Vocab en vrac 3 Flashcards
poursuivre en justice
to prosecute sb
un moyen dissuasif
a deterrent
to recast
à contre coeur
to put the lie to smth
l’apogée / l’âge d’or
the heyday
une vague de/une série de
a rash of / a spate of
chercher à faire qqch
to seek to do smth
to embrace
opposer qqun a qqun d’autre
to pit sb against sb else
to unleash
enhardir (= donner du courage)
to embolden
avoir très envie de qqchose
to long for smth / to long to do smth
brouiller les cartes
to cloud the issue
s’unir derrière une cause
to gather in the name of / to take up a cause
to bode (well)
résister à/ tenir tête
to stand up to sb
progresser / gagner du terrain
to gain ground
renverser / retourner
to overturn
plein de / lourd de
fraught with
battre son plein
to be in full swing
ce qui ressort (du texte) est…
what stands out (from the text) is that …
maîtriser qqun / assujettir
to subdue
to rip apart
faire face à des critiques grandissantes
to face mounting criticism
une expérience scientifique dans laquelle …
a scientific experiment in which
sensibiliser le public
to raise public awareness of/about smth
la société de consommation
the consumer society
On dirait que les gens ont tendance à…
it seems that people tend to…
cette idée est reflétée dans…
is mirrored in… / is echoed in…
instead of people
citizens, inhabitants, taxpayers
instead of he says
argues, states, points out, stresses, depicts, underlines
instead of think
assume, believe, consider, suppose
instead of give
provide (sb with info), grant (sb permission), bring (benefits)
instead of want
be willing to, feel like doing
instead of good
positive (consequences), beneficial (effect), right (amount, price), valid (excuse, reason), efficient, decent (living conditions)
instead of bad
negative, dreadful (crime), awful (weather), poor (results, conditions), inadequate (solution, system), inefficient
instead of big
large (amount, number), substancial (rise of, increase), significant (change), major (issue)
instead of small // little bit difficult
tiny (flat), minor (consequences) // somehow difficult
instead of important
far-reaching (consequences), key (issue), radical (change), critical (condition, situation), historic (event), crucial (point, role), influential (person)