Vocabulary 2 Flashcards
What does the term Saṃvṛtta mean?
Covered, concealed, turned
Define Kalyatām.
To be counted, to be measured
What is referred to by Paṇya?
Goods, merchandise
What type of ornament is a Ratnakarṇika?
Jewel earring
What is a Dārukarṇikā?
Wooden earring
What does Śrāma signify?
Effort, hardship
What is the meaning of Vistāra?
Expansion, explanation
What does Kāladharma refer to?
The law of time
What is a Yānapātra?
Boat, ship
Define Pratijñā.
Vow, promise
What does Vyāpāra mean?
Business, occupation
Who is referred to as Dhanī?
Wealthy person
What does Pṛṣṭa mean?
Asked, questioned
Define Kalita.
Counted, amassed
What is the meaning of Prasūta?
Born, produced
What does Ādhya signify?
Wealthy, prosperous
What does Bhūyasyā refer to?
Of greater or higher degree
What does Samupārjita mean?
Earned, gathered
Define Samādāna.
Giving, offering
What is referred to by Mahāsamudra?
Great ocean
What is Śrāvastī?
A city (Sravasti)
What does Pṛthivī mean?
What does Kalyāṇa signify?
Welfare, happiness
What is the meaning of Prakṛti?
Nature, essence
What does Samyukta mean?
United, combined
Define Vyavasthā.
Arrangement, method
What does Sādhu signify?
Virtuous, good
What is the meaning of Cintā?
Thought, reflection
What does Sādṛśa mean?
Similar, like
Who is referred to as Vīra?
Hero, brave
What does Sūtra signify?
Thread, formula
What is the meaning of Vibhāga?
Division, separation
What does Rājya refer to?
Kingdom, rule
What is Vibhūṣaṇa?
Decoration, adornment
What does Bhāvya mean?
Future, auspicious