Grammar Flashcards
When we don’t need to use article ( normally)
- Uncountable nouns ( get me milk pls )
- plural noun
- 1 word country ( Russia, Brazil ; The United States , The United Kingdom)
- Abstract nouns ; general thing ( information / the information ( if you are specific info from Wikipedia for example )
When we are talking on the first time , the article is _____. And for the 2a time , is ____
A; the
Going through __ ( the/a/ nothing) customs
I’m applying to ___ graduate school
Because is saying about a idea , general establishment
One of the ____ ( in plural/ in singular ) . Is obligated
Even though and but -
Cant use at the same time
I THINK we SHOULD NOT listen it
Correct it
I DON’T THINK we SHOULD listen it
Apostrophe, which is __, is used when we want to express ___ or __- or __
’ . Possession or contraction or plural of single words
When to use “its” and it’s
its: to express possession
it’s : it has the same meaning with “it has “ or it is
when the noun before Apostrophe, is plural, the position of the apostrophe is :
Sisters’s ( plural)
Sister’s ( singular
Which pronouns does not need an apostrophe, because already has
His, Theirs, mine, hers
Which type of verb you can use with “As well as”, “In addition”
ING verbs
YET as :
1) Adverb
2) You don’t want to continue but is still occurring
3) Conjunction
4) Emphasizes
1) Time; Present perfect; End: She has not studied yet.
2) We didn’t have done our task yet
3) Contrast ; the people didn’t like it , AND YET, bought all of it .
4) The cook arrived with YET ANOTHER plate of cake.
The printer’s broken downYET AGAIN !
1) it will happen but still didn’t started
2) so far ; it expects to happen but didn’t started
5) Have yet to, ]; The price of the tickets has yet to be decided
6) As yet; The AS OF YET untitled show will feature various celebrities showing viewers around their hometowns.
Bush is said not to have read the report in full as of yet, according to the statement.
For most of the people
Right after graduating
The exam has candidates with over 30 years old
V; right after graduate (x)
F; has candidates OVER 30 YEARS old
2 prepositions with “links” _
with; to
Preposition with “Likely” __
likely to
Use preposition ___ with “think” when you are CONSIDERING
Use prep___ when it COMES TO YOUR MIND
Think ABOUT of doing something
I always think OF you;
Only the conjunction ___ can links compounds words ;
Other conjunctions like : Can’t , needs to be ___ ___
As well as , along with both , along with , together with - Between comma and subject Singular
She bought : pen, sugar, milk and yogurt ( place “,” )
Milk, and yogurt
Or just milk and yogurt
! You should choose only1 type to write your entire essay
But / or place “,” in
Before ; The scholarship covers commodities, college tax , but not food
Neither / either needs comma ? Justify
And if they are use with ____,
No, because is talking only about 2 things ; neither A or B
Neither A, B, non C
1a clause + verb + phase
Ex: The internet allow the consumers to research before making a purchase AND ENSURES that they have the best information
Needs a comma ? Why
No ; Because the 2a phase doesn’t have Subject - x a compound sentence
The internet gives users info AND USERS give internet companies data
Need comma ? Why
Yes ; because there are 2 Subjects - 2 INDEPENDENT CLAUSES / DIFFERENT clauses(2a constrast the 1a for ex) - ✔️comma
He offered and accepted ; need a comma ? Why
Opcional; But is NOT necessary
The concert will have the artists like : James , the youngest singer of the world , Bryan, the winner of last Grammy , and Lily, the mom of pop songs .
What it need to correct?
Replace comma with ; to Separate the diferents items
(…)of the world ; Bryan , the winner of last Grammy ; and Lily, the mom
When you are writing of a list of different items , it can be separate with ___, along with (3 conjunctions)
, . And / but / not
Its is for __ subjects
Who x Whom
Who : x preposition ; SUBJECT pronoun
Whom: preposition ( from whom) ; OBJECT pronoun
Possessive pronoun for “ person” ; Someone
TheirS - for plural
When do we need to use Comma
- different subjects
- x identifying
- x essential
- x restrictive (since when its restrictive, its essential)
- Separate independent clause
The man who i lives next door is a doctor
Do we need a comma? Why
No , because “ who lives next …” is essential to know who is the man
That ___ comma
Which __ comma
That don’t have comma
Which need comma
Of the various solutions that have been proposed Senator Green’s is the most famous
Any country treaty member or not that wants to give a speech may submit a request no later than 6months in advance
Put the , and justify
Of the various solution that have been proposed ,Senator….
“THAT have been proposed” - x comma , it’s essential
“Senator Green’s is the..” - INDEPENDENT clause
Any country , treaty member or not , ( is a non essential info ) that wants to give …( x need comma with that )
The responsible students some of whom admitted that it was they who vandalized the school statue garter video footage was shown to them will be expelled immediately
Students , some of whom … was shown to them, will be expelled immediately.
“ the responsible students Will be expelled immediately “ - Independent Clause
All of info between is Explaining , identifying
The plot of the novel the central focus of which was the hero’s transformation become famous
Put , and what “of which “ is referring to
The plot of the novel, central focus of which was the hero’s transformation, become famous
Of which refers to the plot OF the novel
The principal ultimately agreed after seeing the overwhelming evidence that his approach was not the most efficient.
Replace the , ;
Ultimately agreed, after seeing the overwhelming evidence , that his approach was
Because is giving an add info ;
! The comma is not for “that”
For ___ clauses, it doesn’t need comma
But :
Tip: the report concludes that the theory is wrong , that it is based on false premises, and that those who formed it were aiming to deceive
Nominal ; interrupted or in a list
, It is based on false premises , ( nominal clause )AND (listing)
If you only want Identify ONLY 1 thing , __ a comma
If there’s a lot of them , __ a comma
Use a comma -> 1 thing
Jame’s novel The great Gatsby is still studied in many high school today .
Jane,s debut novel The side of Parafise is not widely known
Put commas and justify
X comma : beside the Great Gatsby , James has another novels
, This side of Paradise , : because debut is just 1 novel
When do we need to use ; semicolon
For Independent clauses ; Work as coordinating conjunction (and,but,so..)
- Before a transitional/ linking words (however, otherwise, )
- Long lists w/ long phases or clauses
!Optional for Maniscule / minuscule
When to use colon
Extension of Idea of a previous complete sentence
- noun / phase : The media seems to have a favourite target: big business and secret governments agencies
- Followed by independent clause : There can only be 1 explanation for this scandal : the mayor simply doesn’t care .
- followed by quote : the leader had this to say :” We are here t win”( this case needs to be High Caption)
Do not put a Colon :
- After a verb
- After a preposition
✔️ after complete sentences ; objects
The dish calls for several key ingredients ( ; / :) for example, A, B, and C
; , because has a transition word
To x For
( Verb) Directed action x situation I gave(action) to her This is( sit) for her
Invite him TO dinner
Invite him FOR dinner
I did it To him
I did it FOR him
To dinner: dinner means a place event - to go to dinner.
For dinner: for a thing, for food .
To him: (ex) I yelled ( action) at him
For him: (ex) I took the exam for him to pass.
I made a salad to or for today’s lunch
for ; means purpose
Be used to x Be used for
TO: be familiar, comfortable meaning; Purpose
For: only for use and purpose; this pen is used FOR write.
None of ( is or are)
All __
The whole __
Neither _-
is ( or this or that)
everybody, nobody, anybody,
everything, anything ( is or are )
change something into plural form
Some things
Randy, if you really want that promotion, you __ to put more effort into your work
a) have
b) will have
c) are going to have
all. Because simple present = real fact -> real possible result
If it __ a difference, then I’ll take part. But I still have my doubts (be make)
will make - he will only knows if he take part
Past simple + WOULD IFINITIVE x Past Perfect + WOULD HAVE past participle
Would infinitive : imaginary present condition
would HAVE : CAN’T change the past
A: Ugh, i have to go, I promise to meet her at 6pm.
B: If you __ to see her, why you agreed to the meeting
( do want)
don’t want - She doesnt want in this moment too
A: The boss is selecting the winners of this month, do you think Larry will be selected
B: If he had not missed all of the meetings, the boss probably __ __ him.
a) would have selected
b) would select
c) will select
would select ; Because the action to “select” is not in the past. is going to happen or is happening
After x Later
After ( prep) X Later (adverb)
I’ll do it, AFTER ….. I’ll do it, LATER.
Specify Whenever in future
!: “after later” is obligatory to end with .
after “after” can be a . or a clause or term
I would like
polite way of “I want”
ONLY with “to + infinitive”
Would you mind
“Can you please”
In adjective clauses ee have 2 types of clauses
And what type it is
- identifying/ defining : x comma
- modifying ( + info ) : comma between
Adjective clause is independent
Which pronouns can be subject and conjunction
adj clause
That which who
The reason why is correct ?
Is but recommend x
Because the reason means why
The reason that ✔️
Whom x whose x who
Whose : possession ( 🙋🏻♀️+ obj
Who : refers to person
Whom : to object
The pronouns of adjective clause: When Where Whose Whom Who Why Needs to
Be with subject
1) Jay went to the same store where Jennifer bought her food
2) Frank went to study in Boston where some of the world’s best universities are based
Place the comma and justify
1) x comma
2) ✔️comma. Everybody knows Boston so there is no need to identify what it is. Therefore the clause is only a info +
Which different with __, can modify the __ ____ ( adj clause)
That ;
Refer The entire clause
Never put about in the ___ of the sentence
End ;
The eccentric billionaire, whom the public knows little about, donated millions to charity
✔️The eccentric billionaire, ABOUT WHOM the public knows little, donated millions to charity
The class was taken to see Macbeth ___ is one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays
Adjective clause
, which
X identifying because the play is already identified ( Macbeth)
Ronda ___ moved into the building last week is a fitness instructor
,who, . Because already identified who is Ronda - fitness instructor
Do I need to put “,” when I start with a Adverb clause?
Prefereable no
Although I don’t want it I am going .
Because I love pizza , I eat it often
Because I love pizza I eat it often ( better)
Unless is a ___ conjunction
Negative ;
She will be yelled unless she does not do the homework
She will be yelled unless she does the homework (x)
I’m am happy ___ you have decided to comer
a) that
What is a Noun clause ?
A noun clause has a verb + subject + pronoun / conjunction
If this is really what you want , then I’ll support you all the way
Identify the type of noun clause
IF this is really what you want
Since “ this is “ = what you want - is a complement of subject
Thanks you for getting back to me so quickly . I’m glad you have decided to join us
Identify the Noun clause
I’m glad What?? ( that) “You have decided to join us”
That is optional; complement to glad
The shy , nervous girl on the stage reminds me of how I felt the first time I had to give a speech
Identify the noun clause
Reminds me of what ? “ how I felt ..”
Object of preposition “of”
Why we can’t take “ that “ out ?
She said ( that) she was sorry
Because there is already a subject to introduce the clause “ she was sorry”
discuss this topic
discuss about this topic X
__ our planet; __ our world
ON planet
IN world
acknowledge _
acknowledge about X
share __
rather than x more than
rather than : preference
- more than: compare
! rather and more x use together
In transportation we use on or in or by :
ON: can walk -🚊,bus, ✈ and ship ; It is ON the transportation : bike, horse
IN: only sit there - car.
BY: how did I GET THERE -
AT: when there’s an activity; I’m at school ( studying)
In time we use on, in or by, at :
ON: day - monDAY, mom’s DAY
IN: long time ; Weekes, months - In September; In 1930
BY: End time. I need to finish By 8 o’clock.
AT: time, AM ; At 5:30
Can x Could
and their similarities
+ Infinitive verb
Could: past ; weaker possibilities - suggest
Could x was or were able to
Could : x specific time in the past : I could run 15 miles per day ( maybe at morning, or afternoon…)
Was able to : I was able to take the test ( the test only occurred at morning)
Could + ___ + ___
Maybe happened in the past; X happen, but has possibility to happen
Could + have + past participle
May x Might
+ infinitive ( x “to) ; Past : Have + Past participle
May: stronger possibility
Might : weaker
All x All of
All of + pronouns ; me, you, them
All the students
(x) All of the students
Among x Between
Among : +2 objects
Between : 2 objects
Words followed by “to” x “than”
prefer senior superior prior I prefer coffe than tea (x) ; I prefer coffe TO tea
In x Into
In : subject + place
Into: sense of toward ; I came into store
Agree with x Agree to
Agree with : agreement with a person
Agree to : a plan, idea
Reason for / Reason of
Reason FOR
Woman plural form
Passion in x Passion For
Passion in : passion in smt w/ no further info
Passion for : passion about the Entire thing
person’s memory or person memory
human’s memory or human memory
called as jaden
called jaden
called jaden
do we need to pu “the”:
__ another type of
__ memory is going to be affected
remove the redundancy :
- there were other studies related the
- there was another study
- SOME other studies RELATED TO
- another study
x use comma before Because when:
subordinative clauses;
- non-essential in positive clauses; Robert ate the ice cream. In addition, Jay also ate because he was too hot.
- negative clauses; I did not buy this book, BECAUSE I can not afford it
verbs after MODAL verbs does x __
a) She would still seeking out for jobs
b) She would still seek out jobs
c) She would still seeks out jobs
does x have any modification;
seek ; be seeking
When to use comma before “until” and when not to
until = subordinative clause
to use : series of subordinative clauses ; I will continue until the sun goes away, until the people start to notice me.
not to :
- same subjects
- after the main clause
“Moreover” need comma after
NOT ONLY BUT ALSO need comma
such as x like
such as : listing things ;
like : for comparison ;
I like to listen to slow music like jazz or classical
x comma = restrictive clauses
presidents such as james and Jordan are honest
I write topics like Sophie’s world and Who found my cheese
comma = non-restrictive clause
Tradicional baby colous, like blue or pink, is more appropriated
Some sea creatures, such as fish and turgles , are suffering from pollution.
when x to use TIME prepositions ( at,on,in)
- with That or this ;
I met my friend IN this week (x)
- with Each or Every I go to English class ON every Monday (x) - I go to English class every monday
- with Last or Next
The deadline is due to IN next month (X) - with Yesterday, tomorrow, today
She left for Mexico ON yesterday (x) - with Any , all
We call each other IN any time (x)
correct and justify :
I get up every morning at 6am
We have to finish this project in this week
CORRECT - I get up ( x prep) , because the next word is “every”
Incor - x prep (in) before “this “
When x use “to” with some places
I am going back to home (x) - I am going back home
- underground ( going underground) ; downtown ;
- anywhere, there, here, somewhere
- upstairs ( I am coming to upstairs X )
- in, inside, outside, out
x use article in __- nouns; Mentions some of these nouns
uncountable The society (x)
Fewer x less
Fewer : countable nouns ; fewer grammatical mistakes
Less: uncountable, to measure; Give me less milk
How to identify if a noun is countable or not
put it in plural : population - populations
milk - milks (x) Uncountable
the past form of spend
spended (x)
children plural form
child = singular
x childrens
Earth would have less people exploiting itself, and then it would also be less devastating as it is now.
Correct the 3 mistakes
Earth would have FEWER people exploiting itself, and then, it would also be less devastating THAN it is now.
fewer: countable nouns
than : compare - less
,and then,
research plural form
it is an uncountable noun.
(x recomendable) researches
What is continuous tense and name the types
it is smt that you started at a point and move forward, continues it
(Past) was/were verbING
(present) is,are verbING
(Future) will/won’t verbING + the time ; Humans will start living in other parts of the Solar System
when to use past simple x past continuous
- JUST finishED
- sequences : I ate, went to school ,and THEN I came here
- Was/Were verbING but then, smt interrupt it ; I was cooking when the baby started crying
I was driving happily when he called me
- ALWAYS : I was always worrying about it
- WHILE : While I was working my butt off, you were playing all around.
- HOPE: I was hoping to find a better job than this one
used to x be used to
used to : PAST
be used to: Accostumed to do smt
get used to : your are in the process of accostuming
can Would replace used to
yes, but is less common
getting obsesity ( correct)
getting obese
have begUn
staff plural form
(x) staffS
this means that, need comma after
This means that people have..
teach past form
(x) teached
Is “other man “ correct
no, ANOTHER man ( since man is in singular form)
Other mEn
Do not use a colon in a complete sentence after phrases such as___, ___ and ___. Because phrases like these already indicate to the reader that a list of examples will follow,
Such as, including, for example
Correct this sentence in 2 ways
“Firstly, schools are limited, people want their children to maximize their learning during school timing”
- Change as a DEPENDENT CLAUSE ( since there’s a comma) : Firstly, AS schools are limited, people want their children…
Firstly, SINCE schools are … - Separate these 2 INDEPENDENT clauses with COORDINATIVE CONJUNCTION OR PONTUATION:
Firstly, schools are limited, SO people want their children…
Correct this sentence and justify
“Some argue, punishment is vital to help children digest the concept of wrong and right”
Technically “Some argue” it is correct since it is an independent clause. However, it damages the coherency of the sentence
“Some argue THAT punishment is …”
__ ___ tense + frequency ( always, seldom , never
Present simpl
Future tenses refers future action no __ or ____ decided
Planned / just decided
Future progressive are action that happen in a __ period . And will happen __
Long ; soon
Present perfect is when the action started at the __, and it’s result
Past; result happen in the present , and the Result is the focus!
Present perfect x past present x future perfect
Perfect = focus on RESULT
PResent : started at past , Finish/ result in present
Past: started and Finish/ result in past
Future : started at the future, Get the result in the future
Present progressive exception
can use also to say that IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE , when you are sure that will happen
Past progressive
When both action happened in the past , and one action interrupted the other that was doing it
I was calling my mom when she got home
I have eaten this is a ___ __ tense , and it infers
Present tense ; I already eat, SO I AM not hungry NOW ( result)
I will go to Korea next year ( Change to past / future perfect)
I WILL have been in Korea by next year
I had been in Korea by last year
By a certain point in the past / future ( using Had + 3a form / Will have + 3aform ) , means that
By a certain point , I will have got that result
Present perfect progressive x Past x Future
Progressive =
Progressive = particular event that happen in a particular time
Present : I have been waiting for this party
Past : I had been finishing my high school last July
Future : I will have been learning SAT next year
The contrast transitions words such as , ___ , ___ are not INDEPENDENT CLAUSES CONJUCTIONS. For this reason, when you connect 2 independent clauses, it is recommendable to use a semicolon or a Contrast Conjuction
“Obesity is a growing problem among today’s youth, however, it is a problem that can be resolved with care and focus”. Correct it
- Use semicolon to separate these Independent clauses :
“Obesity is a growing problem among today’s youth; however, it is a problem that can be resolved with care and focus”. - Use COORDINATIVE CONJUCTIONS :
“ Obesity is a growing problem among today’s youth, YET it is a problem that can be resolved with care and focus”.
Students who are able to speak a foreign language have more advantages and benefits than those who do not. For example, working on international projects, business trips abroad, and plenty of other things.
Correct it , explain why it is wrong
(…) “For example, working on international projects, business trips abroad, and plenty of other things”. - It is not an Independent clause as it should be since it is after a Period. Therefore, we need to put a word that will make it an INDEPENDENT CLAUSE or CONTINUING THE CLAUSE:
- Students who are able to speak a foreign language have more advantages and benefits than those who do not. THIS INCLUDES, for example, workING on international projects, goING on business trips abroad, and doING plenty of other things.
For example, THEY WILL BE workING on international projects, goING on business trips abroad, and doING plenty of other things. - “they will be “ = subject + verb = independent clause
Once these drivers who break laws receive strict punishments, such as huge fines, revoked driver’s license, or even jail time, which will be like an alarm to warn them to comply with the statutes.
Correct it and explain why it is wrong
“Once” is a DEPENDENT ADVERB clause, therefore you should finish the whole sentence with a clause to conclude ( like INDEPENDENT clause). “which will..” is a ADJECTIVE clause, therefore making the last sentence INCOMPLETE.
Once these drivers who break laws receive strict punishments, such as huge fines, revoked driver’s license, or even jail time, IT will be like an alarm to warn them to comply with the statutes.
When you start a sentence with Gerund/Participle, you should use ___ subject in the whole sentence , and a ___ clause to conclude it.
Correct the sentence below and justify it
Seeing these people suffer as they struggle to feed themselves and their children. Some of the volunteers quit due to a lack of hope.
“Seeing “ subject = some volunteers
Seeing these people suffer as they struggle to feed themselves and their children, some of the volunteers quit due to a lack of hope.
she was obligated to do the mission _ and report all the actions in detail
Do we need to put comma before “and”
When a preposition ( name it 7 ) is before a verb, the verb should be in __
! When before there is a noun , adverb, or adjective instead of another action verb
which, to, of, along, before, within, on
she is ready to become an artist (x)
she is ready to becoming an artist
My cousin spends his gap year by travelling all around the world “” It is correct
My cousin spends his gap year traveling all around the world
No “by” and no 2 ll in the “travelling”
“This is because without professional supervision, the nets can get stuck on the reefs.”
“This Is because people are not ready to encounter the finance problems.”
Place the commas needed and justify
“This is because, without professional supervision, : It has an INTERUPTIPN “without professional supervision,
The 2a one, is a normal sentence, which means that after because there will not be a comma naturally
As opposite
As oppoSED
verbs with modal verbs ( like _, _, ,) should be in their __ __.
Ex: She can only plays when she finished it
like can, should, will, may . base form
She can only PLAY when she finished it
Indeed, the first one is vulnerable to produce fires, while the second one, is extremely rare
Verbs after “ to be “ should be in the __ form or __ form
is vulnerable TO PRODUCING
ING or -ED
the author mentions that __ airship pend less fuel than other aerial transportations. On the other hand, although it has less expensive, according to the professor the safety is not fulfilled when it comes to _ airship.
mentions that airships
to an airship
such as : comma after
such as, electronic materials, metal elements, etc (x)
To begin with, the author states that the extinct animals probaly were predators .
exitinct animals ✅ NOT extinctED animals in this case
Since the Agnostids possess poor visions - virtually blind - comparing to their primitives who had well-structured eyes to hunt.
- compared to their..
the professor also explains that they also do not have other body’s traits that can sense the preys, reassuring that the article’s statement is false.
body traits
the prey or preys
reassuring IT
while the Agnostids’ society waere in a large quantity.
society WAS
Indeed, this information has being supported by the fossils’ founds mentioned by the teacher.
BEEN supported
First of all, since kid, the parents always teach their children to not interupt the conversations, especially if the subjects are older or superior than the person. In fact, this behavior is not only ethically correct but also it leaves a positive impression.
since little, inteRRupt, superior to , but also leaves a
She waited for the class to end, and went to the professor to question why he think in that way
to end and went - NO COMMA, Since there is ‘ subject with only 2 predicates.
Moreover, another reason to listen first, and then, argue against contrasting perspectives is the value of respect different opinions;
PARALLELISM : contrasting, of respecting
In fact, in a lot of cases, acknowledging the reasons behind .
behind what => behind IT
has; have; had verb in __
the technology has bring a lot of negative consequences
__ exam
__ exams
the exam
alienated __
n addition, to support his argument, the professor mentions a research; whereby shows that people find more friends with their same interests in 1985 than 2014.
mentions research whereby … than IN 2014
Therefore, a lot of owners do not agree with using the tool to hunt their preys.
theirS preyS
or their prey
Thereafter, the female figure began to rise up in the market, which not only proved to the world that women are capable to work in the various field but also enfourced this social group
began to RISE in the …. in VARIOUS FIELDS but also enFORCED
she earned the responsibility to cook, to clean the house, and to take care of the kids for more than 30 years
to cook, clean the house, and take care
Nevertheless, the teacher affirms that the real reason of these accidents is because of the difficulty to changing course - due to the ship’s enourmous size
the real reason FOR these accidents is the difficulty of changing cours
As a result, the hospitals could not attend properly each resident
attend TO residents => attend properly TO EACH residents
In conclusion, experimenting an independent life in an early age lays a solid foundation to people’s future.
experimenting WITH AT an early age; lay a solid foundation FOR people’s
This is because they will not only earn freedom in their way of living but also live with less interuptions due to the lack of life’s abilities.
fewer inteRRuptions resulted from the lack of ( or life skills )
Keeping this in mind, if my cousin had went and lived independently he would definitely prevent all the negative experiences caused by his lack of life’s skills.
had GONE = had -> past participle 3a form
I have difficulty ___ (verb in which conjugation) the real friends
(x) I have difficulty TO identifY
I am busy ___ ( verb conjugation)
I am busy meeting people
I am busy eating my sandwich so I forgot my family
(x) I am busy to meet people, so I forgot
Do they have comma
- In addition
- On one hand
- While
- Since
- In addition,
- On one hand
- if is used as Whereas, it have comma The man left the restaurant, while his partner stayed.
- Since
Since there are a lot to worry about when encounters crucial decisions like choosing a job. This means that if the person has loans to pay,
there IS a lot to worry about when encounteRING crucial
He did not even think what he is really passionate about.
He did not even THINK ABOUT what he is
choose past simple
Therefore, she shifted from accounting to marketing since she finds interesting to compreheend the customers ,talk with them, and design attractive publications in social media.
she shifted from accounting to marketing since she finds IT interesting to compreHEND the customers , talk with them, and design attractive publications ON social media.
Moreover, another technique to make career choice is shadowing. In others words, a person can experience a profession for one day, experimenting its activities and learning its duties
Moreover, another technique to make A career choice ( career choiceS) is shadowing. In OTHER words, a person can experience a profession for one day, experimenting WITH its activities and learning its duties
In contrast, the teacher states that zero medical evidence proves the exact amount of water that a human should consume, like mentioned in the reading passage
In contrast, the teacher states that zero medical evidence proves the exact amount of water that a human should consume like mentioned in the reading passage
me and my friends were able to learn efficiently and acquire higher scores thanks to the high-quality and the contemporary environment that my city’s public library provides.
I and my friends = subjects. “me” is not subject.
and CONTEMPORARY environment
it can determines the student’s will to study hard consistently and the professor’s patience to helping the learner. With these powerful mindsets, any obstacle could be overcame
patience IN or WITH. COULD be overCOME
His determination to provide high-quality education along with my self-confidence, gradually improved my understanding of mathematical formulas and further solve them readily.
to provide A HIGH-QUALITY education along with my self confidence gradually..
(no comma)