
* Chronic or recurrent cough
* Regular sputum production
* Wheeze
* Frequent chest infections
What is an exacerbation?
What causes and exacerbation?
Sustained worsening of symptoms from the persons stable state (beyond their normal day-
to-day variation) which is acute in onset
- There are certain triggers that can cause an exacerbation
- These triggers may not always cause an infection and so antibiotics are not always needed. Triggers include:
- Viral infections
- Smoking
- Environmental pollution
- Bacteria ** - only trigger which will respond to antibiotics
Exacerbation symptoms and diagnosis of COPD
* Increase in the patients usual breathlessness or SOB
* Increased cough
* Changes to “normal” sputum production:
* Colour: green / yellow suggestive of infection
* Volume and viscosity (thickness) of mucus increased
* Less typical symptoms:
* Increased wheeze / chest tightness
* Reduced exercise tolerance
* Increased fatigue
* Acute confusion
Exacerbation symptoms and diagnosis
* Thorough Hx from a patient to
establish whether they have a
* Thorough Hx of their
symptoms have worsened
(with an acute onset)
* Trigger identification
What is the differential diagnosis for HAP?
- Pneumonia = consolidation on chest X-Ray
- Pulmonary embolism = blood clot on the lung
- Heart failure
- Pneumothorax = collapsed lung
- Pleural effusion = fluid in lung
Treatment – infective exacerbation
- For an infective exacerbation of COPD (IECOPD) – Antibiotics may need to be prescribed
- Consider antibiotics for patients with an acute exacerbation of COPD but only after considering:
- Symptom severity: are they worse / are there changes to the patients normal symptoms?
- Sputum colour – green/yellow suggestive bacterial infection
- Thickness and volume of sputum
- Does the patient need hospitalisation?
- Breathlessness severe
- Significant co-morbidities
- Oxygen saturation <90%
- Confusion or conscious level affected
- Previous exacerbation history and risk of the patient developing complications
- Previous sputum cultures and the results what antibiotics were the previous infecting bacteria susceptible to?
- Antimicrobial resistance patterns within the area and previous antibiotic use
What is the treatment choice for IECOPD?
1st and 2nd choice
- Amoxicillin (PO) 500mg TDS
- Doxycycline (PO) 200mg stat, then 100mg OD
- Clarithromycin (PO) 500mg BD
x 5 days
What is the treatment choice for IECOPD?
Alternative choice – patients at risk of
treatment failure
What does this mean?
Co-amoxiclav (PO) 625mg TDS
5 days
Co-trimoxazole (PO) 960mg BD
Levofloxacin (PO) 500mg OD