W1 Anatomy - Joints, Muscio Skeletal, Injuries, Planes, Yogic Breath Flashcards
<p>Adult bones</p>
<p>Bones when born</p>
<p>306 (206 + 100)</p>
<p>Lesser bones as we age</p>
<p>Bones fuse e.g. sacrum S1-S5</p>
<p>dense, connective tissues helping joints function</p>
<p>more flexible than bone
stiffer than muscle
e.g. nose, ribs</p>
<p>Thoracic cage protects</p>
<p>heart and lungs</p>
<p>Vertebrae Column = Spine,</p>
<p>keeps body upright, nerves bringing messages from brain to body</p>

<p>Shoulder Girdle</p>

kept in place via ligaments, tendons, muscles
allows wider range of movement for upper limbs</p>
<p>Pelvic Girdle</p>
<p>holds vital organs in place,
| allows hips and lower limbs to function</p>
<p>muscio-skeletal system p.36</p>
<ul> <li>cervical/thoracic/lumbar/sacrum/tailbone (coccyx)</li> <li>C7 is jutting out</li> <li>shoulder girdle has <ol> <li>clavicle (long thin)</li> <li>scapula (shoulder blade)</li> </ol> </li> <li>humerus - upper arm</li> <li>lower arm has radius (bigger)and ulna (weaker)</li> <li>12th rib - floating rib</li> <li>strenum - centre of rib</li> <li>pelvic girdle has: <ol> <li>illium top of hips</li> <li>pubis - anus</li> <li>ischuim - sitbones</li> </ol> </li> <li>femur</li> <li>patella (kneecap)</li> <li>lower leg: tibia/fibula</li> <li>talus / toes</li> <li></li> </ul>

<p>Axial skeleton
| (X-sistential)</p>
<p>protect internal organs
| - skull, vertebral, thoracic cage</p>
<p>Appendicular skeleton
| (helps you go perpendicular)</p>
<p>facilitate movement:
| - girdles, limbs</p>
<p>5 types of bones</p>
1. long - humerus, femur
2. short - carpals/tarsals
3. sesamoid - knee cap
4. flat - occipital (back of skull)
5. irregular - spine</p>
<p>3 types of joints</p>
<p>synarthroses / amphithroses / diathroses
1. synarthroses (fixed, immovable)
- skull
2. amphiarthroses (tight but slightly movable)
- spine
3. diathroses / synovial (have fluids, lubrication between joints to move freely)
- knees, shoulder joints</p>
<p>Types of movable (synovial joints)</p>
<p>1. ball and socket - move all direction shoulder/hip 2. hinge joint - move along one plane only elbow / knee joint 3. condyloid - move all but no rotation finger joints 4. gliding joint - slide over each other wrist / ankle joints 5. saddle joints - back and forth base of fingers</p>

Compression of bones
Compression - stress and strengthen but within limits
Compression vs tension of tissues
Tension - being stretched
Compression - pushed together
Planes of movement
saggital / frontal / transverse
- saggital - front/back
- frontal - left right
- transverse - rotation
Saggital movement (front back)
Flexion / Extension
Dorsi / Plantaflexion
1. Flexion - decreasing angle between bones
2. Extension - increasing angle between bones
3. Dorsiflexion - flexing TOES
4. Plantarflexion - POINT TOES (ballet)
Frontal Movement (left right)
Adduction / abduction / elevation / depression / inversion / eversion
- Adduction - bring in
- Abduction - away
- Elevation (up from scapula)
- Depression (down from scapula)
- Inversion (inwards)
- Eversion (outwards)
Transverse Movements (rotational)
Rotation / Pronation / Supination
- Rotation - inward/outward from vertical axis of bone
- Pronation - inwards
- Supination - away