W5-L5: Neural Control of Human Movement Flashcards
The Human nervous system consist of what 2 major parts?
- Central nervous system (CNS): consisting of the brain and spinal cord
- Peripheral nervous system (PNS): consisting of nerves that transmit information to and from the CNS
The brain has 6 major regions: What are they?
- Medulla oblongata
- Pons
- Midbrain
- Cerebellum
- Diencephalon
- Telencephalon
What is the Cerebral cortex?
conscious brain. Can think, be aware of sensory stimuli and voluntarily control movements
in the dicenalophon?
What are the lobes of the brain?
Where are the primary motor and sensory cortex?
4 lobes
- frontal,
- temporal,
- parietal,
- occipital)
the primary motor cortex is in the frontal lobe
The primary sensory cortex is in parietal lobe
What is the Brainstem ?
- Consists of the medulla, pons and midbrain
- Serves as a neural bridge between the cerebellum’s two hemispheres
- Reticular formation: integrates various incoming and outgoing signals that pass through it
What is the Cerebellum?
- Monitor and coordinate other areas of the brain and spinal cord involved in motor control
- Receives motor output signals from central command in the cortex and sensory information from peripheral receptors located in muscles, tendons, joints, and skin, visual, auditor, and vestibular end organs
What is part of the Diencephalon?
- Composed of thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus and subthalamus
- Hypothalamus: regulated metabolic rate and body
temperature - Influences autonomic nervous system activity
What is the spinal cord?
What type of neurons?
- provides the major conduit for the two-way transmission of information from the skin , joints, muscles to the brain
- 3 types of neurons: motor neurons, sensory neurons, interneurons
differentiate between the 2 roots of the spinal cord
The spinal cord has two roots:
- Dorsal Root: Contains sensory (afferent) nerve fibers that transmit sensory information from the body to the spinal cord.
- Ventral Root: Contains motor (efferent) nerve fibers that transmit motor commands from the spinal cord to the muscles and glands.
What are Ascending nerve tracts?
Forwards sensory information from peripheral receptors to
the brain for processing
3 neurons form the sensory pathway
- (1) dorsal root ganglion contains cell body of 1st neuron
- (2) spinal cord contains contains the 2nd neurons cell body
- (3) thalamus contains the third neurons cell body
What are Peripheral sensory nerve endings?
Peripheral sensory nerve endings serve as specialized receptors to detect conscious and subconscious sensory information
What is the Integration center?
where the sensory impulse terminates and is interpreted and linked to the motor system
What are the 5 pathways a sensory input can take?
- Terminate in the spinal cord: simple motor reflex
- Terminate in the lower brain stem result in subconscious motor reactions of a higher and more complex nature
- Terminate in the cerebellum result in subconscious control of movement
- Terminate in the thalamus will enter the level of consciousness
- Enter the cerebral cortex: can discretely localize the signal
What are the components of the Descending Nerve Tracts?
- Pyramidal (lateral) tract:
- Extrapyramidal (ventromedial) tract:
What is the Pyramidal (lateral) tract?
Pyramidal (lateral) tract: activates skeletal musculature in voluntary movement under direct cortical control
- Excites alpha motor neurons that control and modulate fine and gross properties of skeletal muscle during all purposeful movements
- 2/3 of its axons originate at the motor cortex
What is the Extrapyramidal (ventromedial) tract?
Extrapyramidal (ventromedial) tract: controls posture and muscle tone via the brainstem
- Originates at the brain stem and connects at all levels of the spinal cord
What are the 31 pairs of spinal nerves?
- 8 pairs cervical
- 12 pairs thoracic
- 5 pairs lumbar
- 5 pairs sacral
- 1 pair coccygeal nerve
How many cranial nerves are ther?
12 pairs of cranial nerves
What type of neurons
- Includes afferent neurons that relay sensory information
from receptors in the periphery towards the CNS - Includes efferent neurons that transmit information away
from the brain to the peripheral tissues - 2 types: somatic and autonomic nerve