Vocab- Renaissance Flashcards
Giotto di bondon
Developed the rules of proportion
Fillippo brunelleschi
Developed the laws of prospective
Leonardo da Vinci
A painter and sculptor who is known for painting of the Mona Lisa, 1452-1519
Showing contempt for sacred things
A painter and sculptor who is known for his sculptur David. 1475-1564
Painted with water colour on fresh wet plaster
Artemisia gentileschi
Daughter of orazio gentileschi who was very famous, she achieved fame and painted Judith slaying Holofernes
Meaning revival or rebirth
City states
Consists of a city and rural area immidiatly surrounding it
Area surrounding a city
Mercenary soldiers
Soldiers for hire
Gold coins weighing 3.5 grams
A leader of mercenaires in Italy, a leader of soldiers in the Renaissance
A surface features of religion
Government by few power of people
A type of government where you elect a president
Supreme ruler in Venice, he was elected for life
Treated with kindness/to support
The ability to think and draw conclusions
Renaissance man
A term traditionally used to describe a person skilled in many areas
A heavenly beam driven up right into the earth to support the structure
Johann Gutenberg
A German who invented the printing press with a movable type ( middle of the 15 century)
Lamb skin they use for scrolls and paper to write on before paper.
A church court that tried heretics, people who disfigured with the churches teachings
Aablburt dureer
He was northern artist, etcher and woodcutter, traveled to Italy to learn the teaching write in a textbook on prespective and proportion
Pieter Bruegel
Northern renisauce artist, preferred to paint ordanary people in scenes, or in every day life
An artist who engraves a picture onto a metal plate as a stamp
an artist who carves a picture onto a woodblock and uses the block as a stamp
Jan van eyeck
Inventor of using light and shadow in paintings the Flemish (Belgian) artist, began this in the 14 century
Of Poland was the first scientist to state in 1543 that the earth is not the centre of the universe
A system where it made the earth to be known in the centre of the universe
Galileo Galliana
Born in town of Pisa studied science and physics, had proven Copernicus theory, and invented the telescope
An exstra lay pure refined substance once thought to occupy the upper regions of space
Mass produce
Producing large quantities of of an item
Weddings wealthy
Wealthy families would arrange the marriage
The daughter of the wealthy family would have to marry quiete young
Flashy occasions were the parents can show off there wealth
Pick who they marry for the wealth interest, and how it looks on your social class
Middle class/ poor
They came them contributial freedom , and let them pick whom they wanted to be married too
They were Renaissance artists who beloved instead of relying on the bible or other Renaissance teachings, they thought people were more then just wealth ( choosing to read there own destiny )