Vocabulaire non thématique Flashcards
(Respecter) the law, rules, tradition…
To abide by (// comply with)
(Atteindre) an aim, a goal, success, hapiness, good results, perfection…
To achieve (// to attain)
(Reconnaître) the need for sth, defeat, talent, error, a problem…
To acknowledge (to admit sth)
(Examiner, résoudre) an issue, specific problems, concerns, the needs of the poor
To adress
(Etre partisan de) an idea, a policy, a course of action, doing sth…
To advocate (for)
(Soulager, alléger) pain, stress, a problem, suffering…
To alleviate (// to ease, to relieve)
(Revenir à, équivaloir à) a refusal, a denial…
Amount to (expr. -> Not to amount to much)
(Survenir, se poser) difficulties, problems, violence, conflicts, an oppportunity, a need, acrisis, an issue…
To arise (// to occur)
(Eveiller, susciter) doubt, interest, opposition, fear, feelings, enthusiasm..
To arouse
(Evaluer) a problem, a situation, an environmental impact, the effects of change, the needs of the population…
To assess (// to evaluate)
(Prevenir, éviter) a risk, disaster, a strike, the closure of a factory…
To advert (to avoid, to stave off)
(Soutenir) a proposal, an initiative, a candidate, a war…
To back (//to support)
(Etre assailli, accablé par) poverty, problems, doubts…
To beset by/with (//to be plagued with)
(Améliorer) relations, conditions, one’s standing in life, prospects…
To better (//to improve)
(Elargir) access to, the scope of sth, knowledge, one’s viewpoint, a range of sth…
To broaden (//to expand)
A gap/ gulf/ divide/ distance (between A and B)
(Amener, provoquer) change, pollution, conflict, a change in attitude/strategy…
To bring about (// to cause, to give rise to) (* unpleasant consequences->to bring on)
(Réaliser) reforms, a plan, an idea, a project, orders, experiments, research, a threat, a promise, one’s duties, an investigation, tests…
To carry out
(Contester, mettre en question) sb, a decision, a policy, an assumption, a story…
To challenge (//to dispute)
(Revendiquer) victory, responsability for sth
To claim
(S’effondrer, s’écrouler) a bridge, talks, negociations, a deal
To collapse (// to fall through)
(Revenir à, aboutir à) a conclusion, an agreement, £30…
To come to
(Trouver, inventer) a solution, an idea, a way to do sth…
To come up with (// to find)
(Etre engagé à) a cause, anideal, doing sth…
To be commited to
(Cautionner) negligence, violence, terrorism, drug-taking…
To condone (// to turn a blind eye to)
(Mener, conduire) business, an interview, an inquiry, an investigation, a survey, an experiment, research…
To conduct
(Faire face à, s’en sortir) stress, pressure, extreme heat, an increasing workload
To cope with (// to manage, but stronger)
(contrer, neutraliser) harmful effects, stress, feelings…
To counteract
(Paralyser) the economy, a country…(usually passive: to be crippled by a strike, a freak weather event, policies…)
To cripple
(Réduire, limiter, qch de néfaste) expenses, inflation, ine’s anger
To curb (//to curtail)
(Réduire) on staff, on spending, expenses, production…
To cut back (on)
(Endommager) a reputation, sb’s health, the economy, property, the environment, sb’s credibility…
To dammage
(S’occuper de) conflict, a situation, a crisis, a problem…
To deal with (//to handle sth)
(Exiger, revendiquer) a pay rise/a raise, better working conditions…
To demand
(Négliger, ne pas tenir compte de) a point of view, an aspect of the issue, rules, advice, facts…
To disregard (// to overlook, to ignore)
(Déformer) the truth, facts, ideas, opinions…
To distort (// to twist, to warp)
(Elaborer) a plan, new legislation, a list, a contract…
To draw up (// to draft)
(pousser à, être un élément moteur) investment, growth, reform, innovation…
To drive
(Souligner, insister sur) the need for, the importance of, the point in doing sth
To emphasise (// to stress, to underscore, to lay emphasis on, to lay stress on)
(Appliquer, faire respecter) the law, legislation, a ceasefire, one’s rights…
To enforce
(Exercer) pressure, influence on..
To expert
((se) développer, (s’)accroître) a service, a programme, arange of goods, the role of…, economic aid…
To expand (// to develop, to grow)
(Rencontrer, faire l’expérience de) problems, hardship, growth, difficulties, shortages, poverty…
To experience
(Face à) difficulties, problems, a prospect…
To face / To be faced with