Stillness Is The Key Flashcards
To Zeno And his fellow adherents of stoic philosophy, if a person could develop peace within themselves, if the could achieve apatheia, as they called it, then the whole world could be at war, and they could still think well, work well, and be well. In English we call it stillness. It’s all but impossible to find a philosophical school or religion that does not generate this inner peace - this stillness - as the highest good and as the key to elite performance and happy life. And when basically all the wisdom of the ancient world agrees on something only a fool would decline to listen.
Introduction to stillness
The call to stillness comes quietly. The modern world does not. All of the humanity problems, stem from a man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone. This stillness is required to become master of one’s own life. To survive and thrive in any and every environment no matter how loud or busy. Stillness is the key to unlocking all that we are capable of in this life. The question then is, how do we achieve this stillness? We will need to focus on three domains the trinity of the mind, body and the soul, the head the heart and the flesh.
Qoutes about the mind
The mind is restless, Krishna, impetuous, self willed, hard to train, to master the mind seems as difficult as master the mighty winds
Like the rock that waves keep crashing over. It stands unmoved and the raging of the sea falls still around it. Marcus Aurelius
Trust no future, however pleasent!
Let the dead past bury its dead!
Act- act in the living present!
Heart within, and god overhead! Henry wadsworth longfellow
A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention
The domain of the mind
As a leader, or as a person for that matter. We need to be strong enough to think too near, too plausible. We need to consider the bigger picture, never corner a opponent and always assist him to save face. Think, what is the advantage they are trying to get. Don’t let you who dominate the discussion, just as Kennedy in the Cuba crisis. He was the stillest guy in the room. In the face of adversity we need the same stillness as Kennedy. His calmness his open-mindedness his empathy his clarity. This means be present, no preconception, take time, sit quiet and reflect, reject distraction. The lessons was not one of force but of power of patience, foresight and presence, empathy, quiet solitude and wise counsel.
The mind - Become present
Being present demands all of us. Its not nothing. It may be the hardest thing in the world. Even during a quiet evening at home, all were thinking about is the list of improvements that needs to be made. If there is a beautiful sunset, instead of taking it in, we take pictures. We are not present. And so we miss out on life, on being our best, on what’s there. We do not live in this moment, we in fact try desperately to get out of it, by thinking, doing, talking, worrying, remembering, hoping. Tolstoy observed that love cannot exist off in the future. Love is only real if it is happening right now. If you think about it, that’s true for basically everything we think feel and do. Remember there’s no greatness in the future. Or clarity, or insight, or happiness. There is only this moment.
The less energy we waste regretting the past or worrying about the future, the more energy we will have for what’s in front of us. Don’t reject a difficult or boring moment because it is not exactly what you want. Don’t waste a beautiful moment because you’re insecure or shy. Make what you can of what you have been given. Live what can be lived. That’s what’s excellence is. That’s what presence makes possible.
Jesus told his disciples not to worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will take care of itself. Another way of saying this is; you have plenty on your plate right now. Focus on that, no matter how small or insignificant it is. Be here all of you, be present.
The mind - limit your inputs
If you wish to improve be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters. There is a ego in trying to appear the most informed person in the room, the one with all the gossip who knows every single thing that’s happening in everyone’s life. Not only does this cost us our peace of mind, but there’s a serious opportunity costs, if we were stiller, more confident, had the longer view what was truly meaningful, maybe we could dedicate time to this.
In meditations Marcus says: “ask yourself at every moment, ‘is this necessary?”, there is a great saying; garbage in, garbage out. If you want good output, you have to watch over the inputs. THIS will take discipline. IT will not be easy. It is in stillness that we can be present and finally see truth. It is in stillness that we can hear the voice inside us. All this noise, all this information all the inputs. We are afraid of the silence.
The mind - empty the mind
We should think less. Don’t overanalyze, just do the work. Marcus Aurelius wrote about cutting free of impressions that cling to the mind, free of the future and the past to become the sphere rejoicing in its perfect stillness. The problem is that, unthinkingly, we think too much. Be the librarian who says “shhh!” To the to all distractions of the mind. Because the mind is an important and sacred place. Keep it clean and clear.
The mind - slow down, think deeply
In stoicism and Buddhism and countless other schools we find the same analogy: the world is like muddy water. To see through it, we have to let things settle. We can’t be disturbed by initial appearances, and if we are patient and still, the thrush will be revealed to us.
So much of the distress we feel comes from reacting instinctually instead of acting with conscientious deliberation. We’re reacting to shadows. We’re takin as certainties impression we have yet to test. We’re not stopping to put on our glasses and really look. After we slowed down, we should think on a regular basis about;
- what’s important for me
- what’s actually going on in my life
- what might be hidden from view
- what the rest of the chessboard looks like
- what the meaning of life really is
Exercise; sit in a room and let your mind go wherever you want. Start paying attention to your thoughts to see if a word or goals materializes.
If you invest the time and mental energie, you will not only find what’s interesting you will find the truth.
The mind - Start journaling
Keep a notebook. Travel with it, eat with it, sleep with it. Slap into it every stray thought that flutters up into your brain. The list of people ancient and modern who practiced art of journaling is almost comically long and diverse. Seneca, seems to have done his sitting and reflection in the evenings, much along the lines of Anne Frank’s. Then he would go to bed, finding that sleep which follows this self examination was particularly sweet. Anyone who reads him today can feel him reaching for stillness in these nightly writings. He called journaling a weapon for spiritual combat, a way to practice philosophy and purge the mind of agitation and foolishness and to overcome difficulty.
Journaling is a way to ask though questions about one’s own life. There is no ideal way how to journal. Make your own way work.
The mind - Cultivate silence
All profound things and emotions of things are preceded and attended by silence. Silence is the general consecration of the universe.
Thought will not work except in silence. If we want to think better, we need to seize these moments of quiet.
Each of us needs to cultivate those moments in our live. Where we limit our inputs and turn down the volume so that we can access a deeper awareness of what’s going on around us. In shutting doen, even if only for a short period, we can finally hear what the world has been trying to tell us. Or what we’ve been trying to tell ourselves.
The mind - Seek wisdom
Imperturbable wisdom is worth everything. All philosophical schools preach the need for wisdom. Tolstoy expressed his exasperation at people who didn’t read deeply and regularly; “I cannot understand how some people can live without communicating with the wisest people who ever lived on earth. People who don’t read have no advantage over those who cannot read.
Find people you admire and ask how they got where they are. Seek book recommendations. Add experience and experimentation on top of this. Put yourself in though situations. Accept challenges. Familiarize yourself with the unfamiliar. Do not mistime the pursuit of wisdom for an endless parade of sunshine and kittens. Wisdom does not immediately produce stillness or clarity.
The mind - Find confidence, avoid ego
“Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it” - Colin Powell
Confident people know what matters. Confident people are open, reflective and able to see themselves without blinder. All this makes room for stillness, by removing unnecessary conflict and uncertainty and resentment. Ego on the other hand is unsettled by doubts, afflicted by hubris, exposed by its own boasting and posturing. Don’t feed insecurity. Don’t feed delusions of grandeur. Both are obstacles to stillness. Be confident, you’ve earned it.
The mind - Let go
What we need in life, in the arts, in sports, is to loosen up, to become flexible, to get to a place where there is nothin in our way- including our own obsession with certain outcomes. We will get the stillness we need if we focus on the individual steps, if we embrace the process and give up chasing. We will think better if we aren’t thinking so hard. Only through stillness are the vexing problems solved. Only through reducing our aims are the most difficult targets within our reach.
The spirit
The domain of the soul
“Most of us would be seized with fear if our bodies went numb, and would do everything possible to avoid it, yet we take no interrest at all in the numbing of our souls” - Epictetus
For what is a man profited Jesus asked his disciples, if the shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
Mental stillness will be short lived if our hearts are on fire, or our soul ache with emptiness. We need an open heart. Meaningful relationships. Selflessness. Moderation. A sense of right and wrong. We are incapable of seeing what is essential in the world if we are blind to what’s going on within us. We cannot be in harmony with anyone or anything if the need for more, more ,more is gnawing at our insides like a maggot. We don’t need to judge Tiger Woods, we need to learn from him. Because we share the same flaws, the same weaknesses- and have the same potential for greatness if we are willing to put in the work. Since ancient times, people have strived to train and control the forces that resides deep inside them so that they can find serenity, so they can preserve and protect their accomplishments.
The work we must do next is less cerebral and more spiritual. Its work located in the heart and in the soul, and not in the mind. Because it is our soul that is the key to our happiness, contentment, moderation and stillness. Our soul is where we secure happiness and ultimately determine the extent of our greatness. We must maintain a good one.
The spirit - Choose virtue
“The essence of greatness is the perception that virtue is enough” - Ralph Emerson
Marcus Aurelius described a number of what he called “Epithets for the self”; Upright, modest, Sane, Honest, Patient, Caring, Kind. Virtue, the Stoics believed was the highest good - the summum bonus - and should be the principle behind all our actions. The person who knows what they value, who possesses easy moral self-command, who leans comfortably upon this greatness, day in day out. This persons has found stillness. A sort of soul power they can draw on when they face challenges, stress, even scary situations. We should ask ourselves about these values, what are we living for? The problem is that the busyness of life, the realities of pursuing a career and surviving in the world, come between us and that self knowledge. What is virtue? “True and steadfast judgment” - Seneca. Each of us must cultivate a moral code, a higher standard that we love almost more than life itself. We develop good character, strong epithets of ourselves, so when it counts, we will not flinch. We will be still.
The spirit - Heal the inner child
The chill is in me still.. and sometimes not so still.” Fred rogers.Its dangerous business, though, creating a monster to protect your wounded inner child. Take the time to think about the pain you carry from your early experiences. The functional adult steps in to reassert and reassure. To make stillness possible.
The spirit - Beware desire
“Every man has a passion gnawing away the bottom of his heart, just as every fruit has its worm.” - Alexendre Dumas. Do we not fall pray to various desires in our own personal lives. Do we not know better and do it anyway? Lust is a destroyer of peace in our lives. Lust for a beautiful person. Lust for an orgasm. Sex has never benefited any man, and it’s a marvel if it hasn’t injured him. Indeed, most desires are at their core irrational emotions, and that’s why stillness requires that we sit down and dissect them. We want to think ahead to the refractory period, to consider the inevitable hangover before we take a drink. None of us are perfect. What we need then is a philosophy and a strong moral code - that sense of virtue - to help us resist what we can, and to give us strength to pick ourselves back up when we fail and try to do and be better. To have an impulse and to resist it, to sit with it and examine it, to let it pass by like bad smell- this is how we develop spiritual strength. This is how we become who we want to be in this world.
The spirit - Enough
“History relates no instance in which a conqueror has been surfeited with conquests” - Stefan zweig
In truth Enough is a beautiful thing. Feeling satisfied with yourself and your work? What gift! Most people never learn that their accomplishments will ultimately fail to provide the relief and happiness we tell ourselves they will. We get to the finish line only to think: This is it? Now what? In a way, this is a curse of one of our virtues. No one achieves excellence or enlightenment without a desire to get better, without a tendency to explore potential areas of improvement. Yet the desire- or the need- for more is often at odds with happiness. The need for progress can be the enemy of enjoying the process. There is no stillness for the person who cannot appreciate things as they are, particularly when that person has objectively done so much. “Nothing is enough for the man to hom enough is too little” Epicurus. If you believe there is ever some point where you will feel like you’ve made it. When you finally be good, you are in fir an unpleasant surprise. Or worse, a sort of Sisyphean torture where just as that feeling appears to be within reach, the goal is moved just a little bit farther up the mountain and out of reach. Enough comes from the inside. It comes from stepping off the train. From seeing what you already have, what you’ve always had. We work so hard for ‘our families’ that we don’t notice the contradiction that is because of work that we never see them. What do we want more in life? That’s the question. Its not accomplishments. Its not popularity. Its moments when we feel like we are enough. More presence, more clarity, more insight, more truth, and more stillness.
The spirit - Bathe in beauty
The term extasis- a heavenly experience that lets us step outside ourselves. And these beautiful moments are available to us whenever we want them. That was the Way. Nature. The cultivated soil. The growing crops. The satisfaction of good hard work. The poetry of the earth. As it was in the beginning as it will be forever. It is better to find Beaty in all places and things. Because it does surround us. And will nourish us if we let it. It’s ironic that stillness is rare and fleeting in our busy lives, because the world creates an inexhaustible supply of it. It’s just that nobody’s looking. There is peace, it is always avail to you. You can always stop and bathe in the beauty that surrounds us, always. Let It calm you, let it cleanse you.
The spirit - Accept a higher power
“Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself” Arthur Conan Doyle. The step that many addicts - particularly the ones who fancy themselves thinkers, struggle with intently is the acknowledgement of the existence of a higher power. I don’t believe in God is the most common objection to this step, there’s no evidence of a higher power. However, this step isn’t really about God. It’s about Surrender, its about faith. To the Stoics, their higher power was the Logos - the path of the universe. They acknowledged fate and fortune and the power these forces had over them. And in acknowledging these higher powers, they accessed a kind of stillness and peace. We have placed too much hope in political and social reforms, only to find out that were were being deprived of our most precious possession: our spiritual life. That was the story of Lincoln. Like many smart young people, he was an atheist early in life, but the trails of adulthood, turned him into a believer. Again, when nearly all the wise people of history agree, we should pause and reflect. It’s next to impossible to find an ancient philosophical school that does not talk about a higher. Even if we are the products of evolution and randomness does this not take us right back to the position of the Stoics? As subject to the laws of gravity and physics, are we not already accepting a higher, inexplicable power? We have so little control of the world around us, so many inexplicable events created in this world, that it works out almost exactly the same way If there was a god.
The spirit - Enter relationships
“There is no enjoying the possession of anything valuable unless one has someone to share it with.” - Seneca. Bad relationships are common, and good relationships are hard. Should that surprise us? Being close to and connecting with other people challenges every facet of our soul. Especially when our inner child is there, acting out. A good relationships requires us to be virtuous, faithful, present, empathetic, generous, open and willing to be part of a larger whole. It requires, in order to create growth, really surrender. No one would say that’s easy. But rising to this challenge- even attempting to rise to it- transform us.. if we let it. “Who is there who would wish to be surrounded by all the riches in the world and enjoy every abundance in the life and yet no love or be loved by anyone? Stillness is best not sought alone. And like success, it is best when shared. We all need someone who understands us better than we understand ourselves, if only to keep us honest. Love, Freud said, is the great educator. We learn when we give it. We learn when we get it. We get closer to stillness through it. By ourselves, something is missing, and, worse, we feel that in our bones. Which is why stillness requires other people; indeed, it is for other people.
The spirit - Conquer your anger
Always remember others may hate you, but those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself. When we feel our temper rising up, we need to look for insertion points (the space between stimulus and response). Although the Stoics are often criticised for their rigid rules and discipline, that is really what they are after: an inner dignity and propriety that protects them and their loved ones from dangerous passions. Our stillness depends on our ability to slow down and choose not to be angry, to run on different fuel. Feu that helps us win and build, that doesn’t hurt other people, our cause, or our chance at peace.
The spirit - All is one
“All that you behold, that which comprises both god and man, is one - we are the parts of one great body. The realisation that we are all one, that we are all in this together, and that this fact is the only thing that truly matters. Finding the universal in the personal, and the personal in the universe, is not only the secret to art and leadership and even entrepreneurship, it is the secret to centering oneself. We are inextricably intertwined with each other- as our fates. Peace is when we realise that victory and defeat are almost identical spots on one long spectrum. Peace is what allows us to take joy in the success of others and to let them take joy in our own. We are one big collective organism engaged in one endless project together. We are one.
The body
Very few go astray who comport themselves with restraint - Confucius
L’essential est invisible pour les yeux, what’s essential is invisible to the eye. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential Is invisible to the eye. In concert with each other -clarity in the mind and in the soul- we find both excellence and unbreakable tranquility. Stillness isn’t merely an abstraction- something we only feel or think about It is in our bodies. Seneca warned us not to suppose that the soul is at peace when the body is still. Vice versa, Lao Tzu said “ Movement is the foundation of stillness”. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.
Churchill; The balance he maintained between flat-out work and creative and restorative leisure is worth study by anyone holding a top position. Mens saga in corpora sano - a strong mind in a strong body. Physical routine is necessary. To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have t least two or three hobbies, and the must all be real. It should be leisure, not work. Churchill was happy because he got out of his own head and put his body to work. Every prophet must be forced into wilderness - where they undergo solitude, deprivation, reflection and mediation. It will take our body- our habits, our actions, our rituals, our self-care- to get our mind and our spirit in the right place, just as it takes our mind and spirit to get our body to the right place.
The body - Say no
The advantage of non action, few in the world attain these. You don’t solve a maze by rushing thought. You have to stop and think. You have to walk slowly and carefully, reining in your energy- otherwise you’ll get hopelessly lost. The same is true for the problems we face in life. Each of us need to get better at saying no. When we know what to say no to, we can say yes to the things that matter.
The body - Take a walk
It is only ideas gained from waking that have any worth. Do not lose the importance of walking. Everyday I walk myself into a state of wellbeing and walk away from every illness. Nietzsche and Nikola Tesla, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther king discoveries came during walking. Walking is deliberate. It as exercise in peace. Indeed, forest bathing - and most natural beauty- can only be accomplished by getting out of your house or office or car and trekking out in to the woods on foot. The key to good walk is to be aware. To be present and open to the experience. Put your phone away. We score higher on creative divergent thinking during and after walks. In our own search for beauty and what is good in life, we would do well to head outside and wander around. In an attempt to unlock a deeper part of our consciousness and access a high level of our mind, we would do well to get our body moving and our blood flowing. We should get walking.
The body - Build a routine
The truth is that a good routine is not only a source of great comfort and stability, it’s the platform from which stimulating and fulfilling work is possible. Routine, done for long enough and done sincerely enough, becomes more than routine. It becomes ritual- it becomes sanctified and holy. Freedom and power and succes require self-discipline. Because without it, chaos and complacent move in. Discipline then is how we maintain that freedom. When we not only automate and routinise the trivial parts of life, but also make automatic good and virtuous decisions, we free up resources to do important and meaningful exploration. We buy room for peace and stillness, and thus make good work and good thoughts accessible and inevitable. To make that possible, you must go now and get your house in order. Get your day scheduled. Limit interruptions. Limit the number of choices you need to make.
The body - Get rid of your stuff
In short, mental and spiritual independence matter little if the things we own in the physical world end up owning us. If a man can reduce his needs to be zero, he is truly free: there is nothing that can be taken from him and nothing anyone can do to hurt him. This is why philosophers have always advocated reducing our needs and limiting our possessions. Don’t use your money to purchase loneliness, or headaches or status anxiety. You will hear people say they don’t have room for a relationship in their life.. they right. Their stuff is taking up too much space. They’re in love with possessions instead of people.
The body - Seek solitude
Bill gates seven days alone in a cabin in the forest. There, physically removing himself from the daily interruptions of his work, he can really sit down and think. Grab these moments. Schedule them. Cultivate them.
The body - be a human being
Work is what horses die of. Everybody should know that - Solzhenitsyn. It could be argue that any positive trait - even hard work- taken to excess becomes a vice. Is that what you want to be? A workhorse that draws its load until it collapses and dies, still shod and in the harness. Is that what you were put on this planet for? Yes, there is purity and meaning in giving your best to whatever you do, ut life is much more of a marathon than it is a sprint. Many of us have talents and it’s that are so extraordinary that we owe it to ourselves and the world to express and fulfilling them. But we’re not being to able to do that if we’re not taking care of ourselves or if we have stretched ourselves to the breaking point. Moderation, being present, knowing your limits. This is the key. The body that each of us has a gift. Don’t work it to death. Don’t burn it out. Protect the gift.
The body - Go to sleep
If we treat sleep as a luxury, it is the first to go when we get busy. People who skip sleep trade their health for a few more working hours. They trade the long-term viability of their business or their career before the urgency of some temporal crisis. Sleep is the other side of the work we’re doing- sleep is the recharging of the internal batteries whose energy stores we recruit in order to do our work. The greats- they protect their sleep because its where the best state of mind comes from. They say no to thing. They turn in when they hit their limits. If you want pace, there is just one thing to do If you want to be your best, there is just one thing to do. Go to sleep.
The body - Find a hobby
This is the main question, with what activity one’s leisure is filled - Aristotle. When most of us hear the word leisure we think of lounging around and doing nothing. However, in greek the words refers to school. Leisure historically meant simply freedom from the work needed to survive, freedom FOR intellectual or creative pursuits. Reading, boxing, collecting stamps, Whatever. Let it reload you and give you peace. What is absent is any external justification - you can’t do leisure for play, you can’t do It to impress people. You have to do it for you. Its an opportunity to practice and embody stillness but in another context. Its in leisure, Ovid observers, that we reveal what kind of people we are. Life is about balance. There’s nothing to feel quality about for being idle. Leisure is also a reward for the work we do. Make the time. Build the discipline. You deserve it. You need it. Your stillness depends on it.
The body - Beware of escapism
In his own words, Fante pissed away decades golfing, reading, and drinking and by extension rejected again and again. Thats the difference between leisure and escapism. It’s the intention. Despair and restlessness go together. When you defer and delay, interest is accumulating. The bill still comes due.. And it will be even harder to afford then than it will be right now. The one thing you can’t escape in your life is yourself. Marcus Aurelius pointed out that we don’t need to get away from it all. We just need to look within. “Nowhere you can go is more peaceful- more free of interruptions” he said, “than your own soul.”. Tuning out accomplishes nothing. Tune in. Build a life that you don’t need to escape from.
The body - Act bravely
To see people who will notice a need in the world and do something about it.. Those are my heroes. The health of our spiritual ideals depends on what we do. With out bodies in moments of truth. A person who does good regularly will feel good. A person who contributes to their community will feel like they are a part of one. A person who puts their body to good us, volunteering, protecting, serving, stoning up for, will not need to treat it use an amusement park to get some thrills. Every person we meet and every situation we find ourselves in as an opportunity to prove that. Action its what matters. If we want to be good and feel good, we have to do good. There is no escaping this. Dive in when you hear the cry for help. Reach out when you see the need. Do kindness where you can. Because you’ll have to find a way to live with yourself if you dont.