W1: Fundamentals of Nervous Tissue Flashcards
Central Nervous System (CNS)
The command center consisting of the brain and spinal cord. It receives sensory signals, interprets them, and dictates motor responses.
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Nervous system outside of the CNS. Consists of nerves extending outside of the brain and spinal column.
Afferent Neurons
Have axons that carry information toward the CNS.
Efferent Neurons
Have axons that carry information away from the CNS.
Neurons that connect to other neurons within the same general area (i.e. spinal cord)
Somatic Motor Neurons
(Voluntary) innervation to skeletal muscle.
Somatic Sensory Neurons
CNS > Skeletal muscles. Touch, pain, pressure, vibration, temperature, proprioception from skin, body wall, and limbs. Special: Hearing, equilibrium, hearing.
Visceral Motor Neurons
(Involuntary - ANS) Innervation to smooth & cardiac muscle and glands.
Visceral Sensory Neurons
CNS > Smooth, cardiac muscles and glands. Stretch, pain, temperature, chemical changes, irritation of viscera, nausea and hunger. Special: Taste and smell.
General Characteristics of a Neuron:
- excitable cells
- do NOT divide after birth, but some neurogenesis from adult stem cells.
- Normally live a long life
- High metabolic rate - require large amounts of glucose and oxygen.
- Have 2 types of processes (dendrites/receivers & axons/senders)
Sensing one’s own body.
What structures make up the soma/cell body?
- Plasma membrane
- Nucleus/nucleolus
- Nissl bodies/rough ER
- Golgi Apparatus
- Neurofilaments
Intermediate filaments that provide structural integrity. They receive synapic contact from other neurons. Types: Multipolar & bipolar.
Dendritic Spines
Enlarge the surface area of the plasma membrane
Cell signaling between neurons.
Axon Hillock
Where the axon tappers from the cell body; site where action potentials are generated. (Decision Maker)
Axonal Neurotubules
Parallel arrays of processes that help axon retain shape.
Axon Collateral
Sideways branches off of an axon.
Axonal Transport
- Anterograde
2. Retrograde
Anterograde Axonal Transport
Tracer: Phaseolus vulgaris (Phal), Biotinylated DextranAmine (BDA), Triated Amino Acids (H^3 amino acids)
Injection of tracer into CNS and taken up by cell bodies then transported down the axon. Tracer accumulates in axon terminals labeling terminal boutons. Tells you which regions of the CNS receive neuron projections.
Retrograde Axonal Transport
Tracer: Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP)
Injection of tracer into the CNS and taken up by terminals and transported back to the cell body. This labels which cell bodies that project to the area of of your injection site.
Types of Synapses:
- Axosomatic synapses
- Axoaxonic synapses (axon-axon)
- Axodendritic synapses
Where do synapses occur?
Between an axon terminal and a postsynaptic structure.
What are the primary structures of an axon terminal?
- Presynaptic terminal
- Synaptic Cleft
- Postsynaptic terminal