Vocab 10 Flashcards
SEMI- (semis)
‘half’, ‘partly’
- SEMI-LUN-ate, half-moon-shaped;
- SEMI-CAUD-ate, with a
rudimentary tail
UN- (unus)
- UN-ique;
- UN-iform;
- UN-ANIM-ity;
- UNI-FOLI-ate, with one leaf;
- UNI-PAR-ous, producing one
offspring at a birth; - UNI-STRATE, having only one
PRIM- (primus)
- PRIM-ary;
- PRIM-ates, the highest order of the
vertebrate class Mammalia,
including man, apes, monkeys and
lemurs; - PRIMI-PAR-ous, pertaining to a
woman bearing or giving birth to her
first child
SESQUI- (sesqui)
‘one-and-a-half times’
- SEQUI-CHLOR-ide, a compound of
chlorine and another element
containing three parts of chlorine and
two of the other element;
DU- (duo)
- DU-et; DU-al;
- DU-PLIC-ate;
- DU-PLICI-DENT, with two pairs of
incisors in the upper jaw;
BI-, BIN- (bi-)
‘two’, ‘twice’
- BI-NATE, growing in pairs;
- BI-FID, forked, opening with a
median cleft; - BI-STRAT-ose, with cells arranged
in two layers
SECOND-, SECUND- (secundus)
‘second’, ‘following’
- SECOND-ary;
- SECUNDI-GRAV-ida, a woman
pregnant the second time
TRI- (tres, tria)
- TRI-VI-al;
- TRI-COST-ate, with three ribs;
- TRI-FID, cleft to form three lobes
TERTI- (tertius)
- TERTI-ary, third, pertaining to third
stage of disease; - TERT-ian, recurring every other day,
as a tertian fever
TERN- (terni)
‘three each’
- TERN-ary, consisting of or based on
three, or pertaining to a crystal
system in which three-sided forms
occur, or an alloy with three
TER- (ter)
‘three times’
- TER-VAL-ent, having a valence of
three, triple
QUADR(U)- (quadrus)
applies to pinnate lear having four
pairs of leaflets; - QUADRU-PED, a four-footed
QUART- (quartus)
- QUART-an, recurring every three
days (or four, counting inclusively),
as on first, fourth and seventh day;
QUATERN- (quarter)
‘four each’
- QUATERN-ate, in sets of four
(applies to leaves growing in fours
from one point
QUINQUE- (quinque)
- QUINQUE-PART-ite, divided into
five parts
QUINT- (quintus)
- QUIN-ary, applies to flower
symmetry in which there are five
parts to a whorl;
QUIN- (quin)
‘five each’
- QUINTU-PL-et, one of five children
born at one birth
SEX- (sex)
- SEX-OSTI-atae, group of spiders
marked by six cardiac ostia
SEXT- (sextus)
- SEXT-ant, a maximum angle of sixty
SEPT-, SEPTEM- (septem)
- SEPTEM-ber;
- SEPTEM-PART-ite, divided into
seven parts;
NOTE: don’t confuse with Greek root SEP- ‘rot’ of
List 4 or the Latin SEPT- ‘separate’ of List 9.
SEPTIM- (septimus)
- SEPTIM-al, based on the number
OCT- (octo)
- OCTO-RADI-ate, having eight rays
or arms; - OCT-ane, the eighth member of the
paraffin or marsh gas series
OCTAV- (octavus)
NOVEM- (novem)
- NOVEM-ber;
NON- (nonus)
- NON-illion, ten to the thirtieth
power; - NON-an, having an exacerbation
every ninth day
DECEM- (decem)
- DECEM-FID, cleft into ten parts
DEC-, DECIM- (decimus)
- DECIM-ate;
- DECI-LITRE, one-tenth of a litre;
CENT- (centum)
‘hundred’, ‘hundredth’
- CEN-ENN-ial;
- CENT-uri-on;
- CENTI-PEDE, elongated segmented
arthropods with many legs; - CENTI-metre, one-hundredth of a
NOTE: not to be confused with the similar Greek
root CENTE- ‘puncture’ of List 3
MIL(L)- (mille)
‘thousand’, ‘thousandth’
- MILL-ENN-ium;
- MILLI-PEDE, myriopods
constituting the the class Diplopoda
having numerous segments and legs; - MILLI-metre, one-thousandth of a
ALVEOL- (alveolus)
‘cavity’, ‘hollow’
- ALVEOL-ar, relating to an alveolus;
- ALVEOL-us, a small cavity, pit, or
hollow, in particular: any of the
many tiny air sacs of the lungs which
allow for rapid gaseous exchange;
the bony socket for the root of a
tooth; an acinus (sac-like cavity) in a
gland; - ALVEOL-ation, the formation of
ATRI- (atrium)
‘entrance hall’, ‘room’
- ATRI-um, each of the two upper
cavities of the heart from which
blood is passed to the ventricles; - ATRIO-VENTR-icular, relating to
the atrial and ventricular chambers of
the heart, or the connection or
coordination between them
AX- (axis)
- AX-ial, relating to or forming an
axis; - AB-AX-ial, facing away from the
stem of a plant (in particular
denoting the lower surface of a leaf); - AD-AX-ial, facing towards the stem
of a plant (in particular denoting the
upper surface of a leaf); - AXO-POD-ium, a pseudopodium
with axial filament
BARB- (barba)
- barber;
- BARB-ule, a minute filament
projecting from the barb of a feather; - BARB-ate, bearded;
- BARBI-cel, a small process on a
feather barbule
NOTE: this is not the root for “barbarian” which
comes from Greek and is unrelated to the ‘beard’
meaning. Instead, “barbarian” is from the Greek
βάρβαρος, which means “those who speak gibberish”
(“bar bar bar” is Greek for our “blah blah blah”).”
BIL- (bilis)
- BILI-ous, affected by or associated
with nausea or vomiting; - BILI-RUB-in, an orange-yellow
pigment formed in the liver by the
breakdown of haemoglobin and
excreted in bile; - BILI-VERD-in, a green pigment
excreted in bile (the oxidized
derivative of bilirubin); - BILI-ary, relating to bile or the bile
BRACT(E)- (bractea)
‘thin plate’
- BRACT, a modified leaf or scale,
typically small, with a flower or
flower cluster in its axil; - BRACTE-ate, having or bearing
bracts; - BRACTE-ole, a small bract, esp. one
on a floral stem
BURS- (bursa)
‘bag’, ‘pouch’
- bursary; bursar; disburse; reimburse;
- BURSA, a fluid-filled sac or sac-like
cavity, especially one countering
friction at a joint; - BURS-itis, inflammation of a bursa,
typically one in a shoulder joint; - BURS-icle, a pouch-like receptacle
CALC-, CALCANE- (calx, calcis;
- CALC-aneus (pl. calcanei), the large
bone forming the heel; - CALC-aneal, pertaining to the heel
bone; - CALC-aneo-CAVUS, a type of
talipes (a deformity of the foot)
NOTE: Not to be confused with CALC- ‘limestone’
or CALCAR- ‘spur.’ This root is related to
CALCAR-, as the ‘heel’ is used to ‘spur’ on a horse.
CAN-, CAND- (canus; candidus)
‘white’, ‘grey’; ‘to be glowing white’
- candid;
- candidate;
- candour;
- in-CAND-esc-ent, emitting light as a
result of being heated; - CAN-ities, greyness or whiteness of
the hair
NOTE: Not to be confused with the homonymous
CAN- ‘dog’ of List 7.
CERVIC- (cervix, cervicis)
- CERVIC-al, relating to the narrow
neck-like passage forming the lower
end of the womb (or simply relating
to the neck); - CERVIC-itis, inflammation of the
neck of the womb; - CERVICO-BRACHI-ALG-ia,
condition in which pain extends from
the cervical region to arms or fingers
CLAV- (clava)
- CLAV-ate or CLAV-iform, clubshaped; thicker at the apex than the
base; - ob-CLAV-ate, club-shaped and
attached at the thicker end
NOTE: not to be confused with the homonymous
CLAV- ‘key’