Vocabulary - Spring, Four Seasons - p. 19 Flashcards
Example title
- a popular Baroque instrumental genre for soloist(s) and orchestra
- generally in three movements: fast-slow-fast
- frequenty used ritornello form
- intended to demonstrate the virtuosig (skills) of the soloist(s)
Example: Spring, solo violin concerto
Definition of ritornello form
Give an example of it in Four Seasons
- a structure (form) used in the first and third movements of the Baroque concerto
- the opening passage (ritornello) is repeated throughout the movement
Example of it: the spring
Definition of ripieno
- Italian for “full” or “complete”
- another term is “tutti”
- it indcates the full orchestra in the Baroque concerto
give an example of it in Four Seasons
- Italian for “obstinate” or “persistent” or “stubborn”
- a repeated for a longer period of time
- Example - the dog barking in the second movement of Spring
pedal point
Name one place in Four Season where you can hear this
- a note, or a series of notes, held through harmony changes in other part
- Example: the bass pedal point suggests the bagpipes in the third movement of Spring in The Four Seasons
idiomatic writing
give an example title
- the style of writing to highlights the unique technical capabilities of an instrument
- opposite of “generic”
- developed in Barqoue
Example: Spring
programmatic writing
example title
- music with descriptive element, inspried by extramusical associations, like a story, or painting
- evolved into a significat features of the 19th-century instrumental writing (program music)
Example: Spring
- a popular Baroque instrumental genre for soloist(s) and orchestra
- generally in three movements: fast-slow-fast
- frequently used ritornello form
- intended to demonstrate the virtuoso (skills) of the soloist(s)
Example: Spring, solo violin concerto
- a structure (form) used in the first and third movements of the Baroque concerto
- the opening passage (ritornello) is repeated throughout the movement
Example of it: the spring
ritornello form
- Italian for “full” or “complete”
- another term is “tutti”
- it indcates the full orchestra in the Baroque concerto
- Italian for “obstinate” or “persistent” or “stubborn”
- a repeated for a longer period of time
- Example - the dog barking in the second movement of Spring
- a note, or a series of notes, held through harmony changes in other part
- Example: the bass pedal point suggests the bagpipes in the third movement of Spring in The Four Seasons
pedal point
- the style of writing to highlights the unique technical capabilities of an instrument
- opposite of “generic”
- developed in Barqoue
Example: Spring
idiomatic writing
- music with descriptive element, inspried by extramusical associations, like a story, or painting
- evolved into a significat features of the 19th-century instrumental writing (program music)
Example: Spring
programmatic writing
What is the source of the inspiration or the program of The Four Seasons?
- Sonnets, most likely written by Vivaldi
- portions of the text were printed above the corresponding passages in the original score
What is the Four Seasons’s subtitle?
The Contest Between Harmony and Inspiration (Il cimento dell’armonia e dell’invenzione)
Why is this concerto a programmatic work?
Because the poetic images are described by the music.