Grammar 6 Flashcards
What is the imperative mood used for in Sanskrit?
Commands, e.g., ehi (come), gaccha (go)
It shows direct requests or actions to be done.
What do past participles and gerunds indicate in Sanskrit?
Completed actions or ongoing actions that depend on the main verb, e.g., prārthayāmīti (I wish), dṛṣṭvā (having seen)
These forms are crucial for expressing time and aspect.
How must Sanskrit pronouns like sa, te, and bhavantaḥ be declined?
In terms of gender, number, and case
This matching is essential to maintain grammatical correctness.
What is the purpose of gerund forms in Sanskrit?
To express the purpose or reason behind actions, e.g., pravrajantī (having gone forth)
Gerunds provide context for the main action.
What do past participles express in Sanskrit?
Completed actions, e.g., dṛṣṭaḥ (having seen), prāvikṣat (having entered)
These forms are important in narrative contexts.
What are Tatpurusha compounds in Sanskrit?
Compound words that express complex ideas, e.g., śrāvastī (city name), sārthavāha (caravan leader)
They are a common feature in Sanskrit literature.
What distinguishes active voice from passive voice in Sanskrit verbs?
Active voice: subject performs the action; Passive voice: subject receives the action
This distinction affects the verb conjugation.
What is the typical word order in Sanskrit sentences?
The verb typically comes at the end of the sentence
Example: sa kathayati (he says) or sārthavāhaḥ kathayati (the caravan leader speaks).
What does sandhi refer to in Sanskrit grammar?
The rules of vowel and consonant joining
For example, pātrakarakavyagrahastaḥ (bowl and water pot eagerly in hand) demonstrates this joining.