[Vocabulary] Personality adjectives Flashcards
Character t_ (= черты характера) are the inner qualities of a person or animal. They can be good or bad.
Character traits are the inner qualities of a person or animal. They can be good or bad.
/ˈkærəktə treɪts/
Maria always speaks up during meetings because she’s s_-_ (= уверена в себе).
Maria always speaks up during meetings because she’s self-confident.
BrE /ˌself ˈkɒnfɪdənt/
AmE /ˌself ˈkɑːnfɪdənt/
Tom thinks he’s the best at everything. He’s so a_ (= высокомерный).
Tom thinks he’s the best at everything. He’s so arrogant.
When he saw Mark’s tattoos, he immediately judged him (= осудил, сформировал негативное мнение). He can be so n_-_ about people’s appearances.
= недалекий, с предрассудками
When he saw Mark’s tattoos, he immediately judged him (= осудил, сформировал негативное мнение). He can be so narrow-minded about people’s appearances.
Jack loves hearing different opinions. He’s very o_-_.
= широких взглядов, непредубежденный
Jack loves hearing different opinions. He’s very open-minded.
Lisa always knows the answer; she’s so sm_ and i_.
= умная, сообразительная
Lisa always knows the answer; she’s so smart and intelligent.
A dolphin is more i_ (= умный) than a shark.
A dolphin is more intelligent than a shark.
In contrast to many strict parents, Mary’s mom and dad always let her choose what to eat and how to dress. They’re really e_-_ parents.
= relaxed and not easily upset or worried - с легким характером,
In contrast to many strict parents, Mary’s mom and dad always let her choose what to eat and how to dress. They’re really easy-going parents.
She was just so fun and e_, you know?
= relaxed and not easily upset or worried - с легким характером,
She was just so fun and easygoing, you know?
John doesn’t dream too much; he’s very p_ and d_-_-_.
практичный и приземлённый
John doesn’t dream too much; he’s very practical and down-to-earth.
/daʊn tuː ˈəːθ/
After a long week of work, Pete felt tired and s_ _. (= стрессует)
After a long week of work, Pete felt tired and stressed out.
I’_ s_ _ because I have an exam coming up.
= стрессую
I’m stressed out because I have an exam coming up.
She’s very practical.
= практичная
Don’t trust Mike with secrets; he’s _r_ (= ненадёжный).
Don’t trust Mike with secrets; he’s unreliable.
You can always trust Sue to keep her promises. She’s very r_.
= надёжная
You can always trust Sue to keep her promises. She’s very reliable.
Bob only thinks about himself. He’s so s_ and self-centred.
= эгоистичный
Bob only thinks about himself. He’s so selfish and self-centred. /ˌselfˈsentəd/
Where are my keys? Oh, I’m so f_ (забывчивый)!
Where are my keys? Oh, I’m so forgetful!
I’m _ (= становлюсь) more forgetful. I’ve left my keys in the car on several occasions.
I’m getting more forgetful. I’ve left my keys in the car on several occasions.
[pronunciation] disorganized
[stress] disorganized
He’s constantly forgetting to do important things and can’t plan his own day, let alone (= не говоря уже о) a conference. He’s terribly d_.
= неорганизованный
He’s constantly forgetting to do important things and can’t plan his own day, let alone (= не говоря уже о) a conference. He’s terribly disorganized.
= неорганизованный
Whenever I’m sad, Jane listens to me. She’s a very c_ person.
= заботливая
Whenever I’m sad, Jane listens to me. She’s a very caring person.
She’s a very e_ secretary.
= works well without wasting time, money, or energy - работает быстро и продуктивно
She’s a very efficient secretary.
Kate keeps track of everything she needs to do and never missed any deadlines. She’s very o_ and efficient.
= хорошо организована, собрана
Kate keeps track of everything she needs to do and never missed any deadlines. She’s very organized and efficient.
We are growing _p_ with the lack of results.
= теряем терпение, буквально: становимся нетерпеливыми из-за…
We are growing impatient with the lack of results.
Behind us an i_ driver tooted his horn. (= нетерпеливый, гудел)
Behind us an impatient driver tooted his horn.
Every morning, Danny eats his cereal with orange juice instead of milk. I think it’s _ _ w_, to be honest.
= несколько странновато
Every morning, Danny eats his cereal with orange juice instead of milk. I think it’s a bit weird, to be honest.
[pronunciation] weird
BrE /wɪəd/
AmE /wɪrd/
Students should aim to become more independent _ their teachers.
= независимыми от
Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers.
I was also very _ (= независимой/ым) and responsible (= ответственной/им).
I was also very independent and responsible.