W1NNING Flashcards
What’s the importance of applying theory and information?
When you know what to think, you’re ready to compete. When you know how to think, you’re ready to win. Your education teaches you what to think, life experience teaches you how to think. You may be getting a lot of great guidance and knowledge, but it’s always gonna be someone else’s knowledge until you question it, adapt it, and find out for yourself if it works for you. “Knowledge is power” BUT only “if you use it”.
What is winning?
Winning is everywhere. Every minute you have the potential to recognize an opportunity, to push yourself, stop listening what others have to say and decide to own that moment. And not just that single moment, but the next and the next. Winning is the ultimate gamble on yourself, winning never lies, winning is craziness, winning is unforgiving, winning is unapologetic. You can be replaced, YOU will be replaced. There is no guarantee it will be fair. It can be the greatest joy and the loneliest feeling in the world.
Winning is inside all of us, but for most, that’s is where it will stay, trapped under a lifetime of fear and worry and doubt. Don’t bother getting your sleeves up, just rip the fucking things off. Stop being afraid of what you’ll become. You should be more afraid of NOT becoming that. Winners all understand one thing; there’s a price to pay, and you must pay it.
Winning makes you different and that scares people - don’t listen to others
You have to negotiate with yourself. NOT WITH OTHERS. Winning require you to adapt, change directions, get creative and think differently about obstacles that block your path. Winning hears promises and laughs out loud. If you don’t control it, you do better be prepared to negotiate for it. Tim Grover has one non negotiable: performance. Winning does not care how hard you’ve worked. It doesn’t care about your circumstances. Figure it out. Put your craziness to work. Innovate, don’t imitate. And above all, stop listening to others. If they knew, they all do be winners
Winning wages war on the battlefield, why?
Winning fucks with your mind. Winning is a war, and it’s fought on the battlefield in your head. Why is the real enemy then? You! The one person who knows all your weaknesses and fears, knows everything you care and dread and never stops using them against you. Winning loves the battle; how much can you take, how far can I push you? Are you having fun yet? Are you winning your own war? People find so many ways to detail their own success. You have to manage these distractions with routines. However that’s not all. Winning respects your routines and habits, but it thrives on the unpredictable and will keep throwing fastballs just to see if you can adapt.
Winning is the ultimate gamble on yourself
Very few people are able or willing to bet on themselves. They become the assistent manage me of their own lives, waiting for directions and approval from some higher authority because they don’t feel confident enough to make decisions and take action on their own. Excellence is lonely. No one will understand what you’ve gone through to get where you are. Every day counts. You can’t break confident people because they’ve already been broken over and over again. Confident people don’t live in the past. They remember what happend, but they don’t let it affect their ability to move forward. When your still in the middle of the race, there should be no difference in your demeanor until the race is done. Ultimately, confidence is about taking the chance, and never doubting the outcome,
Winning isn’t heartless, but you’ll use your hart less - why are winners’ minds stronger than their feelings
The actual formula MIND > feelings.
When you’re giving everything you have, making every sacrifice, and devoting every part of your life to winning its hard to tolerate annoying in your circle who isn’t doing the same. Other people will say you’re the problem, but believe me you’re not, you’re THE SOLUTION. Stop putting a high value on other people’s opinions of you. In the zone you will need calmness and clarity. Emotions are the opposite. Your mind makes decisions, your feelings ask are you really sure about that?
Weakness, laziness, frustration; every single morning you get to decide whether to give those things a vote. Do you listen, OR do you have the self control to say no? Self control is deciding which part you give a vote. Self control means facing things you don’t wanna face, looking for answers in yourself and not others, knowing you’re not always gonna be happy or secure. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.
Winning isn’t heartless, but you’ll use your hart less - what is your reaction when an unexpected challenging situation faces you?
You can only control the center of influence. Control your thoughts and control your emotions, control your emotions and you control your actions, control you actions and you control the outcome. You can control showing up, you can control pushing yourself harder. You can control not complaining. You can control being there.
Winning belongs to them… and it’s your job to take it
No excuses, no apologies. If that feels extreme to you, you’re correct. Extreme results require extreme competition. However, make a note, being competitive and being a winner is not the same. Even at the highest level, you’re a champion until some one else’s takes the title and they always do.
The ability to compete is in all of us. You compete for something every minute of the day, with every decision you make. At the basic level you compete with daily obstacles. That’s where it starts: if you can’t win at those things, you’re not going to win at anything else. When you can win those small victories you can start competing for more. Small decisions, little changes, new challenges, bigger ambitions.
Great competitors communicate with the fewest words possible. Winning wants you to say nothing and just show the results. You “want it” and “outwork” everyone. But unless you can deal with the obstacles and hurdles and setbacks, u less you have a plan for dominating the end results, you’ll be still be wanting it for a long long time.
Winning wants all of you; THERE IS NO BALANCE
Winning wants Al of you. It doesn’t recognize love or sentiment, it doesn’t care about your responsbilities and commitments. It demands obsession or it will find someone else to consume. You can’t achieve balance in all areas of your life. There is no invisible enemy. The enemy is YOU. Life is unbalanced and therefore you have to master the art of saying NO. And everything you say yes, everything you say maybe or not right now when you really want to say no, Winning rolls it eyes and looks at someone else. Everyone has this one muscle that’s essential to focusing, prioritizing and ultimately winning. The IDGAF muscle.
Stop depriving yourself of what you need to perform at the highest level. You need to be able to focus. You need to sleep. You need to eat well. You need to stay healthy. Stop feeling guilty of taking care of yourself. It’s essential if you’re going to go the distance, and it’s the best way to take care of everyone else who’s relying on you.
HOWEVER, when you’re present, be present. Put the phone down. Close the laptop. Don’t just care out time for the people in your life, invest that time.
Is winning selfish?
It in all of us, you will do things for yourself that others might consider selfish. When you truly want end results those things are no longer a choice. They’re a necessity. Being selfish is not a bad thing. However, Lets be clear, there is a difference between selfish winners and selfish losers. We’re talking about the ability to focus on your self, for all the right winners, so they can give to others. Education is necessary. Winning requires a combination of street education, formal education, common sense and uncommon sense.
Winning takes you to hell. And if you quit, that’s where you’ll stay.
Winning is this gorgeous magnificent triumph that solves everything. And it does, for a moment. But stay in that moment too long, and Winning will make sure you never have that moment again. You will have a lot more company in hell than you will have at the top. Hell is where the most people stay, because as unpleasant as it may be, for many it’s easier to settle there than to try to battle their out, and everyone there can relate to each other’s troubles. Hell is packed full with folks struggling with finances, relationships, careers..
Its hard work and endless battle to improve. It’s not just pushing through. You have to able to pull grab reach climb, dig, claw your way to freedom. Use painful and difficult times to rebuild yourself stronger.
Winning is a test with no correct answers
Every winners has the mental urge to doubt them selves, to create problems that haven’t happened and overthink everything that could go wrong. Fear shows up on its own. Doubt has to be invited. Fear makes you alert. Doubt is the opposite, it slows you down and paralyzes your thinking. Fear is about playing to win. Doubt is about playing to not lose. Fear is about the threat, doubt is about you. Fear is pressure, doubt is panic. There are four components of winning that determines you will manage your fears; talent, intelligence, competitiveness, resilience.
You know the uncomfortable jittery feeling of butterflies in the stomach? That’s resilience, firing up its engines. Those butterflies are your partners, your allies in facing what’s in front of you. Get them to go in the same direction as you! Winning gives you a permanent knot in your stomach and laughs as you try to untie it.
If you can’t handle failure, you can’t handle winning. Everyone is gonna fail, but everyone is not going to win. If you truly want to understand winning, you must also understand it’s partner, losing. If someone is going to win, that usually means someone else has to lose, it’s a bizarre, twisted partnership. Winning makes you an expert on losing. You don’t ever get used to it, but you learn to control your reaction, until you have no reaction at all. You become less emotional about it, because the energy it takes to lose your mind over a loss is energy you need to direct to winning .
Winning knows all your secrets
Winning is your nightmare even during the day. Winners crave that time alone in the dark, that’s their time to plan, hear themselves, talk with the ghosts in the room, and listen to answers. They don’t fear reality, they don’t hide from the truth, and they’re not afraid to confront their own flaws and weaknesses. Stop looking for others to save you. When you’re confident in who you are, when you stop worrying about what others think and finally decide what YOU think, you’ll understand that relief and satisfaction of feeling those ghosts become a port of you, maybe the best part of you. If you can’t face your own truth, if you can’t deal with the darkest part of your past, you’ll never be able to change your story.
Winning never lies
Winning doesn’t buy your lies, and it’s not impressed. You can tell people and show people whatever you want. Winning knows. And it thinks you’re ridiculous.
Winning is not a marathon, it’s a sprint with no finish line
Whatever you’re chasing in life, it’s not an option to sit back, skip a few days, think about it for a month, and see how you feel in a year. It means doing it consistently with purpose and focus from start to finish. That’s how champions win. They dedicate every day for thousand and thousand of days. Most people never think about running out of time. Kobe’s success wasn’t the result of managing his time. It was the result of this relentless focus on results. Stop managing time, and start managing your focus. Focus is the ultimate weapon in the war on time. When your managing focus you don’t care about time. Time is about others focus is all about you. Focus is about minutes, not hours or days or years. Focus is about controlling your behavior so it becomes easier to do the right things and harder to be distracted by the wrong things.
Winning is everything
Every day, in everything you do, your wins are waiting for you. They’re everywhere. But they won’t wait forever. Stop waiting to be told what you can and can’t do. Stop watching others win while you stand on the sidelines wondering when it’s going to be your turn. Your turn is now. The big mistake we maken in life is thinking we have time. Winners have one fear and isn’t about losing. It is about not finishing, not accomplishing every they could get. We all have nets that keep us from doing what we’re meant to do. Don’t let that happen to you. Do everything. Experience everything.