Vocab (55 Words) Flashcards
Blood-Borne Pathogen
Disease-causing organisms transferred through contact with bl or body fluids.
Soiled, strained, or infected by contact or association.
Contaminated Waste
Waste that has been in contact with bl or other bodily fluids
Direct Contact
Touching or contact with pts bl or saliva
Droplet Infection
An infection that occurs through mucosal surfaces of the eyes, nose, or mouth
General Waste
Non hazardous perishable material
Hazardous Waste
Waste that poses a damage to humans or the environment
Indirect Contact
Touching or contact with a contaminated surface or instrument
Capable of transmitting organisms that cause disease
Infectious Waste
Waste that is capable of transmitting infectious diseases
Occupational Exposure
Any skin, eye or mucous membrane contact or percutaneous injury involving blood or any other infectious material
Parental/Percutaneous Transmission
Anything that can “break the skin” to cause disease
Contact with mucous membranes such as the eyes or mouth
Low Level Disinfectant
Disinfectant that destroys certain viruses and fungi, used for housecleaning
Removal of bioburden before disinfection
Reuse Life
Time period that a disinfectant should remain effective during use and reuse
Shelf Life
how long a product maybe be stored before use
single-use items
items that are used on only one patient and then thrown out disposable items
sodium hypochlorite
commonly known as bleach
capable of killing bacterial spores
agent that kills all microorganisms
synthetic phenol
registered intermediate-level hospital disinfectant
touch surface
surfaces directly touched and contaminated during procedures
transfer surface
surfaces not directly touched but often contacted by contaminated instruments
capable of inactivating tuberculosis causing microorganisms
capable of killing some viruses
equipment used for sterilization under steam pressure
personal protective equipment
items used to protect employees from infectious material
instruments designed to penetrate the skin
standard precaution
standards of care designed to protect healthcare providers from pathogens that can be spread by blood or any other bodily fluids
universal precaution
guidelines based on treating all human blood and any other bodily fluids as potentially infectious
a chemical that kills microorganisms on the skin
any bodily fluid, secretion, or excretion
clinical contact surface
touched by contaminated hands, instruments, or spatter
chemical used to reduce or lower the number of microorganisms on objects
EPA registered high-level disinfectant
high-level disinfectant
hospital disinfectant with tuberculocidal and spore killing ability
hospital level disinfectant
disinfectant with the ability to kill staphylococcus
immersion disinfectant
disinfectant used to soak heat-sensitive instruments
intermediate-level disinfectant
a disinfectant with EPA registration as a hospital disinfectant with tuberculocodal activity and used for operatory surfaces
EPA registration as a hospital level disinfectant
biologic indicators
vials or strips used to determine whether sterilization has occurred, also known as spore test
biologic monitoring
verifies sterilization by confirming that all spores have been destroyed
chemical vapor sterilization
sterilization by chemical vapors (disadvantage chemical fumes are cancer causing)
clean area
where sterilized instruments, supplies and prepared trays are stored
contaminated area
where contaminated items are brought to process for pre cleaning and disinfecting and sterilization
critical instrument
items used to penetrate the soft tissue or cone and need tone sterilized by heat
destruction of pathogenic organisms, usually by chemical means NOT sterilization
dry heat sterilizer
equipment for sterilization by sterilization by heated air
non critical instruments
items that came in contact with skin only such as; x-ray tube head, lad apron and curing light, these items are disinfected w/ an intermediate level disinfectant
process indicators
tapes or strips with heat sensitive chemicals that change color when exposed to a combination of heat and time
process indicators
strips place in packages that charge color when exposed to a combination of heat and time
complete destruction of microorganisms and their pathogenic products kills everything
ultrasonic cleaner
equipment that mechanically scrubs instruments DOES NOT STERILIZE