Vocab 8 Flashcards
-cule, -cle (-culus, -cula, -culum)
Diminutive Suffixes
- molecule, muscle, particle
NOTE: -cule can also form adjectives, like miniscule or majuscule
-el (-ellus, -ella, -ellum)
Diminutive Suffixes
- tunnel, scalpel, morsel, lamella, flagellum, capitellum, cerebellum
-ette, -et
Diminutive Suffixes
‘little’ (of French origin, but attaching to Latin roots)
- statuette, cornet, lancet
-il (-illus, -illa, -illum)
Diminutive Suffixes
- codicil, pupil, fibril, fibrilla, Priscilla, armadillo
-ule, -ole, -le (-ulus, -ula, -ulum; -olus, -ola, -olum; -leus, -lea, -leum)
Diminutive Suffixes
- globule, granule, arteriole, circle, scruple, gladiolus, formula, cupola, capitulum
-uncle (-unculus)
Diminutive Suffixes
- carbuncle, avuncular, furnuncle, pedunculus, ranunculus
AC(U)- (acus)
‘sharp’, ‘sour’, ‘needle’
- ACU-PUNCT-ure;
- ACU-ol-ate, beset with small
prickles; - ACUTI-COST-al, having projecting
ADIP- (adeps, adipis)
- ADIP-os-ity, corpulence, obesity
AMBUL- (ambulo)
‘to walk’
- AMBUL-ance;
- AMBUL-ant or AMBUL-at-ory,
walking or able to walk, designating
a patient not confined to bed but
requiring medical care; - SOMN-AMBUL-ism, sleepwalking
ANS- (ansa)
‘jug handle’, ‘loop’
- ANSA, loop, as of certain nerves;
- ANSA CERVIC-alis, a nerve loop in
the neck
ARE- (area)
- ARE-ola, any minute interstice or
space in a tissue; or a pigmented ring
surrounding some central point or
space, as a nipple or a pustule, or the
part of the iris enclosing the pupil; - ARE-ol-et, a small areola
AUR- (auris)
- end-AUR-al, pertaining to the inner
surface or part of the external
auditory canal; - AUR-icle, any ear-like, lobed
appendage, or the external ear, or the
atrium, or anterior chamber, of the
CALC- (calx, calcis)
‘limestone’, ‘pebble’, ‘calcium’
- CALC-ulus;
- CALCI-COLE, a plant that thrives in
soils rich in calcium salts; - CALCI-FIC-at-ion, the deposition of
lime salts in tissue; - CALC-ar-eous, containing calcium
carbonate (chalky)
NOTE: don’t confuse with the root CALCAR- ‘spur’
and CALC ‘heel’ of Lists 9 and 10.
CALL- (callus)
‘hard skin’
- CALL-ous, pertaining to an are of
hardened and thickened skin, a
of white matter in the brain
CAPS- (capsa)
- CAPS-ule;
- en-CAPS-ul-at-ion, the process of
surrounding a part with a capsule; - de-CAPS-ul-at-ion, removal of a
capsule or enveloping membrane
CAR(N)- (caro, carnis)
- CARN-al;
- CARN-eous, flesh-coloured; in-
- CARN-at-ive, an agent which
produces flesh or promotes
granulation; - CARNI-VOR-ous
CED-, CESS- (cedo → cessus)
‘to go’, ‘to yield’
- con-CEDE;
- intro-CESS-ion, a depression, as of a
surface; - pro-CESS, a prominence or
outgrowth; - suc-CED-an-eous, relating to or
acting a substitute; pertaining to that
which follows after, as a permanent
tooth replacing a deciduous tooth
CRE-, CRESC-, CRET- (cresco → cretus)
‘to grow’
- in-CRE-ment;
- CRESC-ent;
- CRESC-endo;
- con-CRESC-ence, a growing
together of the roots of two teeth; - inter-CRESC-ence, a growing into
each other, as of tissue
CUT- (cutis)
- intra-CUT-aneous, within the skin
substance (applied to the injection of
substances into the skin); - CUT-in, a substance allied to
cellulose found in external layers of
thickened epidermal cells
NOTE: not to be confused with the homonymous
CUT- ‘shake’ of List 9.
DEXTR- (dexter, dextri)
‘right’ (direction), ‘right hand’
- DEXTRO-DUCT-ion, movement of
the visual axis toward the right
DIGIT- (digitus)
‘finger’, ‘toe’
- DIGIT-ule, any small, fingerlike
process; - SEX-DIGIT-ate, with six fingers or
FA-, FAT- (fare → fatus)
‘to speak’
- af-FA-ble;
- in-ef-FA-ble;
- FA-ble;
- in-FA-nt, a child, usually up to two
years (in Latin, literally ‘not
speaking’ or ‘without speech’)
FAC- (-FIC-), FACT- (-FECT-) (facio →
‘to do’, ‘to make’
- FACT-ory;
- FACT; FICT-ion;
- ef-FIC-acious, having the power to
bring about a desired effect; - FAC-ul-tat-ive, voluntary, optional;
having the power to do or not do a
FIBR- (fibra)
- FIBR-il, a component filament of a
fibre, as of a muscle or a nerve; - FIBR-in, the fibrous, insoluble
protein in the network involved in
blood clotting
FID-, FISS- (findo → fidi, fissus)
‘to split’
- FISS-ure;
- FISS-ion;
- FISS-ile, fissionable;
- FISSI-ROSTR-al, with deeply cleft
beak; - PENTA-FID, divided in five
divisions or lobes
FLU-, FLUX- (fluo → fluxum)
‘to flow’
- in-FLU-ence;
- FLU-ency;
- af-FLUX, flow of blood or other
fluid to a part; - con-FLU-ent, running together, the
opposite of discrete; in anatomy,
coalesced or blended (applied to two
or bones originally separate)
FLUVI- (fluvius)
- Fluvial
- FLUVI-al-ist, someone who explains
geological and geographical
phenomenon by the action of
existing streams
FOLL(I)- (follis)
- FOLLI-cle, a capsular fruit which
opens on one side only, or a cavity or
sheath (as an ovarian or hair follicle),
or a small secretory cavity or sac (as
an acinus or alveolus); - peri-FOLLI-cul-ar, surrounding a
NOTE: not to be confused with the similar FOLI-
‘leaf’ of List 6.
FORMIC- (formica)
- FORMIC acid, a colourless acid
occurring in ants and some plants; - FORMIC-IDE, a substance used for
destroying ants; - FORMIC-at-ion, an abnormal
sensation of insects crawling on the
FOSS- (fossa)
‘ditch’, ‘trench’, ‘to dig’
- FOSSA, a pit or trench-like
depression; - FOSS-ette, a small pit or a socket
containing the base of the antennule
in arthropods; - FOSS-ori-al, adapted for digging
(applies to the claws and feet of
FUN- (funis)
‘rope’, ‘cord’
- FUN-ic, relating to or originating in
the umbilical cord; - FUNI-PENDUL-ous, suspended by a
rope or cord
GUST- (gusto)
‘to taste’
- dis-GUST;
- GUST-at-ion, the sense of taste, the
act of tasting; - de-GUST-at-ion, the act of tasting;
- GUSTO-meter, an apparatus used to
determine taste thresholds
HAUST- (haurio → haustum)
‘to draw out’, ‘to drink’
- ex-HAUST-ion;
- HAUST-ellum, a proboscis adapted
for sucking; - HAUST-orium, an organ of certain
parasitic protozoa by which they
attach themselves to the host
INSUL- (insula)
- INSUL-ate;
portion of the cortex overlying the
corpus striatum - INSUL-oma, a tumour arising from
the cells of the islets of the pancreas; - INSUL-in, the antidiabetic hormone
arising from the islets of Langerhans