vocab ( affect/effect) Flashcards
Affect( v)
to influence - most commonly in a negative context e.x Smoking affects your health.
To attack (about an illness) + уражати (про хворобу) e.x The inces-sant coughing caused by her cold affected her mood more and more.
To move emotionally (хвилювати) e.x She was strongly affected by the beauty of her surroundings.
To pose as or to use for effect( прикидатися) e.x She affected a coquettish manner.
Effect (n)
specific or concrete result е.g. to take effect, to give an effect.
Non-specific or general result or consequence of an action (наслідок) е.g. effects of war, of no effect, to no effect;
Purpose or intention e.g. to this effect;
Impression (ефект or враження) e.g. general effect, for effect;
Pl property – (речі n майно) е.g. personal effects.
Effect (v)
to bring about or to make or to do and can be translated as “виконувати n здійснювати “. See the difference: Living on an island may affect (вплинути) the personality of someone since the effect (наслідками) of the isolation is…..
Mentality (n)
way of thinking that may be translated as “склад розуму/ментальність/ спрямованість думок”.
Less common but also found is the meaning “degree or kind of intelligence” that can be translated as “розум/інтелект/ розумовий розвиток”. This is most often used in scientific writing.
To bump into
an informal phrase with two meanings - to physically collide with someone – налетіти/наштовхнутися and to meet - зустрітися з кимсь несподівано
To push in
to cut in front of somebody in a queue. A phrase used to convey anger at rudeness when the protocol of queuing in Britain is not observed. In Ukrainian can be translated as “проштовхнутися/пролізти”.
Dreadfully (adv)
страшенно. This is one of a series of words that came to mean “very” in the early 20th century and are almost never used in contemporary English except when they are chosen for stylistic purposes
Never mind
let alone/ not to mention вже не кажучи про… е.g. How would he find the time never mind the money” . It doesn’t matter - не звертайте уваги/не турбуйтеся e.x. Oh never mind just ignore it.
Peer (n)
equal – рівня/рівний. A formal title – пер/лорд. e.x The House of Lords is comprised of peers.
Peer (v)
to look closely or with difficulty - пильно вдивлятися/придивлятися