Vocabulary (T's) Flashcards
A brown to black band of discolored sclera of the eye. Created by the postmortem drying of the sclera by the air.
Tache Noire
Minute petechial hemorrhages caused by the rupture of minute vessels as blood settles into the dependent areas of organs and tissues; it is accompanied by livor mortis. A postmortem, extravascular blood discoloration. Most common in asphyxial or slow deaths.
Tardieu Spots
Chemicals which will affect adversely certain organs.
Target Organ Effects
The science of treating the body chemically so as to temporarily inhibit decomposition.
Temporary Preservation
An agent which can cause non-inheritable mutations in offspring.
Institution of disinfection and decontamination measures after the preparation of the remains.
Terminal Disinfection
Any procedure used to prove a sign of death.
Test of Death
Study of Death.
Destruction of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues; seared, charred.
Third Degree Burns
The property of certain cells of becoming fluid when shaken, and then becoming solid again.
Preparation room equipment used to pass a ligature underneath a raised vessel.
Thread Passer
The formation or presence of an attached blood clot.
A buzzing or ringing in the ears.
A substance used to elevate sunken (emaciated) tissues to normal level by hypodermic injection.
Tissue Builder
A general term the solidification of a solution into a gelatinous mass. Agglutination is a specific form of coagulation.
Tissue Coagulation
Postmortem accumulation of gas in tissues or cavities brought about by an anaerobic gas forming bacillus (ex. clostridium perfringens.
Tissue Gas
Threshold Limit Value
The yellowing/browning of the finer nails and fingers from excessive use of cigarettes; a surface discoloration.
Tobacco Tars
Disinfection of the surface of the body or an object.
Topical Disinfection
Blood clot which forms when the blood plasma passes through the capillary walls and leaves the blood cells behind.
Tough Dry Clots aka White Fibrin Clot
The presence of toxins in the blood.
A poisonous substance of plant, animal bacterial or fungal origin.
An agonal or postmortem redistribution of host microflora on a hostwide basis.
Translocation aka Agonal Translocation
The grafting of living tissue from its normal position to another site, or of an organ or tissue from one person to another.
Lying at right angles to the ling axis of the body.
A vascular incision made at 90 degrees to the long axis of the vessel.
Transverse Incision
A physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence.
Lying at right angles to the long axis of the body.
A vascular incision made at 90 degrees to the long axis of the vessel.
Transverse Incision
A physical injury or wound caused by external force or violence.
A vascular incision which is made by cutting a small triangular wedge from the wall of the vessel.
Triangular Incision aka Wedge Incision
Sharply pointed surgical instrument used in cavity embalming to aspirate the cavities and inject cavity fluid. May also be used for supplemental hypodermic embalming.
A plastic threaded screw like device for sealing punctures and small round trocar openings.
Trocar Button
Preparation room equipment used to insert trocar buttons into trocar punctures created when the trocar is inserted into the body.
Trocar Button Applicator
A line drawn or visualized on the surface of the body or a prominent anatomic structure used to locate internal structures during cavity embalming, from a point of reference two inches to the left of and two inches superior to the umbilicus.
Trocar Guide
Homogeneous mixture of two or more substances able to pass through a semi-permeable membrane. The size of the solute particles is less than one nanometer.
True Solution
A vascular incision created by marking a short transverse incision at a right angle to the long axis of the vessel; then with the point of the scissors inserted into the original opening, a second incision is made parallel to the long axis of the vessel.
T-Shaped Incision
Capable of inducing growth of a tumor.
A covering or layer.
In liquids, muddy with particles of extraneous matter, not clear or transparent.
An evaluation of exposures that are time-weighted over an established period. It allows the exposure levels to be averaged generally over an eight-hour time period.
Time-Weighted Average aka TWA