W1 Respiratory System Structure and Ventilation Flashcards
Name the structures of the Upper respiratory tract
Nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx
Name the structures of the lower respiratory tract
Larynx, trachea, bronchus, bronchioles, alveoli
list the 5 functions of the respiratory system
- extensive surface for gas exchange between air and circulating blood
- Move air to and from exchange surfaces of lungs along resp pways
- protect respiratory surfaces from outside environment- dehydration, temp change, pathogens
- produce sounds for speaking/ communication
- olfactory sense- detect odours in superior portions of nasal cav
Portion of respiratory tract extending from the nose to the terminal bronchioles
Conducting portion
Portion of respiratory tract made up of respiratory bronchioles and alveoli
Respiratory portion
What membrane lines the conducting portion and helps the ‘conditioning process’ of inhaled air?
Respiratory Mucosa
Where are the lings situated?
In the left and right pleural cavity
Pleural fluid function
lubrication to allow expanding and shrinking of lungs
What is the oblique fissure?
seperates the superior and inferior lobes of the lungs
How is the left lung different from the right?
Left lungs only has superior and inferior lobe, right lung has sup, middle and inferior lobe.
How is the pericardial cavity accomodated in the pleural cavity?
space for Pericardial cavity in the cardiac notch by left lung
Superior, inferior and middle lobes of right lung seperated by ____
oblique and horizontal fissures
What is the hilum of the lung?
point of attachment between the lung and lung root. Contains connective tissue, blood vessels, primary bronchi, pulmonary vessels,nerves and lymph
Function of respiratory mucosa
filtration mechanism to reduce amount of pathogen or debris in inhaled air
R mucosa consists of
epithelium layer and underlying areolar tissue layer
what is the name of the areolar tissue layer that supports the respiratory epithlium?
Lamina Propria
Lam Prop in upper resp tract contains
mucous glands
Lam Prop in lower resp tract contains
bundles of smooth muscle cells. In bronchioles forms thick bands encircling around the lumen
What does the R mucosa of the trachea contain?
Mucosa, submucosa, hyaline cartilage, adventitial layer
What type of epthelial layer lines the nasal cavity and superior pharynx?
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium and muscous cells.
Epithelium lining inferior pharynx
stratified squamous epithelium
What is the function of the pharyngeal epithelium?
transport food to esophagus and air to larynx
protect against abrasion and chemicals
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium lines which portion of the respiratory tract?
superior portion of lower tract
Cuboidal epithelium with scattered cilia lines which part of resp system?
What are the exchange surfaces of alveoli made up of?
simple squamous epithelium
what makes up the alveolar epithelium?
simple squamous cells and specialised cells
What structure is the primary passageway for air entering the respiratory system?
The Nose
Which two structures does air pass through in the nose?
Nares (nostrils) into the nasal vestibule
What is the nasal vestibule?
space contained within the flexible tissue of the nose
Function of vestibule
First defense mechanism- coarse hairs on epithelium trap debris
Which structures form the nasal septum?
fusion of perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and vomer. Anterior portion hyaline cartilage.
Function of mucous
produced in paranasal sinuses, cleans and moistens nasal cavity
Nasolacrimal ducts function
drain tears into nasal cavity
The superior portion of the nasal cavoty serves what purpose?
olfactory region
Which structures make up the olfactory region?
inferior surface of cribriform plate, superior portion of nasal septum, superior nasal conchae
narrow grooves in nasal cavity causing air turbulence
nasal conchae- superior, middle, inferior meatus
Function of meatus
cause air turbulence to warm and humidify air, trap particles in nasal mucosa, stimulate olfactory receptors
List in order the structures of the nose and nasal cavity that air passes through
Nares, vestibule, nasal conchae
Function of the bony hard palate
forms floor of nasal cavity seperates it from oral cav
what structure extends posteripr to the hard palate?
soft palate
function of soft palate
marks boundary of superior nasopharynx and rest of pharynx
What structure does the nasal cavity open into at the choanae?
What does the lamina propria of the nasal cavity contain?
abundance of arteries, vein and capillaries for nutrient to sensory cells
What is special about the LP in the nasal conchae?
network of highly expandable veins- vascularisation warms and humidifies incoming air.
Breathing through the nose prevents
heat loss and water loss
Which structure is shared by the digestive and respiratory systems?
Name the three sections of the pharynx
(Sup) Nasopharynx
(Mid) Oropharynx
(Inf) Laryngopharynx
Which section of the pharynx contains pharyngeal tonsils and opening to L and R auditory tubes?
The nasopharynx contains which structures?
Pharyngeal tonsils and opening to L and R auditory tubes
Oropharynx position
between soft palate and base of tongue. posterior poriton of oral cav connects directly with oropharynx
Nasopharynx membrane lining?
pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
Which sections of pharynx have stratified squamous epithelium lining?
oro and laryngo
Laryngopharynx position?
between hyoid bone and entrance to esophagus and larynx
Function of stratified squamous epithelium in pharynx?
protect against abrasion, chemicals and pathogens
Which structure does air pass through to get into the larynx?
What is the glottis commonly known as?
Voice box
What is the larynx?
cartilaginous tube that surrounds and protects the glottis
Position of the larynx
begins at level of C4/5 vertebra and ends at level of C6
Name the three unpaired cartilages in the larynx
Unpaired cartilages form
C shaped rings around lumen
Which two unpaired larynx cartilages are made up of hyaline?
Thyroid and Cricoid
Thyroid cartilage features
forms anterior and lateral walls
U- shaped
Superior to cricoid cartilage
Which structures are protected by thyroid cartilage?
Glottis and entrance to trachea
Function of cricoid cartilage?
protect glottis
Which cartilage forms ring-shaped pattern around larynx?
Which cartilage forms a lid over the glottis?
What type of cartilage is the epiglottis?
where does the ligament associated with the epiglottis attach?
thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone
where does ligament associated with thyroid cartilage attach?
hyoid bones, epiglottis and laryngeal cartilages
Name the small cartilages of the larynx
Arytenoid, Corniculate, Cuneiform
what is the function of the small cartilages of the larynx?
sound production and opening/ closing of the glottis
How is sound produced?
air through the glottis vibrates vocal chords creating sound waves.
How is sound variation caused?
tension on vocal folds and voluntary muscles
position of arytenoid cartilage to thyroid cartilage
What is produced in the larynx with regard to speech?
What is articulation with regard to speech?
modification of sound by other structures
Which ligaments are found in larynx?
Vestibular and Vocal
Position of ligaments
extend between thyroid and arytenoid cartilages
Vestibular and Vocal ligs covered by _____
covered by folds of laryngeal epithelium
Vestibular ligaments function
protect vocal folds
Which structure prevents foreign objects entering the glottis?
Vestibular folds
Which structure do the vestibular ligaments lie within?
Vestibular folds
What are the functions of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx?
control vocal folds
open and close glottis
coughing reflex
Where do the intrinsic muscles insert?
thyroid, arytenoid and corniculate cartilages
Infection or inflammation in the larynx is called
Acute Epiglottitis causes
swelling of the glottis, possibly resulting in suffocation
What causes Acute Epiglottitis?
bacterial infection in the throat
What is the main symptom of larygnitis?
hoarseness due to vocal folds inflammed