Vocab Flashcards
Enfrentar __ ( preposição )
Grabble with
One good turn deserves another
Talk is cheap
Eh fácil falar mas fazer difícil
Sem dúvidas mais
No further questions
Make a killing
Play devil’s advocate
Choked off
All or nothing
8 ou 80; como se fosse nd
On ____
In _____
February 3th
2 o’clock
Considerando tudo
All in all this years was a great year for the team
Just the thoughts of …. ignites the longing deep inside us
Build a sentence
Just the thought of my grandma’s food ignites my longing deep inside me
How to cheer up a person when she is struggling
Come on , you got this!
Almost there
Replace maybe to :
( can’t really go, because of something)
- probably
- perhaps
- I might but I will have to see
Guilt trip ___ (noun; verb )
No preposition
an experience of feeling guilty about something
It is not recommendable to lay a guilt-trip on children’s for not going to college .
make (someouone) feel guilty, especially in order to induce them to do something.
“a pay increase will not guilt-trip them into improvements
The deceased
A person who has died
The sanctity
A thing that deserves respect ; the sanctity of human life/ of marriage
Responsibility - part of your job/ the right thing to do
Render aid ( 3 meaning )
- to provide ( charity, a service)
- to show obedience as due
- to give or exchange as by way of return
A person who sees an event / crime happening
what advice you give
Give a piece of advice
Asking the person with what arguments that he is being contrast with a fact for ex
As opposite of what ?
Sorry, I wasn’t listening
Sorry, I just zoned out
5 weeks ____ , we will meet
Just a hunch
Play it by ear
to make an object magnetic:
an especie of banana
Stalk ( 3 meaning)
- the main Stem of a plant
- walking proudly or in an angry way
- follow some animal or human secretly
the products hanging IN STALKS means
the prodcuts are positioned in the structure with a plant material
a women with a big sympathic, a big ❤
ample bosoom ( chest)
fio de seda, for ties things together
the performance of tricks which are seemingly MAGICAL
Replace troublesome with
It’s too much OF A HASSLE
it’s a hassle
🛃- immigration post when you enter a country, in airports
Too much, you are exaggerating
Saying that is all her fault, IS a STRETCH
A place or building that makes people life easier, more confortable
Mudane and its synonym
Nothing interesting, especial
The desire to be at the top is difficult to ___ ( to accomplish)
Its REMARKABLE correct means
Didnt believe that is correct, was surprised
Odds hour
Unsual hour
to say that I dont have the authority to agree/disagree or permit/not permit
It is not my call
Replace don’t do that to
Knock it off
Cut it off
Come on
You are no more young (joke)
You are No spring chicken
Don’t give up, don’t be sad
Keep your chin up
Has nothing more to say?
Cat got your tongue?!
4 words to replace Because of
- Due to ( because of)
- On Account of
- As result of ( cause, consequence- at beginning )
- In turn ( cause, “then , consequences)
Is going to happen only1 time for billions of years after
Once in a blue moon
When you get on your 👕 wrong
My 👕 is inside out
My 👕 is backwards
We will pay what we ordered
We will split the bill
When something is not touched by anyone is not ( adj )
But has 2 meaning
fight in a noisy way
a person that is evil or morally wrong.
You are wicked
luring ( an example and synonym )
to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting:
She was lured into the job by the offer of a high salary.
He had lured his victim to a deserted house.
Supermarket chains try to lure customers with price discounts.
crooked ( 2 meanings)
Wanton ( and it figurative humorous meaning)
Adjective of something bad , cruelty and does not care at all.
(of a woman) behaving or appearing in a very sexual way
sneer ( example)
talk about or look at someone or something in an unkind way that shows you do not respect;
You may sneer, but a lot of people likes this song
Coarse ( adjective)
rude, offensive
adjective that refers to a clever person at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people,
To continually or consistently increase the amount of work one or someone else has to do.
pilling job on job
a metal tool to move sands, charcoal
states of no money, misery
a verb - to destroy something completely so that nothing is left:
unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way:
They behaved in a very peculiar way.
The most raw, natural form of a element
Scarcely ( pronounce it )
Almost not at all; Barely, rarely ( formal ) ;
Scarr ss ly
Before ( it can be ___ , also a ___ )
Prior to 19th century ; adjective , adverb
skeptical; example
not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Dan thinks it will all work out but I remain skeptical.
Thrive (2 meaning)
- to grow , to develop
She seems to thrive on stress - flourish, prosper
Strain (5 meaning)
- a pressure
- an injury
- stress : she is been UNDER a lot of STRAIN lately
- a particular quality : The scientists have discovered a new strain of the virus
- sound of a 🎵
When someone learn from his failure, it can say
She thrives on hard work
Shift perspectives
To try different , creative things to change ( positively)your though about some topic
Be distanced , far or something / group
Disinterested from a group
When we only know a little or nothing is a ____ _____
When we don’t know how to put smt in Practice is a ___ ____
Knowledge gap
Research gap
The ability to have a deep understanding is
Her books offers sobre fresh insights into the events of the war
To make someone less confident ( verb)
She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem
To include different types of things ( verb )
The plan encompasses replacing the street and planting 40 news trees
To own a smt or a particular quality ( spell it ) and 👄
Possess 👄Po zéss
I don’t possess a single DVD ( I don’t have even one DVD )
To get a large amount of smt ( 💵/ info) by collecting over it a long period
He has amassed a huge fortune From his app
Very replace by
Extremely Highly Surprisingly Incredible Terribly cold / sorry
Let’s do it for the next time
Some other time
To not say directly what you want to say and says different things to get the point
To beat around the bush
No rhythm or reason
The work is too much (x)
The correct is
- my workload is too much
unsuitable or inappropriate.
ill-suited- adjective
This soil is ill-suited TO wheat crops
Form the basis for; Support; give strengh
Underpinned ;
These new products might underpin the company ‘s recovery
Gradually the laws that underpinned apartheid were abolished.
formed part of the basis structure
Endure ( 2 meanings)
- to suffer a unpleasant situation: we had to endure 10 hours of flight
- to continues for a long time
Pró mi nens
state to be easily seen or well-known
Publicly suport an idea
advocate women’s equality
Build 2 sentences with prominence
Most of the papers give prominence to (= put in a noticeable position) the same story this morning.
It’s the first time that a lawyer of such prominence (= fame and
Destroy a ship
outstanding ; towering figure in the art world
Must be done; Obligatory, BUT ALSO IT CAN MEAN
Mandatory ;
Necessary to be done, but not completely 100% should
leftover synonym
An area over which a person has control or is good at it
In turn ( 2 )
bECAUSE OF THAT; Stress causes your body to release some hormones, WHICH IN TURN, boost blood pressure
do something sequence; Ask EACH passenger IN TURN to disclose one fact about themselves;
She greets EACH OF THE guests in turn
Small amount, quite; Is rather cold today, isn’t it
Large degree, very; Actually, I did rather well on the tests.
leak out
to let a gas or liquid scape ;
The car leaked oil all over the drive.
Má thu má ti cians ( English pronunciation)
Doubt 👄
juros compostos
compound interest
buzzed up
buzzed off
buzzed around
up- be excited; be drunk
off- to go away ( + rude )
around- gossip
News that has spread out to everywhere
words gets around; How did you know I won the prize. You know, Words gets around!
Sorrow ( noun)
The pain, sadness to lose smt; THE SORROW she felt OVER or AT his death haven’t got away yet
- offer a more attractive price, to others to buy it ; He has bids 5000 $ for the portrait
- to compete; Paris is bidding for the host of the next Olympics
- to ask or tell: I bode him to leave;
I gave the job for those who GAVE r the lowest bids ( meaning)
who offered to do the work for the lowest amount of money
To aware to be more careful
Beware; I bewared you to not fail for his bid
not frigtened by the dangerous situation
Affair ( examples)
A situation or a subject that is being dealt; My parents is always meddling my affairs
- A secret sexual relationship
a judge private office
weak, pain sounds of animals
past participle of “still”
is settled
to fell or express sadness or angry; It grieves me to see all this food going to waste
to try to deal ;
to CAUSE someone to have a PARTICULAR feeling
his success has arouse a lot of admirations of his hometown
an important law officer of the country
Ins Cóns pí cu us ;
Not easily or quickly noticed, attracted attention;
Báut ;
A SHORT PERIOD of illness or involvement of some activity
Chemistry element
A closed metal contained of food
He bade us farewell
He greet us goodbye
Irate adjective
Feeling by anger , irritation
Outward behaviour / attitude / manner of a person
👄 D me nor
Disadvantage , cons synonym
Exceed and synonym
To be greater, more significant; Outweigh
Praise; Public approval
“She was widely ___ for her contribution her discovery “
Acclaim; acclaimed
difficult situation. Problem ; Which you need to choose between 2 options
The president is IN A DILEMMA about or over how to tackle the crisis
When a person is full of food :
When is full spiritually:
To unfrozen
Thaw ; Wait for the meat to thaw before cooking it
dia após dia
um dia n um dia sim
day in day out
every other day
to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty,
get by ;
How could you get by with just a tiny bit of money
We can get by with these 4 computers, but a couple of months later, we will need more staffs
Prompt ( 2 meanings)
- To done quickly; Try to be prompt because we’ll be very short of time. We’ll be leaving at 6 o’clock prompt.
- to make it happen
Lazy, dropping position
Frequent slouching can make people depressed
Try not to slouch
To fall suddenly
There is been a slump in the demand of news cars
Firmly fixed and established , so it’s difficult to remove .
The belief that you should enter an university is ingrained in our society
The ingrained dirt on the table
To copy smt achieved/ behaviours by others
On cue
Take your cue from
On cue : when happen as expected; I was just wondering where Sarah was, when, RIGHT ON CUE , she came in.
Take your cue from : to know what you should do by following others actions ;
If you don’t know how to use it , just take your cue from John.
We should TAKE OUR CUE From their example
Stunt (3 meaning
- to prevent the development when its reaches its limit ; Drought has stunted this year’s crop .
- an dangerous and exciting action made by a skilled person ;
- an action to attract a person attention
know no bounds
No limit , extreme
The passion of those dancers KNOW NO BOUNDS
Casual, not very importante talk ; Chatty
We had a long natter over the coffee
To Entertain
We amuse OURSELVES by watching Friends
lacking info, knowledge; lacking in sympathy , awareness ( expression)
Out of touch
Pull up
to make a vehicle stop ;
Or to stop an action
To reach the same level with the competitor ( expression)
draw even WITH
melting pot
Metaphor: when a heterogeneous society is mixed, becoming more homogenuous
Uncharted territory ( figurative )
Unfamiliar situation
a place not explored yet
In a thinly dispersed
👄Sss pár ss ly
To put in practice ( verb )
Starting point, profit
bottom line
rat out
reveal a bad side of a person
size up
measure someone’s ability, behavior; The company will size up the candidates.
to make smt weaker, easier (phrasal verb)
water down ;
Put more water ti water down the wiski
offer your suggestion ( phrasal)
weigh in
beat to
get the first to act, reach
- very thick, full fur or hair
- cerrado
Vary synonym
a line that marks a limit of an area, a dividing line
(noun) a condition of the life that causes difficulty
a thing that covers from heat, electricity sound
Act out
( phrasal verb) To behave badly, because you are unhappy. Usually is acted when you’re not aware
Perceive ( 4)
- to have a belief in something
- to see or notice something that is obvious: I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice
- To think of : The way the people perceive …
- to notice smt with your senses ( oral, smell)
adjective) : to hold or carry a lot of things
The table,as always, is laden with foods
(verb) : make less; make easier : The door is wide enough to ease people’s circulation
- move slowly : she ease the key into the lock, being aware to not wake up everybody
(noun) I won it with ease
at ease: to be in a relaxed state
To cover smt with earth beneath the ground
Bury ;
people with same age and level with you
Depict (2)
Verb : portray , show by drawing or other art form .
Or describe
Noun : object , belief or remain from an earlier time
Giving too much attention to small details - everything to be correct and perfect
Strong dislike of anything dirty ; They were too fastidious to eat in a fast food restaurant
adjective of a computer, video game, or internet connection) slow to respond.
something that dont sound smouth ; for ex: a video with a slow internet
this video is really choppy
to follow the course of action which is the most moral or most correct
Take the high road
Perplexed ;
Confuse someone , cuz it’s difficult to understand
Electricity cost
Electricity Bill
Non educated
- noun
- adj
- other meaning
- place where a family live together
- relate the items of the house ; As children get older, household expenses tend to rise up
- common: After winning the competition, the unknown player suddenly became a household name
X seen harm, damage; a person experience it
__ hurts
perceived hurts
make wave
cause trouble ; create attention
The young band aimed to make waves at the music festival and have their names everyday
adv) do in a way that your are really willing to do it, so its pretty easy and quick to be done
to collect, gather crop ; also can says “ harvest energy”
connected with thinking or conscious thinking
x be aware, conscious. But it might be influenced
Get something off your chest means , build a sentence
to get rid of the stress and pressures
If you need to have a talk a get all your anxiety off your chest, just let me know.
( Expression) To say that “this is my opinion”
Somebody ( my ) take on something( the thing that I will judge)
” Every time the Brazillian government makes a decision, the society takes on it negatively.
(Expression) Take on somebody or ___ ; It means and sentence
take on somebody or something = to take issue with somebody or something
“Brandon’s the only one who dares to take the supervisor on in meeting when she says something wrong’
recalled meaning and synonym
- be remembered
- be called back = be retracted
faint ( 2)
- feel weak
- slight, weak
She gave me a faint smile of recognition
A somber note, movie, climate
A high energetic person that likes to dance, drink, and talk in a noisy way.
” This statue was broken by the drunk revelers”
- make a statement based on guesses, and not facts
he always falls on maintaining his business due to his speculative way of investing capital.
stern (2)
- authoritarian or serious facial expression, speech
- a difficult task to do
invoke (2)
- use law to support your opinion or to explain smt
- to call out a particular memory
enact ( synonym and 2
to put the law in effect = to make law
-to perform a music or play “ the stories are enacted with music”
reckeless ( + synonym)
think without facts support
- not worrying about the risky consequences
unsubstantial; thoughtless; careless
staple ( 2)
A tool that attaches papers together
used regularly, an key element
“ a healthy diet is a staple element to build a defined abs”
charactheristic of being too interest and proud in your appearance or achievements
it can also means __ __
can also means dress table
characteristic of a person who is strictly regarded to moral ethics
Acquaintance + sentence
a person who you met but do not know well or first met
- At his first acquaintance I thought that he was a rough person. However, on further acquaintance ( knowing more a little ) , he is just scrupulous.
- professor James is a professional acquaintance of mine, we’ve met at the MUN conference.
to try to do something
In front of the rising economic crisis, the population is desperately endeavoring to do serious manifestation against the government.
Although the situation was not ideal, the team endeavor to hide their disappointment
bore 2
- to talk or act that will make person lose interest or to be tedious. “I don’t want to go there, there are to many bores”
- to make a little hole: Initially, Joe wanted to reform the house. However, due to his lack of construction skills, he bore a lot of holes in the proccess.
halt pronounce
- to stop ( or be stopped) by someone or something
The government has to make quick decisions to halt the population explosion.
to call halt of something
to prevent something from continuing
How many citizens have to die, so the government will apply rigorously the procedures to halt the virus transmission
to change ( or suffer change) when someone or something is hit
the ball DEFLECTED off my shoulders and went straight to the gol
3 meanings of deflect
- chng direction when is hit
- avoid criticism: The man deflected the economic crisis by focusing on a criminal case.
- To not be stopped by someone of what you want to do
Although the company lured her with a high-paying salary, she did not deflect to pursue her sustainability values.
distressing and synonym
extreme worrying and sadness
it is so bad that it shocks you
Attitude that:
- not willing to receive cristscism ( resistant)
- uncooperative
ingenious and synonym
something its similar among the cultures, is universal
a type of question ( game-based) that describes a confusing and difficult situation, in which its answer is funny
backfire ( 2) and sentence
- when a vehicle’s fuel burn to early and make a noisy sound
when a negative result is unexpected
She gather numerous skilled team members, amass all the knowledge that she learned in this program, which turn to be a backfire .
currency (2)
- circulation of a money
- general use, mass accept
“Reels are the currency of today’s digital advertisement”
underground conduction that carries water and waste matter
surrounding area
disposition 2
- a position or way that smt is arranged
- a particular characteristic of how people think or its character
The artist’s somber disposition justifies her audience being at the puberty range.
synonym of extremely large
not restricted to a particular time - is eternal
not affected by time - ageless
- to lie to someone to take personal advantage
- make a bad impression of a thing
and the writer asks the question to let the reader think about it. By not providing an answer, the writer lets the reader fill in the gap with their own mind, creating a rhetorical effect.
(verb) spend less in material, money to economize
In awe _
In awe of someone, or something
Respect or feel reverence on someone or to fear someone by its power
The audience was awe into silence her stunning performance
to be adept of
to be skilled of something ( coding)
avoid and prevent synonym
refrain from verb ING
means also to stop doing
refrain from smoking
empty synonym
devoid of (adjective) the room is devoid of snakes. He is devoid of any feelings for his parents.
able to make careful and good judgements
verb - to make small movements due to nervourness or embarassment
figure synonym
figure synonym
figure synonym
lines of working
main job, profession
verb / to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat: