Vocab Words- Knights Flashcards
They were brave men with chivalry, who fought battles
A teaching that is contrary to that church
Brave, selfless, kind, respectful
Two knights on horseback each trying to knock each other off with there lance
A nobles son, that is sent off to become a knight
Squires are pages but knighted, knight in training
A system by which coat of arms and other armorial bearings are devised , described, and resoluted
The dub
To make a person an offical knight, by tapping a sword to each of there shoulders
One who learned a trade by working for a master
A person who exchanges goods for goods
A certified expert
Journey man
One admitted to a guild but not yet a master
A written order authorizing the right to operate as a town
A union of a persons practicing the same craft
The buying , selling and track for goods and services
Hanseatic league
A defences conservation of merchants
Merchant guild
They were trades men, local association of merchants
Black Death
An epidemic diesase that’s spread by fleas in rats infecting people to death
Bubonic plague
A highly contagious usually fatol disease , swollen lymph glands are a typical symptom
Group of religious fanatics called Flagulabtes
Scape goat
A person wrongly blamed, sometimes leading to prostocution
Peasants revolt
The peasants rose of and demanded better living conditions
Poll tax
A standered tax collected from every person
Wat Tyler
He was the leader of the peasants revolt in England. He was opposed if the institution of poll tax
John ball
John ball was a priest, who took a part in the peasants revolt. He believed that all people were equal in the gods sight
Giovanni boccsicco
He was an Italian writer and poet, he was a lung the founders of the renisauce
A long journey that can be very dangerouse, they take this to usually find something special, a
They could be gone for years, and they usually bring back a souvenir
A person who is put to death based on there belief
Someone who plans, and designs buildings, and figures out what there gonna look like
Flying buttress
It is an arch to hold up the roof of a gothic cathedral, they wanted there to be lots of light
John Wycliffe
He was an Oxford proffeser he belie aged that popes, priests and bishops had no right to say what they believed, he had powerful friends amount the nobility, and critizwd the church for its wealth, people were tired of paying heavy taxes
A gothic cathedral is a church that has, pointed arches, flying buttress, vaulted ceilings, and stained glass windows
A Romanesque is another type of church that had a round arch, thick walls, heavy frames, small Windows’s, and barrel vaults
John hus
John his was much like John Wycliffe, he had lots of ideas, but was exsacuted becasue the nobles refused to protect becasue they thought his ideas would lead to peasants revolt
A communal revolt