Feedback October Flashcards
[make a sentence]
I / try / get used to / learn English with Brainscape.
I’m trying to get used to learning English with Brainscape.
Did you have a good weekend?
Olya, you/ask me?
Did you have a good weekend?
Olya, are you asking me?
[right now => present continuous]
‘If we don’t get more people on our team, we won’t meet the deadline’.
‘That’s exactly what I/talk about’. = да, я об этом и говорю
That’s exactly what I’m talking about.
they / think of getting a pet.
они подумывают о том, чтобы
They are thinking of getting a pet.
a plan => present continuous
Lisa _ (think of) moving house.
Lisa is thinking of moving house.
a plan => present continuous
I’m trying to get used to _ (spend) 30 minutes for English homework every day.
I’m trying to get used to spending 30 minutes for English homework every day.
get used to + ing
I need some silence. I / try to work.
I’m trying to work.
Back in Moscow, I used to revise vocabulary on the undeground. But here it doesn’t work because I _ (not use) the underground here.
[context: the person has relocated to another country]
Living in another country is permanent => present simple
Back in Moscow, I used to revise vocabulary on the undeground. But here it doesn’t work because I don’t use the underground here.
I don’t want to spend so much time on my phone.
I’m trying to get used to r_ s_ t_. (= уменьшить время, проведённое перед экраном)
I don’t want to spend so much time on my phone.
I’m trying to get used to reducing screen time.
Чёрт! Блин! Да что ж такое!
= D_ _!
Damn it!
/ˈdæmɪt/ - notice that ‘n’ is not pronounced
I’m avoiding _ (leave) my pets alone because they’re ill.
I’m avoiding leaving my pets alone because they’re ill.
avoid + v-ing
Avoiding junk food.. Of course! I’m trying but I _ (not succeed).
Avoiding junk food.. Of course! I’m trying but I‘m not succeeding.
temporary => present continuous
Irena is planning _ (travel) to a ski resort in the mountains for several days
Irena is planning to travel to a ski resort in the mountains for several days
plan + to + verb
What’s the meaning of this expression?
Many people make New Year resolutions, but unfortunately they give up after a short while. Do you tend to do that kind of thing too?
Do you tend to … = вы имеете такую склонность
She’s trying to get used to _ (work) at home.
She’s trying to get used to working at home.
get used to + v-ing
‘Why is Jane so sad?’
‘She’s had an argument with her boyfriend. They / not speak to each other. (= они не разговаривают друг с другом)
They aren’t speaking to each other.
temporary => present continuous
What’s the meaning of this word?
Sometimes, when faced with difficulties in learning a new skill, it’s essential to be persistent.
/ ɪˈsenʃl̩/
essential = extremely important
What’s the meaning of this word?
metimes, when faced with difficulties in learning a new skill, it’s essential to be persistent.
persistent = настойчивый
How do you motivate yourself to keep going?
What’s the meaning of this word?
After trying a new diet, some people find it challenging to keep to their new eating habits. What strategies can help them maintain it?
maintain = поддерживать, удерживать на текущем уровне
e.g. ‘difficult to maintain prices’ = сложно удерживать цены
The two countries have always maintained close relations. = поддерживали тесные отношения
we need to maintain the high standards of service = поддерживать стандарт
What’s the meaning of this word?
Sometimes, plans don’t work out the way we intend.
/ ɪnˈtend/
не получается так, как мы намеревались
Unfortunately the meeting took longer than we intended. = дольше, чем мы планировали
[ + to do sth ] How long are you intending to stay in Paris? = сколько вы собираетесь пробыть…
People’s values t_ _ (= имеют обыкновение) change over time.
People’s values tend to change over time.
I had a m_ accident in the morning. I mixed up the gas pedal with the break pedal. (= not a very serious one)
I had a minor accident in the morning. I mixed up the gas pedal with the break pedal. (= not a very serious one)
Did you have to pay any university tuition _? (= оплата за обучение)
Did you have to pay any university tuition fees? (= оплата за обучение)
I would like to take out a _ to buy a car, please. (= взять кредит)
I would like to take out a loan to buy a car, please.
When I was _ (на втором курсе университета), I got a part-time job.
When I was in my first year at university, I got a part-time job.
I had a _ (стипендия)
I had a scholarship.
Student loans normally offer lower _ (= процент)
Student loans normally offer lower interest rate (= процент)
[Make this sound more culturally appropriate]
It’s really interesting, but I’ve got to go.
Sounds great. Sorry. Got to go.
‘interesting’ can sound very sarcastic
The woman behind the wheel suffered only m_ injuries.
(= получила лишь незначительные травмы)
The woman behind the wheel suffered only minor injuries.
I would feel uncomfortable in this situation.
For Natasha, her communication skills depend _ the situation.
For Natasha, her communication skills depend on the situation.
They don’t look like they _ (push) the door. So I don’t think they _ (try) to get inside.
They don’t look like they are pushing the door. So I don’t think they are trying to get inside.
She might be having trouble concentrating on the meeting.
Judging by the way they’re gesticulating…
He might _ (= может быть он её future husband).
He might be her future husband.
I know you think you _ (be funny), but honestly Dave, it’s just hurtful.
I know you think you’re being funny, but honestly Dave, it’s just hurtful.
= only now
I hope you find this guy because _ (ведёшь себя как идиотка) right now.
I hope you find this guy because you’re being an idiot right now.
You are jealous.
And _ (ты ведёшь себя как an asshole).
You are jealous.
And you’re being an asshole.
Judging by _ (тому, как они обнимаются), they must be saying goodbye to each other.
Judging by the way they’re hugging, they must be saying goodbye to each other.
Judging by _ (судя по их форме / судя по тому, как они одеты), this might be an old people’s home.
Judging by their uniform
Judging by the way they’re dressed
it might be might be an old people’s home.
This might be a hospital for people with mental _. (заболеванием)
This might be a hospital for people with mental illness.
Judging by the clothes of the woman [who+stand] on the left, she might be the relative of one of these people.
Judging by the closes of the woman who’s standing on the left, she might be the relative of one of these people.
Judging by the way he / move, he might / dance.
Judging by the way he’s moving, he might be dancing.
Judging by _ (тому, как они одеты), they’re in prison.
Judging by the way they’re dressed
Judging by what they’re wearing…
add a comma [,]
Judging by the furniture this might be a state-run institution
Judging by the furniture, this might be a state-run institution
[Context: at the end of the email before a business trip]
I’m looking forward to _ (meet) you in person. (= жду с нетерпением, когда мы познакомимся лично)
I’m looking forward to meeting you in person.
looking forward to + noun
looking forward to + v-ing
I was going to go for a walk earlier today, but then I _ my m_ (= передумала), because the weather was too depressing.
I was going to go for a walk earlier today, but then I changed my mind (= передумала), because the weather was too depressing.
From the looks of it, these girls are _ (ADDICT >> adj) to gadgets.
From the looks of it, these girls are addicted to gadgets.
Judging by the way these girls are looking at these devices and not at each other, they’re more _ (interest-ed?-ing?) in these devices than in communicating with each other.
Judging by the way these girls are looking at these devices and not at each other, they’re more interested in these devices than in communicating with each other.
Their kids _ (всё время сидят в телефона).
Their kids are constantly on their phones / are pretty much glued to their phones .
don’t use ‘sit’
From the looks of it, these girls are addicted _ gadgets.
From the looks of it, these girls are addicted to gadgets.
I’m pretty much glued to Instragram - I think I’m _ (addict) to this app.
I’m pretty much glued to Instragram - I think I’m ADDICTED to this app.
To be honest, I think it’s good to use devices for _ (EDUCATION) purposes, but I find it alarming when we’re pretty much glued to our phones in our free time.
To be honest, I think it’s good to use devices for educational purposes, but I find it alarming when we’re pretty much glued to our phones in our free time.
I spend SO much time _ my phone!
I spend SO much time on my phone!
Audio: I’ve actually used a couple of apps to track the time that I spend on my phone.
When everything in my life is good, I can easily g_ _ a detox _ my phone.
When everything in my life is good, I can easily go on a detox from my phone.
[fix something]
But when I’m anxious, I doomscrolling.
[fix something]
But when I’m anxious, I start doomscrolling.
or I keep doomscrolling / I doom-scroll all the time.
If I’m spending a lot of time _ my phone, that means, I’m not all right.
If I’m spending a lot of time on my phone, that means, I’m not all right.
I’m really _ (ADDICTION) to gadgets.
I’m really addicted to gadgets.
We need to have some _ (activities that don’t use technology) >> reformulate with ‘free’.
We need to have some tech-free activities.
[fix something]
How old you son?
How old is you son?
[fix something]
My son is addict to his laptop, but I can’t do anything about that.
My son is addicted to his laptop, but I can’t do anything about that.
After these calls, I always _ this number to the black list.
After these calls, I always add this number to the black list.
or I always blacklist their numbers
Some of my friends are addicted to _ (take) selfies everywhere. They do that every single day!
Some of my friends are addicted to taking selfies everywhere. They do that every single day!
addicted to v-ing
She ignored this person.
no ‘red’!!!
[add one word]
Irena keeps her notes organised using laptop
[add one word]
Irena keeps her notes organised using her laptop
Natasha _ (relax) and _ (unwind) after a hard day using an app with meditation lessons.
Natasha relaxes and unwinds after a hard day using an app with meditation lessons.
Все эти способы использовать технологии пригождаются for us both.
All of these ways of using technologies come in handy for us both.
I think she was just _ (слишком занята).
I think she was just too busy.
too + adjective
too much + noun
My husband is determined that I _ (что мне нужно использовать) an app to track my finances.
My husband is determined that I should use an app to track my finances.
should + verb
I apologized _ my mistake.
I apologized for my mistake.
Note the stress!
Mayber she had to do this asap.
/ˌeɪ es eɪ ˈpiː/
It takes time to _ (привыкнуть к) these new technologies.
It takes time to get used to these new technologies.
Maybe she hurt her feelings u_. (= ненарочно)
Maybe she hurt her feelings unintentionally. (= ненарочно)
My kid spends a lot of time _ (game) with his friends.
My kid spends a lot of time gaming with his friends.
[what’s the meaning]
Did he do this intentionally?
Did he do this intentionally?
= нарочно?
In this day an age, it’s _possible (приставка) to live without technology.
In this day an age, it’s impossible to live without technology.
When we were making our predictions, I thought he’d t_ _ (= коснётся) the way he’d communicate without technology. But he didn’t b_ that _. (не затронул эту тему)
When we were making our predictions, I thought he’d touch on (= коснётся) the way he’d communicate without technology. But he didn’t bring that up. (не затронул эту тему)