Activity Lavas W5L2 Flashcards
Basic Lavas
Intermeediate Lavas
Trachytes, Andesites
Acid Lavas
Dacites, Rhyolites
Texture VEscicles
gas bubbles
mineral infilled gas bubbles
Phenocrysts texture
crystal distinctly larger than the grains of the rock groundmass of an igneous rock
textural term for an igneous rock consisting of large-grained crystals
Basalt viscosity example Pahoehoe
lowest viscosity ropey surface texture flows around obstacles, doenst undermine them low flow fronts long distance flow
aa flow
higher visocisty basalt flow
rubbly surface texture (can not become pahoehoe)
high flow fronts
advance slow but bulldoze evrything in their way
have a vesuvius texture
blebs of basalt
pillow lavas
only form i subawuous erupitons
intermediate lavas
Andesites and dacites are viscous; flows are uncommon • flows only travel on steep slopes • flows travel for only a few hundred metres • characterised by blocky surfaces - ‘block flows’
high viscosity intermediate lava flow
Acid lavas
very high vicosity lavas
• as a rule, don’t flow!
• occassionally form obsidian flows (similar to coulées)