chapter 5 test Flashcards
a federal union in which the members keep certain powers themselves, and give certain powers to a central government.
Act of Union
It united the colonies of Upper Canada and Lower Canada under one government, creating the Province of Canada..
responsible government
a government in which the executive council is responsible to the legislative assembly, whose members are represenitves of the people
an economic system based on colonialism . the home country takes raw materials in from its colonies and manufactures goods, which it sells for profit
corn laws
law which protect British agriculture
lord Elgin
lord Durhams son in law was charged with the task of putting responsible goverment into operation. he was against the looses bill but he the governor had no right to veto a bill. he had to sign it into law.
rebellion looses bill
An Act to provide for the Indemnification of Parties in Lower Canada whose Property was destroyed during the Rebellion in the years 1837 and 1838) was a controversial law enacted by the legislature of the Province of Canada in 1849.
manifest destiny
the idea that the destiny of the US was to include all the British North America.
US civil war
This conflict also had an influence on the British North American colonies: continental and transatlantic trade was affected, and the battles taking place south of the border created tension across the entire continent.Dec 14, 2001
loose fish
were members of parliament who weren’t necessarily affiliated to or loyal to any particular party in parliament, their votes could not be controlled by the leadership of the party which created deadlocks in votes causing many issues to remain unresolved.
double majority
Upper and to Lower Canada equal representation in the House of Assembly; irrespective of population.
the great coalition
many leaders saw confederation as the only solution to these crisis. Even George brown to the astonishment of friends and allies, agreed to work with macdonald and cariteir which was called this.
party rouge
political group that contested elections in the Eastern section of the Province of Canada. It was formed around 1847 by radical French-Canadians
party bleu
The Blue Party was a political group that contested elections in the Eastern section of the Province of Canada.
clear grits
Upper Canadian Reformers, The group was composed of Old Radicals, who attempted to revive the agrarian republicanism of the prerebellion period, and young entrepreneurs …
Tories took form as defenders of the king and stability and of established interests in Britain; they advised caution in making political and social American colonist who supported the British side during the American Revolution.
our first priminitster, Macdonald is considered to be one of the chief architects of Confederation. As leader of the Conservatives of Canada West he agreed to join the Great Coalition of 1864 whose aim was to achieve Confederation.