Vocab De Libros Flashcards
Devastated, annyoing
Monied people
La alacena
Amolado(a), estoy amolada
Gente de dinero
To wander, roam
To stink, to reek
To carry (transport), to truck
Vagar- él vagó
Loose, sluggish
Las pulgas
Bridal trousseur
Faded bedspread
Scratched vases
El ajuar de novia
Colchas desteñidas
Floreros rayados
Chipped plates
To cry out, to protest
I already knew that look
Platillos desportillados
Ya conocía esa mirada
I was her spoiled brat
To allege, to claim
In some way he was right
Yo era su consentida
De alguna manera tenía razón
On his own, of her own accord
Windows that the cold sneaks in
To sneak
Por su cuenta
Ventanales por los que se cuela el
Colar (ue)
Scribbled on, scratched
Mop it
To grumble, grumbling
Refunfuñar, refunfuñando
Boxes (wooden crate)
Empty shelves
She put her hands on her hips
Repisas vacías
Se lleva las manos a la cintura
She says proudly
I dont object
A life full of regrets
Ella dice orgullosa
No pongo objeciones
Una vida llena de arrepentimientos
To sing opera
Pretend not to be afraid
Cantar arias
Finge no tener miedo
To captivate or capture
Jar of buttons
I didnt argues, my advisor reminded me too much of my father
Frasco de botones
No discutí, mi asesor me recordaba demasiado a mi papa
Soft cover (book)
Live overcrowded
Batch of forgetfullness
Terraced roof
Tapa blanda
Viven hacinadas
Tanda de olvidos
I bet that…
I bet that she will not come
I bet that they cost you a lot of money
Apuesto a que
Apuesto a que no va a venir
Apuesto a que te costaron mucha plata
I suppose so
I imagine that you think the same
Me imagino que sí
Me imagino que piensas lo mismo
To hang, to lay out
To lay down, stretch out
Tender (tiendo) yo tiendo la
Voy a tenderme
To come out, to peep
The timid stars came out one by o e
Las estrellas tímidas se asoman una a una
To lean, to lay back
You lean against me
Recostar (ue)
Te recuestas junto a mí
Ya no me acuerdo
He made me feel little
She made me feel sad
El casero
Me hizo sentir poca cosa
Me hizo sentir triste
To agree, to nod
I nodded
To drain
Yo asentí
Its temporary, says dad
I wish/would have liked to know her
Would suit me well
Es temporal, dice papa
Me hubiera gustado conocerla
Me quedaría bien.. qué tipo de tatuaje me quedaría bien?
Grimy, dirty or stingy (colloquial)
The bathroom is dirty but i am
Too lazy to clean it
El baño está roñoso pero me da pereza limpiarlo
To handle (finger), to grope
Groper, grabby neighbor
Don’t go near him
El manoseador
No te acerques a él
Please excuse me
I got up early
What if you and your patents took a taxi?
Por favor discúlpame
Me lavanto temprano
Y que tal si ustedes toman un bus ontaxi?
It would be much better
Its just that i always wait
Its obvious that you love your parents very much
Sería mucho mejor
Es sólo que yo siempre espero
Se nota que tú amas mucho a tus papás