Feedback November-December Flashcards
when Merilyn Monroe was born
Tried to stop the murder of John Kennedy.
2004 year _ (до нашей эры)
2004 year BC
She had low s_-_ (самооценка).
She had low self-esteem.
/self ɪˈstiːm/
There are several p_ (абзацы) in this essay.
There are several paragraphs (абзацы) in this essay.
the a_ (= the murder) of John F. Kennedy
the assassination (= the murder) of John F. Kennedy
I _ (not catch) the slide number.
= я пропустила
I didn’t catch the slide number.
The first thing I usually do every day is _ (пью) my coffee and _ (выкуриваю) a cigar.
The first thing I usually do every day is
have my coffee and smoke a cigar.
Первое, что мы сделали было / go to the bookmaker…
The first thing we did was go to the bookmaker..
So we decided to t_ the opportunity (= воспользоваться возможностью) to time travel using TARDIS.
So we decided to take the opportunity (= воспользоваться возможностью) to time travel using TARDIS.
Arguably, it could be dangerous to change the past, _ (из-за) the butterfly effect.
Arguably, it could be dangerous to change the past, because of the butterfly effect.
bio products
We wanted to stop this f_ h_ (= prevent this, предотвратить).
We wanted to stop this from happening (= prevent them).
I sometimes go to church concerts to listen to the organ.
[restructure this sentence a bit: get over + object]
I envy people who can get over, quickly, after, negative experiences.
I envy people who can get over negative experiences quickly.
get over + what + how quickly
It’s too cold in the flat because there’s not _ (батарея).
It’s too cold in the flat because there’s not heating.
My hat got s_ _ by the wind.
My hat got swept away by the wind.
the stress is on the FIRST syllable
I was on a train in France and I got the feeling something wasn’t right because people started leaving - I suppose there’d been an a_ (= объявление) about a change of route or something…
I was on a train in France and I got the feeling something wasn’t right because people started leaving - I suppose there’d been an announcement about a change of route or something…
[do you need ‘to’ in this sentence?]
You should pick a very easy game.
no ‘TO’ after modal verbs!
You should pick a very easy game.
virtual reality
He got through his exams with a lot of d_ (= с трудом)
He got through his exams with a lot of difficulty
Each year, my relationship with them _ (становится хуже и хуже).
Each year, my relationship with them is getting worse and worse.
never ‘red’!
I _ from Moscow to Erevan with only one bag. I only need two T-shirts.
I travel from Moscow to Erevan with only one bag. I only need two T-shirts.
or: go
NOT ‘trip’ (‘trip’ as a verb m
If it’s not important, let’s get rid of it!
я знаю в точности what you mean
I know exactly what you mean.
notice the word order!
When my son _ (вырос), I _ (мне пришлось) sell his toys because we didn’t have enough space.
When my son grew up, I had to sell his toys because we didn’t have enough space.
or when he grew out of his toys
I didn’t want to _ (продавать) this toy.
I didn’t want to sell this toy.
‘sell’ means продавать, sail - плавать под парусником
They organize a garage sale _ (перед их домом).
There was a garage sale in front of the house.
In my current company, it’s _ m_ (абсолютно необходимо) to have small talk.
In my current company, it’s a must (абсолютно необходимо) to have small talk.
got through his exams
(where’s the stress?)
like in Russian:
In my region we have this _ (tradition? traditional?)
In my region we have this tradition.
(you need a NOUN, not an adjective)
The first ring _ (потерялось) and the second ring _ (украли) and after that I said - enough is enough, no rings more!
The first ring got lost and the second ring got stolen and after that I said - enough is enough, no rings more!
This was a _ (кольцо с бриллиантом).
This was a diamond ring.
Which option is better?
I got broken my phone.
My phone got broken.
I broke my phone. (сломала, нарочно)
My phone got broken. (сломался)
[pronunciation] prefer
I think this _ (зависит от) the situation.
I think this depends on the situation.
I wear this attitude like a dress. And when I put it on, it _ much easier. (= становится)
I wear this attitude like a dress. And when I put it on, it gets much easier.
I’m thinking _ starting to exercise, but I’ve got mixed feelings about it because I can’t find a nice gym.
I’m thinking of starting to exercise, but I’ve got mixed feelings about it because I can’t find a nice gym.
or ‘I’m thinking about’
My goal is to walk ten thousand steps _ day.
My goal is to walk ten thousand steps a day.
a bit of a problem
a bi-ta-va problem
I try to spend about 50 minutes a day in the nature. This make a big i_ on me. (= влияет)
I try to spend about 50 minutes a day in the nature. This make a big impact on me. (= влияет)
I’ll try to g_ _ mute when I’m not speaking.
I’ll try to go on mute when I’m not speaking.
installed a water heater
automatic lights
Why did he decide to do that?
_ (кто знает)
Why did he decide to do that?
Who knows.
‘a’ or ‘the’?
I think that was _ right decision.
I think that was _ right thing to do.
‘a’ or ‘the’?
I think that was the right decision.
I think that was the right thing to do.