Vocal Nodules Flashcards
vocal nodules
localized benign growths of the vfs typically occurring at the mid point of the vfs
how common are vocal nodules?
most common, benign lesions of the larynx
directly related to phono-trauma and more specifically…
life cycle of vocal nodules
- period of phono-trauma where vfs begin to change
- soft, red, pliable bumps
- if phono-trauma continues, these lumps will become fibrotic and tissue with begin to change
- nodules themselves will become firm, fibrous, and thick and take on a whitish appearance
because they take a while to show up, they also…
take a while to go away
the bigger the lesion gets…
the more pronounced the vfs symptoms will be
at the soft edeminous stage, common for them to be…
but once it’s mature, it is most often…
bilateral and symmetrical
vocal nodules can resolve without surgery
takes 2-3 months for recovery
only getting closure at the point of the nodules
- posterior chink
- anterior chink
- close in an hourglass configuration
- mucous banding
close in an hourglass configuration
- expect a lot of breathiness
- not trying to compensate
mucous banding
- tells that the vf edges have been roughed up
- mucous has something to grab a hold of
etiologies of vocal nodules
- anything that can cause chronic laryngitis
- personality plays a role
- inappropriate habitual pitch
- excessive laryngeal tension
- allergies
- thyroid imbalances
- excessive loud talking or screaming
- hard glottal attack
- smoking and drinking
inappropriate habitual pitch
- use a pitch that is not what should be used
- could be too high or too low
thyroid imbalances
first sign can be somebody’s voice
perceptual signs
- dysphonia
- lots of throat clearning
- vocal fatigue
- white fibrotic midpoint of vfs
perceptual sign: dysphonia
the larger the lesion, the worse the dysphonia becomes
lots of throat clearing
biproduct of the nodules
vocal fatigue
- talking becomes a more effortful, tiring experience as the day goes on
- quality of voice progressively deteriorates
white fibrotic midpoint of vfs
want to see hourglass configuration
voice therapy, primary and effective
- including more mature nodules
- but the person must stick with the plan
- the nodules get smaller, and the voice starts to bounce back
therapy goals
- reduce size of lesion
- prevent recurrence
plan of therapy for vocal nodules
- if person has any vocal abuses/misuses that might contribute, then put on reduction plan to eliminate
- establish an individual program of vocal hygiene
- vocal rest sometimes, depends on stage of nodules
symptomatic vocal nodules
- what is the patient doing vocally that either caused or perpetuated the nodules
- how do we get rid of that
- reducing vocal loudness
- look at breath management
- look at what’s going on, and then devise a treatment plan
medical management
- only see surgery when nodule persists
- can cross the point where spontaneous healing is no longer possible
personality does play a factor
- studies have shown
- particularly for women
- tend to be type A, impulsive, oversharer, talker, vocal exhibitionist
- behaviors are an outgrowth of the personality