volcanos Flashcards
Active Volcano
Where do most volcanoes occur?
- actively erupting i
- is expected to erupt again
- plate boundaries or the ring fire
Where do most volcanoes occur?:
plate boundaries or the ring fire
A large volcanic depression forms when a volcano summit collapses or is blown away by explosive activity
Cinder cone volcano
- a small steep-sided volcano
- erupts gas-rich basaltic lava
Composite volcano
Where are these volcanoes commonly found?
- a large steep-sided volcano
- results from explosive eruptions of andesitic and rhyolitic lavas along convergent plate boundaries
Where are these volcanoes commonly found? above subductions zones
the distance around a circle
country rock:
rock native to an area
Dormant volcano
an inactive volcano
when magma sevafaces
What factors affect the eruption style of a volcano?
Magma chemistry affects the volcano’s eruption style as well as the amount of dissolved gasses, specifically the amount of water vapor, and how much silica is in the magma.
Hot spot
volcanos that are not associated with plate boundaries.
: a measure of the relative resistance to scratching of an object
molten rock that erupts onto the earth’s surface
molten rock beneath the earth’s surface