Vocabulary (I's) Flashcards
International Agency for Research on Cancer.
That pressure which just overcomes the vascular resistance in the body and causes the arterial solution to enter the body at a moderate and uniform rate.
Ideal Injection Pressure
Absorption of the fluid portion of blood by the tissues after death resulting in postmortem edema.
A clean cut made with a sharp instrument; in embalming, a cut made with a scalpel to raise arteries and veins.
The strength of embalming fluids indicated by the number of grams of pure. Formaldehyde gas dissolved in 100ml of water. Index usually refers to a percentage; an embalming fluid with an index of 25 usually contains 25% formaldehyde gas.
Tests for death which can be administered by an lay person and is generally regarded as not being reliable.
Inexpert Tests For Death
A child less than 1 year of age.
A short hollow tubular instrument with a sharp point. Used for aspiration and injection of an infant’s thoracic and abdominal cavities.
Infant Trocar
The formation of an area of necrosis in a tissue caused by obstruction in the artery supplying the area.
The state or condition in which the body or a part of it is invaded by a pathogenic agent that, under favorable conditions, multiplies and produces injurious effects.
Disease caused by the growth of a pathogenic microorganism in the body.
Infectious Disease
From a given reference toward the feet.
The process of seepage or diffusion into tissue of substances that are not ordinarily present.
The reaction of the tissues to injurious agents, usually characterized by heat, redness, swelling, and pain.
Anactomical structure forming the base of the fomoral triangle; extends from the anterior superior illiac spine to the pubic tubercle.
Inguinal Ligament
The act or instance of forcing a fluid into the vascular system or directly into the tissues.
The amount of pressure produced by an injector decive to overcome initial resistance within (intravascular) or on (extravascular) the vascular system (arterial or venous).
Injection Pressure
A preparation aid used in mouth closure. It is inserted into a needle injector and forced into the mandible and maxilla.
Injector Needle
Eminence at the medial corner of the closed eyelids.
Inner Canthus
A compound consisting of iodine combined with a carrier, such as polyvinylpyrrolidone, often used as a preoperative skin disinfectant.
A type of suture used to close incisions in such a manner that the ligature remains entirely under the epidermis.
Intradermal Suture aka Hidden Stitch
Molecules of a compound in which the atoms have a slightly different configuration.
Injection of very strong arterial fluid (often waterless) under relatively high pressure into head and face through both common carotid arteries to effect preservative and disinfection while minimizing swelling.
Instant Tissue Fixation aka Head Freeze
The immediate stiffening of the muscles of a dead human body.
Instantaneous Rigor Mortis aka Cadaveric Spasms
Between the cells of a structure.
Space between the ribs.
Intercostal Space
Method of drainage in which the drainage in stopped at intervals while the injection continues a type if restricted drainage.
Intermittent Drainage
Fluid in the supporting connective tissues surrounding body cells (about one-fifth the body weight).
Interstitial Fluid
Within a cell or cells.
Fluids inside cells of the body (constituting about one-half of the body weight).
Intracellular Fluid
Within the blood vascular system
Discoloration of the body within the blood vascular system; for example, hypostasis, carbon monoxide, and capillary congestion.
Intravascular Blood Discoloration
Fluid contained within vascular channels (about one-twentieth of the body weight)
Intravascular Fluid
Pressure developed as the flow of embalming solution is established and the elastic arterial walls expand and then contract, resulting in filling of the capillary beds and development of pressure filtration.
Intravascular Pressure
From within the body
Combination of iodine and a solubilizing agent or carrier that liberates free iodine in solution; a chemical disinfectant.
Reduction in arterial blood supply
Condition that results when the body part that dies had little blood and remains aseptic and occurs when the arteries but the veins are obstructed.
Ischemic Necrosis aka Dry Gangrene
A solution having an equal concentration of dissolved solute to that of a standard of reference.
Isotonic Solution