W7 Pyroclastic eruptions and rocks Flashcards
Pyroclastioc materials are
the products of explosive eruptions
pyroclastic material useful because
if you find pyroclastics on the ground → future life threatening volcano
can be useful to predict future
channem shape proves lava is
channel shape proves that lava is highly viscous
Particle Size classifications
according to size not shape
>64 mm - bombs or blocks
64 - 4 mm - “lapilli” (little stones)
< 4 mm - ash
Surge Deposits
ground surge produce very characteristic depositis: surge deposits
as moves further away less energy less material
shows cross bedding pattern, go up and down slopes
first pyroclsastic material from this type of volcanic event
Airfall Deposists
blasted up and then fall back down
very fine ash particles, windborne (could stay in atmospheere for years)
but mast majority fall out
form thin layers (1-2 cm thick)
Accretionary Lapilli
type of pyroclastic deposit called a tuff
Birds eye tuff, rounded → tuff
also lightning during eruptions (particles may have charge and produce lightning)
cross bed unit, angles are every shallow
Pumice Flows and Falls
white ish , vesiculated glass fibers and strands
big porosity, evidence for gas present within the magma
the gas is what energizes the magma and drives the eruption
very low density, floats on water
Pumice falls are often the first phase of a Plinian eruption
Pyroclastic Flows
goverend by topography
tend to flow down into valleys than up hills etc
pyroclastic units which are upto 100 km 3 large
often welded because they were hot deposits, not lava flows but flowed over land surface at some point
shape os thought to be geology o fmagma chamber upside down aka dark material over light so dense material at top less dense underneath
spires where hot gases/ fluids were escaping during formation, then helped to cement local ash parts into unit so geologically spires harder and more interesting
flame Structures
Flame or Fiamme in a welded tuff
eutaxitic texture
because one material used to be hotten then welded together
Volcanic Mudflows
Volcanic Mudflows Lahars
remobilished ash carried in river systems, extremely destructive
Volcanic Avalanches
collapse of volcanic structures
executed as liquid and rotate while traveling through air → aerodynamic shape → solidify during ejections
Blocks are similar but were never liquid clasts, ejected as solids
big size range category of particles
bigger they are the closer to eruption source