W25 Yellow Card Scheme Flashcards
What is an Adverse Drug Reaction?
An ADR is a response to a medicinal product
which is noxious and unintended.
ADRs may arise from the use of a product
within or outside the terms of the marketing
authorisation, e.g. from off-label use,
medication errors, overdose, misuse, or abuse.
Adverse Drug Reactions vs. Side
ADR – unpleasant or unwanted
Side effects – may be beneficial as well as harmful
- First generation antihistamines e.g.
- promethazine in Night Nurse
- diphenhydramine in Nytol
- Sildenafil (Viagra) – initial development for hypertension but licensed for erectile dysfunction
Why are ADRs important?
- Financial burden on NHS £466m
- ADRs are 4th leading cause of death in the USA
- Major clinical problem – increase morbidity and mortality
Classification of ADRs:
Common ADRs – Approx. 80% of
What are Type A (‘Augmented’) ADRs?
Predictable, dose related
Bradycardia with beta blockers
Constipation with opioids
Usually not severe
* Gastritis from NSAIDs
Uncommon but often well recognised
What are Type B (‘Bizarre’) ADRs?
Unpredictable, not dose related
May be very severe / fatal
* Achilles tendonitis caused by quinolone antibiotics
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome following ibuprofen therapy
With new drugs ADRs not well recognised
The Black Triangle is found on marketing information that represents what?
What MUST appear on a yellow card?
New medicines
The suspect drug name
Report all suspected ADRs for new drugs
(marked ▼) – even if not serious
The black triangle▼ indicates a medicine is
being intensively monitored.
It is assigned to:
New drugs
New combinations of drugs
Novel routes or delivery systems for drugs
Significant new indications for drugs
Other Classification of ADRs
Type C (Chronic treatment effects)
* Osteoporosis with steroids
Type D (Delayed effects)
* Drug induced cancers
Type E (End of treatment effects)
* Withdrawal syndromes with opiates
Type F (Failure of therapy)
* Unexpected failure of therapy due to drug interaction
* e.g. Combined Oral Contraceptive and rifampicin
Type G (Genetic or Genomic)
* Irreversible genetic damage (carcinogens, teratogens)
Important factors in ADRs:
What does D in DoTS stand for?
DOSE at which the ADR can occur
* At doses below therapeutic doses
* Anaphylaxis with penicillin
* In the therapeutic dose range
* Nausea with morphine
* At high doses
* Liver failure with paracetamol
What does DoTS stand for?
Dose, Time, Susceptibility
What does T in DoTS stand for?
Time of onset can be characteristic
* With the first or second dose
* Anaphylaxis with penicillin
* Early, or after a time, or with long-term treatment
* First few days: nitrate induced headache
* 10 days – 10 weeks: peptic ulcer with NSAIDs
* Several weeks: drug-induced Cushing’s syndrome
* On stopping treatment (withdrawal)
* Opiate withdrawal syndrome
* Delayed
* Drug induced cancer
What does S in DoTS stand for?
Susceptibility of patients can be defined
* Genetics – Greek and African origin are more likely
to experience breathing problems with codeine
* Age – parkinsonism with metoclopramide in
* Sex – ACE-inhibitor induced cough more likely in
* Physiological state – phenytoin in pregnancy
* Exogenous drugs or foods – warfarin, cranberry
juice, and increased INR
* Disease – gentamicin & deafness in renal failure
High Risk Populations of ADRs?
Younger Children
* Dose needs tailoring to age/weight
* Not able to identify potential error
Older adults
* Co-morbidities
* Polypharmacy
* Diminished reserves
* Reduced renal or hepatic function
What are the Top 10 drugs/drug groups associated with ADRs?
ACE inhibitors
What else may indicate an ADR?
- Abnormal clinical measurements while on drug therapy e.g. B.P, temp, pulse, blood glucose and weight
- Abnormal laboratory results while on drug therapy
- biochemical or haematological
- New therapy started which could be used to treat ADR
- Reducing the dose or stopping the suspected drug alleviates the symptoms
- If drug reintroduced and symptoms recur, the drug is probably responsible
- Listen to patients own concerns
Are ADRs avoidable?
70% of ADRs are potentially avoidable
* Avoid unnecessary drug use
* Avoid/reduce drug interactions
-check the patient’s drug history before prescribing
* Consider risk factors for ADRs e.g. age extremes, reduced
hepatic and renal function
* Avoid new (black triangle) drugs
* Patient counselling
* Monitor treatment & optimise dose
* Consider prophylactic therapy where appropriate
Why report ADRs?
Important role in patient safety
To detect rare adverse effects
Allows continual safety monitoring of drugs – Old & new
New drugs - lack of experience on adverse effects
* Exposure in about 3-4,000 people only
* Short duration
* Unlikely to detect ADRs
- Less frequent than 1/4000
- With long latency
* Lack of experience in special patient groups
- Elderly, children, pregnancy, multiple disease,
What should be reported in a yellow card?
Report all serious suspected adverse drug reactions
to established drugs (adults and children)
Disabling or incapacitating
Result in or prolong hospitalisation
Congenital abnormalities
Medically significant
MHRA are particularly interested in the
suspected ADRs:
- In children
- In patients > 65 years
- Biological medicines
- Vaccines
- Delayed drug effects/ interactions
- Complimentary therapies e.g. herbal
medicines - Defective, counterfeit or fake medicines
What can be reported in a yellow card?
How do you report it?
Adverse reactions to:
*a medicine
*homeopathic remedy
Problems involving a medical device
Adverse effect or safety concern for an e-cigarette
Defective or falsified (fake) product
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