Era - Romantic overview - p. 82-83 Flashcards
Provide the term for the following definition:
It’s a term that refers to the Romantic period. It’s a reaction against Classicism and emphasis on creative imagination and expression of emotions
Romanticism = 浪漫主义
Give Three musical features of Romantic musical styles
Name three of the following:
chromatic harmony
wide range of dynamics
folk elements
programmatic elements
lyrical melody
Provide the term for the following definition:
This important 19th century musical style has a fascination with foreign lands and culture. They are evoked by melody, harmony, rhythm, and orchestration
exoticism in music
exoticism = 异国情调
Provide the term for the following definition:
This word comes from the Greek word for color, khorma.
It uses notes outside of the chosen key signature and is increasingly used for heightened expression in 19th century music.
chromatic harmony
chromatic harmony = 半音和谐
Provide the term for the following definition:
This important 19th century musical style expresses patriotism through music. Folk music, song and dance, myths and legends, landscapes and historical events are used as ideas for the music.
Nationalism in music
Nationalism = 民族主义
Provide the term for the following definition:
This important 19th century musical style is instrumental music with extramusical associations, such as literary, poetic or visual stories. Each movement or section has descriptive titles that describes the music. Some composers include a written text or ‘program’ with the work.
program music
program music = 节目音乐
One of the following musical features is NOT typically associated with the Romantic period. Which one is it and what period is it usually associated with?
Exoticism in music
Programmatic Elements
Chromatic Harmony
Diatonic harmony
Diatonic harmony is associated more with the Classical period.
Diatonic harmony = 全音阶和声
One of the following musical features is not typically associated with the Romantic period. Which one is it and what period is it usually associated with?
Sonata form
Piano forms
Greater flexibility in tempo, use of tempo rubato
Programmatic elements
Sonata form is more closely associated with the Classical period.
Two of the following musical features are not typically associated with the Romantic period. Which ones are they and what period are they usually associated with?
Nationalism in music
Basso continuo
the Affection
Chromatic harmony
Basso continuo and the Affection are usually associated with the Baroque period.
Name the four Romantic composers in the textbook.
Name the four Romantic composition in the textbook.
Polonaise in A flat Major, op. 53
Symphonie fantastique
Name the four Romantic genres in the textbook.
Solo piano
program symphony
lyric opera
For Erlking,
provide the following info:
- the composer
- the genre
- the form of the piece
Composer: Schubert
Genre: Lied
Form: durchkomponiert (Through composed)
For Polonaise in A flat Major, op. 53
provide the following info:
- the composer
- the genre
- the form of the piece
Composer: Chopin
Genre: solo piano
Form: ABA (with introduction and coda)
For Symphonie fantastique
provide the following info:
- the composer
- the genre
- which movement did we study?
Composer: Berlioz
Genre: program symphony
For Carmen
provide the following info:
- the composer
- the genre
Composer: Bizet
Genre: lyric opera
For Berlioz,
provide the following info:
- the composition title we studied
- the genre of that composition
- which movement did we study
Composition: Symphonie fanastique
Genre: program symphony
We studied 5th movement only
For Schubert,
provide the following info:
- the composition title we studied
- the genre of that composition
Composition: Erlking
Genre: Lied
For Bizet,
provide the following info:
- the composition title we studied
- the genre of that composition
Composition: Carmen
Genre: lyric opera
For Chopin,
provide the following info:
- the composition title we studied
- the genre of that composition
Composition: Polonaise in A flat major, op. 53
Genre: solo piano
For Lied,
provide the following info:
- the representative composition
- the title of the composition
Composition: Erlking
Composer: Schubert
For solo piano,
provide the following info:
- the representative composition
- the title of the composition
Composition: Polonaise in A flat major, op.. 53
Composer: Chopin
For program symphony,
provide the following info:
- the representative composition
- the title of the composition
Composition: Symphonie fantastique
Composer: Berlioz
For lyric opera,
provide the following info:
- the composer
- the genre of that composition
Composition: Carmen
Composer: Bizet