English Flashcards
noun - compensation
1 something, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering.
seeking compensation for injuries suffered at work
synonyms: recompense , repayment , reimbursement , remuneration , requital , indemnification , indemnity , redress , damages , comp
جبران: compensation, relief, recovery, amends, restitution, recompense
غرامت: compensation, reparation, restitution, dues, indemnification, recompense
پاداش: reward, remuneration, compensation, fee, gratuity, meed
عوض: change, exchange, substitute, compensation, shift, quid pro quo
تلافی: retaliation, revenge, reprisal, retort, retribution, compensation
تاوان: penalty, compensation, reparation, indemnity, fine, mulct
مزد: wages, wage, reward, hire, fee, compensation
جبران کردن: compensation, quittance, retrieve
etw entwickeln
cultivate [ˈkaltiveit]
1 prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.
Traditionally, producers begin cultivating the land to prepare for planting in the early spring.
synonyms: till , plow , dig , hoe , farm , work , fertilize , mulch , weed
2 try to acquire or develop (a quality, sentiment, or skill).
he cultivated an air of indifference
♦ verb
1 to prepare (land) for crops.
کشت کردن؛ آماده کردن زمین برای کاشت
2 to grow (a crop in a garden, field etc ): He cultivates mushrooms in the cellar.
پرورش دادن
♦ adjective
1 (of fields etc ) prepared for crops; used for growing crops: cultivated land.
کشت شده
2 grown in a garden etc ; not wild: a cultivated variety of raspberries.
کاشتنی؛ گلخانه ای
3 having good manners; educated: a cultivated young lady; He has cultivated tastes in music.
تحصیل کرده؛ با فرهنگ
♦ noun
کشت و کار
♦ noun
a tool or machine for breaking up ground and removing weeds.
ماشین شخم زنی
کاشتن و غیره)،کشت و زرع کردن،کشت و کار کردن
to cultivate the soil
خاک را زیر کشت بردن
rice is cultivated in Gillan
● به عمل آوردن (گیاه یا میوه یا جانور)،پروردن
to cultivate yeasts
مخمر کشت کردن
to cultivate pearls
مروارید پروردن
● (انسان - با آموزش یا ممارست و غیره) بهتر کردن،بهسازی کردن
to cultivate one’s mind
افکار خود را بهسازی کردن،نیروی دماغی خود را پروردن
● کسب کردن و توسعه دادن،(در درون خود) پروردن
to cultivate an interest in music
علاقه به موسیقی را در خود تقویت کردن
he cultivated the friendship of the rich and powerful
او پی دوستی پولداران و قدرتمندان رفت.
till, plow, dig, hoe, farm, work, fertilize, mulch, weed
grow, raise, rear, plant, sow
win someone’s friendship, woo, court, curry favor with, ingratiate oneself with, get in good with someone, butter up, suck up to
improve, better, refine, elevate, educate, train, develop, enrich
naturalise, tame, domesticate, naturalize
civilise, civilize, educate, school, train
work, crop
colleague [ˈkoliːg]
♦ noun
a person with whom one is associated in a profession or occupation: He gets on well with his colleagues.
1 a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or business.
Spent part of today writing a couple of spoof company memos for a select group of colleagues .
synonyms: coworker , fellow worker , workmate , teammate , associate , partner , collaborator , ally , confederate
● همکار،همقطار،همال،همپایه،همگن،هم پیشه
one of my colleagues got married
یکی از همکاران من ازدواج کرد.
Precious adj
I . pre·cious [ˈpreʃəs] ADJ
- precious (of great value):
precious : wertvoll
precious: kostbar
to be precious to sb: jdm viel bedeuten
precious commodity: kostbarer [o. wertvoller] Rohstoff
precious memory/moment: kostbare Erinnerung/kostbarer Moment
a precious possession: ein wertvoller Besitz
to waste precious time: wertvolle Zeit verschwenden
- precious abw (affected):
precious manner, style : manieriert geh
precious manner, style: geziert
precious person: affektiert geh
to be precious about sth: viel Aufhebens [o. großes Getue] um etw Akk machen
- precious attr, inv iron ugs (with annoyance):
precious: heiß geliebt iron
if it weren’t for your precious short cut, … : wenn wir nicht deine heiß geliebte Abkürzung genommen hätten, … iron
a precious lot he cares about it!: es kümmert ihn herzlich wenig [o. ugs einen Dreck] !
II . pre·cious [ˈpreʃəs] ADV ugs
precious little: herzlich wenig
there’s precious little chance of that happening: die Chance, dass so etwas passiert, ist wohl minimal
to be precious little help: wohl kaum eine große Hilfe sein
precious few: nur eine Hand voll
precious [ˈpreʃəs]
♦ adjective
of great value: precious jewels.
precious metal
a valuable metal such as gold, silver or platinum.
فلزات قیمتی
precious stone
a jewel; a gem: diamonds, emeralds and other precious stones.
سنگ قیمتی
precious few/little
very few/little: I’ve precious little money left.
بسیار کم
adj., adv.
● گرانبها،گرانقیمت،گران،پرقیمت،قیمتی
a precious jewel
گوهر گرانبها
precious metals
فلزات قیمتی
● پرقدر،ارزنده،باارزش،ارزشمند
our precious civil rights
حقوق مدنی ارزشمند ما
his delay caused the loss of a precious opportunity
تاخیر او موجب از دست رفتن یک فرصت پرارزش شد.
● گرامی،عزیز،گرانمایه
Mehri and Julie are very precious to me
مهری و جولی برایم خیلی عزیز هستند.
alas for the precious life that has flown by …
افسوس بر آن عمر گرانمایه که بگذشت …
● (به ویژه در رفتار یا بیان) وسواسی،پرتکلف،(زیاده) مبادی آداب،پرتصنع
at times his poetry tends to become precious
گهگاه شعر او پرتصنع میشود.
● (تداعی منفی) چیره،قهار،مفرط
a precious liar
دروغگوی قهار
● (عامیانه) خیلی،بسیار
she said precious little
خیلی کم حرف زد.
adjective - precious
گرانبها: precious, valuable, rich, inestimable
قیمتی: precious, valuable
نفیس: exquisite, precious, valuable, rich
پر ارزش: precious, dear
عزیز: dear, darling, precious
فوق العاده: extraordinary, terrific, phenomenal, supernatural, singular, precious
محبوب: popular, beloved, favorite, loved, cherished, precious
چیز گرانبها: precious
سنگین قیمت: precious
لطیف: subtle, delicate, soft, soft, fine, precious
تصنعی گرامی: precious
adverb - precious
بسیار: many, very, much, lot, far, precious
cause (N/V)
he’s delay caused the loss of a precious opportunity.
Verb: etw verursachen [o. hervorrufen]
Noun: Ursache
I . cause [kɔ:z, Am esp kɑ:z] SUBST
- cause (reason):
cause : Grund m
cause: Ursache f
cause of action: Klagegrund m
challenge for cause: Ablehnung f unter Angabe von Gründen
challenge without cause: Ablehnung f ohne Angabe von Gründen
cause of death: Todesursache f
cause and effect: Ursache und Wirkung
contributory causes: mitverursachende Umstände
to show cause: Gründe vorlegen
- cause no pl (understandable grounds):
cause: Anlass m
you’ve got good cause for complaint/concern: Sie haben allen Grund, sich zu beschweren/besorgt zu sein
to give cause for concern: Anlass zur Sorge geben
don’t worry, there’s no cause for concern: keine Sorge, es besteht kein Grund zur Beunruhigung
a just cause: ein triftiger Grund
to be cause to celebrate: Grund zum Feiern sein
with/without [good] cause: aus triftigem/ohne [triftigen] Grund
to be the cause of sth: der Grund für etw Akk sein
- cause (purpose):
cause: Sache f
in the cause of freedom: im Namen der Freiheit
a rebel without a cause: jd, der sich gegen jegliche Autorität widersetzt
to make common cause with sb: mit jdm gemeinsame Sache machen
a good [or worthy] cause: eine gute Sache
a good [or worthy] cause: ein guter Zweck
to be for a good cause: für einen guten Zweck sein
a lost cause: eine verlorene Sache
to defend [or further] a cause: für eine Sache eintreten
to do sth in the cause of sth: etw im Namen einer S. Gen tun
- cause (court case):
cause: Fall m
to plead a cause: einen Fall vertreten
- cause JUR (legal proceedings):
cause: Verhandlung f
cause list: Verhandlungsliste f
cause list: Terminkalender m
matrimonial causes: Ehesachen pl
II . cause [kɔ:z, Am esp kɑ:z] VERB trans
to cause sth: etw verursachen [o. hervorrufen]
this medicine may cause dizziness and nausea : die Einnahme dieses
Medikaments kann zu Schwindelgefühl und Übelkeit führen
to cause a disturbance: die öffentliche [Sicherheit und] Ordnung stören
to cause sb harm: jdm schaden [o. Schaden zufügen]
to cause mischief [or trouble]: Unruhe stiften
to cause sb to do sth: jdn veranlassen, etw zu tun
the strict teacher caused the boy to burst into tears: der strenge Lehrer brachte den Jungen zum Weinen
the bright light caused her to blink: das helle Licht ließ sie blinzeln
lost ˈcause SUBST
lost cause: aussichtslose Sache
prob·able ˈcause SUBST no pl Am JUR
probable cause: hinreichender [Tat]verdacht
to arrest sb on probable cause: jdn aufgrund eines hinreichenden Tatverdachts verhaften
root ˈcause SUBST
root cause: Grundursache f
root cause: Wurzel f übtr
profitability cause SUBST INV-FIN
profitability cause: Rentabilitätsgrund m
cause [koːz]
♦ noun
1 something or someone that produces an effect or result: Having no money is the cause of all my misery.
2 a reason for an action; a motive: You had no cause to treat your wife so badly.
3 an aim or concern for which an individual or group works: cancer research and other deserving causes; in the cause of peace.
♦ verb
to make (something) happen; to bring about; to be the means of: What caused the accident?; He caused me to drop my suitcase.
سبب شدن؛ موجب شدن
Slight inattention can cause a great disaster.
کوچک ترین بی توجهی ممکنه به فاجعه ختم بشه
• In many countries, being gay is a cause for imprisonment.
در خیلی از کشورها، همجنس باز بودن دلیلی است برای زندانی کردن.
• Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem and a leading cause of death.
صدمات ناشی از آمد وشد جاده ای یکی از مشکلات عمده ی سلامت عمومی است و منجر به مرگ ومیر می شود.
• The capable detective was assigned to investigate the cause of the tragedy.
کارگاه کاردان مأموریت یافته تا علت تراژدی را تحقیق کند.
● علت،سبب،انگیزاننده،انگیزان،کیود،انگیزه،موجب،دلیل،پیش آور،انگیز،مایه
the cause of his illness
علت بیماری او
I have no cause to go back
انگیزهای برای بازگشت ندارم.
give her as little a cause as possible to dislike you
تا آنجا که ممکن است کاری نکن که از تو بدش بیاید.
what was the cause of their objection?
دلیل مخالفت آنها چه بود؟
cause of trouble
مایهی درد سر
● سبب شدن،علت بودن،انگیزاندن،موجب شدن،پیش آوردن،به بار آوردن
what caused you to be so late?
چه سبب شد که این قدر دیر بیایی؟
the death of her husband caused Turan Khanum much sorrow
مرگ شوهر موجب اندوه فراوان برای توران خانم شد.
the war caused us many problems
جنگ برایمان مشکلات زیادی به بار آورد.
cigarets cause cancer
سیگار موجب سرطان میشود.
causing sorrow
غم انگیز،موجب حزن
damages caused by the flood
خسارات ناشی از سیل
● هدف (سیاسی یا اجتماعی)،آرمان
Jahangir is sympathetic to our cause
جهانگیر با آرمان ما موافق است.
we will do everything for the cause of world peace
ما در راه پیشبرد آرمان صلح جهانی از هیچ کاری فرو گذار نخواهیم کرد.
● (حقوق) مرافعه،شکایت،دعوی
* cause and effect
علت و معلول،انگیزه و انگیخته،پیش آور و پیایند
* in (or for) a good cause
بخاطر آرمانی نیکو،در راه کار خیر
* make common cause with
متحد شدن با،دارای منافع یا آرمانهای مشترک شدن یا کردن
noun - cause
علت: cause, reason, disease, drawback, motive, shortcoming
موجب: cause, inducement, reason, motive
سبب: cause, reason, occasion, account, ground, motive
جنبش: movement, move, motion, cause, action, jiggle
هدف: target, aim, goal, purpose, objective, cause
انگیزه: motivation, stimulant, motive, incentive, impetus, cause
نهضت: movement, crusade, cause
مرافعه: lawsuit, quarrel, cause, spat, case, contestation
باعی: cause
جهت: direction, orientation, sense, aim, sake, cause
عنوان: title, caption, heading, headline, way, cause
موضوع منازع فیه: cause
موری: devisor, cause, legator
منبع: source, original, fount, provenance, fountainhead, cause
سرمایه: capital, fund, wealth, money, stock, cause
verb - cause
موجب شدن: cause, afford, bring, entail, evince, inure
ایجاد کردن: create, make, beget, construct, develop, cause
باعی شدن: cause, draw on, make, occasion
سبب شدن: cause, occasion
واداشتن: cause, wrest, stand, appoint, put through
afford v
sich Dat etw leisten
- afford (have money for):
to afford sth sich Dat etw leistenn
to be able to afford sth sich Dat etw leisten können - afford (allow oneself):
to afford sth : I simply can’t afford the time to come
ich habe einfach nicht die Zeit zu kommen - afford form (provide):
to afford [sb] sth [jdm] etw bieten [o. gewähren]
to afford little protection kaum Schutz bieten
to afford little protection: kaum Schutz bieten
to afford a view: einen Blick [o. eine Aussicht] bieten
to afford self-indulgence : es sich Dat gutgehen lassen
he can ill afford to …: er kann es sich kaum leisten, …
to be able to afford sth: sich Dat etw leisten können
at that price, I can’t afford it : zu diesem Preis kann ich es mir nicht leisten
to afford sth I simply can’t afford the time to come: ich habe einfach nicht die Zeit zu kommen
she can scarcely afford to pay the rent: sie kann das Geld für die Miete kaum aufbringen
afford [əˈfoːd]
♦ verb
1 (usually with can, ~could ) to be able to spend money, time etc on or for something: I can’t afford (to buy) a new car.
بضاعت داشتن
2 (usually with can, ~could ) to be able to do (something) without causing oneself trouble, difficulty etc : She can’t afford to be rude to her employer no matter how rude he is to her.
انجام کاری بدون عواقب ناخوشایند
verb - afford
دادن: give, give, grant, admit, impute, afford
حاصل کردن: obtain, acquire, afford, generate, get
تهیه کردن: cater, provide, furnish, process, purvey, afford
موجب شدن: cause, afford, bring, entail, evince, inure
از عهده برامدن: cope, tackle, acquit, afford, answer
استطاعت داشتن: afford
● (معمولا با can یا be able) استطاعت داشتن،بضاعت داشتن،وسع مالی داشتن،قدرت مالی (برای خرید یا خرج) داشتن
can you afford to buy this mansion?
آیا قدرت خرید این کاخ را دارید؟
this trip is not affordable for me
استطاعت این مسافرت را ندارم.
I can’t afford the time
وقتش را ندارم.
● (معمولا با can) انجام کاری بدون عواقب ناخوشایند
I can afford to tell you bluntly that …
میتوانم رک به شما بگویم که …
I can’t afford to wait any longer
به صلاحم نیست (نمیتوانم) دیگر صبر کنم.
● دادن،موجب شدن
the window afforded a view of the garden
پنجره منظرهای از باغ را نشان میداد.
these meetings always afforded me pleasure
این دیدارها همیشه مرا محظوظ میکرد.
music affords her pleasure
موسیقی به او لذت میدهد.
bestehen auf +Dat
- insist (demand):
insist on/upon: bestehen auf +Dat
please go first, I insist!: geh bitte vor, ich bestehe darauf!
all right, if you insist: also gut, wenn du darauf bestehst
she insisted on seeing her lawyer: sie bestand darauf, ihren Anwalt zu sprechen
- insist (continue annoyingly):
to insist on [or upon] doing sth: sich Akk nicht von etw Dat abbringen lassen
she will insist on parking right in front of our garage door: sie parkt einfach immer stur vor unserer Garagentür
- insist (maintain forcefully):
to insist on [or upon] sth: auf etw Dat beharren
II . in·sist [ɪnˈsɪst] VERB trans
Verbtabelle anzeigen
- insist (state forcefully):to insist that …: fest behaupten, dass …
Greg still insists he did nothing wrong : Greg behauptet immer noch fest, dass er nichts Falsches getan hat
“but I’ve already paid what I owe”, she insisted: „aber ich habe doch schon gezahlt“, sagte sie bestimmt
- insist (demand forcefully):
to insist that …: darauf bestehen, dass …
1 demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal.
she insisted on carrying her own bag
synonyms: demand , command , require , dictate , urge , exhort
insist [inˈsist]
♦ verb
1 (with that or on ) to state, emphasize, or hold firmly to (an opinion, plan etc ): He insists that I was to blame for the accident; I insisted on driving him home.
اصرار کردن
2 (often with on or that ) to demand or urge: He insists on punctuality/obedience; She insisted on coming with me; He insisted that I should go.
پافشاری کردن
♦ noun
(the act of) insisting: She went to see the doctor at her husband’s insistence.
♦ adjective
مصر؛ سمج
/in sist´/
vi., vt.
● اصرار کردن،دوپا را در یک کفش کردن،پافشاری کردن،لج کردن،(روی چیزی) پیله کردن،واسرنگیدن،کشتیار شدن
he insisted on going
او اصرار به رفتن کرد.
I said “no” but he insisted
گفتم ((نه)) ولی او پافشاری کرد.
she insisted upon the truth of his words
او روی صحت گفتههای خود پافشاری کرد.
● (شدیدا) درخواست کردن،خواستار شدن
the workers may insist that he be fired
ممکن است کارگران اخراج او را خواستار شوند.
● (مصرانه) ادعا کردن،اعلام کردن
he insisted that he was completely innocent
او مصرانه ادعا میکرد که کاملا بیگناه است.
etw [von jdm] verlangen [o. fordern]
I . de·mand [dɪˈmɑ:nd, Am -ˈmænd] VERB trans
- demand (insist upon):
to demand sth [from sb]: etw [von jdm] verlangen [o. fordern]
I demand to see the person in charge: ich will mit dem Verantwortlichen/der Verantwortlichen sprechen
to demand that …: verlangen, dass …
to demand discipline from sb: Disziplin von jdm fordern
to demand an explanation: eine Erklärung verlangen
- demand (insist in being told):
to demand sth: etw unbedingt wissen wollen
- demand (need):
to demand sth: etw erfordern
to demand a lot of concentration: ein hohes Maß an Konzentration erfordern
II . de·mand [dɪˈmɑ:nd, Am -ˈmænd] SUBST
- demand (insistent request):
demand for: Forderung f nach +Dat
demand for independence: Forderung nach Unabhängigkeit
to do sth on demand: etw auf Verlangen tun
to make a demand that …: die Forderung stellen, dass …
- demand HANDEL:
demand (requirement): Bedarf m
demand (for a product): Nachfrage f
supply and demand: Angebot und Nachfrage
demand for finance: Finanzierungsnachfrage f
demand for money FIN: Geldnachfrage f
to be in demand: gefragt sein
- demand Brit (for payment):
demand: Mahnung f
demand: Zahlungsaufforderung f
to receive a [final] demand for sth: eine Mahnung für etw Akk erhalten
- demand (expectations):
to make demands on sb: Anforderungen an jdn stellen
she’s got many demands on her time: sie ist zeitlich sehr beansprucht
demand, requirement SUBST
Synonym : request , call , command , order , dictate , ultimatum , stipulation
1 ask authoritatively or brusquely.
“Where is she?” he demanded
synonyms: order , command , enjoin , urge , bid , ask , inquire , question , interrogate , challenge
We demand justice.
ما درخواست عدالت داریم.
demand [diˈmaːnd]
♦ verb
1 to ask or ask for firmly and sharply: I demanded an explanation.
خواستن؛ مطالبه کردن
2 to require or need: This demands careful thought.
نیاز داشتن؛ مستلزم بودن
♦ noun
1 a request made so that it sounds like a command: They refused to meet the workers’ demands for more money.
درخواست؛ خواسته
2 an urgent claim: The children make demands on my time.
درخواست مصرانه
3 willingness or desire to buy or obtain (certain goods etc ); a need for (certain goods etc ): There’s no demand for books of this kind.
♦ adjective
requiring a lot of effort, ability etc : a demanding job.
سخت؛ پرزحمت
on demand
when asked for: I’m expected to supply meals on demand.
هنگام درخواست؛ عندالمطالبه
● خواستن،طلبیدن،(به عنوان حق خود) ادعا کردن،خواستار شدن،تحکم کردن،مطالبه کردن،واخواستن
this work demands patience
این کار صبر میخواهد.
the people demanded his resignation
مردم استعفای او را خواستار شدند.
don’t make too many demands!
خواستههای بیش از حد را عنوان نکن!،خیلی تحکم نکن!
he demanded his money
او پول خود را مطالبه میکرد.
the police demanded my licence
پاسبان از من گواهینامه خواست.
demand the cause of her sorrow!
علت غم او را جویا شو!
● احضار کردن
● (حقوق) حق مسلم،ادعای به حق،(در دادگاه) درخواست احقاق حق کردن،دادخواهی کردن
● خواسته
a list of the workers’ demands
فهرستی از خواستههای کارگران
his demands are not reasonable
خواستههای او معقول نیست.
● تحکم،فشار
● نیاز،ضرورت،الزام
the body’s fuel demands
نیازهای بدن به سوخت
the demands of city life
الزامات زندگی شهری
● (اقتصاد) تقاضا
the law of supply and demand
قانون عرضه و تقاضا
there is no demand for this product
این فراورده بازار ندارد.
* in demand
مورد درخواست،(کالا) دارای خواهان فراوان،مورد نیاز،(بازار) گرم
his books are greatly in demand
بازار کتابهای او بسیار داغ است.
* make demands on somebody (or something)
کسی (یا چیزی را) سخت به کار گرفتن،تحت فشار قرار دادن
the war made heavy demands on the industry
جنگ صنایع را تحت فشار شدید قرار داد.
* on demand
عندالمطالبه،هنگام درخواست،هنگام ارائه
demand (dɪˈmɑːnd)
vb (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive)
- to request peremptorily or urgently
- to require or need as just, urgent, etc:
the situation demands attention.
- to claim as a right; exact:
his parents demanded obedience of him.
- (Law) law to make a formal legal claim to (property, esp realty)
n - an urgent or peremptory requirement or request
- something that requires special effort or sacrifice:
a demand on one’s time.
- the act of demanding something or the thing demanded:
the kidnappers’ demand was a million pounds.
- an insistent question or query
- (Economics) economics
a. willingness and ability to purchase goods and services
b. the amount of a commodity that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a specified price. Compare supply19 - (Law) law a formal legal claim, esp to real property
- in demand
sought after; popular
- on demand
as soon as requested: a draft payable on demand.
request, call, command, order, dictate, ultimatum, stipulation
requirement, need, desire, wish, want, claim, imposition
market, call, appetite, desire
call for, order, ask, require, insist on, exact
call for, ask for, request, push for, hold out for, insist on, claim
order, command, enjoin, urge, bid
ask, inquire, question, interrogate, challenge
require, need, necessitate, call for, involve, entail
insist on, stipulate, make a condition of, expect, look for
call for, require, take, necessitate, postulate, ask, involve, need
Improvise / extemporize
Deutsch: improvisieren, extemporieren
im·pro·vise (ĭm′prə-vīz′)
v. im·pro·vised, im·pro·vis·ing, im·pro·vis·es
- To make, compose, or perform with little or no preparation:
improvise a solution to the problem; improvise variations on a melody.
- To make or provide from available materials:
improvised a dinner from what I found in the refrigerator.
- To make, compose, or perform something extemporaneously.
- To make do with whatever materials are at hand:
There isn’t much in the cabin. We’ll just have to improvise.
improvise [ˈimprəvaiz]
♦ verb
1 to compose and perform (a poem, tune etc ) without preparation:
The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise.
فی البداهه آماده کردن
2 to make (something) from materials that happen to be available, often materials that are not normally used for that purpose:
They improvised a shelter from branches and blankets.
سر هم بندی کردن؛ ساختن
♦ noun
بداهه گویی؛ سرهم بندی
● بداههگویی (نویسی یا سرایی) کردن،بیآماد نویسی (گویی یا سرایی) کردن،فیالبداهه گفتن (نوشتن یا سرودن)
he lost the text of his speech and had to improvise
او متن سخنرانی خود را گم کرد و مجبور به بداهه گویی شد.
● سرهم بندی کردن،بیآماد انجام دادن،چارهی موقت پیدا کردن
to improvise a solution to a problem
برای مسئلهای راه حل ابداع کردن
to improvise a bed out of leaves and branches
از شاخ و برگ بستر خواب ساختن
extemporize, ad lib, speak impromptu, speak off the cuff, speak off the top of one’s head, wing it, jam, scat
contrive, devise, throw together, cobble together, rig up, whip up, rustle up
ad-lib, extemporise, extemporize, improvize
Deutsch: impliziert / explicit
implied rather than expressly stated: an implicit agreement; absolute:
implicit trust; inherent
explicit – clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied; unequivocal:
explicit instructions; outspoken, precise
implicit (ɪmˈplɪsɪt)
- not explicit; implied; indirect:
there was implicit criticism in his voice.
- absolute and unreserved; unquestioning:
you have implicit trust in him.
- (when postpositive, usually foll by in) contained or inherent:
to bring out the anger implicit in the argument.
imˈplicitly adv
imˈplicitness, imˈplicity n
implicit [imˈplisit]
♦ adjective
1 unquestioning; complete: implicit obedience.
2 implied (not explicitly stated); understood indirectly: The diplomat’s statement contained implicit criticism of the government.
♦ adverb
بطور ضمنی؛ بی چون و چرا
● ضمنی،تلویحی (در برابر: صریح یا رک explicit)،سربسته،غیرصریح
an implicit threat
تهدید سربسته
the obligations that are implicit in marriage and child-rearing
وظایفی که ازدواج و بچهداری دربر دارد.
her silence was an implicit rejection of our proposal
سکوت او به منزله رد کردن پیشنهاد ما بود.
● بیچون و چرا،قطعی،مطلق،محض
I have implicit trust in her
نسبت به او اعتماد بیچون و چرا دارم.
● (مهجور) درگیر،مورد اتهام
adjective - implicit
ضمنی: implicit, implied, tacit, incidental, circumstantial, oblique
مجازی: virtual, figurative, implicit, allegorical, figural, tropologic
مطلق: absolute, utter, sheer, total, abstract, implicit
التزامی: implicit
اشاره شده: implicit
تلویحا فهمانده شده: implicit ☀️
بی شرط: unconditional, categoric, categorical, implicit
🌖 explicit
ex·plic·it (ĭk-splĭs′ĭt)
a. Fully and clearly expressed; leaving nothing implied:
explicit approval.
b. Fully developed or formulated:
has an explicit idea of what to say in the paper.
- Forthright and unreserved in expression:
They were explicit in their criticism.
a. Readily observable:
an explicit sign of trouble.
b. Describing or portraying nudity or sexual activity in graphic detail.
ex·plic′it·ly adv.
ex·plic′it·ness n.
Synonyms: explicit, definite, express, specific
These adjectives mean entirely clear and
unambiguous: explicit statements; a definite answer; my express wishes; a specific purpose.
explicit [ikˈsplisit]
♦ adjective
stated, or stating, fully and clearly:
explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?
صریح؛ بی پرده
♦ adverb
صراحتاً؛ بی پرده
♦ noun
adjective - explicit
صریح: explicit, clear, express, frank, unequivocal, precise
روشن: bright, light, on, explicit, vivid, unequivocal
واضح: obvious, clear, explicit, vivid, distinct, plain
اشکار: clear, manifest, obvious, plain, apparent, explicit
صاف: smooth, clear, flat, plain, slick, explicit
● روشن،صریح،عیان،آشکار،بی پرده (در برابر: ناآشکار،مضمر implicit)
an officer’s explicit orders to the soldier
دستورات صریح افسر به سربازان
● رک،رک و روباز،بی رودربایستی،بی شیله پیله
let’s be explicit about our expectations
بیا دربارهی توقعات خود رک و روباز باشیم.
● آشکار،آسان دید،چشمگیر،نمایان
ger: Autarkie
autarchy (ˈɔːtɑːkɪ)
n, pl -chies
- (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) unlimited rule; autocracy
- (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) self-government; self-rule
[C17: from Greek autarkhia, from autarkhos autocratic; see auto-, -archy]
auˈtarchic, auˈtarchical adj
[au·tar·chy || ‘ɔːtɑːkɪ]
political self-rule; economic independence and self-sufficiency in which the government controls a nation’s economy and isolates it from the rest of the world
noun - autarchy
حکومت استبدادی: dictatorship, tyranny, autarchy, autarky
استبداد: despotism, autarchy, autarky
کفایت: adequacy, sufficiency, competence, efficiency, plenty, autarchy
لیاقت: merit, competence, competency, capability, ability, autarchy
حاکم مطلق: despot, autocrat, autarchy, autarky
جبار مطلق: autarchy, autarky
خودبسندگی: autarchy, autarky
Self-doubt : selbstzweifel
German: Zweifel
doubt [daut]
♦ verb
1 to feel uncertain about, but inclined not to believe:
I doubt if he’ll come now; He might have a screwdriver, but I doubt it.
شک داشتن
2 not to be sure of the reliability of:
Sometimes I doubt your intelligence!
تردید داشتن
♦ noun
a feeling of not being sure and sometimes of being suspicious:
There is some doubt as to what happened;
I have doubts about that place.
شک؛ تردید
♦ adjective
1 feeling doubt; uncertain what to think, expect etc :
He is doubtful about the future of the school.
مشکوک؛ مردد
2 able to be doubted; not clear:
The outcome is doubtful; a doubtful result.
3 uncertain but rather unlikely, unhopeful etc :
It is doubtful whether this will work; a doubtful improvement.
مورد تردید؛ غیر قطعی
4 suspicious:
He’s rather a doubtful character.
بد گمان؛ شکاک
♦ adverb
با شک و تردید
♦ noun
♦ adverb
probably: John has doubtless told you about me.
beyond doubt
certain(ly): Beyond doubt, they will arrive tomorrow; His honesty is beyond doubt.
بی شک؛ مطمئناً
in doubt
uncertain: The result of the dispute is still in doubt.
مورد تردید؛ نامعلوم
no doubt
surely; probably: No doubt you would like to see your bedroom; He will come back again tomorrow, no doubt.
بی شک
vi., vt., n.
● شک داشتن،تردید داشتن،دودل بودن
I doubt whether he will come today
شک دارم که امروز بیاید (فکر نمیکنم امروز بیاید).
I don’t doubt the truth of what he says
در صدق گفتارش شک ندارم.
● شک،گمان،تردید،اندید،شبهه،دودلی
there is no room for doubt
جای شک نیست.
I have serious doubts about her honesty
در صداقت او جدا شک دارم.
doubt makes one think
شک انسان را به فکر میاندازد.
● باور نکردن،مطمئن نبودن،اطمینان نداشتن،بدبین بودن به
do you doubt his predictions?
آیا پیشبینیهای او را باور ندارید؟
● (قدیمی) ظنین بودن،نگرانی داشتن از،سوظن،نگرانی
● اشکال،گرفتاری
* (be) in doubt
مورد شک بودن،معلوم نبودن،نامعلوم بودن
the outcome of their contest is still in doubt
نتیجهی نبرد آنها هنوز روشن نیست.
* beyond (or without) doubt
بدون شک،بیشک،مطمئنا
* beyond the shadow of a doubt
بدون هیچگونه شک و تردید
* cast doubt on
مورد شک قرار دادن
* no doubt
1- بیشک،بیگمان 2- به احتمال زیاد
noun - doubt
شک: doubt, skepticism, uncertainty, dubiety, self-doubt
تردید: doubt, uncertainty, skepticism, suspicion, hesitancy, indecision
شبهه: doubt, misgiving
گمان: doubt, thought, guess, opinion, conjecture, impression
دو دلی: hesitance, indecision, vacillation, doubt, hesitancy, acatalepsy
نا معلومی: indeterminacy, doubt, ambiguity, incertitude, indefiniteness, uncertainty
verb - doubt
شک داشتن: doubt, suspect
تردید کردن: doubt, stick, totter
مظنون بودن: be suspected, doubt
- certain:
certain (sure): sicher
certain (unavoidable): gewiss
certain (unavoidable) : bestimmt
one thing is certain: eines ist sicher
that was certain to happen: das musste ja so kommen
- certain attr, inv (limited):
certain gewiss:
to a certain extent: in gewissem Maße
up to a certain point: bis zu einem gewissen Grad
at a certain age : in einem bestimmten Alter
a certain Steve Rukus :ein gewisser Steve Rukus
in certain circumstances: unter gewissen Umständen
to seem certain [that …] : davon ausgehen[, dass …]
to make certain [that …] (ensure): darauf achten[, dass …]
II . cer·tain
certain of his works/the candidates : einige seiner Arbeiten/einige Kandidaten
certain [ˈsəːtn]
♦ adjective
1 true or without doubt: It’s certain that the world is round.
مسلم؛ بی تردید
2 sure: I’m certain he’ll come; He is certain to forget; Being late is a certain way of losing one’s job.
3 one or some, not definitely named: certain doctors; a certain Mrs Smith; (also pronoun) certain of his friends.
یکی از؛ برخی از
4 slight; some: a certain hostility in his manner; a certain amount.
کم؛ اندک
♦ adverb
1 definitely: I can’t come today, but I’ll certainly come tomorrow.
حتماً؛ یقیناً
2 of course: You may certainly have a chocolate.
♦ interjection
of course: May I borrow your typewriter?'
Certainly!’; `Certainly not!’
ˈcertainty– plural ˈcertainties –
♦ noun
1 something which cannot be doubted: It’s a certainty that he will win.
یقین؛ اطمینان
2 freedom from doubt: Is there any certainty of success?
for certain
definitely: She may come but she can’t say for certain.
بدون شک؛ قطعاً
make certain
to act so that, or check that, something is sure: Make certain you arrive early; I think he’s dead but you’d better make certain.
مطمئن شدن؛ اطمینان به عمل آوردن
● مطمئن،مسلم،حتمی،حتما،یقین،بیشک،بیتردید،محقق،واثق
to be certain
مطمئن بودن،اطمینان داشتن
I am quite certain that they will not come
من کاملا مطمئن هستم که آنها نخواهند آمد.
the growth in demand is certain to drive up prices
رشد تقاضا حتما قیمتها را بالا خواهد برد.
he predicted the enemy’s certain defeat
او شکست حتمی دشمن را پیشبینی کرد.
we must separate superstition from certain knowledge
ما باید خرافات را از دانش مسلم جدا کنیم.
● بدون برو و برگرد،بی چون و چرا،قطعی
his certain aim
نشانهگیری بی خطای او
a certain cure
علاج قطعی
● (در مواردی که ذکر نام مقتضی نیست) به خصوص
a certain person is interested in buying that house
فرد به خصوصی مایل به خرید آن خانه است.
a certain friend of mine
یکی از دوستان من
● (در مورد اشخاصی که نمیشناسیم)
a certain Mr. Akbary wants you
آقایی به نام اکبری شما را کار دارد.
* for certain
بدون شک،حتمی،مسلم،محقق
I don’t know for certain if he is going to come or not
درست نمیدانم که او خواهد آمد یا نه.
* make certain
اطمینان به عمل آوردن،مطمئن شدن
make certain all the doors are locked
اطمینان حاصل کن که همهی درها قفلاند.
* to a certain extent (or degree)
تا اندازهای،به مقدار معینی
1 known for sure; established beyond doubt.
it’s certain that more changes are in the offing
synonyms: unquestionable , sure , definite , beyond question , not in doubt , indubitable , undeniable , irrefutable , indisputable , obvious , evident , recognized , confirmed , accepted , acknowledged , undisputed , undoubted , unquestioned , sure , very likely , bound , destined , inevitable , assured , destined , predestined , unavoidable , inescapable , inexorable , ineluctable , in the bag , reliable , dependable , trustworthy , foolproof , tried and tested , effective , guaranteed , sure , unfailing , infallible , sure-fire , idiot-proof , goof-proof
2 specific but not explicitly named or stated.
he raised certain personal problems with me
synonyms: determined , definite , fixed , established , precise , particular , specific , individual , special
1 some but not all.
certain of his works have been edited
ambivalence / ambivalent
Deutsch : Ambivalenz / ambivalent
ambivalent feelings: gemischte Gefühle
ambivalent attitude: ambivalente Haltung
to be ambivalent about [or toward[s]] sth: zwiespältige [o. gemischte] Gefühle gegenüber etw Dat haben
I feel pretty ambivalent about whether …: ich bin mir etwas unsicher, ob …
to have an ambivalent relationship to sth : zu etw ein gespaltenes Verhältnis haben
noun - ambivalence
دمدمی مزاجی: freak, ambivalence, pliancy
● (در مورد احساس و فکر) ضد و نقیض (بودن)،دوسوگرایی،تردید،دوگنجایشی،دوظرفیتی (ambivalency هم میگویند)
she was in a state of ambivalence about having children
او در مورد بچهدار شدن دارای دو احساس متضاد بود.
* ambivalent, adj.
(در مورد احساس و فکر) ضد و نقیض،دوسویه،مردد،دارای دو احساس یا فکر متضاد،دوسوگرای
she was ambivalent about getting married
او در مورد ازدواج دو دل بود.
II . con·cern [kənˈsɜ:n, Am -ˈsɜ:rn] VERB trans
Verbtabelle anzeigen
- concern (apply to):
to concern sb: jdn angehen [o. betreffen]
to concern sb (affect): jdn betreffen
as far as I’m concerned : was mich anbelangt [o. betrifft]
- concern (be sb’s business):
to concern sb: jdn angehen
to whom it may concern (certificate): Bescheinigung
to whom it may concern (reference): Zeugnis (formelhafte Anrede bei amtlichen Verlautbarungen, die keinen konkreten Adressaten haben)
- concern (take an interest in):
to concern oneself with sth: sich Akk mit etw Dat befassen
you don’t need to concern yourself with this matter: Sie brauchen sich um diese Angelegenheit nicht zu kümmern
- concern (be about):
to concern sb/sth : von jdm/etw Dat handeln
to be concerned with sth: von etw Dat handeln
to be concerned with sth :etw [thematisch] behandeln
- concern (worry):
to concern sb : jdn beunruhigen
to concern oneself : sich Dat Sorgen machen
family concern
Familienunternehmen nt
industrial concern
Industriekonzern m
public concern
öffentliche Angelegenheit
primary concern
Hauptanliegen nt
main concern
wichtigstes Anliegen
going concern
gut gehendes Unternehmen
to share sb’s concern
jds Besorgnis teilen
a going concern
ein florierendes Unternehmen
major [or key]concern
Hauptanliegen nt
to arouse concern
Bedenken hervorrufen
to whom it may concern (reference)
Zeugnis (formelhafte Anrede bei amtlichen Verlautbarungen, die keinen konkreten Adressaten haben)
that’s none of your concern
das geht dich nichts an
there’s no cause for concern
es besteht kein Grund zur Sorge
to give rise to concern
Besorgnis erregend sein
a question of common concern
eine Frage von allgemeinem Interesse
to give cause for concern
Anlass zur Sorge geben
it’s no concern of mine!
das ist nicht meine Angelegenheit!
we view the situation with concern
wir betrachten die Lage mit Besorgnis
to be of concern to sb
für jdn von Bedeutung sein
concern [kənˈsəːn]
♦ verb
1 to have to do with:
This order doesn’t concern us; So far as I’m concerned, you can do what you like.
مربوط بودن به
2 (with for or about ) to make (usually oneself) uneasy:
Don’t concern yourself about her.
نگران کردن
3 (with with or in ) to interest (oneself) in:
He doesn’t concern himself with unimportant details.
علاقه نشان دادن
♦ noun
1 something that concerns or belongs to one: His problems are not my concern.
موضوع مرتبط با؛ موضوع مورد علاقه
2 anxiety: The condition of the patient is giving rise to concern.
نگرانی؛ دلواپسی
3 a business: a shoe-manufacturing concern.
شرکت؛ موسسه بازرگانی
♦ preposition
about: He wrote to me concerning a business arrangement.
در مورد
1 anxiety; worry.
such unsatisfactory work gives cause for concern
synonyms: anxiety , worry , disquiet , apprehensiveness , unease , consternation , solicitude , consideration , care , sympathy , regard
2 a matter of interest or importance to someone.
oil reserves are the concern of the Energy Department
synonyms: responsibility , business , affair , charge , duty , job , province , preserve , problem , worry , bag , bailiwick , interest , importance , relevance , significance
3 a business; a firm.
a small, debt-ridden concern
synonyms: company , business , firm , organization , operation , corporation , establishment , house , office , agency , outfit
4 a complicated or awkward object or structure.
1 relate to; be about.
the story concerns a friend of mine
synonyms: be about , deal with , have to do with , cover , discuss , go into , examine , study , review , analyze , relate to , pertain to
2 worry (someone); make anxious.
the roof of the barn concerns me because eventually it will fall in
synonyms: worry , disturb , trouble , bother , perturb , unsettle , make anxious
DE: Schwindlig
diz·zy (dĭz′ē)
adj. diz·zi·er, diz·zi·est
- Having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall.
a. Bewildered or confused: “I was dizzy with anger and shame” (Amy Benson).
b. Slang Scatterbrained or silly.
- Producing or tending to produce giddiness: a dizzy height.
- Characterized by impulsive haste; very rapid: “There he sat … gabbing at his usual dizzy pace” (H.L. Mencken).
tr.v. diz·zied, diz·zy·ing, diz·zies - To cause to have a whirling sensation.
- To confuse or bewilder.
dizzy [ˈdizi]
♦ adjective
1 giddy or confused: If you spin round and round like that, you’ll make yourself dizzy.
دچار سرگیجه
2 causing dizziness: dizzy heights.
سرگیجه آور
♦ adverb
با گیجی؛ بطور منگ
♦ noun
گیجش؛ منگی
adjective - dizzy
گیج: dizzy, staggering, astounding, confounded, hazy, giddy
دچار دوران سر: dizzy
verb - dizzy
گیج شدن: dizzy
● گیج،منگ،دچار سرگیجه
if you spin around yourself, you will become dizzy
اگر دور خود بچرخی گیج خواهی شد.
to make dizzy
گیج کردن
● گیج کننده،سرگیجهآور،منگ کننده
he was looking down from those dizzy heights
او داشت از آن ارتفاعات سرگیجهآور به پایین نگاه میکرد.
a dizzy speed
سرعت سرسام آور
● سردرگم،حیران،سرگشته،هاژه،کاتوره
● (عامیانه) بیفکر،الکی خوش،بیملاحظه
● گیج کردن،منگ کردن،گیجیدن
we were dizzied by the strong wind and rain
باد و باران شدید ما را گیج کرده بود.
the disaster dizzied her brain and paralyzed her will
آن فاجعه (مغز) او را منگ و ارادهی او را فلج کرده بود.
* dizzying, adj.
گیج کننده
a dizzying network of tunnels and under- ground passageways
شبکهی گیج کنندهای از تونلها و راهروهای زیرزمینی
* dizziness, n.
D: Üblichkeit
nausea [ˈnoːziə, (American) -ʃə]
♦ noun
a feeling of sickness.
حالت تهوع
nauseate [ˈnoːzieit, (American) -ʒi-]
♦ verb
to make (someone) feel nausea.
حالت تهوع دست دادن
● تهوع،وامیدگی،وامش،حالت تهوع و استفراغ،دل آشوبه،دل به هم خوردگی
after eating raw fish, I was overcome by nausea
پس از خوردن ماهی خام دچار تهوع شدم.
● تنفر،چندش،بیزاری
heir cruelty to animals filled me with nausea
ظلم آنها به حیوانات مرا منزجر کرد.
1 a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.
Only a few patients experienced postoperative nausea , so any statistical evaluation would be meaningless.
synonyms: sickness , biliousness , queasiness , vomiting , retching , gagging , upset stomach , travel-sickness , seasickness , carsickness , airsickness
- capable (competent):
capable: fähig
capable judge: kompetent
capable worker: tüchtig
to leave sth in sb’s capable hands also scherzh: etw vertrauensvoll in jds Hände legen
capable motherg: gute Mutter
- capable (able):
capable: fähig
capable: befähigt
your plan is capable of being improved :deinen Plan könnte man noch besser machen
to be capable of doing sth: in der Lage sein, etw zu tun
to be capable of self-destruction : sich Akk selbst zerstören können
your plan is capable of being improved: deinen Plan könnte man noch besser machen
she’s eager for a chance to show that she’s a capable worker: sie möchte gerne beweisen, dass sie eine fähige Mitarbeiterin ist
capable [ˈkeipəbl]
♦ adjective
1 clever especially in practical ways: She’ll manage somehow – she’s so capable!
توانا؛ مستعد
2 (with of ) clever enough to; likely to; able to: He is capable of doing better; He is quite capable of cheating us.
توانا؛ زیرک
♦ adverb
با کاردانی؛ با لیاقت
♦ noun
توانایی؛ لیاقت
The capable detective was assigned to investigate the cause of the tragedy.
کارگاه کاردان مأموریت یافته تا علت تراژدی را تحقیق کند.
• The little girl is not capable of riding a bicycle.
آن دختر کوچولو قادر به سوار شدن به دوچرخه نیست.
/kā´pǝ bǝl/
● توانا،قادر،کار آمد،وشکول
he was not capable of killing the president
او توانایی کشتن رییس جمهور را نداشت.
● ( با of و to be) توانستن،قدرت داشتن،استعداد کاری را داشتن،واجد شرایط بودن
the poison was capable of killing an elephant in five minutes
زهر میتوانست در پنج دقیقه فیلی را بکشد.
he is capable of telling a lie
از او بر میآید که دروغ بگوید.
he is not capable of this
این کار از او بر نمیآید.
● لایق،زبردست،ماهر،با عرضه و با جربزه
a capable teacher
معلمی لایق
he performed his duties most capably
او وظایف خود را با کمال لیاقت انجام داد.
● آماده،مستعد،دارای امکان چیزی
the sentence is capable of being misinterpreted
امکان دارد که این جمله سو تعبیر شود.
an order capable of execution
دستور قابل اجرا
1 having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.
I’m quite capable of taking care of myself
2 able to achieve efficiently whatever one has to do; competent.
she looked enthusiastic and capable
synonyms: competent , able , efficient , effective , proficient , accomplished , adept , handy , experienced , skillful , skilled , talented , gifted , useful
bluntly/ blunt
unverblümt/ stumpf
blunt [blant]
♦ adjective
1 (of objects) having no point or sharp edge: a blunt knife.
2 (of people) (sometimes unpleasantly) straightforward or frank in speech: She was very blunt, and said that she did not like him.
♦ verb
to make less sharp: This knife has been blunted by years of use.
کند شدن
♦ adverb
رک و راست
♦ noun
رک و راستی؛ بی پردگی
adj., vt., vi.
● (لبهی چاقو و تیغ و غیره) کند (درمقابل تیز: sharp)
a blunt razor blade
تیغ ریش تراش کند
● کند کردن یا شدن
cutting cardboard will blunt the edge of this knife
بریدن مقوا لبهی این چاقو را کند میکند.
the wound had been inflicted with a blunt object
زخم توسط آلت سرپهنی وارد آورده شده بود.
● کند ذهن،کودن،دیرآموز،پخمه،کم هوش
● رک،ناپوشیده،بیشیله پیله
he told them bluntly that they are not welcome
رک به آنها گفت که مقدمشان خوشایند نیست.
let me ask you bluntly
بگذارید بیرودربایستی از شما بپرسم.
● (از شدت یا درد و غیره) کاستن،(اثر چیزی را) کم کردن
alcohol blunts pain and thought
الکل درد و تفکر را کند میکند.
1 (of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.
a blunt knife
synonyms: unsharpened , dull , worn , edgeless
2 (of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright.
he is as blunt as a kick in the shins
synonyms: straightforward , frank , plain-spoken , candid , direct , bluff , forthright , unequivocal , brusque , abrupt , curt , terse , bald , brutal , harsh , stark , unadorned , undisguised , unvarnished , upfront
1 make or become less sharp.
wood can blunt your ax
synonyms: dull , make less sharp
1 a hollowed-out cigar filled with marijuana.
Consequently, marijuana use in blunts may persist longer into adulthood for a larger proportion of the general population than marijuana use in joints and pipes had in the past.
enthusiasm/ enthusiast / enthusiastic
D: Enthusiasmus
enthusiasm [inˈθjuːziӕzəm]
♦ noun
strong or passionate interest: He has a great enthusiasm for travelling; He did not show any enthusiasm for our new plans.
♦ noun
a person filled with enthusiasm: a computer enthusiast.
آدم پرشور و شوق
♦ adjective
(negative unenthusiastic ) full of enthusiasm or approval: an enthusiastic mountaineer.
پر اشتیاق
♦ adverb
با شوق و ذوق
• I can’t say I share your enthusiasm for the idea.
نمی توانم بگویم که در شور و اشتیاقت برای این ایده سهیم هستم.
• She played the piano with enthusiasm.
او با اشتیاق پیانو می زد.
● (در اصل) الهام الهی،راهنمایی یا تلقین آسمانی،خلسهی شاعرانه یا پیامبرانه
● (قدیمی) تعصب مذهبی
● شورنمایی،شورمندی،شوقمندی،شوقنمایی،اشتیاق،شور و شوق
her enthusiasm made everyone else interested
شور و شوق او دیگران را جملگی به شوق آورد.
the play aroused his enthusiasm
نمایش او را سرشوق آورد.
they supported the party’s candidate with enthusiasm
آنان با اشتیاق از نامزد حزب حمایت کردند.
● مایهی دلخوشی،مایهی ذوق و شوق،شور انگیز،اشتیاق انگیز
music is Iraj’s greatest enthusiasm
موسیقی بزرگترین مایهی شوق ایرج است.
* show enthusiasm for something
شورنمایی کردن برای چیزی،ذوق و شوق نشان دادن برای چیزی،اشتیاق نشان دادن
1 intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
her energy and enthusiasm for life
synonyms: eagerness , keenness , ardor , fervor , passion , zeal , zest , gusto , energy , verve , vigor , vehemence , fire , spirit , avidity , wholeheartedness , commitment , willingness , devotion , earnestness , get-up-and-go
2 religious fervor supposedly resulting directly from divine inspiration, typically involving speaking in tongues and wild, uncoordinated movements of the body.
in·hi·bi·tion [ˌɪn(h)ɪˈbɪʃən] SUBST
- inhibition usu pl (self-consciousness):
inhibition: Hemmung f
to have inhibitions [about doing sth]: Hemmungen haben[, etw zu tun]
to lose one’s inhibitions: alle Hemmungen verlieren
noun - inhibition
بازداری: inhibition, deterrence, blockage, dissuasion
منع: prohibition, ban, forbidding, prevention, inhibition, withholding
جلوگیری از بروز احساسات: inhibition
/in´hi bish´ǝn, in´i-/
● بازداری،جلوگیری،خویشتنداری،پابندشدگی،کمرویی
oil plays an important role in the inhibition of rust
روغن در جلوگیری از زنگ زدگی نقش مهمی دارد.
the inhibition of the heartbeat by nerve stimulation
بازداری ضربان قلب از راه تحریک عصبی
Alcohol weakens one’s inhibitions
الکل خویشتنداری آدم را ضعیف میکند.
● (هرچیزی که جلو سخن یا عمل معمولی و آسوده را بگیرد یا انجام
آن را مشکل کند) پایبند،قید،بازدارنده،جلوگیر،بازدار،شرم،حیا،حجب
1 a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way.
the children, at first shy, soon lost their inhibitions
synonyms: shyness , reticence , self-consciousness , reserve , diffidence , wariness , hesitancy , hesitation , insecurity , timidity , repression , reservation , psychological block , hang-up
shyness, reticence, self-consciousness, reserve, diffidence, wariness, hesitancy, hesitation, insecurity, timidity, repression, reservation, psychological block, hang-up
hindrance, hampering, discouragement, obstruction, impediment, suppression, repression, restriction, restraint, constraint, cramping, stifling, prevention, curb, check, bar, barrier
forbiddance, prohibition
brag / bragging / braggy
I . brag <-gg-> [bræg] VERB intr
to brag [about sth] : [mit etw Dat ] prahlen [o. angeben]
II . brag <-gg-> [bræg] VERB trans
to brag that … : damit prahlen [o. angeben] , dass …
braggy : angeberisch
braggy: großspurig
brag [brӕg]– past tense, past participle bragged –
♦ verb
to boast.
لاف زدن؛ بالیدن
verb - brag
لاف زدن: brag, boast, yelp, gammon, brave, hector
با تکبر راه رفتن: brag, swagger, prance
بالیدن: flaunt, glory, grow, pride, boast, preen
باد کردن: perk, inflate, bloat, distend, fluff, heave
رجز خواندن: brag, boast
قپی کردن: boast, brag
say in a boastful manner.
“I found them,” she bragged
synonyms: boast , crow , swagger , swank , bluster , gloat , show off , blow one’s own horn , sing one’s own praises , talk big , bloviate , lay it on thick
intentional: absichtlich
intentional: vorsätzlich
sorry, it wasn’t intentional: tut mir leid, das war keine Absicht
adjective - intentional
عمدی: deliberate, intentional, purposeful, premeditated, aforethought, designed
قصدی: intentional, prepense, witting
● عمدی،خودخواسته،آهنگانه،دستی،دانسته،از روی قصد،تعمدی
an intentional insult
توهین عمدی
an intentional mistake
اشتباه دانسته
he intentionally hit his car against our tree
او عمدا ماشین خود را به درخت ما زد.
● وابسته به قصد و منظور،یازشی
- subside (abate):
subside: nachlassen
subside: sich Akk legen
subside: abklingen
the pain in my foot subsided: der Schmerz in meinem Fuß ließ nach
the fever has subsided: das Fieber ist gesunken
the commotion will soon subside: der Aufruhr wird sich bald legen
the flooding has begun to subside: die Flut geht allmählich zurück
the storm is subsiding: der Sturm flaut ab
the commotion will soon subside: der Aufruhr wird sich bald legen
the flooding has begun to subside: die Flut geht allmählich zurück
subside [səbˈsaid]
♦ verb
1 (of land, streets, buildings etc ) to sink lower: When a building starts to subside, cracks usually appear in the walls.
نشست كردن
2 (of floods) to become lower and withdraw: Gradually the water subsided.
فروكش كردن
3 (of a storm, noise or other disturbance) to become quieter: They stayed anchored in harbour till the wind subsided.
آرام شدن
subsidence [ˈsabsidəns, (American) səbˈsaidəns]
♦ noun
the process of subsiding: The road has had to be closed because of subsidence.
verb - subside
فروکش کردن: subside, ebb, come down, flow down, alight, descend
واگذاشتن: subside, set up
فرو نشستن: subside, be quenched, abate, founder, be quelled, settle
نشست کردن: extravasate, settle, sink, subside
سست شدن: weaken, flag, grow feeble, grow weak, subside
issue (topic) : Thema nt
issue (question): Frage f
issue (dispute): Streitfrage f
issue (affair): Angelegenheit f
issue (problem): Problem nt
she has changed her mind on many issues: sie hat ihre Einstellung in vielen Punkten geändert
they had prepared a report on the issues of management and staff: sie hatten einen Bericht über Management- und Personalfragen vorbereitet
what is the issue?: worum geht es [hier]?
that’s not the issue!: darum geht es doch gar nicht!
what I want isn’t the issue: es geht hier nicht darum, was ich will
the main issue is how/whether …: die zentrale Frage ist, wie/ob …
familiy issues: Familienangelegenheiten pl
the point at issue: der strittige Punkt
side issue: Nebensache f
don’t worry, that’s just a side issue: keine Sorge, das ist nur nebensächlich
the issue at stake: der springende Punkt
a burning issue: eine brennende Frage
ethical issue: ethische Frage
the real issues: die Kernprobleme pl
to address an issue: ein Thema ansprechen
to avoid the issue: [dem Thema] ausweichen
to [not] be at [or an] issue: [nicht] zur Debatte stehen
to confuse an issue: etwas durcheinanderbringen
to make an issue of sth: etw aufbauschen
to make an issue of sth: um etw Akk Aufsehen machen
to raise an issue : eine Frage aufwerfen
to take issue with sb [over sth] form: sich Akk mit jdm auf eine Diskussion [über etw Akk ] einlassen
at issue: strittig
issue [ˈiʃuː]
♦ verb
1 to give or send out, or to distribute, especially officially:
The police issued a description of the criminal; Rifles were issued to the troops.
بیرون دادن؛ پخش کردن
2 to flow or come out (from something): A strange noise issued from the room.
درآمدن؛ بیرون آمدن
♦ noun
1 the act of issuing or process of being issued:
Stamp collectors like to buy new stamps on the day of issue.
توزیع؛ انتشار
2 one number in the series of a newspaper, magazine etc :
Have you seen the latest issue of that magazine?
3 a subject for discussion and argument:
The question of pay is not an important issue at the moment.
• Sorry, I know you’ve been sidetracked for the issue many times, but I have a question.
ببخشید می دونم زیاد حواست رو پرت کردم ولی یک سوال دارم.
• This is not an emergency issue.
این مسئله اورژانس نیست.
/ish´ōō, is´yōō/
n., vt., vi.
● برون ریزی،در روی،خروج،برون رفت،برونش
the issue of water from a broken pipe
برون ریزی آب از لولهی شکسته
the entrance and issue of customers
ورود و خروج مشتریان
● راه خروج،خروجی،برونریز،در رو،دهانه،مخرج،برونگاه،برونجای
the sewage’s place of issue
برونگاه فاضلاب
a dark cavern that had no issue
دخمهی تاریکی که راه خروج نداشت
● نتیجه،پیامد،عاقبت،پایان،برایند
we hope this project will have a successful issue
امیدواریم این طرح عاقبت موفقیتآمیزی داشته باشد.
no chance at all of a prosperous issue
هیچگونه امکان پایان همراه با کامیابی
● درآمد (از ملک یا مالیات یا جریمه)،دریافتی(ها)،مداخل،(به صورت مداخل) حاصل شدن،به دست آمدن،تعلق گرفتن به،ارزیافت،عواید،عاید شدن
rents, profits and issues
اجاره،سود و دریافتیها
profits issuing out of the sale of stocks
سودی که از فروش سهام عاید میشود
● (موضوع یا سوال و غیره) مورد بحث،مطلب،قضیه،مسئله،موضوع،باره،جستار،سخن مایه،درونمایه
the issue of new taxes caused a lot of strife
موضوع مالیاتهای جدید موجب کشمکشهای زیادی شد.
the burning issue of the day
مسئلهی حاد روز
● برون فرستی،صدور،توزیع،نشر،انتشار،پخش،روانش،فرستش،پراکنش،پخشش
an issue of smoke from a chimney
خروج دود از دودکش
hallucinations and other issues of a diseased mind
توهمات و سایر تراوشات مغز بیمار
● (آنچه که در هر وهله منتشر شود) چاپ،شماره،سری
the issue of the second printing of this book
انتشار دومین چاپ این کتاب
the latest issue of this magazine
آخرین شمارهی این مجله
a new issue of government bonds
صدور جدید اوراق قرضهی دولتی
● (پزشکی - بیرونریزی یا آمدن خون یا چرک و غیره،بریدگی یا شکاف برای خارج سازی چرک و غیره) ریزش،خونریزش،(جای) نیشتر
she suffered from an issue of blood
او از خونریزی رنج میبرد.
● بیرون آمدن (یا ریختن یا تراویدن و غیره)،جریان یافتن،درآمدن
from the dining room issued the sound of a trumpet
صدای شیپور از اتاق نهارخوری به گوش میرسید.
enmities issuing from fear
دشمنیهای ناشی از ترس
● زاده شدن،(از نژاد یا خانواده و غیرهی بخصوصی) تبار داشتن،(حقوق) اولاد،بازماندگان
he died without issue
او بدون اولاد مرد.
children issuing from this marriage
فرزندان حاصل از این ازدواج
● (با: from) منتج شدن از،پیامد (چیزی) بودن،ناشی شدن،منشا گرفتن،بن گرفتن از
deeds issuing from such thoughts
اعمالی که از این اندیشهها ناشی میشود
smoke issuing from the window
دودی که از پنجره بیرون میرفت
● (معمولا با: in) به نتیجه رسیدن،سرزدن
actions issuing in dire results
اعمالی که به نتایج بدی میرسد
● چاپ کردن یا شدن،منتشر کردن یا شدن،نشر کردن یا شدن،پراکندن،پخشیدن
a flood of paper money has been issued
سیلی از اسکناس چاپ شده است.
to issue commemorative stamps
تمبر یاد بود منتشر کردن
they have issued many books
آنان کتابهای زیادی منتشر کردهاند.
● توزیع کردن،(جیره و سهمیه و غیره) دادن،بیرون دادن
they issued each soldier’s ration promptly
جیرهی هر یک از سربازان را بیمعطلی دادند.
issuing an order
صدور حکم (دستور)
he issued a decree
او حکمی صادر کرد.
a volcano issuing smoke and fire
آتشفشانی در حال پخش دود و آتش
issuing rifles and rations
دادن تفنگ و جیره
* at issue (or in issue)
مورد بحث،هنوز حل و فصل نشده،مورد اختلاف
the questions at issue are frontiers and trade
موضوعات مورد بحث عبارتند از: سرحدات و بازرگانی.
* bring to an issue
به مرحلهی حل و فصل رساندن،به مرحلهی تصمیم گیری رساندن
* issue forth
(ادبی) بیرون رفتن یا آمدن،برون شدن
* join issue
جر و بحث کردن،وارد مشاجره یا کشمکش شدن
* make an issue of
مورد بحث و بررسی قرار دادن
he made an issue of my divorce
او طلاق مرا مورد بحث و بررسی قرار داد.
* put to the issue
مورد آزمایش قرار دادن،در محک تجربه سنجیدن
* take issue (with)
مخالفت کردن با،موافق نبودن،قبول نداشتن
I take issue with your conclusions
برداشتهای شما را نمیپذیرم.
Ger: delegieren
to send a delegate: einen Delegierten/eine Delegierte entsenden
to delegate sb: jdn als Vertreter/Vertreterin [aus]wählen
to delegate sb to do sth : jdn dazu bestimmen, etw zu tun
he was delegated to meet new arrivals: man wählte ihn zur Begrüßung der Neuankömmlinge aus
delegate (assign task):
to delegate sth to sb power, authority, responsibility : etw auf jdn übertragen
delegate [ˈdeləgeit]
♦ verb
to give (a piece of work, power etc ) to someone else: He delegates a great deal of work to his assistant.
سپردن؛ اختیار دادن
[-gət, (American) -geit]noun
an elected representative (to a conference, Parliament, committee etc ): The delegates met in the conference room.
♦ noun
a body of delegates.
هیئت نمایندگی؛ گروه نمایندگان
● نماینده
one of the delegates to the nineth world conference on health
یکی از نمایندگان نهمین همایش بهداشت جهانی
● (سابقا) نمایندهی سرزمینهای امریکا که هنوز به صورت ایالت درنیامده بودند
● نماینده کردن،به نمایندگی گزیدن
the union will delegate three people to the annual congress
اتحادیه سه نفر را برای شرکت در کنگرهی سالیانه به نمایندگی گسیل خواهد داشت.
● وکالت دادن به،نمایندگی دادن به،(حق یا مسئولیت و غیره) سپردن،اختیار دادن،سپاردن
he delegated his authority to his assistant
او اختیارات خود را به معاونش تفویض کرد.
he is delegated to hire or fire whomever he wishes
او اختیار دارد هرکس را بخواهد استخدام یا اخراج کند.
1 a person sent or authorized to represent others, in particular an elected representative sent to a conference.
First, about 27 districts sent two delegates (double representation) to this congress.
synonyms: representative , envoy , emissary , commissioner , agent , deputy , commissary , spokesperson , spokesman , spokeswoman , ambassador , plenipotentiary
1 entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person, typically one who is less senior than oneself.
he delegates routine tasks
synonyms: assign , entrust , pass on , hand on/over , turn over , devolve , depute , transfer
consistent/ inconsistent
Ger : Konsequent/ inkonsequent
consistent (compatible):
to be consistent with sth: mit etw Dat vereinbar sein
to be consistent with sth (in correspondence): mit etw Dat übereinstimmen
to be consistent with sth (in correspondence): etw Dat entsprechen
consistent (steady) : beständig
Consistent way of doing sth: gleich bleibend
consistent improvement : stetig
consistent improvement: ständig
consistent (in uniform manner): einheitlich
- consistent (logical):
consistent: folgerichtig
a consistent explanation: eine logische Erklärung
consistent (in agreement with principles, aims) :schlüssig
consistent (logical) : widerspruchsfrei
consistent (coherent) : stimmig
consistent [kənˈsistənt]
♦ adjective
1 (often with with ) in agreement (with): The two statements are not consistent; The second statement is not consistent with the first.
سازگار؛ جور
2 always (acting, thinking or happening) according to the same rules or principles; the same or regular: He was consistent in his attitude; a consistent style of writing.
ثابت؛ بدون تغییر
♦ noun
the consistency of his work.
انسجام؛ استحکام
♦ adverb
His work is consistently good.
دائماً؛ بطور مداوم
● همساز،سازگار،بیتناقض،دارای ثبات رای،پیگر،جور،متداوم،یکجور
his deeds were not consistent with his words
کردار او با گفتارش جور در نمیآمد (تناقض داشت).
a consistent style in painting
سبک نقاشی عاری از بیقاعدگی یا تناقض
● استوار،محکم
● با هندام،یکپارچه،یکدست
● (نادر) منسجم،به هم چسبیده،سفت و قلمبه
consistent soil
خاک سفت و به هم چسبیده،کلوخ
1 (of a person, behavior, or process) unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time.
manufacturing processes require a consistent approach
synonyms: constant , regular , uniform , steady , stable , even , unchanging , undeviating , unfluctuating , dependable , reliable , predictable
inconsistent: widersprüchlich
inconsistent: inkonsequent
her argument is very inconsistent: ihre Argumentation ist völlig widersprüchlich
to be inconsistent with sth: im Widerspruch zu etw Dat stehen
inconsistent (unsteady):
inconsistent : unbeständig
inconsistent : unstet
inconsistent [inkənˈsistənt]
♦ adjective
1 (often with with ) contradictory in some way; not in agreement: What you’re saying today is quite inconsistent with the statement you made yesterday.
ناسازگار؛ مغایر
2 changeable, eg in standard: His work is inconsistent.
متغییر؛ دمدمی
♦ noun
(plural inconˈsistencies ).
تناقض؛ تضاد
● ناسازگار،ناهمساز،ناهماهنگ،ناهمجور
acts which were inconsistent with his promises
اعمالی که با قولهای او ناسازگار بود
inconsistent with truth
ناسازگار با واقعیت
● (دارای جزئیات متناقض) ناهندام
the accused man’s inconsistent statements
اظهارات ضد و نقیض متهم
● (از عقیده و ایمان) متلون،دمدمی
Ger: Tat
- deed (action):
deed: Tat f
to do an evil deed : eine Untat begehen
to do the dirty deeds for sb : für jdn die Drecksarbeit machen
in word and deed : mit Wort und Tat
to do a good deed: eine gute Tat vollbringen
- deed usu pl JUR:
deed: Urkunde f
deed: Dokument nt
title deeds: Grundeigentumsurkunde f
title deeds ≈ Grundbucheintrag m
Deed [diːd]
♦ noun
something done; an act: a good deed.
عمل؛ کردار
noun - deed
سند: document, instrument, deed, evidence, title deed, script
عمل: action, practice, act, operation, function, doing
کردار: deed, action, act, karma, issue, exploit
کار: work, job, labor, task, function, thing
فعل: verb, act, action, deed, work
verb - deed
باقباله واگذار کردن: deed
1 an action that is performed intentionally or consciously.
doing good deeds
synonyms: act , action , feat , exploit , achievement , accomplishment , endeavor , undertaking , enterprise
2 a legal document that is signed and delivered, especially one regarding the ownership of property or legal rights.
Minors can’t sign deeds or other legal documents, and they aren’t allowed to receive money once the property is sold.
synonyms: legal document , contract , indenture , instrument
1 convey or transfer (property or rights) by legal deed.
they deeded their property to their children
particular attr (individual):
particular : bestimmt
a particular instance : ein bestimmter Moment
- particular attr (special):
particular: besondere(r, s)
Particular : speziell
to be of particular concern to sb: jdn besonders interessieren
no particular reason: kein bestimmter Grund
- particular präd:
particular (fussy): eigen
particular (demanding) about: anspruchsvoll hinsichtlich +Gen
to be particular about one’s appearance: sehr auf sein Äußeres achten
- particular (detail):
particular: Einzelheit f
particular: Detail nt
in every particular :bis ins Detail
in particular: insbesondere
nothing in particular: nichts Besonderes
the particular: das Besondere
on this particular occasion: dieses eine Mal
no particular reason: kein bestimmter Grund
in every particular: bis ins Detail
nothing in particular: nichts Besonderes
a particular instance : ein bestimmter Moment
to take down sb’s particular: jds Personalien aufnehmen
with particular reference to sth: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer S. Gen
for no obvious/particular reason: aus keinem ersichtlichen/besonderen Grund
the use of force/a particular method: die Anwendung von Gewalt/einer bestimmten Methode
to be of particular concern to sb: jdn besonders interessieren
Particular [pəˈtikjulə]
♦ adjective
1 of a single definite person, thing etc thought of separately from all others: this particular man/problem.
2 more than ordinary: Please take particular care of this letter.
3 difficult to please: He is very particular about his food.
♦ adverb
more than usually: He was particularly pleased to see his brother.
بطور فوق العاده
♦ noun plural
facts or details: You must give them all the particulars about the accident.
مشخصات؛ ویژگی ها
in particular
more than others: I liked this book in particular.
• I don’t adhere to any particular political tendency.
من از هیچ گونه گرایش سیاسی خاص تبعیت نمی کنم.
adj., n.
● ویژه،مختص،خاص،اخص،بخصوص (در برابر: اعم یا کلی general)
claims of France or any other particular state
ادعاهای فرانسه یا هرکشور بخصوص دیگر
I don’t mean any particular book
منظورم کتاب بخصوصی نیست.
a particular problem
مسئلهای ویژه
my very particular friend
دوست بسیار ویژهی من
this subject is of particular importance
این موضوع از اهمیت ویژهای برخوردار است.
is there a particular reason why they haven’t invited me?
آیا دلیل خاصی وجود دارد که مرا دعوت نکردهاند؟
this particular case is exceptional
این قضیهی بخصوص استثنایی است.
● دقیق،جز به جز
a particular account of the day’s events
شرح جز به جز رویدادهای آن روز
● (قدیمی) خصوصی،شخصی،فردی
these domestic and particular broils
(شکسپیر) این محاربات خانوادگی و خصوصی
● دیر پسند،سختگیر،پایبند
I am not particular about formalities
من پابند تشریفات نیستم.
he is very particular about food
او در مورد خوراک خیلی دیر پسند است.
she is not particular about punctuality
او در مورد وقتشناسی سختگیر نیست.
● (منطق) گزارهی جزئی
● تک،جداگانه،منفرد
he counted each particular grain of wheat
او دانههای گندم را تکتک شمرد.
* in particular
بخصوص،علیالخصوص،به ویژه،مخصوصا
I want to thank all of you, in particular Iraj and Naheed
میخواهم از همهی شما سپاسگزاری کنم به ویژه از ایرج و ناهید
in particular, the expatriates…
علی الخصوص غریبان خاک …
1 used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.
the action seems to discriminate against a particular group of companies
synonyms: specific , certain , distinct , separate , discrete , definite , precise , single , individual
2 especially great or intense.
when handling or checking cash the cashier should exercise particular care
synonyms: (extra) special , especial , exceptional , unusual , singular , uncommon , notable , noteworthy , remarkable , unique , peculiar
3 insisting that something should be correct or suitable in every detail; fastidious.
she is very particular about cleanliness
synonyms: fussy , fastidious , finicky , meticulous , punctilious , discriminating , selective , painstaking , exacting , demanding , persnickety , choosy , picky
1 an individual item, as contrasted with a universal quality.
In Chapter 19, I examine various accounts of the first of these distinctions and raise the question of whether we really need to include both universals and particulars in our ontology.
2 a detail.
he is wrong in every particular
synonyms: detail , item , point , specific , element , aspect , respect , regard , particularity , fact , feature
obvious [ˈobviəs]
♦ adjective
easily seen or understood; evident: It was obvious that she was ill; an obvious improvement.
واضح؛ بدیهی
♦ adverb
it is clear (that something is the case): Obviously, I’ll need some help.
بدیهی است که؛ بطور واضح
● آشکار،واضح،هویدا،روشن،بدیهی،مشهود،گویا
his yawning made it obvious that he was not interested
دهان درهی او آشکار کرد که علاقمند نیست.
his jealousy was obvious
حسادت او آشکار بود.
she is obviously tired
او به طور آشکاری خسته است.
● (مهجور) سد معبر،جلو راه،مزاحم
Ger: streichen
coastal strip: Küstenstreifen m
Gaza Strip: Gaza-Streifen m
thin strip: schmaler Streifen
magnetic strip : Magnetstreifen m
to strip a tree: einen Baum entrinden
narrow strip of land: schmales Stück Land
to strip a bed: die Bettlaken [o. ein Bett] abziehen
to strip sth bare: etw kahl fressen
to strip a wire: ein Kabel abisolieren
to strip naked: sich Akk nackt ausziehen
strip of metal: Metallstreifen m
strip of cloth: Stoffstreifen m
to strip out ⇆ a room: ein Zimmer ausräumen [o. leer räumen]
to strip off the paint: die Farbe abbeizen
to strip off the bark: die Rinde abschälen [o. abziehen]
to strip away the paint: die Farbe abbeizen
to strip away the wallpaper: die Tapete abziehen
to strip to the skin: sich Akk nackt ausziehen
to undergo a strip-search: sich Akk zu einer Durchsuchung ausziehen müssen
strip [strip]– past tense, past participle stripped –
♦ verb
1 to remove the covering from something: He stripped the old varnish off the wall; He stripped the branch (of its bark) with his knife.
2 to undress: She stripped the child (naked) and put him in the bath; He stripped and dived into the water; They were told to strip to the waist.
3 to remove the contents of (a house etc ): The house/room was stripped bare / stripped of its furnishings; They stripped the house of all its furnishings.
تهي كردن
4 to deprive (a person) of something: The officer was stripped of his rank for misconduct.
محروم كردن
♦ noun
1 a long narrow piece of (eg cloth, ground etc ): a strip of paper.
2 a strip cartoon.
3 a footballer’s shirt, shorts, socks etc : The team has a red and white strip.
لباس ورزشي
strip cartoon
a row of drawings, eg in a newspaper or comic paper, telling a story.
داستان فكاهي مصور
♦ noun
lighting by long tubes rather than bulbs.
نور مهتابي يا آفتابي
♦ noun
the act, by a woman, of removing her clothes one by one as a theatrical entertainment.
استريپ تيز
♦ adjective
a strip-tease show.
نمايش استريپ تيز
strip off
to remove clothes or a covering from a thing or person: He stripped (his clothes) off and had a shower; The doctor stripped his bandage off.
در آوردن لباس
1 an act of undressing, especially in a striptease.
she got drunk and did a strip on top of the piano
2 a long, narrow piece of cloth, paper, plastic, or some other material.
a strip of linen
synonyms: (narrow) piece , bit , band , belt , ribbon , slip , shred
3 a Comic strip.
Steve also brings us our weekly strip cartoon Back Yard, which you can read on Page 20.
1 remove all coverings from.
they stripped the bed
2 leave bare of accessories or fittings.
thieves stripped the room of luggage
synonyms: empty , clear , clean out , plunder , rob , burgle , burglarize , loot , pillage , ransack , despoil , sack
3 deprive someone of (rank, power, or property).
the lieutenant was stripped of his rank
synonyms: take away from someone , dispossess someone of , deprive someone of , confiscate , divest someone of , relieve someone of
4 sell off (the assets of a company) for profit.
One is that the CEOs in question will be powerful enough to strip assets from their companies for their own gain - and get away with it.
5 tear the thread or teeth from (a screw, gearwheel, etc.).
Getting the screw out can strip the bushing threads in the frame.
6 (of a bullet) be fired from a rifled gun without spin owing to a loss of surface.
Ger: berauben/ entziehen
to deprive sb of sth: jdm etw entziehen [o. vorenthalten]
to deprive sb of his/her dignity: jdn seiner Würde
berauben geh
to deprive sb of freedom: jdn der Freiheit berauben geh
to deprive sb of sleep: jdm den Schlaf entziehen
to deprive sb of freedom: jdn der Freiheit berauben geh
to deprive sb of sleep: jdm den Schlaf entziehen
to deprive sb of his/her dignity: jdn seiner Würde berauben geh
deprive [diˈpraiv]
♦ verb
(with of ) to take something away from: They deprived him of food and drink.
محروم کردن؛ سلب کردن
deprivation [depriˈveiʃən]
♦ noun
1 (a condition of) loss, hardship etc .
فقدان؛ از دست رفتگی
2 (an) act of depriving.
محرومیت؛ بی بهره سازی
♦ adjective
suffering from hardship etc , under-privileged: deprived areas of the city.
محروم؛ فقیر
● محروم کردن،به زور گرفتن،بینصیب کردن،بیبهره کردن،ناکام کردن،سلب کردن
to deprive someone of his property
کسی را از ملک خود محروم کردن
he was deprived of his civil rights
حقوق مدنی او را سلب کرده بودند.
I was deprived of my friend’s companionship
از مصاحبت دوست خود محروم شدم.
● (از شغل به ویژه مشاغل روحانی) برکنار کردن
1 deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something.
the city was deprived of its water supplies
synonyms: dispossess of , strip of , divest of , relieve of , deny , rob of , cheat out of , do out of
Ger: Angst/ beängstigt sein/ erschrocken sein
anxious: besorgt
she always gets anxious if we don’t arrive when we say we will: sie macht sich immer Sorgen, wenn wir nicht zur angegebenen Zeit zurückkommen
anxious look: besorgter Blick
anxious look (more serious): sorgenvoller Blick
to be anxious about sth: sich Dat um etw Akk Sorgen machen
to be anxious about sth: um etw Akk besorgt sein
to be anxious about sth (more serious): um etw Akk Angst haben
- anxious (eager):
anxious: bestrebt
I’m anxious that we get there on time: ich hoffe [sehr], dass wir rechtzeitig dort ankommen
to be anxious to do sth: [eifrig] darauf bedacht sein, etw zu tun
to be anxious for sth: ungeduldig auf etw Akk warten
● نگرانی،دلواپسی،اضطراب،تشویش
Pari’s anxiety about the examinations
نگرانی پری دربارهی امتحانات
signs of anxiety appeared on the mother’s face
نشانههای دلواپسی در صورت مادر هویدا شد.
● سرآسیمگی،تلواسه،تاسه (احساس بیم و نگرانی شدید همراه با لرزه و عرقریزی)،آسیمگی،تاسگی،دلهره،دلشوره
acute anxiety
آسیمگی حاد
to have anxiety
دلهره داشتن
● مایهی نگرانی
her only anxiety is the health of her baby
یگانه (مایهی) نگرانی او عبارت است از سلامتی نوزادش.
● اشتیاق (توام با نگرانی)
we are anxiously awaiting your response
با اشتیاق آمیخته با نگرانی در انتظار پاسخ شما هستیم.
anxious [ˈӕŋkʃəs]
♦ adjective
1 worried about what may happen or have happened:
She is anxious about her father’s health.
نگران؛ دلواپس
2 causing worry, fear or uncertainty:
an anxious moment.
نگران کننده
3 wanting very much (to do etc something):
He’s very anxious to please.
مشتاق؛ مایل
♦ adverb
با نگرانی
anxiety [aŋˈzaiəti]
♦ noun
His health is a great anxiety to me; filled with anxiety about her child’s health.
نگرانی؛ دلواپسی
She was anxious about her job.
او نگران شغل خود بود.
• I am anxious about the results of the examination.
خیلی دوست دارم نتیجه امتحان رو بدونم.
• We are anxious for their safety.
ما برای امنیت آنها نگرانیم.
• We are anxious for world peace.
ما به شدت خواهان صلح جهانی هستیم.
● نگران،دلواپس،تاسه،تلواس،مضطرب،مشوش،آسیمه،سرآسیمه
Ali was anxious about the health of his son
علی نگران سلامتی پسرش بود.
if you don’t call your mother, she will become anxious
اگر به مادرت تلفن نکنی دلواپس خواهد شد.
the symptoms of that ailment are irritation, anxiousness, and restlessness
علائم آن بیماری زودرنجی،اضطراب و بیقراری است.
● نگران کننده،دلواپس کننده،آسیمگر،تشویش انگیز
she spent an anxious night by the sick child
او شب پر اضطرابی را کنار کودک بیمار گذراند.
● مشتاق،خواهان،مایل
I was very anxious to see the beauty queen
بسیار مشتاق دیدار ملکهی زیبایی بودم.
- scratch (cut on skin):
scratch: Kratzer m
scratch: Schramme f
to be covered in scratches: völlig zerkratzt [o. verschrammt] sein
- scratch no pl (to relieve itching):
scratch: Kratzen nt
to have [or give oneself] a scratch : sich Akk kratzen
- scratch no pl (acceptable standard):
to not be up to scratch: zu wünschen übrig lassen
to bring sth/sb up to scratch: etw/jdn auf Vordermann [o. sl Zack] bringen ugs
to come up to scratch: den Anforderungen
to come up to scratch: nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen
- scratch (beginning state):
to learn sth from scratch: etw von Grund auf lernen
to start [sth] from scratch: [mit etw Dat ] bei null anfangen
to start [sth] from scratch: ganz von vorne anfangen
II . scratch [skrætʃ] ADJ attr, inv
1. scratch (hastily got together):
scratch: improvisiert
a scratch team: eine zusammengewürfelte Mannschaft
- scratch (without handicap):
scratch: ohne Vorgabe nach Subst
- scratch (exclude from competition):
to scratch sb from a list: jdn aus einer [Starter]liste streichen
to scratch a horse from a race: ein Pferd aus dem Rennen nehmen
to scratch sb from a team [or side]: jdn aus der Mannschaft nehmen
- scratch (erase, remove):
to scratch sth: etw streichen
you can scratch that idea: diese Idee kannst du vergessen
to scratch sb’s name off a list: jdn Namen aus einer Liste streichen
- scratch Am ugs (cancel):
to scratch sth: etw aufgeben [o. ugs abblasen]
- scratch (write hastily):
to scratch sth: etw [hin]kritzeln
to scratch sth on sth: etw auf etw Akk kritzeln
you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours: eine Hand wäscht die andere Sprichw
scratch a … and you’ll find a … [underneath]: in jedem/jeder … steckt ein/eine …
scratch a … and you’ll find a … [underneath]: hinter jedem/jeder … verbirgt sich ein/eine …
scratch a rabid nationalist and you’re likely to find a racist underneath: in jedem fanatischen Nationalisten steckt mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ein Rassist
Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)
to scratch one’s arm: sich Akk am Arm kratzen
to scratch one’s head: sich Akk am Kopf kratzen
a scratch team: eine zusammengewürfelte Mannschaft
to learn sth from scratch: etw von Grund auf lernen
you can scratch that idea: diese Idee kannst du vergessen
to come up to scratch: den Anforderungen entsprechen
to start [sth] from scratch: [mit etw Dat ] bei null anfangen
to scratch sb’s eyes out: jdm die Augen auskratzen ugs
to scratch out a line: eine Zeile durchstreichen
to scratch out a word: ein Wort ausstreichen [o. CH wegstreichen]
you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours: eine Hand wäscht die andere Sprichw
to not be up to scratch: zu wünschen übrig lassen
to scratch sb from a list: jdn aus einer [Starter]liste streichen
to bring sth/sb up to scratch: etw/jdn auf Vordermann [o. sl Zack] bringen ugs
to have [or give oneself] a scratch: sich Akk kratzen
to scratch about [or around] for sth: nach etw Dat suchen ugs
scratch [skrӕtʃ]
♦ verb
1 to mark or hurt by drawing a sharp point across: The cat scratched my hand; How did you scratch your leg?; I scratched myself on a rose bush.
حراشيدن؛چنگ زدن
2 to rub to relieve itching: You should try not to scratch insect bites.
3 to make by scratching: He scratched his name on the rock with a sharp stone.
4 to remove by scratching: She threatened to scratch his eyes out.
5 to withdraw from a game, race etc : That horse has been scratched.
حذف كردن
♦ noun
1 a mark, injury or sound made by scratching: covered in scratches; a scratch at the door.
2 a slight wound: I hurt myself, but it’s only a scratch.
3 in certain races or competitions, the starting point for people with no handicap or advantage.
از ابتداي كار
♦ adjective
خط حطي
♦ noun
خط افتادگي
scratch the surface
to deal too slightly with a subject: We started to discuss the matter, but only had time to scratch the surface.
به مقدمات مطلبي پرداختن
start from scratch
to start (an activity etc ) from nothing, from the very beginning, or without preparation: He now has a very successful business but he started from scratch.
از صفر
up to scratch
at or to the required or satisfactory standard: Your work does not come up to scratch.
پول بخور و نميري در آوردن
vt., vi., n., adj.
● (با آلت تیز یا زبر) خراشاندن،خراشیدن،(گربه و غیره) چنگ زدن،خراش انداختن،خط انداختن،شخاییدن،پنجول زدن،پنجه کشیدن
a cat that scratches
گربهای که چنگ میزند
the dog was scratching the door
سگ داشت در را با پنجه میخراشید.
he scratched the table with a knife
میز را با چاقو خراش انداخت.
don’t go close to the rose bush, you’ll scratch yourself
نزدیک بتهی گل نرو،خراشیده خواهی شد.
a scratched record
صفحهی (گرامافون) خط افتاده
● (با چاقو و غیره) کندن
with a nail he scratched his name on a tree
نام خودش را با میخ بر درخت کند.
● خاراندن،خارش دادن
she asked her mother to scratch her back
از مادرش خواهش کرد که پشت او را بخاراند.
he scratched his sore so much that it bled
آنقدر زخمش را خاراند که خون آمد.
● (در اثر مالش) آزرده کردن،خراشیده کردن (chafe هم میگویند)
● (با صدا) مالیدن،کشیدن
to scratch a match on a wall
کبریت را به دیوار کشیدن
● (با شتاب یا بیدقتی) نوشتن،رسم کردن،نیش قلم،نوشتهی ناخوانا
● (نوشته را) پاک کردن،حذف کردن،باطل کردن
his name was scratched from the list
نام او از فهرست حذف شد.
● (با اشکال) گرداوری کردن،فراهم کردن،گذران کردن (scrape هم میگویند)
● (به ویژه اسبدوانی) در مسابقه شرکت ندادن یا نکردن
● (با پنجه یا چنگال یا ناخن) کاویدن
● (با خراشاندن) صدا ایجاد کردن،خشخش کردن،خشخش
● (بیلیارد و غیره) اسکراچ کردن
● خراشیدگی،پوست رفتگی،زخم،خراش
scratch marks on the child’s knees
نشانههای خراشیدگی بر زانوهای بچه
● خط افتادگی،شخال
the record is full of scratches
(گرامافون) صفحه پر از خط افتادگی است.
● (مسابقه) خط شروع
● (امریکا - خودمانی) پول
● چرکنویس،پیشنویس،سوده،یادداشت
scratch paper
کاغذ چرکنویس
● (بدون آمادگی یا با شتاب) گردآوری شده،جور شده
a scratch football team
تیم فوتبال با عجله تشکیل شده
* escape without a scratch
اصلا صدمه نخوردن،بیآسیب جان به در بردن
* from scratch
1- از آغاز،از اول 2- از هیچ،بدون پول یا منابع
* scratch about (for something)
(با کاویدن و غیره) دنبال چیزی گشتن
* scratch one’s head
از شدت تعجب یا گیجی یا ندانمکاری سر خود را خاراندن
* scratch (something) away (or off)
(با ساییدن) زدودن
to scratch the rust off the pipe
لوله را ساییدن و زنگ زدگی آن را زدودن
* scratch something out of something
(با مداد پاک کن یا خراشاندن) حذف کردن،پاک کردن،زدن
his name was scratched out of the list
اسم او را از فهرست حذف کرده بودند.
* scratch something up
کاویدن و درآوردن
the dog scratched the bone up
سگ کاوید و استخوان را درآورد.
* scratch the surface
به طور سطحی انجام دادن
* up to scratch
1- آمادهی آغاز کردن 2- در حد مورد قبول
* you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours
اگر تو به من کمک کنی من هم به تو کمک خواهم کرد
noun - sophomore
دانشجوی سال دوم: sophomore
/säf´ǝ môr´/
n., adj.
● (دانشگاه) دانشجوی سال دوم،سال دومی
● (آمریکا - دبیرستان) دانشآموز کلاس دهم،کلاس دهمی
● (برخی پیشهها یا کارها) سال دومی،کسی که سال دوم کاری را میگذراند
● وابسته به یا ویژهی سال دومیها
I . pro·vide [prə(ʊ)ˈvaɪd, Am prəˈ-] VERB trans
to provide sth
etw zur Verfügung stellen [o. bereitstellen]
we will not be able to provide the same standard of teaching if there are funding cuts
wir werden dieses Unterrichtsniveau nicht aufrechterhalten können, wenn der Etat gekürzt wird
to provide employment
Arbeitsplätze schaffen
to provide evidence/an explanation
Beweise/eine Erklärung liefern
to provide information about sb/sth
Informationen über jdn/etw geben
to provide inspiration
to provide proof
einen Nachweis erbringen
to provide a thrill
für Nervenkitzel sorgen
to provide sb/sth with sth [or sth for sb/sth] (supply)
jdn/etw mit etw Dat versorgen
to provide a household with power
einen Haushalt mit Strom versorgen
to provide sb/sth with sth [or sth for sb/sth] (offer)
jdm/etw etw bieten [o. geben]
II . pro·vide [prə(ʊ)ˈvaɪd, Am prəˈ-] VERB intr
- provide form (anticipate):
to provide for sth
für etw Akk vorsorgen [o. Vorsorge treffen]
to provide against sth
Vorkehrungen gegen etw Akk treffen
to provide against sth
sich Akk vor etw Dat schützen
- provide (look after):
to provide for sb/oneself
für jdn/sich selbst sorgen
- provide form (enable):
to provide for sth
etw ermöglichen
to provide for sth law
etw erlauben
current legislation provides for the detention of suspects
die gegenwärtige Gesetzgebung erlaubt die Inhaftierung von Verdächtigen
to provide a thrill
für Nervenkitzel sorgen
to provide emergency cover
eine Notfallversorgung gewährleisten
to provide some entertainment
für ein wenig Unterhaltung sorgen
freedom to provide services
Dienstleistungsfreiheit f
to provide employment
Arbeitsplätze schaffen
to provide self-help
Selbsthilfe vermitteln
to provide commentary
Bericht erstatten
to provide inspiration
to provide proof
einen Nachweis erbringen
to provide surety
Sicherheit leisten
to provide transportation
ein Beförderungsmittel zur Verfügung stellen
to give [or provide] help
Hilfe leisten
to provide cover for sb
jdn vertreten
to provide documentation for sth
den Nachweis für etw Akk liefern
to provide evidence/an explanation
Beweise/eine Erklärung liefern
to provide/take a specimen
eine Probe abliefern/nehmen
to provide a household with power
einen Haushalt mit Strom versorgen
to provide a backdrop for sth
den Hintergrund für etw Akk liefern
provide [prəˈvaid]
♦ verb
1 to give or supply: He provided the wine for the meal; He provided them with a bed for the night.
تهیه کردن
2 (with for ) to have enough money to supply what is necessary: He is unable to provide for his family.
تامین کردن
proˈvided, *proˈviding
conjuction if; on condition (that): We can buy it provided/providing (that) we have enough money.
به شرط آنکه
/prō vīd´, prǝ-/
vt., vi.
● تهیه کردن،تامین کردن،(روزی) رساندن
he works to provide for his wife and children
او کار میکند تا زندگی زن و بچهی خود را تامین کند.
the lord will provide
خدا روزیرسان است.
the class is free but you have to provide your own books
کلاس رایگان است ولی باید خودتان کتابها را تهیه کنید.
the hotel provides transportation to and from the airport
رفت و آمد از فرودگاه به عهدهی هتل است.
to provide military aid for our allies
تامین کمک نظامی جهت متحدان ما
● (با: with) در اختیار گذاشتن،در دسترس گذاشتن
passengers will be provided with free food and drink
خوراک و نوشابهی مجانی در اختیار مسافران گذاشته خواهد شد.
we have to provide our farmers with financial aid
بایستی کمک مالی در اختیار کشاورزانمان بگذاریم.
● (با: for یا against) تدارک دیدن،فراهم کردن،آماده کردن،آمادن،پیش آماد کردن
we have to provide for our day of need now
باید هم اکنون برای روز مبادا آماده شویم.
the government is providing against a probable famine
دولت دارد برای مقابله با قحطی احتمالی تدارک میبیند.
● (قانون و غیره) تصریح کردن،قید کردن،فرنمود کردن،پیش بینی کردن
the contract provides that the work be finished in five days
در قرارداد قید شده است که کار پنج روزه تمام شود.
- desperation (hopelessness):
Verzweiflung f
an act of desperation
eine Verzweiflungstat
to drive sb to desperation
jdn zur Verzweiflung treiben
in desperation
aus Verzweiflung
out of desperation
aus Verzweiflung
- desperation (state of being desperate):
desperation for
Verlangen nt nach +Dat
in desperation
aus Verzweiflung
an act of desperation
eine Verzweiflungstat
out of desperation
aus Verzweiflung
to drive sb to desperation
jdn zur Verzweiflung treiben
noun - desperation
نومیدی: despair, desperation, disappointment
بیچارگی: misery, desperation, misfortune, calamity
لاعلاجی: desperation
نومیدی زیاد: desperation
خلی: absurdity, desperation, impertinence
● نومیدی،یاس
a deep desperation began to possess him
نومیدی ژرفی بر او مستولی شد.
● ناگریزی،استیصال،ناچاری،درماندگی
he was hungry and stole bread out of desperation
او گرسنه بود و از زور ناچاری نان دزدید.
… in (a time of) distress and desperation
… در پریشان حالی و درماندگی
● وخامت،شدت،حدت
● بیپروایی (در اثر یاس)،از جان گذشتگی،قبول خطر
he attacked the bigger boy with the desperation of a cornered cat
با بیپروایی گربهای که در بنبست گیر کرده باشد به پسر بزرگتر از خودش حملهور شد.
gap [gæp] SUBST
1. gap (empty space):
Lücke f
to leave some gaps
etwas Platz [frei]lassen
- gap übtr:
gap (something missing)
Lücke f übtr
gap (inconsistency)
Ungereimtheit f
credibility gap
mangelnde Glaubwürdigkeit
gap in knowledge
Wissenslücke f
market gap
Marktlücke f
to fill a gap
eine Lücke schließen [o. füllen] übtr
- gap (in time):
Pause f
Unterbrechung f
- gap:
gap (difference)
Unterschied m
gap (in attitude)
Kluft f
age gap
Altersunterschied m
generation gap
Generationsunterschied m
to bridge/close the gap
die Kluft überbrücken/überwinden
he must close the gap between his income and his expenditures
er muss die Lücke zwischen seinem Einkommen und seinen Ausgaben schließen
- gap COMPUT (space between recorded data):
Spalt m
Zwischenraum m
- gap COMPUT (method):
Funkübertragungssystem nt
electrode gap
Elektrodenabstand m
miscibility gap
Mischungslücke f
communication gap
Informationslücke f
age gap
Altersunterschied m
generation gap
Generationsunterschied m
market gap
Marktlücke f
credibility gap
mangelnde Glaubwürdigkeit
to bridge a gap
eine Kluft überwinden
to fill a gap
eine Lücke schließen [o. füllen] übtr
gap in knowledge
Wissenslücke f
dollar gap/reserves
Dollarlücke f /-reserven pl
gap-toothed grin
schiefes Lächeln
to slip through a gap
durch ein Loch schlüpfen
to bridge/close the gap
die Kluft überbrücken/überwinden
to bridge [or cross] the generation gap
die Kluft zwischen den Generationen überbrücken
look, the gap was about so wide
schau mal, die Lücke war ungefähr so groß
to have a gap in one’s education
eine Bildungslücke haben
there’s a wide gap between … and …
zwischen … und … herrscht eine große Kluft
to close the gap between x and y
die Kluft zwischen x und y überwinden
to fill a gap [or need] in the market
in eine Marktlücke stoßen
gap [gӕp]
♦ noun
a break or open space: a gap between his teeth.
gap [gӕp]
♦ noun
a break or open space: a gap between his teeth.
n., vi., vt.
● (در نرده یا دیوار) شکاف،رخنه،بریدگی،سوراخ عبور،دهانه
● (از نظر زمان یا بعد) وقفه،انقطاع،جای خالی،از قلم افتادگی،فاصله
there is a gap between the two words
بین دو لغت جای خالی وجود دارد.
the generation gap
شکاف بین نسلها
a gap appeared in the ranks of the enemy’s army
در صفوف قشون دشمن شکاف پیدا شد.
the gap between his two front teeth
فاصلهی میان دو دندان جلو او
● فرق فاحش،تفاوت،کمیابی
the gap between exports and imports
تفاوت (یا عدم توازن) بین صادرات و واردات
● رجوع شود به: spark gap
● (در دیوار یا نرده) سوراخ ایجاد کردن،راه عبور باز کردن،(دیوار را) شکافتن،(از وسط دیوار) نقب زدن
● از هم باز شدن،وا رفتن،گشوده شدن
● (مکانیک) فاصلهی پلاتین اتومبیل
● (زمین شناسی) تنگ
I . dis·gust [dɪsˈgʌst] SUBST no pl
1. disgust (revulsion):
Abscheu m
Ekel m
to be filled with disgust at sth
von etw Dat angewidert sein
sth fills sb with disgust
etw ekelt jdn an
to step back in disgust [from sth]
angeekelt [o. angewidert] [von etw Dat ] zurückweichen
to turn away [from sth] in disgust
sich Akk angeekelt [o. angewidert] [von etw Dat ] abwenden
- disgust (indignation):
Empörung f
disgust at
Entrüstung f über +Akk
[much] to sb’s disgust
[sehr] zu jds Entrüstung
to express one’s disgust [at sth]
seine Entrüstung [o. Empörung] [über etw Akk ] zum Ausdruck bringen
to hide one’s disgust at sth
seine Empörung über etw Akk verbergen
in disgust
in disgust
to do sth in disgust
etw tun aus Empörung darüber, dass …
disgust [disˈgast]
♦ verb
to cause feelings of dislike or sickness in: The smell of that soup disgusts me; She was disgusted by your behaviour.
بیزار کردن؛ مشمئز کردن
♦ noun
the state or feeling of being disgusted: She left the room in disgust.
انزجار؛ بیزاری
♦ adjective
What a disgusting smell!; Her house is in a disgusting mess.
بیزار کننده؛ تنفر انگیز
♦ adverb
بطور مشمئز کننده
/dis gust´/
n., vt., vi.
● (بیزاری و تنفر تهوعآور) انزجار،بیزاری،تنفر،نفرت،آریغ،چندش،دل سیری
their cruelty excited our disgust
سنگدلی آنان انزجار ما را برانگیخت.
he could not tolerate the smell of garlic without a feeling of disgust
بدون احساس بیزاری نمیتوانست بوی سیر را تحمل کند.
● بیزار کردن یا شدن،آریغ کردن،متنفر کردن یا شدن،دچار چندش شدن،حالت تهوع پیدا کردن،مشمئز کردن یا شدن
your answers disgust me
پاسخهای شما مرا بیزار میکند.
food that is too oily disgusts one easily
غذای خیلی چرب آدم را زود زده میکند.
her behavior at the party disgusted me
رفتار او در مهمانی مرا منزجر کرد.
* disgusted, adj.
* disgusting, adj.
بیزار کننده،آریغ انگیز،تنفرانگیز،هراشانگیز
this food has a disgusting smell
این خوراک بوی مشمئز کنندهای دارد.
awe [ɔ:, Am ɑ:] SUBST no pl
Ehrfurcht f
to fill sb with awe
jdn mit Ehrfurcht erfüllen
to hold sb in awe
großen Respekt vor jdm haben
to hold sb in awe
jdn sehr bewundern
to stand in awe of sb
vor jdm gewaltigen Respekt haben
II . awe [ɔ:, Am ɑ:] VERB trans
to awe sb
jdm Ehrfurcht einflößen
to awe sb (intimidate)
jdn einschüchtern
to be awed into silence
beeindruckt schweigen
awe-in·spir·ing ADJ
Ehrfurcht gebietend
an awe-inspiring sight
ein erhabener Anblick
1 a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds
synonyms: wonder , wonderment , admiration , reverence , respect , esteem , dread , fear
1 inspire with awe.
they were both awed by the vastness of the forest
♦ noun
wonder and fear: The child looked in awe at the king.
حیرت؛ آمیزه ای از ترس و احترام
♦ verb
to fill with awe: He was awed by his new school.
دچار ترس و احترام کردن
ˈawe-inspiring, *ˈawesome
♦ adjective
causing awe: The waterfall was awe-inspiring; an awesome sight.
با ابهت؛ اعجاب انگیز
♦ adjective
filled with awe: awestruck by the mountains.
بهت زده؛ حیران
n., vt.
● (آمیزهای از ترس و احترام و شگفتی) حیرت،هیبت
the child looked with awe at the statue of the prophet
کودک با ترس و احترام به مجسمهی پیامبر نگاه کرد.
his learning filled everyone with awe
دانش او همه را غرق در احترام و شگفتی کرد.
● دچار ترس و احترام کردن،به ابهت چیزی پی بردن
the high ceiling of the hall and the silence awed him
تاق بلند و سکوت تالار او را مجذوب و مرعوب کرد.
● (قدیمی) قدرت ایجاد ترس توام با احترام
● (مهجور) وحشت،هراس
* awe-inspiring
موجب ترس و احترام،پر ابهت،اعجاب انگیز
* to stand (or be) in awe of
احساس بیم و احترام کردن (نسبت به)
I stand in awe of God
نسبت به ابهت خداوند احساس بیم و احترام میکنم.
relevant documents
zweckdienliche Unterlagen
relevant evidence
sachdienliches Beweismaterial
highly relevant
höchst bedeutungsvoll
relevant question
angebrachte Frage
to give relevant items
wichtige Details [o. Einzelheiten] nennen
the relevant documentation
die nötigen Ausweispapiere
to remain relevant
seine Aktualität bewahren
to be [hardly] relevant to sth
für etw Akk [kaum] von Bedeutung [o. Belang] sein
please bring all the relevant documents
bitte bringen Sie die nötigen Papiere mit
that’s not relevant to the present matter
das ist für diese Sache nicht von Bedeutung
subject to permission from the relevant government department (conditional upon)
vorbehaltlich behördlicher Genehmigung geh
the question is not relevant to the case
die Frage gehört nicht zur Sache
for further information please refer to the relevant leaflet
weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der entsprechenden Broschüre
1 closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
the candidate’s experience is relevant to the job
synonyms: pertinent , applicable , apposite , material , apropos , to the point , germane , connected , related , linked , on-topic
relevant [ˈreləvənt]
♦ adjective
connected with or saying something important about what is being spoken about or discussed: I don’t think his remarks are relevant (to our discussion); Any relevant information should be given to the police.
مربوط؛ وابسته
♦ noun
● مربوط،وابسته،مطرح،وارد
your statements are not relevant to the topic of our discussions
اظهارات شما ربطی به موضوع مذاکرات ما ندارد.
all the information relevant to his new responsibilities
همهی اطلاعات مربوط به وظایف جدید او
your objection is not relevant
اعتراض شما وارد نیست.
relevant and irrelevant
با مورد و بی مورد
* relevance (or relevancy) n.
research must have relevance to the person’s work
پژوهش باید با کار شخص ارتباط داشته باشد
work permit
Arbeitserlaubnis f
residence permit
Aufenthaltsgenehmigung f
hunting permit
Jagdschein m
export permit
Exporterlaubnis f
to hold a permit
über eine Genehmigung verfügen
application for a permit
Bewilligungsgesuch m
to get [or obtain] a permit
eine Genehmigung erhalten
form permit me to help you
darf ich Ihnen helfen?
to permit sb to do sth
jdm ermöglichen, etw zu tun
to permit sb/oneself to do sth
jdm/sich erlauben [o. gestatten] , etw zu tun
to be able to fish here you must be a permit-holder
um hier angeln zu dürfen, brauchen Sie einen Angelschein
the building went ahead as soon as the building permit was issued
sobald die Baugenehmigung vorlag, wurde mit dem Bau begonnen
1 an official document giving someone authorization to do something.
he is only in Britain on a work permit
synonyms: authorization , license , pass , ticket , warrant , document , certification , passport , visa
2 a deep-bodied fish of the jack family, found in warm waters of the western Atlantic and Caribbean and caught for food and sport.
He told me that there were snook and tarpon (as I already knew) and there were large bonefish and
permit to fish for.
1 give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something.
the law permits councils to monitor any factory emitting smoke
synonyms: allow , authorize , give someone permission , sanction , grant , give someone the right , license , empower , enable , entitle , qualify , give one’s blessing to , give the nod to , consent to , assent to , acquiesce in , agree to , tolerate , countenance , legalize , legitimate , give the go-ahead to , give the thumbs up to , OK , give the OK to , give the green light to , accede to , suffer , let
permit [pəˈmit]– past tense, past participle perˈmitted –
♦ verb
1 to agree to (another person’s action); to allow or let (someone do something): Permit me to answer your question; Smoking is not permitted.
اجازه دادن
2 to make possible: My aunt’s legacy permitted me to go to America.
ممکن ساختن
a written order allowing a person to do something: We have a permit to export our product.
اجازه؛ مجوز
permission [pəˈmiʃən]
♦ noun
a written, spoken etc agreement that someone may do something: She gave me permission to leave.
اجازه؛ رخصت
valid reason
triftiger Grund
valid precaution
sinnvolle Vorsichtsmaßnahme
valid claim
berechtigter Anspruch
substantial/valid grounds
erhebliche/stichhaltige Gründe
1 (of an argument or point) having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent.
a valid criticism
synonyms: well-founded , sound , reasonable , rational , logical , justifiable , defensible , viable , bona fide , cogent , effective , powerful , potent , convincing , credible , forceful , strong , solid , weighty
valid [ˈvӕlid]
♦ adjective
1 (of reasons, arguments etc ) true; reasonable or acceptable: That is not a valid excuse.
معتبر؛ موجه
2 legally effective; having legal force: He has a valid passport.
♦ adverb
بطور معتبر
● معتبر،ارزشمند،ارزمند،موثق،ارزا
a valid deed
قبالهی معتبر
pre-revolutionary passports are no longer valid
پاسپورتهای پیش از انقلاب دیگر معتبر نیست.
some moral principles are valid in every age and country
برخی اصول اخلاقی در تمام ادوار و کشورها ارزشمند است.
● (استدلال و غیره) صادق،پذیرفتنی،درست،مسموع،محکم،موجه،وارد،مستدل،پروهان،روا
Jaffar’s argument was valid
استدلال جعفر درست بود.
your criticism is valid
انتقاد شما وارد است.
● موثر،کارا،کاری
each science has its own valid methods
هر علمی روشهای موثر خودش را دارا است.
if writing is no longer a valid medium, the film may replace it
اگر نگارش دیگر وسیلهی موثری نباشد فیلم جای آن را خواهد گرفت.
● (نادر) سالم،تندرست
● قانونی
Ger: legitim
to legitimate a child
ein Kind rechtlich anerkennen
of illegitimate/legitimate birth
unehelicher/ehelicher Abstammung
a legitimate child
ein eheliches Kind
a legitimate government
eine gesetzmäßige Regierung
this is a legitimate question
das ist eine berechtigte Frage
I’m not sure his business is entirely legitimate
ich habe meine Bedenken, ob seine Geschäfte ganz sauber sind ugs
legitimate [liˈdʒitimət]
♦ adjective
1 lawful: Is this procedure perfectly legitimate?
2 (of a child) born to parents who are married to each other.
حلال زاده
♦ adverb
بطور مشروع و صحیح
♦ noun
adj., vt.
● حلالزاده
he claimed to be the legitimate son of the king
او ادعا میکرد که پسر مشروع پادشاه است.
two legitimate daughters and one illegitimate son
دو دختر حلالزاده و یک پسر حرامزاده
● قانونی،مشروع،دادیکی،پذیرفتنی
a legitimate claim
ادعای قانونی
a legitimate business
کاسبی مشروع
● بهحق،بر حق،محق،(پادشاه و غیره) وارث قانونی،روا
● معقول،پذیرفتنی،منطقی،درست
a legitimate conclusion
نتیجهگیری درست
● توجیهپذیر،توجیه کردنی،موجه،بهجا
● طبق مقررات و اصول و غیره
● (تئاتر) نمایش روی صحنه و زنده (در برابر نمایش روی فیلم یا تلویزیون و غیره)
● رجوع شود به: legitimize
Ger: reservieren
reserve [rəˈzəːv]
♦ verb
1 to ask for or order to be kept for the use of a particular person, often oneself: The restaurant is busy on Saturdays, so I’ll phone up today and reserve a table.
رزرو کردن
2 to keep for the use of a particular person or group of people, or for a particular use: These seats are reserved for the committee members.
انوختن؛ ذخیره کردن
♦ noun
1 something which is kept for later use or for use when needed: The farmer kept a reserve of food in case he was cut off by floods.
2 a piece of land used for a special purpose eg for the protection of animals: a wild-life reserve; a nature reserve.
منطقه حفاظت شده
3 the habit of not saying very much, not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc ; shyness.
توداری؛ خوددراری
4 (often in plural ) soldiers, sailors etc who do not belong to the regular full-time army, navy etc but who are called into action when needed eg during a war.
سربازان ذخیره
ˌreserˈvation [rezə-]
♦ noun
1 the act of reserving: the reservation of a room.
جا رزرو کردن
2 something (eg a table in a restaurant) which has been reserved: Have you a reservation, Sir?
تعیین جا از پیش
3 a doubt.
4 a piece of land set aside for a particular purpose: an Indian reservation in the United States.
قطعه زمین اختصاصی
♦ adjective
not saying very much; not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc : a reserved manner.
have, *keep etc in reserve
to have or keep (something) in case or until it is needed: If you go to America please keep some money in reserve for your fare home.
پس انداز
/ri zu_rv´/
n., adj., vt.
● ویژه(ی کاری) بودن،مختص بودن،منحصر بودن،مخصوص بودن،کنار گذاشتن
these seats are reserved for the elderly and the handicapped
این صندلیها مختص سالمندان و معلولان است.
this garden is reserved for the members of the club
این باغ ویژهی اعضای باشگاه است.
● ذخیره کردن،اندوختن،پسانداز کردن،پسداشت کردن،پسگذاشت کردن
money reserved for emergencies
پولی که برای ناگه آیندها (موارد اضطراری) پس انداز شده است
she reserved her criticism for a later occasion
او انتقاد خود را به یک فرصت بعدی موکول کرد.
● (هتل و تئاتر و هواپیما و غیره) جا ذخیره کردن،از پیش جا گرفتن،پیشگرفت کردن،رزرو کردن
for Norooz we must reserve rooms now
از حالا باید برای نوروز اتاق پیشگرفت (رزرو) کنیم.
● (ارتش - جمع) نیروی ذخیره،سربازان احتیاط
reserve mobilization
بسیج نیروهای احتیاط
reserves are not permanently ready for action but can be used in emergencies
قوای ذخیره دایما آمادهی عمل نیستند ولی میتوان در موارد ناگه اضطراری از آنها استفاده کرد.
a detachment of naval reserves
گروهی از افراد ذخیرهی نیروی دریایی
● منبع،ذخیره،پسگذاشت،اندوخته،پسداشت
a reserve supply
آماد ذخیره،ذخیره احتیاطی
Iran’s huge oil and gas reserves
منابع عظیم نفت و گاز ایران
the country’s foreign exchange reserves
ذخایر ارزی کشور
our cash reserves are dwindling fast
اندوختهی نقدی ما در حال نقصان است.
reserve funds
اندوختههای احتیاطی
● (ورزش) بازیکن ذخیره،ورزشکار علیالبدل،یار ذخیره،پسدار
● منطقهی حفاظت شده (نظامی یا برای ایمنی حیوانات و غیره)،پارک طبیعی،قرارگاه،کوچگاه،داشتگاه
a forest reserve
پارک جنگلی
a wild animal reserve
منطقهی جانوران وحشی
● خودداری،شکیبایی،وقار،توداری،متانت
his behavior has lost its former reserve
رفتار او وقار پیشین خود را از دست داده است.
a woman who lacks all reserve and judgement
زنی که از خودداری و قضاوت بویی نبرده است
● (انگلیس - در حراجهای رسمی) حداقل قیمت (که فروشنده قبول میکند)،بهای تعیین شده
the painting sold for twice the reserve price
نقاشی به دو برابر بهای تعیین شده به فروش رفت.
● (نقاشی و ادبیات و غیره) میانهروی در بیان،خودداری از غلو و زیادهروی،سنگینی
● حفظ کردن،پاسداشت کردن،محفوظ کردن
all rights reserved
کلیهی حقوق (وابسته به این کتاب) محفوظ است.
* in reserve
در ذخیره،در پسداشت،در احتیاط
* reserve the right (to do something)
حق خود را (برای انجام کاری) محفوظ نگهداشتن
* without reserve
1- (به طور) نامحدود 2- بیتردید،بدون دودلی 3- (حراج) بدون بهای
1 a supply of a commodity not needed for immediate use but available if required.
Australia has major coal, gas, and uranium reserves
synonyms: stock , store , supply , stockpile , pool , hoard , cache
2 a place set aside for special use, in particular.
There are areas where land has been put aside for reserves but are now being used for different things.
3 a lack of warmth or openness in manner or expression.
she smiled and some of her natural reserve melted
synonyms: reticence , detachment , distance , remoteness , coolness , aloofness , constraint , formality , shyness , diffidence , timidity , taciturnity , inhibition , standoffishness
4 (in the decoration of ceramics or textiles) an area that still has the original color of the material or the color of the background.
Penwork decoration, with designs in reserves on a black background, may itself have first developed within the Tunbridge ware industry.
1 refrain from using or disposing of (something); retain for future use.
roll out half the dough and reserve the other half
synonyms: put to one side , put aside , set aside , keep , keep back , save , hold , put on hold , keep in reserve , earmark
1 (in various sports) serve again.
She re-served the ball back into the penalty box and found Vanessa, who headed it home.
Ger: Gelegenheit, Anlass ….
- be equal to the occasion
- if the occasion arises
- on occasion
- on the occasion of
on the occasion of his daughter’s wedding - rise to the occasion
- take the occasion
on occasion
historic occasion
historisches Ereignis
solemn occasion
feierlicher Anlass
happy occasion
gelungenes Fest
sociable occasion
gesellschaftliches Ereignis
auspicious occasion
feierlicher Anlass
😝 should the occasion arise
sollte es nötig sein [o. werden]
to occasion a visit
einen Besuch nach sich ziehen
on this particular occasion
dieses eine Mal
to dignify an occasion
einem festlichen Ereignis Glanz verleihen
appropriate to the occasion
dem Anlass entsprechend
dressy affair [or occasion]
besonderer Anlass
a fitting occasion
eine günstige Gelegenheit
on one occasion
on another occasion
bei einer anderen Gelegenheit
gala affair/occasion
festliche Angelegenheit/Gelegenheit
an occasion for general rejoicing
ein Anlass zu allgemeinem Jubel
to dress to suit the occasion
sich Akk dem Anlass entsprechend kleiden
occasion [əˈkeiʒən]
♦ noun
1 a particular time: I’ve heard him speak on several occasions.
زمان؛ وقت بخصوص
2 a special event: The wedding was a great occasion.
♦ adjective
happening, done etc now and then: I take an occasional trip to London.
گهگاهی؛ چند وقت یکبار
♦ adverb
now and then: I occasionally go to the theatre.
/ǝ kā´zhǝn, ō kā´-/
n., vt.
● فرصت،اکازیون،یارا،وایست
I never had the occasion to meet him
هرگز فرصت ملاقات او دست نداد.
on the next occasion
در فرصت بعدی
if the occasion arises
اگر فرصتی دست بدهد
he used the occasion to express his criticisms
او از فرصت استفاده کرد و انتقادات خود را بیان نمود.
● علت،موجب،دلیل،باعث،سبب
a chance meeting was the occasion of the renewal of their friendship
یک ملاقات تصادفی موجب تجدید دوستی آنها شد.
what’s the occasion for this banquet?
این سور برای چه داده میشود؟
an inspiring teacher was the occasion for her great achievements in science
یک معلم الهام گر سبب دستیابیهای عظیم او در علوم شد.
● رویداد،رخداد،اتفاق،واقعه
he wears a tie only on special occasions
او فقط در مواقع بخصوصی کراوات میزند.
a happy occasion
رویداد مسرت انگیز
● وقت بخصوص،هنگام رویداد،زمان رخداد چیزی،زمان،وقت،هنگام
this is not an occasion for joking
حالا وقت شوخی نیست.
● (مهجور - جمع) نیازها،الزامات،بایستهها،ضرورتها
● (قدیمی) کار و بار،کار و زندگی،کاسبی
● موجب شدن،باعث شدن،سبب شدن
the storm occasioned another delay in our plans
طوفان موجب تاخیر دیگری در برنامههای ما شد.
* be equal to the occasion
از فرصت استفاده کردن،از عهده بر آمدن
* if the occasion arises
اگر فرصت دست بدهد
* on occasion
گاه و بیگاه،گهگاه،بعضی اوقات،چند وقت یکبار
* on the occasion of
به مناسبت،به خاطر،در هنگام (روی دادن چیزی)
on the occasion of his daughter’s wedding
به مناسبت ازدواج دخترش
* rise to the occasion
از فرصت استفاده کردن،حق چیزی را ادا کردن،خوب از عهده برآمدن
* take the occasion
از فرصت استفاده کردن
I would like to take the occasion to thank my kind hosts
میخواهم از فرصت استفاده کرده و از میزبانان مهربانم سپاسگزاری کنم.
1 a particular time or instance of an event.
on one occasion I stayed up until two in the morning
synonyms: time , instance , moment , juncture , point , event , occurrence , affair , incident , episode , experience , situation , case , circumstance
2 reason; cause.
it’s the first time that I’ve had occasion to complain
synonyms: reason , cause , call , grounds , justification , need , motive , inducement
1 cause (something).
something vital must have occasioned this visit
synonyms: cause , give rise to , bring about , result in , lead to , prompt , elicit , call forth , evoke , make for , produce , create , arouse , generate , engender , precipitate , provoke , stir up , inspire , spark (off) , trigger , beget
strictly viewed
seen strictly
Ger: strikt
strict vegetarian
strenger Vegetarier/strenge Vegetarierin
strict criteria
rigorose Kriterien
strict upbringing
strenge Erziehung
strict curfew
strenge Ausgangssperre
strict conventions
strenge Konventionen
strict controls
strikte Kontrollen
strict laws
strenge Gesetze
strict guidelines
strenge Richtlinien
strict neutrality
strikte Neutralität
strict Catholics
strenggläubige Katholiken
strict diet
strenge Diät
strict penalty
harte Strafe
strict deadline
unbedingt einzuhaltender Termin
strict censorship
strenge Zensur
to give strict orders
strenge Anweisungen geben
in strict privacy
streng vertraulich
in strict secrecy
unter strenger Geheimhaltung
strict time limit
festgesetzte Frist
they are under strict orders
sie haben strenge Anweisungen
strict [strikt]
♦ adjective
1 severe, stern, and compelling obedience: This class needs a strict teacher; His parents were very strict with him; The school rules are too strict; strict orders.
2 exact or precise: If the strict truth were known, he was drunk, not ill.
♦ noun
سخت گيري
♦ adverb
strictly speaking
if we must be completely accurate, act according to rules etc : Strictly speaking, he should be punished for this.
به معناي دقيق
● دقیق،مشخص،روشن
in the strict sense of the word
در معنی دقیق آن واژه
a strict interpretation of this poem
یک برداشت دقیق از این شعر
a strict translation
ترجمهی دقیق
● سختگیر،سخت،جدی،سختگیرانه،فرسخت،فرسختانه
a strict father
یک پدر سختگیر
strict regulations concerning alcoholic drinks
مقررات سخت در مورد نوشابههای الکلی
● کامل،درست،بسمند،بیچون و چرا،مطلق
strict secrecy
راز پوشی کامل
the strict observance of the law
پیروی بیچون و چرا از قانون
the strict truth
واقعیت درست
● شدید،ستهم
strict discipline
انضباط شدید
● اکید،صریح،موکد،سپارده،سختار
the officer’s strict orders to the guards
دستورات اکید افسر به نگهبانان
● (قدیمی) تنگ،باریک
● (گیاه شناسی) شق،راست
a strict stem
ساقهی راست
* strictly, adj.
smoking is strictly prohibited
سیگار کشیدن مطلقا ممنوع است.
1 demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed.
my father was very strict
synonyms: stern , severe , harsh , uncompromising , authoritarian , governessy , firm , austere
Gef: prohibition
to prohibit sth expressly
etw ausdrücklich untersagen
to specifically mention/prohibit sth
etw ausdrücklich erwähnen/verbieten
to prohibit sb from doing sth
jdm verbieten [o. untersagen] , etw zu tun
legislation against [or to prohibit] smoking in public places
Gesetze, die das Rauchen in der Öffentlichkeit verbieten
prohibit [prəˈhibit]
♦ verb
to forbid: Smoking is prohibited.
ممنوع کردن
prohibition [prəuiˈbiʃən]
♦ noun
1 the act of prohibiting: We demand the prohibition by the government of the sale of this drug.
2 a rule, law etc forbidding something: The headmaster issued a prohibition against bringing knives into school.
● ممنوع کردن،قدغن کردن،منع کردن،نهی کردن،بازمان کردن،بژکم کردن
smoking is prohibited
سیگار کشیدن ممنوع است.
parking is prohibited
پارک کردن (در اینجا) ممنوع است.
people are prohibited from gathering in streets
مردم حق ندارند در خیابانها اجتماع کنند.
● جلوگیری کردن،ممانعت بهعمل آوردن،مانع شدن،باز داری کردن
lack of money prohibits the completion of the project
فقدان پول مانع اتمام طرح است.
verb - prohibit
ممنوع ساختن: ban, prohibit, forbid
منع کردن: prevent, ban, forbid, prohibit, withhold, inhibit
ممانعت کردن: prevent, prohibit, check, curb, forbid, impede
اجازه ندادن: ban, forbid, interdict, prohibit
تحریم کردن: boycott, ban, blackball, lock out, prohibit, proscribe
Ger: Mangel
- be lacking in (something)
for lack of sth
aus Mangel an etw Dat
her paintings lack soul
ihre Bilder wirken [kalt und] seelenlos
a lack of ambition
mangelnder Ehrgeiz
lack of willingness
mangelnde Bereitschaft
lack of money/supplies
Geld-/Vorratsmangel m
lack of repentance
Mangel m an Reue
lack of funds
fehlende Geldmittel
lack of sleep/time
Schlaf-/Zeitmangel m
lack of confidence/judgement
mangelndes Selbstvertrauen/Urteilsvermögen
to lack punch
keinen Schwung [o. Pep] haben
to lack practicality
in der Praxis kaum durchführbar sein
to lack legs ugs
sich Akk nicht halten können
to lack coordination
Koordinationsschwierigkeiten haben
lack of character
fehlende Originalität
lack of purpose
mangelnde Entschlossenheit
to lack motivation
nicht genügend motiviert [o. antriebsschwach] sein
lack of fairness
Mangel m an Gerechtigkeit
lack of manpower
Arbeitskräftemangel m
lack [lӕk]
♦ verb
to have too little or none of: He lacked the courage to join the army.
نداشتن؛ کم داشتن
♦ noun
the state of not having any or enough: our lack of money.
کمبود؛ فقدان
be lacking(with in)
1 to be without or not to have enough: He is lacking in intelligence.
کم داشتن
2 to be absent; to be present in too little an amount: Money for the project is not lacking but enthusiasm is.
نیاز داشتن؛ کم داشتن
• Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
زنانی که می خواهند با مردان برابر شوند، بلند همت نیستند.
• For the lack of something better to do, Tom started cleaning his room.
تام به خاطر نداشتن کاری بهتر برای انجام دادن، شروع به تمیز کردن اتاقش کرد. تام شروع به تمیز کردن اناقش کرد. زیرا کار بهتری برای انجام دادن نداشت.
● کمبود،کمداشت،کمداشتن،کمبود داشتن،کسرداشتن
lack of experience
کمداشت تجربه
what the company lacks is sufficient money to invest in modern machinery
آنچه که شرکت کم دارد عبارتست از پول کافی برای سرمایهگذاری در ماشین آلات نوین
lack of oxygen
کمداشت اکسیژن
lack of rain
کمبود باران
we lack space
ما جا کم داریم.
they lacked nothing but water
آنها هیچ چیزی کم نداشتند بجز آب
lacking two grams of being a kilo
دو گرم مانده که یک کیلو بشود.
● نداشتن،فقدان،ناداشت،نایابی
faith was the only thing lacking amongst them
یگانه چیزی که در میان آنان وجود نداشت ایمان بود.
there is a total lack of democracy in that country
در آن کشور اصلا دموکراسی وجود ندارد.
some communities still lack electricity and indoor plumbing
برخی از جوامع هنوز برق و آب لولهکشی ندارند.
● (با: in یا for یا of) نیاز داشتن،بی بهره بودن
they have mastered old learning but are lacking in modern sciences
آنها علوم قدیم را یاد گرفتهاند ولی از علوم جدید بیبهرهاند.
we are lacking for nothing right now
هم اکنون به هیچ چیزی نیاز نداریم.
* be lacking in (something)
کمبود داشتن،(چیزی را) کسر داشتن
noun - lack
عدم: lack, absence, loss, deficiency, shortage, naught
فقدان: lack, loss, absence, privation, forfeiture, bereavement
نبودن: lack, absence
کسری: shortage, lack, leakage
احتیاج: need, requirement, necessity, lack, penury, requisite
verb - lack
نداشتن: lack, miss, want
ناقص بودن: lack
فاقد بودن: lack, miss, want
کم داشتن: lack, want
to accuse sb of perjury
jdn des Meineids beschuldigen
to accuse sb of bias
jdm Befangenheit vorwerfen
to accuse sb of wrongdoing
jdm Fehlverhalten vorwerfen
to accuse sb of cruelty
jdn der Grausamkeit bezichtigen [o. beschuldigen]
to accuse sb of self-seeking
jdm Selbstsucht vorwerfen
accuse [əˈkjuːz]
♦ verb
(with of ) to charge (someone) with having done something wrong: They accused him of stealing the car.
متهم کردن
ˌaccuˈsation [ӕ-]
♦ noun
the accused
the person(s) accused in a court of law: The accused was found not guilty.
/ǝ kyōōz´/
● متهم کردن،اتهام وارد کردن،نسبت دادن،ملامت کردن،سرزنش کردن،مقصر دانستن
accused of armed robbery
متهم به دزدی مسلحانه
● تهمت زدن،بهتان زدن،نسبت دادن
they accused her of laziness
به او تهمت تنبلی زدند.
the English accuse the Scottish of being stingy
انگلیسیها اسکاتلندیها را خسیس میدانند.
* the accused
(حقوق) متهم،مدعی علیه،متهمان
* to stand accused
متهم بودن
verb - accuse
متهم کردن: accuse, incriminate, indict, denounce, impute, criminate
متهم ساختن: accuse, charge
تهمت زدن: slander, accuse, scandal, task, trump up
Ger: Attitüde
casual attitude
gleichgültige Haltung
xenophobic attitude
fremdenfeindliche Haltung
antiquated attitude
altmodische Einstellung
Austere attitude
unbeugsame Haltung
positive attitude
optimistische [o. positive] Einstellung
ambivalent attitude
ambivalente Haltung
nonconformist attitude
nonkonformistische Einstellung
despairing attitude
hoffnungslose Einstellung
provincial attitude
provinzielle Einstellung
cavalier attitude
Unbekümmertheit f
scornful attitude
verächtliche Einstellung
to adopt an attitude
eine Haltung annehmen
to strike an attitude abw
sich Akk in Szene setzen abw
gotta-have-it attitude
muss-haben-Einstellung f
self-complacent attitude
Laisser-faire-Haltung f
easy-going attitude
Gelassenheit f
can-do attitude
Zuversicht f
wait-and-see attitude
abwartende Haltung
prejudiced attitude/opinion
vorgefasste Einstellung/Meinung
attitude [ˈӕtitjuːd]
♦ noun
1 a way of thinking or acting etc : What is your attitude to politics?
رویکرد؛ نگرش
2 a position of the body: The artist painted the model in various attitudes.
حالت؛ طرز قرارگیری
at´ǝ tōōd´/
● حالت،ایستار،طرز قرارگیری،نهش
to kneel in an attitude of prayer
به حالت دعا زانو زدن
● (طرز) برخورد،(فکر یا احساس یا عمل) روش،گرایش،رویکرد،نگرش،خلق
he had a friendly attitude
برخوردی دوستانه داشت.
● (هواپیمایی) موقعیت هواپیما (و غیره) نسبت به خط یا سطح بخصوصی (مثلا افق)
* strike an attitude
رل بازی کردن،تو بازی رفتن،(مصنوعی) رفتار کردن،بازی درآوردن
noun - attitude
گرایش: trend, tendency, orientation, propensity, attitude, tropism
طرز برخورد: attitude, relation
حالت: state, case, condition, situation, mood, attitude
روش و رفتار: attitude
هیئت: panel, commission, staff, attitude, format
ger: verbreitet, vorherrschend
preva·lent [ˈprevələnt, Am -vəl-] ADJ
prevalent (common)
vorherrschend attr
prevalent disease
weit verbreitet
prevalent opinion
prevalent opinion
weit verbreitet
prevalent (frequent)
besonders häufig
to be prevalent
besonders häufig vorkommen
● رایج،متداول،باب،مرسوم،رواج دار
the beliefs prevalent among these tribes
عقاید رایج در میان این طوایف
illiteracy is still prevalent in this area
بیسوادی هنوز در این ناحیه گسترده است.
● (بیماری) شایع
malaria used to be prevalent in Gillan
در گیلان مالاریا شایع بود.
● (نادر) موثرتر،پرزورتر،قوی،غالب
* prevalence, n.
1- شیوع 2- گستردگی،رواج،عمومیت
adjective - prevalent
شایع: prevalent, rampant, widespread, rife, publicized, current
رایج: current, prevalent, going, ruling, brisk
متداول: common, popular, usual, current, prevalent, ordinary
مرسوم: traditional, common, customary, usual, standard, prevalent
فائق: surmounting, dominant, superior, predominant, excellent, prevalent
برتر: superior, better, premier, preferable, higher, prevalent
ger: Dankbarkeit
everlasting gratitude
ewige Dankbarkeit
a debt of gratitude
eine Dankesschuld geh
expansive gratitude/speech
überschwängliche Dankbarkeit/Ausdrucksweise
undying love/gratitude
ewige Liebe/Dankbarkeit
to show [sb] one’s gratitude
sich Akk [jdm gegenüber] dankbar erweisen [o. zeigen]
an expression of gratitude/sympathy
ein Ausdruck m [o. Zeichen nt ] der Dankbarkeit/Sympathie
as a token of my/our gratitude
als [ein] Zeichen meiner/unserer Dankbarkeit
to show/express deep/sincere/everlasting gratitude
tiefe/aufrichtige/ewige Dankbarkeit zeigen/zum Ausdruck bringen
to owe sb thanks/gratitude [or to owe thanks/gratitude to sb] form
jdm zu Dank verpflichtet sein
that’s/there’s sth for you abw there’s gratitude for you!
und so was nennt sich Dankbarkeit! ugs
he gave her a gift to betoken his gratitude
er gab ihr ein Geschenk als Zeichen seiner Dankbarkeit
AU gratitude [ˈgrӕtitjuːd]
♦ noun
the state of feeling grateful: I wish there was some way of showing my gratitude for all you have done for me.
The brightest student expressed gratitude on behalf of his classmates.
با هوشترین دانشآموز از طرف همکلاسیهایش ابراز تشکر کرد.
● امتنان،حق شناسی،سپاسگزاری،سپاس،قدردانی
he expressed his gratitude for Iran’s help
مراتب حق شناسی خود را نسبت به کمکهای ایران ابراز کرد.
noun - gratitude
حق شناسی: gratitude
تشکر: thank, gratitude, acknowledgment
سپاسگزاری: thank, gratitude, acknowledgment, thanksgiving, gratuity
نمک شناسی: gratitude
ger: exklusiv
Exklusivinterview nt
exclusive occupation
einzige Beschäftigung
exclusive license
Alleinlizenz f
exclusive right
Exklusivrecht nt
exclusive privilege
alleiniges Privileg
to be mutually exclusive
einander ausschließen
in exclusive circles
in besseren Kreisen
exclusive clientele/membership
exklusive Kundschaft/Mitgliedschaft
is the total exclusive of service charge?
ist das Bedienungsgeld nicht im Gesamtpreis enthalten?
singing is not her exclusive interest outside work
außerhalb ihrer Arbeit interessiert sie sich nicht nur fürs Singen
these items are exclusive to the outlets we own
diese Waren sind nur an unseren Verkaufsstellen zu erhalten
this room is for the exclusive use of our guests
dieser Raum ist nur für unsere Gäste bestimmt
our exclusive designs are not intended for the mass market
unsere exklusiven Designs sind nicht für die breite Masse gedacht
exclusive [ikˈskluːsiv]
♦ adjective
1 tending to exclude.
انحصاری؛ دربستی
2 (of a group etc ) not easily or readily mixing with others or allowing others in: a very exclusive club.
اختصاصی؛ ویژه
3 given to only one individual or group etc : The story is exclusive to this newspaper.
انحصاری؛ خاص
4 fashionable and expensive: exclusive shops/restaurants.
اعیانی؛ دارای مشتریان ویژه
♦ adverb
منحصراً؛ صرفاً
♦ noun
انحصاری بودن
exclusive of
excluding: That is the price of the meal exclusive of service charge.
بدون در نظر گرفتن؛ جدا از
adj., n.
● انحصاری،دربستی،دربستگرانه،دربست،منحصر،مانعهالجمع
we have the exclusive right to distribute this product
ما حق انحصاری توزیع این کالا را دارا هستیم.
the exclusive rights and privileges of the citizens
حقوق و امتیازات منحصر به شهروندان
these bears live exclusively on fish
این خرسها فقط ماهی میخورند (با ماهی زندهاند).
● اختصاصی،خصوصی،خاص،ویژه،ویژگانه،ویژگانی،ویژهای،بخصوص
an exclusive interest in sports
علاقهی ویژه به ورزش
● (باشگاه و غیره) بروندار،ویژهی خواص،دربسته،جلوگیر،محروم ساز،طردگر
an exclusive club that does not admit Blacks and Jews
باشگاهی ویژهی خواص که سیاهان و یهودیان را نمیپذیرد
exclusive regulations
مقررات ویژه
● (مغازه و غیره) اعیانی،دارای مشتریان ویژه
an exclusive shop
مغازهی اعیانی
an exclusive hotel
هتل پولدارها
● صرف،تنها،تک،محض،یگانه
an exclusive agent
نمایندهی منحصر به فرد
having an exclusive jurisdiction
دارای قلمرو حقوقی یگانه
● گزیده،دستچین،منتخب
● (رسانهها) گزارش ویژه
● کالای اختصاصی،کالای ویژه
● (دستور زبان) ضمیر انحصاری،واژهی جدادار (مانند: only)
* exclusive of
بدون در نظر گرفتن،سوای،جدا از،به غیر از
costs exclusive of taxes
هزینه بدون احتساب مالیات
adjective - exclusive
انحصاری: exclusive, monopolized, pre-emptive
منحصر: exclusive, limited, confined, restricted, limitary
منحصر بفرد: individual, exclusive, sole, particular, monopolized
تنها: only, alone, single, lonely, lone, exclusive
دربست: exclusive, en bloc, lump
انتصاری: exclusive
گران: expensive, costly, dear, prohibitive, heavy, exclusive
proselytise/ proselytize
ger: jdn bekehren
verb proselytise (Brit.)
convert someone to another religion or opinion; convert to another religion or faith; enlist someone to one’s cause (also proselytize)
[ pros-uh-li-tahyz ]SHOW IPA
See synonyms for: proselytize / proselytized on Thesaurus.com
verb (used with or without object), pros·e·lyt·ized, pros·e·lyt·iz·ing.
to convert or attempt to convert as a proselyte; recruit to a religion or other belief system.
I . pros·elyt·ize [ˈprɒsəlɪtaɪz, Am ˈprɑ:sə-] VERB trans
Verbtabelle anzeigen
to proselytize sb
jdn bekehren
● و غیره،هر چیز دیگر،متفرقه
radio, television or whatnot
رادیو و تلویزیون یا هر چیز دیگر
● تاقچهی چوبی،جا کتابی
what·not [ˈ(h)wɒtnɒt, Am ˈ(h)wʌtnɑ:t] SUBST no pl
1. whatnot ugs:
and whatnot
und was weiß ich noch alles ugs
- whatnot (piece of furniture):
Etagere f
ger: betrachten
Considerably fewer people came than I expected.
to consider an appeal
sich Akk mit einem Einspruch befassen
consider yourself at home
fühlen Sie sich wie zu Hause
well, I’ll consider it
ich lasse es mir durch den Kopf gehen
to consider sth sacrilege
etw als ein Sakrileg betrachten
consider yourself sacked!
betrachten Sie sich als entlassen!
consider it done!
schon erledigt! ugs
to consider oneself lucky that …
sich Akk glücklich schätzen können, dass …
do you consider her trustworthy?
denkst du, man kann ihr vertrauen?
to consider sb a genius
jdn für ein Genie halten
to consider/examine the possibilities
alle Möglichkeiten durchdenken
to deserve [or need] [or require] consideration
der Überlegung bedürfen geh
let us consider all the possibilities
wollen wir einmal alle Möglichkeiten ins Auge fassen
to consider the slate wiped clean
etw als erledigt betrachten
to consider the possibility of sth
etw in Erwägung ziehen
to consider sth from all angles
etw von allen Seiten betrachten
to consider sth in its totality
etw im Ganzen [o. als Ganzes] betrachten
he declined even to consider the idea
er lehnte es schon ab, die Idee überhaupt in Erwägung zu ziehen
you’ve got to consider the time factor
Sie dürfen den Zeitfaktor nicht aus dem Auge verlieren
JUR the jury retired to consider the verdict
die Jury zog sich zur Urteilsfindung zurück
consider it in terms of an instrument
betrachten Sie es als Instrument
consider [kənˈsidə]
♦ verb
1 to think about (carefully): He considered their comments.
در نظر گرفتن؛ فکر کردن
2 to feel inclined towards: I’m considering leaving this job.
در نظر داشتن
3 to take into account: You must consider other people’s feelings.
مورد ملاحظه قرار دادن
4 to regard as being: They consider him unfit for that job.
به حساب آوردن
♦ adjective
great: considerable wealth; a considerable number of people.
قابل ملاحظه؛ عظیم
♦ adverb
Considerably fewer people came than I expected.
بطور قابل ملاحظه
/kǝn sid´ǝr/
vt., vi.
● (در اصل) بررسی کردن،با دقت نگریستن،وارسیدن،وارسی کردن،بازبینی کردن
● موردملاحظه قرار دادن،غور کردن،مورد مطالعه قرار دادن،سگالیدن،مداقه کردن
to consider the different aspects of a problem
جنبههای گوناگون مسئلهای را مورد ملاحظه قرار دادن
● به حساب آوردن،در نظر گرفتن،در خاطر داشتن،انگاشتن،فکر کردن
her health is very good if you consider her age
با در نظر گرفتن سنش سلامتی او خیلی خوب است.
I consider him a good person
فکر میکنم (یا از نظر من) او آدم خوبی است.
● رعایت (دیگران را) کردن،ملاحظه کردن،برآوردن
he considered her every wish
همهی خواستههای او را برآورده کرد.
● (پس از تفکر و بررسی) نظر دادن،معتقد بودن
we consider that the defendant is not guilty
نظر ما این است که خوانده (مدعی علیه) گناهکار نیست.
* all things considered
رویهمرفته،با در نظر گرفتن همه چیز
• I don’t suppose you’d consider helping Tom.
فکر نکنم شما کمک به تام را مدنظر قرار دهید.
• If you really need a job, why don’t you consider working for Tom?
اگر واقعا به یک شغل نیاز داری، چرا به کارکردن برای تام فکر نمی کنی؟
English to Persian and Thesaurus
verb - consider
مطرح کردن: bring up, discuss, consider, moot, table, propound
رسیدگی کردن: consider, attend, check, inspect, investigate, investigate
ملاحظه کردن: consider, remark, heed, note, notice, observe
سنجیدن: measure, evaluate, figure out, weigh, compare, consider
تفکر کردن: meditate, contemplate, consider, ponder, chew, imagine
فرض کردن: assume, presume, adjudge, consider, suppose, deem
تعمق کردن: ponder, consider, deliberate, perpend, think over, turn over
instinctiv, instinct :
Ger: instinktiv
instinct [ˈinstiŋkt]
♦ noun
a natural tendency to behave or react in a particular way, without thinking and without having been taught: As winter approaches, swallows fly south from Britain by instinct; He has an instinct for saying the right thing.
inˈstinctive [-tiv]
♦ adjective
arising from instinct or from a natural ability: Blinking our eyes is an instinctive reaction when something suddenly comes close to them; I couldn’t help putting my foot on the brake when I saw the other car coming towards me – it was instinctive.
♦ adverb
بطور غریزی
in´stiŋkt´, ins tiŋkt´/
n., adj.
● غریزه،درونراند،سرشت،اقتضای طبیعت
suckling is an instinct in mammals
شیر خوردن از پستان (مادر) غریزهی جانوران پستاندار است.
birds have the instinct to fly
پرندگان غریزهی پرواز دارند.
… it is its instinct
… اقتضای طبیعتش این است.
● شم،استعداد،آما
the religious instinct of primitive peoples
شم مذهبی انسانهای آغازین
he has an instinct for politics
او شم سیاسی دارد.
● (روانکاوی فروید: انگیزان آغازین روانی مانند ترس یا عشق یا خشم،انگیزان زندگی Eros یا انگیزان مرگ Thanatos) در انگیزان
● مملو(از)،آکنده،پر،سرشار
a look instinct with pity
نگاهی که ترحم از آن میبارد
adjective - instinctive
غریزی: instinctive, innate, inbred, natural
● غریزی،درونراندی،سرشتی،جبلی،درانگیز،ناآموخته
instinctive abilities are different from acquired ones
تواناییهای غریزی با تواناییهای اکتسابی فرق دارد.
an instinctive dread of mice
ترس فطری از موش
I instinctively blinked to avoid the bright light
برای احتراز از نور شدید به طور غریزی چشم برهم زدم.
• At the moment she saw a tall man with a gun standing in the doorway, she instinctively backed away.
در آن لحظه که مردی بلندقد ایستاده با تفنگی را در راهرو دید به طور ناخودآگاه عقب عقب رفت.
spontaneous buying
Spontankauf m
spontaneous miscarriage
Spontanabort m fachspr
will we ever be able to recreate the spontaneous enthusiasm for this cause?
werden wir jemals in der Lage sein, die spontane Begeisterung für diese Angelegenheit wiederzuerlangen?
spontaneous [spənˈteiniəs]
♦ adjective
1 said, done etc of one’s own free will without pressure from others: His offer was quite spontaneous.
خود به خود
2 natural; not forced: spontaneous behaviour.
خود جوش
♦ adverb
♦ noun
spontaneity [spontəˈneiəti, spontəˈniːəti]
♦ noun
خود به خودي
● خودانگیخته،خودبخود،خودجوش،خودآیند،بلامقدمه،خودانگیز،فیالبدیهه
his reaction was spontaneous rather than premeditated
واکنش او خودبه خود بود نه از پیش تعیین شده.
spontaneous abortion
سقط جنین خودآیند
spontaneous nosebleed
خون دماغ خودبه خود
spontaneous laughter
خندهی خودآیند
spontaneous recovery from a disease
بهبودیابی خودانگیخته از بیماری
● فوری،بیچون و چرا،آنی،بی شائبه
a spontaneous expression of affection
اظهار محبت بیشایبه
spontaneous obedience
اطاعت بیچون و چرا
● (گیاه) خودرو
adjective - spontaneous
خود بخود: spontaneous, automatical, automatic
خود انگیز: spontaneous
بی اختیار: involuntary, spontaneous
oun - proposal
پیشنهاد: proposal, offer, suggestion, bid, proposition, motion
طرح پیشنهادی: proposal
اظهار: statement, declaration, say, saying, testimony, proposal
ابراز: expression, manifestation, proposal
a marriage proposal [or a proposal of marriage]
ein Heiratsantrag m
an indecent proposal [or suggestion]
ein unsittlicher Antrag
to present a proposal
einen Vorschlag unterbreiten
to defeat a proposal
einen Vorschlag ablehnen
to ditch a proposal
einen Plan aufgeben
to block a proposal
einen Vorschlag blockieren
to draft a proposal
einen Vorschlag ausarbeiten
a fallback proposal
ein Kompromissvorschlag m
to toss a proposal around übtr
einen Vorschlag zur Debatte stellen
to slam dunk a proposal
einen Vorschlag niederschmettern
to put up a proposal
etwas vorschlagen
an outburst against a proposal
eine Attacke gegen einen Vorschlag
to vote on a proposal
über einen Vorschlag abstimmen
to put forward a proposal
einen Vorschlag unterbreiten
to accede to a proposal
in einen Vorschlag einwilligen
to bring forward a proposal
einen Vorschlag machen
to table a plan/proposal
einen Plan/Vorschlag zurückstellen
übtr this proposal still needs some tweaking
an diesem Vorschlag muss noch etwas herumgefeilt werden
a watered-down version of the proposal
eine abgemilderte Version des Vorschlags
to speak against a motion/proposal
einen Antrag/Vorschlag ablehnen
• From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest.
در مقاطعی از زمان، درخواست تخریب یک ساختمان قدیمی محبوب به منظور ساختن یک بلوک از خانه ها، طوفانی از خشم ومخالفت را برمی انگیزد.
• I agree to your proposal.
من تقاضایت را می پذیرم.
• I cannot but object to his proposal.
مجبورم به پیشنهادش اعتراض کنم.
/prō pōz´ǝl, prǝ-/
● پیشنهاد،طرح
a proposal for mutual disarmament
پیشنهاد خلع سلاح متقابل
the proposal to build a new bridge
طرح ساختن پل جدید
legislative proposals
لوایح پارلمانی
his proposal was rejected
پیشنهاد او رد شد.
● خواستگاری،خواستاری
proposal of marriage
خواستگاری برای ازدواج
a sincere proposal of friendship
دعوت صمیمانه به دوستی
Ger: das Publikum
audience [ˈoːdiəns]
♦ noun
1 a group of people watching or listening to a performance etc : The audience at the concert; a television audience.
حضار؛ شنوندگان
2 a formal interview with someone important eg a king: an audience with the Pope.
شرفیابی؛ مصاحبه با مقامات بالا
audience ends in -ence (not -ance ).
live audience
Live-Publikum nt
appreciative audience
dankbares Publikum
private audience
Privataudienz f
captive audience
unfreiwilliges Publikum
passive audience
lahmes Publikum
to face the audience
sich dem Publikum zuwenden Akk
to reach an audience
ein Publikum erreichen
/ô´dē ǝns/
● حضار،گردآمدگان،پیامگیران،(رادیو و غیره) شنوندگان،(فیلم و نمایش و غیره) تماشاگران،تماشاچیان،بینندگان،(کتاب و روزنامه و غیره) خوانندگان
the audience liked his speech
حضار از نطق او خوششان آمد.
a writer should always consider his audience
نویسنده باید همیشه خوانندهی خود را مد نظر داشته باشد.
● (مهجور) استماع،شنیدن،شنودپذیری
● فرصت بیان عقاید
● شرفیابی،باریابی،بارعام،به حضور رسیدن
he finally had an audience with the prime minister
بالاخره نزد نخست وزیر شرفیاب شد.
• Everybody in the audience sang along.
همه حضار همراه با خواننده می خوندند
• She had to speak before a large audience.
میبایست در مقابل حاضر زیادی سخنرانی کند.
noun - audience
حضار: audience, attendance, grandstand
مستمعین: audience
ملاقات رسمی: audience
شنودگان: audience
بار: load, bar, burden, charge, cargo, audience
ger: standardisieren, vereinheitlichen
capital A is standardized as number 65
to standardize sth
etw standardisieren [o. norm[ier]en]
- standardize (compare):
to standardize sth
etw vereinheitlichen
to standardize on sth
etw zum Vorbild nehmen
verb - standardize
متعارف کردن: standardize
مطابق درجه معینی دراوردن: standardize
همگون کردن: standardize
مرسوم کردن: introduce, standardize
/stan´dǝr dīz´/
● استانده کردن،همگون کردن،یکجور کردن،میزان دار کردن
a standardized program for all of our schools
برنامهی استانده شده برای همهی مدارس ما
● (با معیار یا ضابطهی معین) سنجیدن،برسنجیدن
erkennen lassen
US UK AU indicate [ˈindikeit]
♦ verb
to point out or show: We can paint an arrow here to indicate the right path.
نشان دادن
♦ noun
There are clear indications that the war will soon be over; He had given no indication that he was intending to resign.
نشانه؛ اشاره
indicative [inˈdikətiv]
♦ adjective,
♦ noun
describing verbs which occur as parts of statements and questions: In I ran home' and
Are you going?’ ran' and
are going’ are indicative (verbs).
♦ noun
a pointer, sign, instrument etc which indicates something or gives information about something: the indicator on the petrol gauge of a car.
initial results indicate that …
die ersten Hochrechnungen deuten darauf hin, dass …
to indicate left/right
links/rechts blinken
to indicate ingredients
Inhaltsstoffe aufführen
to indicate [to sb] that …
[jdm] zu verstehen geben, dass …
to indicate one’s displeasure at sth
sein Missfallen über etw Akk zum Ausdruck bringen [o. geben]
/in´di kāt´/
● نشان دادن،اشاره کردن
the students’ laughter indicated their happiness
خندهی شاگردان شادی آنها را نشان میداد.
the map indicates the location of his tomb
نقشه،محل قبر او را نشان میدهد.
● حاکی بودن از،نشانه بودن،دلالت کردن بر،مشعر بودن،بیان کردن
his silence indicates consent
سکوت او علامت رضایت است.
fever indicates illness
تب نشانهی بیماری است.
● ایجاب کردن،ضروری ساختن
the scientists’ conflicting findings indicate further research
یافتههای متغایر دانشمندان،ضرورت پژوهش بیشتر را نشان میدهد.
a fabric for which dry cleaning is indicated
پارچهای که باید خشک شویی شود.
● (پزشکی) تجویز کردن
bed rest is indicated
استراحت در بستر تجویز میشود.
● به طور مجمل بیان کردن،خاطر نشان کردن
to indicate guidlines for action
رهنمودهای کار را بیان کردن
verb - indicate
نشان دادن: show, demonstrate, display, illustrate, represent, indicate
نمایان ساختن: detect, indicate
حاکی بودن: indicate, portend
اشاره کردن بر: indicate, infer, suggest
how might a computer distinguish numbers from letters
ger: distinguieren
distinguish [diˈstiŋgwiʃ]
♦ verb
1 (often with from ) to mark as different: What distinguishes this café from all the others?
مشخص کردن
2 to identify or make out: He could just distinguish the figure of a man running away.
تشخیص دادن؛ دریافتن
3 (sometimes with between ) to recognize a difference: I can’t distinguish (between) the two types – they both look the same to me.
فرق گذاشتن؛ از هم تشخیص دادن
4 to make (oneself) noticed through one’s achievements: He distinguished himself at school by winning a prize in every subject.
ممتاز کردن؛ برجسته کردن
♦ adjective
قابل تشخیص
♦ adjective
famous or outstanding: a distinguished scientist.
مشهور؛ برجسته
to distinguish a case JUR
den Unterschied zu einem Präzedenzfall herausstellen
to distinguish between sth and sth
zwischen etw Dat und etw Dat unterscheiden
to be able to distinguish good from evil
Gut von Böse voneinander unterscheiden können
it’s often difficult to distinguish one from the other
es ist oft schwierig, sie auseinanderzuhalten
they look very similar and it’s difficult to distinguish one from the other
sie sehen sich sehr ähnlich, und es ist oft schwer sie auseinanderzuhalten
/di stiŋ´gwish/
vt., vi.
● تمیز دادن،فرق گذاشتن،بازشناختن،نیمادن،تشخیص دادن
he cannot distinguish between colors
او رنگها را تشخیص نمیدهد.
he doesn’t distinguish good from evil
او خوب و بد را از هم تمیز نمیدهد.
● مشخص کردن،ویژگی (چیزی) بودن
reason distinguishes man from beasts
عقل انسان را از حیوان مشخص میکند.
● (با هریک از حواس پنجگانه) دریافتن،پیبردن،درک کردن
the fog made it difficult to distinguish their shapes
مه،پیبردن به شکلهای آنها را مشکل میکرد.
● جدا کردن و طبقهبندی کردن
he could not distinguish musical notes into anything other than high or low
او نمیتوانست نتهای موسیقی را به چیزی جز زیر و بم طبقهبندی کند.
● (برجسته و مفتخر کردن) ممتاز کردن،برتر نمودن
he distinguished himself in battle
او در نبرد برتری خود را نشان داد.
verb - distinguish
تمیز دادن: distinguish, discern, identify, individualize, individuate
تشخیص دادن: distinguish, recognize, diagnose, discern, assess, descry
مشخص کردن: specify, determine, characterize, define, distinguish
وجه تمایز قائل شدن: distinguish
تمبز دادن: distinguish
دیفرانسیل گرفتن: distinguish
مشهور کردن: distinguish, fame, glorify
فرو نشاندن: quench, quell, suppress, tranquilize, curb, distinguish
دیدن: see, view, sight, vision, look, distinguish
bias [ˈbaiəs]
♦ noun
1 favouring of one or other (side in an argument etc ) rather than remaining neutral: a bias against people of other religions.
گرایش؛ تمایل
2 a weight on or in an object (eg a bowl for playing bowls) making it move in a particular direction.
نیروی محرک؛ جهت دهنده
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈbias(s)ed –
to influence (usually unfairly): He was biased by the report in the newspapers.
غرض ورزی کردن؛ دارای گرایش کردن
♦ adjective
(negative unbias(s)ed ) favouring one side rather than another: a biased judgement.
● (خط یا سجاف یا نوارهی) اریب،درز اریبی،اریبی،مورب
● گرایش،تمایل،انحراف،خمش،سوگیری،کژگرایی،کژی
a chronic bias toward inflation
گرایش گهگیر به تورم اقتصادی
a bias toward a certain type of personality
تمایل نسبت به گونهی ویژهای از شخصیت
the university is more biased towards the sciences
دانشگاه نسبت به علوم تمایل بیشتری دارد.
● دارای گرایش کردن،کژگرای کردن،دارای انحراف کردن
their policy had no educational bias
سیاست آنها گرایش آموزشی نداشت.
● تبعیض،سوداری،غرض،غرضمندی،مغرض بودن
the bias against women
تبعیض نسبت به زنان
they were biased against Hindus
نسبت به هندوها غرض داشتند.
in her husband’s biased eyes she is the most beautiful woman on earth
از دید شوهر شیفتهاش،او خوشگلترین زن روی زمین است.
● (رادیو) نیروی محرک ورودی،پیش قدر،بایاس
● (آمار) خطا،تورش
biased sampling
نمونهبرداری غیر تصادفی (سوگیرانه)
● (مهجور) کج،یک وری
* on the bias
noun - bias
تعصب: prejudice, bias, bigotry, fanaticism, zeal, intolerance
پیشقدر: bias
تمایل بیک طرف: bias
سینه کش: escarpment, downhill, hillside, bias, declivity
adjective - bias
مورب: diagonal, oblique, bevel, skew, bias, askew
verb - bias
تحت تاثیر قرار دادن: impress, bias
بیک طرف متمایل کردن: bias
تبعیض کردن: bias, prejudice
electrode bias
Elektrodenvorspannung f
upward bias
positive Verzerrung
Schrägschnitt m
schräg geschnitten
to exhibit bias
voreingenommen sein
strong bias [or prejudice]
unüberwindliches Vorurteil
on the bias
diagonal [o. schräg] zum Fadenlauf
likelihood of bias JUR
Besorgnis f der Befangenheit
to accuse sb of bias
jdm Befangenheit vorwerfen
to reinforce sb’s prejudices [or bias]
jds Vorurteile bestätigen
to show a bias/enthusiasm for sth
eine Vorliebe/Begeisterung für etw Akk zeigen
to have a bias against sth
gegen etw Akk eine Abneigung haben
to challenge a judge on grounds of bias Am
einen Richter wegen Besorgnis der Befangenheit ablehnen
thats ehy actually a little biased toward A´s through Z´s
in Richtung
preposition - toward
نسبت به: than, toward, into
بسوی: to, toward, unto, into, against, at
بطرف: toward, to, into, at, unto, on
در راه: toward
نزدیک به: toward
در باره: about, on, concerning, of, toward, re
روی: on, over, in, upon, aboard, toward
برای: for, to, on, for the sake, in order that, toward
adjective - toward
اینده: next, forthcoming, oncoming, incoming, toward, to-be
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he leaned toward her
er lehnte sich zu ihr hinüber
she walked toward him
sie ging auf ihn zu
plants turn toward the light
Pflanzen wenden sich dem Licht zu
to work toward a solution
auf eine Lösung hinarbeiten
a trend toward healthier eating
ein Trend [hin] zu gesünderer Ernährung
to feel sth toward sb
jdm gegenüber etw empfinden [o. fühlen]
sb’s indulgent attitude toward sth
jds tolerante Einstellung gegenüber etw Dat
to push the nation toward recovery
die Nation auf den Weg des wirtschaftlichen Aufschwungs bringen
to take a step toward sb
einen Schritt auf jdn zu machen
they are working toward a degree
sie arbeiten auf einen Abschluss hin
our seats were toward the back
unsere Plätze waren recht weit hinten
toward midnight/the end of the year
gegen Mitternacht/Ende des Jahres
she kept glancing toward the telephone
sie sah immerzu in Richtung Telefon
they’ve always been friendly toward me
mir gegenüber waren sie immer freundlich
she has a tendency toward dramatization
sie neigt dazu, alles zu dramatisieren
toward Easter/the first of June
um Ostern/den ersten Juni herum
that’s part of her attitude toward life
das ist Teil ihrer Lebenseinstellung
he ran towards [or toward] the light
er rannte dem Licht entgegen
to gear oneself to [or toward] [or towards] sth
sich Akk auf etw Akk einstellen
we’re well toward the front of the queue
wir sind ziemlich weit vorne in der Schlange
/tôrd; tō´ǝrd; tō ǝrd, tôrd/
prep., adj.
● به سوی،در جهت،به طرف (towards هم مینویسند)
her back was toward me
پشت او به طرف من بود.
he was driving toward town
به طرف شهر رانندگی میکرد.
troops heading toward the front
سربازانی که به طرف جبهه میرفتند
he pulled the plate of rice toward himself
بشقاب پلو را به سوی خودش کشید.
Parviz came towards me
پرویز به سوی من آمد.
we are all striving towards a common goal
ما همگی در جهت هدف مشترکی کوشا هستیم.
steps toward peace
گامهایی به سوی صلح
● به،برای،نسبت به،به خاطر
a tendency toward mischief
تمایل به شیطنت
pressure toward conformity
فشار برای هم نواسازی
a tendency toward socialism
گرایش به سوسیالیسم
her attitude towards life is not good
نگرش او نسبت به زندگی خوب نیست.
with malice toward none
با بداندیشی نسبت به هیچ کس
sensitive towards this medication
دارای حساسیت نسبت به این دارو
● نزدیک (به)،مجاور،(در) حدود،در حوالی
there were toward five hundred persons
نزدیک به پانصد نفر آنجا بودند.
toward the dinner hour
حدود وقت شام
toward the end of the winter
در حدود آخر زمستان
one afternoon toward sundown
یک روز بعدازظهر در حوالی غروب آفتاب
● در شرف وقوع
the government was privy to what was toward
دولت از آنچه که در حال وقوع بود اطلاع داشت.
● (نادر) خوش یمن،آمددار،نیک فرجام
● (نادر) مطیع،رام،فرمان بردار
[punc·tu·a·tion || ‚pʌŋ(k)tʃʊ’eɪʃn]
system of symbols used to divide or clarify text (such as !, ?, “, etc.); act of placing punctuation marks within text; vocalization; act of emphasizing
supposedly: angeblich
US UK AU suppose [səˈpəuz]
♦ verb
1 to think probable; to believe or guess: Who do you suppose telephoned today?; I suppose you'll be going to the meeting?'
Yes, I suppose so / No, I don’t suppose so.’; Do you suppose she’ll win?; Surely her statement can't be correct?'
No, I suppose not’.
فرض كردن
2 to accept as true for the sake of argument; to consider as a possibility: (Let’s) suppose we each had $100 to spend; Suppose the train’s late – what shall we do?
قرار است
3 used to make a suggestion or give an order in a polite way: Suppose we have lunch now!; Suppose you make us a cup of tea!
چه مي شود اگر
if: Supposing she doesn’t come, what shall we do?
فرض كنيم كه
be supposed to (be/doetc )
1 to have the reputation of (being etc ): He’s supposed to be the best doctor in the town.
2 to be expected or obliged to (do something etc ): You’re supposed to make your own bed every morning.
I suppose/don’t suppose
wohl/wohl kaum
suppose he was there …
angenommen er war hier …
no, I suppose not
nein, ich denke [wohl] nicht
I suppose so
to little suppose/think [that] …
nicht annehmen/denken, [dass] …
suppose A was B’s sister
angenommen A wäre die Schwester von B
suppose we leave right away?
wie wär’s, wenn wir jetzt gleich fahren würden?
I’m very popular, I suppose
ich bin sehr beliebt, nehm’ ich mal an
I suppose you couldn’t … [or I don’t suppose you could …]
Sie könnten mir nicht zufällig …
to suppose sb/sth to be sth
jdn/etw für etw Akk halten
I suppose you think that’s funny
du hältst das wohl auch noch für komisch
can I watch television? — I suppose so
darf ich fernsehen? — na gut, meinetwegen [o. von mir aus]
what time do you suppose he’ll be arriving?
wann, glaubst du, wird er ankommen?
I suppose muggins here will have to clear up!
ich schätze, dass ich wieder der Dumme bin und aufräumen muss
it is a fallacy to suppose [or think] that …
es ist ein Irrtum anzunehmen, dass …
I suppose we’re stuck with each other for the duration
sieht so aus, als müssten wir es bis auf weiteres miteinander aushalten
is this that the correct answer? — I suppose so
ist das die richtige Antwort? — ich glaube schon [o. ja]
I suppose all the tickets will be sold by now
die Tickets werden wohl inzwischen ausverkauft sein
I suppose we’ll just have to wait for the inevitable
ich vermute, wir müssen einfach auf das Unvermeidliche warten
• I suppose it makes sense to go ahead and pay the bill right now.
به نظرم عاقلانه ست همین الان بری و قبض رو پرداخت کنی
• I suppose that behind each thing we have to do, there’s something we want to do…
به نظر من، در ورای هر چیزی که مجبور به انجام دادنش هستیم، چیزی هست که مایل به انجام آن هستیم…
• I don’t suppose you know anything about Tom, do you?
فکر نکنم شما چیزی راجع به تام بدانید. می دانید؟
• I don’t suppose you’d consider helping Tom.
فکر نکنم شما کمک به تام را مدنظر قرار دهید.
• Imagine a problem such as this: Suppose your brother has a car accident.
مشکلی نظیر این را تصور کنید: فرض کنید اتومبیل برادرتان تصادف کرده است
● فرض کردن،گرفتن،انگاشتن،پنداشتن،گمان کردن
suppose your father were learned …
گیرم پدر تو بود فاضل …
I suppose many are weaker than you are …
گرفتم زتو ناتوان تر بسیست …
let’s suppose you are wealthy
فرض کنیم که تو پولدار هستی.
everyone supposes him to be cruel but he is really a kind man
همه میپندارند که او ظالم است ولی واقعا مرد مهربانی است.
● حدس زدن،(حدسا) فکر کردن
I suppose you are right
فکر میکنم که حق با شماست.
why do you suppose she came?
حدس میزنی به چه منظوری آمد؟
● رجوع شود به: presuppose
● اگر … چی؟
suppose they don’t come!
اگر نیایند چی!
suppose he dies!
اگر بمیرد چی!
● قرار است که …،باید،وظیفهی تو است که …
he is supposed to telephone
قرار است که تلفن بزند.
children are not supposed to be sent to war
بچهها نباید به جنگ فرستاده شوند.
verb - suppose
پنداشتن: deem, suppose, count, assume, take, fancy
فرض کردن: assume, presume, adjudge, consider, suppose, deem
خیال کردن: deem, guess, reckon, suppose, think
انگاشتن: imagine, assume, suppose
گمان کردن: reckon, suppose, suspect, think
aid [eid]
♦ noun
help: Rich countries give aid to developing countries; The teacher uses visual aids; He came to my aid when my car broke down.
♦ verb
to help: I was aided in my search by the library staff.
کمک کردن
in aid of
as a financial help to (a charity etc ): The collection is in aid of the blind.
برای کمک به
aid organization
Hilfsorganisation f
slimming aid
Schlankmacher m ugs
emergency aid
Soforthilfe f
hearing aid
Hörgerät nt
financial aid
finanzielle Hilfe [o. Unterstützung]
foreign aid
Entwicklungshilfe f
walking aid
Gehhilfe f
to render aid [or assistance]
Hilfe leisten
government aid [or support]
staatliche Unterstützung
● کمک،یاری،همدستی،همیاری،مساعدت،معاضدت
financial and technical aid to African countries
کمکهای مالی و فنی به کشورهای افریقا
with the aid of friends
به یاری دوستان
● کمک کردن،یاری کردن
he aided me in my hour of need
او به هنگام نیاز مرا یاری کرد.
● ور دست،یاور،کمک،یار،معاون،دستیار،مددکار،پیشکار
the physician and his aid(e) came
پزشک و دستیارش آمدند.
an engineer’s aid
کمک مهندس
● وسیلهی کمک
audiovisual aids
تسهیلات سمعی ـ بصری
first aids
کمکهای اولیه
● (تاریخ انگلیس) خراج،باجی که رعیت به لرد میداد،کمک هزینهای که در مواقع ویژه به شاه داده میشد
noun - aid
کمک: help, aid, assistance, helping, support, relief
مساعدت: assistance, aid, help, favor, backstop, favour
یاری: help, helping, aid, succor, adjutancy, companionship
حمایت: protection, patronage, aid, aegis, shelter, vindication
یاور: adjuvant, helper, collaborator, assistant, aid, adjutant
مدد کار: aid
معونت: aid
هم دست: accomplice, collaborator, complice, adjoint, aid, associate
verb - aid
کمک کردن: help, assist, aid, facilitate, boost, bestead
یاری کردن: assist, succor, help, aid, bestead, succour
مساعدت کردن: help, aid, assist
حمایت کردن: support, protect, defend, aid, assert, stead
پشتیبانی کردن: support, backup, aid, champion, prop, rally
But frankly, bits are so tiny, literally and mathematically,
that we don’t tend to think or talk, generally, in terms of bits.
tend1 [tend]
♦ verb
to take care of; to look after: A shepherd tends his sheep.
مراقبت کردن
♦ noun
1 a person who looks after something: a bartender.
2 a small boat which carries stores or passengers to and from a larger boat.
قایق ویژه حمل مسافر و بار از کشتی به ساحل
● گرایش داشتن،متمایل بودن،میل داشتن
modern designs tend to simplicity
طرحهای جدید به سادگی تمایل دارند.
he tends towards extreme views
او نسبت به عقاید افراطی گرایش دارد.
● رو به سویی داشتن،به طرفی متوجه بودن (یا رفتن)
this road tends south
این جاده رو به جنوب است (به جنوب میرود).
the ideals toward which the revolution continually tended
آرمانهایی که انقلاب دایما به سوی آنها میرفت
● آمادگی داشتن،احتمال داشتن
women tend to live longer than men
احتمال طول عمر زنها از مردها بیشتر است.
it tends to snow here a lot in winter
هنگام زمستان در اینجا احتمال برف زیاد است.
this motor tends to overheat
این موتور زود داغ میشود.
● انجامیدن،رسیدن به،منتج شدن
this kind of attitude tends to defeat
اینگونه طرز برخورد به شکست خواهد انجامید.
vt., vi.
● پرستاری کردن،پروردن،تیمار کردن،پرورش دادن
to tend plants
گیاه پرورش دادن
to tend the sick
از بیماران پرستاری کردن
● مراقبت کردن،پاییدن،نگهداری کردن،مواظبت کردن
who is tending the store in your absence?
در غیاب تو،کی از مغازه مراقبت میکند؟
● (کشتیرانی) آماده بودن،هشیار بودن،مواظب بودن
● توجه کردن (به)،رسیدگی کردن،پرداختن به
you mind your own business and I’ll tend to mine
تو سرت به کار خودت باشد و من هم به کارهای خودم میرسم (در کار من دخالت نکن).
* tend on
خدمت کردن،دست به سینه جلوی کسی ایستادن،تیمار کردن
vt., vi.
● پرستاری کردن،پروردن،تیمار کردن،پرورش دادن
to tend plants
گیاه پرورش دادن
to tend the sick
از بیماران پرستاری کردن
● مراقبت کردن،پاییدن،نگهداری کردن،مواظبت کردن
who is tending the store in your absence?
در غیاب تو،کی از مغازه مراقبت میکند؟
● (کشتیرانی) آماده بودن،هشیار بودن،مواظب بودن
● توجه کردن (به)،رسیدگی کردن،پرداختن به
you mind your own business and I’ll tend to mine
تو سرت به کار خودت باشد و من هم به کارهای خودم میرسم (در کار من دخالت نکن).
* tend on
خدمت کردن،دست به سینه جلوی کسی ایستادن،تیمار کردن
We have a vocabulary for these increasingly large quantities of data.
increase [inˈkriːs]
♦ verb
to (cause to) grow in size, number etc : The number of children in this school has increased greatly in recent years.
افزایش یافتن
(the amount, number etc added by) growth: There has been some increase in business; The increase in the population over the last ten years was 40,000.
افزایش؛ رشد
♦ adverb
more and more: It became increasingly difficult to find helpers.
بطور فزاینده
on the increase
becoming more frequent or becoming greater: Acts of violence are on the increase.
رو به افزایش
increasing prices
steigende Preise
increasing efforts
verstärkte Anstrengungen
with increasing frequency
immer öfter
ever-increasing demand for sth
ständig wachsende Nachfrage nach etw Dat
the sophistication of computers is increasing
Computer werden technisch immer ausgefeilter
the stridency of the demands is increasing
die Forderungen werden mit vergrößerter Schärfe gestellt
the number of unfilled teaching posts is increasing
die Zahl der offenen Stellen in Lehrberufen steigt an
pressure to abandon the new motorway is increasing
die Forderungen, die neuen Autobahnpläne zu verwerfen, werden lauter
this has the effect of increasing the temperature
dies bewirkt eine Steigerung der Temperatur
verb - increase
زیاد شدن: increase, augment, grow, gain, mount, proliferate
افزودن: add, increase, enhance, augment, append, eke
زیاد کردن: increase, augment, raise, propagate, add, boost
توسعه دادن: develop, expand, extend, enlarge, increase, outstretch
توانگر کردن: enrich, increase
ترفیع دادن: elevate, pedestal, increase, promote
تکثیر کردن: multiply, reproduce, duplicate, increase, mimeograph, propagate
becoming greater, expanding, growing
enlarging, expanding, growing
[in·crease || ɪn’krɪːs]
growth, expansion; addition; enlargement; escalation; reproduction
[in·crease || ɪn’krɪːs]
enlarge, add to, augment; multiply; raise, heighten, intensify
not only can we represent all human languages in written form,
as well as some emotions along the way, we
can capture the latter with these things called emojis.
verb - capture
گرفتن: take, catch, grab, capture, obtain, receive
اسیر کردن: capture, enthrall, captivate, enthral
مبتلا کردن: capture, seize
noun - capture
تسخیر: capture, conquest, winning
دستگیری: capture, apprehension, charity
n., vt.
● (با زور یا مهارت یا غافلگیری) گرفتن،ستاندن،استاندن،دستگیر کردن،اسیر کردن
in order to capture the imagination of youth
به منظور جلب تخیل جوانان
the Russians captured Berlin
روسها برلن را گرفتند.
a captured thief
دزد دستگیر شده
they captured two German soldiers
آنها دو سرباز آلمانی را اسیر کردند.
the Japanese captured thirty percent of the country’s market
ژاپنیها سی درصد بازار کشور را به دست آوردند.
● دستگیری،اسارت،تسخیر،تسخیر کردن،به دست آوردن
the capture of Majnoon island
گرفتن جزیرهی مجنون
the capture of the escaped prisoners
دستگیری زندانیان فراری
● غنیمت،یغما
● (از راه نقاشی یا نگارش یا عکس و غیره) ضبط کردن،مجسم کردن
in his paintings, he masterfully captures the beauty of spring
او در نقاشیهای خود زیبایی بهار را استادانه مجسم میکند.
● (فیزیک) جذب ذرهی بنیادی اتم توسط هستهی اتم (به ویژه جذب نوترون یا الکترون که موجب برون تابی اشعه گردد)،این فعل و انفعال را ایجاد کردن،گیرش
to capture sb’s sympathy
jds Sympathie gewinnen
to capture a city
eine Stadt einnehmen [o. erobern]
to capture a ship
ein Schiff kapern [o. aufbringen]
to capture the market
den Markt erobern
to capture a treasure
einen Schatz erobern
to elude capture
der Gefangennahme entgehen
to capture sb’s attention/interest
jds Aufmerksamkeit/Interesse erregen
to capture sth in a painting/on film
etw in einem Bild/auf Film festhalten
So, in fact, just as a little bit of trivia,
has anyone ever received this decimal number, or if you prefer binary now,
ger: trivial, banal
trivia [ˈtriviə]
♦ noun plural
unimportant matters or details: I haven’t time to worry about such trivia.
چیزهای کم اهمیت و پیش پا افتاده
♦ adjective
1 of very little importance: trivial details.
کم اهمیت
2 (especially of people) only interested in unimportant things; not at all serious: She’s a very trivial person.
کم مایه؛ سطحی نگر
♦ adverb
بطور پیش پا افتاده
ˌtriviˈality [-ˈa-]
♦ noun
1 the state of being trivial.
پیش پا افتادگی
2 (plural triviˈalities ) something which is trivial: He is always worrying about some triviality or other.
امر پیش پا افتاده
● چیزهای کم اهمیت و پیش پا افتاده
● دادههای کم اهمیت یا کم شناخته
a trivia contest
مسابقهی پرسش و پاسخ (دربارهی دادههای کم شناخته)
[triv·i·a || ‘trɪvɪə]
inconsequential things or facts, trivial details, trifles
(during the Middle Ages) three lowest of the seven liberal arts (grammar, rhetoric, and logic)
esoteric taste übtr scherzh
exotischer Geschmack
Well, if you actually look this up, this esoteric sequence of zeros and ones
adjective - esoteric
رمزی: coded, symbolic, secret, encoded, cryptic, esoteric
محرمانه: confidential, secret, private, arcane, closed, esoteric
مبهم: vague, ambiguous, obscure, enigmatic, opaque, esoteric
سری: classified, secretive, esoteric, undercover, mysterious, occult
درونی: internal, inner, innermost, inward, interior, esoteric
مشکوک: suspicious, doubtful, fishy, dubious, questionable, esoteric
داخلی: internal, interior, inner, indoor, inward, esoteric
/es´ǝ ter´ik/
● (در مورد فکر و نوشته و غیره - قابل درک توسط عدهی معدودی از خواص) رمزگونه،پرخیده،پر ایما و اشاره،غامض
some of his predictions are so esoteric that only a few of his followers understand their meaning
برخی از پیشگوییهای او آنقدر غامض است که فقط معدودی از پیروانش معنی آن را میفهمند.
● دشوار،مشکل (از نظر فهم)
● خودمانی،محرمانه،مستور،پوشیده،(در برابر: ناپرخیده،عمومی exoteric)
an esoteric plan
نقشهی محرمانه
US UK AU sequence [ˈsiːkwəns]
♦ noun
a series of events etc following one another in a particular order: He described the sequence of events leading to his dismissal from the firm; a sequence of numbers; a dance sequence.
n., vt.
● ترتیب،تسلسل،توالی،دهناد،زنجیرواری،پشت همی
the sequence of events
تسلسل رویدادها
their names are listed in a chronological sequence
نام آنها به ترتیب تاریخی فهرست شده است.
● رشته،سلسله،زنجیره،سیری،ریسه
a sequence of historical plays by Shakespeare
یک زنجیره نمایشهای تاریخی از شکسپیر
a sequence of terrible accidents
یک سلسله حوادث ناگوار
a sonnet sequence
یک رشته غزلیات
● (بازی با ورق) سه یا چند ورق پشت سرهم (run هم میگویند)
● رجوع شود به: sequel
● (ریاضی) دنباله
sequence of functions
دنبالهی تابعها
● (موسیقی) تکرار ملودی
● (به ویژه فیلم سینما) صحنه،فصل،سکانس
in the next sequence, the hero marries the girl
در صحنهی بعدی قهرمان با آن دختر ازدواج می کند.
● (کلیسای کاتولیک) سرود پیش از قرائت انجیل
● (به روش خاصی) مرتب کردن،پشت سر هم قرار دادن،دهنادن،قطار کردن
* in sequence
به ترتیب (ترتیب خاص)،پشت سر هم
US UK AU consortium [kənˈsoːtiəm, (American) -ʃiəm]
♦ noun
an association, union, especially of bankers or businessmen.
n., pl.
● (بازرگانی) کنسرسیوم (ائتلاف چند شرکت یا بانک برای انجام کار بخصوص)،انبازه،مشارکت،شرکت،انباز گروه
a number of oil companies formed a consortium to explore and refine oil
چند شرکت به منظور اکتشاف و پالایش نفت کنسرسیوم تشکیل دادند.
● (حقوق - در ازدواج) تمکین و مجالست،همیاری
A consortium (plural: consortia) is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal. Consortium is a Latin word meaning “partnership”, “association” or “society”, and derives from consors (“shared in property”), itself from con- (“together”) and sors (“fate”).
underwriting consortium + Sg/pl Verb
Emissionskonsortium nt
to form a consortium
ein Konsortium bilden
consortium of banks
Bankenkonsortium nt
consortium of companies
Firmenkonsortium nt fachspr
And so it’s an interesting dichotomy between what information we all
want to represent and how we choose, ultimately, to represent it.
ger: dichotomie
noun - dichotomy
دوگانگی: dichotomy
تقسیم به دو بخش: dichotomy
دورستگی: dichotomy
انشعاب به دو شعبه: dichotomy
دو حالتی: dichotomy
n., pl.
● (بخش کردن به دو شاخه یا قسمت) دو شاخگی،دو گانگی،دورستگی،دو بخش سازی،تفاوت (میان دو چیز مخالف)،دگرسانی
the dichotomy between truth and falsehood
تفاوت میان راستی و نادرستی
a dichotomy into good and evil
دو شاخگی خوبی و بدی
● (نجوم) تربیع،نیمتابی
● (گیاهشناسی) دوشاخگی،دوشاخه شدگی
● (منطق) تقسیم ثنایی،بخش دوگانه
Zweiteilung f
Dichotomie f geh
- dichotomy BOT:
Aufspaltung f
Gabelung f
Dichotomie f fachspr
A dichotomy is a partition of a whole (or a set) into two parts (subsets). In other words, this couple of parts must be jointly exhaustive: everything must belong to one part or the other, and mutually exclusive: nothing can belong simultaneously to both parts.If there is a concept A, and it is split into parts B and not-B, then the parts form a dichotomy: they are mutually exclusive, since no part of B is contained in not-B and vice versa, and they are jointly exhaustive, since they cover all of A, and together again give A. Such a partition is also frequently called a bipartition. The two parts thus formed are complements. In logic, the partitions are opposites if there exists a proposition such that it holds over one and not the other. Treating continuous variables or multicategorical variables as binary variables is called dichotomization. The discretization error inherent in dichotomization is temporarily ignored for modeling purposes.
compel, compelling
We’ll see in a few weeks why this is compelling.
AU compel [kəmˈpel]– past tense past participle comˈpelled –
♦ verb
to force: They compelled me to betray my country.
مجبور کردن
/käm pǝl´iŋ/
● وادار کننده،تحمیلگر،الزام آور
compelling circumstances
شرایط الزام آور
● (بیشتر در مورد رمان و نمایش و غیره) گیرا،بسیار جالب،آنچه که سخت تحت تاثیر قرار دهد
a compelling story
داستانی گیرا
● (در مورد استدلال و غیره) مجاب کننده،قانع کننده
compelling reasons
دلایل قانع کننده
compelling circumstances, evidence, reason
compelling film, painting, performance
compelling desire
unwiderstehliches Verlangen
- compel (force):
to compel sb to do sth
jdn [dazu] zwingen, etw zu tun
to feel compelled [to do sth]
sich Akk gezwungen [o. genötigt] sehen[, etw zu tun] - compel form (cause to happen):
to compel sth person
etw erzwingen
to compel sth circumstances
etw erforderlich machen
to compel attention
Aufmerksamkeit erregen
verb - compel
وادار کردن: induce, persuade, compel, impel, enforce, oblige
مجبور کردن: force, compel, enforce, oblige, bludgeon, necessitate
convenient [kənˈviːnjənt]
♦ adjective
1 suitable; not causing trouble or difficulty: When would it be convenient for me to come?
راحت؛ بی دردسر
2 easy to use, run etc : a convenient size of house.
مناسب؛ راحت
3 easy to reach etc ; accessible: Keep this in a convenient place.
در دسترس
♦ adverb
بطور آسان
♦ noun
1 the state or quality of being convenient; freedom from trouble or difficulty: the convenience of living near the office.
راحتی؛ آسودگی
2 any means of giving ease or comfort: the conveniences of modern life.
وسیلۀ رفاه؛ تسهیلات
3 (also public convenience ) a public lavatory.
مستراح همگانی
● راحت،آسودبخش
airplanes have made travelling more convenient
هواپیما سفر را راحتتر کرده است.
● در دسترس،نزدیک
● آسان،سهل،مناسب،بیدردسر
come whenever it is convenient for you
هر وقت برایتان مناسب است تشریف بیاورید.
● (مهجور) برازنده،درخور
convenient location
günstige Lage
convenient excuse
passende Entschuldigung
very convenient opening hours
sehr günstige Öffnungszeiten
a convenient moment [or time]
ein günstiger [o. passender] Zeitpunkt
if it’s convenient
wenn es Ihnen passt
it is [very] convenient that …
es ist [sehr] praktisch, dass …
to be convenient for sb
jdm gelegen kommen
is Saturday convenient for you
passt es Ihnen am Samstag?
if it’s convenient for you
wenn es Ihnen passt
to find it convenient to do sth
es praktisch finden, etw zu tun
it is convenient for sb to do sth
es macht jdm keine Umstände, etw zu tun
his competitor’s injury was most convenient for him
die Verletzung seines Konkurrenten kam ihm sehr gelegen
the new flat is very convenient for the kids’ school
die neue Wohnung liegt sehr günstig, ganz in der Nähe der Schule der Kinder
adjective - convenient
راحت: comfortable, convenient, well, comfy, straight, cozy
مناسب: suitable, appropriate, proper, convenient, adequate, fit
راه دست: convenient
convention, conventional
ger: Konvention, konventionell
US UK AU convention [kənˈvenʃən]
♦ noun
1 a way of behaving that has become usual; (an) established custom: Shaking hands when meeting people is a normal convention in many countries; He does not care about convention.
رسم؛ سنت
2 in the United States a meeting of delegates from a political party for nominating a presidential candidate.
همایش رسمی نمایندگان
3 an assembly of people of a particular profession etc .
اجلاس؛ کنگره
♦ adjective
(negative unconventional ) according to the accepted standards etc ; not outrageous or eccentric: conventional dress; the more conventional forms of art.
معمول؛ قراردادی
conˌventioˈnality [-ˈnӕ-]
♦ noun
سنتی یا عرفی بودن
/kǝn ven´shǝn/
● اجلاس،کنگره،گردهمایی،همایش،نشست،چپیره،جلسه
the annual convention of pediatricians
کنگرهی سالیانهی ویژهگران بیماریهای کودکان
● (امریکا) همایش رسمی نمایندگان حزب (دمکرات یا جمهوریخواه)
● میثاق،پیمان،توافقنامه
the Geneva Convention
میثاق ژنو،کنوانسیون ژنو
● سنت،عرف،رسم،(جمع) آداب و رسوم
a blind observance of convention
پیروی کورکورانه از عرف
according to convention, the oldest member is chosen to preside
طبق رسم،مسنترین فرد به ریاست جلسه انتخاب میشود.
● رسم هنری،قاعدهی ادبی
one of the conventions of Elizabethan drama
یکی از رسوم تئاتر دوران الیزابت
noun - convention
قرارداد: contract, agreement, convention, treaty, indenture, bond
مجمع: meeting, convention, society, club, convent
پیمان نامه: treaty, convention
هم ایش: congress, convention, meeting
هم ایی: convention
انجمن: association, community, society, assembly, council, convention
in advance : im voraus
US UK AU advance [ədˈvaːns]
♦ verb
1 to move forward: The army advanced towards the town; Our plans are advancing well; He married the boss’s daughter to advance (= improve) his chances of promotion.
پیش رفتن؛ پیشرفت کردن
2 to supply (someone) with (money) on credit: The bank will advance you $500.
مساعده دادن
♦ noun
1 moving forward or progressing: We’ve halted the enemy’s advance; Great advances in medicine have been made in this century.
2 a payment made before the normal time: Can I have an advance on my salary?
3 (usually in plural ) an attempt at (especially sexual) seduction.
ایجاد رابطه با جنس مخالف
♦ adjective
1 made etc before the necessary or agreed time: an advance payment.
زودتر از موعد
2 made beforehand: an advance booking.
3 sent ahead of the main group or force: the advance guard.
♦ adjective
having made a lot of progress; at a high level: an advanced computer course; in the advanced stages of the illness.
in advance
1 before(hand): Can you pay me in advance?
از قبل؛ جلوتر
2 in front: I’ve been sent on in advance (of the main force).
جلوتر از دیگران؛ پیشرو
in advance
im Voraus
advance payment
Vorauszahlung f
advance copy
Vorausexemplar nt
cash advance
Barvorschuss m
bank advance
Bankdarlehen nt
advance billing
Reklame f
advance bookings
Vorreservierung[en] f
to advance a price
einen Preis erhöhen
two months’ advance notice
Ankündigung f zwei Monate im Voraus
advance payment bond
Anzahlungsgarantie f
Advance Corporation Tax
Körperschaftssteuervorauszahlung f
advance on goods HANDEL
Warenlombard m
advance on account
Überziehungskredit m
advance corporation tax
Körperschaftssteuervorauszahlung f
advance in prices
Preissteigerung f
interest on advance
Vorauszahlungszins m
advance on collateral FIN
Beleihungskredit m
/ad vans´/
n., adj., vi., vt.
● جلو بردن،پیش بردن
to advance the pawn
(در شطرنج) پیاده را جلو بردن
● جلو رفتن،پیش رفتن،پیشروی کردن،پیشرفت کردن
Napoleon’s army advanced toward Moscow
قشون ناپلئون به سوی مسکو پیش رفت.
South Korea has advanced a lot
کرهی جنوبی بسیار پیشرفت کرده است.
● ترفیع یافتن یا دادن،مهم کردن یا شدن
● ارائه دادن
scientists advanced new theories
دانشمندان نظریههای جدیدی را ارائه دادند.
● (تاریخ یا وقت چیزی را) جلو آوردن،جلو انداختن
he advanced the date of his trip by one week
تاریخ سفر خود را یک هفته جلو انداخت.
● (قیمت را) بالا بردن،بالا رفتن
the advance in prices
بالا رفتن قیمتها
● قبل از موعد پرداخت کردن،مساعده دادن،پیشکی دادن
● پول پیشکی،پیش پرداخت،وام،پیش قسط،مساعده
his boss gave him an advance of ten thousand tumans
رییسش به او ده هزار تومان مساعده داد.
● پیشرفت،جلو روی،پیشروی،پیش روند
recent advances in science
پیشرفتهای اخیر در علم
* to make advances (to)
(با اشاره و کنایه) در ایجاد رابطه با جنس مخالف کوشیدن
* in advance
از قبل،از پیش
we had made reservations in advance
از قبل جا گرفته بودیم.
* in advance of
جلوتر از،پیشرفتهتر از
their technology is in advance of ours
تکنولوژی آنها از ما جلوتر است.
noun - advance
پیشرفت: progress, advance, improvement, development, progression, advancement
مساعده: imprest, advance, advance money, accommodation
پیش روی: advance, progress, precession, onrush, march, antecedence
جلو بردن: advance
پیش پرداخت: prepayment, advance, payment in advance
پیش قسط: prepayment, advance, down payment, cash down, handsel
سبقت: overtaking, overtake, precession, lead, precedence, advance
ربون: advance
verb - advance
پیش بردن: advance, carry out, further, encourage, expedite, hustle
جلو بردن: advance, feed, boost, further
اقامه کردن: advance, pose, allege
جلو رفتن: advance, bring on, come along, forge
ترقی دادن: promote, boost, advance, meliorate, raise
ترفیع رتبه دادن: advance
تسریع کردن: accelerate, precipitate, advance, catalyze, hotfoot, speed up
مساعده دادن: advance
پیش رفتن: go forward, jut, proceed, precess, advance, antecede
adjective - advance
از پیش فرستاده شده: advance
by force of circumstance
durch die Umstände bedingt
with pomp and circumstance
mit Glanz und Gloria
nothing of circumstance
nichts von Bedeutung
regardless of circumstance
ohne Rücksicht auf die Umstände
/su_r´kǝm stans´/
n., vt.
● وضعیت (جمع: اوضاع)،(جمع) شرایط،کیفیت،مقتضیات،حال،موقعیت،پیشایند،حیث
due to changing circumstances
به خاطر تغییر وضع
because of unforeseen circumstances
به واسطهی شرایط پیش بینی نشده
● پیشامد،رویداد،واقعه،واقعیت،ماوقع
● وضع مالی
in comfortable circumstances
در وضع مالی خوب،در رفاه مالی
● بخت،شانس
circumstances would have it so
سرنوشت چنین بود،وضع چنین اقتضا میکرد.
● چگونگی،(جمع) جزئیات
the circumstances surrounding Kennedy’s assassination
جزئیات قتل کندی
● در شرایط خاصی قرار دادن
as far as money was concerned she was comfortably circumstanced
از نظر مالی در رفاه بود.
* pomp and circumstance
جلال و جبروت،مراسم و تشریفات با شکوه
* under no circumstances
تحت هیچ شرایطی،به هیچ وجه
* under the circumstances
تحت شرایط موجود،فعلا
noun - circumstance
چگونگی: how, manner, quality, state, condition, circumstance
امر: matter, affair, circumstance, job, behest, ploy
حال: mood, situation, condition, state, status, circumstance
شرایط محیط: circumstance
شرح: description, explanation, account, exposition, statement, circumstance
تفصیل: detail, circumstance, gloss
اهمیت: importance, matter, significance, emphasis, magnitude, circumstance
پیش امد: happening, accidence, accident, circumstance, event, exigence
روی داد: happening, event, circumstance, incident, occasion, occurrence
due [djuː]
♦ adjective
1 owed: I think I’m still due some pay; Our thanks are due to the doctor.
بدهکار؛ مدیون
2 expected according to timetable, promise etc : The bus is due in three minutes.
مطابق برنامه
3 proper: Take due care.
♦ adverb
directly South: sailing due east.
به سوی
♦ noun
1 what is owed, especially what one has a right to: I’m only taking what is my due.
2 (in plural ) charge, fee or toll: He paid the dues on the cargo.
♦ adverb
properly; as expected: The bus duly arrived.
به موقع؛ طبق انتظار
ˈdue to
brought about by: His success was due to hard work.
give (someone) his due
to be fair to someone.
از کسی قدردانی کردن
see also owe .
adj., adv., n.
● پرداختنی،قابل پرداخت
the amounts due to the bank
مبالغ قابل پرداخت به بانک
the next installment is due on the first of the month
سررسید قسط بعدی اول ماه است.
● سررسید،موعد پرداخت
the rent is due today
موعد پرداخت کرایه امروز است.
● در خور،مناسب
with all due respect
با کمال احترام
the body was laid to rest with due military ceremonies
جسد را طی مراسم نظامی شایسته به خاک سپردند.
● به اندازهی نیاز،کافی،بسنده
in due time
در وقت مناسب
due care
توجه لازم
I don’t think my project was given due attention
فکر میکنم که طرح من مورد توجه کافی قرار نگرفت.
● (ورود و خروج و انجام کار و غیره - معمولا با: be) آمدن،رفتن،شدن (و غیره)
the plane is due at 6 P.M.
هواپیما ساعت شش بعدازظهر میرسد.
the train is due to leave any minute
قرار است ترن تا چند لحظهی دیگر حرکت کند.
● به سوی،(درست) درجهت
due west
در جهت غرب،در سوی باختر
● (امور غیرمالی مانند افتخار و سهم در انجام کار و غیره) سپاسگزاری،افتخار،سرفرازی
give a man his due
سپاسگزاری لازم را از کسی کردن،قدرشناسی کردن
● (جمع) وجوه،حق عضویت،هزینه (و مالیات و غیره)
membership dues
حق عضویت
if you haven’t paid your dues you can’t get in!
اگر حق عضویت نداده باشی اجازهی ورود نداری!
* become (or fall) due
به موعد رسیدن (طبق قرار قبلی یا قرارداد)،به سر رسید رسیدن
the rent will fall due every two weeks
موعد پرداخت کرایه هر دو هفته یک بار است.
* due date
موعد،تاریخ مقرر
* due to
به واسطهی،به دلیل،به خاطر
due to Ameh’s death, our trip was postponed
به واسطهی فوت عمه سفر ما عقب افتاد.
an ommission due to oversight
از قلم افتادگی به خاطر کمحواسی
* give someone his due
از کسی قدردانی کردن،خدمات کسی را تقدیر کردن (ارج نهادن)
* in due course
در موقع مقتضی،سرموعد،در هنگام شایسته
* pay one’s dues
(خودمانی) در اثر کوشش و رنجبری مقام یا امتیاز به دست آوردن،وظیفهی خود را ادا کرد
due diligence JUR
Sorgfaltspflicht f
due date of debt
Fälligkeitstermin m
due bills (debts owing)
Schuldanerkenntnis nt
due west
direkt nach Westen
amount due
Forderung f
due north
genau [o. direkt] nach Norden
payment due
Fälligkeitstag m
due south
direkt [o. genau] nach Süden
due bill FIN
fälliger Wechsel
with all due respect, …
bei allem Respekt, …
redemption before due date
Rückzahlung vor Fälligkeit
adjective - due
ناشی از: due
مقتضی: appropriate, due, expedient, suitable, advisable, just
قابل پرداخت: payable, due, exigible, liable, solvable, solvent
سر رسد: due
noun - due
بدهی: debt, liability, debit, due
حق: right, law, due, title
ذمه: obligation, due
موعد پرداخت: due, pay day
پرداختنی: due, solvency
حقوق: law, salary, pension, stipend, due, emolument
/ak´rǝ nim´/
● تارک نام،سرینام (واژهای که از حروف اول چند واژهی دیگر ساخته شده باشد مثل radar که از حروف اول radio detecting and ranging گرفته شده است)
oidar ساخته شده).
باشد(مانند radar که از کلماتgnignar dna gnitceted
سر نام.
کلمهایکه از حرف اول کلمات دیگری ترکیب شده
noun - acronym
سر نام: acronym
Akronym nt
acronym SUBST
Kurzwort nt
Wikipedia (EN)
An acronym is a word or name formed from the initial components of a longer name or phrase. Acronyms are usually formed from the initial letters of words, as in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), but sometimes use syllables, as in Benelux (short for Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg). They can also be a mixture, as in radar (Radio Detection And Ranging). Acronyms can be pronounced as words, like NASA and UNESCO; as individual letters, like FBI, TNT, and ATM; or as both letters and words, like JPEG (pronounced JAY-peg) and IUPAC. Some are not universally pronounced one way or the other and it depends on the speaker’s preference or the context in which it is being used, such as ‘SQL’ (either “sequel” or “ess-cue-el”). The broader sense of acronym—the meaning of which includes terms pronounced as letters—is sometimes criticized, but it is the term’s original meaning and is in common use. Dictionary and style-guide editors are not in universal agreement on the naming for such abbreviations, and it is a matter of some dispute whether the term acronym can be legitimately applied to abbreviations which are not pronounced “as words”, nor do these language authorities agree on the correct use of spacing, casing, and punctuation. Abbreviations formed from a string of initials and usually pronounced as individual letters are sometimes more specifically called initialisms or alphabetisms; examples are FBI from Federal Bureau of Investigation, and e.g. from Latin exempli gratia.
extend [ikˈstend]
♦ verb
1 to make longer or larger: He extended his vegetable garden.
بزرگ کردن؛ گسترش دادن
2 to reach or stretch: The school grounds extend as far as this fence.
وسعت یافتن؛ امتداد داشتن
3 to hold out or stretch out (a limb etc ): He extended his hand to her.
دراز کردن؛ کش دادن
4 to offer: May I extend a welcome to you all?
تقدیم کردن؛ ارائه دادن
exˈtension [-ʃən]
♦ noun
1 an added part: He built an extension to his house; a two-day extension to the holiday; He has telephone extensions (= telephones) in every bedroom.
ضمیمه؛ تمدید
2 (a program by which) part of a university located somewhere else offers courses to people who are not fulltime students.
دوره غیر تمام وقت؛ دوره شبانه
3 the process of extending.
توسعه؛ تمدید
4 a telephone that operates on the same line as another: They have a phone in the living-room and an extension in the bedroom.
خط فرعی؛ خط داخلی
exˈtensive [-siv]
♦ adjective
large in area or amount: extensive plantations; He suffered extensive injuries in the accident.
پهناور؛ زیاد
/ek stend´, ik-/
vt., vi.
● بزرگ کردن یا شدن،گسترش دادن،گسترده کردن پهناندن،گستردن،پهن کردن،دراز کردن،توسعه دادن،وسعت یافتن،تمدید کردن یا شدن،طولانی (تر) کردن،(لوله و کابل و غیره) کشیدن،از هم باز کردن،درازاندن،کش دادن
the Iranian Empire extended over a large area
امپراطوری ایران نواحی بزرگی را در بر می گرفت.
the street now extends three kilometers beyond the station
خیابان اکنون تا سه کیلومتر فراتر از ایستگاه ادامه دارد.
he extended his arm toward me
او دست خود را به سوی من دراز کرد.
corruption had extended into every aspect of their lives
فساد به کلیهی جنبههای زندگی آنها رخنه کرده بود.
they are going to extend the airport’s runways
خیال دارند باندهای فرودگاه را طولانیتر کنند.
her visa was extended
ویزای او تمدید شد.
exercise can extend one’s life
ورزش می تواند عمر را طولانی کند.
Darius extended the country’s frontiers
داریوش مرزهای کشور را بسط داد.
the Congress extended the law to cover all states
کنگره آن قانون را به کلیهی ایالات تعمیم داد.
● (دعوت و غیره) کردن
the invitation she had extended was accepted
دعوتی که کرده بود مورد پذیرش قرار گرفت.
● بیرون زدن
chalk boulders extending from the cliffs
سنگهای گچی که از میان صخرهها سر برافراشته بود
● ارزانی داشتن،دادن
the tradition of extending asylum to refugees
سنت دادن پناه به آوارگان
the government decided to extend aid to those in need
دولت بر آن شد که به نیازمندان کمک کند.
● (قدیمی) به زور مهار کردن،تحت انقیاد درآوردن
● به خود فشار آوردن،سخت کوشیدن
team members were asked to extend themselves
از بازیکنان تیم خواسته شد که بیشترین سعی خود را بکنند.
● (بازرگانی) مبلغ کل را روی فاکتور نوشتن (ضرب کردن بهای هر چیز در تعداد آن)
to extend one’s commitment
sich Akk stärker engagieren
to extend one’s fingers
seine Finger ausstrecken
to extend for miles
sich Akk meilenweit hinziehen
to extend one’s house
sein Haus ausbauen
to extend one’s unbeaten streak
seinen Erfolgskurs fortsetzen
to extend money to sb FIN
jdm Geld zur Verfügung stellen
to extend a road/track
eine Straße/Fahrspur ausbauen
to extend a line/rope
eine Leine/ein Seil spannen
to extend public awareness of sth
die Öffentlichkeit für etw Akk sensibilisieren
to extend one’s hand to sb
jdm die Hand entgegenstrecken [o. geh reichen]
the fields extend into the distance
die Felder dehnen sich bis in die Ferne aus
to extend a welcome to sb
jdn willkommen heißen
to extend one’s thanks to sb
jdm seinen Dank aussprechen
to extend [or offer] one’s congratulations to sb
jdm gratulieren
his concern doesn’t extend as far as actually doing something
seine Besorgnis geht nicht so weit, dass er tatsächlich etwas unternimmt
the situation has worsened to the extend that we are calling in an independent expert
die Situation hat sich dermaßen verschlimmert, dass wir einen unabhängigen Fachmann hinzuziehen
rain is expected to extend to all parts of the country by this evening
bis heute Abend soll der Regen alle Landesteile erreicht haben
verb - extend
توسعه دادن: develop, expand, extend, enlarge, increase, outstretch
طولانی کردن: lengthen, prolong, extend, stretch out, draw out, elongate
رساندن: convey, supply, transmit, extend, give, broadcast
دراز کردن: lengthen, extend, elongate, protract, porrect, prolong
تمدید کردن: extend, prorogate
ادامه دادن: continue, hang on, keep, carry on, maintain, extend
طول دادن: draw out, extend, prolong, protract
منبسط کردن: expand, stretch, amplify, broaden, dilate, extend
بزرگ کردن: enlarge, magnify, maximize, heave, aggrandize, extend
ger: initial
initial [iˈniʃəl]
♦ adjective
of, or at, the beginning: There were difficulties during the initial stages of building the house.
♦ noun
the letter that begins a word, especially a name: The picture was signed with the initials JJB, standing for John James Brown.
حرف اول اسم
♦ verb– past tense, past participle iˈnitialled –
to mark or sign with initials of one’s name: Any alteration on a cheque should be initialled.
حروف اول نام را نوشتن؛ پاراف کردن
♦ adverb
at the beginning; at first: This project will cost a lot of money initially but will eventually make a profit.
در آغاز
iˈnitiate1 [-ʃieit]
♦ verb
1 to start (eg a plan, scheme, changes, reforms etc ): He initiated a scheme for helping old people with their shopping.
شروع کردن
2 to take (a person) into a society etc, especially with secret ceremonies: No-one who had been initiated into the society ever revealed the details of the ceremony.
وارد کردن
iˈnitiate2 [-ʃiət]
♦ noun
a person who has been initiated (into a society etc ).
عضو پذیرفته شده
iˌnitiˈation [-ʃiˈei-]
♦ noun
the act of initiating or process of being initiated.
iˈnitiative [-ʃətiv]
♦ noun
1 a first step or move that leads the way: He took the initiative in organizing a search party to look for the girl; A move to start peace talks is sometimes called a peace initiative.
2 the ability to lead or make decisions for oneself: He is quite good at his job, but lacks initiative; My son actually went to the hairdresser’s on his own initiative!
ابتکار؛ اقتدار
initial margin (ursprünglicher Einschuss bei Futures)
Ersteinschuss m
initial margin (ursprünglicher Einschuss bei Futures)
Originaleinschuss m
initial margin (ursprünglicher Einschuss bei Futures)
Initial-Marge f
initial margin (ursprünglicher Einschuss bei Futures)
Initial Margin f
/i nish´ǝl/
adj., n., vt.
● آغازین،نخستین،اولین،اولیه،مقدماتی
the initial letter of your name
نخستین حرف نام شما
the initial stage of a disease
مرحلهی آغازین بیماری
what was his initial reaction?
واکنش نخستین او چه بود؟
● حرف اول اسم
he had carved his initials on the tree
او حروف اول نام خود را بر درخت کنده بود.
● (چاپ) حرف بزرگ (به ویژه در اول هر پاراگراف)
● (زیستشناسی) سرآغازی،سرآغازه،یاختهی بخشینهای
● پاراف کردن،حروف اول نام خود را نوشتن
to initial the minutes of a meeting
صورتجلسه را پاراف کردن
* initial conditions
adjective - initial
نخستین: initial, primary, prime, premier, premiere, incipient
ابتدایی: elementary, primary, initial, preliminary, rudimentary, abecedarian
اول: prime, initial
اولین: initial, initiatory, headmost
بدوی: primitive, initial, incipient, rudimentary, seminal, germinal
اغازی: initial, initiative
واقع در اغاز: initial
اصلی: main, original, principal, basic, primary, initial
noun - initial
اولین قسمت: initial
verb - initial
در اغاز قرار دادن: initial
پاراف کردن: initial, paraph, sign
اغاز کردن: inchoate, begin, commence, inaugurate, incept, initial
initial concentration CHEM
Anfangskonzentration f
initial resistance PHYS
Anfangswiderstand m
initial voltage ELEK
Anfangsspannung f
initial yields
anfängliche Gewinne
initial reports say that …
ersten Meldungen zufolge …
initial results indicate that …
die ersten Hochrechnungen deuten darauf hin, dass …
an initial letter
ein erster Brief
first [or initial] stage
Anfangsphase f
to sort out initial difficulties
Anfangsschwierigkeiten beheben
in the initial phases [or stages]
in der Anfangsphase
my initial surprise was soon replaced by delight
meine anfängliche Überraschung wandelte sich schnell in Freude
what does the initial, X, in your name stand for?
wofür steht das X in deinem Namen?
scheme [skiːm]
♦ noun
1 a plan or arrangement; a way of doing something: a colour scheme for the room; There are various schemes for improving the roads.
2 a (usually secret) dishonest plan: His schemes to steal the money were discovered.
♦ verb
to make (especially dishonest) schemes: He was punished for scheming against the President; They have all been scheming for my dismissal.
توطئه كردن
♦ noun
He’s a dangerous schemer.
توطئه گر
♦ adjective
having or making (usually secret) dishonest plans: a scheming woman.
harebrained scheme
verrückter Plan
pension scheme
Altersversorgung f
colour scheme
Farb[en]zusammenstellung f
madcap scheme
aberwitziger Plan
to rumble a scheme
einen Plan durchschauen
a wild plan [or scheme]
ein unausgegorener Plan
executive share option scheme
Optionen, die leitenden Angestellten auf Aktien ihrer Unternehmungen eingeräumt werden
sale and repurchase scheme FIN
Wertpapierpensionsgeschäft nt
company retirement scheme
betriebliche Altersvorsorge
non-contributory pension scheme
beitragsfreie Altersversorgung
scheme of arrangement
Vergleichsvorschlag m
staff pension scheme
betriebliche Rente
old-age pension scheme
Altersversorgung f
electronic money scheme
E-Geld-System nt
a hare-brained scheme
ein verrückter Plan
company pension scheme
betriebliche Altersversorgung
road scheme appraisal MODELL, BEURTEIL
Bewertung eines Strassenbauprojekts
road scheme evaluation
occupational pension scheme WIRTSCH
Betriebsaltersversorgung f
n., vt., vi.
● تدبیر،تمهید،طرح،برنامه،نقشهی عمل
a new scheme for rural electrification
طرحی تازه برای برق رسانی به روستاها
a government scheme for fighting illiteracy
تدبیر دولت برای پیکار با بیسوادی
a health insurance scheme
برنامهی بیمهی سلامتی
● دوز و کلک،کلک،حقه،ترفند،حیله،حقه،تبانی،سوسه،دسیسه
a scheme to get control of the government
ترفندی برای اعمال نفوذ در دستگاه دولت
another scheme to cheat old farmers
یک حقهی دیگر برای گول زدن کشاورزان سالخورده
● آرایش،نظام،ترتیب
a color scheme
آرایش رنگها
the scheme of things in the material world
نظام چیزها در جهان مادی
● نمودار،نمایه،دیسنما،ترسیمه،جدول،طرحواره
● جدول ستاره خوانی،نمودار قرارگیری ستارگان
● تدبیر کردن،تمهید کردن،طرح کردن
● کلک زدن،تبانی کردن،حقه زدن،توطئه چیدن،سوسه آمدن،دسیسه کردن،نقشه چیدن
his enemies were scheming his expulsion
دشمنانش برای اخراج او نقشه میچیدند.
a scheming man
مرد حقهباز
they schemed against me
بر ضد من سوسه آمدند.
noun - scheme
طرح: plan, design, layout, project, scheme, plot
برنامه: program, plan, schedule, scheme, code, syllabus
رویه: procedure, surface, scheme, tack, method, cover
نقشه: map, plan, plot, scheme, plat, chart
طرح کلی: outline, scheme
ترتیب: order, arrangement, sequence, ordering, serialization, scheme
تدبیر: measure, plan, contraption, gimmick, contrivance, scheme
تمهید: scheming, arrangement, preparation, scheme, intrigue, contrivance
verb - scheme
طرح کردن: design, plan, bring forth, draft, draw, scheme
نقشه طرح کردن: scheme
توطئه چیدن: collude, collogue, intrigue, plot, scheme
And so ultimately when you combine that amount of red, that amount of green,
that amount of blue, it turns out it’s going to resemble the shade of yellow.
nglish to Persian for English Learners
US UK AU resemble [rəˈzembl]
♦ verb
to be like or look like: He doesn’t resemble either of his parents.
همانند بودن؛ شباهت داشتن
♦ noun
I can see some resemblance(s) between him and his father.
/ri zem´bǝl/
● مانستن،همانند بودن (با)،شباهت داشتن،همدیس بودن
she resembles her father
به پدرش رفته است (میماند).
the two brothers resemble each other
دو برادر با هم شباهت دارند.
● (قدیمی) تشبیه کردن،مقایسه کردن
verb - resemble
شباهت داشتن: resemble
مانستن: look like, be like, be similar to, resemble
تشبیه کردن: analogize, resemble, simulate
مانند بودن: resemble, simulate
همانند کردن یا بودن: resemble
ger: komponieren
Things get pixelated because what you’re seeing
is each of the individual dots that compose this particular image.
US UK AU compose [kəmˈpəuz]
♦ verb
1 to form by putting parts together: A word is composed of several letters.
ترکیب کردن
2 to write (eg music, poetry etc ): Mozart began to compose when he was six years old.
3 to control (oneself) after being upset.
آرام کردن
♦ adjective
(of people) quiet and calm: She looked quite composed.
آرام؛ خوددار
♦ noun
a writer, especially of a piece of music.
composition [kompəˈziʃən]
♦ noun
1 something composed, eg music: his latest composition.
ترکیب؛ آهنگ
2 the act of composing: the difficulties of composition.
ساخت؛ تنظیم
3 an essay written as a school exercise: The children had to write a composition about their holiday.
4 the parts of which a thing is made: Have you studied the composition of the chemical?
اجزای تشکیل دهنده
comˈposure [-ʒə]
♦ noun
calmness: I admired her composure.
خوشتن داری؛ آرامی
to compose a letter
einen Brief aufsetzen
to compose one’s thoughts
seine Gedanken ordnen [o. sammeln]
to compose differences form
Differenzen beilegen
to compose a play/poem
ein Theaterstück/Gedicht verfassen
she tried hard to compose her features into a smile
sie versuchte angestrengt, sich zu einem Lächeln zu zwingen
verb - compose
سرودن: compose, sing
ساختن: build, make, create, construct, manufacture, compose
درست کردن: fix, make, right, devise, trim, compose
تصنیف کردن: compose, indite, make
/kǝm pōz´/
vt., vi.
● ترکیب کردن،همنهشتن،همنهش کردن،هم نهشته کردن یا شدن،تشکیل دادن،تنظیم کردن،انشا کردن،سرودن،گفتن،نگاشتن
this mortar is composed of lime, sand, and water
این ملات از آهک و شن و آب ترکیب شده است.
he composed this poem in one day
او این شعر را یک روزه نگاشت (سرود).
● (موسیقی) ساختن،تصنیف کردن،سراییدن
the tunes which he composed
آهنگهایی که او تصنیف کرد
● تلفیق کردن،اصلاح و تعدیل کردن،(در مورد ارقام و غیره) آشتی دادن،حل و فصل کردن
to compose account differences
اختلاف حسابها را برطرف کردن
● (خود را) آرام کردن،جمع و جور کردن
don’t cry! compose yourself
گریه نکن! خودت را جمع و جور کن!
● (چاپ) حروف چینی کردن،(با کامپیوتر یا عکسبرداری و غیره) چاپ کردن
* be composed of
متشکل بودن از
apparent, apparently
And apparently each of these individual dots
are probably using 24 bits, eight bits for red, eight bits for green, eight
bits for blue, in some pattern.
apparent [əˈpӕrənt]
♦ adjective
1 easy to see; evident: It is quite apparent to all of us that you haven’t done your work properly.
2 seeming but perhaps not real: his apparent unwillingness.
ظاهری؛ صوری
♦ adverb
it seems that; I hear that: Apparently he is not feeling well.
ظاهراً؛ از قرار معلوم
/ǝ per´ǝnt/
● آشکار،پیدا،هویدا،معلوم
his sorrow was apparent in everything he did
غم او از رفتارش پیدا بود.
it is apparent that you are not in favor of my proposal
معلوم است که با پیشنهاد من موافق نیستید.
for no apparent reason
بدون دلیل آشکار
● مبرهن،به آسانی قابل درک یا رویت،نمایان،واضح
● ظاهری،صوری،وانمودین
his apparent lack of a sense of responsibility
فقدان ظاهری حس مسئولیت در او
the answer to this question is apparent
جواب این سوال واضح است.
* apparently, adv.
ظاهرا،آشکارا،گویا،از قرار معلوم
apparently he is ill
ظاهرا مریض است.
Hossein is apparently planning to go on a trip
حسین ظاهرا قصد سفر دارد.
apparent contradiction
scheinbarer Widerspruch
apparent innocence
scheinbare Unschuld
apparent temperature
gefühlte Temperatur
for no apparent reason
aus keinem ersichtlichen Grund
heir apparent to the throne
rechtmäßiger Thronfolger/rechtmäßige Thronfolgerin a. übtr
the full meaning of his enquiry only became apparent later
was seine Nachforschungen wirklich erbrachten, wurde erst später in seiner ganzen Tragweite sichtbar
adjective - apparent
ظاهر: apparent, outward, external, exterior, outside, manifest
معلوم: clear, given, apparent, certain, active, definite
مسلم: certain, sure, incontrovertible, definite, apparent, undoubted
اشکار: clear, manifest, obvious, plain, apparent, flagrant
پیدا: visible, evident, phenomenal, apparent, clear, transparent
واری مسلم: apparent
apparent, apparently
And apparently each of these individual dots
are probably using 24 bits, eight bits for red, eight bits for green, eight
bits for blue, in some pattern.
apparent [əˈpӕrənt]
♦ adjective
1 easy to see; evident: It is quite apparent to all of us that you haven’t done your work properly.
2 seeming but perhaps not real: his apparent unwillingness.
ظاهری؛ صوری
♦ adverb
it seems that; I hear that: Apparently he is not feeling well.
ظاهراً؛ از قرار معلوم
/ǝ per´ǝnt/
● آشکار،پیدا،هویدا،معلوم
his sorrow was apparent in everything he did
غم او از رفتارش پیدا بود.
it is apparent that you are not in favor of my proposal
معلوم است که با پیشنهاد من موافق نیستید.
for no apparent reason
بدون دلیل آشکار
● مبرهن،به آسانی قابل درک یا رویت،نمایان،واضح
● ظاهری،صوری،وانمودین
his apparent lack of a sense of responsibility
فقدان ظاهری حس مسئولیت در او
the answer to this question is apparent
جواب این سوال واضح است.
* apparently, adv.
ظاهرا،آشکارا،گویا،از قرار معلوم
apparently he is ill
ظاهرا مریض است.
Hossein is apparently planning to go on a trip
حسین ظاهرا قصد سفر دارد.
apparent contradiction
scheinbarer Widerspruch
apparent innocence
scheinbare Unschuld
apparent temperature
gefühlte Temperatur
for no apparent reason
aus keinem ersichtlichen Grund
heir apparent to the throne
rechtmäßiger Thronfolger/rechtmäßige Thronfolgerin a. übtr
the full meaning of his enquiry only became apparent later
was seine Nachforschungen wirklich erbrachten, wurde erst später in seiner ganzen Tragweite sichtbar
adjective - apparent
ظاهر: apparent, outward, external, exterior, outside, manifest
معلوم: clear, given, apparent, certain, active, definite
مسلم: certain, sure, incontrovertible, definite, apparent, undoubted
اشکار: clear, manifest, obvious, plain, apparent, flagrant
پیدا: visible, evident, phenomenal, apparent, clear, transparent
واری مسلم: apparent
So if you look sort of awkwardly, but up close to your phone or your laptop
or maybe your TV, you can see exactly this, too.
awkward [ˈoːkwəd]
♦ adjective
1 not graceful or elegant: an awkward movement.
بدقواره؛ ناجور
2 difficult or causing difficulty, embarrassment etc : an awkward question; an awkward silence; His cut is in an awkward place.
خجول و کمرو؛ ناجور
♦ adverb
بطور زشت؛ ناشیانه
♦ noun
زشتی؛ ناراحتی
awkward silence
betretenes Schweigen
awkward question
peinliche Frage
the awkward squad ugs abw
Querulantenriege f
an awkward customer
ein seltsamer Typ
to feel awkward
sich Akk unbehaglich fühlen
an awkward time
unpassende [o. ungünstige] Zeit
in a very awkward posture
in einer sehr merkwürdigen Haltung [o. Stellung]
to iron out an awkward matter
eine unangenehme Sache ausbügeln [o. bereinigen]
I feel quite awkward about that
das ist mir ziemlich unangenehm
to make things awkward for sb
es jdm schwermachen
to be at an awkward age
in einem schwierigen Alter sein
to put sb in an awkward position
jdn in eine unangenehme Lage bringen
he’s got a very awkward bowling action
er verfügt über einen eigenartigen Wurfstil
tomorrow morning is a bit awkward for me
morgen früh passt es mir nicht so gut
● (در مورد حرکات و قیافه و هیکل) دست و پا چلفتی،چلفت،بیقواره،بدقواره،فرخج
he walks awkwardly
راه رفتنش بدقواره است.
● ناجور،حجب آفرین،خجول و کمرو،خجل کننده
an awkward joke
شوخی نامناسب و خجل کننده
awkward behavior
رفتار شرمنده کننده
● بدساخت،سخت کاربرد،اسبابی که به کاربردنش سخت و ناراحت کننده باشد
an awkward lawnmower
چمن زن بد قلق
● ناراحت کننده،ناخوشایند
I found myself in an awkward position
خود را در موقعیت ناراحت کنندهای یافتم.
my situation between the two mutually hostile brothers was very awkward
وضعیت من در میان آن دو برادری که به هم خصومت میورزیدند بسیار حساس و مشکل بود.
● (مهجور) غیرطبیعی،منحرف،عجیب و غریب
adjective - awkward
بی دست و پا: awkward, shiftless, maladroit
زشت: ugly, hideous, bad, obscene, bawdy, awkward
ناشی: emergent, awkward, amateurish, ill, dilettante, gauche
غیر استادانه: awkward
بی لطافت: awkward, arid, jejune
خامکار: awkward, unskilful
سرهم بند: tinkering, awkward, bad, careless
غیر ماهر: unhandy, awkward
To summarize, what video really adds is just some notion of time.
none summary
verb - summarize
خلاصه کردن: sum up, summarize, brief, abridge, make an abstract, epitomize
خلاصه ساختن: summarize
بطور مختصر بیان کردن: summarize
to summarize sth
etw [kurz] zusammenfassen
to summarize sb
jdn [mit wenigen Worten] charakterisieren
/sum´ǝ rīz´/
● خلاصه کردن،کوتهوار کردن،تلخیص کردن،ملخص کردن
a summarized story
داستان تلخیص شده
● خلاصهی چیزی بودن
summary [ˈsaməri]– plural ˈsummaries –
♦ noun
a shortened form of a statement, story etc giving only the main points: A summary of his speech was printed in the newspaper.
a short, clear description that gives the main facts or ideas about something:
At the end of the news, they often give you a summary of the main stories.
In summary, they decided against the proposal.
More examples
I only asked for a summary of the main points but she’s making a real meal out of it.
He gave us a short summary of the meeting.
Our teacher asked us to write a summary of the story.
In summary, the whole affair was a fiasco.
This document gives a summary of the relevant items of law.
To summarize, what video really adds is just some notion of time.
noun [ C ]
US /ˈnoʊ·ʃən/
a belief or idea:
Nast helped form the American notion of Santa Claus.
notion [ˈnəuʃən]
♦ noun
1 understanding: I’ve no notion what he’s talking about.
2 an uncertain belief; an idea: He has some very odd notions.
3 a desire for something or to do something: He had a sudden notion to visit his aunt.
misconceived notion
falsche Vorstellung
a preconceived idea [or notion]
eine vorgefasste Meinung
to not have the foggiest [idea [or notion]] ugs
keine blasse [o. nicht die leiseste] Ahnung haben
to [not] buy into the notion that …
[nicht] die Ansicht teilen, dass …
to have [or take] a notion to do sth dated
ein Bedürfnis verspüren, etw zu tun
have you any notion how much the car costs?
hast du irgendeine Vorstellung davon, was das Auto kostet?
I haven’t the faintest notion [of] what you’re talking about
ich habe nicht die leiseste Ahnung, wovon du redest
I have a faint idea [or notion] that I’ve heard that name before
ich meine, [mich daran erinnern zu können], den Namen schon einmal gehört zu haben
● تصویر مغزی،عقیدهی کلی،تصور،انگاشت،پندار
I have no adequate notion of what the fifth dimension means
من تصور کافی دربارهی مفهوم بعد پنجم ندارم.
● اندیشهی مبهم،خیال،وهم،هوس
she had the sudden notion to invite all her relatives
ناگهان هوس کرد که همهی خویشاوندان خود را دعوت کند.
she took the notion of swimming in that stormy sea
او به سرش زد که در آن دریای طوفانی شنا کند.
● عقیده،نظر،باور،اعتقاد،برداشت
the old notion that the sun rotates around the earth
آن عقیدهی قدیمی مبنی براینکه خورشید دور زمین میگردد
● منظور،نقشه،چشمدید،مقصود،قصد،نیت
● (جمع) وسایل کوچک و مفید زندگی (که در فروشگاهها به فروش میرسد - مانند سوزن و نخ) خرت و پرت
noun - notion
مفهوم: concept, sense, notion, meaning, implication, significance
تصور: imagination, idea, conception, notion, image, vision
نظریه: theory, opinion, notion, view, viewpoint, outlook
اندیشه: thought, idea, notion, reflection, opinion, mentality
عقیده: opinion, belief, view, notion, thought, say
پندار: opinion, notion, thought, supposition
فکر: thought, idea, opinion, notion, concept, intention
ادراک: perception, understanding, savvy, conception, cognition, notion
خیال: imagination, phantom, illusion, thought, fiction, notion
خاطره: memory, recollection, reminiscence, memoir, impression, notion
خاطر: mind, memory, thought, remembrance, recollection, notion
it’s presumably some kind of sequence because time is passing.
adverb - presumably
احتمالا: likely, presumably, maybe, haply, belike
presumably, they’re on their way here
ich nehme mal an, dass sie auf dem Weg hierher sind
[prɪ’zuːməblɪ /-‘zju-]
seemingly, supposedly; apparently; assumedly, through reasonable assumption
ger: synthetisieren
verb - synthesize
ترکیب کردن: combine, incorporate, synthesize, merge, agglutinate, compound
امیختن: mingle, mix, brew, incorporate, admix, synthesize
ترکیب شدن: polymerize, synthesize
هم گذاری کردن: synthesize
to synthesize sth
etw künstlich herstellen [o. fachspr synthetisieren]
verb - synthesize
ترکیب کردن: combine, incorporate, synthesize, merge, agglutinate, compound
امیختن: mingle, mix, brew, incorporate, admix, synthesize
ترکیب شدن: polymerize, synthesize
هم گذاری کردن: synthesize
English Dictionary
verb synthesize (Amer.)
[‘syn·the·size || ‘sɪnθəsaɪz]
combine separate elements into a single unit; create a compound by combining simpler components; produce a material or substance by biological or chemical synthesis (also synthesise)
ger: initiative
US UK AU [iˈniSH(ē)ətiv]
noun - initiative
ابتکار: initiative, invention, originality, imagination, improvisation, contraption
قریحه: initiative
adjective - initiative
پیشقدمی: initiative
اغازی: initial, initiative
/i nish´ǝ tiv, -ē ǝ tiv/
adj., n.
● آغازگرانه،پیشقدمانه،مقدماتی،اولیه
● آغازگری،پیشقدمی،پیشگامی،ابتکار،تازهآوری،نوآوری
a new Russian initative must now be anticipated
اکنون باید در انتظار پیشگامی جدید روسها بود.
through his initiative the project was put into effect
طرح به ابتکار او به اجرا درآمد.
● حق بردن لایحه به پارلمان
to lose the initiative
die Handlungsfähigkeit einbüßen
to use one’s initiative
eigenständig handeln
to show initiative
Eigeninitiative zeigen
private initiative/life
Privatinitiative f /-leben nt
to take the peace initiative
Friedensverhandlungen aufnehmen
to take the initiative [in sth]
[in etw Dat ] die Initiative ergreifen
to have the initiative in sth
in etw Dat die Oberhand haben
initiative is wanting in this situation
in dieser Situation fehlt es an Initiative
to respond to a peace initiative
auf eine Friedensinitiative reagieren
the initiative has across-the-board support
die Initiative findet breite Unterstützung
to seize the initiative/an opportunity
die Initiative/eine Gelegenheit ergreifen
to show courage/initiative/common sense
Mut/Unternehmungsgeist/gesunden Menschenverstand beweisen
she’s always been one to take [or who takes] initiative
es war schon immer ihre Art, die Initiative zu ergreifen
Joe has been chosen to spearhead our new marketing initiative
Joe wurde als Leiter unserer neuen Marketinginitiative gewählt
this initiative will bring new recruits into the fire service
diese Initiative wird der Feuerwehr neue Leute bringen
there is a serious wantage of initiative in industry at the moment
zurzeit mangelt es [in] der Industrie an Initiativeadjective
[in·i·ti·a·tive || ɪ’nɪʃɪətɪv]
beginning, introductory, initial
[in·i·ti·a·tive || ɪ’nɪʃɪətɪv]
enterprise, drive, ambition; beginning move in a process, first step
Ger: antizipieren
anticipate [ӕnˈtisəpeit]
♦ verb
1 to expect (something): I’m not anticipating any trouble.
انتظار داشتن
2 to see what is going to be wanted, required etc in the future and do what is necessary: A businessman must try to anticipate what his customers will want.
پیش بینی کردن
♦ noun
I’m looking forward to the concert with anticipation (= expectancy, excitement).
انتظار؛ چشم به راهی
/an tis´ǝ pāt´/
vi., vt.
● پیش بینی کردن،انتظار داشتن
I anticipate a pleasant trip
سفر خوشی را پیش بینی میکنم.
anticipating her request, I prepared the tea in advance
خواستهی او را پیش بینی نموده و چای را از پیش آماده کردم.
● (موعد چیزی را) پیش انداختن،تسریع کردن
● پیشگیری کردن،پیشدستی کردن
to anticipate an opponent’s blows
ضربههای حریف را پیشگیری کردن
● تقدم داشتن بر،جلو بودن
did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?
آیا وایکینگها در کشف امریکا بر (کریستوف) کلمب تقدم داشتند؟
● (قبل از موعد) مورد استفاده قرار دادن،پیش خور کردن
they tried to anticipate the legacy
آنها کوشیدند ارث را پیشخور کنند.
● (قبل از موعد) پرداختن،(پیش از وقت دربارهی چیزی) حرف زدن یا اقدام کردن
● پیشگرایی،چشمداشت،پیش نگرش
to anticipate one’s inheritance
sein Erbe im Voraus verbrauchen
to anticipate the outcome of sth
das Ergebnis eines S. (gen) vorwegnehmen
verb - anticipate
پیش بینی کردن: foretaste, dope, anticipate, prognosticate, augur, foresee
پیشدستی کردن: outsmart, anticipate
سبقت جستن: take the lead, anticipate, outguess, forestall, get the better of, get the start
انتظار داشتن: expect, envisage, hold forth, anticipate, attend, await
جلوانداختن: antedate, anticipate, forward
پیش گرفتن بر: anticipate
سبقت جستن بر: anticipate
English Dictionary
expected, foreseen, predicted, envisioned
[an·tic·i·pate || æn’tɪsɪpeɪt]
expect, predict; precede; hurry and come before
ger: schätzen, unterschätzen, überschätzen
estimate [ˈestimeit]
♦ verb
1 to judge size, amount, value etc , especially roughly or without measuring: He estimated that the journey would take two hours.
برآورد کردن؛ تخمین زدن
2 to form an idea or judgement of how good etc something is: I estimated my chances of escape as very good.
ارزیابی کردن؛ نظر دادن
a calculation (eg of the probable cost etc of something): He gave us an estimate of the cost of repairing the stonework; a rough estimate.
برآورد هزینه
♦ noun
judgement; opinion: In my estimation, he is the more gifted artist of the two.
ارزیابی؛ نظر
/es´tǝ māt´, -mit/
n., vt., vi.
● برآورد،تخمین،حدس
a rough estimate of the number of the killed
برآورد غیر دقیق تعداد کشته شدگان
according to my estimate
طبق برآورد من
● برآورد هزینه
the contractor submitted his estimate
کنتراتچی برآورد مخارج را فرستاد.
● داوری،برداشت،ارزیابی،اظهارنظر
what is your estimate of his qualifications?
نظر شما دربارهی صلاحیت او چیست؟
● داوری کردن،اظهار نظر کردن،ارزیابی کردن
how would you estimate his chances for success?
احتمال موفقیت او را چگونه ارزیابی می کنید؟
● برآورد کردن،تخمین زدن،حدس زدن،برانداز کردن
their loss is estimated at 30 million dollars
خسارت آنها سی میلیون دلار برآورد شده است.
the estimated number of the guests
تعداد تخمینی مهمانان
preliminary estimate
Kostenvoranschlag m
ballpark estimate
ungefähre Schätzung
conservative estimate
vorsichtige Einschätzung
safe estimate
vorsichtige Schätzung
at a rough estimate
grob geschätzt
estimate of expenditure
Voranschlag m der Ausgaben
short-range estimate
kurzfristige Prognose
rough calculation/estimate
grobe [o. ungefähre] Kalkulation/Schätzung
rough [or Am ballpark] estimate
grobe Schätzung
to reckon up ⇆ an estimate
einen Kostenvoranschlag [o. CH a. eine Offerte] erstellen
estimate of the market value
Verkehrswertschätzung f
her estimate was spot-on
sie lag mit ihrer Schätzung genau richtig [o. ugs goldrichtig]
their estimate of the likely cost was pretty wild
sie hatten wilde Vorstellungen von den voraussichtlichen Kosten
government sources estimate a long-term increase in rail fares
Regierungskreise rechnen langfristig mit einem Anstieg der Bahnpreise
noun - estimate
تخمین: estimate, estimation, approximation, assessment, guess, conjecture
ارزیابی: evaluation, assessment, appraisal, valuation, estimate, appraisement
براورد: estimate, estimation, survey, assessment, calculation
دیدزنی: estimate
اعتبار: credit, validity, reliability, credibility, reputation, estimate
تقویم: calendar, appraisal, assessment, valuation, estimate
قیمت: price, value, worth, bourse, estimate
verb - estimate
تخمین زدن: estimate, appraise, compute, guesstimate, account, foreshow
سنجیدن: measure, evaluate, figure out, weigh, compare, estimate
بر اورد کردن: assess, calculate, estimate, rate, size
the final part of something:
Be careful not to introduce new ideas in the conclusion of your essay.
In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker.
The conclusion of your essay is good, but the final sentence is too long and complicated.
If we carry this argument to its logical conclusion, we realize that further investment is not a good idea.
The result of the election seems to be a foregone conclusion.
The film has a boringly predictable conclusion.
By this time they had disagreed so fiercely that there was no hope of an amicable conclusion.
noun - conclusion
استنتاج: inference, conclusion, deduction, derivation, induction, fruition
نتیجه: result, outcome, consequence, conclusion, effect, sequel
پایان: end, finish, ending, terminal, conclusion, termination
انعقاد: coagulation, conclusion, coalescence, ratification, gelation, ligation
خاتمه: end, conclusion, termination, finish, ending, close
فرجام: end, conclusion, ending, finish
ختم: end, termination, finish, conclusion, sealing, finis
اتمام: completion, end, conclusion, accomplishment, finalization
اختتام: conclusion
انجام: performance, implementation, implement, fulfillment, accomplishment, conclusion
سرانجام: end, conclusion, upshot, issue
ختام: end, conclusion
فروداشت: conclusion
عاقبت: sequel, end, outcome, consequence, finale, conclusion
Ger: geeignet/ anständig
appropriate [əˈprəupriət]
♦ adjective
suitable; proper: Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion; Complain to the appropriate authority.
شایسته؛ مناسب
♦ noun
شایستگی؛ مناسبت
♦ adverb
suitably: appropriately dressed for the occasion.
بطور شایسته
please delete as appropriate
Nichtzutreffendes bitte streichen
appropriate to the occasion
dem Anlass entsprechend
to appropriate funds
einen Fonds zuteilen
it’s difficult to find the appropriate words
es ist schwierig, die richtigen Worte zu finden
to feel it appropriate/necessary/right to do sth
es für angebracht/notwendig/richtig halten, etw zu tun
please complete the appropriate part of this form
bitte füllen Sie den zutreffenden Teil des Formulars aus
it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to comment
es steht mir nicht zu, das zu kommentieren
vt., adj.
● به خود اختصاص دادن،برای خود برداشتن
● (بدون اجازه) برداشتن،تصاحب کردن،بالا کشیدن (اموال)،به جیب زدن
during their absence, he appropriated their share of the money
او در غیاب آنها سهم پول آنها را خورد.
● تخصیص دادن،اختصاص دادن
more money was appropriated for building schools
پول بیشتری برای ساختن مدرسه اختصاص داده شد.
not enough money has been appropriated for the construction of the new airport
پول کافی برای ساختن فرودگاه جدید کنار گذاشته نشده است.
● شایسته،درخور،مناسب،پسندیده،بجا،جایز
this suit is not appropriate for tonight’s party
این لباس برای مهمانی امشب مناسب نیست.
an English class appropriate for children
کلاس انگلیسی مناسب برای کودکان
they thanked him appropriately
به طور شایستهای از او سپاسگزاری کردند.
this joke is not appropriate in front of ladies
این شوخی جلوی خانمها جایز نیست.
adjective - appropriate
مناسب: suitable, appropriate, proper, convenient, adequate, fit
مقتضی: appropriate, due, expedient, suitable, advisable, just
در خور: appropriate, befitting, fit, meet, tailored, opportune
باب: a la mode, appropriate
verb - appropriate
اختصاص دادن: assign, allocate, devote, appropriate, earmark, dedicate
برای خود برداشتن: appropriate
منظورکردن: appropriate
♦ verb
1 to give (a person) enough of what is wanted or needed to take away hunger, curiosity etc : The apple didn’t satisfy my hunger; I told him enough to satisfy his curiosity.
خرسند كردن
2 to please: She is very difficult to satisfy.
راضي كردن
ˌsatisˈfaction [-ˈfӕkʃən]
♦ noun
1 the act of satisfying or state of being satisfied: the satisfaction of desires.
2 pleasure or contentment: Your success gives me great satisfaction.
ˌsatisˈfactory [-ˈfӕktəri]
♦ adjective
(negative unsatisfactory ) giving satisfaction; good enough to satisfy: Your work is not satisfactory; The condition of the sick man is satisfactory.
رضايت بخش
ˌsatisˈfactorily [-ˈfӕktə-]
♦ adverb
به طرزي رضايت بخش
♦ adjective
(sometimes with with ) pleased: I’m satisfied with his progress; a satisfied customer.
رضايت آميز
♦ adjective
pleasing: The story had a satisfying ending.
راضي كننده
/sat´is fī´/
vt., vi.
● راضی کردن،خشنود کردن،خرسند کردن
I am satisfied with your work
از کار شما راضی هستم.
nothing satisfied this student and he was always complaining
هیچ چیز این شاگرد را راضی نمیکرد و همیشه شکایت داشت.
she tried to satisfy the child by giving him a candy
کوشید با دادن یک آب نبات کودک را خشنود کند.
● (شرایط یا الزامات چیزی را) برآوردن،رفع کردن،ارضا کردن
to satisfy one’s natural urges
خواستهی طبیعی خود را ارضا کردن
to get a diploma, you have to satisfy all of these course requirements
برای گرفتن پایاننامه باید تمام درسهای لازم را بگذرانی.
to satisfy somebody’s curiosity
حس کنجکاوی کسی را فرونشاندن
● (قوانین و مقررات و تعمدات وغیره) تن دردادن،پیروی کردن،اجرا کردن
she has completely satisfied our graduation requirements
او تمام اقدامات برای فارغالتحصیل شدن ما را انجام داده است.
● از شک (یا واهمه یا وحشت و غیره) درآوردن،گرهگشایی کردن،برطرف کردن،ادا کردن
to satisfy any doubts, he went to them unarmed
برای برطرف کردن هر گونه شک و تردید،او بدون اسلحه نزد آنها رفت.
if a consignment does not satisfy all the conditions agreed upon, it will be sent back
اگر محموله طبق همهی شرایط مورد توافق نباشد پس فرستاده خواهد شد.
our factory is able to satisfy the country’s need for bicycles
کارخانهی ما میتواند نیاز کشور به دوچرخه را پاسخگو باشد.
● (وام و منت و غیره) پس دادن،جبران کردن،تلافی کردن،بازپرداخت کردن،پاداش دادن
this property is not enough to satisfy his loans
این ملک برای بازپرداخت وامهای او کافی نیست.
he had to sell his land to satisfy his creditors
مجبور شد برای راضی کردن طلبکاران زمین خود را بفروشد.
he has no expectation of being satisfied for the work he does at the orphanage
او انتظار ندارد که در برابر کاری که در یتیمخانه میکند پاداش دریافت کند.
● غرامت دادن،تاوان دادن
a treaty to satisfy Indians who had been deprived of their lands
قراردادی برای دادن غرامت به سرخپوستانی که از زمینهای خود محروم شده بودند
● بسنده بودن،کافی بودن،رضایتبخش بودن،خشنودگر بودن
this amount will satisfy our needs for now
این مقدار فعلا برای رفع نیازهای ما کافی خواهد بود.
● قانع کردن،مجاب کردن،پذیراندن،قبولاندن
my reasons for the delay did not satisfy him
دلایل من دربارهی تاخیر او را قانع نکرد.
to satisfy the police that one is innocent
بیگناهی خود را به پلیس قبولاندن
* satisfy the examiners
(انگلیس) در امتحان قبول شدن
verb - satisfy
خوشنود کردن: gladden, satisfy
خشنود ساختن: please, satisfy, gladden
اقناع شدن: satisfy
خرسند کردن: content, gladden, satisfy
راضی کردن: satisfy, sate, assure, content
خشنود کردن: satisfy
قانع کردن: convince, satisfy, comply, content
to satisfy sb’s curiosity
jds Neugier[de] befriedigen
to satisfy one’s desire
seine Begierde befriedigen
to satisfy a debt
eine Schuld begleichen
to satisfy one’s lust
seine Lust befriedigen
to satisfy a loan
einen Kredit tilgen
to satisfy the examiners Brit SCHULE, UNIV form
eine Prüfung bestehen
to satisfy a demand WIRTSCH
eine Nachfrage befriedigen
to satisfy one’s creditors
seine Gläubiger/Gläubigerinnen befriedigen
to satisfy requirements
Anforderungen genügen
to identify/satisfy a need
ein Bedürfnis erkennen/befriedigen
to satisfy a need/passion/an urge
ein Bedürfnis/eine Leidenschaft/ein Verlangen befriedigen
to satisfy a condition/criteria/a demand/requirements
eine Bedingung/Kriterien/eine Forderung/Anforderungen erfüllen
they are trying to satisfy all shades of public opinion
man versucht, allen Spielarten der öffentlichen Meinung gerecht zu werden
So granted that particular video is an actual video of a paper-based animation, but indeed, that’s really all you need,
grant [graːnt]
♦ verb
1 to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.
اهدا کردن؛ برآوردن
2 to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.
تصدیق کردن
♦ noun
money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.
ˈgranted, *ˈgranting
(even) if; assuming: Granted that you are right, we will have to move fast.
فرض کنیم که
take for granted
1 to assume without checking: I took it for granted that you had heard the story.
فرض کردن
2 to treat casually: People take electricity for granted until their supply is cut off.
قدر چیزی را ندانستن
grant [graːnt]
♦ verb
1 to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.
اهدا کردن؛ برآوردن
2 to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.
تصدیق کردن
♦ noun
money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.
ˈgranted, *ˈgranting
(even) if; assuming: Granted that you are right, we will have to move fast.
فرض کنیم که
take for granted
1 to assume without checking: I took it for granted that you had heard the story.
فرض کردن
2 to treat casually: People take electricity for granted until their supply is cut off.
قدر چیزی را ندانستن
government grant
staatliche Beihilfe
[government] grant
≈ Bafög nt BRD
student grant
Stipendium nt
overseas grant
Entwicklungshilfe f
maternity grant Brit
Mutterschaftsgeld nt
federal grant
Bundesbeihilfe f
research grant
Forschungsstipendium nt
to grant a divorce
in eine Scheidung einwilligen
research and development grant (for institutes, scientists)
A a. Subvention f
grant from local government
Zuschüsse mpl der Stadt
to grant compassionate leave
Sonderurlaub bewilligen
to grant sb probate
jdm einen Erbschein ausstellen
to grant bail
die Freilassung gegen Kaution gewähren
local authority grant
kommunaler Zuschuss
/grant, gränt/
vt., n.
● اهدا کردن،عطاکردن،اعطاکردن،دادن،بخشیدن به،برآوردن،واگذار کردن،هبه کردن،مستجاب کردن
he was granted a week’s leave of absence
به او یک هفته مرخصی دادند.
her wish was granted
آرزویش برآورده شد.
to grant a friend his wish
خواهش یک دوست را اجابت کردن
to grant a loan to an applicant
به درخواست کننده وام دادن
the granting of diplomas
اعطای دانشنامهها
● اعطا،اهدا،بخشش،دهش،هدیه،دهشت
the hospital received a $ 5000 grant
بیمارستان 5 هزار دلار اهدایی را دریافت کرد.
● اذعان کردن،قبول کردن (در بحث)،پذیرفتن،تصدیق کردن
I grant your first point but not your second
نکتهی اول شما را قبول دارم ولی دومی را نه.
● ملک یا مبلغ یا چیز اهدا شده،عطیه،(به ویژه) بورس،کمک هزینهی تحصیلی
student grant
کمک هزینه (پول اهدایی به دانشجو)
● (آمریکا - در ایالات مین و ورمانت و نیوهامپشایر) بخش،ناحیه
● (زمین) واگذاری
● اقطاع
* granted (that)
گیرم،فرض کنیم
* granting that
گیرم که،فرض کنیم که،حتی اگر
granting that you are right…
به فرض که حق با شما باشد. …
* to take for granted
اثبات شده،فرض کردن،پذیرفتن،عادی فرض کردن،مسلم پنداشتن،قدر چیزی را ندانستن،بی اهمیت پنداشتن
don’t take my friendship for granted!
دوستی مرا مسلم نپندار!
noun - grant
عطا: grant, gift, granting, donation, present
کمک هزینه تحصیلی: fellowship, grant
امتیاز: score, concession, privilege, distinction, franchising, grant
اهداء: donation, dedication, grant, present
بخشش: forgiveness, bounty, gift, mercy, grant, pardon
اجازه واگذاری رسمی: grant
حقوق بگیر: annuitant, grant
verb - grant
دادن: give, give, grant, admit, impute, render
اعطا کردن: grant, award, vest, vouchsafe, patent
عطاء کردن: bestow, confer, give, grant
بخشیدن: give, forgive, donate, remit, give away, grant
تصدیق کردن: acknowledge, affirm, authenticate, establish, admit, grant
مسلم گرفتن: grant
US UK AU duration [djuˈreiʃən]
♦ noun
the length of time anything continues: We all had to stay indoors for the duration of the storm.
noun - duration
مدت: term, time, period, duration, length, interval
طول: length, duration, longitude
استمرار: continuity, duration
طی: duration
بقاء: survival, survivorship, duration, durability, permanence, perpetuity
درازی (زمان)،مدت
his stay was of short duration
اقامت او کوتاه مدت بود.
of what duration?
در طول چه مدتی؟
for the duration of his life
برای همهی عمرش
● (زبانشناسی) دیرش،تداوم،درنگ
* for the duration
1- (انگلیس - عامیانه) تا پایان
duration of a contract JUR
Vertragsdauer f
duration of present employment
Dauer f der gegenwärtigen Beschäftigung
for the duration (until this situation ends)
bis zum Ende
a stay of two years’ duration
ein zweijähriger Aufenthalt
I suppose we’re stuck with each other for the duration
sieht so aus, als müssten wir es bis auf weiteres miteinander aushalten
How does a file format like .mp4 discriminate between audio and video
within itself as a value?
discriminate [diˈskrimineit]
♦ verb
1 (with between ) to make or see a difference between: It is difficult to discriminate between real and pretended cases of poverty.
تشخیص دادن
2 (often with against ) to treat a certain kind of people differently: He was accused of discriminating against women employees.
فرق گذاشتن؛ تبعیض قائل شدن
♦ noun
شناخت؛ تبعیض
● تمیز دادن،تشخیص دادن،فرق قائل شدن (یا گذاشتن)،نیماد کردن،بازدانی کردن
he cannot discriminate between the tastes of these two kinds of tea
او نمیتواند فرق بین مزهی این دو نوع چای را تشخیص بدهد.
colorblind people do not have the ability to discriminate colors
اشخاص کور رنگ قدرت تمیز دادن رنگها را ندارند.
● موجب تمایز و تشخیص بودن،صفت مشخصه بودن،نیماد نما بودن،نیمادگر بودن
red feathers are the discriminating marks of these birds
پرهای قرمز صفت مشخصهی این پرندگان است.
● نکته سنج بودن،طبع ظریف و نکته بین داشتن،فرق شناس بودن
● تبعیض قائل شدن،بهزانی کردن
to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or gender
برپایهی نژاد یا مذهب یا جنسیت تبعیض قائل شدن
to discriminate against someone
برعلیه کسی تبعیض قایل شدن
to discriminate in favor of someone
به نفع (برله) کسی تبعیض قایل شدن
● نکته سنجانه،از روی طبع ظریف و نکته بین،فرور شناس،نکتهسنج
discriminate customers who demand the best products
مشتریان فرورشناس که طالب بهترین کالاها هستند
verb - discriminate
تبعیض قائل شدن: discriminate, forejudge
با علاميمشخصه ممتاز کردن: discriminate
You allude to MP4 for video and more generally the use
Ger: auf etw Akk anspielen
allude [əˈluːd]
♦ verb
(with to ) to mention: He did not allude to the remarks made by the previous speaker.
اشاره کردن؛ ذکر کردن
alˈlusion [-ʒən]
♦ noun
(the act of making) a mention or reference: The prime minister made no allusion to the war in his speech.
ǝ lōōd´/
● ذکر کردن،اشاره داشتن،اشاره کردن به،تلویحا گفتن،اظهار داشتن (به طور ضمنی)
he alluded to the rising prices
به قیمتهای روزافزون اشاره کرد.
verb - allude
اشاره کردن: point, nudge, insinuate, mention, imply, allude
مربوط بودن به: pertain to, allude, concern, treat
اظهار کردن: declare, express, affirm, allude, froth, import
گریز زدن به: allude
to allude to sth
auf etw Akk anspielen
ger: kompression
And they use what might be called compression.
If you’ve ever used a zip file or something else,
somehow your computer is using fewer zeros and ones
to represent the same amount of information,
ideally without losing any information.
noun - compression
فشرده سازی: compression, compaction
فشار: pressure, compression, press, push, stress, pressing
تراکم: density, compression, congestion, aggregate, agglomeration, aggregation
فشردگی: compression, compaction, jam, strangulation
متراکم سازی: compression
هم فشارش: compression
بهم فشردگی: compression, impaction
اختصار: abbreviation, brevity, clipping, compendium, contraction, compression
ضغطه: squeezing, bruise, compressing, compression, contusion, forcing
/kǝm presh´ǝn/
● فشار،چلاندگی،تراکم،فشردگی،همفشردگی،همفشارش
the compression of air by the piston
فشرده شدن هوا توسط پیستون
● (موتورهای درونسوز) همفشردگی هوا و سوخت لحظهای قبل از احتراق
COMPUT data compression
Datenverdichtung f
disk compression software
Festplattenkomprimierungssoftware f
high/low compression engine
hoch-/niedrigverdichteter Motor
But more commonly as you’re alluding to one is lossy compression, L-O-S-S-Y,
where you’re actually throwing away some amount of quality.
common [ˈkomən]
♦ adjective
1 seen or happening often; quite normal or usual: a common occurrence; These birds are not so common nowadays.
معمول؛ عادی
2 belonging equally to, or shared by, more than one: This knowledge is common to all of us; We share a common language.
مشترک؛ همگانی
3 publicly owned: common property.
عمومی؛ همگانی
4 coarse or impolite: She uses some very common expressions.
بی ادبانه؛ رکیک
5 of ordinary, not high, social rank: the common people.
عادی؛ عامی
6 of a noun, not beginning with a capital letter (except at the beginning of a sentence): The house is empty.
اسم عام
♦ noun
(a piece of) public land for everyone to use, with few or no buildings: the village common.
محوطۀ عمومی
♦ noun
a person who is not of high rank: The royal princess married a commoner.
آدم عادی؛ جزو عوام
common knowledge
something known to everyone or to most people: Surely you know that already – it’s common knowledge.
عمومی؛ ابتدایی
common ˈlaw
♦ noun
a system of unwritten laws based on old customs and on judges’ earlier decisions.
قانون عرفی
♦ adjective
referring to a relationship between two people who are not officially married, but have the same rights as husband and wife: a common-law marriage; a common-law wife/husband.
♦ adjective
very ordinary and uninteresting: commonplace remarks.
عادی؛ پیش پا افتاده
♦ noun
in a college, school etc a sitting-room for the use of a group.
اتق اساتید؛ سالن دانشجویان
common sense
practical good sense: If he has any common sense he’ll change jobs.
درایت؛ شعور
the Common Market
(formerly) an association of certain European countries to establish free trade (without duty, tariffs etc ) among them, now replaced by the European Union.
بازار مشترک
the (House of) Commons
the lower house of the British parliament.
مجلس عوام
in common
(of interests, attitudes, characteristics etc ) shared or alike: They have nothing in common – I don’t know why they’re getting married.
مشترک؛ شبیه
• The police treated Tom like a common criminal.
پلیس با تام مانند یک مجرم معمولی رفتار می کرد.
• It is common for students to go to school without eating breakfast.
خیلی از اوقات دانشآموزان بدون خوردن صبحانه به مدرسه میروند.
• Peas and carrots are common ingredients in soups.
نخود و هویج از افزودنیهای متداول سوپ هستند.
• They are bound together by common interests.
آنها بر اساس علایق مشترک با هم در ارتباط هستند.
adj., n.
● مشترک،همگانی،انبازین،اشتراکی
the common interests of the group
علایق مشترک گروه
common carriers
موسسات حمل و نقل،ترابران همگانی
● معمولی،عمومی،عام،عامیانه،همه،همگان
that is common knowledge
آن چیزی است که همه میدانند.
● رسوا
a common criminal
جانی رسوا
● عادی،هر روزی،رایج،روزمره
a common occurance
رویداد عادی
● ساده،ابتدایی،اولیه
observing common courtesy
رعایت اصول اولیهی ادب
● (در مورد افراد) آدم عادی،غیر اشرافی،عامی،(جمع) عوام،(ارتش) بدون درجه
what the common man wants
آنچه که یک فرد عادی میخواهد
a common soldier
سرباز ساده
● پست،زیر حد معمول،دون،پیش پا افتاده،رذل،دنی،ناکس،پست فطرت،زمخت و بی ادب،(جمع) عوام الناس
common ware
کالا (یا اجناس) پست
● (گاهی جمع) پارک،زمین همگانی،محوطهی عمومی
● (حقوق) مشاع،غیرمفروز،مالکیت مشترک،حق مشترک
● (کالبد شناسی) منشعب،چند شاخه،انشعابی
● (دستور زبان) اسم عام (مانند: book و apple در مقایسه با اسم خاص مانند: Tehran)،هم مذکر و هم مونث،(دارای جنسیت) مشترک
the word “child” is of common gender
واژهی ((کودک)) هم به مذکر و هم به مونث اتلاق میشود.
● (ریاضی - عدد) مشترک،متعارفی،همدار
common divisor
مقسومعلیه مشترک
common fraction
کسر متعارفی
common principles
اصول عام
● (کلیسا) مراسم وابسته به هر یک از اعیاد
* common denominator
(ریاضی) مخرج مشترک،برخه نام مشترک،وجه مشترک
* common fraction
کسر متعارفی
* common ratio
قدرنسبت (تصاعد هندسی)
* common ground
وجه مشترک،جنبهی مشابه،تفاهم
* the House of Commons
(انگلیسی) مجلس عوام
common equity
primäres Eigenkapital
common illness
Volkskrankheit f
common lore
[alte] Volksweisheit f
common carrier
öffentliches Transportunternehmen
common noun
Gattungsname f
common denominator
gemeinsamer Nenner
common property (known by most people)
Allgemeingut nt
common bathroom
Gemeinschaftsbad nt
common area
allgemeiner Bereich
common salt
Kochsalz nt
in common
common parlance
allgemeiner Sprachgebrauch
common people
einfache Leute
common interests
gemeinsame Interessen
common debtor
Gemeinschuldner(in) m (f)
common ground JUR
Unstreitige(s) nt
it is common practice …
es ist allgemein üblich …
common precepts of decency
allgemeine Anstandsregeln
distribute [diˈstribjut]
♦ verb
1 to divide (something) among several (people); to deal out: He distributed sweets to all the children in the class.
توزیع کردن؛ پخش کردن
2 to spread out widely: Our shops are distributed all over the city.
پراکنده بودن؛ پخش بودن
ˌdistriˈbution [-ˈbjuː-]
♦ noun
توزیع؛ پراکندگی
/di strib´yōōt, -yoot/
● توزیع کردن،پخش کردن
to distribute medicines among the poor
دارو بین مستمندان توزیع کردن
the company’s profits are distributed annually
سود شرکت به طور سالیانه پخش میشود.
● (روی سطح) پهن کردن،پخشاندن،گستردن
distributing the seed over the lawn
پاشیدن تخم بر روی چمن
distributing the paint evenly over the paper
پخش کردن یکنواخت رنگ بر روی کاغذ
● پراکنده بودن،پخش و پلا بودن،پخش بودن
the blood vessels distributed throughout the foot
رگهای خونی که در سرتاسر پا پراکندهاند
in all of the workshops distributed throughout the city
در تمام کارگاههایی که در شهر پخش بودند
● دستهدسته کردن،طبقهبندی کردن،رده بندی کردن،کلاسه کردن
he spent a good deal of time distributing his specimens into their proper classes
او وقت زیادی را صرف طبقهبندی نمونههای خود در ردههای مربوطه کرد.
● در جای خود قرار دادن،در محل مشخص گذاشتن،حروف چاپی را از فرم درآوردن و در جای خود گذاشتن
● (مهجور) سرپرستی کردن،تصدی کردن،دادن
to distribute justice
دادگستری کردن
● (حقوق - ارث کسی که بدون وصیتنامه مرده است را بین بازماندگان بخش کردن) مردهریگ بخش کردن،ارث تقسیم کردن،حصه کردن
● (منطق) واژهای را به معنی اعم به کار بردن،تعمیم دادن
to distribute a product
ein Produkt vertreiben
to distribute sth fairly
etw gerecht verteilen
to distribute sth evenly
etw gleichmäßig verteilen
to distribute food among the poor
Nahrung f an die Armen verteilen
to distribute sth with an even hand
etw gleich verteilen
to divide up/distribute sth among sb/sth
etw unter jdm/etw aufteilen/verteilen
verb - distribute
پخش کردن: spread, distribute, diffuse, broadcast, scatter, strew
توزیع کردن: distribute, administrate, dispense, administer, deal, give out
تعمیم دادن: generalize, distribute, popularize
تقسیم کردن: divide, distribute, apportion, intersect, partition, admeasure
ger: Diskretion
And in the world of multimedia, you have containers like QuickTime
and other MPEG containers that can combine
different formats of video, different formats of audio in one file,
but there, too, do designers have discretion.
- at the discretion of
- discretion is the better part of valor
- the age (or years) of discretion
discretion noun [U] (CAREFUL BEHAVIOUR)
the ability to behave without causing embarrassment or attracting too much attention, especially by keeping information secret:
“Can you trust him with this?” “Yes, he’s the soul of discretion (= he will not tell other people).”
discretion noun [U] (RIGHT TO CHOOSE)
the right or ability to decide something:
Students can be expelled at the discretion of the principal (= if the principal decides it).
I leave the decision to your discretion (= for you to decide).
● اختیار،قدرت تصمیمگیری،آزادی عمل
you have been given the discretion to choose your own staff
به شما اختیار داده شده است که کارمندان خود را شخصا انتخاب کنید.
● (قدیمی) صواب دید،صلاح دید،داوری
it is a matter that I cannot leave to anyone else’s discretion
این چیزی است که من نمیتوانم به داوری کسی دیگری واگذار کنم.
● احتیاط،دقت،پیرانگری،پرواگری
use care and discretion in your choice of an assistant!
در گزینش معاون خود دقت و احتیاط به کار ببر.
● بصیرت،درایت
* at the discretion of
به صلاحدید،به داوری،به اختیار،به میل
you can spend the money at your own discretion
شما میتوانید پول را به صلاحدید خود خرج کنید.
* discretion is the better part of valor
بهترین بخش شجاعت احتیاط است،آدم دلیر باید محتاط باشد
* the age (or years) of discretion
سن کمال،سنین تجربه و پختگی
judicial discretion
richterliches Ermessen
a paragon of discretion
ein Muster nt an Verschwiegenheit
to use one’s discretion
nach eigenem Ermessen handeln
to exercise one’s discretion
nach eigenem Ermessen handeln
to use discretion/tact
diskret/taktvoll sein
age of discretion JUR
Strafmündigkeit f
at sb’s discretion
nach jds Ermessen
to be at the discretion of sb [or at sb’s discretion ]
in jds Ermessen stehen
to exercise discretion in a matter
eine Angelegenheit mit Diskretion behandeln
to be the soul of discretion/honesty
die Verschwiegenheit/die Ehrlichkeit in Person sein
to leave sth to sb’s discretion
etw jds Entscheidung überlassen
to reach the age of discretion
mündig werden
discretion is the better part of valour Sprichw
Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste Sprichw ugs
to be the [very] soul of discretion
die Diskretion in Person sein
it is within his discretion to leave the country
es steht ihm frei, das Land zu verlassen
Dis•kre•ti•on [-‘t ̮sjoːn] die; -; nur Sg; geschr; Takt und Verschwiegenheit, besonders bei Dingen, die geheim od. unangenehm sind ↔ Indiskretion <etwas mit absoluter, äußerster, strengster Diskretion behandeln; Diskretion wahren; auf/mit jemandes Diskretion rechnen (können)>
[1] auf etwas Bestimmtes bezogene Verschwiegenheit, Geheimhaltung oder Vertraulichkeit
[2] Takt, Rücksichtnahme
[3] Zurückhaltung; die Eigenschaft, nicht aufdringlich zu sein
Diskretion geht über das gleichbedeutende mittelfranzösische und französische discrétion → fr und das altfranzösische discrecion (Unterschied, Unterscheidungsvermögen) auf das spätlateinische discretio → la (Trennung, Unterscheidung) zurück, das ein Verbalabstraktum zum Verb discernere → la (absondern, unterscheiden) ist.[1]
[3] Unaufdringlichkeit
[1–3] Indiskretion
[3] Aufdringlichkeit
[1] Bezüglich der Affäre meiner Frau mit Ihrem Geschäftsführer zähle ich auf die Diskretion Ihres Hauses.
[1] In dieser Angelegenheit wurden wir um äußerste Diskretion gebeten.
[2] Weil die Diskretion es gebot, wurde auf dem Empfang des Botschafters nach den Einzelheiten des neuesten Skandals im Königshause nicht gefragt.
[3] Unser Personal ist die Diskretion in Person. Es fiele niemals jemandem ein, an der Tür zu lauschen.
[3] Von der Diskretion, die die Butler im Beisein der Herrschaften an den Tag legten, war hinter verschlossenen Türen nichts mehr zu merken.
● سالخورده،کهن
● مهجور،چیزیکه دیگر بهدرد نمیخورد،قدیمی ماب،امل،از مد افتاده،مال عهد دقیانوس
the clatter of the antiquated automobile
تلقتلق کردن اتومبیل قراضه
an antiquated tax system
نظام مالیاتی فرسوده و دیروزین
• I prefer antiquated models.
من مدلهای عتیقه را ترجیح میدهم.
adjective - antiquated
کهنه: old, stale, archaic, antiquated, obsolete, ancient
قدیمی: old, ancient, past, archaic, outdated, antiquated
منسوخ: obsolete, outdated, abolished, abrogated, antiquated, disused
متروک: abandoned, desolate, obsolete, derelict, lonely, antiquated
ger: Hoffnungslos, verzweiflung
US UK AU despair [diˈspeə]
♦ verb
to lose hope (of): I despair of ever teaching my son anything.
ناامید شدن؛ دلسرد شدن
♦ noun
1 the state of having given up hope: He was filled with despair at the news.
ناامیدی؛ سرخوردگی
2 (with the ) something which causes someone to despair: He is the despair of his mother.
مایه یأس و ناامیدی
• His failure in the examination drove him to despair.
شکست او درامتحان به او احساس نا امیدی را القا کرد.
/di sper´/
vi., vt., n.
● نومیدی،ناامیدی،یاس،سرخوردگی،دلسردی
there can be much hope (even) in despair …
در نومیدی بسی امید است …
the wrestling champion’s defeat filled everyone with despair
شکست قهرمان کشتی همه را غرق در نومیدی کرد.
despair is the enemy of hope
نومیدی دشمن امید است.
to make somebody despair
کسی را نومید کردن
● نومید کردن یا شدن،ناامید کردن یا شدن،مایوس کردن یا شدن،سرخورده کردن یا شدن،دلسرد کردن یا شدن
have faith in God and despair not!
به خدا توکل کن ونومید نشو!
she despaired of even seeing her son again
او امیدی نداشت که هرگز دوباره پسر خود را ببیند.
if you despair, you will fail
اگر نومید شوی موفق نخواهی شد.
● مایهی نومیدی
that student’s illegible handwriting was my despair
خط ناخوانای آن شاگرد حس یاس مرا برمیانگیخت.
* be the despair of
موجب نومیدی بودن
* overcome by despair
غرق در نومیدی،کاملا نومید
after the war, some Germans were overcome by despair
بعد از جنگ نومیدی بر برخی از آلمانها غلبه کرده بود.
noun - despair
یاس: despair, disappointment, discouragement, letdown
نومیدی: despair, desperation, disappointment
فروماندگی: despair, desperate situation, fatigue, inability, poverty
verb - despair
مایوس شدن: despair, despond
blank despair
schiere Verzweiflung
sheer despair
blanke [o. schiere] Verzweiflung
black despair
tiefste Verzweiflung
in utter despair
völlig verzweifelt
to drive sb to despair
jdn zur Verzweiflung treiben
to the despair of sb
zu jds Verzweiflung
to despair of doing sth
die Hoffnung aufgeben, etw zu tun
to be filled with despair
voller Verzweiflung sein
he sank into deep despair
er fiel in tiefe Verzweiflung
her cheerfulness alternated with despair
mal war sie ausgelassen, dann wieder verzweifelt
to be in deep despair
total verzweifelt sein
to be the despair of sb
jds Sorgenkind sein
to do sth out of despair
etw aus Verzweiflung tun
to be pitched [headlong] into despair
in [eine] tiefe Verzweiflung gestürzt werden
to spill out ⇆ one’s anger/despair/worries
seinem Ärger/seiner Verzweiflung/seinen Sorgen Luft machen
to vacillate between hope and despair
zwischen Hoffnung und Verzweiflung schwanken
to be in despair about [or over] sth
über etw Akk [o. wegen einer S. Gen ] verzweifelt sein
to be in the depths of despair
zutiefst verzweifelt sein
scornful attitude
verächtliche Einstellung
scorn [skoːn]
♦ noun
contempt or disgust: He looked at my drawing with scorn.
♦ verb
to show contempt for; to despise: They scorned my suggestion.
تحقير كردن
♦ adjective
1 feeling or showing scorn: a scornful expression/remark.
خوار شمردن
2 making scornful remarks: He was rather scornful about your book.
مردود دانستن
♦ adverb
با تحقير و تمسخر
♦ noun
n., vt., vi.
● (شدید و معمولا همراه با خشم) تحقیر،خوارداشت،خوارشماری،پست شماری
the offer for unconditional surrender was rejected with scorn
پیشنهاد تسلیم بلاشرط را با تحقیر رد کردند.
their scorn for the traitor drove him to suicide
تحقیرهای آنان خائن را به خودکشی واداشت.
to heap scorn on somebody
کسی را کاملا مورد تحقیر قرار دادن
● شخص یا چیز مورد تحقیر
the unfair boxer became the scorn of the crowd
مشتزن بیانصاف مورد تحقیر جماعت قرار گرفت.
● تحقیر کردن،خوار کردن،پست شمردن،کوچک شمردن
he scorned to take bribes
رشوه گرفتن را خوار میشمرد.
they scorned him for he had no money
چون پول نداشت او را خوار میشمردند.
● (با خشم یا تحقیر) رد کردن،نپذیرفتن،عار داشتن
she scorned offers of reconciliation from her former husband
پیشنهاد آشتی از سوی شوهر سابقش را با تحقیر رد کرد.
● (مهجور) مورد تمسخر قرار دادن،مسخرهکردن
to be the scorn of sb
von jdm verachtet werden
to pour scorn on sth/sb
etw/jdn mit Spott überhäufen
to feel [or have] scorn for sb
für jdn Verachtung empfinden
to be/become an object of pity/scorn
zum Gegenstand des Mitleids/Spotts sein/werden
to pour scorn on an idea/a theory
eine Idee/Theorie verreißen
why do you always pour scorn on my suggestions?
warum machst du meine Vorschläge immer lächerlich?
noun - scorn
تمسخر: ridicule, derision, scorn, mock, scoff, irony
تحقیر: humiliation, contempt, disdain, scorn, humility, belittlement
مذمت: reproach, disapproval, blaming, disapprobation, scorn, blame
حقارت: humility, scorn, demission, paltriness
عار: disdain, disdain, shame, disgrace, scorn
بی اعتنایی: defiance, inattention, scorn, slight, insouciance, incaution
خردانگاری: scorn
verb - scorn
خوار شمردن: despise, disdain, scorn, contemn
خردانگاشتن: scorn
استهزاء کردن: jest, deride, flout, scorn, sneer, fleer
اهانت کردن: scorn
US UK AU admit [ədˈmit]– past tense, past participle adˈmitted –
♦ verb
1 to allow to enter: This ticket admits one person.
اجازه دخول دادن
2 to say that one accepts as true: He admitted (that) he was wrong.
اعتراف کردن
adˈmissible [-səbl]
♦ adjective
allowable: admissible evidence.
قابل قبول
adˈmission [-ʃən]
♦ noun
1 being allowed to enter; entry: They charge a high price for admission.
2 (an) act of accepting the truth of (something): an admission of guilt.
♦ noun
the right or permission to enter: The notice said `No admittance’.
پذیرش؛ ورود
♦ adverb
as is generally accepted: Admittedly, she is not well.
/ad mit´/
● اجازهی دخول دادن،راه دادن،(بیمارستان) بستری کردن
no one is admitted in the operating room
هیچ کس را به اتاق جراحی راه نمیدهند.
this ticket admits two
با این بلیط دو نفر میتوانند داخل شوند.
● روا داشتن
this problem admits of no delay
این مسئله تعللپذیر نیست.
● جا داشتن،ظرفیت داشتن
this hall admits 500 people
این سالن گنجایش پانصد نفر را دارد.
● اعتراف کردن،قبول کردن،خستو شدن،معترف بودن
she admitted her fault
تقصیر خود را قبول کرد.
he admitted that we have rights too
او پذیرفت که ما هم حقوقی داریم.
● (در حرفه یا مدرسه و غیره) پذیرفته شدن
he was admitted to the bar
او را به وکالت دادگستری پذیرفتند.
to admit one’s guilt
seine Schuld zugeben
to freely admit sth
etw ohne Umschweife zugeben
to admit evidence JUR
ein Beweismittel zulassen
to admit defeat
seine Niederlage eingestehen
to admit [or concede]/suffer defeat
eine Niederlage eingestehen/erleiden
I admit that I was wrong
ich gebe zu, dass ich unrecht hatte
he’s too macho to admit that
dafür ist er ein viel zu großer Macho, als dass er das zugeben würde
to admit sb to hospital for observation
jdn zur Beobachtung ins Krankenhaus einweisen
I hate to admit/say it, but …
es fällt mir äußerst schwer, das zuzugeben/sagen zu müssen, aber …
to admit sb to [Am the] hospital
jdn ins Krankenhaus einliefern
to admit an error [or a mistake]/one’s guilt
einen Irrtum [o. Fehler] /seine Schuld zugeben [o. einräumen]
this line of reasoning defeats me, I must admit übtr
diesem Argument kann ich leider nicht folgen
much to my humiliation I must admit my mistake
sehr zu meiner Schande muss ich meinen Fehler eingestehen
he doesn’t have the humility to admit when he’s wrong
er ist zu stolz, zuzugeben, wenn er Unrecht hat
sometimes it takes more courage to admit you are wrong than to stand firmly
manchmal braucht man mehr Mut, einen Fehler einzugestehen, als auf etwas zu beharren
it takes guts to admit to so many people that you’ve made a mistake
man braucht Mut, um vor so vielen Leuten zuzugeben, dass man einen Fehler gemacht hat
verb - admit
پذیرفتن: accept, embrace, admit, receive, allow, hear
دادن: give, give, grant, admit, impute, render
اقرار کردن: admit, avouch, confess, own
راه دادن: admit
بار دادن: admit
راضی شدن: acquiesce, consent, supple, admit
رضایت دادن: consent, assent, accede, acquiesce, admit
تصدیق کردن: acknowledge, affirm, authenticate, establish, admit, aver
زیر بار رفتن: admit
واگذار کردن: concede, cede, assign, relegate, give, admit
اعطاء کردن: admit, allow, confer
charge [tʃaːdʒ]
♦ verb
1 to ask as the price (for something): They charge 50 cents for a pint of milk, but they don’t charge for delivery.
مطالبه کردن هزینه
2 to make a note of (a sum of money) as being owed: Charge the bill to my account.
به حساب گذاشتن
3 (with with ) to accuse (of something illegal): He was charged with theft.
متهم کردن
4 to attack by moving quickly (towards): We charged (towards) the enemy on horseback.
یورش بردن
5 to rush: The children charged down the hill.
شتابان رفتن؛ تاختن
6 to make or become filled with electricity: Please charge my car battery.
شارژ کردن
7 to make (a person) responsible for (a task etc ): He was charged with seeing that everything went well.
مسئول کردن
♦ noun
1 a price or fee: What is the charge for a telephone call?
2 something with which a person is accused: He faces three charges of murder.
3 an attack made by moving quickly: the charge of the Light Brigade.
4 the electricity in something: a positive or negative charge.
5 someone one takes care of: These children are my charges.
شخص تحت سرپرستی
6 a quantity of gunpowder: Put the charge in place and light the fuse.
♦ noun
formerly, a horse used in battle.
اسب جنگی
in charge of
responsible for: I’m in charge of thirty men.
in someone’s charge
in the care of someone: You can leave the children in his charge.
تحت مراقبت
take charge
1 (with of ) to begin to control, organize etc : The department was in chaos until he took charge (of it).
کاری را به عهده گرفتن
2 (with of ) to take into one’s care: The policeman took charge of the gun.
مسئولیت قبول کردن
n., vi., vt.
● (در مورد قیمت و مزد و غیره) خواستن،مطالبه کردن،محسوب کردن
how much do you charge?
چقدر میگیرید؟ (مزد یا قیمت) چند است؟
the bank charges me ten percent interest for the loan
بانک از من بابت وام ده درصد بهره میگیرد.
they charged fifty tumans for admission
آنها پنجاه تومان ورودیه میگرفتند.
charge it to me
پای من حساب کنید.
● به حساب (اعتبار یا نسیهی کسی) واریز کردن
please charge the cost to my account
لطفا هزینه را به حسابم بگذارید.
I have a charge account with this shop
با این مغازه حساب (نسیه) دارم.
● هزینه،نرخ،خرج،اجرت،حقالزحمه،هزینه سرانه خدمات
is there a charge for this service?
آیا این خدمت مستلزم پرداخت حقالزحمه است؟
(postal) stamp and telephone charges
پول تمبر و تلفن
● اتهام
she was arrested on a charge of conspiracy to commit murder
به اتهام تبانی در ارتکاب قتل بازداشت شد.
what were the charges against him?
اتهامات علیه او چه بود؟
● متهم کردن
he was charged with murder
او را به آدم کشی متهم کردند.
● کسی که تحت سرپرستی یا تکفل دیگری باشد
he spoke to his two charges
با دو نفری که سرپرستی آنان را به عهده داشت صحبت کرد.
to become a public charge
(به خاطر فقر و غیره) تحت سرپرستی سازمانهای دولتی یا خیریه قرار گرفتن
● یورش بردن،تازیدن،حمله کردن
suddenly the dog charged at me
ناگهان سگ پرید (حمله کرد) به من.
he slammed the door like a madman and charged into the room
مثل دیوانهها در را برهم کوفت و بیمحابا وارد اتاق شد.
● تاخت،تازش،تک،یورش،حمله
a cavalry charge
تک سواره نظام،حملهی سواره نظام
the officer cried, “charge!”
افسر فریاد زد: ((حمله!))
the troops mounted one charge after another
قشون پشت سر هم یورش میبرد.
● (در مورد باطری و برق) شارژ کردن،تازاندن،بار کردن،تاز کردن،بارمند کردن
I have to have my car battery charged
باید بدهم باطری اتومبیلم را شارژ کنند.
● شارژ،بار،تاز
positive charge
(برق) بار مثبت
● (در جنگ افزار) خرج (میزان مواد منفجرهی لازم برای گلوله یا بمب)،فشنگ،بمب،خرجگذاری
● (سلاح را) پر کردن،فشنگ گذاشتن
he charged his gun again and started shooting
دوباره تفنگ خود را پر کرد و شروع کرد به تیراندازی.
● برگماشتن،مامور کردن،مکلف کردن،تکلیف کردن،دستور دادن،محول کردن،گمارش،وظیفه،دستور
the judge’s charge to the jury
دستور قاضی به هیئت منصفه
he was charged with the duty of getting the supplies
وظیفهی تهیهی لوازم به او محول شده بود.
● (مهجور) پر کردن،بار روی چیزی گذاشتن
● (چیزی را با چیز دیگر) اشباع کردن
air charged with steam
هوای اشباع شده از بخار آب
● (به آب و غیره) دی اکسید کربن افزودن
● (امریکا - خودمانی) لذت و هیجان
he gets a charge out of anoying his younger brother
از اذیت کردن برادر کوچکتر خود لذت میبرد.
* bring a charge against someone
کسی را رسما متهم کردن
* charge off
1- (حسابداری) سوخت شده محسوب کردن،به حساب زیانکار بردن 2- متعلق دانستن به،وابسته دانستن به
* free of charge
رایگان،مجانی،بدون مطالبهی قیمت یا کارمزد
* give somebody in charge
(انگلیس) تحویل پلیس دادن
* have charge of (something)
مسئول (چیزی) بودن
* in charge
مسئول (کاری)،متصدی
who is in charge here?
در اینجا مسئول کیست؟
* in charge of
he is in charge of recruitment
او مسئول استخدام است.
* take charge (of something)
(کاری را) به عهده گرفتن،مسئولیت قبول کردن
* under the charge of
تحت سرپرستی یا تصدی،زیر نظر
charge! (battle cry)
net charge PHYS
Gesamtladung f
cavalry charge
Reiterattacke f
floating charge
schwebende Belastung
finance charge
Finanzierungskosten pl
extra charge
CH a. Aufzahlung m
charge card
Kundenkreditkarte f
charge sheet
polizeiliches Anklageblatt
fixed charge
Fixbelastung f
pollution charge AUTO
Umweltmaut f
token charge
symbolische Gebühr
admission charge
Eintritt m
additional charge
Aufpreis m
felony charge
Anklage f wegen eines Schwerverbrechens
holding charge
Nebenbeschuldigung f
flat charge
Pauschale f fachspr
noun - charge
اتهام: charge, accusation, indictment, impeachment, denunciation, delation
بار: load, bar, burden, charge, cargo, loading
هزینه: cost, expense, expenditure, charge, outlay, toll
عهده: duty, responsibility, charge, guarantee, obligation, engagement
خرج: cost, expense, charge, expenditure, outlay, input
مطالبه: demand, claim, charge, exaction
حمله: attack, assault, offensive, offense, onslaught, charge
مسئوليت: responsibility, liability, charge, accountability, burden, office
تصدی: tenure, incumbency, charge, chairmanship, authority, commission
مطالبه هزینه: charge
وزن: rhythm, burden, cadence, scale, avoirdupois, charge
عهده داری: charge, incumbency
verb - charge
گماشتن: appoint, assign, designate, charge, commission, instate
زیربار کشیدن: charge
متهم ساختن: accuse, charge
پرکردن: charge
rarely, seldom, scarcely
she can scarcely afford to pay the rent
ger: kaum
adverb - scarcely
ندرتا: rarely, seldom, scarcely
● بسیار کم،اندکی،به سختی،تازه،کمی،به محض اینکه،چند لحظهای نگذشته بود که
I had scarcely finished dinner when he arrived
تازه شام را تمام کرده بودم که او وارد شد.
scarcely more than two miles from my house
اندکی بیش از دو میل از خانهی من
I scarcely noticed what was going on
به سختی متوجه شدم که چه چیزی دارد روی میدهد.
I had scarcely read the letter when they handed me another one
هنوز نامه را نخوانده بودم که یک نامهی دیگر به دستم دادند.
● حتی،هنوز هم نه،فقط،کمتر از
she is scarcely fifteen years old
او حتی پانزده سال هم ندارد.
an English teacher who scarcely knows a word of English!
معلم انگلیسی که حتی یک کلمه انگلیسی بلد نیست!
scarcely two hours
کمتر از دو ساعت
● به ندرت،ندرتا،دیر به دیر
she scarcely comes here any more
او دیگر دیر به دیر اینجا میآید.
my mother scarcely wore red dresses
مادرم به ندرت لباس قرمز میپوشید.
● شاید نه،محتملا نه
there could scarcely have been found a leader better suited for the work
احتمال بسیار کمی وجود داشت که بتوان مدیر بهتری را برای آن کار پیدا کرد.
● حتما نه،محققا نه،اصلا نه
we could scarcely interfere between the man and his wife
ما اصلا نمیتوانستیم در کار آن مرد با زنش مداخله کنیم.
I had scarcely sat down when …
ich hatte mich gerade hingesetzt, als …
she can scarcely afford to pay the rent
sie kann das Geld für die Miete kaum aufbringen
he would scarcely have said a thing like that
er hätte so etwas wohl kaum behauptet
even his critics could scarcely forbear from congratulating him
selbst seine Kritiker konnten kaum umhin, ihm zu gratulieren
ger: aufrichtig, ehrlich
sincere [sinˈsiə]
♦ adjective
1 true; genuine: a sincere desire; sincere friends.
2 not trying to pretend or deceive: a sincere person.
بي ريا
♦ adverb
I sincerely hope that you will succeed.
sinˈcerity [-ˈse-]
♦ noun
the state of being sincere: The sincerity of his comments was obvious to all.
/sin sir´/
● راد،صمیمی،بیریا،صادق،پاکدل
he was sincere in what he said
از روی صداقت حرف زد.
● صادقانه،رادمنشانه،واقعی،بیغل و غش،راستین،صمیمانه
sincere grief
اندوه واقعی
sincere friendship
دوستی صمیمانه
● (قدیمی) ناب،اصیل،خالص
sincere wine
شراب ناب
● (مهجور) زخمی نشده،سالم،بیصدمه
* sincerely, adv.
1- رادمنشانه،صادقانه،صمیمانه،با صداقت 2- (در پایان برخی نامهها - با: yours) ارادتمند
yours sincerely (or sincerely yours)
با تقدیم احترام
sincere believer
ernsthafter Gläubiger
she is sincere in her political beliefs
sie meint es ernst mit ihrer politischen Überzeugung
to show/express deep/sincere/everlasting gratitude
tiefe/aufrichtige/ewige Dankbarkeit zeigen/zum Ausdruck bringen
ger: etwas intendieren, beabsichtigen
intend [inˈtend]
♦ verb
1 to mean or plan (to do something or that someone else should do something): Do you still intend to go?; Do you intend them to go?; Do you intend that they should go too?
قصد داشتن
2 to mean (something) to be understood in a particular way: His remarks were intended to be a compliment.
معنی دادن
3 (with for ) to direct at: That letter/bullet was intended for me.
برای کسی بودن
inˈtent [-t]
♦ adjective
1 (with on ) meaning, planning or wanting to do (something): He’s intent on going; He’s intent on marrying the girl.
2 (with on ) concentrating hard on: He was intent on the job he was doing.
♦ noun
purpose; what a person means to do: He broke into the house with intent to steal.
inˈtention [-ʃən]
♦ noun
what a person plans or intends to do: He has no intention of leaving; He went to see the boss with the intention of asking for a pay rise; If I have offended you, it was quite without intention; good intentions.
قصد؛ منظور
inˈtentional [-ʃənl]
♦ adjective
(negative unintentional ) done, said etc deliberately and not by accident: I’m sorry I offended you – it wasn’t intentional; intentional cruelty.
♦ adverb
بطور عمدی
♦ adverb
with great concentration: He was watching her intently.
با دقت؛ با اشتیاق
to intend no harm
nichts Böses wollen
to intend doing [or to do] sth
etw vorhaben
to intend sb to do sth
wollen, dass jd etw tut
to intend [or mean] no disrespect for sth
etw Dat gegenüber nicht respektlos sein wollen
I fully intend to see this project through
ich bin fest entschlossen dieses Projekt zu Ende zu bringen
what do you intend to do about it?
was willst du in der Sache unternehmen?
/in tend´/
vt., vi.
● قصد داشتن،در نظر داشتن،خواستن،آهنگ (کاری را) کردن،هنجیدن،یازیدن
he intends to buy a house
او قصد دارد یک خانه بخرد.
when do you intend to get married?
کی میخواهی ازدواج کنی؟
● اختصاص دادن،در نظر گرفتن،برای کسی (یا چیزی) بودن،نیت داشتن
a cake intended for the party
یک کیک که مختص مهمانی است
the bullet was intended for you
گلوله به سوی تو خالی شده بود.
● معنی دادن،رساندن،(جمع) منویات
what is really intended by this letter ?
منظور واقعی این نامه چیست؟
this is not what I intended
منظورم این نبود.
● (قدیمی) متوجه کردن (فکر یا نگاه)
● (حقوق) از نظر قانونی تفسیر کردن
verb - intend
خواستن: want, ask, desire, solicit, wish, intend
قصد داشتن: intend, aim, mean, purpose
خیال داشتن: intend, think
بر آن بودن: ween, intend
ger: zurücktreten, resignieren
He had given no indication that he was intending to resign
resign [rəˈzain]
♦ verb
1 to leave a job etc : If he criticizes my work again I’ll resign; He resigned (from) his post.
استعفا دادن؛ کناره گیری کردن
2 (with to ) to make (oneself) accept (a situation, fact etc ) with patience and calmness: He has resigned himself to the possibility that he may never walk again.
به خود قبولاندن
resignation [rezigˈneiʃən]
♦ noun
1 the act of resigning.
2 a letter etc stating that one is resigning: You will receive my resignation tomorrow.
3 (the state of having or showing) patient, calm acceptance (of a situation, fact etc ): He accepted his fate with resignation.
قبول؛ پذیرش
♦ adjective
(often with to ) having or showing patient, calm acceptance (of a fact, situation etc ): He is resigned to his fate.
ri zīn´/
vt., vi.
● استعفا دادن،مستعفی شدن،کنارهگیری کردن
to resign one’s post
از مقام خود کنارهگیری کردن
the minister of the interior resigned
وزیر کشور استعفا داد.
Ahmad was forced to resign
احمد را وادار به استعفا کردند.
● صرفنظر کردن،دست برداشتن،چشم پوشیدن،تفویض کردن
she resigned all her rights in that property
از کلیهی حقوق خود نسبت به آن ملک چشم پوشید.
● سپردن،واگذار کردن
she resigned the child to my care
بچه رابه من سپرد.
● (معمولا با: -self) رضایت دادن،به خود قبولاندن،پذیرفتن
he is resigned to his fate
او سرنوشت خود را پذیرفته است.
she resigned herself to a life of poverty and solitude
او خود را با زندگی در فقر و تنهایی آشتی داد.
verb - resign
مستعفی شدن: resign
کناره گرفتن: resign
تفویض کردن: abdicate, confer, devolve, resign, vouchsafe
استعفا دادن از: resign
دست کشیدن: cease, desist, resign, demit
to resign one’s commission
aus dem Offiziersdienst ausscheiden
to resign en masse
geschlossen zurücktreten
to depart/resign prematurely
vorzeitig abreisen/kündigen
to resign from a job
einen Job kündigen
to resign a hopeless position
das Spiel aufgeben
to resign from a company/an office
aus Dat einer Firma/einem Amt ausscheiden
to resign from an office/a post
von einem Amt/einem Posten zurücktreten
to resign one’s membership of sth
aus etw Dat austreten
to resign an office/a post
ein Amt/einen Posten niederlegen
to hold/resign from high office
ein hohes Amt innehaben/niederlegen
to resign oneself to a fact/one’s fate/the inevitable
sich Akk mit einer Tatsache/seinem Schicksal/dem Unvermeidlichen abfinden
is it true that you were asked to resign?
stimmt es, dass man dir nahegelegt hat, dein Amt niederzulegen?
ger: der Nebel
og [fog]
♦ noun
a thick cloud of moisture or water vapour in the air which makes it difficult to see: I had to drive very slowly because of the fog.
♦ verb– past tense, past participle fogged –
(usually with up ) to cover with fog: Her glasses were fogged up with steam.
مه آلود شدن
♦ adjective
full of, or covered with, fog: It is very foggy tonight.
مه آلود
♦ adjective
unable to move or function because of fog: The plane is fog-bound.
گرفتار در مه
♦ noun
a horn used as a warning to or by ships in fog.
بوق مه
noun - fog
مه: May, fog, mist, haze, brume, pea souper
ابهام: ambiguity, obscurity, equivocation, haze, fog, mist
تیرگی: blur, darkness, gloom, turbidity, obscurity, fog
مه سفید: fog
verb - fog
مه گرفتن: fog, mist
تیره کردن: darken, blur, obscure, dim, fog, bedim
مه الود بودن: fog
English Persian Sentences
• The freight train was held up about half an hour because of a dense fog.
قطار برای نیم ساعت به علت مه غلیظ توقف کرد.
So this week, I wanted to approach the Subject of small talk
he main aspects that led to London Bread’s new approach to combatting crime in san Francisco
to come nearer to something or someone:
[ I ] We could see the train approaching from a distance.
[ I/T ]
If you approach someone, you meet or communicate directly with that person:
[ T ] We approached the bank manager about a loan.
approach verb (DEAL WITH)
[ T ]
a way of dealing with something:
We need to adopt a different approach to the problem.
We should approach this problem logically.
approach رویکرد
noun [ C ] US
approach [əˈprəutʃ]
♦ verb
to come near (to): The car approached (the traffic lights) at top speed; Christmas is approaching.
نزدیک شدن
♦ noun
1 the act of coming near: The boys ran off at the approach of a policeman.
2 a road, path etc leading to a place: All the approaches to the village were blocked by fallen rock.
3 an attempt to obtain or attract a person’s help, interest etc: They have made an approach to the government for help; That fellow makes approaches to (= he tries to become friendly with) every woman he meets.
مراجعه؛ توجه
♦ adjective
1 friendly.
خوش برخورد؛ مهربان
2 that can be reached: The village is not approachable by road.
دست یافتنی؛ قابل حصول
♦ adjective
the approaching dawn.
• Many on-line companies need to have a new approach to business to survive.
بسیاری از شرکتهای آنلاین برای بقا نیازمند داشتن رویکردی جدید در کسب و کار هستند.
• I will show you a new approach to foreign language learning.
من شیوه ای نو برای یادگیری زبان نشانت می دهم.
verb - approach
نزدیک شدن: approach, near, come close, accost, accede, nigh
نزدیک امدن: approach, approximate
vi., vt., n.
● نزدیک کردن یا شدن
please approach the desk
لطفا جلوی میز بیایید.
we were approaching Nassrabad when it started to rain
داشتیم به نصرآباد نزدیک میشدیم که باران گرفت.
the time of departure is approaching
هنگام عزیمت نزدیک میشود.
● نزدیک شدگی،نزدیکی
the approach of spring
نزدیک شدن بهار
● پیشنهاد کردن،درخواست کردن،(به منظور بلند کردن جنس مخالف) بذل توجه کردن،مراجعه کردن
Ahmad approached five people but none of them agreed to help
احمد به پنج نفر مراجعه کرد ولی هیچکدام حاضر به کمک نشدند.
● پیشنهاد،درخواست،مراجعه،توجه (به جنس مقابل)
Fatemeh rejected all his approaches
فاطمه همهی پیشنهادات (منظوردار) او را رد کرد.
● شبیه بودن،قرابت،تقرب
this room is the nearest approach to a hospital in the village of Fashin
در دهکدهی فشین این اتاق از همه بیشتر به یک بیمارستان شباهت دارد.
● شروع به اقدام کردن
to approach a task
به کاری پرداختن
● دسترسی،راه دخول،ورود،دستیابی،رسش،رهیافت،رویکرد،روش،راه،شیوه
the snow had closed all the approaches to the village
برف کلیهی راههای دسترسی به دهکده را مسدود کرده بود.
● وسیلهی دستیابی،روش (حصول)
we must take a new approach to the problem
ما باید از راه دیگری به مسئله رسیدگی کنیم.
● (هواپیمایی - به منظور نشستن یا حمله) به حالت ویژه درآوردن هواپیما،نقطهی شروع تقرب هواپیما
approach formation
نحوهی نزدیک شدن به باند فرودگاه و یا دشمن
approach route
مسیر نزدیک شدن به باند فرودگاه
● (بازی گلف) ضربهای که هدفش راندن توپ به داخل محوطهی
سوراخ است
approach (come closer):
to approach sb/sth
sich Akk jdm/etw nähern
to approach sb/sth (come towards)
auf jdn/etw zukommen
you can only approach this area by air
dieses Gebiet kann man nur auf dem Luftweg erreichen
- approach (of amount, time):
to approach sth the total amount is approaching $1000
die Gesamtsumme nähert sich der 1000-Dollar-Marke
my grandfather is approaching 80
mein Großvater wird bald 80
it’s approaching lunchtime
es geht auf Mittag zu
approach (of quality):
to approach sb/sth
an jdn/etw heranreichen
the service here doesn’t even approach a decent standard
der Service hier ist unter allem Standard
- approach (ask):
to approach sb
an jdn herantreten
she hasn’t approached him about it yet
sie hat ihn noch nicht deswegen angesprochen
to approach sb for sth
jdn um etw Akk bitten
debate [diˈbeit]
♦ noun
a discussion or argument, especially a formal one in front of an audience: a Parliamentary debate.
بحث؛ گفتمان
♦ verb
1 to hold a formal discussion (about): Parliament will debate the question tomorrow.
مورد بحث قرار دادن؛ گفتمان کردن
2 to think about or talk about something before coming to a decision: We debated whether to go by bus or train.
تأمل و تعمق کردن؛ سبک سنگین کردن
♦ adjective
doubtful; able to be argued about: a debatable point.
قابل بحث؛ تردید پذیر
/dē bāt´, di-/
vi., vt.
● بحث،گفتمان (بیان یا مبادلهی عقاید یا استدلالهای دو یا چند طرف مقابل هم)،مباحثه،بگومگو،جر و بحث
after a long debate
پس از بحث طولانی
his murder caused much political debate
قتل او منجر به جر و بحث سیاسی زیادی شد.
● بحث کردن،مورد بحث قرار دادن،گفتمان کردن،جر و بحث کردن،بگومگو کردن
the parliament debated the new bill
مجلس لایحهی جدید را مورد بحث قرار داد.
nowadays, the morality of war is a much debated subject
اخلاقی بودن جنگ مطلبی است که این روزها سخت مورد بحث است.
● مناظره
I’ve taken a course in speech and debate
من کلاسی دربارهی سخنرانی و مناظره برداشتهام.
a debate team
تیم مناظره
● مناظره کردن
the two teams debated for and against capital punishment
دو گروه برله و علیه مجازات اعدام مناظره کردند.
● (آموزش) علم و هنر مناظره و سخنوری،در کاوش
● صلاحدید کردن (به ویژه با خود)،سبک و سنگین کردن،تامل و تعمق کردن
we are debating what to do next
ما داریم صلاحدید میکنیم که بعدا چکار کنیم.
they debated closing the shop
آنان بستن مغازه را مورد بحث قرار دادند.
I am debating which offer to accept
دارم سبک و سنگین میکنم که کدام پیشنهاد را بپذیرم.
he debated buying another car
او خرید اتومبیل دیگری را در ذهن خود مورد بررسی قرار داد.
● (مهجور) مجادله کردن،دعوا و مرافعه کردن
* debater
1- مناظرهکننده،گفتمانگر،سخنور 2- اهل جر و بحث،بحث کننده
noun - debate
مناظره: debate, discussion, argument, disputation, dispute, argumentation
مباحثه: debate, discussion, discourse, argument, controversy, contention
مذاکره: negotiation, talk, discussion, debate, consultation, conference
مذاکرات پارلمانی: debate
بحی: discussion, quarrel, altercation, argument, argumentation, debate
verb - debate
مناظره کردن: debate
مطرح کردن: bring up, discuss, consider, moot, table, debate
مباحثه کردن: debate, dispute, dissert
سر و کله زدن: bicker, dispute, altercate, argue, argufy, debate
its a slander
slander [ˈslaːndə]
♦ noun
(the act of making) an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person’s reputation: That story about her is nothing but a wicked slander!
● (معمولا شفاهی: در برابر libel که کتبی است) افترا،تهمت،شاخچه،چفته،دروغ بندی
to bring an action against somebody for slander
به خاطر افترا کسی را مورد تعقیب قرار دادن
● افترا زدن،تهمت زدن،شاخچه بستن
♦ verb
to make such statements about (a person etc ).
تهمت زدن
to sue sb for slander
jdn wegen Verleumdung anzeigen
a campaign of slander against sth
eine Hetzkampagne gegen etw Akk
to bring a slander action against sb
einen Prozess wegen Verleumdung gegen jdn anstrengen
sue [suː]
♦ verb
1 to start a law case against.
تعقيب قانوني كردن
2 (with for : especially in law) to ask for (eg divorce).
درخواست دادن
sue [suː]
♦ verb
1 to start a law case against.
تعقيب قانوني كردن
2 (with for : especially in law) to ask for (eg divorce).
درخواست دادن
vi., vt.
● (حقوق) اقامهی دعوی کردن،(از دست کسی) عارض شدن،(به دادگاه) شکایت کردن،به محاکمه کشاندن،به دادگاه مراجعه کردن
to sue for divorce
برای طلاق به دادگاه مراجعه کردن
he has sued his neighbor
از دست همسایهاش عارض شده است.
to sue for damages
برای خسارت به دادگاه شکایت کردن
● در خواست کردن،تمنا کردن،استدعا کردن،خواستار بودن
to sue for peace
درخواست صلح کردن
to sue for forgiveness
استدعای بخشش کردن
● (قدیمی) خواستگاری کردن
* sue out
از دادگاه حکم گرفتن
• Sue is an American student.
سو یک دانشجوی آمریکائی است.
• Sue will meet the Browns.
سو با خانواده برون ملاقات خواهد کرد.
• I will sue you.
ازت شکایت می کنم
verb - sue
تعقیب کردن: pursue, chase, follow, chevy, sue, chivvy
تقاضا کردن: request, demand, adjure, beseech, bone, sue
تعقیب قانونی کردن: litigate, indict, law, prosecute, sue
دعوی کردن: pretend, quarrel, sue
Sue got clean away
Sue ist spurlos verschwunden
to sue for peace
um Frieden bitten
to sue sb for libel
jdn wegen Verleumdung verklagen
to sue sb for divorce
gegen jdn die Scheidung einreichen
to sue sb for slander
jdn wegen Verleumdung anzeigen
to sue sb for damages
jdn auf Schadenersatz verklagen
to file [or sue sb] for divorce
gegen jdn die Scheidung einreichen
the name Susan is often abbreviated to Sue
Susan wird oft mit Sue abgekürzt
she was forced to sue to get her property back
sie war gezwungen vor Gericht zu gehen, um ihr Eigentum zurückzubekommen
I wouldn’t put it past him to sue his own mother
ich würde es ihm durchaus zutrauen, seine eigene Mutter zu verklagen
I shared a flat with Sue when we were at university
als wir an der Uni waren, hatte ich mit Sue eine gemeinsame Wohnung
im suffocating
suffocate [ˈsafəkeit]
♦ verb
to kill, die, cause distress to or feel distress, through lack of air or the prevention of free breathing: A baby may suffocate if it sleeps with a pillow; The smoke was suffocating him; May I open the window? I’m suffocating.
خفه كردن
♦ noun
suf´ǝ kāt´/
vi., vt.
● خفه کردن یا شدن،جلو دمزنی یا اکسیژن رسانی را گرفتن
children left in a box suffocated
بچههایی که آنها را در جعبه گذاشته بودند خفه شدند.
● (در اثر گرما یا دود و غیره) دچار تنگی نفس شدن
the room was so crowded and hot that I was suffocating
اتاق آنقدر شلوغ و گرم بود که نمیتوانستم نفس بکشم.
● (به ویژه رشد یا پیشرفت) جلوگیری ک
to suffocate sb
jdn ersticken
to feel suffocated übtr
das Gefühl haben zu ersticken
verb - suffocate
خاموش کردن: silence, put out, extinguish, stifle, out, suffocate
chore [tʃoː]
♦ noun
a piece of housework or other hard or dull job.
کار ناخوشایند؛ کار پر زحمت
chore (tedious task)
langweilige Aufgabe
chore (unpleasant task)
lästige Aufgabe
noun - chore
کارهای عادی و روزمره: chore, donkey work
کار مشکل: chore
کار سخت و طاقت فرسا: chore
it leaves the door open for reconciliation
noun - reconciliation
مصالحه: compromise, reconciliation, conciliation, accord
اصلاح: repair, correction, modification, amendment, shaving, reconciliation
تلفیق: compilation, synthesis, incorporation, modulation, reconciliation, conflation
اشتی: reconciliation, peace, placation, conciliation, detente
bank reconciliation
[Konten]abstimmung f
reconciliation statement
Erklärung f von Kontenabstimmungsdifferenzen
the reconciliation of their differences was at this point no longer possible
die Beilegung ihrer Meinungsverschiedenheiten war zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr möglich
the reconciliation of the facts with the theory is not always easy
das Vereinbaren von Fakten mit der Theorie ist nicht immer einfach
ger: anstreben, bemühen
strive [straiv]– past tense strove [strouv]: past participle striven [ˈstrivn] –
♦ verb
to try very hard or struggle: He always strives to please his teacher.
سعي كردن
● تکاپو کردن،تلاش کردن،جد و جهد کردن،(سخت) کوشیدن،چخیدن،تقلا کردن
each of us must strive to improve himself
هر یک از ما باید برای بهتر سازی خود جد و جهد کند.
to strive for success
برای موفقیت تکاپو کردن
● ستیزه کردن،ستیزیدن،پیکار کردن،مبارزه کردن،کشمکش کردن،جنگیدن
to strive against oppression
بر ضد بیدادگری ستیزه کردن
● (قدیمی) رقابت کردن،همچشمی کردن
to strive for statehood
eine eigene staatliche Souveränität anstreben
strive as we might [or may]
trotz all unserer Bemühungen
verb - strive
کوشیدن: strive, endeavor, try, tug, endeavour
کوشش کردن: try, labor, assay, attempt, bend, strive
گستردن: spread, lay on, propagate, streak, strive
سر و دست شکسن: beaver, strive, try, endeavour
جد و جهد کردن نزاع کردن: strive
ger: Skrupel
to be [entirely] without scruple
[völlig] skrupellos sein
to not scruple to do sth
keine Bedenken [o. Skrupel] haben, etw zu tun
noun - scruple
محظور اخلاقی: scruple
تردید: doubt, uncertainty, skepticism, suspicion, hesitancy, scruple
واحد سنجش چیز جزئی: scruple
اندک: paucity, modicum, pinch, whit, drib, scruple
ذره: particle, bit, whit, speck, grain, scruple
بیم: fear, dread, awe, apprehension, care, scruple
نهی اخلاقی: scruple
وسواس باک: scruple
verb - scruple
وسواس داشتن: scruple
دو دل بودن: waver, scruple, vacillate
تردید داشتن: scruple, stagger, vacillate
n., vt., vi.
● مقدار بسیار کم،اندک،قلیل،ناچیز،جزئی
● (روم باستان) واحد وزن برابر با یک بیست و چهارم اونس
● محذور اخلاقی،تردید (به ویژه دربارهی درستی عمل یا روش بخصوص)،ندای وجدان،دودلی،اندید،شک،ابا
moral scruples
محذورهای اخلاقی
without the slightest scruple, he ordered their execution
بدون کمترین تردید دستور اعدام آنها را داد.
she had no scruples about opening and reading others’ letters
از بازکردن و خواندن نامههای دیگران ابا نداشت.
● محذور اخلاقی داشتن،دودل بودن،اندیدن،شک داشتن،ابا داشتن
she does not scruple about lying
دروغ گفتن وجدانش را ناراحت نمیکند.
ger: zynisch
cynical [ˈsinikəl]
♦ adjective
inclined to believe the worst, especially about people: a cynical attitude.
بدبین؛ منفی باف
♦ adverb
با بدبینی
♦ noun
a person who believes the worst about everyone: He is a cynic – he thinks no-one is really unselfish.
آدم منفی باف؛ آدم بدبین
ˈcynicism [-sizəm]
♦ noun
بدگمانی؛ بدبینی
● (C بزرگ - فلسفه) کلبی (Cynic)
● (کسی که معتقد است انسانها خودخواه و آزمندند و زندگی ارزشی ندارد) بدبین،بدگمان،منفی باف،دژمان،سگسان،سگسار،دژآگاه
he is cynical about finding his watch
او امیدی به یافتن ساعت خود ندارد.
he was cynical about marriage
او نسبت به ازدواج بدبین بود.
don’t be so cynical!
اینقدر دژمان مباش!
bankruptcy made him cynical about everything and everyone
ورشکستگی او را نسبت به همه چیز و همه کس دژمان کرد.
● طعنهآمیز،نیشخند آمیز،تلخ
zynisch grinsen
to give a cynical grin a. abw
Ger: Der Charme
charm [tʃaːm]
♦ noun
1 (a) pleasant quality or attraction: Her charm made up for her lack of beauty.
جذابیت؛ گیرایی
2 a magical spell: The witch recited a charm.
سحر؛ جادو
3 something believed to have the power of magic or good luck: She wore a lucky charm.
4 a small ornament that is worn on a chain or bracelet.
♦ verb
1 to attract and delight: He can charm any woman.
شیفته کردن؛ محسور کردن
2 to influence by magic: He charmed the snake from its basket.
طلسم کردن
♦ adjective
very attractive: a charming smile.
بسیار جذاب
♦ adverb
با جذابیت
n., vt., vi.
● (در اصل - دعا یا شعری که میپنداشتند میتواند کمک کند یا صدمه بزند) ورد،دمدمه،سحر،جادو،افسون
● هرشی که دارای خاصیت جادویی باشد،طلسم،خرمهره
they hang charms around the necks of their children and cattle
آنان طلسم به گردن کودکان و چهار پایان خود میآویزند.
● جادو کردن،جادوگری کردن،طلسم کردن یا شدن (to cast a spell on هم میگویند)
his body was charmed and no sword could harm him
بدنش طلسم شده بود و هیچ شمشیری به او کارگر نبود.
● زیور آلات (گردنبند و دستبند و غیره)
● دلربایی،دلبری،گیرایی،شهوند،جذبه،جذابیت،طنازی،افسونگری
Parvin’s speech had charm as well as depth
سخنرانی پروین هم گیرایی و هم عمق داشت.
the narrow alleys of Isfahan have a unique charm
کوچههای باریک اصفهان جذابیت منحصر بفردی دارند.
● دل ربودن،شیفته کردن،طنازی کردن،افسونگری کردن،محسور کردن
the charming smile of Mona Lisa
لبخند افسون آمیز مونالیزا
the children’s behavior charmed the guests
رفتار بچهها مهمانان را مسحور کرد.
noun - charm
افسون: charm, spell, fascination, enchantment, glamor, incantation
طلسم: talisman, spell, fetish, mascot, charm, amulet
فریبندگی: charm, seduction, glamor, fascination, temptation, glamour
دلربایی: oomph, charm, mash
سحر: magic, dawn, witchcraft, enchantment, sorcery, charm
verb - charm
افسون کردن: bewitch, charm, enchant, fascinate, voodoo, witch
مسحور کردن: bewitch, bedazzle, charm, ravish, bedevil
فریفتن: seduce, entice, deceive, skunk, decoy, charm
equivalent [iˈkwivələnt]
♦ adjective
equal in value, power, meaning etc : A metre is not quite equivalent to a yard; Would you say that bravery' and
courage’ are exactly equivalent?
برابر؛ هم معنی
♦ noun
something or someone that is equivalent to something or someone else: This word has no equivalent in French.
هم ارز؛ هم معنی
n., adj.
● برابر،هممعنی،هم ارز،هم سنگ،همتوان،همچند
is there an equivalent word to “seegheh” in the English language?
آیا در انگلیسی واژهای معادل ((صیغه)) وجود دارد؟
one hundred dollars or an equivalent amount in Rials
صد دلار یا مبلغ برابر آن به ریال
● (شیمی - دارای والانس برابر) هم ارزش،همظرفیت
● (هندسه - هم اندازه ولی نه همشکل) هم ارز،هم اندازه،هم وسعت
● چیز برابر،نیروی همتوان (و غیره)
● (شیمی) حاصل تقسیم وزن اتمی بر والانس یا ارزش
● هممعنی،همچم
this is equivalent to writing …
genauso gut könnte man schreiben, …
to be functionally equivalent to sth
dieselbe Funktion wie etw haben
to be equivalent to doing sth
genauso sein, als ob man etw tun würde
is $50 equivalent to about £30?
sind 50 Dollar ungefähr so viel wie 30 Pfund?
to be the closest equivalent to sth
etw Dat am nächsten kommen
to be the exact equivalent of sth
etw Dat genau entsprechen
there is no English equivalent for ‘bon appetit’
im Englischen gibt es keinen entsprechenden Ausdruck für ‚bon appetit‘
this was the nearest equivalent to cottage cheese I could find
von allem, was ich auftreiben konnte, ist das hier Hüttenkäse am ähnlichsten
ger: berücksichtigen, betrachten,….
regard [rəˈgaːd]
♦ verb
1 (with as ) to consider to be: I regard his conduct as totally unacceptable.
ملاحظه کردن
2 to think of as being very good, important etc ; to respect: He is very highly regarded by his friends.
احترام قائل شدن
3 to think of (with a particular emotion or feeling): I regard him with horror; He regards his wife’s behaviour with amusement.
به حساب آوردن
4 to look at: He regarded me over the top of his glasses.
نگاه کردن
5 to pay attention to (advice etc ).
توجه کردن
♦ noun
1 thought; attention: He ran into the burning house without regard for his safety.
توجه؛ ملاحظه
2 sympathy; care; consideration: He shows no regard for other people.
3 good opinion; respect: I hold him in high regard.
♦ preposition
about; concerning: Have you any suggestions regarding this project?
♦ adjectiv,
♦ adverb
not thinking or caring about costs, problems, dangers etc : There may be difficulties but I shall carry on regardless.
صرف نظر از؛ علی رغم
♦ noun plural
greetings; good wishes: Give my regards to your mother; He sent her his regards.
سلام رسنی؛ ارادات
as regards
as far as (something) is concerned: As regards the meeting tomorrow, I hope as many people will attend as possible.
تا آن جا که به کسی مربوط می شود؛ درباره
with regard to
about; concerning: I have no complaints with regard to his work.
در مورد
with regards is sometimes used in ending a letter.
with regard to means `about’.
ri gärd´/
n., vt., vi.
● نگاه ثابت،نگاه خیره،(نگاه) زل زل،نگاه
she looked at me with a steady regard
زل زل به من نگاه میکرد.
● ملاحظه،توجه
to have regard for others’ feelings
ملاحظهی احساسات دیگران را کردن
Hossein had no regard for his health
حسین به سلامتی خود توجهی نمیکرد.
without regard to race or religion
بدون در نظر گرفتن نژاد یا مذهب
● احترام،عزت
I have a high regard for my former teachers
من برای معلمهای سابق خودم احترام زیادی قایلم.
a man of small regard
مرد کم احترام
● عطف،راجع (به)،در مورد،(در)باره
in regard to your plan
راجع به نقشهی شما
● (جمع) سلامرسانی،ارادت
give my regards to your brother
سلام مرا به برادرت برسان.
● (مهجور) قیافه،ظاهر
● (به کسی یا چیزی) خیره شدن،زل زل نگاه کردن،(با دقت) نگاه کردن،نگریستن
he regarded me from the corner of his eye
از گوشهی چشمش به من نگاه کرد.
● به حساب آوردن،به شمار آوردن
I regard you as my brother
به چشم برادری به تو نگاه میکنم.
● احترام قائل شدن
I regard your father highly
من برای پدر شما احترام زیادی قایل هستم.
● مورد ملاحظه قرار دادن،تلقی کردن
he regards taxes as a heavy burden
او مالیاتها را به عنوان باری سنگین تلقی میکند.
● مربوط بودن،سر و کار داشتن
that which regards our welfare
آنچه که با رفاه ما سروکار دارد
● توجه کردن
● (مهجور) اهمیت دادن
* as regards
دربارهی،تا آنجا که به … مربوط میشود
we are well-supplied as regards food
تا آنجا که مربوط به خوراک میشود کمبود نداریم.
* without regard to
بدون در نظر گرفتن
egard for self
Sorge f um das eigene Wohlergehen
to regard sb/sth
jdn/etw betrachten
to regard sb highly (be considerate of)
große Rücksicht auf jdn nehmen
in this [or that] regard
in dieser Hinsicht
with [or in] regard to …
in Bezug auf …
to regard sb with suspicion
jdm mit Misstrauen begegnen
with special regard to sth
unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von etw Dat
to regard sth with sth
etw mit etw Dat betrachten
to pay regard to sth
auf etw Akk Rücksicht nehmen
to hold sth in low regard
etw geringschätzen
I regard my car as an essential
mein Auto ist für mich absolut unverzichtbar
I regard telephones and televisions as inessentials
für mich sind Telefon und Fernseher etwas Unwesentliches
to regard/view sth with suspicion
etw mit Misstrauen betrachten
to pay no regard to a warning
eine Warnung in den Wind schlagen
she became aware of his regard
sie merkte, dass er sie anstarrte
to not regard sb’s needs/situation/wishes
jds Bedürfnisse/Situation/Wünsche nicht berücksichtigen
to regard sb/sth curiously/strangely
jdn/etw neugierig/befremdet betrachten
without [or with no] regard for sb/sth
ohne Rücksicht auf jdn/etw
without regard to race or colour
egal welcher [o. ungeachtet der] Rasse und Hautfarbe
noun - regard
توجه: attention, consideration, regard, care, notice, heed
نظر: opinion, view, look, regard, viewpoint, sight
احترام: respect, honor, regard, tribute, reverence, respectability
باره: regard
ملاحظه: consideration, regard, observation, remark, prudence, reservation
رعایت: observance, observation, regard, heed
بابت: regard, behalf, concern
نگاه: look, glance, regard, gander, kenning
سلام: greeting, salute, salutation, salaam, hail, regard
مراعات: observance, consideration, regard, heed, assistance
درود: greeting, salute, hail, salutation, compliment, regard
verb - regard
نگریستن: look, regard, glance
ملاحظه کردن: consider, remark, heed, note, notice, regard
اعتناء کردن به: heed, mind, regard
نگاه کردن: look up, look, see, eye, regard
ger: seduktive
1 tempting and attractive; enticing.
a seductive voice
synonyms: sexy , alluring , tempting , irresistible , exciting , provocative , sultry , slinky , coquettish , flirtatious , vampish , come-hither
the seduction of money
der Lockruf des Geldes
arts of seduction
Verführungskünste pl
seductive argument, offer
seductive argument, offer
verlockend geh
/si duk´shǝn/
● گمراهی،اغوا،فریب،از راه به در شدگی،فریب خوردگی
the seduction of his daughter by the neighbor’s son
گمراهی دخترش توسط پسر همسایه
● عامل گمراهی،چیز گمراه کننده
noun - seduction
فتنه: intrigue, sedition, seduction, temptation, insurrection, riot
اغوا: seduction, temptation, enticement, seducement, sophistication, allurement
فتنه انگیزی: seduction, instigation, incitement, provocation, abetment
فریبندگی: charm, seduction, glamor, fascination, temptation, glamour
گول زنی: seduction, dupery, humbuggery, sharp practice, trickery
گمراه سازی: seduction
● وسوسه انگیز،دلفریب،فریبنده،فریبا
her seductive smile
لبخند دلفریب او
adjective - seductive
اغوا کننده: seductive, tempting
گمراه کننده: illusory, deceptive, seductive, sinister, sinuous, illusive
فریبا: charming, deceiving, deceptive, seductive
ger: inserieren
advertise [ˈӕdvətaiz]
♦ verb
to make (something) known to the public by any of various methods: I’ve advertised (my house) in the newspaper; They advertised on TV for volunteers.
آگهی کردن
advertisement [ədˈvəːtismənt, (American) ӕdvərˈtaizmənt]
♦ noun
(also ad [ӕd], advert [ˈadvəːt]) a film, newspaper announcement, poster etc making something known, especially in order to persuade people to buy it: an advertisement for toothpaste on television; She replied to my advertisement for a secretary.
♦ noun
a person who advertises.
آگهی کننده
● آگهی،اعلان
● تبلیغات بازرگانی،آگهیهای تجاری
good advertising leads to good sales
تبلیغات خوب موجب فروش خوب میشود.
● آگهی کردن،اعلان کردن،آگهی دادن،تبلیغ کردن،تبلیغ تجاری کردن
she advertised for a servant
او برای مستخدم (در روزنامه) آگهی کرد.
a billboard advertising a fishing competition
تابلویی که مسابقهی ماهیگیری را اعلان میکرد
● نشان دادن،گویا بودن
his features advertised his harsh and brutal nature
قیافهاش نهاد خشن و سبع او را بروز میداد.
● شناساندن،اعلام کردن
let us not advertise our differences
بیا اختلافات خود را بروز ندهیم.
● به رخ کشیدن
● تعریف کردن
verb - advertise
اگهی دادن: advertise, announce
اعلان کردن: proclaim, announce, advertise, declare, give out
انتشار دادن: issue, advertise, announce, promulgate, propagate
to advertise one’s willingness
seine Bereitschaft bekunden
to advertise one’s presence
sich Akk auffällig verhalten
to advertise over the air
im Fernsehen/Radio Werbung machen
to advertise sth as energy-saving
etw als Energie sparend anpreisen
if you’re applying for other jobs, I wouldn’t advertise
the fact at work
dass du dich für andere Stellen bewirbst, würde ich auf der Arbeit nicht herumposaunen
to convince sb [of sth]
jdn [von etw Dat ] überzeugen
to convince sb to do sth
jdn dazu bringen, etw zu tun
● (با استدلال) معتقد کردن،(با دلیل و برهان) قبولاندن،پذیراندن،پذیرفتار کردن،متقاعد کردن،مجاب کردن،قانع کردن
he failed to convince the jury
es ist ihm nicht gelungen, die Jury zu überzeugen
to convince sb to do sth
jdn dazu bringen, etw zu tun
it takes more than that to convince me
das überzeugt mich noch lange nicht
convince [kənˈvins]
♦ verb
to persuade (a person) that something is true: Her smile convinced me that she was happy; She is convinced of his innocence.
متقاعد کردن
♦ adjective
(negative unconvincing ) having the power to convince: a convincing argument.
متقاعد کننده
he convinced me to buy that carpet
او مرا متقاعد کرد که آن قالی را بخرم.
● معتقد بودن،اعتقاد راسخ داشتن،باور داشتن
● عقیدهمند کردن،هماندیش کردن،همرای کردن،راغب کردن
through advertising, they convince people to buy
با تبلیغ،مردم را راغب به خرید میکنند.
● مطمئن کردن
* be convinced
اطمینان داشتن،معتقد بودن،پذیرفتار بودن،پذیرا بودن،اعتقاد راسخ داشتن
I am convinced that he was not lying
اعتقاد راسخ دارم که دروغ نمیگفت.
* convinced, adj.
1- پر و پا قرص،دوآتشه 2- مطمئن 3- معتقد،مومن،پذیراگر
a convinced socialist
یک سوسیالیست پر و پا قرص
If anybody could convince Tom, it would be Mary.
اگر کسی می توانست تام را متقاعد کند، آن ماری بود
verb - convince
متقاعد کردن: convince, ensure
قانع کردن: convince, satisfy, comply, content
eventual / eventually
This project will cost a lot of money initially but will eventually make a profit.
the eventual cost
die letztendlichen Kosten
we remain optimistic about an eventual agreement
wir bleiben optimistisch, dass wir am Ende [doch] noch eine Einigung erzielen werden
eventual [iˈventʃuəl]
♦ adjective
happening in the end: their quarrel and eventual reconciliation.
پایانی؛ نهایی
eˌventuˈality [-ˈӕ-]– plural eventuˈalities –
♦ noun
a possible happening: We are ready for all eventualities.
♦ adverb
finally; at length: I thought he would never ask her to marry him, but he did eventually.
سرانجام؛ عاقبت
● (آنچه که در آخر یا در نتیجهی یک سلسله رویداد بیاید) نهایی،پایانی،پیامدین،بعدی،متعاقب،پسین،پسایند
our eventual success
کامیابی نهایی ما
adjective - eventual
احتمالی: likely, probable, eventual, probabilistic, presumptive
مشروط: conditional, contingent, conditioned, qualified, provisional, eventual
شرطی: conditional, eventual, provisional, provisory
موکول بانجام شرطی: eventual
مشروط بشرایط معینی: eventual
ger: Artefakt
noun - artifact
مصنوع: artifact, artefact, piece of art, work of art
محصول مصنوعی: artefact, artifact
1 an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.
gold and silver artifacts
synonyms: relic , article , handiwork
2 something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure.
widespread tissue infection may be a technical artifact
/ärt´ǝ fakt´/
● چیزی که توسط انسان ساخته شده است (به ویژه ابزار و ظروف و جنگ افزارهای انسان اولیه)،دست ساخت،مصنوع،دست ساز
gold and silver artifacts found in a prehistoric tomb
ابزار زرین و سیمین یافته شده در یک قبر ماقبل تاریخ
● (بافت شناسی - مواد یا عوامل خارجی که تصادفا با چیزی که مورد پژوهش و بازبینی میباشد مخلوط شده است) ورساخته
US UK AU observe [əbˈzəːv]
♦ verb
1 to notice: I observed her late arrival.
متوجه شدن
2 to watch carefully: She observed his actions with interest.
با توجه نگریستن
3 to obey: We must observe the rules.
رعایت کردن
4 to make a remark: `It’s a lovely day’, he observed.
اظهار کردن
♦ noun
1 the act of obeying rules etc : the observance of the law.
2 the act of observing (a tradition etc ): the observance of religious holidays.
♦ adjective
quick to notice: An observant boy remembered the car’s registration number.
تیز بین
ˌobserˈvation [ob-]
♦ noun
1 the act of noticing or watching: She is in hospital for observation.
مراقبت؛ توجه
2 a remark.
اظهار نظر
obˈservatory– plural obˈservatories –
♦ noun
a place for observing and studying the stars, weather etc .
♦ noun
a person who observes.
ناظر؛ مراقب
vt., vi.
● (قانون یا وظیفه یا سنت و غیره) رعایت کردن،پیروی کردن،مراعات کردن
a good citizen observes laws
شهروند خوب قانونها را رعایت میکند.
observing common decencies
مراعات اصول و نزاکتهای معمول
● برگزار کردن،بزرگداشت کردن،جشن گرفتن
we always observed birthdays
ما همیشه زاد روزها را جشن میگرفتیم.
● نگریدن،متوجه شدن،مشاهده کردن،مورد مداقه قرار دادن،تحت توجه قرار دادن،پی بردن
I have observed that foreign students tend to isolate themselves
متوجه شدهام که شاگردان برون مرزی به انزوا گرایش دارند.
● (پس از پژوهش) به نتیجه رسیدن،نتیجه گیری کردن،بر نگری کردن
● گفتن،اظهار کردن
“this carpet”, she observed slowly, “has several flaws”
((این فرش)) او به آهستگی گفت: ((چندین عیب دارد)).
● مورد مطالعهی علمی قرار دادن،پژوهیدن
for years he has been observing ant colonies
سالها است که دربارهی دستههای مورچه پژوهش میکند.
to observe a ceasefire
einen Waffenstillstand einhalten
to observe an anniversary
einen Jahrestag begehen
do you observe Passover?
feiert ihr das Passahfest?
to observe the Sabbath
den Sabbat einhalten
to observe the decencies
den Anstand wahren
to observe the proprieties
die Regeln der Höflichkeit wahren
to observe silence
Stillschweigen bewahren
to observe neutrality
die Neutralität einhalten
to follow [or obey] [or form observe] a rule
eine Regel befolgen [o. einhalten]
to observe a minute of silence
eine Schweigeminute einlegen
to observe the law/an order
das Gesetz/eine Anordnung befolgen
to observe a rule/speed limit
sich Akk an eine Regel/Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung halten
to break/observe [or keep] the Sabbath
den Sabbat entheiligen/heiligen
I hate funerals, but you must observe the decencies
ich hasse Beerdigungen, aber man muss eben die Form wahren
now, observe the way the motor causes the little wheels to move up and down
verfolge jetzt genau, wie der Motor die kleinen Räder sich auf und ab bewegen lässt
ger: Inkarnation
An algorithm, which is just step-by-step instructions for solving some problem
incarnated in the world of computers by software.
evil incarnate
das personifizierte Böse
God incarnate
der menschgewordene Gott
the devil incarnate
der personifizierte Teufel
incarnate [inˈkaːnət]
♦ adjective
(of God, the devil etc ) having taken human form: a devil incarnate.
تندار؛ متجسم
incarnation [inkaːˈneiʃən]
♦ noun
(the) human form taken by a divine being etc : Most Christians believe that Christ was the incarnation of God.
انسان دیسی؛ مظهر
/in kär´nit, -nāt´/
adj., vt.
● (جسم به ویژه جسم انسانی دادن به) تن مند کردن،تناور کردن،متجسم کردن،گوشت مند کردن،مجسم کردن،حلول کردن
a man who incarnates our highest hopes
مردی که تجسمی از رفیعترین امیدهای ما میباشد.
● دیسمند کردن،شکل دار کردن،واقعیت دادن به،عینیت دادن
to incarnate political ideas in governmental organizations
متجلی کردن اندیشههای سیاسی در قالب سازمانهای دولتی
● مظهر (چیزی) بودن،نماد بودن
to incarnate the frontier spirit
نماد روح مرزنشینی بودن
● تنمند،تندار،گوشت مند
● نمونهی چیزی،مظهر،پیدایه،تناور
an incarnate spirit
روح تناور
evil incarnate
بدی تنمند (متجسم)
● خون رنگ،گوشت فام،قرمز
incarnate clover
شبدر قرمز
ger: implementieren
When you write software aka programs, you
are implementing one or more algorithms, one or more sets of instructions
to implement a reform
eine Reform einführen
to implement a plan
ein Vorhaben in die Tat umsetzen
to implement a policy of casual Friday
einführen, dass im Büro freitags legere Kleidung getragen werden darf
etw [auf etw Dat] implementieren
to implement sth [on sth]
Branchensoftware auf PC implementieren
to implement software on PC
1 put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.
the regulations implement a 1954 treaty
synonyms: execute , apply , put into effect , put into action , put into practice , carry out/through , perform , enact , fulfill , discharge , accomplish , bring about , achieve , realize , actualize , phase in , effectuate
1 a tool, utensil, or other piece of equipment, especially as used for a particular purpose.
agricultural implements
synonyms: tool , utensil , instrument , device , apparatus , gadget , contraption , appliance , machine , contrivance , gizmo , equipment , kit , tackle , accoutrements , paraphernalia
utensil, instrument, device, apparatus, gadget, contraption, appliance, machine, contrivance, gizmo, equipment, kit, tackle, accoutrements, paraphernalia
apply, put into effect, put into action, put into practice, carry out/through, perform, enact, fulfill, discharge, accomplish, bring about, achieve, realize, actualize, phase in, effectuate
put through,
follow up, go through, follow out, carry out, follow through
[1a] etwas ausführen oder vervollständigen, insbesondere um einen praktischen Effekt zu geben und die aktuelle Erfüllung anhand von konkreten Messungen sicherzustellen.
[1b] versehen, ausstatten oder erweitern von etwas mit Instrumenten (Werkzeugen), Meinungen oder Ausdrücken.
[2] EDV, Informatik: eine Erweiterung oder Unterprogramm in ein bestehendes Programm einfügen, insbesondere um den Funktionsumfang des übergeordneten Programms zu erweitern.
von englisch: implement → en „bewerkstelligen, durchführen“ entlehnt1
1 einführen, einsetzen, einbauen, einfügen, einbetten
[2] umsetzen
Implementierer, Implementierung
In this physical book might be a whole bunch
of names alphabetically sorted from left to right
corresponding to a whole bunch of numbers.
to correspond closely/roughly to sth
etw Dat genau/ungefähr entsprechen
his story didn’t correspond with the witness’ version
seine Geschichte deckte sich nicht mit der Version des Zeugen
correspond [korəˈspond]
♦ verb
1 (with to ) to be similar; to match: A bird’s wing corresponds to the arm and hand in humans.
مطابق بودن؛ شباهت داشتن
2 (with with ) to be in agreement with; to match.
مطابقت داشتن؛ شبیه بودن
3 to communicate by letter (with): Do they often correspond (with each other)?
مکاتبه کردن
♦ noun
1 agreement; similarity or likeness.
مشابهت؛ مطابقت
2 (communication by) letters: I must deal with that (big pile of) correspondence.
نامه ها؛ مکاتبات
♦ noun
1 a person with whom one exchanges letters: He has correspondents all over the world.
مکاتبه کننده
2 a person who contributes news to a newspaper etc : He’s foreign correspondent for `The Times’.
گزارشگر؛ خبرنگار
♦ adjective
similar, matching: The rainfall this month is not as high as for the corresponding month last year.
correspondence course
a course of lessons by post: a correspondence course in accountancy.
واحد مکاتبه ای
/kôr´ǝ spänd´, kär´-/
● (با: to یا with) همخوان بودن،همخوانی داشتن،مطابق بودن با،مطابقت داشتن،همزینه بودن،مشابه بودن با
her views do not correspond with reality
نظریات او با واقعیت همخوانی ندارد.
the date of his death corresponds with my birthday
تاریخ مرگ او با زادروز من مقارن است.
the testimony of one of the witnesses did not correspond with the police report
گواهی یکی از شهود با گزارش پلیس همخوان نبود (مطابقت نداشت).
in birds, the wings correspond to arms
در پرندگان بالها به مثابه دست هستند.
● مکاتبه کردن،نامه رد و بدل کردن،نامه نویسی کردن
the two lovers corresponded secretly
عاشق و معشوق،پنهانی با هم مکاتبه میکردند.
* corresponding, adj.
ger: effizient
efficient [iˈfiʃənt]
♦ adjective
1 (of a person) capable; skilful: a very efficient secretary.
لایق؛ کارامد
2 (of an action, tool etc ) producing (quick and) satisfactory results: The new lawn mower is much more efficient than the old one.
موثر؛ ثمربخش
♦ adverb
بطور موثر
♦ noun
کارآیی؛ بازده
/e fish´ǝnt, i-; ē-, ǝ-/
● موثر،مفید،ثمربخش،مقرون به صرفه،سودبخش،اثربخش
larger projects are usually less efficient
طرحهای بزرگتر معمولا اثربخشی کمتری دارد.
● پر بازده،بازده مند،دارای راندمان،کارا
the most efficient way of producing electricity
پر بازده ترین راه تولید برق
● لایق،باکفایت،کارآمد،چابک و پرکار
an efficient typist
ماشیننویس کارآمد
effizient geh
efficient person
fähige [o. tüchtige] Person
AUDIENCE: So if you’re starting on page 1,
you’re only going odd number of pages, so if it’s on an even number page,
you’ll miss it.
odd [od]
♦ adjective
1 unusual; strange: He’s wearing very odd clothes; a very odd young man.
عجیب و غریب
2 (of a number) that cannot be divided exactly by 2: 5 and 7 are odd (numbers).
3 not one of a pair, set etc : an odd shoe.
4 occasional; free: at odd moments.
گهگاهی؛ متفرقه
ˈoddity– plural ˈoddities –
♦ noun
a strange person or thing: He’s a bit of an oddity.
شخص یا چیز عجیب و غریب
♦ adverb
strangely: He is behaving very oddly.
بطور عجیب و غریب
♦ noun
a piece left over from something: an oddment of material.
♦ noun plural
1 chances; probability: The odds are that he will win.
2 a difference in strength, in favour of one side: They are fighting against heavy odds.
نابرابری؛ تفاوت
odd jobs
(usually small) jobs of various kinds, often done for other people: He’s unemployed, but earns some money by doing odd jobs for old people.
پادویی؛ خرده کاری
odd job man
a person employed to do such jobs.
پادو؛ کسی که خرده کاری می کند
be at odds
to be quarrelling: He has been at odds with his brother for years.
با کسی اختلاف داشتن
make no odds
to be unimportant: We haven’t got much money, but that makes no odds.
مهم نبودن
oddly enough
it is strange or remarkable (that): I saw John this morning. Oddly enough, I was just thinking I hadn’t seen him for a long time.
عجیب است که؛ جالب اینکه
odd man out / odd one out
1 a person or thing that is different from others: In this test, you have to decide which of these three objects is the odd one out.
شخص یا چیز غیر معمول
2 a person or thing that is left over when teams etc are made up: When they chose the two teams, I was the odd man out.
شخص حذف شده
odds and ends
small objects etc of different kinds: There were various odds and ends lying about on the table.
خرت و پرت
what’s the odds?
it’s not important; it doesn’t matter: We didn’t win the competition but what’s the odds?
چه اهمیتی دارد
odd visitor
vereinzelter Besucher/vereinzelte Besucherin
the odd man out
der Außenseiter
what an odd coincidence!
was für ein sonderbarer Zufall!
to find sth odd
etw komisch [o. merkwürdig] finden
to look odd
komisch aussehen
even/odd parity
gerade/ungerade Parität
odd shoes/socks
einzelne Schuhe/Socken
odd [or rare] bird ugs
seltener Vogel ugs
an odd [or queer] fish
ein komischer Kauz
odd [or mismatched] socks
zwei verschiedene Socken
the odd one [or man] out
das fünfte Rad am Wagen
to score the odd goal
hin und wieder einen Treffer landen
road with odd number of lanes INFRASTR
Straße mit ungerader Zahl von Fahrspuren
she really is an odd customer
sie ist schon wirklich eine seltsame Person
these trains leave at odd times
diese Züge haben ausgefallene Abfahrtszeiten
I had the odd sensation that …
ich hatte das komische Gefühl, dass …
the odd thing about it is that …
das Komische daran ist, dass …
● تا،تاق،لنگه
an odd glove
یک لنگه دستکش
we found two pairs of boots and an odd shoe
دو جفت پوتین و یک لنگه کفش پیدا کردیم.
an odd sock
یک لنگه جوراب (مردانه)
● ناقص (به ویژه یک سری کتاب یا مجله که چند جلد آن کم است)،نا جور
a few odd volumes of Dickens
چند جلد ناقص از سری کتابهای دیکنز
● فرد (در برابر: زوج)،تاق (در برابر: جفت)،تک،منفرد
“seven” is an odd number but “eight” is an even number
((هفت)) یک عدد فرد ولی ((هشت)) یک عدد زوج است.
the year’s odd months
ماههای فرد سال
he came without his wife and so turned out to be the odd guest at the party
او بدون زنش آمد و لذا در مهمانی وصلهی ناجوری شده بود.
● خرد،خرده،پول خرد،پول سیاه،اندی،خردهای،کمی،چندی
twenty dollars and some odd change
بیست دلار و مقداری پول خرد
thirty odd
سی چهل تا،سی و چند،سی و اندی
twenty-odd children
بیست و چند تا بچه
odd pieces of metal
خرده ریزهای فلزی
a book of 400-odd pages
کتابی با چهار صد و خوردهای صفحه
● گهگاهی،اتفاقی،نا معین،گاه و بیگاه،جور واجور،متفرقه
at odd moments
در اوقات غیر معمولی،وقت و بی وقت
he does odd repair jobs
او کارهای مختلف تعمیراتی انجام میدهد.
● عجیب و غریب،غیر عادی،نا بهنجار،بیواره
odd behavior
رفتار عجیب و غریب
she always wears odd clothes
او همیشه لباسهای غیرعادی میپوشد.
it is very odd that she sent her children but didn’t come herself
خیلی عجیب است که بچههایش را فرستاد ولی خودش نیامد.
an odd collection of contemporary paintings
مجموعهی عجیب و غریبی از نقاشیهای معاصر
● دور افتاده،خارج از دسترس
in odd corners
در گوشه و کنار
● رجوع شود به: odds
* oddly enough
عجیب است که،جالب اینکه،از عجایب است که
AUDIENCE: So if you’re starting on page 1,
you’re only going odd number of pages, so if it’s on an even number page,
you’ll miss it.
even1 [iːvən]
♦ adjective
1 level; the same in height, amount etc : Are the table-legs even?; an even temperature.
هموار؛ یکنواخت
2 smooth: Make the path more even.
صاف؛ مسطح
3 regular: He has a strong, even pulse.
4 divisible by 2 with no remainder: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 etc are even numbers.
5 equal (in number, amount etc ): The teams have scored one goal each and so they are even now.
6 (of temperament etc ) calm: She has a very even temper.
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈevened –
1 to make equal: Smith’s goal evened the score.
برابر کردن
2 to make smooth or level.
هموار کردن
♦ adverb
بطور مساوی یا صاف
♦ noun
مساوی بودن؛ همواری
be/get even with
to be revenged on: He tricked me, but I’ll get even with him.
تلافی کردن
an even chance see chance
even out
1 to become level or regular: The road rose steeply and then evened out; His pulse began to even out.
تخت شدن؛ یکنواخت شدن
2 to make smooth: He raked the soil to even it out.
هموار کردن
3 to make equal: If Jane would do some of Mary’s typing, that would even the work out.
بطور مساوی تقسیم شدن
even up
to make equal: John did better in the maths exam than Jim and that evened up their marks.
متعادل کردن؛ برابر کردن
• Even if I had wished to stop, I couldn’t.
حتی اگر می خواستم توقف کنم، نمی توانستم.
• Even though I really want to know his name, I don’t have enough courage, and I’m afraid to go ask.
حتی با وجود آنکه واقعاً می خواهم نام او را بدانم، اما جرات کافی ندارم و می ترسم از او سوال کنم.
• Even though it is raining, I don’t care at all.
هرچند بارونیه هوا ولی اصلا اهمیتی نمی دم.
• Even without makeup, she’s very cute.
حتی بدون آرایش او بسیار بانمک است.
• In reply, he didn’t say even a word.
او حتی یک کلمه هم پاسخ نداد.
even if …
selbst [o. CH auch] wenn …
even so …
trotzdem …
even though …
selbst [o. CH auch] wenn …
even worse, …
was noch schlimmer ist, …
even with …
selbst mit …
even if
selbst [dann,] wenn
to even the score
das Gleichgewicht wiederherstellen
to even out sth
etw ausgleichen
even Jim was there
selbst [o. sogar] Jim war da
she wasn’t even trying
sie hat sich überhaupt keine Mühe gegeben
not [even] faintly funny
überhaupt nicht komisch
an even row
eine gerade Reihe
an even bargain
ein Schnäppchen
an even contest
ein ebenbürtiger Wettkampf
an even page
eine Seite mit gerader Zahl
an even number
eine gerade Zahl
an even game
ein ausgeglichenes Spiel
honours are even Brit
es herrscht Gleichstand
an even surface
eine glatte Oberfläche
to break even
kostendeckend arbeiten
presume [prəˈzjuːm]
♦ verb
1 to believe that something is true without proof; to take for granted: When I found the room empty, I presumed that you had gone home; Has he gone?'
I presume so.’
فرض کردن
2 to be bold enough (to act without the right, knowledge etc to do so): I wouldn’t presume to advise someone as clever as you.
جسارت کردن
♦ adverb
I presume: She’s not in her office – presumably she went home early.
preˈsumption [-ˈzamp-]
♦ noun
1 something presumed: She married again, on the presumption that her first husband was dead.
2 unsuitable boldness, eg in one’s behaviour towards another person.
preˈsumptuous [-ˈzamptjuəs, (American) -ˈzamptʃuəs]
♦ adjective
impolitely bold.
♦ noun
/prē zōōm´/
vt., vi.
● به خود اجازه دادن،جسارت کردن،پررویی کردن
I did not presume to call her by her first name
به خود اجازه ندادم او را به اسم کوچک صدا بزنم.
why are you so late, if I may presume?
اگر جسارت نباشد چرا این قدر دیر کردهاید؟
how can you presume to give me orders!
چطور به خودت اجازه میدهی به من دستور بدهی!
● فرض کردن،انگاشتن،انگاردن،خیال کردن،تصور کردن،گمان کردن
a village which was presumed to be under Vietcong control
دهکدهای که تصور میشد تحت کنترل ویتکنگها باشد
the accused is missing and presumed dead
متهم مفقود شده است و احتمال میرود که مرده باشد.
an individual is presumed innocent unless the opposite is proven
هر فرد بیگناه فرض میشود مگر آنکه خلاف آن ثابت شود.
if he dosen’t show up, I’ll presume he is not interested in buying the house
اگر نیاید چنین خواهم انگاشت که به خرید خانه علاقه ندارد.
● دلالت کردن،حاکی بودن
a signed invoice presumes receipt of goods
بارنامهی امضا شده نشانهی دریافت کالا است.
● (با: on یا upon) محرز فرض کردن،(بیش از حد) روی چیزی حساب کردن
to presume on someone’s friendship
زیادی روی دوستی کسی حساب کردن
I presume so/not
ich denke [o. glaube] ja/nein
to presume to claim that …
sich Akk zu der Behauptung versteigen, dass …
to presume on sb’s time
jds Zeit in Anspruch nehmen
you are Dr Smith, I presume?
ich nehme an, Sie sind Dr. Smith?
to presume on sb’s good nature
jds Gutmütigkeit ausnutzen
she would never presume to question my authority
sie würde sich nie anmaßen, meine Autorität in Frage zu stellen
could I presume on your time for a moment?
hätten Sie wohl einen Moment Zeit für mich?
are we walking to the hotel? — I presume so
laufen wir zum Hotel? — ich denke schon
I don’t wish to presume, but shouldn’t you apologize to her?
ich will ja nicht aufdringlich sein, aber solltest du dich nicht bei ihr entschuldigen?
DAVID MALAN: OK, and presumably it is John Harvard
would be to the left of this.
But I’ve now just decreased the size of this problem really in half.
ger: verringern
decrease [diˈkriːs]
♦ verb
to make or become less: Their numbers had decreased over the previous year.
تقلیل یافتن؛ کم شدن
a growing less: a decrease of fifty per cent; a gradual decrease in unemployment.
کاهش؛ تقلیل
/dē krēs´, dē´krēs´/
vi., vt.
● کاستن،کم شدن،کم کردن،کاهیدن،نقصان یافتن،ویدا شدن،تقلیل دادن یا یافتن
his speed decreased
از سرعت او کاسته شد.
he decreased his speed
او سرعت خود را کاست (کم کرد).
prices have increased and incomes have decreased
قیمتها بالا رفتهاند و درآمدها پایین آمدهاند.
● کاهش،نقصان،تقلیل،کم شدگی،میزان کاهش
a decrease in prices
کاهش قیمتها
a population decrease
تقلیل جمعیت
* on the decrease
روبه کاهش،در حال تقلیل،در حال نقصان
is divorce on the decrease?
آیا طلاق رو به کاهش است؟
significant decrease
beachtlicher Rückgang
substantial decrease
deutlicher Rückgang
population decrease
Bevölkerungsschwund m
a decrease in weight of person
Gewichtsabnahme f
to decrease prices/spending
Ausgaben/Preise senken
to decrease costs
Kosten verringern [o. reduzieren]
decrease in births
Geburtenrückgang m
to decrease production
die Produktion drosseln
decrease in price
Preissenkung f
steady increase/decrease
stetige Zunahme/Abnahme
to increase/decrease in size
an Größe gewinnen/verlieren
to increase/decrease the dosage
die Dosis erhöhen/herabsetzen
to increase/decrease the odds esp Am
die Chancen erhöhen/verringern
the value could decrease with time
der Wert könnte mit der Zeit sinken
swop, swap [swop]– past tense, past participle swopped, ~swapped –
♦ verb
to exchange one thing for another: He swopped his ball with another boy for a pistol; They swopped books with each other.
مبادله كردن
♦ noun
an exchange: a fair swop.
verb - swap
عوض کردن: change, remodel, replace, swap, exchange, alter
مبادله کردن: exchange, swap, interchange, chaffer, dicker, intercommunicate
بیرون کردن: drive out, evict, eliminate, cashier, dispossess, swap
جانشین کردن: substitute, swap, fill in
n., vt., vi.
● (عامیانه)
● تهاتر،پایاپای،تاخت زنی،معاوضه،چفته
a swap of two ties
معاوضهی دو کراوات
● تاخت زدن،معاوضه کردن،پایاپای کردن،تهاتر کردن
would you like to swap places with me?
آیا میل داری جای خود را با جای من عوض کنی؟
we swapped (our) bicycles
دو چرخههایمان را تاخت زدیم.
spy swap
Austausch m von Spionen/Spioninnen
exchange rate swap
Wechselkurstauschgeschäft nt
to swap stories
sich Dat gegenseitig Geschichten erzählen
to swap reminiscences
Erinnerungen austauschen
foreign exchange swap
Devisen-Swapgeschäft nt
to swap places with sb
mit jdm Platz tauschen
to do a swap [with sb]
[mit jdm] tauschen [o. einen Tausch machen]
to change [or swap] horses [in] midstream
einen anderen Kurs einschlagen
we both liked each other’s jumpers, so we did a straight swap
uns gefiel jeweils der Pullover des anderen und da haben wir einfach getauscht
ger: platschen
US UK AU splash [splӕʃ]
♦ verb
1 to make wet with drops of liquid, mud etc, especially suddenly and accidentally: A passing car splashed my coat (with water).
خيس كردن
2 to (cause to) fly about in drops: Water splashed everywhere.
3 to fall or move with splashes: The children were splashing in the sea.
شلپ شلپ كردن
4 to display etc in a place, manner etc that will be noticed: Posters advertising the concert were splashed all over the wall.
نمايش دادن
♦ noun
1 a scattering of drops of liquid or the noise made by this: He fell in with a loud splash.
صداي شلپ شلپ
2 a mark made by splashing: There was a splash of mud on her dress.
3 a bright patch: a splash of colour.
Platschen nt kein pl
Platscher m
he dived into the pool with a big splash
es platschte, als er in den Pool sprang
to make a splash
Furore machen
splash of colour
Farbtupfer m
a splash in the pool
eine Runde im Becken
to fall splash into sth
in etw Akk hineinplatschen ugs
to splash soda into a drink
Sodawasser in ein Getränk spritzen
to splash one’s face with water
sich Dat Wasser ins Gesicht spritzen
to splash water all over sb
jdn mit Wasser vollspritzen
to splash out money on sth
Geld für etw Akk hinauswerfen ugs
splash a little paint on that wall
klatsch etwas Farbe auf die Wand ugs
a splash of brandy/rum/vodka
ein Schuss m Weinbrand/Rum/Wodka
he dived into the pool with a big splash
es platschte, als er in den Pool sprang
to add [a splash of] colour to the garden
dem Garten ein wenig Farbe verleihen
rare [ˈreə]
♦ adjective
1 not done, found, seen etc very often; uncommon: a rare flower; a rare occurrence.
کمیاب؛ عالی؛ بی نظیر
2 (of meat) only slightly cooked: I like my steak rare.
نیم پز
♦ noun
کمکیابی؛ ندرت
♦ adverb
not often: I rarely go to bed before midnight.
به ندرت
♦ noun
1 the state of being uncommon.
2 (plural ˈrarities ) something which is uncommon: This stamp is quite a rarity.
نادر؛ کمیاب
• Some people keep rare animals as pets.
برخی افراد، حیوانات کمیاب را بعنوان حیوان خانگی نگه می دارند.
• A real friend is like a rare bird.
یک دوست واقعی همانند پرنده ای کم نظیر است.
rare air
dünne Luft
rare species of insect
seltene Insektenart
such beauty is rare
solche [o. so viel] Schönheit ist selten
a rare breed/species
eine seltene Rasse/Spezies
rare gas shell
Edelgasschale f
medium-rare steak
englisches Steak
odd [or rare] bird ugs
seltener Vogel ugs
to be that rare animal: …
zu der seltenen Spezies … gehören
to be a rare species
eine Seltenheit sein
collection of rare insect specimens
Sammlung f seltener Insekten
to be a rare bird
ein komischer Vogel sein übtr ugs
he likes his steak rare
er isst sein Steak gern englisch
contagious [or infectious]/rare/common disease
ansteckende/seltene/häufige Krankheit
people of her make are rare
Leute wie sie [o. ugs ihrer Machart] sind selten
to have a rare old time dated
eine schöne Zeit verbringen
vacancies were becoming more and many, much rare
es gab immer weniger freie Stellen
it’s rare to find these birds in England
diese Vögel findet man in England nur selten
to have a rare old time doing sth dated
viel Mühe haben, etw zu tun
the panda is becoming an increasingly rare animal
der Pandabär wird immer seltener
shops of this type, once rare, are now numerous
solche Läden gab es früher kaum und heute findet man sie fast überall
geR: die Ausgangssperre
curfew [ˈkəːfjuː]
♦ noun
an order forbidding people to be in the streets after a certain hour: There’s a curfew in force from ten o’clock tonight.
منع عبور و مرور
● (در اصل - قرون وسطی - نواختن زنگ به نشان آن که باید چراغها و آتشها را خاموش کرد و خوابید) خاموشی،قرق،زنگ خاموشی،ناقوس خاموشی،هنگام خاموشی،زمان آغاز خاموشی
● (در شهرها به ویژه هنگام جنگ یا حکومت نظامی - در سربازخانهها و برخی خوابگاهها) محدودیت آمد و رفت،ساعت منع عبور و مرور،خاموشباش،خاموشی،(سربازخانه) شیپور خاموشی
the curfew will begin at eleven P.M. and end at five A.M.
خاموشباش ساعت یازده شب آغاز و ساعت پنج بامداد برداشته میشود.
(Gray) the curfew tolls the knell of parting day
خاموشباش،ناقوس مرگ روز را به صدا درمیآورد.
* curfew period
ساعت خاموش باش
* impose (or lift) a curfew
خاموشباش اعلام کردن (یا رفع کردن)
strict curfew
strenge Ausgangssperre
to break the curfew
sich Akk nicht an die Ausgangssperre halten
what time is the curfew?
wann ist Sperrstunde?
to impose [or enforce]/lift [or end] a curfew
eine Ausgangssperre verhängen/aufheben
violators of the curfew will be shot
wer sich nicht an die Ausgangssperre hält, wird erschossen
ger: fortsetzen
resume [rəˈzjuːm]
♦ verb
to begin again after stopping: After tea, the meeting resumed; We’ll resume the meeting after tea.
دوباره باز گرفتن؛ دوباره به دست آوردن
resumption [rəˈzampʃən]
♦ noun
/ri zōōm´, -zyōōm´/
vi., vt.
● بازگرفتن،دوباره به دستآوردن،دوباره اشغال کردن،دوباره پوشیدن
she resumed her former job
شغل سابق خود را دوباره بدست آورد.
we resumed our overcoats
پالتوهای خود را دوباره پوشیدیم.
to resume one’s seat
صندلی خود را دوباره اشغال کردن
● ادامه دادن،از سر گرفتن،دنبال کردن،از نو آغاز کردن
please resume reading
لطفا به خواندن ادامه بدهید.
Arianne sat down and resumed her work
آرین نشست و کار خود را دنبال کرد.
after a short rest, we resumed our trip
پس از کمی استراحت به سفر خود ادامه دادیم.
● خ
to resume a journey
eine Reise fortsetzen
to resume one’s seat
sich Akk wieder auf seinen Platz begeben
to resume work
die Arbeit wieder aufnehmen
to enter into/resume talks
Gespräche [o. Verhandlungen] aufnehmen/wieder aufnehmen
to give [sb] a résumé of sth
etw [für jdn] zusammenfassen
Ger: ausdrücken
express command
ausdrücklicher Befehl
express warranty HANDEL
ausdrücklich erklärte Garantie
by express
per Eilboten BRD, A
express instructions
klare Anweisungen
to express a preference
sagen, was man [lieber] mag
to express one’s thanks
seinen Dank zum Ausdruck bringen geh
to express sth figuratively
etw bildlich ausdrücken
to express a wish
einen Wunsch äußern
express [ikˈspres]
♦ verb
1 to put into words: He expressed his ideas very clearly.
بیان کردن
2 (with oneself etc ) to put one’s own thoughts into words: You haven’t expressed yourself clearly.
نظر خود را ابراز کردن؛ بیان کردن
3 to show (thoughts, feelings etc ) by looks, actions etc : She nodded to express her agreement.
نشان دادن
4 to send by fast (postal) delivery: Will you express this letter, please?
فوری رساندن
♦ adjective
1 travelling, carrying goods etc , especially fast: an express train; express delivery.
سریع السیر
2 clearly stated: You have disobeyed my express wishes.
صریح؛ روشن
♦ adverb
by express train or fast delivery service: Send your letter express.
فوری؛ اکسپرس
♦ noun
1 an express train: the London to Cardiff express.
قطار سریع السیر
2 the service provided eg by the post office for carrying goods etc quickly: The parcel was sent by express.
پست فوری
♦ adverb
in clear, definite words: I expressly forbade you to do that.
بطور صریح و آشکار
exˈpression [-ʃən]
♦ noun
1 a look on one’s face that shows one’s feelings: He always has a bored expression on his face.
قیافه؛ حالت
2 a word or phrase: Dough' is a slang expression for
اصطلاح؛ عبارت
3 (a) showing of thoughts or feelings by words, actions etc : This poem is an expression of his grief.
بیانگر؛ گویا
4 the showing of feeling when eg reciting, reading aloud or playing a musical instrument: Put more expression into your playing!
شور و حال
♦ adjective
(of a face or voice) showing no feeling: a cold, expressionless tone.
بی حالت؛ بی احساس
exˈpressive [-siv]
♦ adjective
showing meaning or feeling clearly: She has an expressive look on her face.
معنی دار؛ گویا
♦ noun
بیانگری؛ پر معنایی
♦ adverb
بطور پر معنا
♦ noun
a divided highway; a motorway.
بزرگراه؛ تندراه
ger: zusammenschließen, zusammenlegen, einfügen, zusammenführen
to merge two classes SCHULE
zwei Klassen zusammenlegen
to merge two business divisions
zwei Geschäftsbereiche zusammenführen
to merge two companies/organizations
zwei Firmen/Organisationen zusammenschließen
to merge into the landscape/surroundings
sich Akk in die Landschaft/Umgebung einfügen
merge [məːdʒ]
♦ verb
1 to (cause to) combine or join: The sea and sky appear to merge at the horizon.
ادغام شدن
2 (with into ) to change gradually into something else: Summer slowly merged into autumn.
غرق شدن
3 (with into etc ) to disappear into (eg a crowd, back-ground etc ): He merged into the crowd.
فرو رفتن
♦ noun
a joining together of business firms: There’s been a merger between two companies.
ادغام چند شرکت
vi., vt.
● (از راه گوارش یا درهم آمیزی یا جذب ماهیت خود را از دست دادن) درهم آمیختن،همپیوست کردن یا شدن،مستحیل کردن یا شدن
the two colors merged and became dark green
آن دو رنگ درهم آمیختند و تبدیل به سبز پررنگ شدند.
● به هم پیوستن،درهم ادغام شدن،یک کاسه کردن یا شدن،یکپارچه کردن یا شدن
they plan to merge their companies
آنان در نظر دارند شرکتهای خود را ادغام کنند.
two streams of traffic merged to form a gigantic “y”
دو رشته وسایط نقلیهبه هم پیوستند و “y” غولآسایی را تشکیل دادند
ger: murmeln, raunen
to murmur sth dozily
etw halb im Schlaf murmeln
a murmur of discontent
ein unzufriedenes Raunen
a murmur of agreement
ein zustimmendes Raunen
without a murmur
ohne Murren [o. zu murren]
to raise a cheer/a laugh/a murmur
Jubel/Gelächter/Gemurmel hervorrufen
murmur [ˈməːmə]
♦ noun
a quiet, indistinct sound, eg that of running water or low voices: the murmur of the sea; There was a low murmur among the crowd.
سخن نرم
♦ verb
to make such a sound: The child murmured (something) in his sleep.
زمزمه کردن
♦ adjective
n., vi., vt.
● زمزمه،صدای آرام و خوشایند (مانند صدای جویبار یا صحبت از دور)
if a teacher’s lessons are murmurs of affection…
درس معلم ار بود زمزمهی محبتی …
the murmur of the distant brook was like a lullaby
زمزمهی جویبار دور دست شبیه به لالایی بود.
● زمزمه کردن
before he died, he kept murmuring his lost daughter’s name
پیش از مرگ مرتبا نام دختر گمشدهاش را زمزمه میکرد.
● شکایت زیرلبی،غرولند،شکوه
he went, but not without a murmur
او رفت ولی نه بدون غرولند.
● (پزشکی) مورمور،سوفل قلبی
● غرولند کردن،زیرلبی شکایت کردن،ژکیدن،ونگ ونگ کردن
● پچ پچ کنان گفتن،زمزمه وار ادا کردن،زیرلبی گفتن
to murmur a prayer
دعایی را زمزمه کردن
not going to get sucked doing something forever like this
because I keep shrinking the size of the problem.
to shrink dramatically übtr
drastisch zusammenschrumpfen [o. sinken]
to shrink costs
die Kosten senken
to shrink-wrap food
Nahrungsmittel in Frischhaltefolie einpacken
to shrink from a difficulty
einer Schwierigkeit aus dem Weg gehen
to shrink-wrap a book
ein Buch in Folie einschweißen
shrink1 [ʃriŋk]– past tense shrank [ʃrӕŋk]: past participle shrunk [ʃraŋk]
♦ verb
1 to (cause material, clothes etc to) become smaller: My jersey shrank in the wash; Do they shrink the material before they make it up into clothes?
كوچك شدن
2 to move back in fear, disgust etc (from): She shrank (back) from the man.
اكراه داشتن
3 to wish to avoid something unpleasant: I shrank from telling him the terrible news.
بي ميلي نشان دادن
ˈshrinkage [-kidʒ]
♦ noun
the act of shrinking, or the amount by which something shrinks.
shrunken [ˈʃraŋk(ən)]
♦ adjective
having been made or become smaller.
چروك خورده
n., vi., vt.
● (پارچه و لباس و غیره) آب رفتن،کوچک شدن،(کاشی) ورچلسکیدن
if you wash these trousers they will shrink
اگر این شلوار را بشوری آب خواهد رفت.
when one gets old one’s body shrinks
آدم که پیر شد جثهاش کوچک میشود.
● (مقدار یا ارزش و غیره) کاهش یافتن،نقصان یافتن،کم شدن
shrinking incomes
درآمدهای در حال نقصان
the company’s sales have shrunken
فروش شرکت کاهش یافته است.
● ابا داشتن،خودداری کردن،عقب کشیدن،دور شدن
he doesn’t even shrink from hurting his own children
او حتی از آزار دادن فرزندان خودش ابا ندارد.
when she saw his angry face, she shrank from him
وقتی چهرهی خشمناک او را دید از او دور شد.
● مضایقه کردن،کوتاهی کردن
to shrink from doing one’s duty
در انجام وظیفهی خود قصور کردن
● آب رفتگی،کوچک شدگی،کاهش
● (امریکا - خودمانی) روانپزشک
ger: Absicht/absichtlich
Now as an aside, it’s kind of deliberate that I buried that last question
at the end because this is what happens all too often in programming,
deliberate [diˈlibərət]
♦ adjective
1 intentional and not by accident: That was a deliberate insult.
عمدی؛ تعمدی
2 cautious and not hurried: He had a very deliberate way of walking.
سنجیده؛ بی شتاب
deˈliberately [-rət-]
♦ adverb
1 on purpose: You did that deliberately!
2 carefully and without hurrying: He spoke quietly and deliberately.
سنجیده؛ بطور آرام
/di lib´ǝr it/
adj., vi., vt.
● عمدی،از روی تعمد،خود خواسته،عمدا،آگاهانه
a deliberate lie
دروغ عمدی
she deliberately left the door open
او عمدا در را باز گذاشت.
his tardiness was deliberate
دیر آمدن او تعمدی بود.
● (بادقت و سنجش جوانب) سنجیده،آگاهانه،ژرفنگرانه،حساب شده،دقیق
the speaker chose his words slowly and deliberately
ناطق واژههای خود را با آهستگی و دقت انتخاب میکرد.
with deliberate haste
با شتاب حساب شده
he took deliberate aim
او با دقت نشانه گرفت.
● بیشتاب،باتانی،ناشتاب
● (با دقت و سنجیدن جوانب) مورد ملاحظه قرار دادن،تعمق کردن،ژرفنگری کردن،ژرفاندیشی کردن،مداقه کردن،ژرف روی کردن
the judge deliberated for two hours and then gave his verdict
قاضی دو ساعت تعمق کرد و سپس رای خود را صادر نمود.
* deliberately, adv.
1- عمدا،آگاهانه،تعمدا،خودخواسته 2- با دقت و تانی،ژرفنگرانه،ژرف اندیشانه
a deliberate movement
eine vorsichtige [o. bedächtige] Bewegung
it wasn’t deliberate
es war keine Absicht
a deliberate decision
eine bewusste Entscheidung
to deliberate on a case
über einen Fall beraten
the Sun’s headline was a deliberate shocker
die Schlagzeile der Sun sollte schockieren
such deliberate destruction of the environment is an obscenity
so eine bewusste Zerstörung der Umwelt ist pervers
to do/say sth deliberately
etw in voller Absicht tun/sagen
that might not happen that often, but if you don’t anticipate them
in your own code, pseudocode or otherwise,
this is when and why programs might crash
ger: anticipate
anticipate [ӕnˈtisəpeit]
♦ verb
1 to expect (something): I’m not anticipating any trouble.
انتظار داشتن
2 to see what is going to be wanted, required etc in the future and do what is necessary: A businessman must try to anticipate what his customers will want.
پیش بینی کردن
♦ noun
I’m looking forward to the concert with anticipation (= expectancy, excitement).
انتظار؛ چشم به راهی
an tis´ǝ pāt´/
vi., vt.
● پیش بینی کردن،انتظار داشتن
I anticipate a pleasant trip
سفر خوشی را پیش بینی میکنم.
anticipating her request, I prepared the tea in advance
خواستهی او را پیش بینی نموده و چای را از پیش آماده کردم.
● (موعد چیزی را) پیش انداختن،تسریع کردن
● پیشگیری کردن،پیشدستی کردن
to anticipate an opponent’s blows
ضربههای حریف را پیشگیری کردن
● تقدم داشتن بر،جلو بودن
did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?
آیا وایکینگها در کشف امریکا بر (کریستوف) کلمب تقدم داشتند؟
● (قبل از موعد) مورد استفاده قرار دادن،پیش خور کردن
they tried to anticipate the legacy
آنها کوشیدند ارث را پیشخور کنند.
● (قبل از موعد) پرداختن،(پیش از وقت دربارهی چیزی) حرف زدن یا اقدام کردن
● پیشگرایی،چشمداشت،پیش نگرش
ger: auslassen, ausfallen lassen
Like what does this program do if John Harvard is not in the phone book
if I had omitted lines 12 and 13?
to omit a dividend BÖRSE
eine Dividende ausfallen lassen
to pass [or Am omit] the dividend
keine Dividende ausschütten
to omit any mention of [or reference to] sb/sth
jdn/etw nicht [o. mit keinem Wort] erwähnen
omit [əˈmit]– past tense, past participle oˈmitted –
♦ verb
1 to leave out: You can omit the last chapter of the book.
حذف کردن
2 not to do: I omitted to tell him about the meeting.
انجام ندادن؛ از قلم انداختن
oˈmission [-ʃən]
♦ noun
1 something that has been left out: I have made several omissions in the list of names.
از قلم افتادگی
2 the act of omitting: the omission of his name from the list.
omitted and omitting have two t s.
failed to include something, skipped over
[o·mit || ə’mɪt]
delete; skip over; neglect; fail to include
ger: Destillation/ destillieren
to distil sth
etw destillieren
noun - distillation
تقطیر: distillation
عرقکشی: distillation
شیرهکشی: distillation
عصارهگیری: extraction, decoction, distillation
distillation tail
Rückstände pl
distillation process
Destillationsverfahren nt
distillation front
Vorlauf m
ger: anständig
decent [ˈdiːsnt]
♦ adjective
1 fairly good; of fairly good quality: a decent standard of living.
مناسب؛ شایسته
2 kindly, tolerant or likeable: He’s a decent enough fellow.
آراسته؛ محجوب
3 not vulgar or immoral; modest: Keep your language decent!
♦ noun
(the general idea of) what is proper, fitting, moral etc ; the quality or act of being decent: In the interests of decency, we have banned nude bathing; He had the decency to admit that it was his fault.
شایستگی؛ بزرگواری
♦ adverb
in a manner acceptable to the general idea of
● درخور،شایسته،مناسب
decent burial ceremonies
مراسم تدفین شایسته
● نجیبانه،نجابتآمیز،پاکنهاد،فرامایه،مودبانه،با معرفت،با نزاکت،به قاعده
decent language
کلمات نزاکتآمیز
the decent thing to do is to marry the pregnant girl
کار درست این است که با دختر آبستن ازدواج بکنی.
● آبرومند(انه)،محترمانه،با بزرگواری
decent treatment
رفتار محترمانه
he is a decent man
او مرد نجیبی است.
● خوب،معقولانه
decent wages
مزد کافی
his English is relatively decent
انگلیسی او نسبتا خوب است.
● (عامیانه) پوشیده،با حجاب،با عفت
take off those short pants and wear something more decent
آن شلوار کوتاه را دربیار و یک چیز مناسبتر بپوش!
* decently, adv.
با نجابت،به طور شایسته،به طور مناسب،آبرومندانه
adjective - decent
نجیب: noble, decent, gentle, nice, genteel, meek
محجوب: unobtrusive, diffident, shy, decent, timid, bashful
اراسته: spruce, decent, brisk, decorous, natty, politic
پاک بین: benevolent, decent
nod [nod]– past tense, past participle ˈnodded –
♦ verb
1 to make a quick forward and downward movement of the head to show agreement, as a greeting etc : I asked him if he agreed and he nodded (his head); He nodded to the man as he passed him in the street.
تکاندادن سر بعلامت توافق
2 to let the head fall forward and downward when sleepy: Grandmother sat nodding by the fire.
تکان خوردن سر هنگام خواب
♦ noun
a nodding movement of the head: He answered with a nod.
حرکت سر
nod off
to fall asleep: He nodded off while she was speaking to him.
به خواب رفتن
verb - nod
با سر اشاره کردن: nod
سرتکان دادن: nod, beck, bow
affirmative nod
zustimmendes Nicken
to nod one’s head
mit dem Kopf nicken
to nod one’s assent
zustimmend nicken
to get the nod
grünes Licht bekommen
to nod [one’s] approval
billigend [o. CH meist zustimmend] nicken
a nod of approval
ein zustimmendes Nicken
on the nod Brit ugs
to give sb a nod
jdm zunicken
ger: Konspiration
/kǝn spir´ǝ sē/
n., pl.
● تبانی،توطئه،همدستی (در کارهای بد)،دسیسه
their conspiracy was discovered early on
توطئهی آنها زود کشف شد.
● نقشهی سری
the communist conspiracy to subvert the government
نقشهی کمونیستها برای سرنگون کردن دولت
● تبانیگران،توطئهگران
● تقارن،همایند
the conspiracy of events
همزمانی رویدادها
AU [kənˈspirəsē]
noun - conspiracy
توطئه: plot, conspiracy, shift, underplot, frame-up
دسیسه: conspiracy, plot, machination, complot, trafficker, frame-up
نقشه خیانت امیز: conspiracy
criminal conspiracy
illegale Verschwörung
conspiracy to defraud JUR
Verabredung f zum Betrug fachspr
conspiracy to murder
Mordkomplott nt
he was sucked into a conspiracy
er wurde in eine Verschwörung hineingezogen
an indictment for conspiracy/on charges of attempted murder
eine Anklage wegen Verschwörung/wegen versuchten Mordes
there is a conspiracy of silence about sth
[über etw Akk ] herrscht verabredetes Stillschweigen
there was a conspiracy to keep me out of the group
es gab eine Verschwörung, mich aus der Gruppe rauszuhalten
environment [inˈvaiərənmənt]
♦ noun
(a set of) surrounding conditions, especially those influencing development or growth: An unhappy home environment may drive a teenager to crime; We should protect the environment from destruction by modern chemicals etc.
enˌvironˈmental [-ˈmen-]
♦ adjective
محیطی؛ وابسته به محیط
♦ noun
a person who wants to stop the damage being done to the environment by humans.
طرفدار حفظ محیط زیست
• Write about the relationship between the artificial environment and the natural environment.
در بارهی رابطهی بین محیط مصنوعی و محیط طبیعی بنویسید.
• Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in trouble, we know we’ll soon be in trouble. (Roger Tory Peterson)
پرنده ها شاخص های محیط زیست هستند. اگر آنها با معضل مواجه شوند، می دانیم که ما نیز به زودی معضل خواهیم داشت.( روجر توری پترسون)
en vī´rǝn mǝnt, in-/
● بوم،محیط،پرگیر
going from a farm to a city environment had scared her
رفتن از روستا به محیط شهری او را دچار ترس کرده بود.
● زیست بوم،محیط زیست،زیست پرگیر
we must safeguard the environment
میبایستی زیست بوم را نیکداری کنیم.
* environmental, adj.
1- زیست بومی،زیست
noun - environment
محیط: environment, surroundings, setting, perimeter, circumference, ambience
اطراف: environs, environment, milieu
احاطه: surround, siege, cincture, environment, envelopment
پرگیر: environment
دوروبر: environment, environs, milieu
working environment
Arbeitsumfeld nt
professional environment
berufliches Umfeld
family environment
familiäre Verhältnisse
home environment
häusliche Verhältnisse
hostile environment TECH
aggressive Umgebung
polluted environment
verschmutzte Umwelt
aqueous environment
Feuchtbiotop nt
competitive environment
Wettbewerbsumfeld nt
sterile environment
sterile Umgebung
to safeguard the environment
die Umwelt schützen
to kill the environment
die Umwelt zerstören
to preserve the environment
die Umwelt schützen
heredity and environment
Vererbung f und Sozialisierung f
hostile work environment
ungünstige Arbeitsbedingungen
germ-free environment
sterile Umgebung
acclimatization to a new environment
Eingewöhnung f in eine neue Umgebung
acclimation to a new environment
Eingewöhnung f in eine neue Umgebung
I will sue you
ger: verklagen
sue [suː]
♦ verb
1 to start a law case against.
تعقيب قانوني كردن
2 (with for : especially in law) to ask for (eg divorce).
درخواست دادن
sue [suː]
♦ verb
1 to start a law case against.
تعقيب قانوني كردن
2 (with for : especially in law) to ask for (eg divorce).
درخواست دادن
vi., vt.
● (حقوق) اقامهی دعوی کردن،(از دست کسی) عارض شدن،(به دادگاه) شکایت کردن،به محاکمه کشاندن،به دادگاه مراجعه کردن
to sue for divorce
برای طلاق به دادگاه مراجعه کردن
he has sued his neighbor
از دست همسایهاش عارض شده است.
to sue for damages
برای خسارت به دادگاه شکایت کردن
● در خواست کردن،تمنا کردن،استدعا کردن،خواستار بودن
to sue for peace
درخواست صلح کردن
to sue for forgiveness
استدعای بخشش کردن
● (قدیمی) خواستگاری کردن
* sue out
از دادگاه حکم گرفتن
• Sue is an American student.
سو یک دانشجوی آمریکائی است.
• Sue will meet the Browns.
سو با خانواده برون ملاقات خواهد کرد.
• I will sue you.
ازت شکایت می کنم
verb - sue
تعقیب کردن: pursue, chase, follow, chevy, sue, chivvy
تقاضا کردن: request, demand, adjure, beseech, bone, sue
تعقیب قانونی کردن: litigate, indict, law, prosecute, sue
دعوی کردن: pretend, quarrel, sue
pursue [pəˈsjuː]
♦ verb
1 to follow especially in order to catch or capture; to chase: They pursued the thief through the town.
تعقیب کردن
2 to occupy oneself with (studies, enquiries etc ); to continue: He is pursuing his studies at the University.
دنبال کردن
♦ noun
تعقیب کننده
pursuit [pəˈsjuːt]
♦ noun
1 the act of pursuing: The thief ran down the street with a policeman in (hot) pursuit.
2 an occupation or hobby: holiday pursuits.
سرگرمی؛ کار و بار
/pǝr sōō´, -syōō´/
vt., vi.
● تعقیب کردن،دنبال رفتن،پیگرد کردن،رد (کسی) رفتن،دنبال کسی گذاشتن
the police pursued and captured the motorcyclists
پلیس موتور سیکلت سواران را تعقیب و دستگیر کرد.
the cat pursued the mouse
گربه موش را تعقیب کرد.
● پیگیری کردن،دنبال کردن،در پی چیزی بودن،ادامه دادن
Mehran did not know what profession to pursue
مهران نمیدانست دنبال چه حرفهای برود.
some people pursue only spiritual goals
برخی مردم فقط در پی هدفهای معنوی هستند.
to pursue success
دنبال موفقیت بودن
● پاپی شدن،رها نکردن،ول نکردن
he was pursued by bad luck
بخت بد او را رها نمیکرد.
grant [graːnt]
♦ verb
1 to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.
اهدا کردن؛ برآوردن
2 to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.
تصدیق کردن
♦ noun
money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.
ˈgranted, *ˈgranting
(even) if; assuming: Granted that you are right, we will have to move fast.
فرض کنیم که
take for granted
1 to assume without checking: I took it for granted that you had heard the story.
فرض کردن
2 to treat casually: People take electricity for granted until their supply is cut off.
قدر چیزی را ندانستن
grant [graːnt]
♦ verb
1 to agree to, to give: Would you grant me one favour; He granted the man permission to leave.
اهدا کردن؛ برآوردن
2 to agree or admit: I grant (you) that it was a stupid thing to do.
تصدیق کردن
♦ noun
money given for a particular purpose: He was awarded a grant for studying abroad.
ˈgranted, *ˈgranting
(even) if; assuming: Granted that you are right, we will have to move fast.
فرض کنیم که
take for granted
1 to assume without checking: I took it for granted that you had heard the story.
فرض کردن
2 to treat casually: People take electricity for granted until their supply is cut off.
قدر چیزی را ندانستن
grant, gränt/
vt., n.
● اهدا کردن،عطاکردن،اعطاکردن،دادن،بخشیدن به،برآوردن،واگذار کردن،هبه کردن،مستجاب کردن
he was granted a week’s leave of absence
به او یک هفته مرخصی دادند.
her wish was granted
آرزویش برآورده شد.
to grant a friend his wish
خواهش یک دوست را اجابت کردن
to grant a loan to an applicant
به درخواست کننده وام دادن
the granting of diplomas
اعطای دانشنامهها
● اعطا،اهدا،بخشش،دهش،هدیه،دهشت
the hospital received a $ 5000 grant
بیمارستان 5 هزار دلار اهدایی را دریافت کرد.
● اذعان کردن،قبول کردن (در بحث)،پذیرفتن،تصدیق کردن
I grant your first point but not your second
نکتهی اول شما را قبول دارم ولی دومی را نه.
● ملک یا مبلغ یا چیز اهدا شده،عطیه،(به ویژه) بورس،کمک هزینهی تحصیلی
student grant
کمک هزینه (پول اهدایی به دانشجو)
● (آمریکا - در ایالات مین و ورمانت و نیوهامپشایر) بخش،ناحیه
● (زمین) واگذاری
● اقطاع
* granted (that)
گیرم،فرض کنیم
* granting that
گیرم که،فرض کنیم که،حتی اگر
granting that you are right…
به فرض که حق با شما باشد. …
* to take for granted
اثبات شده،فرض کردن،پذیرفتن،عادی فرض کردن،مسلم پنداشتن،قدر چیزی را ندانستن،بی اهمیت پنداشتن
don’t take my friendship for granted!
دوستی مرا مسلم نپندار!
government grant
staatliche Beihilfe
[government] grant
≈ Bafög nt BRD
student grant
Stipendium nt
overseas grant
Entwicklungshilfe f
maternity grant Brit
Mutterschaftsgeld nt
federal grant
Bundesbeihilfe f
research grant
Forschungsstipendium nt
to grant a divorce
in eine Scheidung einwilligen
research and development grant (for institutes, scientists)
A a. Subvention f
grant from local government
Zuschüsse mpl der Stadt
to grant compassionate leave
Sonderurlaub bewilligen
to grant sb probate
jdm einen Erbschein ausstellen
to grant bail
die Freilassung gegen Kaution gewähren
local authority grant
kommunaler Zuschuss
I have no regrets
ger: etw bedauern
to regret sth
etw bedauern
much to my regret
zu meinem großen Bedauern
a twinge of regret
ein leises Bedauern
much to sb’s regret
sehr zu jds Bedauern
a pang of regret
ein Anflug m von Reue
to deeply regret sth
etw sehr bereuen
to greatly regret sth
etw zutiefst bedauern
tinged with admiration/regret
mit einer Spur von Bewunderung/Bedauern
with deep regret
mit großem Bedauern
my only regret is that …
das Einzige, was ich bedaure, ist, dass …
come Monday morning you’ll regret …
Montagmorgen wirst du es bereuen, dass …
a token of sb’s regret
ein Zeichen nt des Bedauerns
to live to regret sth
etw noch bereuen werden
do that and you’ll regret it
wenn du das tust, wirst du es bereuen
we regret any inconvenience to passengers
die Passagiere werden um Verständnis gebeten
to express regret at [or for] sth
seinem Bedauern über etw Akk Ausdruck verleihen
to have [or feel] a pang of regret
Reue empfinden
a wry look, something between amusement and regret
ein scheeler Blick, irgendwas zwischen Belustigung und Bedauern
I regret to have to inform you that …
leider muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass …
we regret to have to inform you that …
wir bedauern, Ihnen mitteilen zu müssen, dass
regret [rəˈgret]– past tense, past participle reˈgretted –
♦ verb
to be sorry about: I regret my foolish behaviour; I regret that I missed the concert; I regret missing the concert; I regret to inform you that your application for the job was unsuccessful.
تاسف خوردن
♦ noun
a feeling of sorrow, or of having done something wrong: I have no regrets / I feel no regret about what I did; It was with deep regret that I heard the news of his death.
پشیمانی؛ افسوس
♦ adjective
feeling regret.
متاسف؛ پشیمان
♦ adverb
with regret: Regretfully, we have had to turn down your offer.
با تاسف
♦ adjective
a regrettable mistake.
تاسف آور
♦ adverb
به طور تاسف انگیز؛ متاسفاه
regrettable is spelt with two t s.
/ri gret´/
● تاسف خوردن،متاسف بودن،افسوس خوردن،دریغ خوردن،دریغیدن،دژمانیدن،دژوانیدن
to regret the passing of one’s youth
از گذشتن جوانی خود افسوس خوردن
she regrets her mistake
او از اشتباه خود متاسف است.
I regret that I can’t go
افسوس میخورم که نمیتوانم بروم.
● پشیمان شدن
if you buy this house, you’ll regret it
اگر این خانه را بخری پشیمان خواهی شد.
● افسوس،دریغ،تاسف،دژمان
a keen regret for past mistakes
افسوس زیاد برای لغزشهای گذشته
● پشیمانی،ندامت
* (one’s) regrets
پوزش،مراتب تاسف،اظهار پشیمانی
please accept my regrets
خواهشمندم پوزش مرا بپذیرید.
noun - regret
پشیمانی: regret, repentance, remorse, contrition, compunction, penance
تاسف: regret, ruth
افسوس: regret, pity, remorse
تاثر: regret, sorrow
verb - regret
افسوس خوردن: regret, bemoan, rue, sigh
حسرت بردن: regret
i feel queasy
queasy [ˈkwiːzi]
♦ adjective
feeling as if one is about to be sick: The motion of the boat made her feel queasy.
دچار تهوع
● تهوعآور،استفراغ آور،هراشانگیز
the queasy motion of the waves
حرکت تهوعآور امواج
● دچار تهوع،دچار دل به هم خوردگی،هراشیده
the jolts of the bus made me queasy
تکانهای اتوبوس حال مرا به هم زد.
a queasy stomach
شکم منقلب
● آدمی که زود دلش به هم میخورد یا دچار تهوع میشود،زود هراش (squeamish هم میگویند)،(مجازی) زود بیزار،بیزار،زده
how queasy we become when a mean person claims to be good
چقدر بیزار میشویم وقتی که آدم بدجنسی ادعای نیکی میکند.
● ناراحت کننده،دلهره آفرین
halluzinogen fachspr
[1] Pharmakologie: Substanz, die Sinnestäuschungen hervorruft
Ger: errichten, gründen, festlegen/ einrichten
establish [iˈstӕbliʃ]
♦ verb
1 to settle firmly in a position (eg a job, business etc ): He established himself (in business) as a jeweller.
جا انداختن؛ ریشه دار کردن
2 to found; to set up (eg a university, a business): How long has the firm been established?
تاسیس کردن
3 to show to be true; to prove: The police established that he was guilty.
ثابت کردن
♦ adjective
settled or accepted: established customs.
پایدار؛ رسمی
♦ noun
1 the act of establishing.
استقرار؛ تاسیس
2 an institution or organization: All employees of this establishment get a bonus at New Year.
موسسه؛ دستگاه
3 a person’s residence or household: a bachelor’s establishment.
مغازه؛ دکان
the Establishment
the people and institutions that control power or are dominant in a society and stick to traditions; one of these institutions: The hippies rebelled against the Establishment; the political/literary establishment.
دستگاه دولت و سردمداران
/e stab´lish, i-/
● برقرار کردن،مستقر کردن،پابرجا کردن،جایگزین کردن
to establish a habit
عادتی را جایگزین کردن
to establish a statue firmly in its place
مجسمه را محکم در جای خود مستقر کردن
the family established itself in a large house
خانواده در منزل بزرگی مستقر شد.
● (قانون یا نظامنامه و غیره) مقرر کردن،راستاد کردن،وضع کردن،قایل شدن
a congressional bill establishing duties on many imports
لایحهی کنگره که برای بسیاری از واردات مالیات مقرر میکند
an act establishing limits on immigration
مصوبهای که برای مهاجرت محدودیت قایل میشود
● بنیاد نهادن،پایه گذاری کردن،تاسیس کردن،بنا نهادن،پی افکندن
my father established a school in Niasar
پدرم مدرسهای در نیاسر تاسیس کرد.
the College of Translation was also established by him
مدرسهی عالی ترجمه هم توسط او پایه گذاری شد.
● ایجاد کردن،به وجود آوردن
efforts to establish a friendship
کوشش برای ایجاد مودت
● (شهرت یا نظریه یا رسم و غیره) به ثبوت رساندن،محقق کردن،استوار کردن،ثابت کردن،پایدار کردن،ریشهدار کردن،استوانیدن،فرنودن
that book established his fame as a poet
آن کتاب ناموری او را به عنوان شاعر به ثبوت رساند.
he established the unity of all people upon the belief in God
او همبستگی همهی مردمان را بر پایهی اعتقاد به خدا استوار کرد.
an established fact
واقعیت محقق،دادهی فرنودین
he established the fact that he was not there when the murder occurred
او این واقعیت را اثبات کرد که هنگام ارتکاب قتل آنجا نبوده است.
the eclipse established the truth of Einstein’s theories
خسوف صحت نظریهی انشتین را ثابت کرد.
● ریشه دار شدن،ریشه دواندن،جایگزین شدن،پاگیر شدن
at that time, the British authority in India was well established
در آن زمان سلطهی انگلستان بر هندوستان کاملا استوار شده بود.
● (گیاه شناسی) بومی شدن،پاگرفتن
these plants establish readily on coastal hills
این گیاهان زود روی تپههای ساحلی نشو و نما میکنند.
* established, adj.
1- به ثبوت رسیده،فرنودین،پابرجا،استاد،پایدار،برجا،استوان،محقق
established art styles
سبکهای هنری برقرار
a man of established reputation
مردی دارای شهرت پابرجا
2- رسمی،برقرار
established religion
مذهب رسمی
* establish friendly relations with
روابط دوستانه برقرار کردن با
to establish sth
etw gründen
to establish an account
ein Konto eröffnen
to establish a beachhead
einen Brückenkopf errichten
to establish a commission
eine Kommission bilden
to establish a dictatorship
eine Diktatur errichten
to establish air supremacy MILIT
sich Dat die Luftherrschaft sichern
to establish sb’s guilt
jds Schuld beweisen [o. nachweisen]
to establish a bridgehead
einen Brückenkopf bilden [o. errichten]
to establish one’s residence form
sich Akk niederlassen
to establish a monopoly
ein Monopol errichten
to establish a quota
eine Quote festlegen
to establish a policy
eine politische Linie einschlagen
to establish a precedent
einen Präzedenzfall schaffen
to establish a norm
eine Norm definieren
to establish a dictatorship
eine Diktatur errichten
to establish a commission
eine Kommission bilden
to establish the facts
den Sachverhalt klären
to establish one’s rights
seine Rechte geltend machen
to establish a hospital
ein Krankenhaus errichten
to establish a criterion
ein Kriterium festlegen
to establish a beachhead
einen Brückenkopf errichten
to establish an account
ein Konto eröffnen
to establish the truth
die Wahrheit herausfinden
to establish where/whether …
feststellen, wo/ob …
C something that will dive into next week and thankfully
[Kopf]sprung m
to execute a dive
einen [Kopf]sprung machen
dive [daiv]
♦ verb
1 to plunge headfirst into water or down through the air: He dived off a rock into the sea.
شیرجه رفتن
2 to go quickly and suddenly out of sight: She dived down a back street and into a shop.
به سرعت از نظر دور شدن
♦ noun
an act of diving: She did a beautiful dive into the deep end of the pool.
♦ noun
a person who dives, especially one who works under water using special breathing equipment.
♦ noun
a platform from which to dive, erected beside a swimming-pool.
تخته شیرجه
great diving beetle
a water insect that carries a bubble of air under its wing cover for breathing when it is under water.
n., vi., vt.
● (در آب) شیرجه رفتن،با سر پریدن
Mehri dived into the pool
مهری در استخر شیرجه زد.
● (زیردریایی و غواص) سرازیر شدن (درآب)،فرو شدن،زیر آب رفتن
as the enemy boat approached, the submarine began to dive
با نزدیک شدن کشتی دشمن،زیردریایی شروع به زیر آب رفتن کرد.
● (ناگهان با سر وارد چیزی شدن) پریدن توی
to dive into a foxhole
به داخل جانپناه پریدن
● (با اشتیاق و رغبت) به کاری پرداختن،غرق در کاری شدن
to dive into one’s work
غرق در کار خود شدن
● (هواپیما و پرنده و جاده و غیره) ناگهان سرازیر شدن،(هواپیما را) سرازیر کردن
the bomber dived toward the target
هواپیمای بمبافکن به سوی هدف شیرجه رفت.
● شیرچه،دایو،پریدن با سر،(حرکات اکروباتیک) کله معلق
● سرازیر شدگی،فروشدگی،فرود ناگهانی،پرش به زیر (با سر)
he made a dive for the ditch
پرید توی گودال.
● (میخانه یا قمارخانه) بدنام
* take a dive
(امریکا - خودمانی - مسابقهی مشتزنی) عمدا باختن
verb - dive
شیرجه رفتن: dive, plunge, jackknife
فرو رفتن: dive, sink, immerge, founder, merge
غواصی کردن: dive
تفحص کردن: dive, hunt, probe
غوطه زدن: dive, duck, plunge
غوطهور شدن: plunge, dive, duck
noun - dive
شیرجه: dive, plunge, somersault, somerset
غوطه: plunge, dive, duck
غور: contemplation, deliberation, depth, diving, bottom, dive
steep dive
Sturzflug m
to take a dive
einen Schlag erleiden
to execute a dive
einen [Kopf]sprung machen
to dive for pearls
nach Perlen tauchen
head first dive/jump
Kopfsprung m
a crash dive
ein Schnelltauchmanöver
headlong dive/jump
Kopfsprung m
to dive into a car
schnell in ein Auto einsteigen
paradigm (model)
ger: Paradigma nt geh
noun - paradigm
نمونه: sample, example, instance, model, specimen, paradigm
Darwin’s theory of evolution was a paradigm shift in scientific understanding
Darwins Evolutionstheorie veränderte in revolutionärer Weise das wissenschaftliche Verständnis
noun - nuance
نکات دقیق وظریف: nuance
اختلاف مختصر: nuance
فرق جزئي: nuance
● فحوا،تفاوت ظریف،سایهی کمرنگ،سایهرنگ،سایه چم،معنی یا آهنگ فرعی و ظریف،سایه روشنک،ریزهکاری
a rich artistic performance, full of nuance
برنامهی هنری سرشار از ریزهکاری
words that have the same meanings with different nuances
واژههایی که هم معنی هستند ولی از نظر فحوا با هم فرق دارند.
uances of language
فحوای کلام
ger: antizipieren
etw erwarten
mit etw Dat rechnen
etw vorhersehen [o. vorausahnen]
etw prognostizieren
anticipate [ӕnˈtisəpeit]
♦ verb
1 to expect (something): I’m not anticipating any trouble.
انتظار داشتن
2 to see what is going to be wanted, required etc in the future and do what is necessary: A businessman must try to anticipate what his customers will want.
پیش بینی کردن
♦ noun
I’m looking forward to the concert with anticipation (= expectancy, excitement).
انتظار؛ چشم به راهی
/an tis´ǝ pāt´/
vi., vt.
● پیش بینی کردن،انتظار داشتن
I anticipate a pleasant trip
سفر خوشی را پیش بینی میکنم.
anticipating her request, I prepared the tea in advance
خواستهی او را پیش بینی نموده و چای را از پیش آماده کردم.
● (موعد چیزی را) پیش انداختن،تسریع کردن
● پیشگیری کردن،پیشدستی کردن
to anticipate an opponent’s blows
ضربههای حریف را پیشگیری کردن
● تقدم داشتن بر،جلو بودن
did the Vikings anticipate Columbus in discovering America?
آیا وایکینگها در کشف امریکا بر (کریستوف) کلمب تقدم داشتند؟
● (قبل از موعد) مورد استفاده قرار دادن،پیش خور کردن
they tried to anticipate the legacy
آنها کوشیدند ارث را پیشخور کنند.
● (قبل از موعد) پرداختن،(پیش از وقت دربارهی چیزی) حرف زدن یا اقدام کردن
● پیشگرایی،چشمداشت،پیش نگرش
verb - anticipate
پیش بینی کردن: foretaste, dope, anticipate, prognosticate, augur, foresee
پیشدستی کردن: outsmart, anticipate
سبقت جستن: take the lead, anticipate, outguess, forestall, get the better of, get the start
انتظار داشتن: expect, envisage, hold forth, anticipate, attend, await
جلوانداختن: antedate, anticipate, forward
پیش گرفتن بر: anticipate
سبقت جستن بر: anticipate
to anticipate one’s inheritance
sein Erbe im Voraus verbrauchen
to anticipate the outcome of sth
das Ergebnis eines S. (gen) vorwegnehmen
to anticipate sth
etw erwarten
to anticipate sth
mit etw Dat rechnen
to anticipate sth (foresee)
etw vorhersehen [o. vorausahnen]
to anticipate sth (predict)
etw prognostizieren
presume [prəˈzjuːm]
♦ verb
1 to believe that something is true without proof; to take for granted: When I found the room empty, I presumed that you had gone home; Has he gone?'
I presume so.’
فرض کردن
2 to be bold enough (to act without the right, knowledge etc to do so): I wouldn’t presume to advise someone as clever as you.
جسارت کردن
♦ adverb
I presume: She’s not in her office – presumably she went home early.
preˈsumption [-ˈzamp-]
♦ noun
1 something presumed: She married again, on the presumption that her first husband was dead.
2 unsuitable boldness, eg in one’s behaviour towards another person.
preˈsumptuous [-ˈzamptjuəs, (American) -ˈzamptʃuəs]
♦ adjective
impolitely bold.
♦ noun
/prē zōōm´/
vt., vi.
● به خود اجازه دادن،جسارت کردن،پررویی کردن
I did not presume to call her by her first name
به خود اجازه ندادم او را به اسم کوچک صدا بزنم.
why are you so late, if I may presume?
اگر جسارت نباشد چرا این قدر دیر کردهاید؟
how can you presume to give me orders!
چطور به خودت اجازه میدهی به من دستور بدهی!
● فرض کردن،انگاشتن،انگاردن،خیال کردن،تصور کردن،گمان کردن
a village which was presumed to be under Vietcong control
دهکدهای که تصور میشد تحت کنترل ویتکنگها باشد
the accused is missing and presumed dead
متهم مفقود شده است و احتمال میرود که مرده باشد.
an individual is presumed innocent unless the opposite is proven
هر فرد بیگناه فرض میشود مگر آنکه خلاف آن ثابت شود.
if he dosen’t show up, I’ll presume he is not interested in buying the house
اگر نیاید چنین خواهم انگاشت که به خرید خانه علاقه ندارد.
● دلالت کردن،حاکی بودن
a signed invoice presumes receipt of goods
بارنامهی امضا شده نشانهی دریافت کالا است.
● (با: on یا upon) محرز فرض کردن،(بیش از حد) روی چیزی حساب کردن
to presume on someone’s friendship
زیادی روی دوستی کسی حساب کردن
verb - presume
فرض کردن: assume, presume, adjudge, consider, suppose, deem
مسلم دانستن: presume
احتمال کلی دادن: presume
عقیده داشتن: opine, have an opinion, believe, deem, presume, reckon
I presume so/not
ich denke [o. glaube] ja/nein
to presume to claim that …
sich Akk zu der Behauptung versteigen, dass …
to presume on sb’s time
jds Zeit in Anspruch nehmen
you are Dr Smith, I presume?
ich nehme an, Sie sind Dr. Smith?
to presume on sb’s good nature
jds Gutmütigkeit ausnutzen
she would never presume to question my authority
sie würde sich nie anmaßen, meine Autorität in Frage zu stellen
could I presume on your time for a moment?
hätten Sie wohl einen Moment Zeit für mich?
are we walking to the hotel? — I presume so
laufen wir zum Hotel? — ich denke schon
I don’t wish to presume, but shouldn’t you apologize to her?
ich will ja nicht aufdringlich sein, aber solltest du dich nicht bei ihr entschuldigen?
adverb - henceforth
از این پس: hereinafter, henceforth, hereafter
از این ببعد: henceforth, henceforward, hereafter
سپس: then, next, afterwards, afterward, thereupon, henceforth
زین سپس: henceforth
/hens fôrth´/
● از این به بعد،از این پس،از حالا به بعد (henceforward هم میگویند)
henceforth knock before you enter!
از این به بعد قبل از ورود در بزنید!
● پس از آن،بعدا،از آن پس
henceforth (from this time on)
fortan geh
henceforth (from this time on)
henceforth (from this time on)
von nun an
henceforth (from that time on)
henceforth (from that time on)
von da an
Entführung f
die Abduktion
taking someone against their will (kidnapping)
Entführung f
noun - abduction
ربایش: abduction, kidnapping, abstraction, grab, snatch, rapine
سرقت: theft, steal, robbery, stealing, larceny, abduction
عمل ربودن: abduction
دورشدگی: abduction
دوری از مرکز بدن: abduction
قیاسی: analog, comparability, abduction
قیاس: analogy, analogy, syllogism, deduction, induction, abduction
ger: Brandstiftung
•arson = setting fire to a property
arson [ˈaːsn]
♦ noun
the crime of setting fire to (a building etc ) on purpose.
آتش افروزی
● (حقوق) ایجاد حریق به طور عمد،آتش افروزی،حرق
plundering and arson have erupted all over the city
چپاول و آتش افروزی در تمام شهر فوران کرده است.
the arsonist was sentenced to nine years of imprisonment
آتش افروز به نه سال زندان محکوم شد.
noun - arson
ایجاد حریق عمدی: arson
اتش زنی: arson
his brother fingered him for arson
sein Bruder hat ihn wegen Brandstiftung verpfiffen
ger: Angriff
assault = a physical attack
assault [əˈsoːlt]
♦ verb
1 to attack, especially suddenly: The youths assaulted the night watchman.
حمله کردن
2 to attack sexually; to rape.
تجاوز جنسی کردن
♦ noun
1 a (sudden) attack: a night assault on the fortress; His speech was a vicious assault on his opponent.
2 a sexual attack; a rape.
تجوز جنسی
assault [əˈsoːlt]
♦ verb
1 to attack, especially suddenly: The youths assaulted the night watchman.
حمله کردن
2 to attack sexually; to rape.
تجاوز جنسی کردن
♦ noun
1 a (sudden) attack: a night assault on the fortress; His speech was a vicious assault on his opponent.
2 a sexual attack; a rape.
تجوز جنسی
ǝ sôlt´/
n., vt., vi.
● (جسمی یا لفظی) حمله کردن،برتاختن،تازیدن،حملهی شدید و ناگهانی
two students assaulted him in the hallway
دو دانشجو در راهرو به او حمله کردند.
● یورش،تازش،برتاخت،هجوم،تهاجم،حمله
the enemy opened the assault on the Wago front
دشمن هجوم را از جبههی واگو آغاز کرد.
their assault was crushed
تازش آنان در هم شکسته شد.
an all-out assault on racism
هجوم همه جانبه علیه نژادپرستی
● زنای به عنف،تجاوز جنسی
she was (sexually) assaulted by two men
آن زن توسط دو مرد مورد تجاوز (جنسی) قرار گرفت.
● (حقوق) تهدید به ضرب و شتم
● ضرب،ضربه،جریحهدار سازی
● جریحهدار کردن
* assault aircraft
هواپیمای هجومی
* assault boat
قایق تازشگر
* assault force
نیروی هجومی
* assault rifle
تفنگ جنگی (در مقابل شکاری)
* assault with a deadly weapon
حمله با سلاح مهلک
* assault with intent to murder
حمله به قصد قتل
aggravated assault Am
schwere Körperverletzung
sexual assault Am
Notzucht f
indecent assault
unzüchtige Handlung
verbal assault übtr
verbale Attacke
assault and battery (aggression)
Bedrohung f mit tätlichem Angriff
frontal assault [or attack]
Frontalangriff m
an assault case
ein Fall m von Körperverletzung
an assault on racism/sexism
ein Feldzug m gegen Rassismus/Sexismus
to indecently [or sexually] assault sb
jdn vergewaltigen
to make an assault on sth
gegen etw Akk angehen
to launch an assault on sb/sth
jdn/etw angreifen
assault with intent to do grievous bodily injury
vorsätzliche schwere Körperverletzung
he pleaded guilty to the charge of indecent assault
er gestand die sexuelle Nötigung
an assault on the north face of the Eiger
ein Versuch, die Eiger-Nordwand zu bezwingen
she decided to make a determined assault on the paperwork
sie entschloss sich, endlich ernsthaft den Papierkram anzugehen
ger: Einbruch
burglary = illegal entry to a building with an intent to commit a crime
noun - burglary
دزدی: theft, stealing, robbery, burglary, thievery, embezzlement
1 entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.
a two-year sentence for burglary
synonyms: housebreaking , breaking and entering , theft , stealing , robbery , larceny , thievery , looting , pilferage , break-in , theft , robbery , raid , heist
aggravated burglary JUR
erschwerter Diebstahl
did you know about the burglary?
hast du von dem Einbruch gehört?
he was had up for burglary
sie haben ihn wegen Einbruchs drangekriegt
child abuse = maltreatment of a child
abuse [əˈbjuːz]
♦ verb
1 to use wrongly, usually with harmful results: She abused her privileges by taking too long a holiday.
سواستفاده کردن
2 to insult or speak roughly to: She abused the servants.
ناسزا گفتن
1 insulting language: He shouted abuse at her.
2 the wrong use of something: This toy has been subjected to a lot of abuse.
استفادۀ غلط
aˈbusive [-siv]
♦ adjective
using insulting language: He wrote an abusive letter to the manager.
توهین آمیز
♦ adverb
بطور اهانت آمیز
♦ noun
• My father is oblivious to the emotional pain his abuse caused me.
پدرم توجهی به رنج عاطفی که بر اثر سوءاستفاده در من ایجاد کرده است، ندارد.
satanic abuse
teuflischer Missbrauch
racket abuse
Werfen nt des Schlägers
[verbal] abuse
Beschimpfung[en] f[pl]
child abuse
Kindesmissbrauch m
sexual abuse
sexueller Missbrauch
a stream of abuse
eine Schimpfkanonade
level of alcohol abuse
Ausmaß nt des Alkoholmissbrauchs
a term of abuse
ein Schimpfwort nt
to [verbally] abuse sb
jdn beschimpfen
be open to abuse
sich Akk leicht missbrauchen lassen
abuse of human rights
Menschenrechtsverletzungen pl
to abuse sb’s trust
jds Vertrauen missbrauchen
to abuse sb’s kindness
jds Freundlichkeit ausnutzen
to abuse sb’s rights
jds Rechte verletzen
to practise self-abuse
sich Akk selbstzerstörerisch verhalten
to discharge abuse
Beleidigungen von sich Dat geben
abuse of process JUR
Verfahrensmissbrauch m
term of abuse
Schimpfwort nt
alcohol/drug abuse
Alkohol-/Drogenmissbrauch m
ger: Misshandlung
Misshandlung f
abuse, cruel treatment, rough treatment
oblivious [əˈbliviəs]
♦ adjective
unaware of or not paying attention to: He was oblivious of what was happening; He was oblivious to our warnings.
بی خبر؛ بی اعتنا
♦ adverb
با بی اعتنایی؛ بطور نا آگاه
to be oblivious of [or to] sth
sich Dat einer S. Gen nicht bewusst sein
to be oblivious to the beauty of sth
keinen Sinn für das Schöne einer S. Gen haben
absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings
in ihre Arbeit vertieft, nahm sie ihre Umwelt gar nicht mehr wahr
/ǝ bliv´ē ǝs/
● (معمولا با: of یا to) بی خبر (از)،بی اعتنا (به)
oblivious to danger
بی اعتنا به خطر
he was oblivious of his surroundings
توجهی به محیط خود نداشت.
● فراموشی آور،نسیان بخش
• My father is oblivious to the emotional pain his abuse caused me.
پدرم توجهی به رنج عاطفی که بر اثر سوءاستفاده در من ایجاد کرده است، ندارد.
adjective - oblivious
بی توجه: oblivious, unresponsive, inattentive, listless, unwitting, unconsidered
فراموشکار: forgetful, oblivious, slack
drug trafficking
ger: Handel
drug trafficking - importing illegal drugs
drug trafficking
Drogenhandel m
human trafficking
Menschenhandel m
arms trafficking
Waffenschieberei f
traffic [ˈtrӕfik]
♦ noun
1 vehicles, aircraft, ships etc moving about: There’s a lot of traffic on the roads / on the river.
عبور و مرور
2 trade, especially illegal or dishonest: the drug traffic.
سوداگری؛ داد و ستد
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈtrafficked –
to deal or trade in, especially illegally or dishonestly: They were trafficking in smuggled goods.
داد و ستد کردن
♦ noun
a usually illegal or dishonest dealer: a trafficker in drugs.
داد و ستد کننده؛ قاچاقچی
traffic island
a small pavement in the middle of a road, for pedestrians to stand on on their way across.
سکوی ایمنی
traffic jam
a situation in which large numbers of road vehicles are prevented from proceeding freely.
صفی از ماشین ها که پشت سر یکدیگر مانده و نمی توانند جابجا شوند
traffic lights
lights of changing colours for controlling traffic at road crossings etc : Turn left at the traffic lights.
چراغ راهنمایی
traffic warden see warden
trade (in), deal (in), do business in, buy and sell, smuggle, bootleg, run, push
false imprisonment
false imprisonment = imprisoning a person against their will and without legal
• The fundamental aspect of imprisonment is the loss of liberty.
مهمترین ویژگی حبس، از دست دادن آزادی است.
• In many countries, being gay is a cause for imprisonment.
در خیلی از کشورها، همجنس باز بودن دلیلی است برای زندانی کردن.
false imprisonment
Freiheitsberaubung f
to get life imprisonment
lebenslänglich bekommen
term of imprisonment
Haftdauer f
wrongful arrest/dismissal/imprisonment
unrechtmäßige Verhaftung/Entlassung/Inhaftierung
a term [or sentence] of imprisonment
Haft f
murder is punishable by life imprisonment
Mord wird mit lebenslanger Haft bestraft
to be given full sentence/life imprisonment
die Höchststrafe/lebenslang bekommen
he was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for possessing heroin
er wurde wegen Heroinbesitzes zu sechs Monaten Haft verurteilt
the guest lecturer took as her subject ‘imprisonment in modern society’
die Gastsprecherin hatte ‚die Freiheitsstrafe in der modernen Gesellschaft‘ zu ihrem Thema gewählt
noun - imprisonment
حبس: imprisonment, prison, detention, jail, custody, lockout
زندانی شدن: imprisonment
حبسی: imprisonment
دوره زندانی را گذراندن: imprisonment
Betrug m
fraud = deception for personal or financial gain
fraud [froːd]
♦ noun
1 (an act of) dishonesty: He was sent to prison for fraud.
2 a person who pretends to be something that he isn’t: That man is not a famous writer, he’s a fraud.
آدم کلاهبردار
ˈfraudulent [-djulənt, (American) -dʒulənt]
♦ adjective
dishonest or intending to deceive: fraudulent behaviour.
فریب آمیز
♦ adverb
بطور فریب آمیز
♦ noun
حقه بازی
malevolent fraud
arglistige Täuschung
to unmask a fraud
einen Betrug aufdecken
Serious Fraud Office
Ermittlungsbehörde f für Wirtschaftsstraftaten
perpetrator of fraud
Betrüger(in) m (f)
he was accused of fraud
er wurde wegen Betrugs angeklagt
she’s standing trial for fraud
sie steht wegen Betrug[e]s unter Anklage
he’s been committed to prison for fraud
er ist wegen Betrugs inhaftiert worden
next to her I felt like a fraud
neben ihr komme ich mir wie ein Betrüger/eine Betrügerin vor
he was on the rack, following accusations of fraud
als man ihm Bestechung vorwarf, durchlitt er wahre Höllenqualen
she managed to bring off the biggest cheque fraud in history
ihr gelang der größte Scheckbetrug aller Z
/frôd, fräd/
● (حقوق) کلاهبرداری،غبن
● گولزنی،اغفال،دغلکاری،حقهبازی،فریبکاری،تقلب
he committed several frauds in Kashan
او در کاشان به چندین فقره کلاهبرداری دست زد.
he got the money by fraud
او پول را از راه کلاهبرداری به دست آورد.
● (آدم) متقلب،کلاهبردار،گوشبر،فریبکار،دغلکار،قلابی،چیز تقلبی
he claims to be a doctor, but he is a fraud
او ادعا میکند که دکتر است ولی دروغ میگوید.
noun - fraud
تقلب: fraud, deception, skullduggery, skulduggery, swindle, fakery
فریب: deception, lure, deceit, fraud, delusion, cheat
کلاه برداری: fraud, spoof, swindle, gaud, defraudation, fraudulence
شیادی: fraud, deceit, deception, juggle, trick
شیاد: fraud, trickster, shammer
حیله: gimmick, trick, cunning, deception, deceit, fraud
غبن: cheating, swindling, lesion, fraud, defraudation
گوش بر: fraud, swindler
ger: Entführung
•hijacking = illegally getting control of an aircraft or vehice
Entführung f
to hijack a plane
ein Flugzeug entführen
übtr to hijack sb’s ideas/plans
jds Ideen/Pläne klauen ugs
hijack [ˈhaidʒӕk]
♦ verb
1 to take control of (an aeroplane) while it is moving and force the pilot to fly to a particular place.
هواپيما ربايی کردن
2 to stop and rob (a vehicle): Thieves hijacked a lorry carrying $20,000 worth of whisky.
دزدی از وسایل نقلیه
3 to steal (something) from a vehicle: Thieves hijacked $20,000 worth of whisky from a lorry.
سرقت کردن از ماشین
♦ noun
the act of hijacking.
♦ noun
● (عامیانه)
● دزدیدن (به ویژه وسیلهی نقلیه با محتویات آن)
they hijacked a truckload of cameras
آنها یک کامیون پر از دوربین عکاسی را دزدیدند.
● (در حین حمل و نقل) کالا ربایی کردن،سرقت مسلحانه کردن،زدن
● (با اعمال زور) گول زدن،کلاه سر کسی گذاشتن،اجحاف کردن
they hijack customers to buy unneccessary insurance
آنان مشتریان خود را مجبور میکنند که بیمهی غیرضروری بخرند.
● هواپیما ربایی کردن،اتوبوس ربایی کردن (بزور گرفتن هر نوع وسیلهی نقلیه با سرنشینان آن)
the plane was hijacked while on a flight to Paris
هواپیما حین پرواز به پاریس ربوده شد.
the hijackers blew up the hijacked bus
ربایندگان اتوبوس ربوده شده را منفجر کردند.
verb - hijack
ربودن: hijack, snatch, abduct, rob, steal, grab
/kǝ mu_r´shǝl/
adj., n.
● (وابسته به) بازرگانی،تجاری،سوداگرانه
London is a commercial center
لندن مرکز بازرگانی است.
● وابسته به مغازه و ساختمان اداری
a commercial and industrial bank
بانک بازرگانی و صنعت
residential and commercial property
املاک مسکونی و تجاری
● (خرید و فروش به مقدار زیاد) عمده،(برای مصرف) صنعتی یا بازرگانی
commercial sulfuric acid
اسید سولفوریک صنعتی
commercial agriculture
کشاورزی در سطح گسترده
● انتفاعی،سودگرای،بهرهگرای،سوداگرای
educational films as opposed to commercial films
فیلم آموزشی در مقایسه با فیلم تبلیغاتی
the book was a commercial success
کتاب از نظر مالی پر سود بود.
● (رادیو و تلویزیون و فیلم) آگهی (بازرگانی)
● (تلویزیون و رادیو) خصوصی،انتفاعی
noun - commercial
تجاری: commercial, joinery
adjective - commercial
بازرگانی: commercial, mercantile
تجارتی: commercial, mercantile
برای فروش: commercial, merchant
ger: Glückseligkeit
bliss [blis]
♦ noun
very great happiness: the bliss of a young married couple.
شادمانی؛ شعف
♦ adjective
شادکام؛ سعادتمند
♦ adverb
با شادکامی
n., vi., vt.
● آمیزهی خوشحالی و لذت،شادکامی،خوشدلی،شادمانی،خوشی
being with Sherry is heavenly bliss
بودن با شری موهبت آسمانی است.
the blissful days we spent together
ایام خوشی که با هم بودیم
the holidays we spent together were true bliss
تعطیلاتی را که با هم گذراندیم خوشی محض بود.
● شعف،روانشادی،سعادت جاودانی،خلسه،ربودگی مذهبی و روحانی
● (امریکا - خودمانی ـ معمولا با out) نشئه شدن (در اثر مواد مخدر یا ربودگی روحانی)
* living in wedded (or married) bliss
در ازدواج سعادتمند بودن،زندگی زناشویی موفق و کامبخشی داشتن
* blissful ignorance
ناآگاهی از چیزهای ناخوشایند،جهل توام با شادکامی
noun - bliss
سعادت: happiness, bliss, felicity, welfare, weal, luck
برکت: blessing, bliss, benediction, fatness, beatitude, felicity
domestic bliss
häusliches Glück
wedded bliss
Eheglück nt
marital bliss
Eheglück nt
perpetual bliss
dauerhaftes Glück
sheer bliss
eine wahre Wonne
what bliss!
connubial bliss
Eheglück nt
to be utter bliss
eine ungeheure Wohltat sein
ignorance is bliss
selig sind die Unwissenden
pure [or sheer] bliss
die reine Wonne
wedded [or marital] bliss
Eheglück nt
they lived in domestic bliss
sie führten ein glückliches Familienleben
the hot bath was pure bliss
das heiße Bad war eine wahre Wohltat
that’s what I call nuptial bliss
Mann, die sind vielleicht im siebten Himmel
we could tell Mary, but ignorance is bliss
wir könnten es Mary erzählen, aber was sie nicht weiß, macht sie nicht heiß ugs
ger: Ausbeutung f
Ausnutzung f
/eks´ploi tā´shǝn/
● استثمار،بهرهگیری،بهرهکشی
the exploitation of workers by company managers
استثمار کارگران توسط مدیران شرکت ها
● بهره برداری،استفاده
the exploitation of the country’s oil resources
بهره برداری از منابع نفت کشور
the exploitation of employees
die Ausbeutung der Arbeitnehmerschaft
US UK AU [ˌeksploiˈtāSHən]
noun - exploitation
بهره برداری: operation, exploitation, utilization
استثمار: exploitation
استخراج: extraction, exploitation, derivation, elicitation, production
انتفاع: exploitation
Premeditated / Premeditation
ger: mit Vorbedacht, geplant
premeditated murder = murder that is intentional (planned before hand)
“unpremeditated murder - murder that is not intentional (not planned)
premeditated [priˈmediteitid]
♦ adjective
thought out in advance; planned: premeditated murder.
از پیش طراحی شده
/prē med´i tāt´/
vt., vi.
● عمدا انجام دادن،(طبق نقشه یا تصمیم قبلی) مرتکب شدن
that crime was not accidental; it was premedi- tated
آن جنایت اتفاقی نبود; عمدی بود.
a premeditated murder
قتل عمد
● پیش اندیشی کردن
premeditated act
überlegtes Vorgehen
premeditated attack
vorsätzlicher [o. geplanter] Angriff
premeditated crime/murder
vorsätzlich begangenes Verbrechen/vorsätzlicher Mord
manslaughter - unintentional murder (synonym for unpremeditated murder)
involuntary manslaughter JUR
fahrlässige Tötung fachspr
to charge sb with manslaughter
jdn des Totschlags anklagen
ger: Versuch
“attempted murder = planning to kill another person
attempt [əˈtempt]
♦ verb
to try: He attempted to reach the dying man, but did not succeed; He did not attempt the last question in the exam.
کوشیدن؛ سعی کردن
♦ noun
1 a try: They failed in their attempt to climb the Everest; She made no attempt to run away.
کوشش؛ سعی
2 an attack: They made an attempt on his life but he survived.
حمله کردن
verb - attempt
جستجو کردن: search, seek, scour, look for, attempt, ransack
کوشش کردن: try, labor, assay, attempt, bend, peg
قصد کردن: attempt, decide, design, meditate
مبادرت کردن به: attack, attempt
تقلا کردن: heave, slog, tussle, scramble, struggle, agonize
foolhardy attempt
tollkühner Versuch
inexpert attempt
stümperhafter Versuch
desultory attempt
halbherziger Versuch
failed attempt
fehlgeschlagener [o. missglückter] Versuch
earnest attempt
ernst gemeinter Versuch
futile attempt
vergeblicher Versuch
blatant attempt
offensichtlicher Versuch
heroic attempt
kühner Versuch
desperate attempt
verzweifelter Versuch
ineffective attempt
erfolgloser Versuch
interpretative attempt
Erklärungsversuch m
solo attempt
Einzelversuch m
feeble attempt
müder Versuch
clumsy attempt
plumper Versuch
to forestall an attempt
einen Versuch abschmettern ugs
to cripple an attempt
einen Versuch zum Scheitern bringen
to attempt a jailbreak
einen Ausbruchsversuch unternehmen
botched suicide attempt
misslungener Selbstmordversuch
a puny attempt
ein schüchterner Versuch
attempt at self-justification
Versuch m , sich zu rechtfertigen
endeavored, ventured
[at·tempt || ə’tempt]
try, assay; effort to do or accomplish something; assault, attack (as “an attempt on someone life”)
[at·tempt || ə’tempt]
try, assay
patricide [ˈpӕtrisaid]
♦ noun
1 the act of killing one’s father.
پدر کشی
2 a person who does such an act.
قاتل پدر
Vatermord m
ger: Völkermord
genocide [ˈdʒenəsaid]
♦ noun
the deliberate killing of a race of people.
نسل کشی
adjective - genocidal
jen´ǝ sīd´/
● کشتار طبق برنامه برای براندازی ملت یا نژادی،نسلکشی،قتل عام،نژاد براندازی،پاکسازی نژادی
* genocidal, adj.
قتلعامانه،وابسته به نسلکشی و نژاد براندازی
the Nazis’ genocidal acts
اعمال نژاد براندازانهی نازیها
to commit genocide [against sb]
Völkermord [an jdm] begehen
euthanasia - killing someone for their benefit
euthanasia [juːθəˈneiziə]
♦ noun
the painless killing of someone who is suffering from a painful and incurable illness: Many old people would prefer euthanasia to the suffering they have to endure.
کشتن دلسوزانه؛ خوشمرگی
/yōō´thǝ nā´zhǝ, -zhē ǝ, -zēǝ/
● (کشتن از روی ترحم انسان یا جانور به خاطر نجات دادن آنها از درد و غیره) کشتن دلسوزانه،مهرین کشی
● (نادر) مرگ آسان و بی درد،خوشمرگی،خوب میری
ger: schmuggeln
smuggling = illegal import or export
smuggle [ˈsmagl]
♦ verb
1 to bring (goods) into, or send them out from, a country illegally, or without paying duty: He was caught smuggling (several thousand cigarettes through the Customs).
قاچاقي وارد و خارج كردن
2 to send or take secretly: I smuggled some food out of the kitchen.
قاچاقي رد كردن
♦ noun
a person who smuggles.
♦ noun
the laws against smuggling; drug-smuggling.
vi., vt.
● قاچاق کردن،گریزه آوردن (یابردن)
smuggled opium
تریاک قاچاقی
smugglers have smuggled tons of heroin into the country
قاچاقچیان چندین تن هروئین به کشور قاچاق کردهاند.
● (قاچاقی) رد کردن،رساندن
to smuggle arms/drugs/illegal aliens
Waffen/Drogen/illegale Einwanderer schmuggeln
ger: die Gewalt
• He was strongly against all violence.
او در برابر تمام خشونت محکم ایستاد.
/vī´ǝ lǝns/
● خشونت،پرخاشگری
they threaten us with violence
آنان ما را تهدید به خشونت میکنند.
the strikers’ increasing violence
خشونت فزایندهی اعتصابکنندگان
acts of violence
اعمال خشونتآمیز
● شدت،ستهمی،حدت
the wind blew with great violence
باد بشدت زیاد میوزید.
the violence of the explosion
شدت انفجار
● آسیب،زیان،ویرانی
● (متن یا معنی و غیره) مسخسازی،دستکاری (زیانبخش)
to do violence to a text
متن را دستکاری کردن
● عمل خشونتآمیز،آشوب،بلوا
thirty people were killed in the violence
در آن آشوب سی نفر کشته شدند.
some movies contain too much sex and violence
برخی از فیلمها دارای صحنههای سکسی و خشونت بیش از حد است.
* do violence too
آسیب رساندن،زیان رساندن،صدمه زدن
those ugly tall buildings do violence to the beauty of Esfahan
آن ساختمانهای زشت و بلند به زیبایی اصفهان لطمه میزنند.
Gewaltverzicht m
Gewaltfreiheit f
oun - violence
خشونت: violence, cruelty, roughness, severity, harshness, rudeness
شدت: intensity, severity, force, gravity, violence, vehemence
زور: force, power, violence, strength, might, strain
ستم: oppression, injustice, tyranny, cruelty, violence, despotism
بی حرمتی: disrespect, desecration, affront, profanation, violence, irreverence
تندی: speed, velocity, rigor, pungency, celerity, violence
سختی: hardness, hardship, difficulty, adversity, trouble, violence
چیرگی: domination, victory, boldness, proficiency, courage, violence
جبر: algebra, inertia, inertia, force, violence
ستیز: contention, antagonism, hatred, affray, contest, violence
فشار: pressure, compression, press, push, stress, violence
بیدادگری: violence
اشتلم: violence
white collar crime
“white collar crime = financially motivated non-violent crime by a worker
ger: verhindern, abhalten, abschrecken
deter [diˈtəː]– past tense, past participle deˈterred –
♦ verb
to make less willing or prevent by frightening: She was not deterred by his threats.
جلوگیری کردن؛ منصرف کردن
deˈterrent [-ˈte-, (American) -ˈtə:-]
♦ noun,
♦ adjective
(something) that deters: The possession of nuclear weapons by nations is thought to be a deterrent against nuclear war itself; a deterrent effect.
بازدارنده؛ پیشگیر
verb - deter
ترساندن: scare, frighten, intimidate, terrorize, deter, threaten
باز داشتن: deter, encumber, prevent, debar, dissuade, arrest
تحذیر کردن: deter
dē tu_r´, di-/
● (با ایجاد ترس یا تردید و غیره) بازداری کردن،جلوگیری کردن،منصرف کردن
fear of atomic retalliation deterred the communists from attacking
ترس از تلافی با سلاح اتمی کمونیستها را از حمله بازداشت.
punishment did not deter him from repeating his crime
تنبیه او را از تکرار بزه خود بازنداشت.
a good dog can deter burglars
یک سگ خوب میتواند جلو دزدها را بگیرد.
to deter an attack
einen Angriff verhindern
nothing will deter him
nichts wird ihn [davon] abhalten
to deter sb from doing sth
jdn davon abschrecken [o. abhalten] , etw zu tun
repeated offender
eine Straftat begehen, jdn kränken, beleidigen
repeated offender : a person who has committed a crime or offence more than once
offend [əˈfend]
♦ verb
1 to make feel upset or angry: If you don’t go to her party she will be offended; His criticism offended her.
رنجیدن؛ رنجاندن
2 to be unpleasant or disagreeable: Cigarette smoke offends me.
ofˈfence, (American ) ofˈfense
♦ noun
1 (any cause of) anger, displeasure, hurt feelings etc : That rubbish dump is an offence to the eye.
عامل رنجش؛ دلخوری
2 a crime: The police charged him with several offences.
♦ noun
a person who offends, especially against the law.
آدم خاطی
ofˈfensive [-siv]
♦ adjective
1 insulting: offensive remarks.
توهین آمیز
2 disgusting: an offensive smell.
ناخوشایند؛ تنفر انگیز
3 used to attack: an offensive weapon.
♦ noun
an attack: They launched an offensive against the invading army.
♦ adverb
بطور تعرض آمیز
♦ noun
to hurt/offend sb’s susceptibility
jds Gefühle verletzen/beleidigen
in saying this, I will offend him
wenn ich das sage, würde ich ihn beleidigen
I really didn’t mean to offend you
ich wollte dich wirklich nicht kränken
be on the offensive
to be making an attack: She always expects people to criticize her and so she is always on the offensive.
حالت تهاجمی یا پرخاشگرانه داشتن
take offence(with at)
to be offended (by something): He took offence at what she said.
دلخور شدن
/ǝ fend´/
vi., vt.
● رنجیدن،رنجاندن،دلخور کردن یا شدن،گران خاطر کردن یا شدن
she will be offended if she is not invited
اگر از او دعوت نشود دلخور خواهد شد.
your words offended her greatly
حرفهای تو او را سخت رنجاند.
● ناخشنود کردن یا شدن،خشمگین کردن یا شدن
● آزردن،رنجه داشتن
wall writings that offend the eye
دیوار نوشتههایی که چشم را رنجه میدارند
● (مهجور) تخلف کردن،تخطی کردن،سرپیچی کردن،مرتکب گناه شدن
* offend against (something)
(از چیزی) تخطی کردن
this act offends against the principle of fairness
این عمل با اصول انصاف تناقض دارد.
ger: etwas begehen
commit [kəˈmit]– past tense past participle comˈmitted –
♦ verb
1 to perform; to do (especially something illegal): He committed the murder when he was drunk.
مرتکب شدن
2 to hand over (a person) to an institution etc for treatment, safekeeping etc : committed to prison.
تحویل دادن
3 to put (oneself) under a particular obligation: She has committed herself to looking after her dead brother’s children till the age of 18.
مقید کردن؛ متعهد به انجام کاری کردن
♦ noun
obligation: She could not take the job because of family commitments.
تعهد؛ قول
♦ noun
the act of committing (to an institution).
♦ adjective
pledged to do, or to support, something: He was committed to looking after his uncle; He is a committed socialist.
متعهد شده
/ke mit´/
vi., vt.
● مرتکب شدن
a man who has committed a crime
مردی که مرتکب جنایت شده است
to commit suicide
خودکشی کردن
● (به امانت) سپردن
we commit his fame to posterity
ما شهرت او را به آیندگان میسپاریم.
to commit to memory
به حافظه (خاطر) سپردن
● تحویل دادن،(خواهی نخواهی) فرستادن
those ideas will be committed to the trash heap of history
آن عقاید به زباله دان تاریخ واصل خواهد شد.
they were committed to prison
آنها را به زندان تحویل دادند.
to be committed to a mental hospital
به بیمارستان روانی فرستاده شدن
● متعهد کردن،مقید کردن،قول دادن،به گردن گرفتن
we will commit ourselves to the protection of the poor
ما خود را متعهد به حمایت از بینوایان خواهیم کرد.
● اختصاص دادن
all available forces were committed to the attack
کلیهی نیروهای موجود به حمله اختصاص داده شدند.
● (برای تصویب یا بررسی) ارجاع کردن
* committed
* commit oneself
متعهد شدن،تعهد سپردن
* commit to paper (or writing)
نوشتن،روی کاغذ آوردن
• Tom didn’t want to see Mary in prison for a crime she didn’t commit.
تام نمی خواست ماری را به خاطر جرمی که مرتکب نشده بود در زندان ببیند.
to commit war atrocities
Kriegsverbrechen begehen
to commit a robbery
einen Raubüberfall verüben
to commit a crime
ein Verbrechen nt begehen
to commit an offence
eine strafbare Handlung begehen
to commit political suicide
politischen Selbstmord begehen
to commit immoralities
unanständige Dinge tun
to commit murder
einen Mord begehen
to commit perjury
einen Meineid schwören
to commit sabotage
Sabotage begehen
to commit adultery
die Ehe brechen geh
to commit suicide
Selbstmord begehen
to commit excesses
Exzesse begehen
to commit hara-kiri
Harakiri [o. Selbstmord] begehen
to commit rape
eine Vergewaltigung begehen
to commit bigamy
Bigamie begehen
to commit irregularities
sich Dat Unregelmäßigkeiten zuschulden kommen lassen
to commit sth to memory
sich Dat etw einprägen
to commit sth to paper
etw zu Papier bringen
ger: beeinträchtigen, vermindern
diminish [diˈminiʃ]
♦ verb
to make or become less: Our supplies are diminishing rapidly.
کم شدن؛ کاستن
♦ adjective
(negative undiminished ).
کاسته شده
/dǝ min´ish/
vt., vi.
● (اندازه و رتبه و اهمیت و غیره) کاستن،کاهیدن،کم شدن یا کردن
her strength has diminished consideably
نیروی او به طور قابل ملاحظهای کم شده است.
desertions and deaths diminished the number of his soldiers
فرار و مرگ و میر شمار سربازان او را تقلیل داد.
the passing years did not diminish their friendship
گذشت سالها از دوستی آنها نکاست.
● کوچک شدن یا کردن،خفیف شدن یا کردن
their misery diminishes all human beings
سیهروزی آنها همهی انسانها را خفیف میکند.
● (معماری) کمکم باریک کردن یا شدن (مانند سر مداد)،باریک شدن
● (موسیقی) یک نیمگام از صدا کاستن
to diminish sb’s achievements
jds Leistungen schmälern [o. herabwürdigen]
to diminish a memory
eine Erinnerung beeinträchtigen
to diminish sb’s resolve
jdn verunsichern
to diminish [greatly] in value
[stark] an Wert verlieren
verb - diminish
کم شدن: diminish, step down, abate, wane, dwindle, slacken
کم کردن: reduce, alleviate, diminish, subtract, cut, deduct
کاستن: reduce, reduce, decrease, diminish, lessen, detract
خرد شدن: relent, pass off, shrink, crush, abate, diminish
تقلیل یافتن: diminish, lessen
ضعیف کردن: weaken, diminish, enfeeble, debilitate, devitalize, emaciate
نقصان یافتن: decrease, diminish, wane
خرد کردن: grind, squelch, minify, smash, chop, diminish
خرد ساختن: turn down, bate, curtail, damp down, decompress, diminish
ger: Peer .
peer pressure
peer pressure = pressure from friends or colleagues
peer1 [piə]
♦ noun
1 a nobleman (in Britain, one from the rank of baron upwards).
آدم اشراف زاده
2 a person’s equal in rank, merit or age: The child was disliked by his peers; (also adjective ) He is more advanced than the rest of his peer group.
هم نوع؛ هم سن
ˈpeerage [-ridʒ]
♦ noun
1 a peer’s title or status: He was granted a peerage.
مقام اشرافی
2 (often with plural verb when considered as a number of separate individuals) all noblemen as a group: The peerage has/have many responsibilities.
اعیان و اشراف
♦ noun
1 the wife or widow of a peer.
همسر یا بیوه فرد اشافی
2 a woman who is a peer in her own right.
زن اشرافی
♦ adjective
without equal; better than all others: Sir Galahad was a peerless knight.
بی همتا
peer1 [piə]
♦ noun
1 a nobleman (in Britain, one from the rank of baron upwards).
آدم اشراف زاده
2 a person’s equal in rank, merit or age: The child was disliked by his peers; (also adjective ) He is more advanced than the rest of his peer group.
هم نوع؛ هم سن
ˈpeerage [-ridʒ]
♦ noun
1 a peer’s title or status: He was granted a peerage.
مقام اشرافی
2 (often with plural verb when considered as a number of separate individuals) all noblemen as a group: The peerage has/have many responsibilities.
اعیان و اشراف
♦ noun
1 the wife or widow of a peer.
همسر یا بیوه فرد اشافی
2 a woman who is a peer in her own right.
زن اشرافی
♦ adjective
without equal; better than all others: Sir Galahad was a peerless knight.
بی همتا
life peer
Peer m auf Lebenszeit
peer of the realm
Peer m mit ererbtem Sitz im Oberhaus
to peer over one’s glasses
über die Brille schauen
to peer over sb’s shoulder
jdm über die Schulter gucken [o. A schauen]
to peer into the distance
in die Ferne starren
to be under peer pressure
unter sozialem Druck stehen
to be under peer group pressure
unter sozialem Druck stehen
noun - peer
همتا: counterpart, peer, match
جفت: pair, placenta, coupling, couple, mate, peer
همشان: peer
عضو مجلس اعیان: peer
صاحب لقب اشرافی: peer
رفیق: comrade, friend, pal, fellow, buddy, peer
هما ل: peer
verb - peer
بدرجه اشرافی رسیدن: peer
بدقت نگریستن: peer
نمایان شدن: peer
بنظر رسیدن: peer, sound
برابر کردن: equate, balance, compare, contrast, level out, peer
هم درجه کردن: peer
برابر بودن با: peer
ger: nachahmen
mimicking violent behaviour - to copy aggressive actions
mimic [ˈmimik]– past tense, past participle ˈmimicked –
♦ verb
to imitate (someone or something), especially with the intention of making him or it appear ridiculous or funny: The comedian mimicked the Prime Minister’s way of speaking.
تقلید کردن؛ ادای کسی را در آوردن
♦ noun
a person who mimics: Children are often good mimics.
تقلید کردن
♦ noun
verb - mimic
تقلید کردن: imitate, mimic, emulate, assume, pattern, simulate
مسخرگی کردن: mimic, buffoon, clown
Ger: vorladen
noun - subpoena
احضاریه: subpoena
حکم احضار: subpoena
خواست برگ: subpoena
[sub·poe·na || sə’pɪːnə]
official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or requiring that certain evidence be brought before a court (Law)
[sub·poe·na || sə’pɪːnə]
serve with a subpoena, serve with an official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or requiring that certain evidence be brought before a court (Law)
[sub·poe·na || sə’pɪːnə]
official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or requiring that certain evidence be brought before a court (Law)
[sub·poe·na || sə’pɪːnə]
serve with a subpoena, serve with an official written document summoning a witness to appear in court or requiring that certain evidence be brought before a court (Law)
/sǝ pē´nǝ/
n., vt.
● (حقوق)
● خواست برگ،حکم رسمی احضاریه به دادگاه،فراخوان نامه
● خواست برگ (به کسی) دادن،فراخوان (به دادگاه)،فراخوان نامه فرستادن،احضار کردن
the court subpoenaed him to appear as witness
دادگاه او را به عنوان گواه فراخواند.
● حکم ارائه مدارک یا اسناد بخصوص را در دادگاه دادن (subpena هم مینویسند)
* to serve a subpoena on someone
فراخوان نامه (یا احضاریهی) رسمی به کسی دادن
to issue a subpoena
eine Ladung erlassen fachspr
to subpoena documents from sb
von jdm die Vorlage von Dokumenten verlangen
to subpoena sb to testify
jdn als Zeugen vorladen
to serve a subpoena on sb
jdn vorladen
to serve sb with a subpoena [or summons] [or writ]
jdn vorladen
pariah [pəˈraiə]
♦ noun
a person driven out of a group or community; an outcast: Because of his political beliefs he became a pariah in the district.
آدم طرد شده
/pǝ rī´ǝ/
● (هند- عضو پایین ترین طبقهی اجتماعی) پاریا
● آدم طرد شده،آدم پست و منفور
there, lepers are still considered as social pariahs
در آنجا جذامیان هنوز منفور اجتماع هستند.
ger: mietvertrag
lease [liːs]
♦ noun
(the period of) an agreement giving the use of a house etc on payment of rent: We signed the lease yesterday; a twenty-year lease.
اجاره؛ کرایه
♦ verb
to give or acquire a house etc in this way: He leases the land from the local council.
اجاره کردن
n., vt.
● (خانه و غیره) اجاره،کرایه،سلاک،اجارهنامه،مدت اجاره
a two-year lease
اجارهی دوساله
the lease expires next month
ماه آینده مدت اجاره سر میآید.
● ملک اجارهای (استیجاری)
● کرایه کردن یا دادن،اجاره کردن یا دادن
I leased my house for the summer
خانهی خود را برای تابستان کرایه دادم.
some farmers lease their land from the owner
برخی کشاورزان زمین خود را از مالک اجاره میکنند.
this house leases at a monthly rental of $600
کرایهی ماهیانهی این خانه 600 دلار است.
* new lease on life
عمر دوباره،فرصت تازه
a lease expires [or runs out]
ein Mietvertrag läuft aus
to take out a lease
einen Mietvertrag abschließen
new lease of [or Am on] life
neuer Auftrieb
to give sth a new lease on life
etw zu neuem Leben erwecken
Ger: der Verband, das Syndikat
syndicate [ˈsindikət]
♦ noun
1 a council or number of persons who join together to manage a piece of business.
2 a group of newspapers under the same management.
روزنامه هاي متحد
arbitrage syndicate
Arbitragekonsortium nt
syndicate member
Konsorte m
noun - syndicate
سندیکا: syndicate
اتحادیه صنفی: trade union, syndicate
verb - syndicate
تشکیل اتحادیه دادن: syndicate
/sin´dǝ kit, -kāt´/
n., vi., vt.
● اتحادیه،سندیکا
● سازمان فروش مقالات به روزنامهها و مجلات
● (امریکا) سازمان تبهکاران (که فحشا و قمار بازی و غیره را قبضه میکنند)
● روزنامههای زنجیرهای (چند روزنامه متعلق به یک فرد یا سازمان)
● اتحادیه تشکیل دادن،به صورت اتحادیه درآوردن
to syndicate government factories
در کارخانههای دولتی اتحادیه درست کردن
● (مقاله و غیره) در چند روزنامه به چاپ رساندن
he writes four syndicated articles per week
هفتهای چهار مقالهی چند روزنامهای مینویسد.
● (برنامهی رادیو یا تلویز
pick pocketing = taking from another person’s pockets
noun - pickpocket
جیب بر: pickpocket, cutpurse, dip, thief
Taschendieb(in) m (f)
to be pickpocketed
Opfer eines Taschendiebstahls werden
1 a person who steals from other people’s pockets.
The beggars in the city also indicate that there are thieves, pickpockets , robbers and the like lurking around.
synonyms: thief , petty thief , purse-snatcher , sneak thief , cutpurse
1 steal from the pockets of (someone).
he stopped in New Orleans where she skillfully pickpocketed tourists
ger: Ladendiebstahl
shoplifting = taking products from a shop without paying for them
noun [ U ]
UK /ˈʃɒp.lɪf.tɪŋ/ US /ˈʃɑːp.lɪf.tɪŋ/
the illegal act of taking goods from a shop without paying for them:
He was charged with shoplifting.
to be/be put on a charge of shoplifting
wegen Ladendiebstahls angeklagt sein/werden
noun - shoplifting
بلند کردن جنس از مغازه: shoplifting
traffic offences
traffic offences -breaking the rules of the road and driving
jaywalking = crossing the road at an undesignated spot
the action of walking across a street at a place where it is not allowed or without taking care to avoid the traffic:
Jaywalking is illegal in some countries.
People were being arrested for minor crimes such as jaywalking and littering.
eine Straße unachtsam [o. regelwidrig] überqueren
penal code
ger: jdn [für etw] pönalisieren
You could be penalized for jaywalking
penalty / punishment are synonyms but penalty is often used for both minor offences and major crimes.
of or relating to punishment given by law:
Many people believe that execution has no place in the penal system of a civilized society.
He had been in and out of penal institutions (= prison) from the age
penal servitude JUR
Zuchthaus nt
the penal code
Strafgesetzbuch nt
a penal rate of tax on tobacco
eine extrem [o. empfindlich] hohe Tabaksteuer
penal code
the system of legal punishment of a country
1 to punish (someone) for doing something wrong (eg breaking a rule in a game), eg by the loss of points etc or by the giving of some advantage to an opponent:
The child was penalized for her untidy handwriting.
جریمه کردن
2 to punish (some wrong action etc ) in this way:
Any attempt at cheating will be heavily penalized.
تنبیه کردن
● جریمه کردن،تاوان گرفتن
to penalize unlicensed drivers
رانندگان بدون گواهینامه را جریمه کردن
to penalize a team 10 yards for unnecessary roughness
به خاطر خشونت بیمورد تیم را 10 یارد جریمه کردن
to penalize sb [for sth] trans
jdn [für etw] pönalisieren geh
● وابسته به تنبیه (به ویژه تنبیه حقوقی)،کیفری،جزایی،تنبیهی
penal law
قانون جزایی
a penal offense
تخلف کیفری
● کیفردار،دارای مجازات
● محل تنبیه،ندامتگاه،کیفرگاه
a penal colony
محل مجازات (تبهکاران)
● (جریمه و غیره) کمر شکن،سنگین
punish, discipline, inflict a penalty on
handicap, disadvantage, put at a disadvantage, cause to suffer
speeding = driving over the speed limit
noun [ U ]
UK /ˈspiː.dɪŋ/ US /ˈspiː.dɪŋ/
driving faster than is allowed in a particular area:
She was fined for speeding last month.
to catch sb speeding
jdn beim Zuschnellfahren erwischen
to be booked for speeding
eine Verwarnung wegen erhöhter Geschwindigkeit bekommen
she’s been had up for speeding
sie wurde wegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit drangekriegt
the police flagged him down for speeding
die Polizei hat ihn wegen zu hoher Geschwindigkeit angehalten
this year simply seems to be speeding by
dieses Jahr scheint wie im Flug zu vergehen
she was picked up by the police for speeding
sie wurde von der Polizei wegen überhöhter Geschwindigkeit angehalten
few animals survive a hit from a speeding car
nur wenige Tiere überleben es, wenn sie von einem Auto angefahren werden
ger: vandalismus
vandalism = deliberate destruction or damage to a building
the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people:
Beset by violence and vandalism, this is one of the most unpleasant areas in the city.
These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism.
any activity that is considered to be damaging or destroying something that was good:
Cutting down the old forest was an act of vandalism.
The advertising industry’s use of classic songs is vandalism of popular culture, he said.
Vandalismus m abw
blinde Zerstörungswut
vandalism JUR
vorsätzliche [o. mutwillige] Sachbeschädigung
Vocabulary for Criminals
crime = criminal
• murder = murderer
• theft = thief
•trafficking = trafficker
•hijacking = hijacker
• terrorism = terrorist
“smuggling = smuggler
“shoplifting = shoplifter
• vandalism = vandal
• teenage criminal/ juvenile delinquent
ger: Jugendhaft
Arrest bekommen
detention = to stay in school after hours for punishment
he act of officially detaining someone:
Concern has been expressed about the death in detention of a number of political prisoners.
[ C or U ]
a form of punishment in which children are made to stay at school for a short time after classes have ended:
She’s had four detentions this term.
punitive detention Brit
[kurzfristige] Jugendhaft fachspr
to get [or have] detention
Arrest bekommen
current legislation provides for the detention of suspects
die gegenwärtige Gesetzgebung erlaubt die Inhaftierung von Verdächtigen
he’s a flight risk and should be held in detention
es besteht die Gefahr, dass er flüchtet, daher sollte er in polizeilichem Gewahrsam bleiben
to give lines
corporal punishment
to give lines = punishment where a child must write the same sentence again and again
isolation - to be kept apart from others, as a punishment
grounding = to be unable to go outside home as a punishment
scolding = an angry reprimand
the act of speaking angrily to someone because you disapprove of their behaviour:
He gave his son a scolding for coming home so late.
corporal punishment = physical punishment from a teacher or headteacher at
ger: [Gerichts]verfahren
trial = legal proceedings to judge whether someone is guilty of a crime
the hearing of statements and showing of objects, etc. in a law court to judge if a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or a legal matter:
trial proceedings
Trial by jury is a fundamental right.
It was a very complicated trial that went on for months.
She’s going on/standing trial for fraud.
Ten witnesses are expected to testify at the trial today.
The judge reacted angrily to the suggestion that it hadn’t been a fair trial.
trial [ˈtraiəl]
♦ noun
1 an act of testing or trying; a test: Give the new car a trial; The disaster was a trial of his courage.
آزمایش؛ آزمون
2 a legal process by which a person is judged in a court of law: Their trial will be held next week.
3 a (source of) trouble or anxiety: My son is a great trial (to me).
مصیبت؛ دردسر
trial run
a rehearsal, first test etc of anything, eg a play, car, piece of machinery etc .
آزمایش اولیه
on trial
1 the subject of a legal action in court: She’s on trial for murder.
در دست دادرسی
2 undergoing tests or examination: We’ve had a new television installed, but it’s only on trial.
در دست آزمایش
trial and error
the trying of various methods, alternatives etc until the right one happens to appear or be found: They didn’t know how to put in a central-heating system, but they managed it by trial and error.
آزمون و خطا
n., adj.
● آزمون،آزمایش،سنجش،امتحان،آروین
a trial of each candidate’s skill
سنجش مهارت هر یک از نامزدها
Hassan was given a trial for that job
حسن را برای آن شغل آزمودند.
the machine was given extensive trials under different conditions
این موتور را تحت شرایط گوناگون آزمایش کردند.
● آزمایشی،امتحانی،آزمونی
a trial period
دورهی آزمایشی
a trial subscription to a magazine
آبونمان امتحانی یک مجله
● مصیبت،دشواری،دردسر،سختی،مرارت،ناملایم (ناملایمات)
despite all the setbacks and hard trials …
علیرغم همهی ناکامیها و دشواریهای شدید …
the trials and tribulations of traveling across the African desert
سختیها و مشقات سفر از میان صحرای افریقا
● دادرسی،محاکمه،داد خواهی
trial by jury
دادرسی توسط هیئت منصفه
● کوشش،کوش،سعی
* on trial
1- در دست آزمایش 2- در دست داد رسی 3- در حال گذراندن دورهی آزمایشی 4- بهطور آزمایشی
trial period
Probezeit f
sensational trial
spektakulärer Prozess
speedy trial Am JUR
zügige Verhandlung
a prisoner awaiting trial
ein Gefangener/eine Gefangene, dessen/deren Fall noch zur Verhandlung ansteht
to go to trial
vor Gericht gehen
to be on trial (employee)
auf Probe eingestellt sein
a trial in chambers
eine Verhandlung unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit
to adjourn a trial
einen Prozess aussetzen
trial of strength
Kraftprobe f
a fair deal/trial
ein fairer Handel/Prozess
trial in camera
nicht öffentliche Verhandlung
trial by jury
Schwurgerichtsverhandlung f
internment without trial
Inhaftierung f ohne Prozess
committal for trial
Übergabe f der Sache an eine höhere Instanz
controlled experiment/trial
kontrolliertes Experiment/kontrollierter Versuch
to stand trial [for sth]
sich Akk vor Gericht [für etw Akk ] verantworten müssen
to be up for trial person
vor Gericht stehen
to bring sb to trial
jdn vor Gericht bringen
Ankläger(in) m (f)
≈ Staatsanwalt(-anwältin) m (f)
prosecutor = the lawyer against the accused person
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈprɒs.ɪ.kjuː.tər/ US /ˈprɑː.sə.kjuː.t̬ɚ/
a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court
The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the evidence they needed to prove he’d been involved in the conspiracy.
a public/state prosecutor
defense = the lawyer protecting the accused person
Ankläger(in) m (f)
≈ Staatsanwalt(-anwältin) m (f)
prosecutor = the lawyer against the accused person
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈprɒs.ɪ.kjuː.tər/ US /ˈprɑː.sə.kjuː.t̬ɚ/
a legal official who accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a law court
The tape recordings provided prosecutors with the evidence they needed to prove he’d been involved in the conspiracy.
a public/state prosecutor
defense = the lawyer protecting the accused person
Ger: jdn beschuldigen, vorwerfen
to say that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal, or unkind:
“It wasn’t my fault.” “Don’t worry, I’m not accusing you.”
He’s been accused of robbery/murder.
Are you accusing me of lying?
The surgeon was accused of negligence.
accuse [əˈkjuːz]
♦ verb
(with of ) to charge (someone) with having done something wrong: They accused him of stealing the car.
متهم کردن
ˌaccuˈsation [ӕ-]
♦ noun
the accused
the person(s) accused in a court of law: The accused was found not guilty.
/ǝ kyōōz´/
● متهم کردن،اتهام وارد کردن،نسبت دادن،ملامت کردن،سرزنش کردن،مقصر دانستن
accused of armed robbery
متهم به دزدی مسلحانه
● تهمت زدن،بهتان زدن،نسبت دادن
they accused her of laziness
به او تهمت تنبلی زدند.
the English accuse the Scottish of being stingy
انگلیسیها اسکاتلندیها را خسیس میدانند.
* the accused
(حقوق) متهم،مدعی علیه،متهمان
* to stand accused
متهم بودن
o accuse sb of perjury
jdn des Meineids beschuldigen
to accuse sb of bias
jdm Befangenheit vorwerfen
to accuse sb of wrongdoing
jdm Fehlverhalten vorwerfen
to accuse sb of cruelty
jdn der Grausamkeit bezichtigen [o. beschuldigen]
to accuse sb of self-seeking
jdm Selbstsucht vorwerfen
ger: Beweis
evidence = facts or information supporting the truth
one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true:
The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder.
[ + to infinitive ] There is no scientific evidence to suggest that underwater births are dangerous.
[ + that ] Is there any scientific evidence that a person’s character is reflected in their handwriting?
Several experts are to give evidence on the subject.
There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.
Campaigners now have compelling documentary evidence of the human rights abuses that they had been alleging for several years.
Fresh evidence suggests that the statement had been fabricated.
The traces of petrol found on his clothing provided the forensic evidence proving that he had started the fire deliberately.
All the evidence points to a substantial rise in traffic over the next few years.
There is growing/mounting/increasing evidence that people whose diets are rich in vitamins are less likely to develop some types of cancer.
strong evidence
schlagender Beweis
further evidence
weitere Anhaltspunkte
documentary evidence
dokumentarische Beweise
oral evidence
mündliche Aussage
written evidence
schriftliches Beweismaterial
fresh evidence
neues Beweismaterial
State’s evidence Am
Aussage f eines Staatszeugen [o. Belastungszeugen]
indirect evidence
indirekter Beweis
hearsay = rumour
das Gerücht
•hearsay = rumour / unsubstantiated information
noun [ U ]
UK /ˈhɪə.seɪ/ US /ˈhɪr.seɪ/
information that you have heard but do not know to be true:
The evidence against them is all hearsay.
an unofficial interesting story or piece of news that might be true or invented, and quickly spreads from person to person:
Rumours are going round (the school) about Mr Mason and his assistant.
[ + that ] She’s circulating/spreading rumours that the manager is going to resign.
I heard a rumour that she’d been seeing Luke Harrison.
Rumour has it (that) you’re going to be the next managing director. Is it true?
the rumour goes that …
es geht das Gerücht, dass …
rumour has it [that] …
es geht das Gerücht um, dass …
to stop a rumour
einem Gerücht ein Ende machen
the rumour remained unfulfilled
das Gerücht hat sich nicht bewahrheitet
to spread a rumour
ein Gerücht verbreiten
to broadcast a rumour
ein Gerücht [überall] verbreiten
to disavow a rumour
ein Gerücht ableugnen
to squash a rumour
ein Gerücht aus der Welt schaffen
to originate a rumour
ein Gerücht in die Welt setzen
a rumour has surfaced that …
es ist das Gerücht aufgetreten, dass …
to follow up a rumour
einem Gerücht nachgehen
to confirm/deny a rumour
ein Gerücht bestätigen/dementieren
to scotch a rumour [or Am rumor]
ein Gerücht aus der Welt schaffen
to plant a rumour [or Am rumor]
ein Gerücht in die Welt setzen
the rumour ran through the town
das Gerücht ging in der Stadt um
the rumour resounded through the whole world
das Gerücht ging um die ganze Welt
there is a rumour abroad that …
es geht [o. kursiert] das Gerücht, dass …
there is a rumour afloat that …
es geht das Gerücht [um], dass …
to circulate [or spread] a rumour that …
das Gerücht verbreiten, dass …
I think the rumour originated with Janet
ich glaube, Janet hat das Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt
ger: unschuldig
to be found guilty
• innocent = found not guilty of a crime
(of a person) not guilty of a particular crime:
He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
innocent bystander
Unbeteiligte(r) f(m)
to be presumed innocent
als unschuldig gelten
to be an innocent
naiv [o. unbedarft] sein
an innocent victim
ein unschuldiges Opfer
an innocent mistake
ein unbeabsichtigter Fehler
an innocent substance
ein harmloser Stoff
an innocent bystander
ein unbeteiligter Passant/eine unbeteiligte Passantin
to plead not guilty [or innocent]
sich Akk für nicht schuldig erklären
to be found guilty = the court decided that the person did commit the crime
Ger: Urteil, Überzeugung,
- carry conviction
the threat of a strike does not carry conviction
conviction / verdict = formal sentence of a court
the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act of officially finding someone guilty:
Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence.
He has a long record of previous convictions for similar offences.
The conviction of the three demonstrators has caused public outrage locally.
/kǝn vik´shǝn/
● محکومیت،گناه،مجرمیت،اثبات تقصیر،گناهکار شناسی،دادباختگی
his conviction was upheld by a higher court
محکومیت او توسط دادگاه بالاتری مورد تایید قرار گرفت.
● اعتقاد راسخ،عقیدهی محکم
an unshakable conviction
اعتقاد خلل ناپذیر
● مجاب شدگی،یقین،پیبردگی (به حقانیت عقیده یا استدلالی)،ایقان
he spoke with conviction
او از روی عقیده حرف میزد.
● (مهجور) مجابسازی
* carry conviction
جدی بودن،باور کردنی بودن
the threat of a strike does not carry conviction
تهدید به اعتصاب جدی به نظر نمیرسید.
strong conviction
feste Überzeugung
without conviction
ohne Überzeugung
prior conviction JUR
Vorstrafe f
unsafe conviction
unhaltbares Urteil nt
previous conviction
Vorstrafe f
by conviction
to overturn a conviction
eine Verurteilung aufheben
a socialist by conviction
ein überzeugter Sozialist/eine überzeugte Sozialistin
ger: mildernd
extenuating circumstances
circumstances of the crime = a condition or situation relating to a crime
“extenuating circumstances = a condition that makes the crime or mistake less
to allow extenuating circumstances
mildernde Umstände zubilligen
verdict of guilty [with extenuating circumstances]
Schuldspruch m [mit mildernden Umständen]
causing a wrong act to be judged less seriously by giving reasons for it:
She was found guilty of theft, but because of extenuating circumstances was not sent to prison.
The lack of other options was an extenuating factor.
1 make (guilt or an offense) seem less serious or more forgivable.
there were extenuating circumstances that caused me to say the things I did
synonyms: mitigating , excusing , exonerative , palliative , justifying , justificatory , vindicating , exculpatory , excuse , mitigate , palliate , make allowances for , make excuses for , defend , vindicate , justify , diminish , lessen , moderate , qualify , play down
2 make (someone) thin.
drawings of extenuated figures
maximum / minimum sentence
take into consideration
circumstantial evidence
maximum / minimum sentence = highest penalty / lowest penalty
•take into consideration - should be thought about carefully
circumstantial evidence =
something that connects a person indirectly to the
crime (for example, a finger print at a crime scene but no actual hard evidence
or witness)
ger: lukrative
lucrative [ˈluːkrətiv]
♦ adjective
(of a job etc ) bringing in a lot of money; profitable.
پر منفعت
(especially of a business, job, or activity) producing a lot of money:
The merger proved to be very lucrative for both companies.
profitableremunerative formal
Keen to preserve his artistic integrity, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.
A series of impressive manoeuvres by the chairman had secured a lucrative contract for the company.
It is relatively easy for newcomers to pick off the most lucrative business and ignore the rest.
She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.
The childcare business is not very lucrative.
adjective - lucrative
پرمنفعت: lucrative, beneficial
سودمند: useful, beneficial, handy, advantageous, lucrative, good
نافع: beneficial, lucrative, advantageous
● سود آور،پر سود،پر درآمد،پر منفعت،پولساز
a lucrative investment
سرمایه گذاری سود آور
ger: atemberaubend
extremely beautiful or attractive:
a stunning dress
a stunning view over the bay of Saint Tropez
Both daughters are absolutely stunning.
She looked stunning in that red dress.
The view from our room is stunning.
He makes the most stunning evening dresses.
He’s taken some stunning photos of her.
stunning view
toller Ausblick ugs
stunning dress
hinreißendes [o. umwerfendes] Kleid
to look stunning
umwerfend aussehen
a stunning blow/punch/left hook
ein betäubender Schlag/Faustschlag/linker Haken
to defund sb Am
jdm die Finanzierung entziehen
to defund sb Am
jdn nicht weiter finanziell unterstützen
to stop providing money or as much money to pay for something:
She opposes any proposal to defund US troops.
For years, community groups have advocated for defunding law enforcement – taking money away from police and prisons – and reinvesting those funds in services.
By “defund the police” we mean to reduce police department budgets and redistribute those funds towards underfunded services such as housing, education, and mental health support.
He rejected proposals in Congress to defund the war or to immediately withdraw troops.
We will resist this effort to cripple, dismantle, devalue and defund public housing.
The president has now defunded the United Nations Population Fund three years in a row.
Behind London Breed´s stunning ´defund the police´turnaround in San Francisco
turnaround time
Wartezeit f (eines Flugzeugs am Boden zwischen zwei Flügen
turnaround (improvement)
Wende f
turnaround (improvement)
Umschwung m
turnaround of health
Besserung f
turnaround of company
Aufschwung m
turnaround (sudden reversal)
Kehrtwendung f
noun [ C usually sing ]
US /ˈtɜrn·əˌrɑʊnd/
a positive change; improvement:
Business was up over 40% in a dramatic turnaround from last year.
the amount of time that it takes for a piece of work to be done, a product to be supplied, etc.:
Management examined ways to speed up turnaround.
a big change that turns a bad situation into a good one:
The insurance group’s focus on new products played a big part in its turnaround.
a turnaround in sth The greatest turnaround in market conditions has been seen in the South East.
a turnaround plan/programme/strategy The troubled insurer announced a turnaround plan to rescue the business.
🤣 turnabout
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈtɜːn.ə.baʊt/ US /ˈtɝːn.ə.baʊt/
a complete change from one situation or condition to its opposite:
How did the candidate explain the dramatic turnabout in his views on immigration?
ger: verkündigen
announce [əˈnauns]
♦ verb
1 to make known publicly: Mary and John have announced their engagement.
اعلام کردن
2 to make known the arrival or entrance of: He announced the next singer.
به اطلاع رساندن؛ از ورود کسی خبر دادن
♦ noun
an important announcement.
اطلاعیه؛ اعلامیه
♦ noun
a person who introduces programmes or reads the news on radio or television.
/ǝ nouns´/
vi., vt.
● اعلام کردن،آگهی دادن،آگهیدن،جار زدن،شنوانیدن،به اطلاع رساندن
the prime minister announced his resignation
نخست وزیر استعفای خود را اعلام کرد.
he announced to those present that he would soon get married
به حضار اعلام کرد که بزودی ازدواج خواهد کرد.
footsteps announced his return
صدای پا از بازگشت وی خبر داد.
● (با for) نامزدی خود را (برای انتخابات و شغل و غیره) اعلام کردن
he announced for the senate
او نامزدی خود را برای سنا اعلام کرد.
● (رادیو و تلویزیون) گوینده بودن،گویندگی کردن
every night he announces the news on radio
او هر شب از رادیو اخبار میگوید.
verb - announce
اگهی دادن: advertise, announce
اعلان کردن: proclaim, announce, advertise, declare, give out
اخطار کردن: announce, notify, previse
خبر دادن: advise, announce, give notice, inform, send word, warn
انتشار دادن: issue, advertise, announce, promulgate, propagate
اشکار کردن: unfold, reveal, air, announce, bare, disclose
مدرک دادن: announce
verb [ T ]
UK /əˈnaʊns/ US /əˈnaʊns/
to announce sth [to sb]
[jdm] etw bekanntgeben [o. anzeigen]
to announce sth result
etw verkünden
to announce that …
bekanntgeben, dass …
to make something known or tell people about something officially:
They announced the death of their mother in the local paper.
She announced the winner of the competition to an excited audience.
[ + that ] The prime minister has announced that public spending will be increased next year.
It gives us great pleasure to announce the engagement of our daughter Maria.
British Airways regret to announce the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.
The minister has announced that there will be no change in government policy.
My sister surprised everyone by announcing she was leaving her job.
The company announced a pre-tax loss of three million pounds.
to announce the day’s detail
den Tagesbefehl ausgeben
to announce the engagement of sb
jds Verlobung verkündigen
we joyfully announce the birth of our son
wir freuen uns, die Geburt unseres Sohnes bekanntzugeben
it gives me great pleasure to announce the winner
es ist mir eine große Freude, den Sieger anzukündigen
the airline regrets to announce the cancellation of flight BA 205 to Madrid
die Fluggesellschaft bedauert, die Streichung des Fluges BA 205 nach Madrid bekanntgeben zu müssen
it gives us great pleasure to announce the engagement of our daughter
es ist uns eine große Freude, die Verlobung unserer Tochter bekanntzugeben
ger: Bürgermeister
a person who is elected or chosen to lead the group who governs a town or city
The prime minister met many civic leaders, including the mayor and the leaders of the immigrant communities.
We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up this town.
The mayor has promised to cleanse the city of drug dealers .
The mayor and the city council are anxious to avoid getting entangled in the controversy.
They were flattered to be invited to dinner by the mayor.
city mayor
Oberbürgermeister(in) m (f)
in my function as mayor
[in meiner Eigenschaft] als Bürgermeister
he outstayed his welcome as Mayor
er war zu lange Bürgermeister
to instal sb as archbishop/mayor
jdn als Erzbischof/Bürgermeister in sein Amt einführen
ger: Sprecher
a person who is chosen to speak officially for a group or organization:
A spokesperson for the airline said that flights would run as scheduled.
representative nounspokesmanspokeswoman
official spokesperson
offizieller Sprecher/offizielle Sprecherin
the force or action of one object hitting another:
The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.
The bullet explodes on impact (= when it hits another object).
a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person:
The anti-smoking campaign had had/made quite an impact on young people.
The new proposals were intended to soften the impact of the reformed tax system.
More examples
The increase in the number of young people leaving to work in the cities has had a dramatic impact on the demography of the villages.
This decision will have a disastrous impact on foreign policy.
The report concluded that business pressure on the government had muffled the impact of the legislation.
The tax on fuel will not have a serious impact on the better-off.
The book discusses the impact of Christian thinking on western society.
union warned the cuts could impact our ability to respond to emergencies
the force or action of one object hitting another:
The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.
The bullet explodes on impact (= when it hits another object).
a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person:
The anti-smoking campaign had had/made quite an impact on young people.
The new proposals were intended to soften the impact of the reformed tax system.
impact [ˈimpӕkt]
♦ noun
1 (the force of) one object etc hitting against another: The bomb exploded on impact.
2 a strong effect or impression: The film had quite an impact on television viewers.
تأ ثیر
● (سخت) به هم فشردن،درهم چپاندن،(درهم) گیر انداختن
a substance impacted in the upper intestine
مادهای که در رودهی فوقانی گیر کرده
the mule lay impacted in the mud
قاطر دراز به دراز در گل گیر افتاده بود.
● (عامیانه) اثر داشتن،اثر کردن،کارساز بودن،کارگر شدن
the war did not impact upon me until my father was killed
جنگ بر من اثری نداشت تا اینکه پدرم کشته شد.
how will misery impact on such a poet?
بدبختی چه تاءثیری بر چنین شاعری خواهد داشت؟
● اثر،تاءثیر،هنایش،گرش،درآیش
music enhanced the impact of that scene
موسیقی اثر آن صحنه را بیشتر کرد.
the war’s impact on commerce
اثر جنگ بر بازرگانی
the book has a deep and immediate impact on the reader
آن کتاب خواننده را تحت تاءثیر ژرف و فوری قرار میدهد.
● (به شدت) زدن،(به هم) کوفتن
● تصادم،برخورد،اصابت،کوست،هم کوب،ضربه،هم کوبی
the bomb exploded on impact
بمب به مجرد اصابت منفجر شد.
the sand reduced the violence of the impact
شن شدت ضربه را کاهش داد.
the point of impact
نقطهی اصابت،کوستگاه
● گرفتگی،انباشتگی
* have an impact on (upon)
اثر داشتن بر،تحت تاـثیر قرار دادن
More examples
The increase in the number of young people leaving to work in the cities has had a dramatic impact on the demography of the villages.
This decision will have a disastrous impact on foreign policy.
The report concluded that business pressure on the government had muffled the impact of the legislation.
The tax on fuel will not have a serious impact on the better-off.
The book discusses the impact of Christian thinking on western society.
this week, Breed reversed herself in dramatic fashion
UK /rɪˈvɜːs/ US /rɪˈvɝːs/
reverse verb (CHANGE TO OPPOSITE)
C1 [ T ]
to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite:
The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company’s fortunes.
Now that you have a job and I don’t, our situations are reversed.
The Court of Appeal reversed the earlier judgment.
More examples
There is pressure on the council to reverse its decision.
He reversed into a lamppost and damaged the back of the car.
They claim the product can reverse the signs of ageing.
To complete the test he had to reverse the vehicle into a parking space.
The court’s ruling reverses the original judgment.
reverse camber
[Straßen]wölbung f
reverse direction
entgegengesetzte Richtung
to reverse the charges
ein R-Gespräch führen
to reverse a coat
eine Jacke wenden
to go into reverse übtr
rückläufig sein
to reverse a judgement JUR
ein Urteil aufheben
to reverse a vasectomy MED
eine Vasektomie rückgängig machen
to suffer a reverse
eine Niederlage erleiden
no, quite the reverse!
nein, ganz im Gegenteil!
to reverse a judgment
ein Urteil aufheben
to shift into reverse
den Rückwärtsgang einlegen
a damaging reverse
eine vernichtende Niederlage
positive [or reverse] discrimination
Begünstigung f benachteiligter Schichten
to do sth in reverse
etw umgekehrt tun
to go into reverse gear
den Rückwärtsgang einlegen
to reverse a car/truck
mit einem Auto/Lkw rückwärtsfahren
in alphabetical/chronological/reverse order
in alphabetischer/chronologischer/umgekehrter Reihenfolge
- a way of doing things:
The rebel army behaved in a brutal fashion.
after a fashion mainly UK
If you can do something after a fashion, you can do it, but not well:
I can cook, after a fashion.
During the bomb scare, the customers were asked to proceed in an orderly fashion out of the shop.
He gets on with things in his own peculiar fashion.
Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion.
The developers dealt with the problem in the time-honoured fashion, burying the industrial waste in landfill sites.
Paul, in typically rude fashion, told him he was talking rubbish.
- a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc.:
Long hair is back in fashion for men.
Fur coats have gone out of fashion.
a programme with features on sport and fashion
She always wears the latest fashions.
Italian fashion
die italienische Mode[branche]
slow fashion
Slow Fashion (nachhaltig produzierte Mode, die auf Langlebigkeit setzt) f
fast fashion
Wegwerfmode f
fashion mag
Modeblatt nt ugs
out of fashion [or style]
aus der Mode
to be in fashion
in Mode [o. modern] sein
to exemplify a fashion
eine Mode darstellen
the world of fashion
die Modewelt
to be the fashion
schick [o. Mode] sein ugs
shipshape and Bristol fashion! Brit dated
in tadellosem Zustand
the latest craze [or fashion]
der letzte Schrei ugs
the vagaries of fashion
die Launen pl der Mode
to come into fashion
in Mode kommen
a whim of fashion
ein Modetrend m
in a jocular fashion
im Spaß
to resurrect a fashion
eine Mode wiederbeleben
the fashion set
die Modefreaks pl sl
plus-size fashion label
Modellabel, das sich auf Übergrößen spezialisiert hat
this week, Breed reserved herself in dramatic fashion
- a way of doing things:
The rebel army behaved in a brutal fashion.
after a fashion mainly UK
If you can do something after a fashion, you can do it, but not well:
I can cook, after a fashion.
During the bomb scare, the customers were asked to proceed in an orderly fashion out of the shop.
He gets on with things in his own peculiar fashion.
Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion.
The developers dealt with the problem in the time-honoured fashion, burying the industrial waste in landfill sites.
Paul, in typically rude fashion, told him he was talking rubbish.
- a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc.:
Long hair is back in fashion for men.
Fur coats have gone out of fashion.
a programme with features on sport and fashion
She always wears the latest fashions.
Italian fashion
die italienische Mode[branche]
slow fashion
Slow Fashion (nachhaltig produzierte Mode, die auf Langlebigkeit setzt) f
fast fashion
Wegwerfmode f
fashion mag
Modeblatt nt ugs
out of fashion [or style]
aus der Mode
to be in fashion
in Mode [o. modern] sein
to exemplify a fashion
eine Mode darstellen
the world of fashion
die Modewelt
to be the fashion
schick [o. Mode] sein ugs
shipshape and Bristol fashion! Brit dated
in tadellosem Zustand
the latest craze [or fashion]
der letzte Schrei ugs
the vagaries of fashion
die Launen pl der Mode
to come into fashion
in Mode kommen
a whim of fashion
ein Modetrend m
in a jocular fashion
im Spaß
to resurrect a fashion
eine Mode wiederbeleben
the fashion set
die Modefreaks pl sl
plus-size fashion label
Modellabel, das sich auf Übergrößen spezialisiert hat
ger. dennoch, trotzdem
UK /ˌnev.ə.ðəˈles/ US /ˌnev.ɚ.ðəˈles/
(also nonetheless)
despite what has just been said or referred to:
I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.
howeverstill yet
More examples
The two rivals were nevertheless united by the freemasonry of the acting profession.
Much-maligned for their derivative style, the band are nevertheless enduringly popular.
Nevertheless, accidents still occur.
“Nevertheless” is commonly used as a conjunctive adverb.
The building is guarded around the clock, but robberies occur nevertheless.
I disagreed with everything she said but she’s a very good speaker nevertheless
ich stimmte ihr in keinem Punkt zu, aber sie ist trotz allem eine gute Rednerin
the fact of being responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it, or the degree to which this happens:
There were furious demands for greater police accountability.
Accountability is important these days, and managers aren’t always willing to adopt risky strategies.
More examples
Citizens must demand accountability from their leaders.
The main way of ensuring public accountability is through select committees.
The new command structure will have a higher degree of accountability.
accountability to
Verantwortlichkeit f gegenüber +Dat
accountability HANDEL
Rechenschaftspflicht f
to demand accountability of sb for sth
verlangen, dass jd Rechenschaft über etw (akk) ablegt
Breed punctuated her emotional speech with an explicative
to punctuate sth
etw mit Satzzeichen versehen [o. fachspr interpunktieren]
- punctuate übtr form (accentuate):
to punctuate sth
etw unterstreichen [o. betonen] übtr
punctuate [ˈpaŋktʃueit]
♦ verb
to divide up sentences etc by commas, full stops, colons etc .
نقطه گذاری کردن
♦ noun
1 the act of punctuating.
تقطه گذاری
2 the use of punctuation marks.
نشانه گذاری
punctuation mark
any of the symbols used for punctuating, eg comma, full stop, question mark etc .
نشانه های نقطه گذاری
/puŋk´chōō āt´/
vt., vi.
● (دستور زبان) نقطه گذاری کردن
● (صحبت یا عمل و غیره را) قطع کردن
his speech was regularly punctuated by the clapping of the audience
کف زدن حضار مرتبا نطق او را قطع میکرد.
● مورد تاکید قرار دادن،موکد کردن،مشدد کردن
Breed punctuated her emotional speech with an explicative
explicative : swear word
to explicate sth
etw ausführen
to explain something in detail, especially a piece of writing or an idea:
This is a book which clearly explicates Marx’s later writings.
it is time for the reign of criminals to end
reign [rein]
♦ noun
the time during which a king or queen rules: in the reign of Queen Victoria.
دوران سلطنت
♦ verb
1 to rule, as a king or queen: The king reigned (over his people) for forty years.
فرمنروایی کردن؛ حکفرمایی کردن
2 to be present or exist: Silence reigned at last.
حکفرما بودن
● سلطنت،پادشاهی
during the reign of Anooshirvan
در دوران پادشاهی انوشیروان
● 2 - چیرگی،سلطه،تسلط،حکومت،حکمروایی
the reign of common sense and of good will
چیرگی عقل سلیم و حسن نیت
● 3 - دوران پادشاهی،دوران سلطنت
during the twentieth year of his reign
در بیستمین سال سلطنت او
● 4 - سلطنت کردن،پادشاهی کردن
he reigned for thirty years
او سی سال سلطنت کرد.
the British monarch reigns but does not rule
پادشاه انگلیس سلطنت میکند ولی حکومت نمیکند.
● 5 - چیره شدن یا بودن،فرمانروایی کردن،حاکم بودن،حکومت کردن
where justice reigns strife seldom enters
آنجا که عدالت حاکم است کشمکش به ندرت راه می یابد.
now that peace reigns over the night
اکنون که آرامش بر شب حکفرماست
to reign supreme
absolut herrschen
reign of terror
Terrorherrschaft f
these buildings antedate his reign
diese Gebäude stammen aus der Zeit vor seiner Herrschaft
to reign over a country
ein Land regieren
the reign of Henry VIII
die Herrschaft Heinrichs VIII.
during the reign of Queen Victoria
unter der Herrschaft von Königin Victoria
the Terror [or the Reign of Terror ]
Schreckensherrschaft f
ger: Durchsetzung
noun - enforcement
اجراء: implement, enforcement, fulfillment, ministration, fulfilment
انجام: performance, implementation, implement, fulfillment, accomplishment, enforcement
فشار: pressure, compression, press, push, stress, enforcement
noun [ U ]
UK /ɪnˈfɔːs.mənt/ US /ɪnˈfɔːrs.mənt/
the process of making people obey a law or rule, or making a particular situation happen or be accepted:
Voters support the enforcement of immigration laws.
See also
law enforcement
More examples
Enforcement is only part of the strategy when it comes to tackling drug crime.
Enforcement of such rules has proven difficult.
It’s not about new laws, but enforcement of the laws we have.
The court has no enforcement powers.
compulsory enforcement JUR
Zwangsverwertung f
peace enforcement troop
Friedenstruppe f
there is strict enforcement of the regulations here
hier wird streng auf die Einhaltung der Vorschriften geachtet
in most countries law enforcement is in the hands of the police
in den meisten Ländern ist es Aufgabe der Polizei, für die Einhaltung der Gesetze zu sorgen
ger: ermitteln, bestimmen, determinieren
- to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen:
The number of staff we can take on will be determined by how much money we’re allowed to spend.
Your health is determined in part by what you eat.
Eye colour is genetically determined.
[ + question word ] formal Officials will determine whether or not the game will be played.
People should be allowed to determine their own future.
- to make a strong decision:
[ + that ] She determined that one day she would be an actor.
[ + to infinitive ] On leaving jail, Joe determined to reform.
Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg.
The economy is regarded as the decisive/key factor which will determine the outcome of the general election.
The success of the event will be determined by the vagaries of the weather.
People want to determine their own destinies.
The amount of money the bank is willing to lend is determined by the value of the property.
- to discover the facts or truth about something:
The police never actually determined the cause of death.
[ + question word ] It is the responsibility of the court to determine whether these men are innocent.
[ + that ] The jury determined that the men were guilty.
to determine the cause of sth
den Grund einer S. Gen herausfinden
to determine sb to do sth
jdn veranlassen, etw zu tun
to control [or determine] [or take charge of] one’s destiny
sein Schicksal lenken [o. bestimmen]
determine [diˈtəːmin]
♦ verb
1 to fix or settle; to decide: He determined his course of action.
معیین کردن؛ مشخص کردن
2 to find out exactly: He tried to determine what had gone wrong.
دقیقاً مشخص کردن؛ معلوم کردن
♦ noun
1 firmness of character or stubbornness: She showed her determination by refusing to give way.
عزم راسخ؛ ارادۀ محکم
2 the act of determining.
تعیین؛ معیین سازی
♦ adjective
1 having one’s mind made up: She is determined to succeed.
مصمم؛ قاطع
2 stubborn: He’s very determined.
سمج؛ قد
3 fixed or settled: Our route has already been determined.
مشخص؛ معیین
/dē tu_r´mǝn, di-/
vt., vi.
● تعیین کردن،معین کردن،مشخص کردن،گماردن،دانسته کردن،معلوم کردن،پیشگذاشت کردن
we must determine the cause of this disease
ما باید علت این بیماری را معلوم کنیم.
the date of the next meeting will be determined tomorrow
تاریخ جلسهی بعدی فردا تعیین خواهد شد.
the central bank determines the amount of money in circulation
بانک مرکزی میزان پول در گردش را معین میکند.
● حکم قطعی دادن،(به طور قطعی) داوری کردن،رای قطعی صادر کردن،مورد مطالعه و نظردهی قرار دادن،نظر نهایی دادن،
the U.S. Surgeon General has determined that cigarette smoking can be hazardous to your health
مدیر کل بهداری امریکا نظر داده است که کشیدن سیگار ممکن است برای سلامتی مضر باشد.
the judge will determine his fate
قاضی سرنوشت او را تعیین خواهد کرد.
● ماهیت چیزی را تعیین کردن،پیشگمار کردن
genes also determine height and looks
ژنها قد و قیافه را هم تعیین میکنند.
● (دقیقا) محاسبه کردن،برآورد کردن،به تحقیق معلوم کردن
to determine a ship’s position
مکان کشتی را تعیین کردن
● (حقوق) به پایان رسیدن یا رساندن،سلب کردن یا شدن
● تصمیم گرفتن،اراده کردن
when he really determines to do something, he does it
وقتی واقعا اراده به انجام کاری بکند آن را انجام میدهد.
* determine on (or upon) something
(در مورد چیزی) تصمیم قطعی گرفتن،کمر همت بستن
* determine somebody against something
کسی را برضد چیزی (یا در رد چیزی) مصمم کردن
their behavior determined Pari against going to their house again
رفتار آنان پری را مصمم کرد که دیگر به خانهی آنها نرود.
the main reasone for Breed´s turnabout is skyrocketing crime.
verb [ I ]
UK /ˈskaɪˌrɒk.ɪt/ US /ˈskaɪˌrɑː.kɪt/
to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success:
Housing prices have skyrocketed in recent months.
The value of their business skyrocketed last year.
homicide [ˈhomisaid]
♦ noun
the killing of one person by another: He has been found guilty of homicide.
آدم كشی
♦ adjective
وابسته به آدم كشی
(an act of) murder:
He was convicted of homicide.
The number of homicides in the city has risen sharply.
[ U ] He was convicted of homicide.
ger: Erhöhung
to (make something) become larger in amount or size:
Incidents of armed robbery have increased over the last few years.
The cost of the project has increased dramatically/significantly since it began.
Gradually increase the temperature to boiling point.
Increased/Increasing efforts are being made to end the dispute.
decrease verb
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
to increase
increaseWe need to increase production to meet demand.
growThe number of people living alone grows each year.
risePrices rose by 10 per cent.
go upHouse prices keep going up.
escalateCrime in the city has escalated in recent weeks.
We need to increase public awareness of the disease.
Our main aim is to increase sales by 12% this year.
Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity increases.
Students do find that their workload increases throughout the course.
Life expectancy in Europe has increased greatly in the 20th century.
prperty crime
Property crime
Property crime is a category of crime, usually involving private property, that includes, among other crimes, burglary, larceny, theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, shoplifting, and vandalism. Property crime is a crime to obtain money, property, or some other benefit.
property [ˈpropəti]– plural ˈproperties –
♦ noun
1 something that a person owns: These books are my property.
2 land or buildings that a person owns: He has property in Scotland.
3 a quality (usually of a substance): Hardness is a property of diamonds.
4 (usually abbreviated to prop [prop]) a small piece of furniture or an article used by an actor in a play.
وسایل صحنه
präp´ǝr tē/
n., pl.
● مالکیت،کدیوری
property in land
مالکیت زمین
● (کتاب و فیلم و غیره) حق مالکیت،حقوق نویسنده (یا صاحب اثر)،حق نشر
● دارایی (به ویژه زمین و ساختمان)،ملک،مایملک،زمین،ضیاع،عقار،مکنت،متعلقه،مال
this car is my property
این اتومبیل مال من است.
she sold her property in Tabriz
او ملک خود در تبریز را فروخت.
stolen property
مال سرقت شده
private property
ملک خصوصی
common property
ملک مشترک
● ویژگی،خصوصیت،خاصیت،مشخصه،خصلت،فروزه،خصیصه
the properties of this drug
خواص این دارو
the alkaline properties of Amonia
ویژگیهای آلکالینی (قلیایی) آمونیاک
healing properties attributed to garlic
خاصیتهای شفابخشی که به سیر نسبت داده میشود
● (فلسفه و منطق) عرض خاص،خاصه
● (تئاتر) وسایل صحنه (بهجز جامه و پساویز صحنه)
decline [diˈklain]
♦ verb
1 to say `no’ to (an invitation etc ); to refuse: We declined his offer of a lift.
رد کردن؛ خودداری کردن
2 to become less strong or less good etc : His health has declined recently; Our profits have temporarily declined.
کم شدن؛ کاهش یافتن
♦ noun
a gradual lessening or worsening (of health, standards, quantity etc ): There has been a gradual decline in the birthrate.
کاهش؛ زوال
/dē klīn´, di-/
n., vt., vi.
to gradually become less, worse, or lower:
His interest in the project declined after his wife died.
The party’s popularity has declined in the opinion polls.
formal The land declines sharply away from the house.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
to become smaller or less
decrease The tests show that the tumour has decreased in size since we started treatment.
lessenA healthy diet lessens your risk for cardiovascular disease.
lowerThey’ve just lowered the age at which you can join.
reduceThey’ve just reduced the price.
bring downThey are bringing down their prices.
dropStock prices dropped today after the company’s announcement.
The latest opinion poll shows that the president’s popularity has declined.
Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.
The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have greatly declined in the past 15 years.
Her popularity has declined since her triumphal return from exile two years ago.
Their economy has expanded enormously, while ours, by/in contrast, has declined.
● سرازیر شدن،فرورفتن،فروپیچیدن،(به سوی پایین) خمیدن،خماندن
● سرازیری،خمش،خمیدگی (به سوی پایین)،شیب،نشیب
the path declines to the lake
راه به سوی دریاچه شیب دارد.
● افول کردن،فروشدن
the sun declines in the west
خورشید در باختر افول میکند.
● به پایان نزدیک شدن،رو به اتمام گذاشتن
the day is declining
روز در حال پایان است.
● (سلامتی یا نیرو یا ارزش و غیره) کم شدن،کاهش یافتن،نزول کردن،تقلیل یافتن،کاهیدن
her health is declining
سلامتی او رو به کاستی است.
their number is declining
تعداد آنها در حال تقلیل است.
the value of gold has declined considerably
ارزش طلا به طور قابل ملاحظهای نزول کرده است.
● (اخلاقیات و غیره) پست شدن
● (مودبانه) رد کردن،خودداری کردن
he declined to answer
او از پاسخ دادن خودداری کرد.
I declined their invitation
من دعوت آنها را رد کردم.
● (دستور زبان) صرف کردن
● کاهش،نزول،کاستی
a decline in the value of the dollar
کاهش ارزش دلار
● فساد،زوال،انحطاط،دوران افول
the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
زوال و سقوط امپراطوری روم
● از دست دادن (سلامتی)،فرتوتی،میرایی،میرندگی
her health is in decline
سلامتی او رو به کاهش است.
● بخش پایانی،بخش نهایی
the decline of life
دوران آخر زندگانی،ایام آخر عمر
● (قدیمی) بیماری نحیف کننده
* in decline
در حال کاهش،رو به کاهش،در حال نقصان
the city’s population is in decline
جمعیت شهر رو به کاهش است.
* into decline
به زوال،در حال زوال،رو به ناتوانی
the automobile industry fell into decline
صنعت اتومبیلسازی دچار زوال شد.
* on the decline
روبه ضعف،روبه ناتوانی،رو به نقصان
larceny: crimes involving theft
stealing, especially (in the US) the crime of taking something that does not belong to you, without illegally entering a building to do so
theftthieving formal
petty theft : minor acts of theft that didn´t involve valuable objects
petty [ˈpeti]
♦ adjective
1 of very little importance; trivial: petty details.
کم اهمیت؛ ناچیز
2 deliberately nasty for a foolish or trivial reason: petty behaviour.
کوته فکر
♦ adverb
تنگ نظرانه
♦ noun
کوته نظری
petty cash
money used for small, everyday expenses in an office etc .
پول صندوق
● کم اهمیت،ناچیز،جزئی،پیش پا افتاده،خرده پا،خرد،جز
compared to those of Bangladesh, our problems are petty
در مقایسه با مسائل بنگلادش مسایل ما جزئی است.
petty amounts
مبالغ ناچیز
petty details
جزئیات پیش پا افتاده
petty disagreements
اختلاف نظرهای کم اهمیت
● فرعی،کم اندازه،به مقیاس کم،اندک،کوچک،حقیر،فسقلی
an agrarian society of petty producers
یک جامعهی کشاورزی دارای تولید کنندگان کوچک
Greece was divided into a crowd of petty states
یونان به تعدادی ایالات کوچک تقسیم شد.
the petty principles which separate us
اصول فرعی که ما را از هم جدا میکند
literary giants beside whom we appear petty
غولهای ادبی که در کنار آنان ما فسقلی به نظر میرسیم
● کوته نظر،چشم تنگ،کوتهاندیش،کوته فکر
he was a petty, vindictive man
مردی کوته فکر و انتقامجو بود.
● تنگ نظرانه،کوته فکرانه
the petty cruelties of men towards one another
ستمگریهای کوته نظرانهی انسانها نسبت به یکدیگر
● بیهوده،عبث
adjective - petty
کوچک: small, little, tiny, short, miniature, petty
خرد: small, minor, petty, little, tiny, pimping
جزئي: partial, little, minute, retail, negligible, petty
غیر قابل ملاحظه: unconsidered, petty, unimportant
فرعی: subsidiary, secondary, ancillary, accessory, subordinate, petty
a person who lives or has their home in a place:
a resident of the UK/Australia
The local residents were angry at the lack of parking spaces.
The hotel bar was only open to residents (= to people staying at the hotel).
More examples
He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.
Most local residents strenuously object to the building proposals.
This pool is for the use of hotel residents only.
Do these parking restrictions cover residents as well as visitors?
All the furniture is the work of residents here.
resident [ˈrezidənt]
♦ noun
a person who lives or has his home in a particular place: a resident of Edinburgh.
♦ adjective
1 living or having one’s home in a place: He is now resident abroad.
2 living, having to live, or requiring a person to live, in the place where he works: a resident caretaker.
ساکن در محل
reside [rəˈzaid]
♦ verb
to live or have one’s home in a place: He now resides abroad.
اقامت داشتن یا کردن
♦ noun
1 a person’s home, especially the grand house of someone important.
کاخ؛ خانه بزرگ
2 the act of living in a place, or the time of this: during his residence in Spain.
ˈresidency– plural ˈresidencies –
♦ noun
the home of the governor etc in a colony etc .
محل اقامت نماینده دولت
ˌresiˈdential [-ˈdenʃəl]
♦ adjective
1 (of an area of a town etc ) containing houses rather than offices, shops etc : This district is mainly residential; a residential neighbourhood/area.
2 requiring a person to live in the place where he works: a residential post.
وابسته به ساکنان دائم
3 of, concerned with, living in a place.
ˈresidence hall
♦ noun
(American dormitory ) a building with rooms for university students to live in.
خوابگاه شبانه روزی
in residence
(especially of someone important) staying in a place, sometimes to perform some official duties: The Queen is in residence here this week.
اقامت داشتن
take up residence
to go and live (in a place, building etc ): He has taken up residence in France.
اقامت داشتن
mobs of thieves
a large, angry crowd, especially one that could easily become violent:
The angry mob outside the jail was/were ready to riot.
a lynch mob
50 people were killed in three days of mob violence.
[ C ] informal
a group of people who are friends or who are similar in some way:
The usual mob was/were hanging out at the bar.
[ S ] informal
an organization of criminals:
a New York mob leader
English to Persian for English Learners
US UK AU mob [mob]
♦ noun
a noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people: He was attacked by an angry mob.
♦ verb– past tense, past participle mobbed –
(of a crowd) to surround and push about in a disorderly way: The singer was mobbed by a huge crowd of his fans.
ازدحام کردن
n., vt.
● مردم عادی،عوام الناس،خلق الله،تودهی مردم
the use of superstition for the purpose of intimidating the mob
استفاده از خرافات برای ایجاد واهمه میان تودهها
● مردم بی سروپا،اراذل و اوباش،چماق به دستها،لات و لوتها،غوغاگران
windows were smashed and the police beaten by the angry mobs
انبوهی از مردم خشمگین پنجرهها را شکستند و پلیس را کتک زدند.
fear of mob rule
ترس از چیرگی اراذل و اوباش
● جماعت،گروه مردم،جمعیت،ازدحام،غوغا،غلغله
the streets were full of mobs
مردم خیابانها را پر کرده بودند.
● گروه جنایتکار،دار و دستهی بزهکاران
he told the police and now the mob is after him
او به پلیس گفت و اکنون دستهی دزدان میخواهند به حسابش برسند.
● ازدحام و حمله کردن،غوغا کردن،سر کسی ریختن،به جایی ریختن،غلغله کردن
reporters mobbed him and he reached his car with effort
خبرنگاران دورش ازدحام کردند و او به زحمت خودش را به اتومبیل رساند.
workers tried to mob him but the police came to his rescue
کارگران کوشیدند بر سرش بریزند ولی پلیس به دادش رسید.
on sale days, shoppers mob Lallehzar
در روزهای حراج خریداران در لاله زار غوغا بپا میکنند.
casual [ˈkӕʒuəl]
♦ adjective
1 not careful: I took a casual glance at the book.
سطحی؛ بی دقت
2 informal: casual clothes.
3 happening by chance: a casual remark.
اتفاقی؛ تصادفی
4 not regular or permanent: casual labour.
گاه به گاه؛ نامرتب
♦ adverb
بطور اتفاقی
♦ noun
خودمانی بودن؛ اتفاقی بودن
/kazh´ōō ǝl/
adj., n.
● اتفاقی،تصادفی،بختوار،اللهبختی،بختی،پیش بینی نشده،همین طوری
a casual visit
دیدار اتفاقی،ملاقات عادی
● گاه به گاه،نامرتب،نامداوم،موقتی،بیثبات
a casual worker
کسی که گاه به گاه کار میکند.
casual labor
کار موقت،کارگر موقت
● سطحی،ناژرف،کم
a casual acquaintance
آشنایی کم
● بیدقت،شلخته،شورتی،سر به هوا،بدون خم به ابرو آوردن،یخلی،سهل انگار،اهمالگر
he has been far too casual in his research
او در پژوهش خود بیش از اندازه سهلانگاری کرده است.
he affected casual unconcern
او تظاهر به عدم علاقهی لاقیدانهای کرد.
● غیر رسمی،خودمانی،آسوده،بیرودربایستی،آسود وار
a casual atmosphere
محیط آسودوار (خودمانی و بیتکلف)
come to the picnic and wear casual clothes
به پیک نیک بیا و لباس راحت و خودمانی (آسودوار) بپوش.
● لباس آسودوار،لباس و کفش راحت و خودمانی
he was wearing a pair of gray casuals
او شلوار خاکستری راحت و غیررسمی پوشیده بود.
men’s casuals
لباسهای راحت و خودمانی مردانه
● بدشانسی،بدبیاری،حادثه
● (ارتش) مامور موقت
an area of a country or town that has fixed borders that are used for official purposes, or that has a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas:
the business district of New York
the Lake District/the Peak District
US the City of Malden School District
UK South Cambridgeshire District Council
More examples
An upsurge in violence in the district has been linked to increased unemployment.
Vandals smashed windows and overturned cars in the downtown shopping district.
Now 5,000 new children will be attending the district’s already overburdened school system.
Wales will be divided into 21 unitary authorities instead of eight counties and 37 districts.
Villaverde is one of the high-rise districts that encircle Madrid.
district [ˈdistrikt]
♦ noun
an area of a country, town etc : He lives in a poor district of London; Public transport is often infrequent in country districts.
ناحیه؛ بخش
n., vt.
● ناحیه،بخش،برزن،حوزه،منطقه،الکا
an electoral district
حوزهی انتخاباتی
a school district
(امریکا) حوزهی مدرسه
the city is divided into several districts
شهر به چندین برزن تقسیم شده است.
district councils
شوراهای بخش
an industrial district
ناحیهی صنعتی
● به ناحیه یا بخش تقسیم کردن
board something up
board something up
phrasal verb with board verb
UK /bɔːd/ US /bɔːrd/
to cover a door or window with wooden boards:
Stores are boarding up their windows in case rioting breaks out.
to board sth ⇆ up [or over]
etw mit Brettern vernageln
to chalk up the board
die Tafel beschreiben
its making the area resemble a blighted Neighborhood in Detroit
blighted: (here) ruined by extreme poverty
noun [ C/U ]
US /blɑɪt/
something that spoils or destroys or causes damage:
[ U ] The city stopped urban blight by rebuilding neighborhoods.
ger: Armut
poverty [ˈpovəti]
♦ noun
the condition of being poor: They lived in extreme poverty; the poverty of the soil.
/päv´ǝr tē/
● بینوایی،فقر،ناداری،دریوزگی،تهیدستی،بیچیزی،لاتی
to live in poverty
در فقر زندگی کردن
the farmers’ poverty saddened us
بینوایی روستائیان ما را متاثر کرد.
● فقدان،کمبود،کمداشت،کاستی
his stories show a surprising poverty of imagination and inventiveness
داستانهایش حاکی از این است که او به طور تعجبآوری فاقد قوه تخیل و ابتکار است.
● ضعف،نارسایی،(خاک و غیره) بدی،کم قوتی
poverty of the soil
کم قوتی خاک
● کمی،قلت،ضیق،ناچیزی
contribute ( beitragen, spenden, beisteuern)
- contribute
Ger: zu etw Dat beitragen
- contribute to
fatigue contributed to his defeat
to contribute to [or towards] sth (give money, food, equipment)
etwas zu etw Dat beisteuern
to contribute to [or towards] sth (donate)
für etw Akk spenden
to give something, especially money, in order to provide or achieve something together with other people:
Aren’t you going to contribute towards Jack’s leaving present?
Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute.
Her family has contributed $50,000 to the fund.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
to give something to someone
giveGive me that dirty plate.
offerYour doctor should be able to offer advice.
provideThis booklet provides useful information about local services.
supplyThe lake supplies the whole town with water.
donateFour hundred dollars has been donated to the school book fund.
See more results »
to write articles for a newspaper, magazine, or book:
She contributes to several magazines.
More examples
The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.
It was a real team effort - everyone contributed something to the success of the project.
Tourism contributes millions of pounds to the country’s economy.
Everyone in the office is contributing money for his leaving present.
We have contributed all our working lives to pension schemes and national insurance, expecting a reasonable state pension on retirement.
to contribute to sth
einen Beitrag für etw Akk schreiben
to contribute to sth (regularly)
für etw Akk schreiben
contribute [kənˈtribjut]
♦ verb
1 to give (money, help etc ) along with others: Have you contributed (any money) to this charity?; I’ve been contributing (articles) to this paper for many years.
اهدا کردن؛ کمک کردن
2 (with to ) to help to cause to happen: His gambling contributed to his downfall.
موجب شدن
ˌcontriˈbution [kon-]
♦ noun
1 the act of contributing.
اعطا؛ کمک
2 something contributed, especially money: Would you like to make a contribution to this charity?
هر چیز اهدا شده
♦ noun
اعانه دهنده
/kǝn trib´yōōt/
vt., vi.
● (به اتفاق دیگران) اهدا کردن،دادن،ارزانی داشتن،اعطا کردن،بخشیدن،معاضدت کردن،کمک کردن
they contributed a thousand dollars each to help the poor
آنها هریک هزار دلار برای کمک به مستمندان اهدا کردند.
everyone should contribute according to their means
هرکسی باید به قدر استطاعت خود کمک کند.
the elderly can contribute much to the society
سالمندان میتوانند خیلی به اجتماع کمک کنند.
● موجب شدن،تاثیر داشتن بر،دخیل بودن در
industry has contributed to the excessive growth of cities
صنعت موجب رشد بیش از حد شهرها شده است.
soaring land prices contribute to the high cost of construction
قیمت فزایندهی زمین بر هزینهی زیاد ساختمان اثر میگذارد.
● (برای روزنامه و مجله و غیره) نوشتن
he contributed several articles for our magazine
او برای مجلهی ما چند مقاله نوشت.
* contribute to
دخیل بودن در،اثر داشتن در
fatigue contributed to his defeat
خستگی درشکست او دخیل بود.
to contribute equally to sth
gleichermaßen zu etw Dat beitragen
to contribute to community/society
einen gesellschaftlichen Beitrag leisten
to contribute towards sb’s leaving present (pay in) to pension etc.
einen Beitrag leisten
to contribute sth [to [or towards] sth] money, food, equipment
etw [zu etw Dat ] beisteuern
to contribute to the success of sth
zum Erfolg einer S. Gen beitragen
to contribute an article to a newspaper
einen Artikel für eine Zeitung schreiben
he didn’t contribute much to the meeting
er hat nicht viel zur Besprechung beigetragen
each of us, howsoever rich or poor, has something to contribute
jeder von uns, egal wie reich oder arm, hat etwas beizutragen
UK /ɪˈlɪs.ɪt/ US /ɪˈlɪs.ɪt/
illegal or disapproved of by society:
illicit drugs such as cocaine and cannabis
the illicit trade in stolen vehicles
an illicit love affair
illicit [iˈlisit]
♦ adjective
unlawful or not permitted.
غیر قانونی؛ ممنوع
♦ adverb
بطور غیر قانونی
♦ noun
عدم مشروعیت
/il lis´it, i lis´-/
● غیرقانونی،نامشروع،قدغن،ناروا،ممنوع
an illicit love affair
رابطهی عشقی نامشروع
● غیرمجاز،بیاجازه
degrade [diˈgreid]
♦ verb
to disgrace or make contemptible: He felt degraded by having to ask for money.
خوار و خفیف کردن؛ کم ارزش کردن
♦ adjective
tending to make lower in rank etc or to disgrace: a degrading occupation.
تحقیر کننده؛ خوار کننده
dē grād´, di-/
vt., vi.
● (مثلا به منظور تنبیه) تنزل رتبه دادن،فروزینه کردن،فروداشتن
statesmen whom greed has degraded into nepotists
دولتمردانی که به خاطر حرص و آز به کارچاق کنی میپردازند
● پست کردن،کم ارزش کردن
films that degrade women
فیلمهایی که از ارزش زن میکاهد.
● بیآبرو کردن،خوار و خفیف کردن،دون کردن
to degrade oneself by cheating in an examination
با تقلب در امتحان خود را بیآبرو کردن
● (زمینشناسی) فرو ساییدن،نهشتبری کردن
● (شیمی - مادهی آلی را تبدیل به ترکیب سادهتری کردن) استحاله کردن،فروسان کردن
● (نادر) نزول کردن،(خود به خود) فروزینه شدن
* feel degraded
احساس هتک آبرو کردن،احساس خفت کردن
to degrade sb/oneself
jdn/sich erniedrigen
to degrade sth environment, area
etw angreifen
to degrade an area of natural beauty
eine schöne Naturlandschaft verschandeln
to degrade sth
etw erodieren
degrade radio signals
etw beeinträchtigen
UK /dɪˈɡreɪd/ US /dɪˈɡreɪd/
degrade verb (LOSE RESPECT)
[ T ]
to cause people to feel that they or other people have no value and do not have the respect or good opinion of others:
Pornography degrades women.
degrade verb (SPOIL)
[ T ]
to spoil or destroy the beauty or quality of something:
Every day the environment is further degraded by toxic wastes.
[ I or T ] ELECTRONICS specialized
If the quality of something electrical or electronic degrades or is degraded, it becomes less good or less correct.
UK /əˈblɪɡ.ə.tər.i/ US /əˈblɪɡ.ə.tɔːr.i/
If something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule or law, etc.:
The medical examination before you start work is obligatory.
[ + to infinitive ] The statute made it obligatory for all healthy males between 14 and 60 to work.
expected because it usually happens:
Several Secret Service agents surrounded the President, all wearing the obligatory raincoat and hat.
(of an action) expected, esp. because it is what most people do:
Everybody who goes to England makes the obligatory trip to Stonehenge.
if something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule or law:
it is obligatory for sb to do sth It is obligatory for members in practice to hold insurance.
The obligatory retirement age is 65.
to mandate
to mandate : to make obligatory
to give official permission for something to happen:
The UN rush to mandate war totally ruled out any alternatives.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
mandate verb [T] (ORDER)
mainly US
to order someone to do something:
[ + to infinitive ] Our delegates have been mandated to vote against the proposal at the conference.
to make something necessary, esp. as a rule:
The law mandated a minimum six-year sentence for violent crimes.
noun [ C ]
US /ˈmæn·deɪt/
authority to act in a particular way given to a government or a person, esp. as a result of a vote or ruling:
[ + to infinitive ] The president secured a congressional mandate to send troops to Bosnia.
working in the trenches
working in the trenches: working directly with the Problem
trench [trentʃ]
♦ noun
a long narrow ditch dug in the ground, especially as a protection for soldiers against gunfire: The soldiers returned to the trenches.
گودال؛ سنگر
in the trenches
working in the most active and difficult parts of a job or business:
The boss understands the difficulties we face here in the trenches.
He’s a salesman with 30 years of in-the-trenches experience
Ger: erzeugen, hervorrufen, generieren
wich generated national and local headlines
verb [ T ]
UK /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪt/ US /ˈdʒen.ə.reɪt/
generate verb [T] (CREATE)
to cause something to exist:
Her latest film has generated a lot of interest/excitement.
The new development will generate 1,500 new jobs.
Selling food will increase the club’s ability to generate revenue/income.
More examples
The proposed tidal barrage would generate enough electricity to supply between 60,000 and 80,000 homes.
The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it generates.
The publicity generated by the court case has given a welcome boost to our sales.
Her latest film has generated a lot of interest.
Surveyors say the fault line is capable of generating a major earthquake once in a hundred years.
to generate controversy/tension
Kontroversen/Spannungen hervorrufen
to generate revenue
Umsätze generieren
to generate profit
Gewinne erwirtschaften
to generate fumes
Dämpfe entwickeln
to generate income
Gewinne erzielen
to generate jobs
Arbeitsplätze schaffen
to attract [or generate] publicity
Aufsehen erregen
to generate excitement/enthusiasm/interest
Aufregung/Begeisterung/Interesse hervorrufen
generate [ˈdʒenəreit]
♦ verb
to cause or produce: This machine generates electricity; His suggestions generated a lot of ill-feeling.
تولید کردن؛ ایجاد کردن
♦ noun
1 one stage in the descent of a family: All three generations – children, parents and grandparents – lived together quite happily.
2 people born at about the same time: People of my generation all think the same way about this.
the generation gap
♦ noun
the difference in views and the lack of understanding between younger and older people.
اختلاف نسل ها
♦ noun
a machine which produces electricity, gas etc : The hospital has an emergency generator.
/jen´ǝr āt´/
● تولید نسل کردن،پس انداختن،زادن
to generate offspring
زاد و ولد کردن
● تولید کردن،ایجاد کردن،فرآوردن،هست کردن
poverty generates despair
فقر ایجاد یاس میکند.
to generate electricity
برق تولید کردن
to generate hope
ایجاد امید کردن
● (هندسه) رسم کردن،در اثر حرکت یک نقطه یا خط یا منحنی شکلی را ایجاد کردن،احداث کردن
generating line
(ریاضی) خط مولد
coalition [kəuəˈliʃən]
♦ noun
a usually temporary union or alliance, especially of states or political parties.
/kō´ǝ lish´ǝn/
● هم آمیخت،یکپارچگی،ادغام،هم آمیختگی،بشل
● اتحاد (موقت)،ائتلاف
a coalition of various parliamentary groups
ائتلافی از گروههای پارلمانی گوناگون
adjective - mandatory
اجباری: compulsory, compulsive, mandatory, coercive, forcible, binding
الزامی: mandatory, obligatory, obliging
الزام اور: binding, mandatory, imperative, obligatory
man´dǝ tôr´ē/
adj., n., pl.
● وابسته به حکم کتبی،فرمانی،دستور،حکمی،فرمودی
● اجباری،واجب،زوری،ناگزیر
voting is not mandatory
رای دادن اجباری نیست.
a mandatory waiting period of six months
یک دورهی انتظار اجباری شش ماهه
● دولت قیم،دارای امتیاز قیمومت یا تحتالحمایگی (mandatary هم مینویسند)
noun - announcement
اعلان: announcement, declaration, advertising, notice, sign, poster
خبر: news, report, announcement, information, word, notice
اگهی: announcement, advertisement, advertising, notice, ticket, annunciation
● اعلام،آگهسازی
the announcement of ceasefire
اعلام آتش بس
● اعلامیه،اطلاعیه،خبر
the government’s recent announcement
اعلامیهی اخیر دولت
an engraved wedding announcement
کارت چاپی عروسی
something that someone says officially, giving information about something:
The president made an unexpected announcement this morning.
communication formaldeclaration (ANNOUNCEMENT)proclamationpronouncement formalstatement
the act of announcing something:
The announcement of the changes has been delayed.
More examples
Her announcement confirmed (that) she would be resigning as prime minister.
The protests are a delayed reaction to last week’s announcement.
The announcement took Washington and Paris by surprise, but Downing Street had been expecting it.
There was a deathly hush after she made the announcement.
This announcement follows months of inaction and delay.
US /ˌoʊ·vərˈhwel·mɪŋ, -ˈwel·mɪŋ/
very great or strong:
An overwhelming majority voted in favor of the proposal.
I felt an overwhelming sense of relief when the semester was over.
adverb [ not gradable ] US /ˌoʊ·vərˈhwel·mɪŋ·li, -ˈwel-/
In April, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the bill.
adjective - overwhelming
منکوب کننده: overwhelming
• A poll shows that an overwhelming majority is in favor of the legislation.
نظرسنجی نشان میدهد که اکثریت قاطع طرفدار این قانون هستند.
UK /ˌəʊ.vəˈwel.mɪŋ/ US /ˌoʊ.vɚˈwel.mɪŋ/
difficult to fight against:
She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
felt or experienced with a lot of force
strongI felt a strong urge to hug him.
powerfulAnger is one of the most powerful human emotions.
intenseShe learned that even intense emotional pain passes.
fierceThe people have a fierce pride in their country.
deepHe suffered from a deep feeling of inadequacy.
deep-seatedHe has a deep-seated loathing of snobbery.
See more results »
very great or very large:
She said how much she appreciated the overwhelming generosity of the public in responding to the appeal.
An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal.
There has been overwhelming public support for the proposed shopping development.
The temptation to have another glass of wine proved overwhelming.
The evidence against the suspect is overwhelming.
The home team had the support of the overwhelming majority of the spectators.
The devastation showed the overwhelming power of the earthquake.
attorney [əˈtəːni]
♦ noun
1 a person who has the legal power to act for another person.
2 (American ) a lawyer.
noun [ C ] LAW
UK /əˈtɜːni/ US
a lawyer:
Mr Temple is the attorney representing the plaintiffs.
an attorney for sb Attorneys for both sides agreed to postpone the hearing.
a defense/prosecuting attorney
a civil/criminal attorney
a person who has the legal right to act for someone else:
You may appoint an attorney to act on your behalf.
outrage [ˈautreidʒ]
♦ noun
a wicked act, especially of great violence: the outrages committed by the soldiers; The decision to close the road is a public outrage.
کار خشونت آمیز؛ عمل شنیع
♦ verb
to hurt, shock or insult: She was outraged by his behaviour.
خشمگین کردن؛ اهانت کردن
♦ adjective
noticeably terrible: an outrageous hat; outrageous behaviour.
بسیار بد
♦ adverb
بطور شنیع
♦ noun
خشونت؛ زشتی
UK /ˈaʊt.reɪdʒd/ US /ˈaʊt.reɪdʒd/
feeling outrage:
Outraged viewers jumped onto social media to complain about the ending of the series.
She became outraged by poverty.
More examples
The incident sparked outraged protests.
His actions led to some angry and outraged reactions.
There have been repeated outraged denials by the family.
Am I alone in feeling outraged about this?
leadership vacuum
ger: Vakuum
No artist works in a vacuum
a space from which most or all of the matter has been removed, or where there is little or no matter
[ S ]
a lack of something:
The withdrawal of troops from the area has created a security vacuum which will need to be filled.
in a vacuum
kept separate from other people and activities:
No artist works in a vacuum - we are all of us influenced by others.
vacuum [ˈvӕkjuəm]
♦ noun
1 a space from which (almost) all air or other gas has been removed.
2 short for vacuum cleaner .
♦ verb
to clean (something) using a vacuum cleaner: She vacuumed the carpet.
جارو برقی زدن
vacuum cleaner
a machine that cleans carpets etc by sucking dust etc into itself.
جارو برق
/vak´yōō ǝm, -yōōm´;-yoom, -yǝm/
adj., vt., vi., n., pl.
● خلا،تهیک،تهک
● بیهوا
● تهیگی،(مجازی) پوچی،ونگی
his sudden death created a huge power vacuum
مرگ ناگهانی او خلا بزرگی در قدرت به وجود آورد.
● مخفف: 5 vacuum cleaner - وابسته به خلا،تهیگی -6 مکنده،مکشی -7 (با جاروبرقی) تمیز کردن،جاروبرقی زدن (vacuum-clean هم میگویند)
Mehri dusted the furniture and vacuumed the rugs
مهری مبلها را گردگیری کرد و فرشها را جاروبرقی زد.
perfect vacuum
vollständiges Vakuum
security vacuum
Sicherheitslücke f
power vacuum
Machtvakuum nt
vacuum flask
Vakuumkolben m fachspr
nature abhors a vacuum Sprichw
die Natur verabscheut das Leere
upright vacuum cleaner
Handstaubsauger m
in a vacuum übtr
im luftleeren Raum übtr
cylinder [or Am canister] vacuum cleaner
Bodenstaubsauger m
crime wave
wave [weiv]
♦ noun
1 a moving ridge, larger than a ripple, moving on the surface of water: rolling waves; a boat tossing on the waves.
2 a vibration travelling eg through the air: radio waves; sound waves; light waves.
3 a curve or curves in the hair: Are those waves natural?
4 a (usually temporary) rise or increase: the recent crime wave; a wave of violence; The pain came in waves.
فراز و فرود
5 an act of waving: She recognized me, and gave me a wave.
♦ verb
1 to move backwards and forwards or flutter: The flags waved gently in the breeze.
تكان خوردن
2 to (cause hair to) curve first one way then the other: She’s had her hair waved; Her hair waves naturally.
فر زدن
3 to make a gesture (of greeting etc ) with (eg the hand): She waved to me across the street; Everyone was waving handkerchiefs in farewell; They waved goodbye.
اشاره كردن
♦ adjective
(of hair) full of waves: Her hair is wavy but her sister’s hair is straight.
موج دار
♦ noun
♦ noun
a range of wavelengths on which eg radio signals are broadcast.
♦ noun
the distance from any given point on one (radio etc ) wave to the corresponding point on the next.
طول موج
wave aside
to dismiss (a suggestion etc ) without paying much attention to it.
ناديده گرفتن پيشنهاد
wave [weiv]
♦ noun
1 a moving ridge, larger than a ripple, moving on the surface of water: rolling waves; a boat tossing on the waves.
2 a vibration travelling eg through the air: radio waves; sound waves; light waves.
3 a curve or curves in the hair: Are those waves natural?
4 a (usually temporary) rise or increase: the recent crime wave; a wave of violence; The pain came in waves.
فراز و فرود
5 an act of waving: She recognized me, and gave me a wave.
♦ verb
1 to move backwards and forwards or flutter: The flags waved gently in the breeze.
تكان خوردن
2 to (cause hair to) curve first one way then the other: She’s had her hair waved; Her hair waves naturally.
فر زدن
3 to make a gesture (of greeting etc ) with (eg the hand): She waved to me across the street; Everyone was waving handkerchiefs in farewell; They waved goodbye.
اشاره كردن
♦ adjective
(of hair) full of waves: Her hair is wavy but her sister’s hair is straight.
موج دار
♦ noun
♦ noun
a range of wavelengths on which eg radio signals are broadcast.
♦ noun
the distance from any given point on one (radio etc ) wave to the corresponding point on the next.
طول موج
wave aside
to dismiss (a suggestion etc ) without paying much attention to it.
ناديده گرفتن پيشنهاد
n., vt., vi.
● موج،خیزه،خیزاب،آبخیز
the waves of a stormy sea
امواج دریای توفانی
radio waves
امواج رادیو
wave after wave of enemy assault troops
موجهای متوالی تکاوران دشمن
a wave of anger
موجی از خشم
a big wave turned the boat on its side
خیزاب بزرگی قایق را چپه کرد.
a new crime wave
موج جدیدی از جنایت
a heat wave
موج هوای گرم
● فر،جعد،تاب گیسو،چین و شکن،پیچ و تاب
the pretty waves of her hair
چین و شکنهای زیبای گیسوان او
a permanent wave
فر شش ماهه،فر دائم
● (جمع- با: the) دریا
● حرکت،تکان،جنب،جنباندن،نوسان،اهتزاز
he welcomed us with a wave of his hand
با تکان دست به ما خوشامد گفت.
● نوسان کردن،تکان خوردن،به اهتزاز درآمدن،پس و پیش رفتن،به نوسان درآمدن
a flag waving in the breeze
پرچمی که در نسیم در اهتزاز است.
branches waved gently and shed their leaves
شاخهها به آرامی نوسان میکردند و برگهای خود را میریختند.
● موج زدن،تموج داشتن،خیزه داشتن
a field of waving wheat
کشتزاری از گندمی که موج میزند
● (با: at) دست تکان دادن
he smiled and waved at us
لبخندی زد و برای ما دست تکان داد.
the president waved at the crowd
رئیس جمهور برای جماعت دست تکان داد.
● تکان دادن،پس و پیش بردن،به اهتزاز در آوردن،به نوسان در آوردن
Rustam waved his sword in the air
رستم شمشیرش را در هوا به نوسان در آورد.
the drunken man waved his fist at me
مرد مست مشتش را به سویم تکان داد.
● فرفری بودن،چین و شکن داشتن،مجعد بودن،پیچ و تاب داشتن
the baby’s hair waves beautifully
موی کودک فرهای زیبایی دارد.
● فر زدن،مجعد کردن
the bride waved her hair and manicured her nails
عروس گیسوان خود را فر زد و ناخنهای خود را رنگ کرد.
● (با تکان دادن دست یا پرچم و غیره) علامت دادن،اشاره کردن،هدایت کردن
he waved down an approaching motorist to ask for help
برای دریافت امداد به رانندهای که داشت نزدیک میشد علامت داد.
the border guard looked at my passport and waved me on
نگهبان مرز به گذرنامهام نگاهی کرد و اشاره کرد که رد شوم.
to wave farewell
با علامت دست خداحافظی کردن
* make waves
وضع موجود را به هم زدن،سر و صدا ایجاد کردن
* wave (something) about
(چیزی را) به اطراف تکان دادن،به نوسان درآوردن
* wave somebody along (or on, aside, away etc.)
با حرکت دست کسی را فراتر راندن (به جلو یا کنار یا دورتر راندن یا راهنمایی کردن)
verb [ T ]
US /ˈɪm·pləˌment/
to put a plan or system into operation:
Congress refused to pass the bill that would implement tax reforms.
noun [ U ] US /ˌɪm·plə·mənˈteɪ·ʃən, -menˈteɪ-/
They’ve involved their workers in the development and implementation of the new program.
noun [ C ]
US /ˈɪm·plə·mənt/
a tool or other piece of equipment for doing work:
farm implements
implement [ˈimplimənt]
♦ noun
a tool or instrument: kitchen/garden implements.
/im´plǝ mǝnt, -ment´/
n., vt.
● ابزار،اسباب،وسیله،کاچار،آلت،ساز و برگ،انگاز،شوند،مانه،افزار
implements of war
جنگ افزارها
a farm implement
ابزار کشاورزی
in the beginning humans used stone implements
انسانها در آغاز از ابزارهای سنگی استفاده میکردند.
● (انسان یا وسیلهی رسیدن به مقصود) اجراکننده،آماجرسان
judges were trying to be efficient implements of justice
قضات میکوشیدند که مجریان موثر عدالت باشند.
● انجام دادن،اجرا کردن،به آماج رساندن،از پیش بردن،به کار بستن
the government is going to implement reforms
دولت اصلاحات را پیگیری خواهد کرد.
to implement new plans
نقشههای جدیدی را اجرا کردن
● ابزار دار کردن،افزار دادن،وسیله شدن
vindicate: justification
verb [ T ]
US /ˈvɪn·dɪˌkeɪt/
to show something to have been right or true, or to show someone to be free from guilt or blame:
The decision to include Morris on the team was vindicated when he scored three touchdowns.
noun [ C/U ] US /ˌvɪn·dɪˈkeɪ·ʃən/
[ U ] They are hoping for vindication in court.
noun - vindication
دفاع: defense, advocacy, pleading, vindication, apologia, replication
اثبات بیگناهی: vindication
توجیه: justification, explanation, rationalization, vindication
حمایت: protection, patronage, aid, aegis, shelter, vindication
/vin´dǝ kā´shǝn/
● توجیه،ویچاردن،به حق جلوه دادن
he referred to his unhappy childhood as a vindication of his crimes
برای توجیه جنایات خود به کودکی مذلتبار خود اشاره کرد.
● عملی که توجیه میکند،عمل اثباتکننده،عمل توجیه کننده،ویچاردگر
● حقانیت
● اثبات
condemn [
verb [ T ]
US /kənˈdem/
condemn verb [T] (CRITICIZE)
to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons:
The movie was condemned for glorifying violence.
condemn verb [T] (PUNISH)
to severely punish someone who has committed a crime, or to force someone to suffer:
Those who remember the past are not condemned to repeat it.
Illness condemned her to spend her remaining days in a home.
condemn verb [T] (CALL NOT SAFE)
to decide officially that a building is not safe for people to use
noun [ U ] US /ˌkɑn·dəmˈneɪ·ʃən, -dem-/
The statement brought swift condemnation from world leaders.
condemn [kənˈdem]
♦ verb
1 to criticize as morally wrong or evil: Everyone condemned her for being cruel to her child.
سرزنش کردن؛ نکوهش کردن
2 to sentence to (a punishment): She was condemned to death.
محکوم کردن
3 to declare (a building) to be unfit to use: These houses have been condemned.
کلنگی اعلام کردن؛ حکم خرابی صادر کردن
condemnation [kondemˈneiʃən]
♦ noun
محکومیت؛ سرزنش
condemned cell
a cell for a prisoner under sentence of death.
verb [ T ]
US /ədˈmɑɪər/
to respect and approve of someone or something:
I admire that music more than any other.
adjective US /ˈæd·mər·ə·bəl/
The police did an admirable job of calming down the crowd.
adverb US /ˈæd·mər·ə·bli/
I think she coped admirably with a very difficult situation.
noun [ U ] US /ˌæd·məˈreɪ·ʃən/
My admiration for her grows daily.
noun [ C ] US /ədˈmɑɪər·ər/
Many admirers waited in the rain just to see their hero.
admire [ədˈmaiə]
♦ verb
1 to look at with great pleasure and often to express this pleasure: I’ve just been admiring your new car.
تحسین کردن
2 to have a very high opinion of (something or someone): I admire John’s courage.
پسندیدن؛ ستودن
ˈadmirable [ˈӕdmə-]
♦ adjective
extremely good: His behaviour during the riot was admirable.
تحسین برانگیز
ˈadmirably [ˈӕdmə-]
♦ adverb
extremely well: He’s admirably suited to the job.
بطور تحسین برانگیز
admiration [ӕdmiˈreiʃən]
♦ noun
They were filled with admiration at the team’s performance.
♦ noun
1 one who admires (someone or something): He is an admirer of Mozart.
2 a man who is attracted by a particular woman: She has many admirers.
شیفته؛ سینه چاک
♦ adjective
an admiring glance.
تحسین آمیز
♦ adverb
بطور ستایش آمیز
/ad mīr´/
● ستودن،تحسین کردن،پسندیدن،احترام قائل شدن
everyone admired her virtues
همهی محسنات او را تحسین میکردند.
● (محلی) خواستن،آرزو کردن
I’d admire to go along
خیلی دلم میخواست من هم بروم.
● (قدیمی) شگفتزده شدن،تعجب کردن
ger: Entscheidend
US /ˈkru·ʃəl/
(of a decision or event) extremely important because many other things depend on it:
The behavior of the oceans is a crucial aspect of global warming.
adverb US /ˈkru·ʃə·li/
The band wants to win over fans and, more crucially, radio programmers.
crucial [ˈkruːʃəl]
♦ adjective
involving a big decision; of the greatest importance: He took the crucial step of asking her to marry him; The next game is crucial – if we lose it we lose the match.
حیاتی؛ سرنوشت ساز
● بسیار مهم،حیاتی،حیاتی و مماتی،سرنوشتساز،(محل) بزنگاه،پراهمیت،حساس،حاد
a crucial decision
تصمیم سرنوشت ساز
sound planning is crucial to economic development
برنامهریزی معقول برای پیشرفت اقتصادی اهمیت حیاتی دارد.
at the crucial moment
در لحظهای حساس
● شدید،سخت،دشوار،مشکل
● (پزشکی) به شکل صلیب،خاجی،خاجسان،چلیپایی
a crucial incision
شکاف خاجی،برش صلیبی شکل
a crucial scar
جای زخم خاجی،جای زخم صلیبی شکل
Ger: Seuche, pest
to plague : to cause huge problems
verb [ T ]
US /pleɪɡ/
plague verb [T] (CAUSE DIFFICULTY)
to cause someone or something difficulty or suffering, esp. repeatedly or continually:
Financial problems have been plaguing the company.
That pain in my shoulder is plaguing me again.
plague [pleig]
♦ noun
1 especially formerly, an extremely infectious and deadly disease, especially one carried by fleas from rats.
2 a large and annoying quantity: a plague of flies.
♦ verb
to annoy or pester continually or frequently: The child was plaguing her with questions.
به ستوح آوردن
noun [ C or U ]
UK /pleɪɡ/ US /pleɪɡ/
(also the plague, the Plague)
a serious disease that kills many people, often used to refer to bubonic plague, a very infectious disease caused by bacteria spread mainly by fleas (= small insects that bite) on rats or other animals, that causes swelling, fever, and usually death in humans :
In 1349 almost half the townspeople of Cork died of plague after the Black Death arrived in the town.
The book looks at infectious diseases, from the plague to SARS, and at how treatment has changed over the centuries.
Somehow they had survived when the Plague came.
They described the historical plagues that had killed millions.
Black Death
a plague of something
a large number of things that are unpleasant or likely to cause damage:
a plague of insects
Unfortunately, the bumper harvest was quickly followed by a plague of mice.
humorous A plague of journalists descended on the town.
Computer users all over the world faced a plague of viruses.
They suffered a plague of mechanical problems during their trip.
Emphatically / empathic
Ger: nachdrücklich/ eindeutige
noun [ C/U ]
US /ˈem·fə·səs/
plural emphases US/ˈem·fəˌsiz/
special attention given to something because it is important or because you want it to be noticed, or an example of this:
[ U ] She paused for emphasis.
[ U ] In schools, the emphasis on programming has declined in recent years.
emphasis [ˈemfəsis]
♦ noun– plural ˈemphases [-siːz] –
1 stress put on certain words in speaking etc ; greater force of voice used in words or parts of words to make them more noticeable: In writing we sometimes underline words to show emphasis.
تکیه؛ تکیه کلام
2 force; firmness: I do not intend to go,' he said with emphasis.
تاکید؛ پافشاری
3 importance given to something: He placed great emphasis on this point.
ˈemphasize, *ˈemphasise
♦ verb
to lay or put emphasis on: You emphasize the word
too’ in the sentence `Are you going too?’; He emphasized the importance of working hard.
تاکید کردن؛ تکیه گذاشتن
emˈphatic [-ˈfӕ-]
♦ adjective
(negative unemphatic ) expressed with emphasis; firm and definite: an emphatic denial; He was most emphatic about the importance of arriving on time.
مصر؛ قاطع؛ موکد
♦ adverb
اکیداً؛ بطور قاطع
to emphasize (not emphasize on ) a point.
/em´fǝ sis/
● تاکید،پافشاری،سفارش
his emphasis on reform
پافشاری او در مورد اصلاحات
in this class the emphasis is on mathematics
در این کلاس تاکید روی ریاضیات است.
● (زبانشناسی - واژه یا عبارت و غیره) تکیه،تکیهی کلام
the speaker’s emphasis was on the word “conciliation”
تکیهی سخنران روی واژهی ((آشتی)) بود.
* put emphasis on
مورد تاکید قراردادن،سفارش کردن،پافشاری کردن،اهمیت دادن به
C2 [ T ]
to make an unpleasant feeling, such as pain or worry, less strong:
She was given a shot of morphine to relieve the pain.
She relieved her boredom at home by learning how to type.
[ T ]
to improve an unpleasant situation:
New toll roads could help relieve congestion on other routes.
More examples
Rubbing dock leaves on nettle stings helps to relieve the pain.
The routine was the same every day, with nothing to relieve the monotony.
There must be some way you can relieve the pain.
This cream relieves the swelling caused by insect stings.
They removed the blood clot in order to relieve the pressure on her brain.
to provide relief for a bad situation or for people in need:
emergency food aid to help relieve the famine
[ T ]
to take the place of someone and continue doing their job or duties:
I’m on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to relieve me.
[ T ] formal
to free a place that has been surrounded by an enemy army by military force:
An armoured battalion was sent to relieve the besieged town.
verb - relieve
تخفیف دادن: relieve, mitigate, assuage, discount, abate, alight
خلاص کردن: relieve, rescue
داشتن: have, possess, own, bear, relieve
کمک کردن: help, assist, aid, facilitate, boost, relieve
تسلی دادن: console, cherish, solace, becalm, relieve, soothe
بر کنار کردن: oust, out, relieve
تغییر پست دادن: relieve
بر جسته ساختن: relieve
ریدن: shit, relieve
/ri lēv´/
● (درد و دلواپسی و فشار وغیره) کاستن،آرام کردن،تسکین دادن،خواباندن،فرو نشاندن،تخفیف دادن
a pill that relieves pain
قرصی که درد را فرو می نشاند
to relieve suffering
از رنج کاستن
to relieve famine in Africa
قحطی در آفریقا را کم کردن
we must relieve the hardships of the refugies
باید مرارت پناهندگان را تخفیف بدهیم.
● (با: -self) ادرار کردن،ریدن،شاشیدن
he went behind the trees to relieve himself
برای قضای حاجت رفت پشت درختها.
● کمک کردن،پایمردی کردن،یاری دادن
to relieve the poor
به فقرا کمک کردن
● تنوع ایجاد کردن،کم نما کردن،کم اثر کردن
tall trees relieved the flatness of the plain
درختان بلند صافی دشت را کمنما میکردند.
to relieve the boredom of waiting, he began writing a letter
برای اینکه از انتظار کشیدن کمتر حوصلهاش سر رود شروع به نوشتن نامهای کرد.
● نوبت عوض کردن،مرخص کردن،جای (پاسدار یا بازیکن خسته و غیره را) گرفتن
to relieve a sentry
نگهبان را مرخص کردن (و جای او را گرفتن)
I will be relieved at six
کار من ساعت شش تمام میشود (وکس دیگری جایم را پر خواهد کرد).
● (شهر محاصره شده و غیره) به کمک شتافتن،امداد کردن،رفع محاصره کردن،محاصره شکنی کردن
a tank column was sent to relieve the besieged city
یک ستون تانک برای امداد به شهر محاصره شده گسیل شد.
● برجسته نشان دادن،(در مقایسه) چشمگیر بودن
● رهانیدن،آزاد کردن،رستاندن
to relieve somebody of a burden
باری را از دوش کسی برداشتن
● (بیسبال) جای پیچر (pitcher) اصلی بازی کردن
* relieved, adj.
آسوده،با خیال راحت
I was relieved to hear the news
از شنیدن خبر خیالم راحت شد.
* relieve one’s feelings
دق دل خود را خالی کردن،(با گریه کردن) احساسات خود را نشان دادن
* relieve somebody of something
1- شغلی را از کسی گرفتن،مستعفی کردن،معزول کردن 2- از اموال شخصی کسی مواظبت کردن،بار کسی را سبک کردن 3- (جیبکسی را) زدن
the governor was relieved of his job
شغل فرماندار را از او گرفتند.
he was relieved of his command
از فرماندهی معزول شد.
let me relieve you of your coat and hat
بگذارید پالتو و کلاه شما را برایتان نگه دارم.
the thief relieved him of his wallet
دزد کیف پول او را بلند کرد.
cite/ citing
for Humphreys citing the European model
US UK AU verb - cite
گفتن: say, tell, utter, adduce, declare, tongue
ذکر کردن: mention, mingle, note, assign, cite, mind
اتخاذ سند کردن: cite
verb [ T ] formal
UK /saɪt/ US /saɪt/
cite verb [T] (GIVE EXAMPLE)
to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened:
She cited three reasons why people get into debt.
The company cited a 13 percent decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its products was falling.
to speak or write words taken from a particular writer or written work:
She cites both T.S. Eliot and Virginia Woolf in her article.
verb [ T ]
US /sɑɪt/
cite verb [T] (MENTION)
to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened, or to speak or write words taken from a written work:
He cited a study of the devices as proof that the company knew they were dangerous.
Scientists cite this experiment as their main support for this theory.
To cite someone else’s words when speaking or writing is to use them:
If you cite too many writers, readers will wonder if you have any ideas of your own.
In law, a person or organization which is cited is named in a legal action:
The mine operator was cited with 33 violations of federal safety standards.
cite verb [T] (PRAISE)
to praise someone publicly for something the person has done:
He was cited for bravery.
verb - resonate
طنین انداختن: resonate, chink, jar, reverberate, ting
پیچیدن: wrap, swab, twist, wind, furl, resonate
تشدید کردن: intensify, strengthen, amplify, exacerbate, exasperate, resonate
vt., vi.
● خنیدن،طنین انداختن،بازآوا شدن،(صدا) پیچیدن
the giant’s roars resonated in the cave
نعرههای غول در غار طنین افکن شد.
● تولید طنین کردن،بسامدافزایی کردن
● طن
to be filled with a particular quality:
The building resonates with historic significance.
to continue to have a powerful effect or value:
The significance of those great stories resonates down the centuries.
If an experience or memory resonates, it makes you think of another similar one:
Her experiences resonate powerfully with me, living, as I do, in a similar family situation.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
(Definition of resonate from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
verb [ I ]
US /ˈrez·əˌneɪt/
to produce or be filled with clear, continuing sound:
The noise of the bell resonated through the building.
We must try to combat poverty and illiteracy.
noun [ C/U ]
US /ˈkɑm·bæt/
fighting during a time of war:
[ U ] a combat jacket/zone/casualty
[ U ] No one knew how many troops had died in combat.
Combat is also a fight between two people or things:
[ C ] The film explores the combat between good and evil.
adjective US /kəmˈbæt̬·ɪv/
When you are in a combative mood, you are not pleasant company.
verb [ T ]
US /kəmˈbæt, ˈkɑm·bæt/
to try to stop something unpleasant or harmful from happening or increasing:
We must try to combat poverty and illiteracy.
combat [ˈkombӕt, (American) kəmˈbat]
♦ noun
(an act of) fighting: The two knights met each other in single combat.
نبرد؛ مبارزه
♦ verb
to fight against; to oppose: The residents of the town tried to combat the government’s plans to build a motorway.
مبارزه کردن
combatant [ˈkombətənt, (American) kəmˈbӕtənt]
♦ noun
a person who is fighting: They eventually separated the combatants.
جنگجو؛ مبارز
verb - combat
مبارزه کردن: struggle, fight, joust, combat, conflict
جنگیدن با: combat
noun - crackdown
سخت گیری: crackdown, rigor, astringency, rigidity, austerity, severity
تادیب: discipline, correction, punishment, crackdown
● (تنبیه یا سرکوبی) شدت عمل،سختگیری بیشتر،پیگیری و گوشمالی شدیدتر
a crackdown on criminals
گوشمالی شدیدتر بزهکاران
* crack down
(تنبیه یا سرکوبی را) شدیدتر کردن،(بیشتر) سختگیری کردن،(سختتر) گوشمالی دادن
the police cracked down on smugglers
پلیس قاچاقچیان را زیر فشار بیشتری گذاشت.
noun [ C ]
US /ˈkrækˌdɑʊn/
an action by an authority to stop something:
The government is calling for a crackdown on drivers who speed through red lights.
compassion [kəmˈpӕʃən]
♦ noun
sorrow or pity for the sufferings of another person.
ترحم؛ دلسوزی
comˈpassionate [-nət]
♦ adjective
دلسوز؛ ترحم آمیز
/kǝm pash´ǝn/
● همدردی،شفقت،دلسوزی،ترحم،رحم
the old woman’s bereavement aroused everyone’s compassion
داغداری پیرزن ترحم همه را برانگیخت.
noun [ U ]
US /kəmˈpæʃ·ən/
a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for other people’s suffering or bad luck and a desire to help
adjective US /kəmˈpæʃ·ə·nət/
a compassionate man
meanwhile [ˈmiːnwail]
♦ adverb
during this time; at the same time: The child had gone home. Meanwhile, his mother was searching for him in the street.
adverb [ not gradable ]
US /ˈminˌwɑɪl, -ˌhwɑɪl/
until something expected happens, or while something else is happening:
It’s going to take several days for my car to be repaired – meanwhile I’m renting one.
in the interim
in the meantime
We’ll buy you some shorts at the weekend, but meanwhile you’ll just have to wear your long trousers.
The boys are still getting the mats out so, meanwhile, let’s do some warm-up exercises.
“The pizza will be ready in 10 minutes, Mum.” “Great - meanwhile, let’s set the table.”
They’ve arranged to have another meeting in two weeks, and meanwhile the problem is getting worse and worse!
The computers should be working again soon. Meanwhile, could everyone get on with some paperwork or something?
AU oversee [əuvəˈsiː]– past tense ˌoverˈsaw [-ˈsoː]: past participle ˌoverˈseen –
♦ verb
to supervise: He oversees production at the factory.
نظارت کردن
overseer [ˈəuvəsiə]
♦ noun
The overseer reported her for being late.
verb [ T ]
UK /ˌəʊvəˈsiː/ US
oversaw | overseen
to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly:
As marketing manager, her job is to oversee all the company’s advertising.
to be in charge of how an amount of money is invested or spent:
The capital management firm oversees total assets of $107 million.
The company CFO will oversee the budget and finances.
to watch an activity to make sure that it is being done correctly and legally:
The World Trade Organization oversees the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
noun - toddler
کودک نو پا: toddler
کودک تازه براه افتاده: toddler, toddle
noun [ C ]
US /ˈtɑd·lər/
a young child, esp. one just learning to walk:
Are these toys suitable for toddlers?
Kleinkind nt
can your toddler walk yet?
kann dein Kleiner schon laufen?
noun [ U ]
US /ɪnˈdɪf·rəns/
the quality of not caring about or being interested in something or someone:
Her indifference to sports bothered him.
lack of interest in someone or something:
Many native speakers of a language show indifference to/towards grammatical points.
His attitude was one of bored indifference.
● بیعلاقگی،بیتفاوتی،بیتوجهی،بیاعتنایی،ناگرایشی،ناپیوندی،یکسان بینی
they showed their indifference toward money
آنان بیاعتنایی خود را نسبت به پول نشان دادند.
his indifference toward her was obvious
عدم علاقهی او به آن زن آشکار بود.
● ناچیزی،بیاهمیتی (indifferency هم مینوشتند)
ger: verschlimmern
verb [ T ]
US /ɪɡˈzæs·ərˌbeɪt/
to make something that is already bad worse:
Her allergy was exacerbated by the dust.
verb [ T ]
UK /ɪɡˈzæs.ə.beɪt/ US /ɪɡˈzæs.ɚ.beɪt/
to make something that is already bad even worse:
This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.
verb - exacerbate
بدتر کردن: worsen, embitter, exacerbate, deteriorate, aggravate, exasperate
تشدید کردن: intensify, strengthen, amplify, exacerbate, exasperate, resonate
خونکسی را بجوش اوردن: chafe, aggravate, anger, cheese off, exacerbate, nettle
بر انگیختن: prod, arouse, infuse, roust, excite, exacerbate
/eg zas´ǝr bāt´, ig-/
● (درد و بیماری و مسئله و غیره) شدید کردن،بیشتر کردن،بدتر کردن،وخیم کردن
the noise exacerbated my headache
سروصدا سر درد مرا بدتر کرد.
drought exacerbated the situation
خشکسالی وضع را بدتر کرد.
● اذیت کردن،اوقات (کسی را) تلخ کردن،از کوره در کردن
to exacerbate sth
etw verschlimmern
to exacerbate sth drought, crisis
etw verschärfen
to exacerbate relations
Beziehungen trüben
to exacerbate tension
Spannungen vertiefen
brazen crime
US /ˈbreɪ·zən/
(of something bad) done without trying to hide it:
a brazen robbery in the downtown area
brazen : bold, without shame
US UK AU brazen [ˈbreizn]
♦ adjective
impudent or shameless: a brazen young woman.
پررو؛ بی حیا
brazen it out
to face a situation with impudent boldness: She knew her deception had been discovered but decided to brazen it out.
پررویی کردن
● (از نظر رنگ و سختی) مثل (فلز) برنج،برنج مانند،پرنگ مانند،ساخته شده از برنج،برنجی
brazen cups
فنجانهای برنجی
● پررو،بیحیا،بیشرم،گستاخ،چشم سفید،بیآزرم،چشم دریده،وقیح
a brazen whore
فاحشهی بیحیا
he made brazen accusations against my father
او تهمتهای بیشرمانهای به پدرم میزد.
● دارای صدایی شبیه به زنگ برنجی،(صدا) تیز و گوشخراش
* brazen it out
پررویی کردن،رو را سفت کردن
* brazenly, adv.
با بیشرمی،با پررویی،با بیحیایی
when I gave him the money he brazenly asked for my car keys too
وقتی پول را به او دادم با پررویی کلید ماشینم را هم طلب کرد.
apart from
ger: abgesehen von :
apart from
except for or not considering:
He works until nine o’clock every evening, and that’s quite apart from the work he does over the weekend.
Apart from the salary/Salary apart, it’s not a bad job.
Apart from you and me/You and me apart, I don’t think there was anyone there under 30.
See also
apart adverb (EXCEPT)
She’s done all the important Shakespearean roles apart from Lady Macbeth.
So, apart from the bad ankle, how are you feeling in general?
Do you want anything from the newsagent’s apart from a paper?
It’s a great job, apart from the early start in the mornings.
So, joking apart, do you really think you will be able to manage on your own?
apart adverb (SEPARATED)
separated by a distance or by time:
Stand with your feet wide apart.
How far apart should the speakers be?
We were asked to stand in two lines three metres apart.
The two lines of children moved slowly apart.
The garage, large enough for two cars, is set apart from (= not joined to) the house.
I forget the exact age difference between Mark and his brother - they’re two or three years apart.
into smaller pieces:
My jacket is so old it’s falling apart.
I took the motor apart (= separated it into pieces) to see how it worked.
More examples
We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.
They went for each other with their fists and had to be pulled apart.
They moved the goal posts wider apart.
My children’s birthdays are only three days apart.
The new two houses have been built quite far apart.
apart [əˈpaːt]
♦ adverb
separated by a certain distance: The trees were planted three metres apart; with his feet apart; Their policies are far apart; She sat apart from the other people.
در فاصلۀ کم؛ جدا
apart from
except for: I can’t think of anything I need, apart from a car.
بجز؛ به غیر از
come apart
to break into pieces: The book came apart in my hands.
از هم پاشیدن؛ به هم خوردن
take apart
to separate (something) into the pieces from which it is made: He took the engine apart.
از هم باز کردن
tell apart(usually with can, *cannotetc )
to recognize the difference between; to distinguish: I cannot tell the twins apart.
از هم تشخیص دادن
/ǝ pärt´/
adv., adj.
● در کنار،جنب،در فاصلهی کم
the shop stood apart from the rest of the village
مغازه در فاصله کمی از دهکده قرار داشت.
● جدا،سوا،تنها
we were born two years apart
تولدمان دو سال با هم فرق داشت.
these chairs are set apart for them
این صندلیها برای آنها کنار گذاشته شده (رزرو شده) است.
he stood with his legs apart
با پاهای باز از هم ایستاد.
the lovers could not bear to be apart
عاشق و معشوق تاب جدایی نداشتند.
● به غیر از،گذشته از
(all) joking apart
از شوخی گذشته
* apart from
به جز،به غیر از
* fall (come) apart
فروریختن،به هم خوردن
their marriage is falling apart
ازدواج آنها در حال به هم خوردن است.
friends who have fallen apart
دوستانی که رابطهی آنها به هم خورده است.
* take apart
از هم باز کردن،تجزیه کردن
David took the clock apart and put it together again
دیوید ساعت را از هم باز و دوباره سوار کرد.
* tell apart
از هم تمیز دادن
I can’t tell those twins apart
آن دوقلوها را نمیتوانم از هم تشخیص بدهم.
ger: Erschöfung
[ U ] formal
extreme tiredness:
She was suffering from fatigue.
[ U ] ENGINEERING specialized
weakness in something, such as a metal part or structure, often caused by repeated bending:
The crash was caused by metal fatigue in one of the propeller blades.
fatigue [fəˈtiːg]
♦ noun
1 great tiredness (caused especially by hard work or effort): He was suffering from fatigue.
2 (especially in metals) weakness caused by continual use: metal fatigue.
♦ adjective
made very tired: She was fatigued by the constant questioning.
/fǝ tēg´/
n., vt., vi.
● خستگی،ماندگی
fatigue is one of the causes of car accidents
یکی از علل تصادفات رانندگی خستگی است.
● (آنچه که سبب خستگی شود) کار سخت،خرحمالی،زحمت،گیرودار
● (ارتش) کار و بیگاری (fatigue duty هم میگویند)
● (ارتش) جامهی بیگاری،بیگار جامه،لباس (یا اونیفرم) خدمت (fatigue clothes هم میگویند)
we used to sleep in our fatigues
شبها در لباس خدمت میخوابیدیم.
● (فلز شناسی) فرسودگی (تمایل فلز و سایر مصالح به ترک برداشتن و شکستن در اثر گذشت زمان و اعمال فشار)،فرسوده شدن یا کردن فلز و غیره
● (تنکرد شناسی) ستوهش (کاهش کنشوری سازواره در اثر انگیزش مکرر)،ستوهیدن،ستوهاندن (سازواره)
● (ارتش) کار و بیگاری کردن
● خسته کردن یا شدن،واماندن،وامانده کردن
I was so fatigued that I couldn’t stand up
آنقدر خسته شده بودم که نمیتوانستم بایستم.
UK /ˈræʃ.ən.əl/ US /ˈræʃ.ən.əl/
based on clear thought and reason:
There must be some rational explanation for what happened.
a rational act/course of action
a rational argument/decision
He was too upset to be rational.
More examples
In that state of mind you can’t make a rational decision.
I’m sure there’s a perfectly rational explanation for it.
Adrenalin blocks out all rational thought.
He has a very rational way of looking at things.
Let’s wait till we can have a rational discussion
US UK AU rational [ˈraʃənl]
♦ adjective
1 able to think, reason and judge etc : Man is a rational animal.
2 sensible; reasonable; logical; not (over-) influenced by emotions etc : There must be a rational explanation for those strange noises
♦ adverb
به طور منطقی
♦ noun
منطقی بودن؛ پیروی از عقل
rash´ǝn ǝl/
● عقلانی،عقلی،فکری
rational powers
قوای عقلانی
● منطقی،بخردانه،تعقلی،خرد آمیز،استدلالی،خرد پذیر،عاقلانه،خردمندانه
a rational decision
تصمیم خردمندانه
the rational analysis of this problem
تجزیه و تحلیل منطقی این مسئله
● عاقل،بخرد،خردمند
a rational creature
یک موجود برخوردار از عقل
to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry:
It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.
Don’t upset yourself by thinking about what might have been.
upset [apˈset]– past tense, past participle upˈset –
♦ verb
1 to overturn: He upset a glass of wine over the table.
چپه کردن
2 to disturb or put out of order: His illness has upset all our arrangements.
به هم زدن
3 to distress: His friend’s death upset him very much.
ناراحت کردن
♦ adjective
disturbed or distressed: Is he very upset about failing his exam?
a disturbance: He has a stomach upset; I couldn’t bear the upset of moving house again.
اختلال؛ آشفتگی
/up set´, up´set´/
vt., vi.,
● (در اصل) افراختن،افراشتن،قائم کردن،برپاکردن
● یکوری کردن یا شدن،چپه کردن یا شدن،واژگون کردن یا شدن،(به پهلو) انداختن،برگرداندن،آشکوخیدن،وارونه کردن
to upset a vase
گلدان را انداختن
she upset the cup of tea and ruined my painting
فنجان چای را واژگون کرد و نقاشی مرا خراب کرد.
● ناراحت کردن،حواس کسی را مختل کردن،نگران کردن
the news of her illness really upset me
خبر بیماری او واقعا مرا پریشان کرد.
the children were upset by the break-up of their parents’ marriage
بچهها از به هم خوردن ازدواج والدینشان بسیار ناراحت بودند.
the least little thing upsets her
کوچکترین چیز او را ناراحت میکند.
● رنجاندن،برزخ کردن یا شدن،رنجیدن،عصبانی کردن یا شدن،دلخور کردن یا شدن،پکر کردن یا شدن
my words upset her
حرفهای من او را رنجاند.
● نگران،ناراحتی،رنجش،رنجیدگی،دلخوری،پکری
● شکست (به ویژه شکست غیر مترقبه)،(به طور غیر منتظره) شکست دادن یا خوردن
though our team was weaker, we upset them 4 to 2
با آنکه تیم ما ضعیفتر بود آنها را 4به2 شکست دادیم.
● مختل کردن،به هم زدن،نابسامان کردن یا شدن،به هم خوردن
to upset the balance of power between Germany and France
توازن قوا میان آلمان و فرانسه را به هم زدن
the rain upset our plans
باران نقشههای مارا به هم زد.
the financial stability of the country was upset
ثبات اقتصادی کشور به هم خورد.
● اختلال،نابسامانی،به هم خوردن،زیر و رو شدگی،خرابی
the upset of price and wage standards
به هم خوردن معیارهای قیمت و دستمزد
● به هم خوردگی (دل)،دل آشوبه،(معده) زیر و رو شدن،دچار دل به هم خوردگی شدن،موجب اختلال مزاج شدن
a stomach upset
دل به هم خوردگی
some foods upset children’s stomachs
برخی خوراکها مزاج کودکان را مختل میکند.
● مختل،به هم خورده،دلخور،رنجیده،آزرده،درواژ
she was so upset with me that she wouldn’t talk to me for two days
آنقدر از من رنجیده بود که تا دو روز بامن حرف نمیزد.
don’t be upset, he didn’t mean it
دلخور نشو منظوری نداشت.
my brother was too upset to say anything
برادرم آن قدر دلخور بود که اصلا حرف نزد.
her nerves were more upset than usual
اعصاب او بیش از همیشه ناراحت بود.
● واژگونی،چپه شدگی،یک وری شدگی
he was hurt by the upset of the stool upon which he stood
واژگونی چارپایهای کهروی آن ایستاده بود موجب آسیب دیدن او شد.
● واژگون،چپه،آشکوخیده،یک وری،وارونه،برگردانده
an upset table
میز واژگون
* upset victory
پیروزی ضعیف بر قوی،پیروزی غیر مترقبه
the root cause of pandemic addiction
root1 [ruːt]
♦ noun
1 the part of a plant that grows under the ground and draws food and water from the soil: Trees often have deep roots; Carrots and turnips are edible roots.
2 the base of something growing in the body: the roots of one’s hair/teeth.
3 cause; origin: Love of money is the root of all evil; We must get at the root of the trouble.
اصل؛ بنیاد
4 (in plural ) family origins: Our roots are in Scotland.
نسب؛ اصل
♦ verb
to (make something) grow roots: These plants aren’t rooting very well; He rooted the plants in compost.
root beer
a kind of non-alcoholic drink made from the roots of certain plants.
نوعی نوشیدنی مانند پپسی
root crop
plants with roots that are grown for food: The farm has three fields of root crops.
محصول ریشه ای
root out
1 to pull up or tear out by the roots: The gardener began to root out the weeds.
از ریشه در آوردن
2 to get rid of completely: We must do our best to root out poverty.
ریشه کن کردن
take root
to grow firmly; to become established: The plants soon took root.
ریشه گرفتن؛ مستقر شدن
ger: Angriff, Notzucht
assault [əˈsoːlt]
♦ verb
1 to attack, especially suddenly: The youths assaulted the night watchman.
حمله کردن
2 to attack sexually; to rape.
تجاوز جنسی کردن
♦ noun
1 a (sudden) attack: a night assault on the fortress; His speech was a vicious assault on his opponent.
2 a sexual attack; a rape.
تجوز جنسی
UK /əˈsɒlt/ US /əˈsɑːlt/
C2 [ C or U ]
a violent attack:
He was charged with sexual assault.
UK The number of indecent assaults has increased alarmingly over the past year.
an assault on a police officer
They launched an assault on the capital yesterday.
[ C ]
a determined or serious attempt to do something difficult:
Women’s groups have demanded a nationwide assault on sexism in the workplace.
She died heroically during an assault on the world’s second-highest mountain.
assault and battery [ U ] LAW specialized
a threat to injure someone followed by a violent attack on them :
Six fans were charged with assault and battery in connection with last week’s game.
See more
More examples
The assault was premeditated and particularly brutal.
Cash Junior made a full-frontal assault on Hollywood’s ‘moral delinquency’.
Racially motivated assaults on Asians are increasing.
Assaults on hospital staff have increased over the last year.
Police are hunting a student attacker after an unprovoked assault in a night club.
aggravated assault Am
schwere Körperverletzung
sexual assault Am
Notzucht f
indecent assault
unzüchtige Handlung
verbal assault übtr
verbale Attacke
assault and battery (aggression)
Bedrohung f mit tätlichem Angriff
frontal assault [or attack]
Frontalangriff m
an assault case
ein Fall m von Körperverletzung
an assault on racism/sexism
ein Feldzug m gegen Rassismus/Sexismus
to indecently [or sexually] assault sb
jdn vergewaltigen
to make an assault on sth
gegen etw Akk angehen
to launch an assault on sb/sth
jdn/etw angreifen
assault with intent to do grievous bodily injury
vorsätzliche schwere Körperverletzung
he pleaded guilty to the charge of indecent assault
er gestand die sexuelle Nötigung
an assault on the north face of the Eiger
ein Versuch, die Eiger-Nordwand zu bezwingen
she decided to make a determined assault on the paperwork
sie entschloss sich, endlich ernsthaft den Papierkram anzugehen
- surrender oneself to something
to surrender a document to sb form
ger: aushändigen
der Rektor händigt den Schulabgängern die Abschlusszeugnisse aus.
surrender verb (ACCEPT DEFEAT)
[ I ]
to stop fighting and accept defeat:
They would rather die than surrender.
surrender verb (GIVE)
[ T ]
to give something that is yours to someone else, usually because you have been forced to do so:
U.S. Magistrate Celeste Bremer restricted Gruenwald’s travel and ordered that he surrender his passport.
noun [ C/U ]
US /səˈren·dər/
an agreement to stop fighting and accept defeat:
[ C ] Robert E. Lee’s surrender, which ended the Civil War, was one of the most important events in American history.
surrender [səˈrendə]
♦ verb
1 to yield: The general refused to surrender to the enemy; We shall never surrender!
تسليم كردن
2 to give up or abandon: He surrendered his claim to the throne; You must surrender your old passport when applying for a new one.
واگذار كردن
♦ noun
(an) act of surrendering: The garrison was forced into surrender.
/sǝ ren´dǝr, sǝr ren´dǝr/
vt., vi., n.
● تسلیم شدن،گردن نهادن،سپر انداختن،ستوهیدن،ستوهاندن
he ordered the troops to surrender
به سربازان فرمان داد که تسلیم بشوند.
the kidnappers finally surrendered themselves to the police
آدمربایان بالاخره خود را تسلیم پلیس کردند.
● تسلیم کردن،تحویل دادن،واسپردن،بازدادن،دادن،صرفنظر کردن
he surrendered his seat to a lady
صندلی خود را به یک خانم داد.
we will never surrender our liberties
هرگز از آزادیهای خود صرفنظر نخواهم کرد.
they surrendered their guns to the police
آنان سلاحهای خود را به پلیس تسلیم کردند.
● تن در دادن،پذیرفتن
● تسلیم،بازدهی،تحویل،واسپارش
Germany’s unconditional surrender
تسلیم بدون قیدو شرط آلمان
Teymoor demanded the surrender of the city
تیمور خواستار تسلیم شدن شهر بود.
● واگذاری
the surrender of the lease to the landlord before its expiration
واگذاری اجاره نامه به مالک پیش از سرآمدن آن
● (بیمه) باز خرید،فسخ بیمه نامه در برابر دریافت پول نقد یا surrender value
* surrender oneself to something
خود را تسلیم به چیزی کردن،تن در دادن
he surrendered himself to debauchery and sin
او خود را تسلیم لهو و لعب و گناه کرد.
Provoke / provocative
ger: provozieren / provokant
verb [ T ]
US /prəˈvoʊk/
provoke verb [T] (ANGER)
to try to make a person or an animal angry or annoyed:
He was trying to provoke me into a fight.
provoke verb [T] (CAUSE REACTION)
to cause a particular reaction or feeling:
I’m trying to make people think, provoke their emotions.
His death provoked huge demonstrations.
provocative adjective (MAKE ANGRY)
causing an angry reaction, usually intentionally:
a provocative question/remark
In a deliberately provocative speech, she criticized the whole system of government.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
provocative adjective (SEXUAL)
If behaviour or clothing is provocative, it is intended to cause sexual desire:
She slowly leaned forward in a provocative way.
Related word
one of the most provocative novels of the year
یکی از بحثانگیزترین رمانهای سال
provoke [prəˈvəuk]
♦ verb
1 to make angry or irritated: Are you trying to provoke me?
عصبانی کردن
2 to cause: His words provoked laughter.
موجب شدن
3 to cause (a person etc ) to react in an angry way: He was provoked into hitting her.
تحریک کردن
provocation [provəˈkeiʃən]
♦ noun
the act of provoking or state of being provoked.
proˈvocative [-ˈvokətiv]
♦ adjective
likely to rouse feeling, especially anger or sexual interest: provocative remarks; a provocative dress.
تحریک آمیز
♦ adverb
بطور تحریک آمیز
/prō vōk´, prǝ-/
● برانگیختن،انگیزاندن،تحریک کردن،پیشانگیز کردن،ایجاد کردن،(دعوا و غیره) دامن زدن،شوراندن
thought provoking
تفکر انگیز
to provoke a fight between two dogs
دو سگ را به جنگ هم انداختن
to provoke vomiting by fingering the throat
با انگشت زدن به سق استفراغ ایجاد کردن
● خشمگین کردن،عصبانی کردن،خشم (کسی را) برانگیختن،بر آشفتن
to provoke Jamshid, he kept on coughing repeatedly
او برای برانگیختن خشم جمشید پیدرپی سرفه میکرد.
I was really provoked by the way he treated us
طرز رفتار او با ما مرا واقعا بر آشفت.
● (با تحریک و تهییج بهکاری) واداشتن،وادار کردن
● ایجاد کردن،به وجود آوردن،باعث شدن،موجب شدن
to provoke jeaiousy
موجب حسادت شدن
to provoke a smile
باعث لبخند شدن
her proposal was predicated on the assumption that the country’s economy will expand
predicate noun [C] (GRAMMAR)
the part of a sentence that gives information about the subject:
In the sentence “We went to the airport,” “went to the airport” is the predicate.
predicate verb [T] (STATE)
to state that something is true:
[ + that clause ] One cannot predicate that the disease is caused by a virus on the basis of current evidence.
predicate [ˈpredikət]
♦ noun
what is said about the subject of a sentence: We live in London; The president of the republic died.
/pred´i kāt´, -kit/
n., adj., vt., vi.
● (در اصل) اعلام کردن،اظهار کردن،وعظ کردن،(با اطمینان) گفتن
● وابسته دانستن (به چیزی)،مورد تاکید قرار دادن،دال بودن بر،دلالت کردن،حاکی بودن،نسبت دادن
to predicate the truth of somebody’s claims
صداقت ادعاهای کسی را مورد تاکید قرار دادن
it predicates man’s intelligence
این دال بر عقل بشر است.
● (منطق - چیزی را به موضوع یا فاعل قضیه نسبت دادن) محمول قرار دادن،اسناد کردن،محمول،اسناد
● (با: on یا upon) مشروط کردن به،مبنا قرار دادن،مبتنی کردن
her proposal was predicated on the assumption that the country’s economy will expand
پیشنهاد او بر این فرض مبتنی بود که اقتصاد کشور گسترش خواهد یافت.
● (دستور زبان) گزاره،خبر،مسند
subject and predicate
مبتدا و خبر
● (دستور زبان) وابسته به خبر یا گزاره،گزارهای،اسنادی،خبری
predicate adjective
صفت گزارهای
Ger: to indicate sth
etw zeigen
US /ˈɪn·dɪˌkeɪt/
to show or signal a direction or warning, or to make something clear:
[ T ] These statistics might indicate quality problems.
[ + that clause ] She did not move or indicate that she had heard him.
indicate [ˈindikeit]
♦ verb
to point out or show: We can paint an arrow here to indicate the right path.
نشان دادن
♦ noun
There are clear indications that the war will soon be over; He had given no indication that he was intending to resign.
نشانه؛ اشاره
indicative [inˈdikətiv]
♦ adjective,
♦ noun
describing verbs which occur as parts of statements and questions: In I ran home' and
Are you going?’ ran' and
are going’ are indicative (verbs).
♦ noun
a pointer, sign, instrument etc which indicates something or gives information about something: the indicator on the petrol gauge of a car.
in´di kāt´/
● نشان دادن،اشاره کردن
the students’ laughter indicated their happiness
خندهی شاگردان شادی آنها را نشان میداد.
the map indicates the location of his tomb
نقشه،محل قبر او را نشان میدهد.
● حاکی بودن از،نشانه بودن،دلالت کردن بر،مشعر بودن،بیان کردن
his silence indicates consent
سکوت او علامت رضایت است.
fever indicates illness
تب نشانهی بیماری است.
● ایجاب کردن،ضروری ساختن
the scientists’ conflicting findings indicate further research
یافتههای متغایر دانشمندان،ضرورت پژوهش بیشتر را نشان میدهد.
a fabric for which dry cleaning is indicated
پارچهای که باید خشک شویی شود.
● (پزشکی) تجویز کردن
bed rest is indicated
استراحت در بستر تجویز میشود.
● به طور مجمل بیان کردن،خاطر نشان کردن
to indicate guidlines for action
رهنمودهای کار را بیان کردن
ger: ausschließlich/ nur
adverb [ not gradable ]
US /ˈmɪər·li/
only; and nothing more:
I merely said that I was tired.
These columns have no function and are merely decorative.
Labor is not merely a necessity but a pleasure.
کار دستی تنها یک بایستگی نیست بلکه یک لذت است.
• Don’t look down on him merely because he is poor.
به او بد نگاه نکن چون که تنها او بی پول است.
ger: genug/ ausreichend
UK /səˈfɪʃ.ənt/ US /səˈfɪʃ.ənt/
enough for a particular purpose:
This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
It was thought that he’d committed the crime but there wasn’t sufficient evidence to convict him.
have had sufficient UK formal
to have eaten enough:
“Would you like some more stew?” “No thanks, I’ve had sufficient.”
More examples
Will a loan of $500 be sufficient?
Did you have sufficient time to do the work?
I hope we have sufficient people to do the job.
If I buy two pounds of fish that should be sufficient for four people.
I’m not convinced we have sufficient funds to do this project.
Ger: maße…
noun [ S or U ]
UK /ɪkˈstent/ US /ɪkˈstent/
area or length; amount:
From the top of the Empire State Building, you can see the full extent of Manhattan (= the area it covers).
We don’t yet know the extent of his injuries (= how bad his injuries are).
Rosie’s teacher was impressed by the extent of her knowledge (= how much she knew).
The River Nile is over 6,500 6,5000 kilometres in extent (= length).
the extent to which
the degree to which something happens or is likely to happen:
She had not realized the extent to which the children had been affected.
See more
to the extent of
so strongly that:
Some people hold their beliefs very strongly, even to the extent of being prepared to go to prison for them.
See more
to the extent that
to a particular degree or stage, often causing particular results:
Sales have fallen badly this year, to the extent that we will have to close some of our shops.
to the same extent
to the same degree as; as much as:
The rich will not benefit from the proposed changes to the tax system to the same extent as the lower paid.
to some extent
To some extent, she was responsible for the accident.
to such an extent
so much:
The car was damaged to such an extent that it couldn’t be repaired.
to what extent?
how much:
To what extent will the budget have to be modified?
See more
More examples
The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.
He unwound the rope to its full extent.
Ethiopia and, to a lesser extent, Kenya will be badly affected by the drought.
The mood of the meeting turned solemn when the extent of the problem became known.
The extent of the flooding can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air.
longitudinal extent
längenmäßige Ausdehnung
to the extent that (insofar as)
insofern als
the extent of destruction
das Ausmaß der Zerstörung
to a great extent
im Großen und Ganzen
to a certain extent
in gewissem Maße
the extent of knowledge
der Wissensumfang
to some extent
bis zu einem gewissen Grad
to that extent
in diesem Punkt
to what extent
to an extent
in gewissem Maße
to such an extent that …
dermaßen [o. derart] , dass …
to the same extent as …
in gleichem Maße wie …
the extent of a credit
die Höhe eines Kredits
to a lesser degree [or extent]
in geringerem Maße
ger: Behauptung, Anspruch, Forderung
redemption claim
Rückzahlungsanspruch m
excessive claim
übertriebene Forderung
contingent claim JUR
bedingter Anspruch m
specious claim
unfundierte Forderung
compensation claim
Schadenersatzanspruch m
mortgage claim
Hypothekenforderung f
prior claim JUR
vorrangiger Anspruch
legal claim
Rechtsanspruch m
small claim
Bagatellsache f
[mining] claim
Claim nt
valid claim
berechtigter Anspruch
patent claim
Patentanspruch m
unofficial estimates claim that …
inoffiziellen Schätzungen zufolge …
to claim unemployment compensation
Arbeitslosengeld [o. Arbeitslosenunterstützung] beziehen
to claim unemployment insurance
Arbeitslosengeld [o. Arbeitslosenunterstützung] beziehen
to claim unemployment benefit
Arbeitslosengeld [o. Arbeitslosenunterstützung] beziehen
to abandon a claim
einen Anspruch aufgeben
to establish a claim
einen Anspruch nachweisen
to press one’s claim
auf seiner Forderung beharren
claim [kleim]
♦ verb
1 to say that something is a fact: He claims to be the best runner in the class.
ادعا کردن
2 to demand as a right: You must claim your money back if the goods are damaged.
طلب کردن
3 to state that one is the owner of: Does anyone claim this book?
ادعای مالکیت چیزی را کردن
♦ noun
1 a statement (that something is a fact): Her claim that she was the millionaire’s daughter was disproved.
2 (a demand for) a payment of compensation etc : a claim for damages against her employer.
مطالبۀ غرامت
3 a demand for something which (one says) one owns or has a right to: a rightful claim to the money.
طلب؛ خواسته
♦ noun
a person who makes a claim: a claimant to the throne.
مدعی؛ خواهان
claim noun [C] (STATEMENT)
a statement that something is true or is a fact, although other people might not believe it:
He said the police assaulted him while he was in custody, a claim that the police deny.
[ + that ] The government’s claim that it would reduce taxes proved false.
Can you give any evidence to support your claim?
He made wild claims about being able to cure cancer.
More examples
I haven’t seen one iota of evidence to support his claim.
His claim to be an important and unjustly neglected painter is sheer self-deception - he’s no good at all.
There is a growing body of evidence to support their claim.
Many experts remain sceptical about his claims.
I suspect his claims are not all they seem - he tends to exaggerate.
claim noun [C] (DEMAND)
a written request asking an organization to pay you an amount of money that you believe they owe you:
After her house was burgled, she made a claim on her insurance.
Please submit your claim for travelling expenses to the accounts department.
a right to have something or get something from someone:
She has no rightful claim to the title.
Our neighbours have no claim to (= cannot say that they own) that strip of land between our houses.
My ex-wife has no claims on me (= has no right to any of my money).
More examples
I enclose a cheque in settlement of your claim.
He marked the spot on his map where he had seen the gold and returned later that month to stake his claim.
The company produced receipts in substantiation of its claim.
We had to send a doctor’s report in support of our claim to the insurance company.
She made a claim for compensation.
vt., n.
● ادعا کردن،مدعی شدن،خواستن،طلب کردن،خواستار بودن
she claimed that the ring was hers
او ادعا کرد که انگشتر مال اوست.
they came, it is claimed, because they were invited
ادعا میشود که آنها چون دعوت شده بودند آمدند.
the terrorists claimed responsibility for the bombing
تروریستها مسئولیت بمبگذاری را به عهده گرفتند.
he claimed his father’s confiscated property
او املاک مصادره شدهی پدرش را میخواست.
teaching and writing claim almost all of my time
تدریس و نگارش تقریبا همهی وقت مرا میگیرد.
the striking workers are claiming a pay raise
کارگران اعتصابی خواستار اضافه مزد هستند.
a problem that claims attention
مسئلهای که درخور توجه است (توجه میطلبد).
● ادعا،خواسته،دعوی،حق،مطالبه
they denied her legal claim
حق قانونی او را نادیده گرفتند.
a hereditary claim
حق موروثی
do you have any claims concerning the ownership of this jewel?
آیا ادعایی نسبت به مالکیت این جواهر دارید؟
● هر چیز مورد ادعا،(امریکا) زمینی که کوچنشینان در آن کشت کرده و ازآن خود میدانستند،(بیمه) مبلغ خسارت (که به بیمه شده داده میشود)،طلب،طلب حق
after the fire, the company faced millions of dollars in claims
پس از آتش سوزی شرکت با میلیونها دلار ادعای خسارت مواجه شد.
● استحقاق
a claim to fame
استحقاق شهرت
* lay claim to
مدعی شدن،خواستار شدن،از آن خود دانستن
he laid claim to half of the company’s assets
او خواستار نیمی از دارایی شرکت شد.
ger: Gratifikation, Befriedigung ,
sexual gratification
sexuelle Befriedigung
with [some] gratification
mit [einer gewissen] Genugtuung
noun [ U ]
UK /ˌɡræt.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ US /ˌɡræt̬.ə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃən/
pleasure or satisfaction, or something which provides this:
sexual gratification
Some people expect instant gratification (= to get what they want immediately).
More examples
Sales of chocolate-covered snacks are up as people seek immediate gratification.
The children who were best at delaying gratification had better academic and social skills.
Our culture is geared towards short-term gratification.
ger: 🤪
Gra•ti•fi•ka•ti•on [-‘t ̮sjoːn] die; -, -en; eine Geldsumme, die jemand, der eine feste Arbeit hat, bei einer besonderen Gelegenheit (z. B. zu Weihnachten) zusätzlich zum normalen Lohn od. Gehalt von seiner Firma bekommt
|| -K: Urlaubsgratifikation, Weihnachtsgratifikation
[1] zusätzliches Arbeitsentgelt zu besonderen Anlässen, zum Beispiel zu Weihnachten
lateinisch gratificatio = Gefälligkeit, zu: gratificari, ↑gratifizieren [Quellen fehlen]
[1] Sondervergütung, Sonderzuwendung
[1] Weihnachtsgratifikation, Urlaubsgratifikation
[1] „Eine Vielzahl von Arbeitsverträgen enthalten die Zusage einer Gratifikation.“[1]
later on
at a later date
I subsequently found out that he had been stealing money from the company.
later on
at a time in the future, or after the time you have mentioned:
What are you doing later on this evening?
Shall I go and fetch her later on?
Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.
Research has found that music instruction early on in life may be linked to better mathematical ability later on.
If you get into debt now, it is likely to cause a lot of problems for you later on.
Later on, we broke into smaller groups to discuss what we had heard.
See also
later adverb
I’ll call you later on.
Synonyms and examples
afterwards mainly UK
Afterwards I was sorry I’d been so hasty.
They met in 1962 and got married not long after.
What are you doing later?
at a later date
We can add these details at a later date.
Next, a balloon and stent are used to open the blocked artery.
I subsequently found out that he had been stealing money from the company.
gnaw / gnawing
a gnawing feeling
gnaw verb [I + prep, T] (BITE)
to bite or chew something repeatedly, usually making a hole in it or gradually destroying it:
Babies like to gnaw hard objects when they’re teething.
A dog lay under the table, gnawing on a bone.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
to chew food
Make sure you chew your food thoroughly.
She bit into the apple.
She nibbled on peanuts while waiting for her dinner to cook.
He munched popcorn throughout the whole film.
She was crunching on an apple.
chompHe was chomping a chocolate bar.
o make you feel worried or uncomfortable:
I’ve been gnawed by guilt about not replying to her letter yet.
The feeling that I’ve forgotten something has been gnawing at me all day.
gnaw [noː]
♦ verb
to bite or chew with a scraping movement: The dog was gnawing a large bone; The mice have gnawed holes in the walls of this room.
تکه تکه جویدن؛ گاز گاز کردن
♦ adjective
annoying; disturbing: a gnawing problem.
آزار دهنده
vi., vt.
● با دندان قطعه قطعه بریدن و جویدن (مثل برخی درندگان)،گاز گاز کردن،خاییدن،موشوار جویدن
to gnaw a hole
با جویدن سوراخ کردن
the wolves gnawed at the carcass
گرگها لاشه را با دندان تکهپاره کردند.
a dog gnawing a bone
سگی که استخوان در دهان میجود
● فرسودن،پوساندن،خوردن (فلزات و غیره)
anxiety is gnawing him (from within)
اضطراب او را از درون میخورد.
waves gnawing away at the cliffs
امواجی که صخرهها را میفرساید
the anxious woman gnawed at her underlip
زن دلواپس،لب زیرین خود را میجوید.
UK /ˈpen.ɪ.treɪ.tɪŋ/ US /ˈpen.ə.treɪ.t̬ɪŋ/
penetrating adjective (LOUD)
very loud:
I heard a penetrating scream.
He has a very penetrating voice.
pungent [ˈpandʒənt]
♦ adjective
(of a taste or smell) sharp and strong.
♦ adverb
بطور تند و تیز
penetranter Geruch
a pungent smell
● (بو یا مزه) تند،پر ادویه،زبانگز
a pungent smell
بوی تند
pungent pickle
ترشی پر ادویه
● (در فکر) دردآور،تیز گونه
● (سبک نگارش و سخن) تند و تیز،گزنده،بران
pungent words
حرفهای نیشدار
● انگیزنده،انگیزگر،انگیزان،محرک
● از روی زرنگی،زیرکانه
UK /ˈpʌn.dʒənt/ US /ˈpʌn.dʒənt/
smelling or tasting very strong and sharp:
the pungent whiff of a goat
I sat down to a cup of wonderfully pungent Turkish coffee.
fetid formalfunky (BAD) US informalmalodorous formalniffy UK informalputrid (DECAYED)rank (SMELL)smellystinking informalstinky informalwhiffy UK informal
spoken or written in a way that has a strong effect:
pungent criticism/commentary
She is very good at writing pungent, funny dialogue.
More examples
The air is full of the pungent odor of chicken houses and pig farms.
You could wear thin, disposable gloves when you handle garlic, onion, fish, or other pungent foods.
Fish sauce is salty and pungent.
People love a pungent quotation, a witty maxim.
Perhaps the most pungent and affecting comment came from a young African American woman: “I don’t get why we’re fighting for somebody else’s freedom when we barely have our own.”
ger: variieren
vary [ˈveəri]
♦ verb
to make, be or become different: These apples vary in size from small to medium.
تغییر یافتن
♦ adjective
1 that may be varied: The machine works at a variable speed.
2 (of eg winds, weather etc ) liable or likely to change: British weather is very variable.
تغییر پذیر
♦ noun
something that varies, eg in quantity, value, effect etc : Have you taken all the variables into account in your calculations?
♦ adverb
بطور تغییر پذیر
ˌvariaˈbility– plural variaˈbilities –
♦ noun
تغییر پذیری
♦ noun
1 the extent to which a thing changes: In the desert there are great variations in temperature.
میزان تغییر
2 one of a series of musical elaborations made on a basic theme or melody: Brahms’ variations on Haydn’s `St Anthony’s Chorale’.
♦ adjective
He has had a very varied career.
/ver´ē, var´-/
vi., vt.
● تغییر دادن،دگرسان کردن،متفاوت کردن،عوض کردن،گهولیدن،کم و زیاد کردن
to vary the color sequences
ترتیب رنگها را عوض کردن
varying degrees of temperature
درجات مختلف حرارت
● تغییر یافتن،دگرسان شدن،متفاوت شدن،فرق داشتن،کم و زیاد شدن
varying opinions
عقاید متفاوت
this editon varies from all the others
این ویرایش با همهی ویرایشهای دیگر فرق دارد.
● متنوع کردن یا شدن،کم و زیاد کردن یا شدن،چندسان کردن یا شدن،گوناگون کردن یا شدن
to vary one’s activities
فعالیتهای خود را چندسان کردن
a varied program, both educational and entertaing
opinions vary as to …
was … angeht, gehen die Meinungen auseinander
to vary in quality
sich Akk qualitätsmäßig unterscheiden
to vary greatly [or widely]
stark voneinander abweichen
to vary one’s diet
abwechslungsreich essen
to fluctuate/vary wildly
stark fluktuieren/schwanken
to vary within wide limits MATH
innerhalb weiter Grenzen schwanken
to vary about the same value MATH
um den gleichen Wert schwanken
conditions vary from one employer to another
die Bedingungen sind von Arbeitgeber zu Arbeitgeber unterschiedlich
● شتابزده،عجولانه،شتابآمیز،کرامند
a hasty lunch
نهار با عجله
a hasty departure
عزیمت شتابآمیز
● بیفکرانه،باشتابزدگی،بلامقدمه
a hasty decision
تصمیم با شتابزدگی
a hasty marriage
ازدواج عجولانه
● بیصبر،عجول،ناشکیبا
don’t be so hasty!
اینقدر بیصبر نباش!
● با آزردگی،از روی دلخوری،با تندی
hasty words
حرفهای تند
● زود خشم،زودرنج،آتشی مزاج
a man of hasty temper
مردی که زود از جا در میرود
* hastily, adv.
باشتاب،با شتابزدگی،باعجله،کرامندانه
Saloumeh ate her lunch hastily
سالومه با عجله نهارش را خورد.
ger: eilig, flüchtig, hastig
● شتابزده،عجولانه،شتابآمیز،کرامند
a hasty lunch
نهار با عجله
a hasty departure
عزیمت شتابآمیز
● بیفکرانه،باشتابزدگی،بلامقدمه
a hasty decision
تصمیم با شتابزدگی
a hasty marriage
ازدواج عجولانه
● بیصبر،عجول،ناشکیبا
don’t be so hasty!
اینقدر بیصبر نباش!
● با آزردگی،از روی دلخوری،با تندی
hasty words
حرفهای تند
● زود خشم،زودرنج،آتشی مزاج
a man of hasty temper
مردی که زود از جا در میرود
* hastily, adv.
باشتاب،با شتابزدگی،باعجله،کرامندانه
Saloumeh ate her lunch hastily
سالومه با عجله نهارش را خورد.
UK /ˈheɪ.sti/ US /ˈheɪ.sti/
Hasty actions are done in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought:
He warned against making hasty decisions.
Now let’s not leap to any hasty conclusions.
We saw the rain and made a hasty retreat into the bar.
I think perhaps we were a little hasty in judging him.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
I tried to catch him, but he was too fast for me.
I tried to catch him, but he was too quick for me.
A prompt reply would be very much appreciated.
Everyone is hoping for a speedy resolution to the conflict.
The teacher’s swift action saved his life.
ger: bestimmt sein
perhaps even one in your immediate family — is destined for a life of crime?
destined adjective (PLACE)
travelling or being sent to somewhere:
Customs officers have seized nearly a ton of heroin destined for New York.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
destined adjective (FUTURE)
controlled by fate, and not by humans:
She is destined for an extremely successful career.
[ + to infinitive ] These plans are destined to fail.
[ + that ] Do you think it was destined that we should one day meet?
destined [ˈdestind]
♦ adjective
1 (having a future) organized or arranged beforehand (by a person or by fate): She was destined for success.
مقدر شده برای
2 bound or heading (for a place): destined for Singapore.
عازم؛ رهسپار
● (معمولا به حالت مجهول) مقدر شدن یا کردن،سرنوشت شدن
he was destined to die young
سرنوشت او این بود که در جوانی بمیرد.
● تخصیص دادن،(برای منظور خاصی) در نظر گرفتن،کنارگذاشتن،اختصاص دادن
funds destined for the construction of the road
بودجهای که برای ساختن راه اختصاص داده شده بود
* destined for
1- عازم،رهسپار،به مقصد
a letter destined for Kashan
نامهای که به مقصد کاشان ارسال شده بود
2- مقدر شده برای
he was destined for greatness
مقدر شده بود که آدم بزرگی بشود.
to be destined for higher things
zu Höherem berufen sein
these plans are destined to fail
diese Pläne sind zum Scheitern verurteilt
to be destined to do sth
dazu bestimmt sein, etw zu tun
she is destined for an extremely successful career
ihr steht eine sehr erfolgreiche Karriere bevor
customs officers have seized heroin destined for New York
Zollbeamte haben Heroin beschlagnahmt, das für New York bestimmt war
perhaps even one in your immediate family — is destined for a life of crime?
ger: unmittelbar, eng
UK /ɪˈmiː.di.ət/ US /ɪˈmiː.di.ət/
happening or done without delay or very soon after something else:
We must make an immediate response.
Dioxin is a poison that takes immediate effect.
used to refer to something or someone that is close to, or is a cause of or an effect of, something or someone else:
There are few facilities in the immediate area.
An immediate result/effect of the war was a breakdown of law and order.
in the present or as soon as possible:
We have no immediate plans.
The public has demanded his immediate resignation.
coming just before or just after someone or something:
Her leadership style is completely different from that of her immediate predecessor.
Inspectors reported several malfunctions at the power plant in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake.
immediate [iˈmiːdiət]
♦ adjective
1 happening at once and without delay: an immediate response.
2 without anyone etc coming between: His immediate successor was Bill Jones.
بی واسطه
3 close: our immediate surroundings.
♦ adverb
at once: He answered immediately.
فوراً؛ مستقیماً
♦ conjunction
as soon as: You may leave immediately you finish your work.
به مجرد اینکه
● بیواسطه،بیمیانگیر،نامجزا،بیمیاندار،متصل،به هم چسبیده،پهلویی،دیوار به دیوار،نزدیک،خویشاوند نزدیک (والدین و برادران و خواهران)
my immediate neighbors
همسایههای دیوار به دیوار من
bring the chemicals into immediate contact
تماس مستقیم بین مواد شیمیایی برقرار کنید.
only the immediate family was present
فقط اعضای نزدیک خانواده حضور داشتند.
● (در وراثت و جانشینی) نفر بعد،ولیعهد،بلافصل
immediate heir
وارث بلافصل
● مستقیم،دست اول،راست
he had cancer but the immediate cause of his death was choking on food
او سرطان داشت ولی علت اصلی مرگش،گیر کردن غذا در گلو بود.
● (مستقیما درک شده یا متوجه شده) غریزی،فطری
immediate knowledge
دانش فطری
an immediate inference
استنتاج غریزی
● بلافاصله،بیدرنگ،فورا،فوری،در دم،به محض اینکه،تا،یکدم،آنی
an immediate need for help
نیاز فوری به کمک
immediate expenses
هزینههای فوری
her father wanted an immediate marriage
پدرش خواهان عروسی فوری بود.
* the immediate past (or future)
گذشتهی (آیندهی) نزدیک
immediate vicinity
unmittelbare Umgebung
immediate consequences
unmittelbare Konsequenzen
immediate cause
unmittelbarer Grund
immediate object
Nahziel nt
sb’s immediate friends
jds engste Freunde
sb’s immediate family
jds nächste Angehörige
sb’s immediate boss/superior
jds unmittelbarer [o. direkter] Chef/Vorgesetzter
an immediate result
ein sofortiges Ergebnis
ger: beschließen
Here’s a simple test that can help you determine if your suspicions are justified
determine verb (DECIDE)
C1 [ T often passive ]
to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen:
The number of staff we can take on will be determined by how much money we’re allowed to spend.
Your health is determined in part by what you eat.
Eye colour is genetically determined.
[ + question word ] formal Officials will determine whether or not the game will be played.
People should be allowed to determine their own future.
[ T ] formal
to make a strong decision:
[ + that ] She determined that one day she would be an actor.
[ + to infinitive ] On leaving jail, Joe determined to reform.
More examples
Genes determine how we develop from the moment the sperm fuses with the egg.
The economy is regarded as the decisive/key factor which will determine the outcome of the general election.
The success of the event will be determined by the vagaries of the weather.
People want to determine their own destinies.
The amount of money the bank is willing to lend is determined by the value of the property.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
determine verb (DISCOVER)
C1 [ T ] formal
to discover the facts or truth about something:
The police never actually determined the cause of death.
[ + question word ] It is the responsibility of the court to determine whether these men are innocent.
[ + that ] The jury determined that the men were guilty.
determine [diˈtəːmin]
♦ verb
1 to fix or settle; to decide: He determined his course of action.
معیین کردن؛ مشخص کردن
2 to find out exactly: He tried to determine what had gone wrong.
دقیقاً مشخص کردن؛ معلوم کردن
♦ noun
1 firmness of character or stubbornness: She showed her determination by refusing to give way.
عزم راسخ؛ ارادۀ محکم
2 the act of determining.
تعیین؛ معیین سازی
♦ adjective
1 having one’s mind made up: She is determined to succeed.
مصمم؛ قاطع
2 stubborn: He’s very determined.
سمج؛ قد
3 fixed or settled: Our route has already been determined.
مشخص؛ معیین
/dē tu_r´mǝn, di-/
vt., vi.
● تعیین کردن،معین کردن،مشخص کردن،گماردن،دانسته کردن،معلوم کردن،پیشگذاشت کردن
we must determine the cause of this disease
ما باید علت این بیماری را معلوم کنیم.
the date of the next meeting will be determined tomorrow
تاریخ جلسهی بعدی فردا تعیین خواهد شد.
the central bank determines the amount of money in circulation
بانک مرکزی میزان پول در گردش را معین میکند.
● حکم قطعی دادن،(به طور قطعی) داوری کردن،رای قطعی صادر کردن،مورد مطالعه و نظردهی قرار دادن،نظر نهایی دادن،
the U.S. Surgeon General has determined that cigarette smoking can be hazardous to your health
مدیر کل بهداری امریکا نظر داده است که کشیدن سیگار ممکن است برای سلامتی مضر باشد.
the judge will determine his fate
قاضی سرنوشت او را تعیین خواهد کرد.
● ماهیت چیزی را تعیین کردن،پیشگمار کردن
genes also determine height and looks
ژنها قد و قیافه را هم تعیین میکنند.
● (دقیقا) محاسبه کردن،برآورد کردن،به تحقیق معلوم کردن
to determine a ship’s position
مکان کشتی را تعیین کردن
● (حقوق) به پایان رسیدن یا رساندن،سلب کردن یا شدن
● تصمیم گرفتن،اراده کردن
when he really determines to do something, he does it
وقتی واقعا اراده به انجام کاری بکند آن را انجام میدهد.
* determine on (or upon) something
(در مورد چیزی) تصمیم قطعی گرفتن،کمر همت بستن
* determine somebody against something
کسی را برضد چیزی (یا در رد چیزی) مصمم کردن
their behavior determined Pari against going to their house again
رفتار آنان پری را مصمم کرد که دیگر به خانهی آنها نرود.
ger: Verdacht
Here’s a simple test that can help you determine if your suspicions are justified
US /səˈspɪʃ·ən/
suspicion noun (FEELING OR BELIEF)
[ C ]
a feeling or belief that something is likely or true:
[ + that clause ] There are suspicions that he may not be able to play at all.
suspicion noun (BELIEF IN GUILT)
[ C/U ]
the belief that someone is guilty of something:
[ C ] His strange behavior raised suspicions among his co-workers.
suspicion noun (DOUBT)
[ U ]
lack of belief in someone or something; doubt:
Because he was a new arrival, other workers looked at him with suspicion.
suspicion noun (SMALL AMOUNT)
[ S ]
a small amount:
He gave just a suspicion of a smile.
I have a suspicion of doubt about whether I should accept his invitation or not.
under suspicion
unter Verdacht
lingering suspicion
[zurück]bleibender Verdacht
sneaking suspicion
leiser Verdacht
the finger of suspicion
die Verdachtsmomente pl
the taint of suspicion
die Spur eines Verdachts
suspicion of money laundering
Geldwäschereiverdacht m
to be under suspicion
unter Verdacht stehen
to evoke a suspicion
einen Verdacht erregen
to sow suspicion
Misstrauen wecken
a horrible suspicion
ein schrecklicher Verdacht
to arouse suspicion
Verdacht erregen
a vague suspicion
eine vage Vermutung
an uneasy suspicion
ein beunruhigender Verdacht
to have a suspicion that …
den Verdacht haben, dass …
to lie under a suspicion
unter einem Verdacht stehen
suspicion immediately fell on him
der Verdacht fiel sofort auf ihn
to regard sb with suspicion
jdm mit Misstrauen begegnen
to throw suspicion on[to] sb
den Verdacht auf jdn lenken
to confirm sb’s feelings/suspicion
jds Gefühle/Verdacht erhärten
/sǝ spish´ǝn/
n., vt.
● سوظن،بدگمانی،شک
I dispelled their suspicion
سوظن آنان را برطرف کردم.
he looks at foreigners with suspicion
او به برونمرزیها با بد گمانی نگاه میکند.
● گمان،حدس،ظن،پندار،احتمال
a suspicion of tuberculosis
احتمال مرض سل
● اثر،نشانه،رد
we didn’t have the least suspicion of their impending marriage
کمترین نشانهای از ازدواج قریب الوقوع آنها در دست نداشتیم.
● (عامیانه) سوظن داشتن،ظنین بودن،بدگمان بودن
* above suspicion
شرافتمند،سوظن ناپذیر
* on suspicion (of)
به اتهام،به سوظن
he was fired on suspicion of communist sympathies
به اتهام همدردی با کمونیستها اخراج شد.
* under suspicion
تحت اتهام،مورد سوظن
Ger: Implikation, implizieren,
UK /ˌɪm.plɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ US /ˌɪm.pləˈkeɪ.ʃən/
C2 [ C or U ]
an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly:
[ + that ] From what she said, the implication was that they were splitting up.
She accused the party and, by implication, its leader too.
hint (INDIRECT STATEMENT)imputation formalindication (SIGN)innuendoinsinuationintimation formalsuggestion
C1 [ C usually plural ]
the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future:
The company is cutting back its spending and I wonder what the implications will be for our department.
What are the implications of the new law?
Im·pli·ka·ti·on die Implikation SUBST
1. geh. die Tatsache, dass in einem Sachverhalt ein anderer (logisch) enthalten ist oder sein soll Die Äußerung hat einige gewichtige Implikationen., Der Forscher hatte auf die folgenschweren Implikationen dieser These bereits 1962 hingewiesen.
2. philos.: sprachwiss.: die Bezeichnung für die logische Beziehung “wenn …, dann …”
GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany 2015.
im•pli•zie•ren; implizierte, hat impliziert; [Vt] jemand/etwas impliziert etwas geschr; jemand/etwas deutet etwas an (ohne es direkt auszusprechen): Seine Aussage impliziert, dass er von dem Verbrechen gewusst haben muss
|| hierzu Im•pli•ka•ti•on die; -, -nen
verb [ T ]
US /ˈɪm·plɪˌkeɪt/
to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened:
A lot of people were implicated in the scandal.
🤪 explication
noun [ C or U ] formal
UK /ˌek.splɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ US /ˌek.spləˈkeɪ.ʃən/
the act of explaining something in detail, especially a piece of writing or an idea:
His explication of each side’s strategies and tactics is gripping.
There’s too much explication in the play and not enough action.
He seems to require endless, occasionally tiresome explication to convey his ideas.
She provided a helpful explication of current positions in the disciplines of linguistics and literary analysis.
The children of the poor stay poor, to an extent far beyond any explication.
We heard clear explication of the competing scientific theories.
verb [ T ] formal
UK /ˈek.splɪ.keɪt/ US /ˈek.splə.keɪt/
to explain something in detail, especially a piece of writing or an idea:
This is a book which clearly explicates Marx’s later writings.
ger: explizit, implizit
UK /ɪkˈsplɪs.ɪt/ US /ɪkˈsplɪs.ɪt/
clear and exact:
I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.
She was very explicit about (= said very clearly and exactly) what she thought was wrong with the plans.
I wasn’t aware that I would be paying - you certainly didn’t make it explicit (= state it clearly).
showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way:
a sexually explicit movie
explicit [ikˈsplisit]
♦ adjective
stated, or stating, fully and clearly: explicit instructions; Can you be more explicit?
صریح؛ بی پرده
♦ adverb
صراحتاً؛ بی پرده
♦ noun
eks plis´it, ik splis´-/
● روشن،صریح،عیان،آشکار،بی پرده (در برابر: ناآشکار،مضمر implicit)
an officer’s explicit orders to the soldier
دستورات صریح افسر به سربازان
● رک،رک و روباز،بی رودربایستی،بی شیله پیله
let’s be explicit about our expectations
بیا دربارهی توقعات خود رک و روباز باشیم.
● آشکار،آ
UK /ɪmˈplɪs.ɪt/ US /ɪmˈplɪs.ɪt/
implicit adjective (NOT DIRECT)
suggested but not communicated directly:
He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.
Implicit in the poem’s closing lines are the poet’s own religious doubts.
felt by someone or influencing them without them being aware of it:
The experiment was designed to measure implicit racial bias.
Egalitarian intentions are not enough to protect against the effect of implicit attitudes.
implicit [imˈplisit]
♦ adjective
1 unquestioning; complete: implicit obedience.
2 implied (not explicitly stated); understood indirectly: The diplomat’s statement contained implicit criticism of the government.
♦ adverb
بطور ضمنی؛ بی چون و چرا
ger: behalten, pflegen, behaupten
to keep a road, machine, building, etc. in good condition:
A large house costs a lot to maintain.
The roads in the town have been very poorly maintained.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
maintain verb [T] (EXPRESS)
to express firmly your belief that something is true:
Throughout his prison sentence, Dunn has always maintained his innocence.
[ + that ] He maintains that he has never seen the woman before.
maintain [meinˈtein]
♦ verb
1 to continue: How long can you maintain this silence?
ادامه دادن
2 to keep in good condition: He maintains his car very well.
نگهداری کردن
3 to pay the expenses of: How can you maintain a wife and three children on your small salary?
پشتیبانی کردن
4 to continue to argue or believe (that): I maintain that the theory is true.
مدعی بودن
ˈmaintenance [-tənəns]
♦ noun
1 the process of keeping something in good condition: car maintenance.
2 the act of maintaining (a point of view etc ).
to righteously maintain that …
selbstgerecht behaupten, dass …
similarly, you could maintain …
genauso gut könnten Sie behaupten, …
to maintain professional conduct
professionell auftreten
to maintain the dividend
Dividenden in gleicher Höhe ausschütten
to maintain one’s objectivity
seine Objektivität bewahren
to maintain peak capacity
mit der maximalen Produktionsleistung arbeiten
to maintain a position
eine Stellung behalten
to maintain a garden
einen Garten pflegen
to maintain the lead
in Führung bleiben
to maintain one’s innocence
seine Unschuld beteuern
to maintain a blockade
eine Blockade aufrechterhalten
to maintain silence
Stillschweigen bewahren
to maintain course
den Kurs [beibe]halten
to keep [or maintain] one’s course übtr
seiner Richtung treu bleiben
to maintain a low profile
sich Akk zurückhalten
to maintain an amiable façade
nach außen hin freundlich bleiben
to lose/maintain one’s equilibrium (physical balance)
sein Gleichgewicht verlieren/halten
to maintain one’s dignity/sanity
seine Würde/geistige Gesundheit bewahren
ger: enträtseln, entmystifizieren
Charisma demystified
verb [ T ]
UK /ˌdiːˈmɪs.tɪ.faɪ/ US /ˌdiːˈmɪs.tə.faɪ/
to make something easier to understand:
What I need is a book that will demystify the workings of a car engine for me.
clarify, elucidate, remove mysterious elements
to demystify sth
etw enträtseln [o. entmystifizieren]
😎 mystify [ˈmistifai]
♦ verb
to be impossible (for someone) to explain or understand: I was mystified by his behaviour.
رمزى کردن
mis´tǝ fī´/
● سردرگم کردن،مبهوت کردن،گیج کردن
I was mystified by what he said
verb [ T often passive ]
UK /ˈmɪs.tɪ.faɪ/ US /ˈmɪs.tə.faɪ/
to confuse someone by being or doing something very strange or impossible to explain:
I was mystified by her decision.
Most Americans are totally mystified by the English game of cricket.
to mystify sb
jdn vor ein Rätsel stellen
most Americans seem totally mystified by cricket
den meisten Amerikanern ist Kricket ein ewiges Rätsel
his behaviour mystified us all
sein Verhalten verblüffte uns alle völlig
mys·ti·fi·zie·ren mystifizieren VERB (mit OBJ) jmd. mystifiziert jmdn./etwas
1. geh. etwas geheimnisvoll erscheinen lassen die Schöpfung mystifizieren
2. veralt. täuschen
mys•ti•fi•zie•ren; mystifizierte, hat mystifiziert; [Vt] etwas mystifizieren eine Sache zu einem Mysterium machen: den Tod mystifizieren
|| hierzu Mys•ti•fi•ka•ti•on die; -, -en
ger: Ära
a period of time of which particular events or stages of development are typical:
the Jefferson era
a bygone (= past) era
the post-war era
They had worked for peace during the long era of conflict.
The fall of the Berlin wall marked the end of an era.
era [ˈiərə]
♦ noun
1 a number of years counting from an important point in history: the Victorian era.
دوره؛ زمانه
2 a period of time marked by an important event or events: an era of social reform.
عصر؛ دوران
era [ˈiərə]
♦ noun
1 a number of years counting from an important point in history: the Victorian era.
دوره؛ زمانه
2 a period of time marked by an important event or events: an era of social reform.
عصر؛ دوران
/ir´ǝ, er´ǝ/
● (روش نشان دادن زمان با آغاز از زمانی معین) تقویم،گاه شماری،گاه شمار
the Christian era
گاه شماری مسیحی (مبنا قرار دادن میلاد مسیح)
the Roman era was computed from the date when Rome was supposedly founded
تقویم رومی از زمان فرضی بنیادگذاری روم آغاز میشد.
● نقطهی عطف،نقطهی بازگشت (تاریخ یا رویدادی که آغاز دوره یا فصل مهمی از چیزی را مشخص میکند)،مبدا تاریخ
a hundred years before the Christian era
صد سال پیش از میلاد مسیح (پیش از تاریخ مسیحی)
● عصر،دوره،زمانه،روزگار
an era of progress
عصر ترقی
the Victorian era
دورهی ویکتوریا
a new era in the composition of bilingual dictionaries
دورانی نوین در نگارش فرهنگهای دو زبانه
● (هر یک از پنج دوران اصلی که اعصار زمین شناسی را به آن تقسیم میکنند) دوران (در برابر: دور epoch و دوره period)
the Paleozoic era
دوران کهن
bygone era
vergangene Zeit
Communist era
Ära f [o. Zeitalter nt ] des Kommunismus
to introduce an era
eine Ära einleiten
a vanished era/past
ein verflossenes Zeitalter/eine vergangene Zeit
post-war era
Nachkriegsära f
the advent of an era
der Anbruch eines neuen Zeitalters
to herald a new era
eine neue Ära einläuten
the passing of an era
das Ende einer Ära
to usher in an era
eine neue Zeit [o. Ära] einläuten
to usher in a new epoch/era
eine neue Epoche/Ära einleiten
the change of government inaugurated a new era of austerity form
der Regierungswechsel läutete eine neue Ära der Entbehrungen ein
ger: rivalisieren, konkurrieren, Konkurrenz
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈraɪ.vəl/ US /ˈraɪ.vəl/
a person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area:
He beat his closest/nearest rival by 20 marks.
The companies produce rival versions of the toy.
The airline admitted being involved in a dirty tricks campaign to win customers from their rival.
She hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.
to be as good, clever, beautiful, etc. as someone or something else:
No computer can rival a human brain for/in complexity.
The beauty of the country is only rivalled by (= is as great in degree as) the violence of its politics.
rival [ˈraivəl]
♦ noun
a person etc who tries to compete with another; a person who wants the same thing as someone else: For students of English, this dictionary is without a rival; The two brothers are rivals for the girl next door – they both want to marry her; (also adjective ) rival companies; rival teams.
♦ verb– past tense, past participle ˈrivalled , (American ) ˈrivaled –
to (try to) be as good as someone or something else: He rivals his brother as a chess-player; Nothing rivals football for excitement and entertainment.
رقابت کردن
ˈrivalry– plural ˈrivalries –
♦ noun
the state of or an instance of being rivals: the rivalry/rivalries between business companies.
رقابت؛ همچشمی
noun - rival
رقیب: rival, competitor, adversary, antagonist, corrival
حریف: opponent, adversary, rival, match, foe, competitor
هم چشمی: rivalry, competition, emulation, rival
سبقت گیر: rival
هم چشمی کننده: rival
verb - rival
رقابت کردن: compete, challenge, vie, contend, corrival, rival
rival factions
rivalisierende Gruppen
arch rival
Erzrivale(-rivalin) m (f)
rival camp
gegnerisches Lager
rival brand
Konkurrenzmarke f
Erzrivale(-rivalin) m (f)
rival camp/team
gegnerisches Lager/gegnerische Mannschaft
closest [or nearest] rival
größter [o. schärfster] Rivale/größte [o. schärfste] Rivalin
we were scooped by a rival paper
eine konkurrierende Zeitung kam uns zuvor
there was some aggro between rival football fans
es kam zu Krawallen zwischen rivalisierenden Fußballfans
to squeeze a rival out of the market übtr
einen Rivalen/eine Rivalin aus dem Markt drängen
übtr with his main rival out injured, he has a clear run at the title
da sein Hauptrivale verletzt ist, hat er keine Konkurrenten beim Kampf um den Titel
ger: bewusst
be conscious of something/someone
to notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present:
My tooth doesn’t exactly hurt, but I’m conscious of it (= I can feel it) all the time.
See more
conscious adjective (AWAKE)
awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you:
He’s still conscious but he’s very badly injured.
She’s out of the operating theatre, but she’s not fully conscious yet.
figurative humorous “Can I speak to Isobel, please?” “She’s still in bed. I’ll go and see if she’s conscious (= awake) yet.”
conscious [ˈkonʃəs]
♦ adjective
1 aware of oneself and one’s surroundings; not asleep or in a coma or anaesthetized etc : The patient was conscious.
بهوش؛ بیدار
2 (sometimes with of ) aware or having knowledge (of): They were conscious of his disapproval.
آگاه؛ متوجه
♦ adverb
♦ noun
The patient soon regained consciousness.
● آگاه،متوجه
are you conscious of what is going on behind the curtain?
آیا به آنچه که در پس پرده اتفاق میافتد آگاهی داری؟
he became conscious of his wife’s inquisitive looks
او متوجه نگاههای کنجکاوانهی زنش شد.
● هشیار،بهوش،ذیشعور،مستشعر،بیدار
to become conscious
به هوش آمدن
to be conscious
هشیار بودن
● رجوع شود به: self-conscious
● تعمدی،عمدی،آگاهانه
he consciously ignored them
او عمدا به آنها کم محلی کرد.
to make a conscious effort
با آگاهی تمام کوشیدن
● محسوس،دانسته
conscious guilt
گناه محسوس
* the conscious
(روان شناسی) خودآگاه،ضمیر خودآگاه
UK /ˈkɒn.ʃəs.li/ US /ˈkɑːn.ʃəs.li/
in a way that involves noticing that a particular thing exists or is present:
The patient may not be consciously aware of the emotion.
You may hold biases, consciously or not, towards people who are different to you.
in a way that is determined and intentional:
I don’t think she’s consciously rude to people - it’s just the way she is.
I remember consciously saying to myself, “I do not want to be like them.”
The words are flashed on the screen too quickly to be consciously noticed.
She was probably not consciously aware of the true nature of her feelings.
I would like you to consciously attempt to reduce the negative elements in your life.
That’s when I consciously decided to change my life.
conscious state
[volles] Bewusstsein
to be money-conscious
sparsam mit dem Geld umgehen
a conscious decision
eine bewusste Entscheidung
to be figure-conscious
figurbewusst sein
a self-conscious laugh
ein verlegenes Lachen
money-conscious people
Menschen, die auf ihr Geld achten
semi-conscious state
Dämmerzustand m
sb is/becomes conscious [of the fact] that …
jd ist/wird sich Dat der Tatsache bewusst, dass …
the tooth doesn’t exactly hurt but I’m conscious of it all the time
der Zahn schmerzt nicht richtig, aber ich spüre ihn die ganze Zeit
ger: erheben, aufheben, erhöhen
raise [reiz]
♦ verb
1 to move or lift to a high(er) position: Raise your right hand; Raise the flag.
بالا بردن؛ برافراشتن
2 to make higher: If you paint your flat, that will raise the value of it considerably; We’ll raise that wall about 20 centimetres.
ترقی کردن؛ ارتقا دادن
3 to grow (crops) or breed (animals) for food: We don’t raise pigs on this farm.
پرورش دادن
4 to rear, bring up (a child): She has raised a large family.
5 to state (a question, objection etc which one wishes to have discussed): Has anyone in the audience any points they would like to raise?
پیشنهاد کردن
6 to collect; to gather: We’ll try to raise money; The revolutionaries managed to raise a small army.
گرد آوردن؛ بسیج کردن
7 to cause: His remarks raised a laugh.
موجب شدن
8 to cause to rise or appear: The car raised a cloud of dust.
به وجود آوردن؛ ایجاد کردن
9 to build (a monument etc ): They’ve raised a statue of Robert Burns / in memory of Robert Burns.
ساختن؛ بنا کردن
10 to give (a shout etc ).
سرو صدا کردن
11 to make contact with by radio: I can’t raise the mainland.
تماس گرفتن
♦ noun
an increase in wages or salary: I’m going to ask the boss for a raise.
اضافه حقوق
raise someone’s hopes
to make someone more hopeful than he was.
بر انگیختن
raise hell/Cain / the roof etc
to make a great deal of noise.
محشر به پا کردن
raise someone’s spirits
to make someone less unhappy.
از بین بردن؛ پایان دادن
to raise one’s glass
sein Glas zum Toast erheben
to raise one’s eyebrows
die Augenbrauen hochziehen
to raise the siege
die Belagerung aufheben
to raise an issue
eine Frage aufwerfen
to raise sb’s profile
jdn hervorheben
to raise sth’s profile
etw bewusst[er] machen
to raise a query
Zweifel anmelden
to raise sb’s hopes
jdm Hoffnung machen
to raise a drawbridge
eine Zugbrücke hochziehen
to raise sb’s spirits
jdm Mut machen
to raise the standard
einen höheren Maßstab anlegen
to raise an objection also JUR
einen Einwand erheben
to raise a rumpus ugs
Krach schlagen ugs
to raise the roof
ausrasten sl
to raise Cain [or hell] ugs
Krach schlagen ugs
to raise the baton
den Taktstock heben
to raise the glass
das Glas erheben
to raise the stakes ugs
den Einsatz erhöhen
n., vi., vt.
● بلند کردن،فرازاندن (در برابر: بلند شدن: rise - متضاد: پایین بردن lower)
I raised my hat
کلاه خود را بلند کردم (برداشتم و گذاشتم)
the student raised his hand
شاگرد دست خود را بلند کرد.
Pari raised the lid of the box
پری در جعبه را بلند کرد.
I raised the old man from the ground
پیرمرد را از زمین بلند کردم.
to raise one’s voice
صدای خود را بلند کردن (داد زدن)
● بالا بردن،زیادتر کردن،ارتقا دادن
the landlord raised the rent
صاحبخانه اجاره را بالا برد (زیاد کرد).
the builders raised the ceiling by one meter
بناها تاق را یک متر بالاتر بردند.
they raised his pay
حقوق او را بالا بردند.
he was raised to the rank of colonel
او را به مقام سرهنگی رساندند.
this button raises the temperature
این دکمه حرارت را زیادتر می کند.
to raise theater curtains
پردههای تئاتر را بالا کشیدن
to raise prices
قیمتها را بالا بردن
● گرد آوردن،بسیج کردن،جمع کردن،فراهم کردن
to raise an army
قشون گرد آوردن
If sorrow raises an army…
(حافظ) اگر غم لشگر انگیزد….
to raise money for quake victims
برای زلزله زدگان پول جمع کردن
● (بچه) بار آوردن،بزرگ کردن،(گیاه و جانور) پروراندن،پروردن،پرورش دادن،بهعمل آوردن
they have raised four children
آنها چهار فرزند بزرگ کردهاند.
we raise wheat and beans
ما گندم و لوبیا به عمل می آوریم.
a farm for raising horses
مزرعهای برای پرورش اسب
● ذکر کردن،خاطر نشان کردن،(پرسش و پیشنهاد و غیره) کردن،پیش کشیدن،پیشگذاشت کردن
she raised a few important issues
او چند مطلب مهم را پیش کشید.
the point I wish to raise is this …
نکتهای را که میخواهم خاطر نشان کنم این است که …
● به صدا در آوردن،صدا کردن،(خندهو فریاد و غیره) برانگیختن،موجب شدن
to raise a revolt
شورش به پا کردن
the soldiers raised a cheer
سربازان هلهله کردند.
to raise the alarm
آژیر را به صدا در آوردن
his words raised a laugh
گفتههای او موجب خنده شد.
● ایجاد کردن،به وجود آوردن
the car raised a cloud of dust
اتومبیل ابری از گرد و خاک ایجاد کرد.
his deeds raised doubts about his honesty
اعمالش موجب به وجود آمدن شک دربارهی صداقت او شد.
● ساختن (بنای بلند)،برپا کردن
to raise a tower
برج ساختن
they raised a monument in his honor
به افتخار او بنای یادبود ساختند.
● برداشتن،رفع کردن،پایان دادن
to raise the seige of a city
محاصرهی شهری را پایان دادن
● (دوباره) زنده کردن
Christ raised him from the dead
عیسی او را از عالم مردگان برخیزاند.
● (بازی ورق) روی دست کسی خواندن،توپ مجدد زدن
● (رادیو و تلفن و غیره) تماس گرفتن
● افراشتن،افراختن،هج کردن
to raise the flag
پرچم افراشتن
● بیدار کردن
his shout raised the sleeping inhabitants
فریاد او ساکنان را از خواب بیدار کرد.
● (خمیررا) ور آوردن
● (آواشناسی- با بالاتر قراردادن زبان صدای واکه را تغییر دادن) فراز کشیدن،بر کشیدن
● (محلی) رجوع شود به: rise و arise
● افزایش،بالابری،بلند کردن،فرازش،ارتقا
● افزایش مبلغ
● اضافه حقوق
he got a raise
اضافه حقوق گرفت.
* raise a number by the power of another number
(ریاضی) عددی را به توان معینی رساندن
* raise Cain (or the devil or hell or a rumpus or the roof, etc.)
بسیار خشمگین شدن،محشر به پا کردن،شور و شر ایجاد کردن
* raise one’s eyebrows (at something)
(نسبت به چیزی) اظهار شک یا شگفتی یا ناخشنودی کردن
* raise one’s hopes (or fears or doubts etc.)
امید (یاترس یا شک و غیرهی) کسی را زیاد کردن
* raise one’s hand to (or against) someone
(به منظور کتک زدن) دست خود را به سوی کسی بلند کردن
ger: im Gegenteil, gegenteilig , das Gegenteil
noun [ S ] formal
UK /ˈkɒn.trə.ri/ US /ˈkɑːn.tre.ri/
the contrary
the opposite:
I was worried that it might be too hard for me but it turned out the contrary was true.
His death will be considered accidental unless the contrary is shown by existing evidence.
Generally lower unemployment rates can halt inflation, but the contrary seems to be the case today.
on the contrary
used to show that you think or feel the opposite of what has just been stated:
“I thought you said the film was exciting?” “On the contrary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it!”
See more
to the contrary
saying or showing the opposite:
For a long time it was thought to be a harmless substance, but we now have proof/evidence to the contrary.
See more
contrary1 [ˈkontrəri]
♦ adjective
(often with to ) opposite (to) or in disagreement (with): That decision was contrary to my wishes; Contrary to popular belief he is an able politician.
مخالف؛ ضد
♦ noun
(with the ) the opposite.
خلاف؛ ضد
on the contrary
the very opposite (is true): Are you busy?'
No, on the contrary, I’m not doing anything at the moment.’
adj., adv., n., pl.
● برخلاف،مغایر،وارونگان،آخشیج
contrary to the rule
برخلاف قاعده
contrary opinions
عقاید مغایر
● (از نظر جهت یا ترتیب یا نهاد) مخالف،متفاوت،ضد،خلاف
fire and water are contraries
آب و آتش ضد هم هستند.
contrary wind
باد مخالف
● کژخوی،لجوج،کلهشق،یکدنده
like a contrary child
مانند کودکی لجباز
● (منطق) عکس نقیض،پادنهش (قضیهی دو بخشی که فقط یکی از بخشهای آن صحیح و یا هر دو خطا است)
* by contraries
(قدیمی) برخلاف انتظار
* contrary to
contrary to what you said, even the desert can be productive
برعکس آنچه که گفتی صحرا هم میتواند بارور باشد.
* on the contrary
برعکس،برخلاف (آنچه که گفته شده)
he does not support the communists, on the contrary, he dislikes them
او طرفدار کمونیستها نیست،برعکس از آنها بدش میآید.
contrary to good faith JUR
entgegen den Geboten von Treu und Glauben
assurance to the contrary
gegenteilige Zusicherung
contrary to [all] expectations
wider Erwarten
to think the contrary
das [genaue] Gegenteil denken
on [or quite] the contrary
ganz im Gegenteil
he’s just being contrary
er versucht einfach nur seinen Dickkopf durchzusetzen ugs
proof to the contrary
Gegenbeweis m
contrary to popular belief
entgegen der allgemeinen Auffassung
to the contrary
failing instructions to the contrary
falls keine gegenteiligen Instruktionen erfolgen
against [or contrary to] the regulations
contrary to common [or popular] opinion
im Gegensatz zur allgemeinen Meinung
against [or contrary to] [all] expectation[s]
wider [alles] Erwarten geh
contrary to my advice/expectations
entgegen meinem Rat/meinen Erwartungen
to accept opinions contrary to one’s own
gegenteilige Ansichten akzeptieren
to put forward the contrary point of view
die gegenteilige Ansicht vertreten
if I don’t hear anything to the contrary …
wenn ich nichts anderes [o. Gegenteiliges] höre …
ger: Mythos
myth noun (ANCIENT STORY)
B2 [ C or U ]
an ancient story or set of stories, especially explaining the early history of a group of people or about natural events and facts:
ancient myths
The children enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman myth.
Most societies have their own creation myths.
myth noun (FALSE IDEA)
C1 [ C or U ] disapproving
a commonly believed but false idea:
Statistics disprove the myth that women are worse drivers than men.
It can be difficult to disentangle fact from myth.
myth [miθ]
♦ noun
an ancient, fictional story, especially one dealing with gods, heroes etc .
♦ adjective
اسطوره اى
♦ adverb
افسانه وار
mythology [miˈθolədʒi]
♦ noun
(a collection of) myths.
اسطوره شناسى
ˌmythoˈlogical [-ˈlo-]
♦ adjective
● اسطوره،دستان (با legend و saga مقایسه شود)
Greek and Roman myths
اسطورههای یونان و روم
the myth of Rustam and Sohrab
اسطورهی رستم و سهراب
● رجوع شود به: mythology
● داستان ساختگی،عقیدهی غیر علمی
the myth of racial superiority
افسانهی برتری نژادی
● هر شخص یا چیز خیالی
creation myth
Schöpfungsmythos m
to dispel a myth
einen Mythos zerstören
Greek and Roman myth
die klassischen Sagen des Altertums
to puncture a myth
einen Mythos entzaubern
to explode a myth
einen Mythos zerstören
it’s just a myth that …
es ist ein Ammenmärchen, dass …
to disprove/explode a myth
ein allgemein verbreitetes Gerücht widerlegen/ausmerzen
to debunk a myth/theory
einen Mythos/eine Theorie [an den/die viele glauben] stürzen [o. widerlegen]
kontaktfreudig, abtretend
UK /ˌaʊtˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ US /ˈaʊt.ɡoʊ.ɪŋ/
outgoing adjective (FRIENDLY)
C1 approving UK /ˌaʊtˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ US /ˈaʊt.ɡoʊ-/
(of a person) friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others:
Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting customers.
She has an outgoing personality.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
behaving in a kind and pleasant way
I like his sister - she’s so friendly.
Her boyfriend is really nice.
She was perfectly amiable.
Our genial host led us to our room.
He’s very congenial and so quite likeable.
outgoing adjective (LEAVING)
C2 [ before noun ] UK /ˈaʊtˌɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ US /-ˌɡoʊ-/
leaving a place, or leaving a job:
Outgoing flights are booked until 15 January.
the outgoing vice-president
outgoing [autˈgouiŋ]
♦ adjective
1 friendly: a very outgoing personality.
خوش برخورد
2 going out; leaving: the outgoing president.
adj., n.
● رفتن،عزیمت،برونروی،بازنشستگی،برکناری
● خوش معاشرت،خوش برخورد،جبین گشوده
an outgoing person
یک آدم خوش برخورد
● (انگلیس - معمولا جمع) هزینه (
sich Akk mit jdm beraten, jdm Macht/Rechte übertragen, jdm etw verleihen
US /kənˈfɜr/
confer verb (TALK)
[ I ]
to talk together and exchange ideas, often with the intention of reaching a decision about something:
I need to confer with my lawyer.
confer verb (GIVE)
[ T ]
to give an honor, official title, or ability to someone:
The US Constitution confers certain powers on the president.
to confer sainthood on sb
jdn heiligsprechen [o. in den Stand der Heiligkeit erheben]
to confer power/rights on sb
jdm Macht/Rechte übertragen
confer [kənˈfəː]– past tense past participle conˈferred –
♦ verb
1 (often with with ) to consult each other: The staff conferred (with the headmaster) about the new timetable.
مشورت کردن؛ رایزنی کردن
2 (with on ) to give (an honour) to someone: The university conferred degrees on two famous scientists.
اعطا کردن
conference [ˈkonfərəns]
♦ noun
a meeting for discussion: The conference of heart specialists was held in New York.
کنفرانس؛ همایش
ˈconference call
♦ noun
a telephone conversation in which more than two people participate.
مکالمۀ تلفنی چند نفره
/kǝn fu_r´/
vt., vi.
● اهداکردن،اعطا کردن،بخشیدن به
diplomas will be officially conferred next week
دانشنامهها هفتهی دیگر رسما اعطا خواهد شد.
● تبادل نظر کردن،رایزنی کردن،مشورت کردن،مشاوره کردن،صلاحدید کردن
the jury conferred for more than two hours
اعضای هیئت منصفه بیش از دو ساعت تبادل نظر میکردند.
before buying this house, I have to confer with my father
قبل از خرید این منزل باید با پدرم مشورت کنم.
● (مهجور) مقایسه کردن
ger: Vorteil , vorteilhaft
UK /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/ US /ədˈvæn.t̬ɪdʒ/
B1 [ C or U ]
a condition giving a greater chance of success:
advantage of doing sth
The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.
advantages of sth
Despite the twin advantages of wealth and beauty, she did not have a happy life.
[ + to infinitive ] It would be to your advantage (= it would improve the situation for you) to agree to his demands.
give sb an advantage
Her background as a financial officer gives her an advantage in dealing with public budgets.
give sb an advantage over sb
His height and reach give him a big advantage over (= make him better than) other boxers.
have the advantage of sb
He has the advantage of being able to walk to work because he lives so close by.
have the advantage of sb
UK formal “Do you know how old I am?” “I’m afraid you have the advantage of me there (= you know the answer but I do not).”
For a goalkeeper, it’s a great advantage to have big hands.
take advantage of something
to use the good things in a situation:
I thought I’d take advantage of the sports facilities while I’m here.
See more
take advantage of someone/something B2 disapproving
to treat someone badly in order to get something good from them:
I think she takes advantage of his good nature.
advantage [ədˈvaːntidʒ]
♦ noun
1 (a) gain or benefit: There are several advantages in being self-employed.
مزیت؛ فایده
2 in tennis, the first point gained after deuce.
اولین امتیاز بعد از دوس
advantageous [ӕdvənˈteidʒəs]
♦ adjective
having or giving an advantage: Because of his experience he was in an advantageous position for promotion
♦ adverb
بطور سودمند
have an/the advantage (over)
to be in a better or more advantageous position (than): As she already knew French, she had an advantage over the rest of the class.
برتری داشتن
take advantage of
to make use of (a situation, person etc ) in such a way as to benefit oneself: He took full advantage of all his business opportunities.
از فرصت استفاده کردن
/ad vant´ij/
n., vt.
● برتری،تفوق،مزیت
the advantage which we have over them
تفوقی که ما بر آنها داریم
● فایده،نفع
it is to my advantage
به نفع من است.
the advantages of punctuality
فواید وقتشناسی
● (تنیس) اولین امتیاز بعد از دوس (deuce)
● مزیت دادن،برتری دادن،نفع دادن
* advantaged, adj.
دارای مزیت (اجتماعی)،بهرهور
* to advantage
با بهرهوری،با استفاده،با نفع
* to take advantage of
از فرصت استفاده کردن،بهرهگیری کردن
advantage Jackson!
Vorteil Jackson!
tangible advantage
realer [o. echter] Vorteil
competitive advantage
Wettbewerbsvorteil m
doubtful advantage
zweifelhafter Vorteil
to enjoy an advantage
einen Vorteil genießen
an unfair advantage
ein unfairer Vorteil
an immeasurable advantage
ein Riesenvorteil m
a decided advantage/disadvantage
ein klarer [o. deutlicher] Vorteil/Nachteil
to take advantage of sb abw
jdn ausnutzen [o. A ausnützen] abw
advantage in terms of efficiency MKT-WB
Effizienzvorteil m
to take advantage of sth aufw
etw nutzen [o. nützen] A
to press home one’s advantage
seinen Vorteil ausnutzen
to push home an advantage [or an advantage home ]
einen Vorteil ausnutzen
to be at an advantage/a disadvantage
im Vorteil/Nachteil sein
this would be to your advantage
das wäre zu deinem Vorteil
to turn sth to [one’s] advantage
etw zu seinem Vorteil wenden
to have the advantage of sb Brit form
jdm gegenüber im Vorteil [o. überlegen] sein
ger: bemerkenswert, auffallend
US /ˈstrɑɪ·kɪŋ/
obvious, interesting, and (esp. of a person) often attractive:
Perhaps the most striking feature of this computer is that it is so easy to use.
There was a striking physical resemblance between the two men.
He was a striking figure with full beard and flowing, collar-length hair.
adverb US /ˈstrɑɪ·kɪŋ·li/
a strikingly beautiful landscape
They came to strikingly different conclusions about what should be done.
striking parallels
erstaunliche Parallelen
striking example
treffendes Beispiel
striking resemblance
verblüffende Ähnlichkeit
striking similarity
verblüffende Ähnlichkeit
striking workers
streikende Arbeiter
striking result
erstaunliches [o. überraschendes] Ergebnis
striking differences
erhebliche [o. gewaltige] Unterschiede
striking feature
herausragendes Merkma
ger: Körperhaltung , Haltung
noun [ C/U ]
US /ˈpɑs·tʃər/
posture noun [C/U] (POSITION OF BODY)
a position of the body, or the way in which someone holds the body when standing, sitting, or walking:
[ C ] Newton sat back in a reclining posture.
[ U ] She’s got good/bad posture.
verb [ I ]
US /ˈpɑs·tʃər/
posture verb [I] (ACT FALSELY)
to act falsely in order to attract attention or achieve an effect:
This trial turned into a carnival, with everybody posturing and playing to the camera.
to preen and posture
sich Akk stolz präsentieren [o. in die Brust werfen]
in a very awkward posture
in einer sehr merkwürdigen Haltung [o. Stellung]
to adopt a defensive posture
eine defensive Haltung einnehmen
to have a good/bad posture
eine gute/schlechte Haltung haben
in a kneeling/an upright posture
in kniender/aufrechter Stellung
to adopt [or assume] [or get into] a posture
eine Pose einnehmen
posture [ˈpostʃə]
♦ noun
1 the way in which a person places or holds his body when standing, sitting, walking etc : Good posture is important for a dancer.
طرز قرارگیری بدن
2 a position or pose: He knelt in an uncomfortable posture.
n., vt., vi.
● طرز قرار گیری بدن هنگام نشستن یا ایستادن،اندام نهش
erect posture
حالت بدن به صورت عمودی،قامت راست
● وضع،حالت،نهش
our foreign policy posture
نهش سیاست خارجی ما
ger: davon, darüber,…
That’s the implication of a newly published study that compared the attitudes of 13-year-old Swedish boys with their later police records (or lack thereof).
ger: von dort, von da an, deshalb , daher …
adverb LAW formal or specialized
UK /ˌðeəˈrɒv/ US /ˌðerˈɑːv/
of or about the thing just mentioned:
Please refer to the Regulations and in particular Articles 99 and 100 thereof.
I was quite unaware thereof until I received your letter
bevor ich deinen Brief erhielt, war ich mir darüber nicht im Klaren
😎 thence
thereupon, thereafter, therefrom
adverb literary or old use
UK /ðens/ US /ðens/
from there:
They travelled to Camelot and thence to the castle.
- thence (from there):
von dort [o. da]
8 Beispiele aus dem Internet - thence (from then on):
von da an
seit jener Zeit - thence (therefore):
ever since
ger: seitdem, seit dieser Zeit
Ever since psychologist Walter Mischel conducted his famous “marshmallow experiments” in 10 the late 1960s and early , it has been clear that the ability to delay2 gratification is a key
predictor of success later in life.
ever since
continuously since that time:
He’s been depressed ever since he got divorced.
Eric had a bone marrow transplant five years ago and has been healthy ever since.
She’s had an irrational fear of sharks ever since watching the film ‘Jaws’.
We met at a party in 2005 and we’ve been together ever since.
He’s been fascinated by insects ever since he was a child.
ever since …
seitdem …
ever since
ever since
seit dieser Zeit
ever since she started her new job, …
seitdem sie mit dem neuen Job angefangen hat, …
he’s been in a bad way ever since the operation
seit der Operation geht’s ihm schlecht
Sinatra’s been a favourite of mine ever since I was a teenager
schon seit meiner Teenagerzeit ist Sinatra einer meiner Lieblingsstars
she has been in a state of euphoria ever since hearing the news
sie ist ganz euphorisch, seit sie die Neuigkeit erfahren hat
I’ve loved music ever since I was knee-high to a grasshopper
Musik habe ich schon von klein auf geliebt
ger: führen, verhalten , auftreten
Ever since psychologist Walter Mischel conducted his famous “marshmallow experiments” in 10 the late 1960s and early , it has been clear that the ability to delay2 gratification is a key
predictor of success later in life.
conduct verb (ORGANIZE)
B2 [ T ]
to organize and perform a particular activity:
We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
The experiments were conducted by scientists in New York.
How you choose to conduct your private life is your own business!
More examples
She said that she didn’t want a lawyer and was going to conduct her own defence.
The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Aimores.
Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.
The election campaign was not conducted very cleanly.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
conduct verb (BEHAVE)
conduct yourself C2
to behave in a particular way, especially in a public or formal situation, or to organize the way in which you live in a particular way:
How should I conduct myself at these dinners? I know nothing about etiquette.
We expect our employees to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
They were impressed by the dignified manner with which she conducted herself.
As a professional player, you have to learn how to conduct yourself both on and off the field.
Since leaving government, he has conducted himself with surprising grace and tact.
conduct [kənˈdakt]
♦ verb
1 to lead or guide: We were conducted down a narrow path by the guide; He conducted the tour.
هدایت کردن؛ سرپرستی کردن
2 to carry or allow to flow: Most metals conduct electricity.
انتقال دادن؛ عبور دادن
3 to direct (an orchestra, choir etc ).
رهبری کردن
4 to behave (oneself): He conducted himself well at the reception.
مواظب رفتار خود بودن
5 to manage or carry on (a business).
اداره کردن؛ اجرا کردن
1 behaviour: His conduct at school was disgraceful.
2 the way in which something is managed, done etc : the conduct of the affair.
اجرا؛ اداره
conducted tour
♦ noun
گردش به همراه راهنما
conˈduction [-ʃən]
♦ noun
transmission of heat etc by a conductor.
رسانش؛ هدایت
♦ noun
1 a thing that conducts heat or electricity: Copper is a good conductor of heat.
2 a director of an orchestra, choir etc .
3 (feminine conˈductress ) a person who collects fares on a bus etc : a bus conductor.
مسئول جمع آوری بلیط
4 (American ) a guard on a train.
کنترل چی قطار
/kän´dukt´, kǝn dukt´/
n., vt., vi.
● اجرا،مدیریت،اداره
the conduct of everyday business
اجرای امور روزمره
● رفتار،سلوک
his conduct was admirable
رفتار او تحسین انگیز بود.
● راهنمایی کردن،همراهی کردن،مشایعت کردن
the secretary conducted her to the door
منشی او را تا دم در مشایعت کرد.
● اداره کردن،مدیریت کردن،اجراکردن
they conduct all kinds of business
آنان انواع معاملات را انجام میدهند.
● (با: -self) مواظب رفتار خود بودن،(خوب) رفتار کردن
he conducted himself like a gentleman
او مثل یک آقا رفتار کرد.
● (برق و فیزیک) رسانا بودن،(برق) رساندن،هدایت کردن،انتقال دادن
copper conducts electricity well
مس برق را خوب هدایت میکند.
● رسیدن (یا رساندن) به،منتهی شدن به
● (ارکستر و غیره) رهبری کردن
an orchestra conducted by a famous person
ارکستری که توسط شخص معروفی هدایت میشود
* conducted tour
گردش به همراهی راهنما،جهانگردی هدایت شده
lubricious conduct
unanständiges Verhalten
unprofessional conduct
berufswidriges Verhalten
irreproachable conduct JUR
einwandfreie Führung
improper conduct
unschickliches Benehmen [o. Verhalten]
to conduct the defense
die Verteidigung führen
to maintain professional conduct
professionell auftreten
to conduct a briefing
eine Besprechung abhalten
freedom to conduct business
Geschäftsfreiheit f
to conduct the defence
die Verteidigung führen
to conduct an orchestra
ein Orchester dirigieren
to demand safe conduct
freies [o. sicheres] Geleit fordern