Vocab 8 Flashcards
deviation from what is normal
something that calms or soothes pain
The massage was an anodyne that helped remove the knots from the lawyer’s tense shoulders.
similar or alike in some way; equivalent
His mother argued that not going to college was analogous to throwing his life away.
a lessening of pain without loss of consciousness
An example of an analgesic is opium or morphine.
something out of place in time
The play was set in the 19th century, but was ruined by anachronisms, like the lead actor’s digital watch.
an ornament worn as a charm against evil
Though she claimed it was not because of superstition, Vivian always wore an amulet around her neck.
to return or repay
Thanks for offering to lend me $1,000, but I know I’ll never be able to requite your generosity.
thrown violently or brought about abruptly; lacking deliberation
Theirs was a precipitate marriage - they had only known each other for two weeks before they wed.
meaningless, foolish talk
Her husband’s mindless prattle drove Heidi insane; sometimes she wished he would just shut up.
to diminish by installment payments
While college students are notorious for accumulating credit card debt, they are not as well known for amortizing it.
practical, as opposed to idealistic
While idealistic gamblers think they can get rich by frequenting casinos, pragmatic gamblers realize that the odds are heavily stacked against them.
to make better; to improve
The doctor was able to ameliorate the patient’s suffering using painkillers.
a monarch or ruler with great power
Alex was much kinder before he assumed the role of potentate.
doubtful or uncertain; can be interpreted several ways
The directions he gave were so ambiguous that we disagreed on which way to turn.
extremely careful; fastidious; painstaking
to combine; to mix together
Giant Industries amalgamated with Mega Products to form Giant-Mega Products Incorporated.
figure of speech comparing two different things
The metaphor “sea of troubles” suggests a lot of troubles by comparing their number to the vastness of the sea.
to make more bearable
gaudy; falsely attractive
The casino’s meretricious decor horrified the cultivated interior designer.
speed or quickness
The restaurant won a reputation for fine service since the wait staff responded to their clients’ requests with alacrity.
lofty or grand
The music was so sublime that it transformed the rude surroundings into a special place.
to increase in power, influence, and reputation
The supervisor sought to aggrandize himself by claiming that the achievements of his staff were actually his own.
trick designed to deceive an enemy
The Trojan Horse must be one of the most successful military stratagems used in all of history.
phony; artificial
The affected hairdresser spouted French phrases, though she had never been to France.
unemotional; lacking sensitivity
The prisoner appeared stolid and unaffected by the judge’s harsh sentence.
concerning the appreciation of beauty
The aesthetic movement regarded the pursuit of beauty as the only true purpose of art.
a mark of shame or discredit
In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne was required to wear the letter A on her clothes as a public stigma for her adultery.
a nest build high in the air; an elevated, often secluded dwelling
Perched high among the trees, the eagle’s aerie was filled with eggs.
something that calms or soothes pain
The massage was an anodyne that helped remove the knots from the lawyer’s tense shoulders.
a state of static balance or equilibrium; stagnation
The rusty, ivy-covered World War II tank had obviously been in stasis for years.