vocabulary 2 Flashcards
Bougie f
belonging to or typical of the middle class (= a social group between the very rich and the poor), especially in giving a lot of importance to money, education, and social class, or in liking and wanting expensive and unusual things:
People in the neighbourhood have strong opinions about inauthentic bougie snobs.
It’s one of those places where you pay a lot of money but don’t get much. Too bougie for me!
Locke f
her curls bouncing past her shoulders
curl [kəːl]
♦ verb
1 to twist or turn (especially hair) into small coils or rolls: My hair curls easily.
فرفری شدن؛ مجعد شدن
2 (sometimes with up ) to move in curves; to bend or roll: The paper curled (up) at the edges.
حلقه شدن؛ تاب برداشتن
♦ noun
1 a coil of hair etc .
2 the quality of being curled: My hair has very little curl in it.
پیچ و تاب
♦ noun
an object round which hair is rolled to make it curl, fastened in the hair.
ابزار فر کردن
♦ adjective
curly hair.
مجعد؛ فرفری
♦ noun
پیچ؛ تاب
curl up
to move or roll into a position or shape: The hedgehog curled (itself) up into a ball.
خود را جمع کردن؛ چنبر زدن
to curl one’s lip
[verächtlich] die Lippen schürzen [o. kräuseln]
to curl one’s hair
sich Dat Locken drehen
to curl one’s toes
die Zehen einziehen
to curl up and die
am liebsten im Erdboden versinken wollen
to make one’s toes curl
jdm peinlich sein
that’ll make your hair curl
davon wirst du groß und stark
does your hair curl naturally?
hast du Naturlocken?
to have a natural curl
Naturlocken haben
to curl oneself into a ball
sich Akk [zu einem Knäuel] zusammenrollen
some plants curl round tree trunks
einige Pflanzen ranken sich um Baumstämme
to curl up in an armchair/in bed
sich in einen Sessel/ins Bett kuscheln
a curl/a strand of hair fell into her face
eine Locke/Strähne fiel ihr ins Gesicht
a new baby will automatically curl its fingers round any object it touches
ein Neugeborenes umklammert automatisch alle Objekte, die es berührt
her curls bouncing past her shoulders
bounce [bauns]
♦ verb
1 to (cause to) spring or jump back from a solid surface.
جهیدن؛ ورجه وورجه کردن
2 (of a cheque) to be sent back unpaid, because of lack of money in a bank account.
برگشت خوردن
♦ noun
1 (of a ball etc ) an act of springing back: With one bounce the ball went over the net.
2 energy: She has a lot of bounce.
♦ adjective
strong and lively: a bouncing baby.
پر جنب و جوش
haze1 [heiz]
♦ noun
a thin mist: The mountains were dim through the haze.
مه كم
♦ adjective
1 misty: a hazy view of the mountains.
مه آلود
2 not clear or certain: a hazy idea; I’m a bit hazy about what happened.
♦ noun
مه گرفتگی
heat haze
Hitzeflimmern nt
druggie haze
Drogennebel m
in an alcoholic haze
vom Alkohol benebelt
haze of dust
Staubwolke f
shimmering heat haze
flimmernde [o. flirrende] Hitze
I could see the faint outline of the headland through the haze
ich konnte die Umrisse der Landspitze durch den Dunst schwach erkennen
A haze lingers over the room, smelling like weed, and music rattles the floor.
linger [ˈliŋgə]
♦ verb
1 to remain, last or continue for a long time or after the expected time: The smell of the bad fish lingered for days.
دیر رفتن
2 to proceed slowly or delay: We lingered in the hall, looking at the pictures.
تاخیر کردن
verb [ I ]
UK /ˈlɪŋ.ɡər/ US /ˈlɪŋ.ɡɚ/
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to take a long time to leave or disappear:
After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors.
The smell from the fire still lingered days later.
It’s impossible to forget such horrific events - they linger (on) in the memory forever.
music rattles the floor
rattle [rӕtl]
♦ verb
1 to (cause to) make a series of short, sharp noises by knocking together: The cups rattled as he carried the tray in; The strong wind rattled the windows.
تق تق کردن؛ تلق تلق کردن
2 to move quickly: The car was rattling along at top speed.
تلق تلق کردن
3 to upset and confuse (a person): Don’t let him rattle you – he likes annoying people.
تضعیف روحیه کردن؛ گیج کردن
♦ noun
1 a series of short, sharp noises: the rattle of cups.
تلق تلق
2 a child’s toy, or a wooden instrument, which makes a noise of this sort: The baby waved its rattle.
3 the bony rings of a rattlesnake’s tail.
زنگ در دم مار زنگی
♦ adjective
fast; lively: The car travelled at a rattling pace.
خیلی تند؛ پرشتاب
♦ noun
a type of poisonous American snake with bony rings in its tail which rattle.
مار زنگی
rattle off
to say quickly and usually without any feeling or expression: The boy rattled off the poem.
با شتاب و بی وقفه گفتن یا خواندن
rattle through
to say or do (something) quickly: The teacher rattled through his explanation so quickly that no-one could understand him.
تند و بی وقفه حرف زدن
[football] rattle
Rätsche f CH
[baby’s] rattle
Klapper f BRD
to rattle one’s chains
mit den Ketten rasseln
to rattle sb’s cage [or chain] ugs
jdn verärgern
and the nausea from the weed odor
noun [ C ] (Cdn Br odour)
US /ˈoʊ·dər/
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a particular smell, esp. a bad one:
the musty odor of a damp cellar
He always has it on the Friday of spring break because you need Saturday to recover and Sunday to repent.
repent [rəˈpent]
♦ verb
1 (especially in religion) to be sorry for one’s past sins.
توبه کردن
2 (with of ) to wish that one had not done, made etc : He repented of his generosity.
پشیمان بودن یا شدن
♦ noun
توبه؛ ندامت
♦ adjective
(negative unrepentant ): a repentant sinner.
پشیمان؛ توبه کار
to repent one’s sins
seine Sünden bereuen
ger: (an etwas (Dat)) nippen
to drink, taking only a very small amount at a time:
This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.
She slowly sipped (at) her wine.
sip [sip]– past tense, past participle sipped –
♦ verb
to drink in very small mouthfuls.
جرعه جرعه نوشيدن
♦ noun
a very small mouthful: She took a sip of the medicine.
take a sip
trink [o. nimm] einen Schluck
to sip tea
Tee trinken
to have [or take] a sip
einen kleinen Schluck nehmen
I sip my drink and spit it back out
spit1 [spit]
♦ noun
(also spittle [ˈspitl]) the liquid that forms in the mouth.
♦ verb– present participle ˈspitting : past tense, past participle spat [spat] –
1 to throw out (spit) from the mouth: He spat in the gutter as an indication of contempt.
تف انداختن
2 to send (out) with force: The fire spat (out) sparks.
به زور بيرون كردن
noun [ U ]
UK /ˈlɪk.ər/ US /ˈlɪk.ɚ/
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strong alcoholic drink:
He spent most of his money on liquor and drugs.
Count a drink as 12 ounces of regular beer, 5 ounces of wine or one shot of liquor or spirits.
the liquid in which food is cooked or steeped (= kept in to improve its flavour):
Take the mixture off the heat once it has concentrated to a thin but aromatic liquor.
Lift the pears out of the liquor into a serving bowl.
hard liquor
Schnaps m
liquor store
Spirituosenhandlung f
to drink hard liquor
Hochprozentiges trinken
illicit sale of liquor
Schwarzverkauf m von Alkohol
to rectify liquor [or a spirit]
Spirituosen rektifizieren
he can’t hold his liquor
er verträgt keinen Alkohol
to be able to hold one’s drink [or Am also liquor]
Alkohol vertragen
“Folks kill me, thinking they know what I think.”
folk [fouk]
♦ noun plural
(especially American folks ) people: The folk in this town are very friendly.
♦ adjective
(of the traditions) of the common people of a country: folk customs; folk dance; folk music.
محلی؛ بومی
♦ noun plural
one’s family: My folks all live nearby.
قوم و خویش
♦ noun
the study of the customs, beliefs, stories, traditions etc of a particular people: the folklore of the American Indians.
توده شناسی
farming folk
Landvolk nt
old/ordinary folk
alte/normale Leute
folk/pop/rock festival
Folk-/Pop-/Rockfestival nt
folk/love song
Volks-/Liebeslied nt
there’s nowt so queer as folk saying
so was kommt vor ugs
Kenya says, and scopes the room.
the opportunity for doing something:
There is limited scope for further reductions in the workforce.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
UK /skəʊp/ US /skoʊp/
scope verb (EXAMINE)
[ I or T ]
to watch or examine something carefully:
They think their house is being scoped by burglars.
Fire investigators scoped the area for any evidence that someone had set the fires on purpose.
While retailers hoped, bargain-hunters scoped.
[ T ] MEDICAL specialized
to examine a hollow part inside the body with an endoscope (= a long, thin medical device):
In those studies, doctors scoped patients’ stomachs.
Players on every pro team have been scoped, mostly for their knees.
scope verb (PLAN)
[ T ]
to plan something in detail before it happens, looking at everything that is involved:
If the whole thing is scoped and evaluated, with sound project management, then perhaps it will be OK.
economies pl of scope
Verbundvorteile pl
scope for improvement
Verbesserungsbereich m
considerable/limited scope
beachtliche/begrenzte Möglichkeiten
the scope of a survey
der Betrachtungsumfang einer Untersuchung
the scope of a law
der Anwendungsbereich [o. Geltungsbereich] eines Gesetzes
to have room [or scope] for manoeuvre
Spielraum haben
his study was very narrow in scope
seine Studie war von sehr eingeschränkter Sichtweise
Trumpf m
Yeah, it’s true, but I wish she’d stop picking fights so she can use her trump card
trump [tramp]
♦ noun
in some card games, any card of a suit which has been declared to rank higher than the other suits: This time, hearts are trumps; (also adjective ) a trump card.
خال حکم
♦ verb
to defeat (an ordinary card) by playing a card from the trump suit: He trumped (my king) with a heart.
خال حکم زذن؛ ورق سر زدن
at the Last Trump REL
wenn die Posaunen des Jüngsten Gerichts erklingen
to play a trump
einen Trumpf spielen
to trump up an accusation
sich Dat eine Beschuldigung aus den Fingern saugen ugs
to draw/play a trump
einen Trumpf ziehen/ausspielen
to play one’s best [or trump] card
seinen höchsten Trumpf ausspielen
But no matter where we move, Kenya spots Denasia and glares at her.
spot [spot]
♦ noun
1 a small mark or stain (made by mud, paint etc ): She was trying to remove a spot of grease from her skirt.
2 a small, round mark of a different colour from its background: His tie was blue with white spots.
3 a pimple or red mark on the skin caused by an illness etc : She had measles and was covered in spots.
4 a place or small area, especially the exact place (where something happened etc ): There was a large number of detectives gathered at the spot where the body had been found.
5 a small amount: Can I borrow a spot of sugar?
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈspotted –
1 to catch sight of: She spotted him eventually at the very back of the crowd.
2 to recognize or pick out: No-one watching the play was able to spot the murderer.
♦ adjective
very clean: a spotless kitchen.
♦ adverb
♦ noun
♦ adjective
marked or covered with spots: Her dress was spotted with grease; a spotted tie.
♦ adjective
(of people) covered with spots: a spotty face / young man.
♦ noun
spot check
an inspection made without warning, especially on items chosen at random from a group: We only found out about the flaw during a spot check on goods leaving the factory.
بازرسي اتفاقي
♦ noun
(a lamp for projecting) a circle of light that is thrown on to a small area.
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈspotlit, ~ˈspotlighted –
1 to light with a spotlight: The stage was spotlit.
2 to show up clearly or draw attention to: The incident spotlighted the difficulties with which we were faced.
in a spot
in trouble: His failure to return the papers on time put her in a spot.
دچار مشكل شدن
on the spot
1 at once: She liked it so much that she bought it on the spot; (also adjective ) an on-the-spot decision.
بلا فاصله
2 in the exact place referred to; in the place where one is needed: It was a good thing you were on the spot when he had his heart attack; (also adjective ) tour on-the-spot reporter.
در محل
3 (especially with put ) in a dangerous, difficult or embarrassing position: The interviewer’s questions really put the Prime Minister on the spot.
در موقعيت خطر
spot on
very accurate or exactly on the target: His description of Mary was spot on!
You’re so lucky you go to that white-people school and don’t have to deal with hoes like that.”
hoe [həu]
♦ noun
a long-handled tool with a metal blade used for removing or destroying weeds etc .
♦ verb– present participle ˈhoeing –
to use a hoe eg to remove or destroy weeds: This morning I hoed the garden/weeds.
بيل زدن
The guy squints as he gives me a quick once-over.
squint [skwint]
♦ verb
1 to have the physical defect of having the eyes turning towards or away from each other or to cause the eyes to do this: The child squints; You squint when you look down at your nose.
با چشمهاي چپ شده نگاه كردن
2 (with at, ~up at, ~through etc ) to look with half-shut or narrowed eyes: He squinted through the telescope.
با چشم نيمه باز نگاه كردن
♦ noun
1 a squinting position of the eyes: an eye-operation to correct her squint.
2 a glance or look at something: Let me have a squint at that photograph.
نيم نگاه
♦ adjectiv,
♦ adverb
(placed etc ) crookedly or not straight: Your hat is squint.
نگاه زير چشمي
He frowns for a hot
second, but I notice it.
frown [fraun]
♦ verb
to make the forehead wrinkle and the eyebrows move down (as a sign of worry, disapproval, deep thought etc ): He frowned at her bad behaviour.
اخم کردن
♦ noun
such a movement of the forehead and eyebrows: a frown of disapproval.
frown on/upon
to disapprove of (something): My family frowns (up) on smoking and drinking.
ناپسند شمردن
It’s dope to be black until it’s hard to be black.
cool sl
dope [dəup]
♦ noun
any drug or drugs: He was accused of stealing dope from the chemist.
ماده مخدر؛ دوپینگ
♦ verb
to drug: They discovered that the racehorse had been doped.
دوپینگ کردن؛ ماده مخدر دادن به
♦ adjective
made stupid (as if) by drugs: I was dopey from lack of sleep.
گیج؛ بی حال و هواس
dope fiend Am dated
Rauschgiftsüchtige(r) f(m)
to dope a racehorse
ein Rennpferd dopen
to take dope
Drogen [o. Rauschgift] nehmen
to smoke dope
Haschisch [o. Marihuana] rauchen
to take/pass a dope test
sich Akk einer Dopingkontrolle unterziehen/einen Dopingtest bestehen
to give sb the dope on [or about] sth
jdm Insiderinformationen über etw Akk geben
his dimples ruin any G persona he has.
dimple [ˈdimpl]
♦ noun
a small hollow especially on the surface of the skin: She has a dimple in her cheek when she smiles.
perverse/ pervert
I swear it wasn’t perverted though.
pervert [pəˈvəːt]
♦ verb
1 to change (something) from what is normal or right: to pervert the course of justice.
تحریف کردن
2 to lead (someone) to crime or to evil or immoral (especially sexually immoral) acts.
منحرف کردن
a person who does perverted (especially sexually immoral) acts.
آدم دچار انحراف جنسی
perˈversion [-ʃən]
♦ noun
1 (the) act of perverting: a perversion of justice.
2 a perverted act: He is capable of any perversion.
♦ adjective
منحرف؛ تحریف شده
perverse [pəˈvəːs]
♦ adjective
1 continuing to do, think etc something which one knows, or which one has been told, is wrong or unreasonable: a perverse child.
2 deliberately wrong; unreasonable: perverse behaviour.
♦ adverb
عمداً؛ لجوجانه
♦ noun
لجاجت؛ گمراهی
♦ noun
I don’t know if I wanna tear up or smack him.
smack1 [smӕk]
♦ verb
to strike smartly and loudly; to slap: She smacked the child’s hand/bottom.
سيلي زدن
♦ noun
(the sound of) a blow of this kind; a slap: He could hear the smack of the waves against the side of the ship.
♦ adverb
directly and with force: He ran smack into the door.
a smack on the cheek
a quick, loud kiss on the cheek: He gave her a quick smack on the cheek.
بوس صدادار
He shrugs. “That’s all that matters.”
shrug [ʃrag]– past tense, past participle shrugged –
♦ verb
to show doubt, lack of interest etc by raising (the shoulders): When I asked him if he knew what had happened, he just shrugged (his shoulders).
شانه بالا انداختن
♦ noun
an act of shrugging: She gave a shrug of disbelief.
بي اعتنايي
shrug off
to dismiss, get rid of or treat as unimportant: She shrugged off all criticism.
به هيچ گرفتن
cabled shrug
Armstola mit Stopfmuster
to give a shrug
mit den Schultern [o. Achseln] zucken
to shrug one’s shoulders
die Achseln zucken
an expressive shrug
ein viel sagendes Achselzucken
shrug of contempt
verächtliches Achselzucken
I gape at him. “Leave my husband alone!”
gape [geip]
♦ verb
to stare with open mouth, eg in surprise: The children gaped at the monkeys.
با دهان باز خیره شدن
♦ adjective
wide open: a gaping hole.
کاملاً باز
“Your corny husband. ‘Baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted,’”
corny [ˈkoːni]
♦ adjective
not original or interesting: a corny joke.
قدیمی و پیش پا افتاده
flip someone off
I flip him off. He puckers his lips and makes a kissing sound.
flip someone off
phrasal verb with flip verb
UK /flɪp/ US /flɪp/
US informal
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to show someone in an offensive way that you are annoyed with them or do not like them by turning the back of your hand towards them and putting your middle finger up:
The player was fined $5,000 for flipping off fans who had booed him.
An angry man in the crowd flipped off the mayor’s vehicle as it passed.
One irate driver honked his horn and flipped us off.
sich Akk ducken
“Thanks.” He scrubs the shoes with his napkin. I cringe.
cringe [krindʒ]
♦ verb
to shrink back in fear, terror etc : The dog cringed when his cruel master raised his hand to strike him.
خود را جمع کردن؛ کز کردن
noun - cringe
انقباض غیر ارادی ماهیچه: cringe
verb - cringe
چاپلوسانه فروتنی کردن: cringe
چاپلوس کردن: adulate, cringe
Gestrüpp nt
scrub [skrab]– past tense, past participle scrubbed –
♦ verb
1 to rub hard in order to clean: She’s scrubbing the floor.
2 to remove by scrubbing: She scrubbed the mess off the carpet.
3 to cancel: We planned to go but had to scrub the idea.
لغو كردن
♦ noun
an act of scrubbing.
♦ noun
a brush with short stiff bristles for scrubbing.
“Either wipe gently back and forth or dab. Don’t scrub. For real.”
dab [dӕb]– past tense, past participle dabbed –
♦ verb
to touch gently with something soft or moist: He dabbed the wound gently with cottonwool.
مالیدن؛ آهسته لمس کردن
♦ noun
1 a small lump of anything soft or moist: a dab of butter.
تکه بسیار کوچک
2 a gentle touch: a dab with a wet cloth.
لمس آهسته
He looks up at me, smirking.
smirk [sməːk]
♦ verb
to smile in a self-satisfied or foolish manner: He sat there smirking after the teacher had praised him.
پوزخند زدن
♦ noun
a smile of this sort.
A commotion stirs in the middle of the dance floor. Voices argue louder
than the music. Cuss words fly left and right.
commotion [kəˈməuʃən]
♦ noun
(a) confused, noisy uproar: He was woken by a commotion in the street.
آشوب؛ اغتشاش
to cause a commotion
Chaos verursachen
what’s all this commotion
was soll der ganze Wirbel
to raise a commotion
Unruhe verursachen
the commotion will soon subside
der Aufruhr wird sich bald legen
to set up a commotion
ein [lautes] Spektakel veranstalten
Pop! A shot rings out. I duck.
Ger: sich ducken
duck1 [dak]
♦ verb
1 to push briefly under water: They splashed about, ducking each other in the pool.
زیر آب کردن
2 to lower the head suddenly as if to avoid a blow: He ducked as the ball came at him.
جا خالی دادن
to catch glimpse of
There are way too many people and way too much curly hair for me to
catch a glimpse of Kenya.
Ger : erspähen
glimpse [glimps]
♦ noun
a very brief look: He caught a glimpse of the burglar.
نگاه گذرا
♦ verb
to get a brief look at.
نگاه اجمالی کردن
to offer a glimpse
Einblick gewähren
a momentary glimpse
ein kurzer Blick
to catch a glimpse of sb
von jdm einen flüchtigen Blick erhaschen
to get a glimpse of sb/sth
einen Blick auf jdn/etw erhaschen
to catch a glimpse of sb’s life
einen kurzen Einblick in jds Leben bekommen
to glimpse sth faintly in the distance
etw in der Ferne erspähen
to see [or glimpse] [or make out] sth faintly
etw erspähen
to catch sight [or a glimpse] of sb/sth (by chance)
etw [zufällig] sehen
de: Kreischen
screech [skriːtʃ]
♦ verb
to make a harsh, shrill cry, shout or noise: She screeched (abuse) at him; The car screeched to a halt.
جيغ يا فرياد كشيدن
♦ noun
a loud, shrill cry or noise: screeches of laughter; a screech of brakes.
to screech with laughter
vor Lachen kreischen
to screech with pain
vor Schmerzen schreien
to screech with delight
vor Vergnügen quietschen
a screech of laughter
ein [gellendes] Auflachen nt
to screech to a halt
mit quietschenden Reifen zum Stillstand kommen
to grind [or screech] to a halt
quietschend zum Stehen kommen
to give a screech of pain
vor Schmerz aufschreien
a screech of brakes jarred the silence
das Kreischen von Bremsen zerriss die Stille
Säugling m
The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody.’”
infant [ˈinfənt]
♦ noun
a baby or very young child: the baptism of infants; (also adjective ) an infant school.
♦ noun
the state or time of being a baby: They had two children who died in infancy.
jdn einschüchtern
He probably thinks it intimidates me.
intimidate [inˈtimideit]
♦ verb
to frighten eg by threatening violence.
مرعوب کردن
♦ noun
هراس انگیزی
hat we used to call ourselves? The Hood Trio. Tighter than—”
UK /ˈtriː.əʊ/ US /ˈtriː.oʊ/
plural trios
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C2 [ C, + sing/pl verb ]
a group of three people or things:
There was disappointment for the trio of 200 metre runners, all of whom failed to reach the final.
A whoop-whoop sound startles us, and blue lights flash in the rearview
startle [ˈstaːtl]
♦ verb
to give a shock or surprise to: The sound startled me.
از جا پراندن
she startled to see the ghost of Bob
از دیدن روح باب نزدیک بود زهره ترک بشود.
some babies startle easily
برخی از نوزادان زود هراسان میشوند.
a startling news
خبر تکاندهنده
to startle sb
jdn erschrecken
the noise startled the birds
der Lärm schreckte die Vögel auf
I was startled to see the fire
mit Entsetzen erblickte ich das Feuer
plead [pliːd]– past tense, past participles ˈpleaded , (American also ) pled –
♦ verb
1 (of a prisoner) to answer a charge, saying whether one is guilty or not: How does the prisoner plead?'
He pleads guilty.’
قبول یا رد کردن
2 to present a case in court: My lawyer will plead my case; My lawyer will plead for me.
اقامه دعوی کردن
3 (often with with ) to make an urgent request: He pleaded with me not to go; He pleaded to be allowed to go.
التماس کردن
ger: keuchen
Two. Khalil gasps
gasp [gaːsp]
♦ noun
the sound made by suddenly breathing in, eg because of surprise or sudden pain: a gasp of fear.
تنفس منقطع
♦ verb
He gasped with pain.
بریده بریده نفس کشیدن
be gasping for
to want (something) very much: I’m gasping for a cigarette.
میل شدید به چیزی داشتن
verb [ I ]
UK /ɡɑːsp/ US /ɡæsp/
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to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain, or shock:
When she saw the money hidden in the box she gasped in surprise.
[ + speech ] “Help me!” he gasped.
to breathe loudly and with difficulty, trying to get more air:
He pulled her aboard the boat and she sprawled on the deck, coughing and gasping for breath.
Three. Khalil looks at me, stunned.
verb [ T ]
UK /stʌn/ US /stʌn/
stun verb [T] (SHOCK)
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to shock or surprise someone very much:
News of the disaster stunned people throughout the world.
She was stunned by the amount of support she received from well-wishers.
to make a person or animal unconscious or unable to think normally, especially by hitting their head hard:
Stunned by the impact, he lay on the ground wondering what had happened.
This injection stuns the rhinoceros, so we can examine it.
stun [stan]– past tense, past participle stunned –
♦ verb
1 to make unconscious or knock senseless eg by a blow on the head: The blow stunned him.
بيهوش كردن
2 to shock or astonish: He was stunned by the news of her death.
مبهوت كردن
♦ adjective
marvellous: a stunning dress.
خيره كننده
Khalil doesn’t move. He doesn’t utter a word.
verb [ T ] formal
UK /ˈʌt.ər/ US /ˈʌ.t̬ɚ/
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to say something or to make a sound with your voice:
She sat through the whole meeting without uttering a word.
adjective [ before noun ]
UK /ˈʌt.ər/ US /ˈʌ.t̬ɚ/
complete or extreme:
utter confusion/misery/chaos
utter nonsense/rubbish/drivel
The meeting was a complete and utter waste of time.
Lying back in the hot bath was utter bliss.
utter1 [ˈatə]
♦ adjective
complete or total: There was utter silence; utter darkness.
♦ adverb
completely or totally: She was utterly unaware of her danger.
utter twaddle
vollkommener Quatsch
utter devastation
völlige Verzweiflung
utter fool
Vollidiot(in) m (f) ugs
utter nonsense
absoluter Blödsinn
utter drivel
dummes Geschwätz
pure and utter rubbish
ausgemachter Blödsinn
to utter a cry
einen Schrei ausstoßen
to utter an oath
einen Eid schwören
to utter an incantation
einen Zauberspruch aufsagen
to utter forged money
Falschgeld in Umlauf bringen
to utter a prayer
ein Gebet sprechen
to utter a warning
eine Warnung aussprechen
to utter a diatribe
eine Schmährede halten
to utter a falsehood
eine Unwahrheit sagen
to utter a profanity
eine ordinäre Bemerkung machen
to be utter bliss
eine ungeheure Wohltat sein
to utter calumnies
verleumderische Reden führen
in utter disbelief
völlig ungläubig
in utter despair
völlig verzweifelt
His body stiffens, and he’s gone.
ger: sich Akk versteifen
UK /ˈstɪf.ən/ US /ˈstɪf.ən/
stiffen verb (FIRM)
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[ I ]
to become firm or more difficult to bend:
Beat the cream until it begins to stiffen (= become firm).
to become less relaxed and more formal:
She stiffened when her former husband walked into the room.
[ I or T ]
to become or make something stronger or more difficult:
These events have stiffened our resolve to succeed.
Penalties for selling illegal drugs have been stiffened.
Stiffening competition in the market has led to a reduction in the company’s profits this year.His body stiffened in fear.
sich Akk versteifen
stiffen muscles
sich Akk verspannen
verb - stiffen
سفت کردن: tighten, solidify, stiffen, fasten, concrete, congeal
سفت وسخت کردن: stiffen
شق کردن: stiffen
vt., vi.
● سفت کردن یا شدن،سخت کردن یا شدن،شدید کردن یا شدن
the enemy’s resistance has stiffened
مقاومت دشمن شدیدتر شده است.
starch stiffens cloth
آهار پارچه را سفت میکند.
Ausstellungsstück nt
exhibit [igˈzibit]
♦ verb
1 to show; to display to the public: My picture is to be exhibited in the art gallery.
به نمایش گذاشتن؛ نشان دادن
2 to show (a quality etc ): He exhibited a complete lack of concern for others.
بروز دادن؛ نشان دادن
♦ noun
1 an object displayed publicly (eg in a museum): One of the exhibits is missing.
کالای نمایشی؛ کار عرضه شده
2 an object or document produced in court as part of the evidence: The blood-stained scarf was exhibit number one in the murder trial.
مدرک؛ سند
exhibition [eksiˈbiʃən]
♦ noun
1 a public display (eg of works of art, industrial goods etc ): an exhibition of children’s books.
به نمایش گذاری؛ عرضه
2 an act of showing or revealing: What an exhibition of bad temper!
نمود؛ عرضه
♦ noun
a person who provides an exhibit for a display etc : He is one of the exhibitors at the flower show.
عرضه کننده؛ نشان دهنده
invitational exhibit
auf Anfrage überlassenes Exponat
to exhibit one’s works
seine Werke ausstellen
to exhibit bravery
Mut beweisen
to exhibit bias
voreingenommen sein
to exhibit belligerency
Streitlust an den Tag legen
to exhibit rudeness
unhöflich sein
to exhibit shame
sich Akk schämen
to display [or exercise] [or exhibit] [or show] self-restraint
Selbstbeherrschung an den Tag legen
The bright lights spotlight me, and people crane their necks to get a peek.
verb [ T ]
UK /ˈspɒt.laɪt/ US /ˈspɑːt.laɪt/
spotlighted or spotlit | spotlighted or spotlit
to light something or someone with a spotlight:
The paintings in the alcove were spotlit from below.
a circle of strong light that comes from a lamp whose beam can be directed:
Spotlights followed the two dancers around the stage.
fig. The incident brought toxic waste into the national spotlight (= directed attention
ger: to crane one’s neck
den Hals recken
The bright lights spotlight me, and people crane their necks to get a peek.
crane [krein]
♦ noun
a machine with a long arm and a chain, for raising heavy weights.
♦ verb
to stretch out (the neck, to see round or over something): He craned his neck in order to see round the corner.
گردن خود را دراز کردن
♦ noun
a person operating a crane.
راننده جرثقیل
crane [krein]
♦ noun
a machine with a long arm and a chain, for raising heavy weights.
♦ verb
to stretch out (the neck, to see round or over something): He craned his neck in order to see round the corner.
گردن خود را دراز کردن
♦ noun
a person operating a crane.
راننده جرثقیل
ger: to have a rummage around [or about] [sth]
etw durchstöbern
The cops rummage through Khalil’s car.
rummage [ˈramidʒ]
♦ verb
to search by turning things out or over: He rummaged in the drawer for a clean shirt.
جستجو کردن
♦ noun
a thorough search.
جستجو کامل و دقیق؛ کاوش
One-Fifteen sits on the sidewalk with his face buried in his hands.
bury [ˈberi]
♦ verb
1 to place (a dead body) in a grave, the sea etc .
به خاک سپردن؛ دفن کردن
2 to hide (under the ground etc ): My socks are buried somewhere in this drawer.
پنهان کردن
♦ noun
(an instance of) burying (a dead body) in a grave etc : my grandfather’s burial: (also adjective ) a burial service.
مراسم خاک سپاری
bury the hatchet
to stop quarrelling: Let’s bury the hatchet and be friends.
صلح کردن
to bury the hatchet
das Kriegsbeil begraben
to bury one’s pain
seine Schmerzen nicht zeigen
let the dead bury the dead
lasst die Toten die Toten begraben
to bury the hatchet over sth
einen Streit [o. Zwist] um etw Akk begraben
to bury one’s head in the sand
den Kopf in den Sand stecken
to bury oneself in one’s book/one’s work
sich Akk in sein Buch/seine Arbeit versenken
to bury one’s head in the sand, to have one’s head buried in the sand
den Kopf in den Sand stecken
Other officers pat his shoulder and tell him it’ll be okay.
pat [pӕt]
♦ noun
1 a light, gentle blow or touch, usually with the palm of the hand and showing affection: She gave the child a pat on the head.
ضربه ملایم
2 (of butter) a small piece; a lump.
چونه؛ تکه کوچک
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈpatted –
to strike gently with the palm of the hand, usually as a sign of affection: He patted the horse’s neck.
آهسته و با کف دست زدن
♦ adverb
(often off pat ) memorized, prepared and ready to be said: He had the answer (off) pat.
بی معطلی؛ فوری
pat [pӕt]
♦ noun
1 a light, gentle blow or touch, usually with the palm of the hand and showing affection: She gave the child a pat on the head.
ضربه ملایم
2 (of butter) a small piece; a lump.
چونه؛ تکه کوچک
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈpatted –
to strike gently with the palm of the hand, usually as a sign of affection: He patted the horse’s neck.
آهسته و با کف دست زدن
♦ adverb
(often off pat ) memorized, prepared and ready to be said: He had the answer (off) pat.
بی معطلی؛ فوری
a pat of butter
eine [kleine] Portion Butter
to pat vegetables dry
Gemüse trocken tupfen
to stand pat esp Am
hart [o. standfest] bleiben
to come pat
genau richtig kommen
a pat on the back übtr
ein [anerkennendes] Schulterklopfen
to pat/tap sb lightly
jdn leicht tätscheln
to pat sb/oneself on the back übtr
jdm/sich selbst auf die Schulter klopfen
Pat has no motivation to succeed
Pat fehlt der Wille zum Erfolg
ger: schluchzen
I open my mouth to respond. A sob comes out.
sob [sob]– past tense, past participle sobbed –
♦ verb
1 to weep noisily: I could hear her sobbing in her bedroom.
هق هق كردن
2 to say, while weeping: `I can’t find my mother,’ sobbed the child.
هق هق كنان گفتن
♦ noun
the loud gasp for breath made when one is weeping etc .
صداي هق هق
sob [sob]– past tense, past participle sobbed –
♦ verb
1 to weep noisily: I could hear her sobbing in her bedroom.
هق هق كردن
2 to say, while weeping: `I can’t find my mother,’ sobbed the child.
هق هق كنان گفتن
♦ noun
the loud gasp for breath made when one is weeping etc .
صداي هق هق
to sob miserably
jämmerlich schluchzen
to sob uncontrollably
hemmungslos schluchzen
to sob one’s heart out
sich Dat die Seele aus dem Leib weinen
to gulp back a sob
einen Schluchzer unterdrücken
to sob oneself to sleep
sich Akk in den Schlaf weinen
to tell a sob story
mit einer Mitleid heischenden Ausrede daherkommen ugs
a sob escaped his lips
ein Seufzer entfuhr ihm
Daddy is moved aside, and Momma wraps her arms around me.
wrap [rӕp]– past tense, past participle wrapped –
♦ verb
1 to roll or fold (round something or someone): He wrapped his handkerchief round his bleeding finger.
2 to cover by folding or winding something round: She wrapped the book (up) in brown paper; She wrapped the baby up in a warm shawl.
♦ noun
a warm covering to put over one’s shoulders.
لباس؛ پتو
♦ noun
a paper cover for a sweet, packet of cigarettes etc : a sweet-wrapper.
روکش؛ بسته بندی
♦ noun
something used to wrap or pack something in: Christmas wrappings.
روکش؛ لفاف کاغذی
wrapped up in
giving all one’s attention to: She’s very wrapped up in her work these days.
مجذوب ريال تمام هم و غم ( متوجه کسی یا چیزی بودن
wrap up
to dress warmly: You have to wrap up well if you visit England in winter; Wrap the child up well.
لباس گرم پوشاندن
beach wrap
Strandtuch nt
plastic wrap
Plastikverpackung f
wrap skirt
Wickelrock m
wrap up!
halt das Maul! derb
a wrap of cocaine
ein Briefchen nt Kokain
wrap-around windscreen [or Am windshield]
Panorama[windschutz]scheibe f
it’s a wrap
die Szene ist im Kasten ugs
to wrap text/words
Texte/Wörter umbrechen
to shrink-wrap food
Nahrungsmittel in Frischhaltefolie einpacken
wrap it up!
halt die Klappe! ugs
chiffon/silk wrap
Chiffon-/Seidenstola f
wrap-around sofa
Ecksofa nt
wrap-around skirt
Wickeljupe m CH
to wrap sth in paper
etw in Papier einwickeln
to wrap up a deal
einen Handel unter Dach und Fach bringen
to shrink-wrap a book
ein Buch in Folie einschweißen
ger: hush!
She rubsmy back and speaks in hushed tones that tell lies. “It’s all right, baby. It’s all right.”
hush [haʃ]
♦ interjection
be quiet; silence: Hush! Don’t wake the baby.
♦ noun
silence: A hush came over the room.
♦ adjective
silent, still: a hushed room/crowd.
hush up
to prevent from becoming known to the general public: The affair was hushed up.
سر و صداي چيزي را در نياوردن
deathly hush
Totenstille f
expectant hush
erwartungsvolle Stille
hush, not a word!
pst, keinen Mucks!
deathly hush [or silence]
Totenstille f
hush your tongue!
sei still!
to cover [or hush] up a scandal
einen Skandal vertuschen
to drop one’s voice to a hush
seine Stimme immer mehr senken
a hush descended [or fell] over the crowd
die Menge verstummte plötzlich
to reveal sth
etw zeigen [o. zum Vorschein bringen]
He drives. A streetlight flashes across his face, revealing how tight his jaw is set. His veins bulge along his bald head.
reveal [rəˈviːl]
♦ verb
1 to make known: All their secrets have been revealed.
افشا کردن
2 to show; to allow to be seen: He scraped away the top layer of paint from the picture, revealing an earlier painting underneath.
نشان دادن؛ ظاهر کردن
♦ adjective
allowing or causing something to be known or seen: a revealing statement.
هشدار دهنده؛ یاد آوری کننده
verb [ T ]
UK /rɪˈviːl/ US /rɪˈviːl/
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to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret:
He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.
[ + that ] Her biography revealed that she was not as rich as everyone thought.
[ + question word ] He would not reveal where he had hidden her chocolate eggs.
to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hidden:
A gap in the clouds revealed the Atlantic far below.
My stomach twists.
twist [twist]
♦ verb
1 to turn round (and round): He twisted the knob; The road twisted through the mountains.
2 to wind around or together: He twisted the piece of string (together) to make a rope.
پیچیدن؛ تابیدن
3 to force out of the correct shape or position: The heat of the fire twisted the metal; He twisted her arm painfully.
از شکل انداختن؛ کج کردن
♦ noun
1 the act of twisting.
چرخش؛ پیچش
2 a twisted piece of something: He added a twist of lemon to her drink.
3 a turn, coil etc : There’s a twist in the rope.
تاب؛ پیچ
4 a change in direction (of a story etc ): The story had a strange twist at the end.
تغییر ناگهانی
♦ adjective
bent out of shape: a twisted branch; a twisted report.
کج و معوج؛ تحریف شده
♦ noun
a dishonest or deceiving person.
کسی که دیگران را می پیچاند
catch up
catch up
phrasal verb with catch verb
UK /kætʃ/ US /kætʃ/
caught | caught
to reach the same quality or standard as someone or something else:
Will Western industry ever catch up with Japanese innovations?
He was off school for a while and is finding it hard to catch up.
to do something you did not have time to do earlier:
She’s staying late at the office to catch up with/on some reports.
to learn or discuss the latest news:
Let’s go for a coffee - I need to catch up on all the gossip.
My stomach twists tighter. I gag
gag [gӕg]– past tense, past participle gagged –
♦ verb
1 to prevent (a person) talking or making a noise, by putting something in or over his mouth: The guards tied up and gagged the prisoners.
دهان کسی را بستن
2 to choke and almost be sick.
عق زدن
♦ noun
something which is put in or over a person’s mouth to prevent him talking or making a noise.
دهان بند
She holds my hair out the way and rubs my back.
rub [rab]– past tense, past participle rubbed –
♦ verb
to move against the surface of something else, pressing at the same time: He rubbed his eyes; The horse rubbed its head against my shoulder; The back of the shoe is rubbing against my heel.
ماش دادن؛ اصطحکاک دادن
♦ noun
an act of rubbing: He gave the teapot a rub with a polishing cloth.
سیقل؛ اصطکاک
rub down
to dry (a horse) after exercise by rubbing.
مشت و مال دادن؛ پاک کردن
rub it in
to keep reminding someone of something unpleasant.
به خورد کسی دادن
rub out
to remove (a mark, writing etc ) with a rubber; to erase.
پاک کردن
rub shoulders with
to meet or mix with (other people).
با بفیه دم خور شدن
rub up
to polish: She rubbed up the silver.
سیقل دادن
rub up the wrong way
to annoy or irritate (someone).
موجب آزردگی کسی شدن
ger: to outgrow sth
aus etw Dat herauswachsen
Momma reminds me to breathe, the same way she did before I outgrew asthma.
outgrow [autˈgrou]– past tense outˈgrew [-ˈgruː]: past participle outˈgrown –
♦ verb
to grow too big or too old for: My son has outgrown all his clothes.
بزرگتر شدن؛ تندتر رشد کردن
ger: ceiling
[Zimmer]decke f
to impose a ceiling on prices
ein Preislimit festlegen
ceiling [ˈsiːliŋ]
♦ noun
the inner roof (of a room etc ): Paint the ceiling before you paint the walls.
vaulted ceiling
Gewölbedecke f
ceiling fan
Deckenventilator m
domed ceiling
Kuppeldach nt
rent ceiling
Höchstmiete f
to exceed the ceiling übtr
die Höchstgrenze überschreiten
to hit the ceiling ugs
an die Decke gehen ugs
upon the ceiling/wall
an der Decke/Wand
an ornate ceiling
eine ornamentale Decke
the Sistine ceiling
die Decke in der Sixtinischen Kapelle
[low] cloud ceiling
[niedrige] Wolkendecke
to raise the price ceiling
die oberste Preisgrenze anheben
to hit the ceiling [or roof]
an die Decke gehen übtr ugs
to hit a glass ceiling
an die Grenzen stoßen
the ceiling fell in on them
die Decke stürzte über ihnen ein
to impose a ceiling on prices
ein Preislimit festlegen
to put a ceiling on sth
für etw (akk) eine Obergrenze festlegen
a huge chandelier hung on the ceiling
ein großer Kronleuchter hing von der Decke herab
to place a limit [or ceiling] on sth
etw begrenzen
to break through the highest glass ceiling übtr
die letzte Hürde nehmen
Leichenhalle f
I’m lying in bed. Khalil is lying in the county morgue.
morgue [moːg]
♦ noun
a building where people who have been found dead are laid until they are identified etc .
I was sweeping floors at our grocery store, saving up for my first pair of J’s, when Natasha ran in.
Kehren nt
sweep [swiːp]– past tense, past participle swept [swept] –
♦ verb
1 to clean (a room etc ) using a brush or broom: The room has been swept clean.
تميز كردن
2 to move as though with a brush: She swept the crumbs off the table with her hand; The wave swept him overboard; Don’t get swept away by (= become over-enthusiastic about) the idea!; She swept aside my objections.
گردگيري كردن
3 to move quickly over: The disease/craze is sweeping the country.
با سرعت گذشتن
4 to move swiftly or in a proud manner: High winds sweep across the desert; She swept into my room without knocking on the door.
مغرورانه گام برداشتن
♦ noun
1 an act of sweeping, or process of being swept, with a brush etc : She gave the room a sweep.
رفت و روب
2 a sweeping movement: He indicated the damage with a sweep of his hand.
3 a person who cleans chimneys.
بخاري پاك كن
4 a sweepstake.
شرط بندي
♦ noun
a person or thing that sweeps: a road-sweeper; May I borrow your carpet-sweeper?
♦ adjective
1 that sweeps: a sweeping gesture.
2 (of changes etc ) very great: a sweeping victory; sweeping reforms.
♦ noun
a type of brush with a long handle that is used for sweeping floors etc .
at one/a sweep
by one action, at one time: He fired half of his employees at one sweep.
با يك حركت؛در يك زمان
sweep (someone) off his feet
to affect (a person) with strong emotion or enthusiasm.
دل و دين از كسي ربودن
sweep out
to sweep (a room etc ) thoroughly; to clean by sweeping: to sweep the classroom out.
جارو زدن
sweep the board
to be very successful; to win all the prizes.
موفق شدن
sweep under the carpet
to avoid facing, or dealing with (an unpleasant situation etc ) by pretending it does not exist.
سرپوش گذاشتن
sweep up
to gather together or remove (dirt etc ) by sweeping: She swept up the crumbs/mess.
جارو كردن
dark-skinned, and wore her hair in braids that always looked freshly done. I wanted braids like hers so bad.
braid [breid]
♦ verb
to wind together (especially strands of hair).
♦ noun
threads twisted together and used as decoration on uniforms etc : gold braid on the admiral’s uniform.
گرس؛ کلاله
I remember looking at Daddy and pleading silently. He said I could go, as long as I promised to be back in an hour.
plead [pliːd]– past tense, past participles ˈpleaded , (American also ) pled –
♦ verb
1 (of a prisoner) to answer a charge, saying whether one is guilty or not: How does the prisoner plead?'
He pleads guilty.’
قبول یا رد کردن
2 to present a case in court: My lawyer will plead my case; My lawyer will plead for me.
اقامه دعوی کردن
3 (often with with ) to make an urgent request: He pleaded with me not to go; He pleaded to be allowed to go.
التماس کردن
Taube f
pigeon [ˈpidʒən]
♦ noun
any of several kinds of bird of the dove family.
♦ noun
a small compartment for letters, papers etc in a desk etc or eg hung on the wall of an office, staffroom etc : He has separate pigeon-holes for bills, for receipts, for letters from friends and so on.
نامه دان
♦ adjective
(of a person or his manner of walking) with toes turned inwards: a pigeon-toed person/walk.
دارای انگشتان پا که به داخل خمیده اند
The thorns on the rosebush got me
Dorn m
thorn [θoːn]
♦ noun
a hard, sharp point sticking out from the stem of certain plants: She pricked her finger on a thorn.
♦ adjective
1 full of or covered with thorns: a thorny branch.
تیغ دار
2 difficult, causing trouble etc : a thorny problem.
پر دردسر
wahnsinnig groß ugs
She gave it to my parents after my uncle, Carlos, moved her into his humongous house in the suburbs
adjective infml
US /hjuˈmʌŋ·ɡəs/
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very large:
We had our picture taken in New Mexico before a humongous cactus.
talking about how it was her home and no thugs were gonna run her out
thug [θag]
♦ noun
a violent, brutal person: Where are the young thugs who robbed the old man?
آدم جانی
smirk [sməːk]
♦ verb
to smile in a self-satisfied or foolish manner: He sat there smirking after the teacher had praised him.
پوزخند زدن
♦ noun
a smile of this sort.
thick eyebrows and long eyelashes
through thick and thin
thick [θik]
♦ adjective
1 having a relatively large distance between opposite sides; not thin: a thick book; thick walls; thick glass.
ضخیم؛ کلفت
2 having a certain distance between opposite sides: It’s two inches thick; a two-inch-thick pane of glass.
دارای ضخامت یا کلفتی معیین
3 (of liquids, mixtures etc ) containing solid matter; not flowing (easily) when poured: thick soup.
4 made of many single units placed very close together; dense: a thick forest; thick hair.
پر؛ مملو
5 difficult to see through: thick fog.
6 full of, covered with etc : The room was thick with dust; The air was thick with smoke.
پوشیده؛ پر از
7 stupid: Don’t be so thick!
♦ noun
the thickest, most crowded or active part: in the thick of the forest; in the thick of the fight.
ضخامت؛ انبوهی
♦ adverb
بطور انبوه یا غلیظ
♦ noun
انبوهی؛ غلظت
♦ verb
to make or become thick or thicker: We’ll add some flour to thicken the soup; The fog thickened and we could no longer see the road.
ضخیم کردن
♦ adjective
not easily hurt by criticism or insults: You won’t upset her – she’s very thick-skinned.
پوست کلفت
thick and fast
frequently and in large numbers: The bullets/insults were flying thick and fast.
فراوان و پشت سر هم
through thick and thin
whatever happens; in spite of all difficulties: They were friends through thick and thin.
در تمام ناملایمات
to dread sth
sich Akk vor etw Dat sehr fürchten
Seven’s dreads are long enough to give both bald-headed Daddy and short-haired Sekani each a head full of hair.
dread [dred]
♦ noun
great fear: She lives in dread of her child being drowned in the canal; His voice was husky with dread.
هراس؛ دلهره
♦ verb
to fear greatly: We were dreading his arrival.
♦ adjective
1 terrible: a dreadful accident.
2 very bad or annoying: What dreadful children!
آزار دهنده؛ بسیار بد
♦ noun
♦ adverb
extremely: dreadfully ill; dreadfully clever.
خیلی؛ بسیار
to fill sb with dread
jdn mit Angst und Schrecken erfüllen
the dread spectre of civil war
das Schreckgespenst eines Bürgerkrieges
I dread to think what would happen if …
ich wage gar nicht daran zu denken, was geschehen würde, wenn …
to be [or stand] [or live] in dread of sth
in [ständiger] Angst vor etw Dat leben
etw [von jdm] erben
I did inherit Daddy’s eyelashes—and I’m cursed with his eyebrows too.
inherit [inˈherit]
♦ verb
1 to receive (property etc belonging to someone who has died): He inherited the house from his father; She inherited four thousand dollars from her father.
ارث بردن
2 to have (qualities) the same as one’s parents etc : She inherits her quick temper from her mother.
ارث بردن
♦ noun
1 money etc inherited: He spent most of his inheritance on drink.
2 the act of inheriting: The property came to him by inheritance.
ارث بری
to inherit wealth
ein Vermögen erben
throat [θrəut]
♦ noun
1 the back part of the mouth connecting the openings of the stomach, lungs and nose: She has a sore throat.
2 the front part of the neck: She wore a silver brooch at her throat.
جلو گردن
having a (certain type of) throat: a red-throated bird.
دارای نوع بخصوص گلو یا گردن
♦ adjective
(of a voice) coming from far back in the throat; deep and hoarse.
♦ adverb
بطور حلقی
♦ noun
حلقی بودن
Bedrohung f
threat [θret]
♦ noun
1 a warning that one is going to hurt or punish someone: He will certainly carry out his threat to harm you.
2 a sign of something dangerous or unpleasant which may be, or is, about to happen: a threat of rain.
3 a source of danger: His presence is a threat to our plan/success.
♦ verb
to make or be a threat (to): She threatened to kill herself; He threatened me with violence / with a gun; A storm is threatening.
تهدید کردن
ghetto / ghettoize
ghetto [ˈgetəu]– plural ˈghetto(e)s –
♦ noun
a (poor) part of a city etc in which a certain group of people (especially immigrants) lives: Large cities like New York have many ghettoes.
محل سکونت اقلیت ها
to treat a particular group in society as if they are different from the other parts of society and as if their activities and interests are not important to other people:
Feminist writers, she claimed, had been ghettoized, their books placed on separate shelves in the shops.
The TV company is aware of the danger of ghettoizing disability issues by offering “specialist” programmes.
sich Akk kauern
crouch [krautʃ]
♦ verb
1 to stand with the knees well bent; to squat: He crouched behind the bush.
کز کردن؛ چمباتمه زدن
2 (of animals) to lie close to the ground, in fear, readiness for action etc : The tiger was crouching ready to spring on its prey.
خود را جمع کردن
crouch down
sich Akk niederkauern
rumpeln, grollen
rumble [ˈrambl]
♦ verb
to make a low grumbling sound: Thunder rumbled in the distance.
♦ noun
this kind of sound: the rumble of thunder.
de: kompensieren
compensate [ˈkompənseit]
♦ verb
1 to give money to (someone) or to do something else to make up for loss or wrong they have experienced: This payment will compensate (her) for the loss of her job.
غرامت دادن؛ جبران کردن
2 to undo the effect of a disadvantage etc : The love the child received from his grandmother compensated for the cruelty of his parents.
جبران کردن؛ تعدیل کردن
compensatory [kəmˈpensətəri]
♦ adjective
جبرانی؛ ترمیمی
♦ noun
payment etc given for loss or injury: He received a large sum of money as compensation when he was injured at work.
to etch sth
etw ätzen
etch [etʃ]
♦ verb
to make (designs) on metal, glass etc using an acid to eat out the lines.
…نقش اندازی بر روی شیشه و فلز و
to etch sth
etw ätzen
Avenue f
avenue [ˈӕvinjuː]
♦ noun
1 a road, often with trees along either side.
مسیری که دو طرفش درخت باشد
2 (often abbreviated to Ave . when written ) a word used in the names of certain roads or streets: His address is 14 Swan Avenue.
de: falten
Mr. Lewis from the barbershop next door stands out front, his arms folded over his big belly.
fold1 [fould]
♦ verb
1 to double over (material, paper etc ): She folded the paper in half.
تا کردن
2 to lay one on top of another: She folded her hands in her lap.
روی چیزی قرار دادن
3 to bring in (wings) close to the body: The bird folded its wings.
جمع کردن؛ به سینه چسباندن
♦ noun
1 a doubling of one layer of material, paper etc over another: Her dress hung in folds.
تا؛ لا
2 a mark made especially on paper etc by doing this; a crease: There was a fold in the page.
چین؛ تا
♦ adjective
تا خورده
♦ noun
a cover for keeping loose papers together: He kept the notes for his speech in a folder.
♦ adjective
that can be folded: a folding chair.
تا شو
Daddy tells them it’s too early to be that blazed, and they laugh way too hard.
blaze1 [bleiz]
♦ noun
1 a bright light or fire: A neighbour rescued her from the blaze.
زبانۀ آتش؛ نور شدید
2 an outburst (of anger, emotion etc ): a blaze of fury.
3 a bright display: a blaze of colour.
نور شدید؛ درخشش
♦ verb
(of a fire, the sun) to burn, shine brightly.
سوختن؛ درخشیدن
♦ adjective
1 burning brightly: a blazing fire.
شعله ور
2 extremely angry: a blazing row.
خشمگین؛ برآشفته
Y’all used to be friends, didn’t you?”
The “used to” stings,
Stich m
to have a sting in the tail (have surprising end)
eine Pointe haben
sting [stiŋ]
♦ noun
1 a part of some plants, insects etc, eg nettles and wasps, that can prick and inject an irritating or poisonous fluid into the wound.
2 an act of piercing with this part: Some spiders give a poisonous sting.
3 the wound, swelling, or pain caused by this: You can soothe a wasp sting by putting vinegar on it.
جاي گزيدگي
♦ verb– past tense, past participle stung [staŋ] –
1 to wound or hurt by means of a sting: The child was badly stung by nettles/mosquitoes; Do those insects sting?
نيش زدن
2 (of a wound, or a part of the body) to smart or be painful: The salt water made his eyes sting.
به درد آوردن
sting ray
Stachelrochen m
to sting sb’s eyes sand, wind, hail
jdm in den Augen brennen
sting of remorse
Gewissensbisse pl
sting of defeat übtr
schmerzliche Niederlage
bee/hornet/wasp sting
Bienen-/Hornissen-/Wespenstich m
to take the sting out of sth
etw Dat den Stachel nehmen
to have a sting in the tail (have surprising end)
eine Pointe haben
to sting sb with higher fees/surcharges/new taxes
jdm höhere Gebühren/Zuschläge/neue Steuern aufbrummen ugs
I will never forget the sting of his words
ich werde die Kränkung durch seine Worte niemals vergessen
Nonne f
although if it was up to Seven I’d become a nun
nun [nan]
♦ noun
a member of a female religious community.
ˈnunnery– plural ˈnunneries –
♦ noun
a house in which a group of nuns live; a convent.
I can’t get the guts to tell Daddy though.
gut [gat]
♦ noun
1 the tube in the lower part of the body through which food passes.
2 a strong thread made from the gut of an animal, used for violin strings etc .
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈgutted –
1 to take the guts out of: Her job was to gut fish.
دل و روده درآوردن
2 to destroy completely, except for the outer frame: The fire gutted the house.
تخریب شدن درون ساختمان
♦ noun plural
1 the gut, liver, kidneys etc .
دل و روده
2 courage: He’s got a lot of guts.
دل و جرأت
gut issue
Kernpunkt m
beer gut
Bierbauch m
to split a gut Am ugs
Bauchweh vor Lachen haben
to bust a gut
sich Akk abrackern ugs
to gut an animal
ein Tier ausnehmen
a gut reaction (spontaneous)
eine spontane Reaktion
a gut feeling
Bauchgefühl nt
to bust a gut (laugh)
sich Akk kaputtlachen ugs
My gut feeling is that Tom won’t show up tomorrow.
به دلم افتاده که فردا تام سروکلهاش پیدا نمیشه.
● (کالبد شناسی) احشا،دل و روده،اندرونه
he took the guts out of the game
دل و رودهی شکار را در آورد.
● دل و روده را در آوردن
● زه (که از رودهی حیوان میسازند)
● (جراحی)نخ بخیه،کاتگوت،روده
● پیلهی ابریشم،ریسمان محکم ابریشمی
● تنگرود،تنگ آبراه،باریک آب
● (عامیانه - جمع) اصلی،درونی،ژرف
● (عامیانه - جمع) دل و جرات،پایداری،زور،طاقت
he didn’t have the guts to yell at me
جرات نداشت سر من داد بزند.
my gut feeling is …
احساس درونی من آن است که …
● آتش گرفتن درون ساختمان (به طوری که فقط نمای خارجی آن سالم بماند)
the third floor was completely gutted
طبقهی سوم کاملا سوخته بود.
● مبرم،اساسی
the gut issues
مطالب اصلی
● ساده،آسان
a gut course in college
درسی آسان در دانشگاه
* to hate someone’s guts
(خودمانی) از کسی بیزار بودن
* to have someone’s guts for garter
سخت تنبیه کردن،دمار درآوردن
* to work (or scream) one’s guts out
با تمام وجود کار کردن (یا فریاد کشیدن)
Schürze f
“I kinda hoped he’d be in here when I walked in,” she says softly. “Like
he used to be. Bagging groceries in that ugly apron.”
apron [ˈeiprən]
♦ noun
1 a piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt etc : She tied on her apron before preparing the dinner.
2 something like an apron in shape, eg a hard surface for aircraft on an airfield.
هر چیز پیشبند مانند
3 (also ˈapron-stage ) the part of the stage in a theatre which is in front of the curtain.
پیش صحنه
apron [area]
Vorfeld nt
kitchen apron
Küchenschürze f
to be tied to sb’s apron strings abw
de: irgendetwas [vor sich Akk hin]murmeln
“The green one,” I mutter.
mutter [ˈmatə]
♦ verb
to utter words in a quiet voice especially when grumbling etc .
سخن زير لب
♦ noun
such a sound: He spoke in a mutter.
to mutter deliriously
wirres Zeug reden
to mutter imprecations at sb
jdn verfluchen
to mutter [sth] under one’s breath
[etw] leise vor sich Akk hin murmeln
to mutter sth to sb under one’s breath
jdm etw zuraunen
to munch sth
de: etw mampfen
munch [mantʃ]
♦ verb
to chew (food etc ) noisily with the lips closed: She was munching her toast.
munch [mantʃ]
♦ verb
to chew (food etc ) noisily with the lips closed: She was munching her toast.
“Get me some beef ribs from Reuben’s. And I want—”
Rippe f
rib [rib]
♦ noun
1 any one of the bones which curve round and forward from the backbone, enclosing the heart and lungs.
2 one of the curved pieces of wood which are joined to the keel to form the framework of a boat.
دنده کشتی
3 a vertical raised strip in eg knitted material, or the pattern formed by a row of these.
راره راه برجسته
4 any of a number of things similar in shape, use etc to a rib, eg one of the supports for the fabric of an aeroplane wing or of an umbrella.
دنده بال
♦ adjective
having ribs: a ribbed pattern.
راه راه؛ دنده دار
♦ noun
a pattern or arrangement of ribs.
ساختمان دنده ها