Vocab For Giver Flashcards
Apprehensive means…
Viewing the future with anxiety or alarm
EX: He felt apprehensive about the test on Tuesday.
Distraught means…
Agitated with doubt or mental conflict
EX: He felt distraught when he learned what failure was.
Transgression means…
An infringement or violation of law, command, or duty.
EX: I committed a transgression when I snuck out of the house.
Chastise means…
To criticize severely; to rebuke.
EX: My father chastised my sister when she left without permission.
Nondescript means…
Lacking distinctive or interesting qualities.
EX: The man’s nondescript personality seemed to push everyone away.
Reprieve means…
To give relief or deliverance to for a time.
EX: Finding my homework gave me a reprieve from worrying.
Meticulously means…
Extremely careful
EX: Jonas was meticulous when he examined the book.
Acquisition means…
The cognitive process of gaining skill or knowledge.
EX: After each day of training, I was proud of my acquisition of basketball skills.
Crescendo means…
A gradual increase, especially in the volume or intensity of sound.
EX: Crescendo was engraved in my music.
Requisitioned means…
Requested something to be furnished.
EX: She requisitioned a professional to help her with her new house.
Excruciating means…
Very intense; agonising
EX: He experienced excruciating pain during the memory of war.
Conspicuous means…
Attracting attention.
EX: He was conspicuous and everyone noticed him on the street.
Conveyance means…
The moving of items from one place to another
EX: Back then, the usual mode of conveyance was ox wagon or light cart.
Petitioned means…
Formally requested.
EX: He gave the Spanish a petition that was asking for land formally.
Carnage means…
Great and bloody slaughter (as in battle).
EX: The carnage during the battle was unbearable.