Vocab 9 Flashcards
urgent; requiring immediate action
The patient was losing blood so rapidly that it was exigent to stop the bleeding.
poor; having no money
After the stock market crashed, many former millionaires found themselves impecunious.
a blocked path; a dilemma with no solution
The rock slide produced an impasse, so no one could proceed further on the road.
to clear from blame; to prove innocent
The legal system is intended to convict those who are guilty and exculpate those who are innocent.
deeply sorrowful and repentant for a wrong
After three residents were mugged in the lobby while the watchman was away from his post, he felt very contrite.
a person with expert knowledge or discriminating tastes
Dr. Crane was a connoisseur of fine food and wine, drinking and eating only the best.
to overlook, pardon, or disregard
Some theorists believe that failing to prosecute minor crimes is the same as condoning an air of lawlessness.
pleasant, harmonious sound
a collaboration; complicity; conspiracy
It came to light that the police chief and the mafia had a collusion in running the numbers racket.
use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one
The funeral director preferred to use the euphemism “sleeping” instead of the word “dead.”
convincing and well-reasoned
Swayed by the cogent argument of the defense, the jury had no choice but to acquit the defendant.
a speech in praise of someone
His best friend gave the eulogy at his funeral, outlining his many achievements and talents.
a strong box; a large chest for money
The bulletproof glass of the coffer is what keeps the crown jewels secure.
having low moral standards; not noble in character; mean
The photographer was paid a princely sum for the picture of the self-proclaimed ethicist in the ignoble act of pick-pocketing.
a person with refined taste in food and wine
Niren is an epicure who always throws the most splendid dinner parties.
to judge a dispute between two opposing parties
Since the couple could not come to an agreement, a judge was forced to arbitrate their divorce proceedings.
a harsh, jarring noise
The junior high orchestra created an almost unbearable cacophony as they tried to tune their instruments.
capable of being shaped
to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill
A common way to avoid the draft was by malingering-pretending to be mentally or physically ill so as to avoid being taken by the army.
lasting a short time
The lives of mayflies seem ephemeral to us, since the flies’ average life span is a matter of hours.