Vocab en vrac 4 Flashcards
trouver un accord (2)
to strike a deal with / to find an agreement
Avoir des chances de…
To stand a chance of / to be likely to have
Se révéler être
To turn out to be/ to prove to be
Un sérieux revers
A major setback
Exercer un pouvoir
To wield power/influence over sb // to exert power on
Prendre une décision
To make a decision
2 semaines
A fortnight
Mardi 29 sept
Tuesday, September 29th
Une excentricité
A quirk
Un mauvais moment à passer
A blip
To tone sth down
Accepter qqchose // accepter de faire qqchose
To accept smth // to agree to do smth
Se conformer aux usages
To abide by the traditional code of conduct
Hymne national
National anthem
avoir son mot à dire
to have a say in the matter
céder (à qqun/qqchose)
to yield (to sb/smth)
dans le but de (dans la tentative de…)
in a bid to