Vocabulary EDT Flashcards
noun [ U ] (UK usually utilisation)
UK /ˌjuː.tɪ.laɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ US /ˌjuː.t̬əl.əˈzeɪ.ʃən
the act of using something in an effective way:
Sensible utilization of the world’s resources is a priority.
Resource utilization and cost-effective therapy are an integral part of modern medical practice.
capacity utilization
limit utilization
utilization of credit lines
degree of utilization
noun [ U ] formal
UK /prəˈkjʊə.mənt/ US /prəˈkjʊr.mənt/
the process of getting supplies:
a substantial budget for the procurement of military supplies
procurement system
öffentliches Beschaffungswesen FIN
public procurement
exclusive procurement
procurement restrictions
procurement tying
procurement costs
procurement duty
a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person:
He’ll be a great asset to the team.
Knowledge of languages is a real asset in this sort of work.
His eyes are his best asset (= most attractive feature).
capital [adequacy] [or capital-to-asset] ratio
Eigenkapitalquote f
net assets [or asset value]
Reinvermögen nt <-s, ->
net assets [or asset value]
Nettovermögen nt <-s, ->
net asset value per share
Inventarwert m eines Fondsanteils
near money asset
Near-Money-Asset m
practical work, esp. work that involves physical effort:
The car parts themselves are not expensive – it’s the labor that costs so much.
domestic labour [or Am domestic labor]
inländischer Arbeitsmarkt
domestic labour [or Am domestic labor] (feminism)
Kindererziehung und unbezahlte Hausarbeit, geleistet durch die ‘Hausfrauen’
to enjoy the fruits of one’s labour
die Früchte seiner Arbeit genießen
to enjoy the fruits of one’s labour
die Früchte seiner Arbeit genießen
to labour under a delusion/an illusion
sich Akk einer Täuschung/Illusion hingeben
labour(American ) labor [ˈleibə]
♦ noun
1 hard work: The building of the cathedral involved considerable labour over two centuries; People engaged in manual labour are often badly paid.
کار شاق
2 workmen on a job: The firm is having difficulty hiring labour.
نیروی کار
3 (in a pregnant woman etc ) the process of childbirth: She was in labour for several hours before the baby was born.
وضع حمل
4 used (with capital ) as a name for the Socialist party in the United Kingdom.
حزب کارگر
♦ verb
1 to be employed to do hard and unskilled work: He spends the summer labouring on a building site.
کار کردن
2 to move or work etc slowly or with difficulty: They laboured through the deep undergrowth in the jungle; the car engine labours a bit on steep hills.
به زحمت انجام دادن
laborious [ləˈboːriəs]
♦ adjective
difficult; requiring hard work: Moving house is always a laborious process.
پر زحمت
♦ adverb
با زحمت
♦ noun
♦ noun
a workman who is employed to do heavy work requiring little skill: the labourers on a building site.
ˈlabour court
♦ noun
a court of law for settling disputes between management and workers.
دیوان کار
ˈlabour dispute
♦ noun
a disagreement between management and workers about working conditions, pay etc .
مجادله کاری
♦ adjective
intended to lessen work: washing-machines and other labour-saving devices.
labour(American ) labor [ˈleibə]
♦ noun
1 hard work: The building of the cathedral involved considerable labour over two centuries; People engaged in manual labour are often badly paid.
کار شاق
2 workmen on a job: The firm is having difficulty hiring labour.
نیروی کار
3 (in a pregnant woman etc ) the process of childbirth: She was in labour for several hours before the baby was born.
وضع حمل
4 used (with capital ) as a name for the Socialist party in the United Kingdom.
حزب کارگر
♦ verb
1 to be employed to do hard and unskilled work: He spends the summer labouring on a building site.
کار کردن
2 to move or work etc slowly or with difficulty: They laboured through the deep undergrowth in the jungle; the car engine labours a bit on steep hills.
به زحمت انجام دادن
laborious [ləˈboːriəs]
♦ adjective
difficult; requiring hard work: Moving house is always a laborious process.
پر زحمت
♦ adverb
با زحمت
♦ noun
♦ noun
a workman who is employed to do heavy work requiring little skill: the labourers on a building site.
ˈlabour court
♦ noun
a court of law for settling disputes between management and workers.
دیوان کار
ˈlabour dispute
♦ noun
a disagreement between management and workers about working conditions, pay etc .
مجادله کاری
♦ adjective
intended to lessen work: washing-machines and other labour-saving devices.
UK /ˈek.wɪ.ti/ US /ˈek.wə.t̬i
the value of a company, divided into many equal parts owned by the shareholders, or one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided:
He sold his equity in the company last year.
The rights give holders the opportunity to purchase additional equity interests in the company at a big discount.
[equity] gearing
Verhältnis nt zwischen Eigen- und Fremdkapital m
[equity] gearing
Verschuldungsgrad m <-(e)s, -e>
deferred equity
Nachzugsaktien pl
dilution of equity [or shareholding]
Wertminderung f von Aktien
allocation of equity FIN
Eigenkapitalallokation f
noun [ S ]
UK /weɪdʒ/ US /weɪdʒ/
(also wages [ plural ])
a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education:
a very low/high wage
an hourly/daily/weekly/annual wage
He gets/earns/is paid a good wage, because he works for a fair employer.
The job pays very low wages.
to draw unemployment benefit/a wage
Arbeitslosengeld/einen Lohn bekommen [o. erhalten]
my wage has been reduced to £160
mein Lohn wurde auf 160 Pfund gekürzt
to wage war [or a campaign] against/for sth/sb
gegen/für etw/jdn zu Felde ziehen
to get a decent/good/low wage
anständig/gut/wenig verdienen
a wage/price freeze [or a freeze on wage/prices]
ein Einfrieren nt der Löhne/der Preise ugs
noun [ C or U ]
UK /ˌdɪs.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən/ US /ˌdɪs.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən
noun [ C or U ]
UK /ˌdɪs.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən/ US /ˌdɪs.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən
the process of giving things out to several people, or spreading or supplying something:
distribution of something between something Has the Channel Tunnel improved the distribution of goods between the British Isles and mainland Europe?
distribution costs
distribution network We could reduce our costs by developing a more efficient distribution network.
noun - distribution
توزیع: distribution, dispensation, repartition
پخش: broadcast, distribution, release, diffusion, dissemination, propagation
بخش: section, part, sector, department, segment, distribution
اشاعه: distribution, publication, broadcasting
تعمیم: generalization, extension, popularization, distribution
to supervise the distribution of aid
die Verteilung von Hilfsgütern überwachen
distribution of assets FIN
Verteilung f des Vermögens
equitable/even distribution
gerechte/gleichmäßige Verteilung
distribution of goods
Warenaustausch m <-(e)s> kein pl
distribution of income
Gewinnausschüttung f <-, -en>
intangible/tangible assets
real and not imaginary; able to be shown, touched, or experienced:
We need tangible evidence if we’re going to take legal action.
Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours.
tangible [ˈtӕndʒəbl]
♦ adjective
real or definite: tangible evidence.
واقعی؛ مشخص
♦ adverb
بطور قابل لمس
♦ noun
لمس پذیری
adjective - tangible
محسوس: tangible, sensible, perceptible, appreciable, phenomenal
قابل لمس: palpable, tangible
پر ماس پذیر: palpable, tangible
لمس کردنی: tactile, tangible
noun - tangible
پر ماس پذیر: tangible
intangible/tangible assets
immaterielle/materielle Vermögenswerte
a tangible difference
ein spürbarer [o. merklicher] Unterschied
a tangible relief
eine fühlbare Erleichterung
a tangible success
ein greifbarer Erfolg
tangible advantage
realer [o. echter] Vorteil
noun [ C or U ]
UK /əˈkruː.əl/ US /əˈkruː.əl/
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a gradual increase in an amount of money
accrual of sth The accrual of interest begins when the funds are credited to the account.
non-accrual loan
zinslos gestellter Kredit
accrual of interest
Zinszuwachs m
accrual of interest
Zinsthesaurierung f fachspr
Dreh- und Angelpunkt m
pivot [ˈpivət]
♦ noun
the pin or centre on which anything balances and turns.
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈpivoted –
(with on ) to turn (on): The door pivoted on a central hinge.
the central or most important person or thing in a situation:
turn/revolve on a pivot The former guerrilla leader has become the pivot on which the country’s emerging political stability turns/revolves (= it depends on him).
pivot point
to be the pivot of sth
im Zentrum einer S. Gen stehen
lights which pivot on brackets
Scheinwerfer, die sich auf Trägern drehen
to pivot round [or Am around]
sich Akk [um]drehen
Inventar nt
Bestandsliste f
inventory [ˈinvəntri, (American) ˈinvənˌto:ri]– plural ˈinventories –
♦ noun
a formal and detailed list of goods eg house furniture.
فهرست موجودی
household inventory insurance
Hausratversicherung f <-, -en>
to draw up [or take] an inventory
eine Bestandsliste aufstellen
to draw up [or take] an inventory
Bestand [o. Inventar] aufnehmen
our inventory of used cars is the best
wir haben das beste Angebot an Gebrauchtwagen
to take inventory
Inventur machen
Diffusion diffuse
verb [ I or T ]
UK /dɪˈfjuːz/ US /dɪˈfjuːz/
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to (cause something to) spread in many directions:
Television is a powerful means of diffusing knowledge.
to (cause a gas or liquid to) spread through or into a surrounding substance by mixing with it:
diffuse into Oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the bloodstream.
The drop of red dye diffused slowly in the water.
noun [ U ]
UK /dɪˈfjuː.ʒən/ US /dɪˈfjuː.ʒən/
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the action of spreading in many directions:
diffusion of Powerful global institutions drive the diffusion of new technologies.
Modern communications make the diffusion of ideas extremely rapid.
(of a gas or liquid) the process of spreading through or into a surrounding substance by mixing with it:
the process of diffusion in gases/liquids/solids
The inward diffusion of oxygen was fairly rapid at room temperature.
diffuse light
diffuses Licht nt
diffuse light
Streulicht nt <-(e)s> kein pl
diffuse celestial radiation [or light] METEO
Himmelsstrahlung f
diffuse murmuring
undeutliches Gemurmel
to diffuse knowledge
Wissen verbreiten
UK /ˈdʒɔɪnt.li/ US /ˈdʒɔɪnt.li/
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in a way that belongs to or is shared between two or more people:
The Channel Tunnel was jointly funded by the French and British.
The tenants are all jointly responsible for the rent.
hint [hint]
♦ noun
1 a statement that passes on information without giving it openly or directly: He didn’t actually say he wanted more money, but he dropped a hint.
2 a helpful suggestion: I can give you some useful gardening hints.
3 a very small amount; a slight impression: There was a hint of fear in his voice.
چيز خيلي جزيی
♦ verb
to (try to) pass on information without stating it openly or directly: He hinted that he would like more money; He hinted at possible changes.
تلويحآ گفتن
take a/the hint
to understand a hint and act on it: I keep making jokes to my secretary about her coming to work late every day, but she never takes the hint.
متوجه کنایه شدن
white with a hint of blue
weiß mit einem Hauch von blau
at the slightest hint of trouble
beim leisesten Anzeichen von Ärger
he gave me no hint that …
er gab mir nicht den leisesten Wink, ob …
ok, I can take a hint
o.k., ich verstehe schon
it’s my birthday next week, hint, hint!
ich habe nächste Woche Geburtstag - so ein dezenter Hinweis
augment [oːgˈment]
♦ verb
to increase in amount or make bigger in size or number.
بیشتر کردن؛ بزرگتر کردن
♦ noun
adjective MUSIC specialized
UK/ɔːɡˈmen.tɪd/ US/ɑːɡˈmen.t̬ɪd/
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If a musical interval (= the amount by which one note is higher or lower than another) is augmented, it is one semitone (= the smallest difference in sound between two notes that are next to each other in the Western musical scale) larger than major or perfect:
She loves major sixths and augmented fifths.
The music opened with a glorious extension of an augmented chord.
to augment a fund
einen Fonds aufstocken
to augment one’s income
sein Einkommen verbessern
suspend [səˈspend]
♦ verb
1 to hang: The meat was suspended from a hook.
آويزان كردن
2 to keep from falling or sinking: Particles of dust are suspended in the air.
معلق كردن
3 to stop or discontinue temporarily: All business will be suspended until after the funeral.
مسكوت گذاشتن
4 to prevent (a person) temporarily from continuing his (professional) activities or having his usual privileges: Two footballers were suspended after yesterday’s match.
موقتا تعطيل كردن
suspended ˈsentence
♦ noun
a prison sentence that will take effect only if the criminal commits a (similar) crime again.
جمله مشكوك
♦ noun plural
1 a pair, or set, of elastic straps for holding up socks or stockings.
بند جوراب زنانه
2 (American ) braces for holding up trousers.
بند شلوار
suˈspense [-s]
♦ noun
a state of uncertainty and anxiety: We waited in suspense for the result of the competition.
suˈspension [-ʃən]
♦ noun
1 the act of suspending.
2 in a motor vehicle etc , the system of springs etc supporting the frame on the axles.
3 a liquid with solid particles that do not sink.
suspension bridge
a type of bridge that has its roadway suspended from cables supported by towers.
پل معلق
to suspend judgement
mit seiner Meinung zurückhalten
to suspend proceedings JUR
die Verhandlung unterbrechen
to suspend a constitution/right
eine Verfassung/ein Recht zeitweise außer Kraft setzen
to suspend sb from duty
jdn vom Dienst suspendieren
to suspend [or postpone] sth [or to put sth off]indefinitely
etw auf unbestimmte Zeit verschieben
Bereicherung f
noun [ U ]
UK /ɪnˈrɪtʃ.mənt/ US /ɪnˈrɪtʃ.mənt/
enrichment noun [U] (IMPROVEMENT)
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the act or process of improving the quality or power of something by adding something else:
The soil needs constant enrichment with organic matter.
The children who do well on such tests are those whose parents read to them and take them on enrichment excursions.
emerge [iˈməːdʒ]
♦ verb
1 to come out; to come into view: The swimmer emerged from the water; He was already thirty before his artistic talent emerged.
نمایان شدن؛ پدیدار شدن
2 to become known: It emerged that they had had a disagreement.
آشکار شدن
♦ noun
پیدایش؛ ظهور
♦ adjective
being in the process of emerging or developing: the emergent nations.
تازه تاسیس؛ نوپا
to emerge unscathed from sth übtr
etw unbeschadet überstehen
to emerge from behind/beneath [or under] sth
hinter/unter etw Dat hervorkommen
to emerge from the sea
aus dem Meer auftauchen
to emerge unscathed from a scandal
aus einem Skandal unbeschadet hervorgehen
to emerge [as] the victor
als Sieger/Siegerin hervorgehen
verb [ T often passive ]
UK /ˌəʊ.vəˈleɪ/ US /ˌoʊ.vɚˈleɪ/
overlaid | overlaid
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to cover something with a layer of something:
The tiny carvings were overlaid with silver.
strive [straiv]– past tense strove [strouv]: past participle striven [ˈstrivn] –
♦ verb
to try very hard or struggle: He always strives to please his teacher.
سعي كردن
sich Akk bemühen
to strive for statehood
eine eigene staatliche Souveränität anstreben
strive as we might [or may]
trotz all unserer Bemühungen
nach etw Dat trachten
to strive for [or after] sth
nach etw Dat streben
to strive [or try hard] for sth
danach streben, etw zu tun
to strive [or try hard] to do sth
lure [luə]
♦ noun
attraction; something very attractive or tempting: The lure of his mother’s good cooking brought him back home.
♦ verb
to tempt or attract: The bright lights of the city lured him away from home.
وسوسه کردن
UK /lʊər/ US /lʊr/
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C2 [ C usually singular ]
the quality or power that something or someone has that makes it, him, or her attractive:
the lure of fame/power/money
to lure sb/an animal into a trap
jdn/ein Tier in eine Falle locken
to lure sb/an animal out from sth
jdn/ein Tier aus etw Dat hervorlocken
the lure of easy money
der Reiz des schnellen Geldes
the lure of the wild
der Ruf der Wildnis
the lure of exoticism
der Reiz des Exotischen
forecast [ˈfoːkaːst]– past tense, past participle ˈforecast or ˈforecasted –
♦ verb
to tell about (something) before it happens: He forecast good weather for the next three days.
پیش بینی کردن
♦ noun
a statement about what is going to happen; a prediction: forecasts about the economy.
پیش بینی
- The forecast calls for rain.
هواشناسی پیش بینی بارندگی کرده. - Now it’s time for the weather forecast.
اکنون زمان پیش بینی هواست.
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈfɔː.kɑːst/ US /ˈfɔːr.kæst/
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a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions:
economic forecast There will be some good news in today’s economic forecast.
weather forecast The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today.
to be forecast to do sth
laut Vorhersage etw tun
she was forecast to win by three newspapers
drei Zeitungen prophezeiten, dass sie gewinnen würde
weather forecast for shipping
Seewetterbericht m
short-range weather forecast
Wettervorhersage f für die nächsten Tage
doomy forecast/thriller
düstere Vorhersage/düsterer Thriller
cumulative [ˈkjuːmjulətiv]
♦ adjective
becoming greater by stages or additions: This drug has a cumulative effect.
UK /ˈkjuː.mjə.lə.tɪv/ US /ˈkjuː.mjə.lə.t̬ɪv/
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increasing by one addition after another:
cumulative effect The cumulative effect of using so many chemicals on the land could be disastrous.
point of inflection
UK /ɪnˈflekt/ US /ɪnˈflekt/
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(of a word) to change spelling or ending according to the way it is used in a sentence; to change a spelling or ending in this way:
Almost all word types can inflect in Finnish.
a language where verbs are inflected
[ T ]
to slightly influence or show the slight influence of something:
inflect something with something The actors inflect their performances with sincere emotion.
Deep pain inflected his voice.
1.to inflect sth
etw beugen [o. fachspr flektieren]
- inflect (modulate):
to inflect one’s voice
seine Stimme modulieren
adjective formal or humorous
UK /juːˈbɪk.wɪ.təs/ US /juːˈbɪk.wə.t̬əs/
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seeming to be everywhere:
Leather is very much in fashion this season, as is the ubiquitous denim.
The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.
The mobile phone, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.
ubiqui·tous [ju:ˈbɪkwɪtəs, Am -wət̬əs] ADJ
allgegenwärtig geh
niche [nitʃ, niːʃ]
♦ noun
1 a hollow in a wall for a statue, ornament etc .
تو رفتگى در ديوار
2 a suitable place in life: He found his niche in engineering.
noun [ C ]
UK /niːʃ/ US /nɪtʃ/
niche noun [C] (POSITION)
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a job or position that is very suitable for someone, especially one that they like:
He has carved/made a niche for himself as a financial advisor.
an area or position that is exactly suitable for a small group of the same type:
an ecological niche
verb [ T ]
UK /ˌʌn.dəˈpɪn/ US /ˌʌn.dɚˈpɪn/
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ARCHITECTURE formal or specialized
to give support, strength, or a basic structure to something:
He presented data to underpin his argument.
Gradually the laws that underpinned (= formed part of the basic structure of) apartheid were abolished.
When restoring the building, the first priority was to underpin the exterior walls by adding wooden supports along the foundations.
fierce [fiəs]
♦ adjective
1 very angry and likely to attack: a fierce dog; a fierce expression.
2 intense or strong: fierce rivals.
شدید؛ قوی
♦ adverb
با درنده خویی؛ به شدت
dogged/fierce/ruthless determination
zähe/wilde/rücksichtslose Entschlossenheit
to stir up a fierce/heated controversy
zu heftigen Kontroversen Anlass geben
the Labour vote held up despite fierce opposition
Labour konnte sich trotz starker Opposition behaupten [o. durchsetzen]
fierce combat [or fighting]
erbitterter Kampf
fierce competition
erbarmungslose [o. scharfe] Konkurrenz
etwas beschaffen
procure [prəˈkjuə]
♦ verb
to get or obtain: He managed to procure a car.
بدست آوردن
verb formal
UK /prəˈkjʊər/ US /prəˈkjʊr/
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[ T ]
to get something, especially after an effort:
She’s managed somehow to procure his phone number.
[ + two objects ] He’d procured us seats in the front row.
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a system in which both managers and workers are involved in making important decisions for a company:
No other country has gone as far as Germany, although most big EU members have some sort of co-determination.
adjective LAW US specialized
UK /dɪsˈpɒz.ə.tɪv/ US /dɪsˈpɑː.zə.t̬ɪv/
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deciding a matter finally, or relating to the process of doing this:
No single factor is ordinarily dispositive.
The surveyor left off the original boundary lines, and that proved to be the dispositive fact in this appeal.
UK /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl/ US /rɪˈlaɪ.ə.bəl/
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Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect:
Is your watch reliable?
reliable information
Gideon is very reliable - if he says he’ll do something, he’ll do it.
noun [ U ] formal
UK /kəmˈplaɪ.əns/ US /kəmˈplaɪ.əns/
(also compliancy)
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the act of obeying a law or rule, especially one that controls a particular industry or type of work:
It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.
The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental laws.
They will conduct yearly audits to ensure compliancy with the latest regulations.
the act of doing everything that someone tells or wants you to do:
It’s his compliance that amazes me.
They give orders and they expect absolute compliance.
The parents use positive reinforcement to gain their child’s compliancy.
inventory [ˈinvəntri, (American) ˈinvənˌto:ri]– plural ˈinventories –
♦ noun
a formal and detailed list of goods eg house furniture.
فهرست موجودی
Inventar nt <-s, -e>
Bestandsliste f
noun [ U ]
UK /dɪˌpriː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ US /dɪˌpriː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/
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the process of losing value
noun [ U ] (UK usually amortisation)
UK /əˌmɔː.tɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ US /æmˌɔːr.t̬əˈzeɪ.ʃən/
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the process of reducing a cost or total in regular small amounts:
This number represents the company’s value before depreciation and amortization.
These are the bi-weekly dates for the loan amortization.
write something down
to show in a company’s accounts (= financial records) that something is worth less than it was before:
The building cost £700,000 to build, but it was written down to £300,000.
noun [ C ]
UK /əˈfɪl.i.ət/ US /əˈfɪl.i.ət/
an organization that is connected with or controlled by another, usually larger, organization:
Our college is an affiliate of the university.
verb [ T ]
UK /əˈfɪl.i.eɪt/ US /əˈfɪl.i.eɪt/
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to cause a group to become part of or form a close relationship with another, usually larger, group, or organization:
a college affiliated to the University of Mumbai
The school is affiliated with a national association of driving schools.
etw verschieben
defer1 [diˈfəː]– past tense, past participle deˈferred –
♦ verb
to put off to another time: They can defer their departure.
به تاخیر انداختن
verb [ T ]
UK /dɪˈfɜːr/ US
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to delay something until a later time:
defer action/a decision The committee decided to defer a decision on the takeover bid until a later date.
defer tax/payment
defer doing sth The scheme enables investors to defer paying taxes on the gain.
etw ausgleichen [o. aufrechnen]
verb [ T ]
UK /ˌɒfˈset/ US
offsetting | offset | offset
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to balance one effect against an opposing effect, so that there is no great difference as a result:
The price of petrol products was offset by a decline in motor vehicle prices.
offset sth against sth Offset any losses against your overall income.
offset FIN:
to offset sth
etw ausgleichen [o. aufrechnen]
to offset a disadvantage
einen Nachteil aufwiegen
to offset sth against tax Aus, Brit
etw von der Steuer absetzen
to offset sth by sth
etw durch etw Akk ausgleichen
UK /əˈkruːəl/ US
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[ C or U ] FINANCE
an increase in an amount of money over a period of time:
accrual of sth The accrual of interest begins when the funds are credited to the account.
loft [loft]
♦ noun
a room or space under a roof: They kept a lot of spare furniture in the loft.
اتاق زیر شیروانی
♦ adjective
1 very high: a lofty building.
2 haughty or proud: a lofty attitude.
♦ adverb
با مناعت
♦ noun
مناعت؛ بلندی
a space at the top of a building under the roof used for storing things and usually entered by a ladder, or sometimes made into a room for living in:
The firm specializes in loft conversions (= making lofts into rooms).
n upper floor or room
an apartment in a large building that was previously used for industry
Fewer examples
I keep my old books in the loft.
I think I’ll stow the camping equipment away in the loft until next summer.
There are rats in our loft.
We are planning to convert our loft into an office.
He climbed the ladder into the loft.
subsequent [ˈsabsikwənt]
♦ adjective
following or coming after: His misbehaviour and subsequent dismissal from the firm were reported in the newspaper.
♦ adverb
afterwards: He escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured.
subsequent to
after: The child became ill subsequent to receiving an injection against measles.
UK /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ US /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/
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happening after something else:
The book discusses his illness and subsequent resignation from politics.
Those explosions must have been subsequent to our departure, because we didn’t hear anything.
subsequent (resulting)
subsequent (resulting)
subsequent (later)
subsequent events confirm original doubts
spätere Ereignisse bestätigen die anfänglichen Zweifel
subsequent to sth
im Anschluss an etw Akk
evolve [iˈvolv]
♦ verb
to (cause to) develop gradually: Man evolved from the apes.
تکامل یافتن
evolution [iːvəˈluːʃən, (American) e-]
♦ noun
1 gradual working out or development: the evolution of our form of government.
تکامل؛ تحول
2 the development of the higher kinds of animals (eg man), plants etc , from the lower kinds: Darwin’s theory of evolution.
evolutionary [iːvəˈluːʃənəri, (American) e-]
♦ adjective
Narrow AI
US UK narrow [ˈnӕrəu]
♦ adjective
1 having or being only a small distance from side to side: a narrow road; The bridge is too narrow for large lorries to cross.
2 only just managed: a narrow escape.
3 (of ideas, interests or experience) not extensive enough.
کم پهنا
♦ verb
to make or become narrow: The road suddenly narrowed.
محدود کردن
♦ adverb
closely; only just: The ball narrowly missed his head.
از نزدیک
♦ noun plural
a narrow sea-passage; a channel or strait.
♦ adjective
unwilling to accept ideas different from one’s own.
کوته فکر
jemanden/etwas übertreffen
surpass [səˈpaːs]
♦ verb
to be, or do, better, or more than.
جلو افتادن
verb [ T ] formal
UK /səˈpɑːs/ US /sɚˈpæs/
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to do or be better than:
His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.
The book’s success has surpassed everyone’s expectations.
The director has really surpassed himself (= done better than he has done before) with this new film.
to do or be better or greater than something:
The quarterly sales figures have surpassed everyone’s expectations.
The latest figures surpassed the previous peak of 15,418 foreclosures in the third quarter of 2008.
to surpass all expectations
alle Erwartungen übertreffen
über jdn hinauswachsen
to surpass [or outstrip] [or outshine] sb
jdn/etw [mit etw Dat] übertrumpfen
to outdo sb [with sth]/surpass sth [with sth]
sich Akk selbst [mit etw Dat] übertreffen
to surpass [or excel] oneself [with sth]
UK /ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsmənt/ US
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[ C or U ]
the act of making an idea or belief stronger:
The new logo serves as a visual reinforcement of the company’s values.
[ C, usually plural ]
extra people to help with work:
Shops had to call in reinforcements to help with the unexpected rush of customers.
the act of making a material or structure stronger, or the thing that is added to a structure to make it stronger:
This wall needs some kind of reinforcement.
Titanium reinforcements were added to the structure.
UK /ˈrɪɡərəs/ US
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detailed and careful:
I want rigorous financial analysis of the options.
The selection process is extremely rigorous.
strict or severe:
A rigorous monetary and fiscal policy should encourage efficiency.
Refrigeration of food, improved hygiene and rigorous standards in the food industry prevent gastro-intestinal infections.
sich Akk [voneinander] loslösen [o. frei machen]
US UK disentangle [disinˈtӕŋgl]
♦ verb
to free from being tangled; to unravel: The bird could not disentangle itself from the net.
درآوردن؛ رها ساختن
♦ noun
خلاصی از گرفتاری
verb [ T ]
UK /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈtæŋ.ɡəl/ US /ˌdɪs.ɪnˈtæŋ.ɡəl/
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to separate things that have become joined or confused:
disentangle something from something It’s difficult to disentangle hard fact from myth, or truth from lies.
I tried to disentangle the wires under my desk.
noun [ U ]
UK /ˈbenʃˌmɑːkɪŋ/ US /-ˌmɑːr-/
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the act of measuring the quality of something by comparing it with something else of an accepted standard:
Without government benchmarking, customers can’t be sure of the truth of a business’s claims to being environmentally-friendly.
the use of something as a standard in order to improve your own work, products, or processes:
Benchmarking will make greater improvements in the company’s services.
Organizational designs have to foster motivation
and employees’ initiative!
foster [ˈfostə]
♦ verb
1 to look after for a period of time; to bring up a child that is not one’s own: She fostered the children for several months.
پرورش دادن
2 to encourage or give help to (ideas etc ): She fostered the child’s talents.
ˈfoster-brother, *ˈfoster-sister
♦ nouns
a child that has been fostered in another child’s family.
خواهر خوانده؛ برادر خوانده
♦ noun
a child fostered by a family.
بچه ای که به فرزند خواندگی پذیرفته شده
ˈfoster-parent (ˈfoster-father, *ˈfoster-mother)
♦ noun
a person who looks after a child not his or her own.
والدینی که سرپرستی بچه ای را به عهده دارند
foster [ˈfostə]
♦ verb
1 to look after for a period of time; to bring up a child that is not one’s own: She fostered the children for several months.
پرورش دادن
2 to encourage or give help to (ideas etc ): She fostered the child’s talents.
ˈfoster-brother, *ˈfoster-sister
♦ nouns
a child that has been fostered in another child’s family.
خواهر خوانده؛ برادر خوانده
♦ noun
a child fostered by a family.
بچه ای که به فرزند خواندگی پذیرفته شده
ˈfoster-parent (ˈfoster-father, *ˈfoster-mother)
♦ noun
a person who looks after a child not his or her own.
والدینی که سرپرستی بچه ای را به عهده دارند
- foster (as family):
to foster sb
jdn aufziehen
- foster (encourage development):
to foster sth [in sb]
etw [bei jdm] fördern
what is the best way to foster democracy in former communist countries?
wie kann man am besten die Demokratie in den ehemaligen kommunistischen Staaten begünstigen?
venture [ˈventʃə]
♦ noun
an undertaking or scheme that involves some risk: his latest business venture.
کار ریسکی
♦ verb
1 to dare to go: Every day the child ventured further into the forest.
جرات پیش روی پیدا کردن
2 to dare (to do (something), especially to say (something)): He ventured to kiss her hand; I ventured (to remark) that her skirt was too short.
جرات کردن
3 to risk: He decided to venture all his money on the scheme.
ریسک کردن
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈven.tʃər/ US /ˈven.tʃɚ/
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a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty:
She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.
There are many joint ventures between American and Japanese companies.
verb [ I usually + adv/prep, T ] formal
UK /ˈven.tʃər/ US /ˈven.tʃɚ/
to risk going somewhere or doing something that might be dangerous or unpleasant, or to risk saying something that might be criticized:
She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries.
As we set off into the forest, we felt as though we were venturing (forth) into the unknown.
She tentatively ventured the opinion that the project would be too expensive to complete, but the boss ignored her.
I. ven·ture [ˈventʃəʳ, Am -ɚ] SUBST
Unternehmung f <-, -en>
Projekt nt <-(e)s, -e>
venture (risky)
gewagtes Unternehmen
venture WIRTSCH
Unternehmen nt <-s, ->
joint venture
Jointventure nt <-s, -s> fachspr
joint venture
Gemeinschaftsunternehmen nt <-s, ->
II. ven·ture [ˈventʃəʳ, Am -ɚ] VERB trans
1. venture (dare to express):
to venture sth
etw vorsichtig äußern
to venture an opinion
sich Dat erlauben, seine Meinung zu sagen
- venture (put at risk):
to venture sth on sth
etw auf etw Akk setzen
he ventured the company’s reputation on his new invention
er setzte den Ruf der Firma für seine neue Erfindung aufs Spiel
to venture one’s winnings on sth
seine Gewinne auf etw Akk setzen
nothing ventured, nothing gained Sprichw
wer wagt, gewinnt Sprichw
nothing ventured, nothing gained Sprichw
frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen Sprichw
UK /əˈsʌmʃən/ US
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[ S ]
something that you accept as true, although you have no proof:
make an assumption about sb/sth We tend to make assumptions about our staff’s ability based on very little evidence.
on the assumption that They decided to go ahead on the assumption that the figures they had been given were accurate.
These calculations are based on the assumption that sales will continue to ris
- assumption:
assumption (supposition)
Annahme f <-, -n>
assumption (presupposition)
Voraussetzung f <-, -en>
on the assumption that …
wenn man davon ausgeht, dass …
I acted on the assumption that …
ich ging davon aus, dass …
- assumption no pl (hypothesizing):
Vermutung f <-, -en>
Annahme f <-, -n>
- assumption no pl (taking over):
Übernahme f <-, -n>
assumption of debt/loss
Schuld-/Verlustübernahme f
assumption of power
Machtübernahme f <-, -n>
Test the product with a small group of customers to validate its value proposition.
proposition [propəˈziʃən]
♦ noun
1 a proposal or suggestion.
2 a thing or situation that must be done or dealt with: a difficult proposition.
♦ verb
to propose to someone to have sex together: He was propositioned by a prostitute.
پیشنهاد همخوابگی کردن
noun [ C ]
UK /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃən/ US
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an offer or suggestion about a business activity:
put/make a proposition to sb I’ve put my proposition to the company director for his consideration.
accept/back/consider a proposition I need more time to consider your proposition.
The line, which has advanced high-speed InterCity trains, is considered to be a highly attractive proposition for the private sector.
a risky/viable proposition
a business/investment proposition
a commercial/economic proposition
Refine the product based on customer feedback and iterate until a product-market fit is achieved.
refine [rəˈfain]
♦ verb
1 to make (a substance eg sugar) pure by taking out dirt, waste substances etc : Oil is refined before it is used.
تصفیه کردن؛ خالص کردن
2 to improve: We have refined our techniques considerably since the work began.
اصلاح کردن؛ سامان بخشیدن
♦ adjective
(negative unrefined )
1 very polite; well-mannered; elegant.
با ادب
2 having been refined: refined sugar.
♦ noun
1 good manners, good taste, polite speech etc .
تزکیه؛ پیراستگی
2 (an) improvement: to make refinements.
بهسازی؛ اصلاح
reˈfinery– plural reˈfineries –
♦ noun
a place where sugar or oil etc is refined: an oil refinery.
verb [ T ]
UK /rɪˈfaɪn/ US
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to improve something or to make it pure, especially by removing material that is not wanted:
Crude oil is industrially refined to purify it.
to improve an idea, a method, a system, etc. by making small changes:
Engineers spent many months refining the software.
verb [ T ] MATHEMATICS, COMPUTING specialized
UK /ˈɪt.ər.eɪt/ US /ˈɪt̬.ə.reɪt/
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to repeat a process, especially as part of a computer program
it·er·ate [ˈɪtəreɪt, Am ˈɪt̬ər-] VERB trans form
to iterate sth
etw wiederholen
to iterate a complaint
eine Beschwerde erneut vorbringen form
Develop a replicable sales process and marketing strategy to generate demand.
UK /ˈrep.lɪk.ə.bəl/ US /ˈrep.lɪk.ə.bəl/
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that can be done in exactly the same way as before, or produced again to be exactly the same as before:
It is always stressed that scientific results must be replicable in order to be valid.
re·pli·cable [ˈreplɪkəbəl] ADJ
to be replicable WISS
replizierbar sein
UK /ˈrep.lɪ.keɪt/ US /ˈrep.lɪ.keɪt/
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[ T ] formal
to make or do something again in exactly the same way:
Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.
[ I or T ] BIOLOGY, COMPUTING specialized
If organisms and genetic or other structures replicate, they make exact copies of themselves:
Chromosomes replicate before cells divide and multiply.
Computer viruses replicate themselves and are passed along from user to user.
Focus on building a scalable organization to support customer growth.
adjective BUSINESS specialized (also scaleable)
UK /ˈskeɪ.lə.bəl/ US /ˈskeɪ.lə.bəl/
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used to describe a business or system that is able to grow or to be made larger:
To receive funding they will have to demonstrate that their idea is scalable from school level to state level.
able to be made larger in size:
There are 13 scaleable fonts built into the printer.
UK /ˈskeɪləbl/ US
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a business or system that is scalable can successfully grow larger using the same methods:
These deals would make Amazon’s business scalable and efficient.
used to describe a system that can be made larger, for example by adding extra hardware, or deal with extra work without affecting its performance:
The supercomputing system combines true scalable performance with high production.
scalable (mountain):
- scalable (size):
scalable ADJ
scalable COMPUT
pivot [ˈpivət]
♦ noun
the pin or centre on which anything balances and turns.
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈpivoted –
(with on ) to turn (on): The door pivoted on a central hinge.
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈpɪv.ət/ US /ˈpɪv.ət/
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a fixed point supporting something that turns or balances
pivot point
the central or most important person or thing in a situation:
turn/revolve on a pivot The former guerrilla leader has become the pivot on which the country’s emerging political stability turns/revolves (= it depends on him).
pivot point
in basketball, an attacking player who usually stands with their back to the basket to catch the ball and give it to other attacking players:
He’s the most dominant pivot in the game.
I. piv·ot [ˈpɪvət] SUBST
1. pivot MECH, TECH übtr:
pivot (shaft)
[Dreh]zapfen m
pivot (shaft)
Scharnier nt <-s, -e>
pivot (focal point)
Dreh- und Angelpunkt m
- pivot übtr (key person):
Schlüsselfigur f <-, -en>
to be the pivot of sth
im Zentrum einer S. Gen stehen
II. piv·ot [ˈpɪvət] VERB intr
1. pivot (revolve):
to pivot around sth also übtr
um etw Akk kreisen a. übtr
lights which pivot on brackets
Scheinwerfer, die sich auf Trägern drehen
to pivot round [or Am around]
sich Akk [um]drehen
- pivot übtr (depend on):
von etw Dat abhängen
this peace process pivots around certain personalities
der Friedensprozess steht und fällt mit bestimmten Persönlichkeiten
UK /ˌkɒm.prɪˈhen.sɪv/ US /ˌkɑːm.prəˈhen.sɪv/
comprehensive adjective (COMPLETE)
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complete and including everything that is necessary:
We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.
Is this list comprehensive or are there some names missing?
fully comprehensive He has written a fully comprehensive guide to Rome.
Comprehensive insurance gives financial protection against most risks, for example including damage to a driver’s own vehicle as well as to other vehicles:
It is a common misconception that car hire insurance is comprehensive.
The trend is towards less comprehensive health insurance.
I. com·pre·hen·sive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhen(t)sɪv, Am ˌkɑ:mprə-] ADJ
comprehensive answer
ausführliche Antwort
comprehensive coverage
volle Deckung
comprehensive list
vollständige Liste
fully comprehensive
II. com·pre·hen·sive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhen(t)sɪv, Am ˌkɑ:mprə-] SUBST Brit
Gesamtschule f <-, -n>
I. com·pre·hen·sive ˈschool SUBST Brit
comprehensive school
Gesamtschule f <-, -n>
to attend [or go to]comprehensive school
eine Gesamtschule besuchen
to attend [or go to]comprehensive school
auf eine Gesamtschule gehen
II. com·pre·hen·sive ˈschool SUBST modifier
comprehensive school
I had a comprehensive school education
ich habe eine Gesamtschule besucht
comprehensive school pupil
Schüler(in) m (f) an einer Gesamtschule <-s, ->
com·pre·hen·sive in·ˈsur·ance SUBST no pl AUTO
comprehensive insurance
Vollkaskoversicherung f <-, -en>
Customer adoption
adoption noun (STARTING TO USE)
[ U ]
accepting or starting to use something new:
Several suggestions have been offered for adoption by the panel.
US /əˈdɑp·ʃən/
adoption noun (TAKING CHILD)
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[ C/U ]
the act of taking another person’s child legally into your family to raise as your own child:
[ C ] The agency handles about a hundred adoptions a year.
adoption noun (STARTING)
[ U ]
the act of accepting or beginning to use something:
The adoption of a different insurance company caused a lot of confusion.
Customer retention
retention [rəˈtenʃən]
♦ noun
the act of retaining: the retention of information.
نگه داری
reˈtentive [-tiv]
♦ adjective
able to retain: a retentive memory.
نگهدارنده؛ ضبط کننده
noun [ U ] formal
UK /rɪˈten.ʃən/ US /rɪˈten.ʃən/
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the continued use, existence, or possession of something or someone:
Two influential senators have argued for the retention of the unpopular tax.
The retention of old technology has slowed the company’s growth.
water/heat retention
noun [ U ]
US /rɪˈten·ʃən/
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the ability to keep or continue having something:
Officials are focusing on job creation, not job retention.
UK /ˈvaɪ.ə.bəl/ US /ˈvaɪ.ə.bəl/
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able to work as intended or able to succeed:
In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.
UK /ˈvaɪəbl/ US
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able to be done or likely to succeed:
commercially/economically/financially viable Rising oil prices have made alternative energy sources more economically viable.
a viable business/company/market The fund exists to provide finance to viable businesses that have been rejected by mainstream lenders.
Home-working offers a viable solution to the work/family conflict.
a viable alternative/option/proposition
- viable (successful):
viable of a company
not commercially viable
nicht rentabel
- viable (feasible):
viable alternative
durchführbare Alternative
- viable BIO:
viable (able to sustain life)
viable (able to reproduce)
verb [ T ] formal
UK /ˈmɪt.ɪ.ɡeɪt/ US /ˈmɪt̬.ə.ɡeɪt/
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to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad:
It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
verb [ T ] formal
UK /ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt/ US
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to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad:
technologies that can mitigate global warming
mitigate damage/risk The company was criticized for failing to mitigate risks at the plant.
mitigate the effects/impact of sth There isn’t much more we can do to mitigate the negative effects of rising oil prices.
mitigating circumstances
situations that are not an excuse for a crime, but that a court of law may consider to be important enough to reduce the blame or punishment of the accused person:
The judge said that there were no mitigating circumstances that would result in a lesser punishment.
miti·gate [ˈmɪtɪgeɪt, Am -t̬-] VERB trans form
to mitigate sth misery, pain
etw lindern
to mitigate sth anger, harmful effects
etw mildern
to mitigate the loss WIRTSCH
den Schaden mindern [o. Verlust verringern]
to mitigate a sentence JUR
eine Strafe mildern [o. herabsetzen]
to mitigate the punishment
die Strafe mildern fachspr
ger: Aspiration
UK /ˌæs.pɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ US /ˌæs.pəˈreɪ.ʃən/
aspiration noun (HOPE)
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C2 [ C usually plural, U ]
something that you hope to achieve:
I’ve never had any political aspirations.
It’s a story about the lives and aspirations of poor Irish immigrants.
noun [ C ]
US /ˌæs·pəˈreɪ·ʃən/
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a strong hope or wish for achievement or success:
He has political aspirations, and hopes to run for Congress some day.
US UK impersonate [imˈpəːsəneit]
♦ verb
to copy the behaviour etc of or pretend to be (another person), sometimes in order to deceive: The comedian impersonated the prime minister.
نقش بازی کردن
♦ noun
وانمود؛ تقلید درآوردن
verb [ T ]
US /ɪmˈpɜr·səˌneɪt/
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to intentionally copy another person’s speech, appearance, or behavior:
to impersonate a movie star
He was charged with impersonating a police officer.
UK /pəˈsweɪ.sɪv/ US /pɚˈsweɪ.sɪv/
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making you want to do or believe a particular thing:
a persuasive speaker/speech
Your arguments are very persuasive.
He can be very persuasive.
agile [ˈӕdʒail]
♦ adjective
able to move quickly and easily: The antelope is very agile.
چابک؛ فرز
aˈgility [-ˈdʒi-]
♦ noun
UK /ˈædʒaɪl/ US /ˈædʒəl/
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able to deal with new situations or changes quickly and successfully:
agile company/corporation/organization Most
agile corporations have flexible management systems that can quickly accommodate global change and exploit opportunities.
noun [ S or U ]
Confronting rapid change requires agility and flexibility along with the ability to implement strategies quickly.
audit [ˈoːdit]
♦ noun
an official examination of financial accounts.
حسابرسی؛ ممیزی
♦ verb
to examine financial accounts officially.
حسابرسی کردن
♦ noun
a person who audits accounts.
حسابرس؛ ممیز
to make an official examination of the accounts of a business and produce a
an examination of the accounts of a business, usually by experts from outside the business:
A full audit is performed each year by a district auditor.
We conducted an audit of the accounts for the year 2009/10.
Companies must issue a statutory audit report.
an audit committee/firm/team Members of the audit committee must be independent.
an official examination of the quality or condition of something:
complete/conduct/do/undertake an audit We conduct an annual audit to ensure that we comply with standards.
a performance/quality/skills audit Departments must carry out an internal quality audit.
Managers should undertake an audit of staff performance.
an independent audit of needs and facilities
The whole process is subject to audit and inspection.
audit [ˈɔ:dɪt, Am ˈɑ:-] SUBST FIN
Rechnungsprüfung f <-, -en>
Buchprüfung f <-, -en>
Wirtschaftsprüfung f <-, -en>
external [or independent]audit
externe [o. außerbetriebliche] Revision
general audit
ordentliche Buchprüfung
II. audit [ˈɔ:dɪt, Am ˈɑ:-] VERB trans
1. audit FIN:
to audit sth
etw [amtlich] prüfen
- audit JUR:
etw revidieren
- audit Am, Aus UNIV:
to audit a class
einen Kurs [nur] als Gasthörer besuchen
ˈaudit com·mit·tee SUBST FIN
audit committee
Rechnungsprüfungsausschuss m
en·vi·ron·men·tal ˈaudit SUBST JUR
environmental audit
Ökoaudit nt
environmental audit
Umweltaudit nt
ˈaudit cer·tifi·cate SUBST FIN
audit certificate of accountant
Prüfungsbescheinigung f
audit certificate of final auditor
Bestätigungsvermerk m <-(e)s, -e>
in·ter·nal ˈaudit SUBST
internal audit
Innenrevision f
ˈaudit trail SUBST WIRTSCH, FIN
1. audit trail (list of checks):
audit trail
Aufschlüsselung f der Posten einer Buchprüfung
- audit trail (check for irregularities):
audit trail
Überprüfung f auf Unstimmigkeiten
ˈeco-audit SUBST ÖKOL, JUR
Ökoaudit nt o m
ˈtax audit SUBST
tax audit
Steuerprüfung f <-, -en>
in·ter·im ˈaudit SUBST JUR
interim audit
Zwischenrevision f
US UK narrow [ˈnӕrəu]
♦ adjective
1 having or being only a small distance from side to side: a narrow road; The bridge is too narrow for large lorries to cross.
2 only just managed: a narrow escape.
3 (of ideas, interests or experience) not extensive enough.
کم پهنا
♦ verb
to make or become narrow: The road suddenly narrowed.
محدود کردن
♦ adverb
closely; only just: The ball narrowly missed his head.
از نزدیک
♦ noun plural
a narrow sea-passage; a channel or strait.
♦ adjective
unwilling to accept ideas different from one’s own.
کوته فکر
UK /ˈnærəʊ/ US
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extremely small:
a narrow margin/defeat/victory/lead The election was won by a narrow margin of 85 votes.
including only a small number of things:
Specialization by developing countries in a narrow range of commodities had left them vulnerable to external shocks.
With little money available, the policymakers established narrow eligibility criteria and limited the number of grants.
in a narrow range
if something trades in a narrow range, it does not go up and down very much in price:
Dealers in London described trading as light with prices continuing to trade in a narrow range.
- narrow (thin):
eng <enger, am engsten>
schmal <schmaler, am schmalsten>
a narrow bridge
eine schmale Brücke
a narrow passageway
ein enger Durchgang
a narrow slit
ein schmaler Schlitz
- narrow abw (limited):
engstirnig abw
to have a narrow mind
engstirnig sein
to have a narrow mind
einen beschränkten geistigen Horizont haben
narrow market
umsatzschwacher Markt
narrow thought
engstirniges Denken
- narrow (small):
eng <enger, am engsten>
knapp <knapper, am knapp(e)sten>
prices today stayed within a narrow range
es gab heute nur geringfügige Preisabweichungen
to win an election by a narrow margin
eine Wahl mit einem knappen Vorsprung gewinnen
II. nar·row [ˈnærəʊ, Am ˈneroʊ] VERB intr
enger werden
sich Akk verengen
narrow übtr gap, difference
sich Akk schließen [o. verringern]
the road narrows here
hier verengt sich die Straße
III. nar·row [ˈnærəʊ, Am ˈneroʊ] VERB trans
to narrow sth
etw verengen
to narrow sth übtr
etw beschränken [o. begrenzen]
he narrowed his eyes in suspicion
er kniff argwöhnisch die Augen zusammen
to narrow the focus of an investigation
die Ermittlungen konzentrieren
ˈnar·row gauge SUBST
narrow gauge
Schmalspur f <-> kein pl
ˈnar·row boat SUBST NAUT
narrow boat
Kahn m <-(e)s, Käh·ne>
nar·row-mind·ed·ness [-ˈmaɪndɪdnəs] SUBST no pl
Engstirnigkeit f <->
nar·row-ˈmind·ed ADJ
a narrow-minded bigot
ein engstirniger, voreingenommener Mensch
narrow-minded opinions/views
engstirnige Meinungen/Ansichten
narrow down VERB trans
to narrow down ⇆ sth
etw beschränken [o. einschränken]
to narrow down the list of candidates
die Zahl der Anwärter beschränken
too much or too many:
Some property owners complained that they were being charged excessive fees.
The directive will prevent employees from working excessive hours.
Investing offshore is only worthwhile if the costs involved are not excessive.
ex·ces·sive [ɪkˈsesɪv, ek-] ADJ
excessive exercise can cause health problems
zu viel Sport kann Gesundheitsschäden verursachen
excessive claim
übertriebene Forderung
excessive spending
überhöhte Ausgaben
excessive taxation
Übersteuerung f
Mehr anzeigen
excessive ADJ
excessive burden
überhöhte [o übermäßige] Belastung
excessive self-defence
excessive rates
excessive drinking
excessive distraint
überbordende Defizite/Kosten/Schulden
excessive shortfalls/costs/debts
überbordende Produktion
excessive production levels
überbordender Verkehr
excessive levels of traffic
excessive debts Pl
excessive ADJ INV-FIN
excessive (Zinssatz, Preis)
excessive foreign control SUBST FINMKT
excessive foreign control
Überfremdung f
überhöht (Zinssatz, Preis)
excessive foreign control
noun [ C or U ] formal
UK /ˈɪn.fər.əns/ US /ˈɪn.fɚ.əns/
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a guess that you make or an opinion that you form based on the information that you have:
by inference They were warned to expect a heavy air attack and by inference many casualties.
His change of mind was recent and sudden, the inference being that someone had persuaded him.
in·fer·ence [ˈɪnfərən(t)s] SUBST form
1. inference usu Sg (conclusion):
Schlussfolgerung f <-, -en>
Schluss m <-es, Schlụ̈s·se>
to draw the inference that …
die Schlussfolgerung [o. den Schluss] ziehen, dass …
she said she’d think about it, the inference being that …
sie meinte, sie würde es sich überlegen. Daraus war zu schließen, dass …
- inference no pl (process of inferring):
[Schluss]folgern nt
logisches Schließen f
Inferenz f fachspr
by inference
- inference (method of deducing):
Inferenz f
to draw a conclusion [or an inference]
einen Schluss ziehen
to draw a conclusion [or an inference]
zu einer Schlussfolgerung kommen
query [ˈkwiəri]– plural ˈqueries –
♦ noun
1 a question: In answer to your query about hotel reservations I am sorry to tell you that we have no vacancies.
پرسش؛ استعلام
2 a question mark: You have omitted the query.
علامت سئوال
♦ verb
1 to question (a statement etc ): I think the waiter has added up the bill wrongly – you should query it.
سئوال کردن
2 to ask: `What time does the train leave?’ she queried.
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈkwɪəri/ US
plural queries
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a question, often expressing doubt about something or looking for an answer from someone:
Email your comments, queries, or suggestions to us at this address.
We regret that we cannot answer every query.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to ask.
a query about sth I have a query about the second item on the agenda.