Feedback January-February Flashcards
Maybe this photo was created by _ (искусственный интеллект).
Maybe this photo was created by AI.
This flower _ (светится).
This flower glows.
[make a sentence]
it + look like + this
It looks like this.
It was very _ (not expect >> adjective).
It was very unexpected.
In England, if someone _ you a compliment, it’s impolite to simply accept it.
In England, if someone pays you a compliment, it’s impolite to simply accept it.
We ran this text through a profiler and it was a bit _ (неочевидно): sometimes the words that I knew well were not that frequent, and vice versa.
We ran this text through a profiler and it was a bit counter-intuitive: sometimes the words that I knew well were not that frequent, and vice versa.
/ˌkaʊntər ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv/
In England, if someone pays you a compliment, it’s _ (= rude) to simply accept it.
In England, if someone pays you a compliment, it’s impolite to simply accept it.
a tablecloth
What’s this?
a necklace
In case you wondered how easyJet customer service works..
I’m going to Ekaterinburg unless _ (если рейс не отменят) at the last minute.
I’m going to Ekaterinburg unless the flight gets cancelled at the last minute.
I’m going to visit my parents unless _ (если конечно я смогу найти билеты на ferry).
I’m going to visit my parents unless I fail to find a ferry ticket.
It takes courage to sing in public.
BrE /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/
AmE /ˈkɜːrɪdʒ/
..unless the event gets cancelled
They’re faced with a difficult choice.
Julia is going to China this April unless something / wrong / with the visa.
Julia is going to China this April unless something goes wrong with the visa.
Masha is going to start learning one more language unless she _ swamped with new tasks.
Masha is going to start learning one more language unless she gets swamped with new tasks.
I’m sorry I’m on mute, it can get _ (loud / loudly?) here.
I’m sorry I’m on mute, it can get loud here.
I have already visited the swimming pool three times _ (на этой неделе).
I have already visited the swimming pool three times this week.
no prepositions with this / last / next
I’m planning to go _ vacation, but I haven’t bought the tickets yet.
I’m planning to go on vacation, but I haven’t bought the tickets yet.
[add уже]
I’m planning to check our budget unless my husband has done that.
I’m planning to check our budget unless my husband has already done that.
My friend is running his first _-marathon (полумарафон) next month.
My friend is running his first half-marathon next month.
I’m travelling to Edinburgh _ _ next holiday.
I’m travelling to Edinburgh for my next holiday.
Present Simple? Present Continuous? will?
I _ (visit) my hairdresser next Saturday.
I’m visiting my hairdresser next Saturday.
an arrangement => present continuous to refer to the future
I’ve heard about the new Master and Margarita film that’s getting rave reviews _ social media.
I’ve heard about the new Master and Margarita film that’s getting rave reviews on social media.
Strong coffee affects my sleep, so I’m reducing my c_ of it. (= потребление)
Strong coffee affects my sleep, so I’m reducing my consumption of it.
[add an article]
I’m visiting hospital in two weeks.
I’m visiting the hospital in two weeks.
[add one word]
We are going to Dubai for next vacation.
We are going to Dubai for our next vacation.
Next year, I’m _ the course exam at HSE.
Next year, I’m taking the course exam at HSE.
During this competition, you can’t use your car - you have to get around _ _ (пешком).
During this competition, you can’t use your car - you have to get around on foot.
Do you have any plans _ the May holidays?
Do you have any plans for the May holidays?
Alla is planning to babysit her grandson this week unless something _ wrong.
Alla is planning to babysit her grandson this week unless something goes wrong.
Maria is planning to go to Turkey _ May.
Maria is planning to go to Turkey in May.
Maria is planning to visit Kazan _ _ March holidays and participate in the city quest.
= во время
Maria is planning to visit Kazan during the March holidays and participate in the city quest.
= во время
Lena prefers / not / plan for the long-term future because there are too many unforeseen circumstances.
Lena prefers not to plan for the long-term future because there are too many unforeseen circumstances.
I’m going to Ekaterinburg unless the flight gets cancelled _ _ _ minute (= в последнюю минуту).
I’m going to Ekaterinburg unless the flight gets cancelled at the last minute.
[add the necessary articles]
I’m having meeting today with girl who PMed me. We don’t know each other, but I like this kind of networking.
I’m having a meeting today with a girl who PMed me. We don’t know each other, but I like this kind of networking.
My husband is flying _ America next month for a big conference.
My husband is flying to America next month for a big conference.
I’m planning to pay _ all my debts in the near future.
= расплатиться
I’m planning to pay off all my debts in the near future.
[add one word]
I am planning to visit gym three times per week this year.
I am planning to visit the gym three times per week this year.
[add one word]
I’m not going to university; I plan to become blogger.
I’m not going to university; I plan to become a blogger.
I think I’m good _ organising things.
I think I’m good at organising things.
I think you have remarkable _ (сила воли).
I think you have remarkable willpower.
I believe that kindness is the most important _ (качество).
I believe that kindness is the most important character trait.
If my son is concentrated on something, he doesn’t see or hear _ (ничего) - he’s completely focussed.
If my son is concentrated on something, he doesn’t see or hear anything - he’s completely focussed.
I’m a bit overwhelmed.
I disagree with these _ (утверждения).
I disagree with these statements.
In our culture, people expect you to do everything right - you’re not allowed to _ any mistakes.
In our culture, people expect you to do everything right - you’re not allowed to make any mistakes.
If something seems very easy, I must _ (do) it right.
= должно быть, я делаю..
If something seems very easy, I must be doing it right.
Do kids really learn faster than adults?
_ (когда как - depend).
It depends.
[word formation]
If you want to be _ (SUCCESS), you have to practice hard.
If you want to be successful, you have to practice hard.
How can I remember the spelling of ‘because’?
Use a mnemonic.
I never use these techniques.
I need _ (чуть больше) time.
I need _ (намного больше) time.
I need a bit more time.
I need a lot more time.
Next time, we’re gonna have _ (чуть меньше) time.
Next time, we’re gonna have _ (намного меньше) time.
Next time, we’re gonna have a bit less time.
Next time, we’re gonna have a lot less time.
But if we sing _ (хором), it doesn’t matter how well each individual member of the group can sing, you know.
But if we sing in a chorus / together /ˈkɔːrəs/, it doesn’t matter how well each individual member of the group can sing, you know.
Or: I used to sing in a choir /ˈkwaɪə(r)/ - in a group / …
NOT ‘whore’
Насколько я помню, they mentioned some kind of memorisation techniques.
As far as I remember, they mentioned some kind of memorisation techniques.
Gosling’s talent for singing made him an ideal candidate for the role of Ken.
His talent for с_ing complex ideas (= передавать, выражать) through simple illustrations is exceptional.
His talent for conveying complex ideas through simple illustrations is exceptional.
Grigory Sokolov is a brilliant pianist.
Ask your partner 2-3 questions to allow them to use this structure.
[fix this]
If you miss the appointment, you might have to wait another year for another one.
All things you need to do on time in this country.
All things need to be done on time in this country.
It depends on how _ time I have.
It depends on how much time I have.
If I invest in a friend’s business venture, I have to understand that something _ (может произойти) and they _ (возможно не сможет отдать) pay me back.
If I invest in a friend’s business venture, I have to understand that something might happen and they might not be able to pay me back.
future => not can, modal (will / might /…) + be able to
This depends on _ (сколько денег я могу подарить этому другу).
This depends on how much money I can gift to this friend.
This depends on _ (is reading this book necessary? yes or no?)
This depends on whether reading this book is necessary.
They might pay me back in 3 or 4 months.
no vowel between θ and s
Кто виноват и что делать?
Who is to blame and
what is to be done?
Интересность уроков истории напрямую зависит от интересности личности учителя.
How interesting the lessons are depends on how interesting the teacher is.
So, Нас тут только двое?
Нет, нас тут четверго.
So, there are only two of us?
No, there are four of us.
You’re all such good students. I just can’t describe _ (насколько вы inspiring).
You’re all such good students. I just can’t describe how inspiring you are.
Do you prefer tea or c_ (= кофе) in the morning?
[add ‘definitely’ to the sentence in bold]
Do you think our team has a chance to win? It depends on whether the captain of the team will get well. And it depends on how ready they are.
And it definitely depends on how ready they are.
How are you?
Good. I’ve only just _ back home from Istanbul yesterday.
Good. I’ve only just got back home from Istanbul yesterday.
Are you good _ small talk?
Are you good at small talk?
Are you good at small talk?
Oh, it depends on how many drinks I’ve _.
Are you good at small talk?
Oh, it depends on how many drinks I’ve had.
My girlfriend wants to break up with me. Do you think _ (стоит) trying to change her mind?
My girlfriend wants to break up with me. Do you think it’s worth trying to change her mind?
Have you seen the Picasso exhibition?
They were talking about memorisation techniques.
If you don’t have the right genetic makeup, you can’t _ (достичь) success in sports.
If you don’t have the right genetic makeup, you can’t achieve success in sports.
You need to have your _ (зрение) tested.
= have … tested = проверить зрение
You need to have your eyesight tested.
good/bad/poor eyesight
This depends on your genes, doesn’t it?
These people don’t have to invest as much effort to achieve the same results.
Some athletes just don’t have the right genes.
These people have more red blood cells, which gives them better _ (выносливость).
These people have more red blood cells, which gives them better stamina.
‘Becoming an athlete is a way to change your life’.
This is a verb which _ (превращается в) a noun.
This is a verb which turns into a noun.
becoming an athlete
Maybe I’m wrong, but Martha very c_ to me. (= не очень убедительна)
Maybe I’m wrong, but Martha isn’t very convincing to me.
it - easy / understand
but difficult / speak fluently
It’s easy to understand everything, but difficult to speak fluently.
adj + to + verb