[Unit 3C] Discussions - vocabulary from monologues Flashcards
You know, I was thinking we should start _ some time _ (= отдохнуть, взять пару выходных). Our team’s been pushing really hard lately.
You know, I was thinking we should start taking some time off. Our team’s been pushing really hard lately.
Yeah, I think that might be just what we need. I’ve read that getting away from the office can really b_ creativity and reduce stress.
= to make something increase, or become better or more successful
Yeah, I think that might be just what we need. I’ve read that getting away from the office can really boost creativity and reduce stress.
And it’s been proven that a _ of s_ (= смена обстановки) can spark new ideas and refresh your mind. Let’s do it.
And it’s been proven that a change of scenery can spark new ideas and refresh your mind. Let’s do it.
So, I’ve been doing some thinking. Maybe we should try to work _, not _.
(= работать не 14 часов, а головой :)
So, I’ve been doing some thinking. Maybe we should try to work smarter, not harder.
Maybe we should try to work smarter, not harder. I mean, the late nights are _ their t_. (= дают о себе знать)
Maybe we should try to work smarter, not harder. I mean, the late nights are taking their toll.
But don’t you agree that we’re more p_ _ _ (make) mistakes when we’re exhausted?
= подвержены, склонны к
But don’t you agree that we’re more prone to making mistakes when we’re exhausted?
also: prone to headaches, prone to injury
There’s evidence showing that _ rest (= надлежащий) can actually improve productivity.
There’s evidence showing that proper rest can actually improve productivity.
also: find a proper job (настоящую); what’s the proper way to do this?
[context: talking about taking breaks]
It might seem _ (контринтуитивно), but it could lead to better quality work in the long run.
It might seem counterintuitive, but it could lead to better quality work in the long run.
/ˌkaʊntər ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv/
I suppose l_ _ better time management could help us avoid burnout.
= поисследовать вопрос
I suppose looking into better time management could help us avoid burnout.
I suppose looking into better time management could help us avoid burnout.
It’s w_ _ t_. (= стоит попробовать)
It’s worth a try.
I was thinking, should we maybe push through this weekend to g_ _ _ the project (= продвинуться по проекту)?
I was thinking, should we maybe push through this weekend to get ahead on the project?
I’m not sure it’s a good idea. You know, working without taking any rest isn’t really s_ (= something you can do for a long time, without suffering health issues).
I’m not sure it’s a good idea. You know, working without taking any rest isn’t really sustainable.
It’s a solid plan. Let’s p_ (= предложим) it to the team.
It’s a solid plan. Let’s propose it to the team.
Yes, but consider this: taking breaks is e_ (= absolutely necessary) for our mental health.
Yes, but consider this: taking breaks is essential for our mental health.
[context: talking about taking breaks]
It might seem counterintuitive, but it could lead to better quality work _ _ _ r_ (= в долгосрочной перспективе).
It might seem counterintuitive, but it could lead to better quality work in the long run.
I’ve been doing some thinking. I think maybe we should i_ some form of exercise _ our workday. (= включить)
I’ve been doing some thinking. I think maybe we should incorporate some form of exercise into our workday.
/ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt/ - notice the stress on the second syllable!
I think maybe we should incorporate some form of exercise into our workday. You know, to _ sharp and e_. (= быть хорошо соображающими и энергичными)
I think maybe we should incorporate some form of exercise into our workday. You know, to stay sharp and energized.
/ˈenədʒaɪzd/ - notice the stress on the first syllable!
How does it sound if we introduce office yoga sessions twice a week? I’ve heard it can really h_ _ stress.
How does it sound if we introduce office yoga sessions twice a week? I’ve heard it can really help with stress.
It’s a s_ plan (= убедительный, хороший). Let’s propose it to the team.
It’s a solid plan. Let’s propose it to the team.
BrE /ˈsɒlɪd/
AmE /ˈsɑːlɪd/