W1 Smooth caries lesion + comprehensive exam Flashcards
What are smooth surface lesions classes as?
Class V, usually occur on smooth surfaces of teeth buccal or lingual, located in the cervical region
What types of smooth surface lesions can be present?
Carious lesions
Non-carious cervical lesions (abrasion mechanical wear, abfraction)
What are the possible risk factors of smooth carious lesions?
Poor OH Diet Dry mouth Progression of white spot lesions Dental prosthesis (partial denture)
What are possible risk factors of non-carious lesions?
Tooth brush abrasion
Other habits
What will affect the choice of matertials?
Location of tooth Aesthetics Moisture control Location of lesion Enamel or root surface Caries rate and risk
What materials can you use for class v restorations?
GIC or composite resin
Whats involved in history taking?
Documentation/recording keeping.
Dental history
Social history
Medical history
What is the purpose of a history?
Guides clinician to formulate diagnosis, care plans, phasing and delivery
What are limitation to an accurate medical history
Patients may not show signs or symptoms
Health literacy
Anxious patient
Fear of discrimination