social studies exam Flashcards
Which estate paid most of the taxes in pre-revolutinary France
the Third esate - The commoners
During the reveloution what was the purpouse of the committee for public saftey
its purpose was to protect the republic from inside threats
During the reveloution what wsa the purpouse of the law of suspects
was a decree passed by the Committee of Public Safety on 17 September 1793, during the Reign of Terror following the French Revolution. used as a tool of the terror
What were some of the effects of the industreil revolution working people?
the maority of buisness owners became very wealthy. People Worked in factories endured long, hard hours in unsafe working conditionsfor very little pay. Cities became more dirty crowded and disease ridden. Small children had to work in dangrous and cruel conditions. Struggled to enjoy the new tech.
How did the agrairian rev set the stage for the industrial revolution
new farming technics manufactured more food than before spike in the populatiomn- growth into cities .
What power did the legislative assemlbey ies in UC have?
Upper Canada: functioning as the lower house in the Parliament of Upper Canada. Its legislative power was subject to veto by the appointed Lieutenant Governor, Executive Council, and Legislative Council.
What power did the legislative assemlbey ies in LC have?
- Lower Canada: The legislative assembly was created by the Constitutional Act of 1791. The lower house consisted of elected legislative councillors who created bills to be passed up to the Legislative Council of Lower Canada, whose members were appointed by the governor genera
What war was the final Struggle berween britan and france for control of north Ameica
Seven years of war, plain of abram
- How did the royal prOClomation upsEt the American colonists
It cut off exspansion
SRi - what was the decling FaCtor in the war of independance
gave status and rights to French catholics
What was George browns Controbution to confedration?
George brown formed the great coalation
How were powers Divided beTween ProvincCial/fedraL gov. divided?
Constontutinal act: fedral law: marridge/divorxe, criminal law, currency, defence,, land tax, school, hospitals taxation
*What military, economic, and political pressures encouraged confedratiion
ecnomic stability. Colonies could trade. Intercontinentle railway, prevent BNA from anntation by the us. Improve the way colonies were governed
How were HBC/NWC similar and different
HBC owned by Britan NWC owned by merchants, HBC set up trade posts, nwc looked for custiners, - both fur traders
Why was FT.william important to the nwc
voyagers would paddle goods between the interior posts, manin depots at fort wiilliam/montreal
Why did lord Selkirk establish red river colony
established to feed HBC
how was the national policy related to the pacific scandal
it dealt with a system of protective tariffs, western settlement and the CPR. to help recover from the pacific scandal ….
what was the metis bill of rights
is a list of rights drawn by the goverment of the metis nation. entry of ruperts land, elect their own legislatture
why did reil refuse to plead guilty by reason of insanity
real refused because he thought god sent him to protect his people
outline the elements of the alaskan boundary
was between canada and the USA both wanting south eastern Alaska/coast of BC
what was governor Douglas worried about when gold was discovered on the Fraser river in 1858
was worried about the mainland becoming vulnerable to US terriotoriel expansion