voc Law and Order Flashcards
een getuige
a witness
de verdachte
the accused
een jurylid
a member of the jury
de rechter
the judge
de advocaat van de verdediging
the defence lawyer
when a punishment is given to a defendant found guilty by a court
in criminal cases, the people are represented by the …. (2)
UK: Crown Presecution Service
US: District Attorny’s Office
the judge is adressed as … (2)
UK: My lord
US: Your Honor
money paid to someone in exchange for something lost or damaged
to decide officially in a law court that someone is not guilty of a particular crime
to be acquitted
a type of lawyer in the UK who can plead in front of a judge in higer courts
the lawyers in a court casee representing the side accusing someone of committing a crime
prosecuter (represents the statee)
plaintiff (civilians at both sides)
one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true
to weigh the evidence
a decision at the end of a trial that all jurors agreed on
to reach a unanimous verdict
to think carefully
the lawyer representing the governement in a particular area of the US
district attorney
not supporting any of the sides involved in an argument
to express your disapproval of something that wasa said or done in court
to object/ to raise objection
an official decision in a law court stating someone is giulty of a particular crime
an amount of money that must be paid as a punishment for not obeying the law
a fine
execution, as ordered by a legal system
death penalty, capital punishment
somenthing causing you to judge a crime to be less serious, or to make a punishment less severe
mitigating circumstances/
extenuating circumstances
prison sentence that will not be carried out if the offenders do not do anything else illegal whitin a particular period
a suspended jail term
to state officially that you are guilty of the charges brought against you
to plead guilty
an agreement that allows someone accused of a crime to plead guilty to a less serious crim instead
a plea bargain
a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime
to charge with a crime
een vrijspraak
an acquittal
een veroordeling
a conviction
schuld bekennen
to plead guilty
iets tegenspreken
to object something
to testify
de getuigenis
the testimony
een boete op te leggen
to impose a fine
iemand een boete geven
to fine someone
iemand voor iets berechten
to put someone on trial for something
iemand voor een misdaad berechten
to try someone for a crime
een aanklacht tegen iemand indienen
to bring charges against someone
iemand van een misdrijf beschuldigen
to charge someone with a crime
setting fire to a building
breaking into a building
the act of stealing things of little value
petty theft
deliberately causing someone’s death
killing a parson unintentionally
dishonest behaviour by people in power
offring money to prsuade a person to do what you want
making spoken statements that damage someone’s reputation, as opposed to libel wich is for written statements
permission for a prisoner to be released before their period in prison is finished on condition that they stay out of trouble
to release on parole
an amount of money that a person who has been accused of a crime pays to a law court so that they can be released until their trial starts
to release on bail
killing someone
to murder
stealing something from a shop
a shoplifter, to shoplift
stealing something from someones home
burglary, to burgle, the burglar
taking something illegally into another country
to smuggle, smuggling, the smuggler
taking a person hostage in exchaange for money or other favours
to kidnap, kidnapping, the kidnapper
using violence for political ends
threatening to make a dark secret public, in order to get money
buying and selling drugs
wto try to pass of a copy as the real thing
stealing from someone’s handbag or pocket
attacking someone, ofte on the street, generally to get money
unfair treatment on grounds of sex, race or nationality
stealing money that is in your care or belongs to an organisation that you work for
making a person feel anxious and unhappy
illegal buying and selling of shares by someones who has specialist knowledge of a company
insider dealing
moving money obtained illegally so that its origin can’t be traced
money laundering
lying when under oath
go onto someone else’s land without permission
laws that immediately and automatically have to be obeyed after a court’s decision? No time is wasted on installing the law.
trigger laws
synonym for judges