Vocab 7 Flashcards
is an advisory body of bishops for the Pope chosen from different regions of the world. They meet to foster unity between the Pope & bishops, and assist the Pope& offer counsel on faith, morals & the ecclesiastical mission of the Church in the world.
Vatican Synod
devoted to the conversion of sinners & the Blessed Mother as a guide to Christ.
Immaculata movement
Polish, Franciscan friar who co-founded the Immaculata Movement, a radio station & shlter for refugees during WWI I & sacrificed his life for a fellow inmate in a Nazi concentration camp.
St Maximilian Kolbe
Communist who wrote Communist Manifesto & On the Origin of Species.
called for workers to form associations, reasonable working hours,rest, profit sharing, & child labor laws.
Bishop Ketteler
1887 American who defended the Knights of Labor.
Cardinal James Gibbons
founded a typified Christian Trade Movement: Belgium’s Young Christian Workers.
Fr Joseph Cardijin
Pope Pius XI. Commemorative encyclical on the 40thanniversary of
Quadragesimo Anno
Introduced the principle of subsidiarity.
Rerum Novarum.
the teaching that social issues should be handled on the lowest possible level.
Leo XIII. Famous social justice encyclical.
Rerum Novarum:
Pope John XXIII. Commemorative encyclical on the 70thanniversary of Rerum Novarum. Inspired by Fr Joseph Cardijin; stated the state should sometimes interfere in healthcare, education & housing.
Mater et Magistra:
John XXIII. 1st encyclical addressed to Christians & non-Christians & addressed to all men of good will. “Peace on Earth”. Universal peace in truth, justice, charity, & liberty
Pacem in Terris :
St. John Paul II. Commemorative encyclical issued 90 years after Rerum Novarum. Human participation in God’s ongoing creation w/o work dehumanizing individuals.
Laborem Exercens:
St. John Paul II. Commemorative encyclical on the 100th anniversary of Rerum Novarum. Written after collapse of communism. Social messages to be backed up with actions & “preferential treatment of the poor”.
Centesimus Annus:
St. John Paul II. Encyclical called for solidarity and a caution against greed of profit & power.
On Social Concerns:
A lay movement started by Pope Pius X dedicated to works of charity among the poor.
Catholic Action:
Progressive, liberals who employed critical & historical methods of research in their attempts to conform to the new philosophies of the day (some rejected scholasticism: Aquinas). Pope Pius X called them “the synthesis of all heresies”.
Pope Pius X. Encyclical that condemned Modernists. Required teachers & priests to take a anti-modernist oath.
a secret network of informers that advised Pope Pius X on questionable seminary professors all over the world.
Sodalitium Pianum:
believing in your country regardless of whether it is right or wrong.
a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation & often race above the individual & stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic & social regimentation, & forcible suppression of opposition
Pius XI. Anti-fascist encyclical condemned Mussolini for disbanding Catholic organizations.
Non Abbiamo Bisogno:
(With Burning Concern) Pope Pius XI. Encyclical condemning the Nazi’s racist theology & smuggled it into Germany… Pastors read it from every Catholic pulpit in Germany, thus enraging Hitler…he closed the presses, imprisoned laity & arrested priests.
Mit Brennender Sorge
Pope Pius XI. On Atheistic Communism… openly condemning communism.
Divini Redemptoris:
Pope Pius XII. On the Promotion of Biblical Studies. Supporting modern historical & scientific study of the Bible.
Divino Affante Spiritu:
Pope Pius XII. On the Mystical Body of Christ. Taught the value of each member of the Mystical Body of Christ, including laity & the universal call to holiness.
Mystici Corporis Christi:
A refreshing. “bringing up to date
returning to the sources .
“The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy”. It emphasizes the liturgy as the summit of Church activity, encourages fuller participation in the Eucharist, & includes vernacular languages into the liturgy.
Sacrosanctum Concilium:
(Light of the Nations) Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. Perhaps the most important VII doc. Church community = People of God; a sacrament or sign of God’s presence in the world thru Christ’s Body, his Church. Everyone is the Church & all are called to holiness.
Lumen Gentium:
(Word of God) Divine Constitution on the Church. Encourages Bible reading; shows the close relationship between Scripture & Tradition and the Church’s Magisterium; and emphasizes revelation as God’s self-disclosure.
Dei Verbium:
(Joy & Hope) Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World. highlights the model of Church as servant of the world, committed to doing social justice in building God’s Kingdom. It calls for Church to read the signs of the times in light of the Gospel so Catholics can be effectual instruments of the Gospels in their daily lives.
Gaudium et Spes:
Instructions for bishops, priests & others on the proper way to celebrate the revised liturgy.
GIRM: General Instructions for Roman Missal.