W03: How institutions affect business across countries Flashcards
What is needed for a market to function?
- trustworthiness of sellers and buyers
- information symmetry by the evaluator
- trust to the evaluator
Institutions Definition
Institutions are rules and procedures that reduce uncertainty and induce cooperation/exchange by establishing structure and incentives for interactions among players
What do institutions do?
Institutions can facilitate market transactions through
- reducing information asymmetries
- aligning incentives
- reducing transaction costs
- generating trust
Institutions generate trust through
- Information analyzers and advisors
- Credibility enhancers
- Aggregators and Distributors
- Regulators
- Transaction Facilitators
- Adjudicators
The institutional environment of business is about
- Voice and Accountability - Ability of citizens to participate in selecting their government
- Political Stability - perceptions of the likelihood that the government will be destabilized or overthrown by unconstitutional or violent means
- Government Effectiveness - Quality of public and civil services
- Regulatory Quality - Ability of the government to formulate and implement sound policies and regulations
- Rule of Law - the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules o society
- Control of Corruption - the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain
Comparing institutions across countries
- Government effectiveness
- 6 Questions related to that - Institutional Infrastructure of capital markets
- 6 Questions related to that - Institutional infrastructure of product markets
- 6 Questions related to that
Institutional voids (assumptions)
Institutions found in developed markets are often missing or absent in developing countries(comparative institutional concept)
- > Void is the western bias that the institutional architecture in emerging markets is bad.
- > Model builds on an institutional conception of markets: markets are socially created rather than naturally given
Most western economic models make assumptions about the institutional environment, such as
- the presence of property rights,
- third-party contract enforcement
- credible information
Arrangement in capital markets (also micro-financing)
Getting funds:
- In Developed countries: credit card, loan from a bank, funds from investors
- Alternative: family and friends, trade credit from business partners, microfinance (Grameen Bank)
Microfinance (loans to groups of small-scale entrepreneurs with shared liability)
- Collective responsibility and group pressure
- Bank representatives traveling from village to village and meeting groups of borrowers
- Maintaining close relationships with borrowers and monitoring the progress of their businesses
Arrangement in product markets
In emerging markets large share in mom- and pop stores
i.e. onion market in India
- Many markets in need of efficiency
- But don’t want to replace local retailers
Arrangements product markets: hidden advantages of traditional retail
- Unpaid labor from family and friends
- Pay no rent because they own their storefronts
- Don’t pay corporate taxes
-> Modern retailers face major challenge when competing with local retailers