Voc 4 Flashcards
Long lasting, lack
Asking someone about his or her health
How are you? How are you feeling? Are you not feeling well? What do you have? How is your health? How are you holding up?
I'm fine, thank you. I'm well. I'm in good health. I feel great! Never felt better!
I feel much better.
I am almost better.
I still don’t feel very well.
Not too bad.
I don’t feel well at all.
I am sick.
I’m not doing very well.
I have a fever.
Describing one’s aches and pains
"To break" + body part "To bump" + body part "To twist" + body part "To have" + body part + ache Body part + "to hurt" / "to ache Expressions I broke my arm. I bumped my head. I twisted my ankle. I have a stomach ache. I have a toothache. My foot hurts. My calves hurt.
I have a frog in my throat.
I have hay fever.
You are white as a sheet.
Medical professions
A general physician (GP): a doctor.
A dentist looks after your teeth.
A paediatrician takes care of children.
A dermatologist specialises in skin disease.
A physiotherapist aids in physical rehabilitation.
An ophthalmologist is an eye specialist.
A surgeon operates on you in the hospital.
A nurse assists the doctors at the hospital.
A psychiatrist takes care of mental illnesses.
A gynaecologist is a specialist for women’s health.
Talking to the receptionist
What is the matter?
Do you want to make an appointment?
How is Monday, April 15th at 11:00?
Please take a seat in the waiting room. The doctor will see you shortly.
Talking to the doctor
Where does it hurt?
How long have you been feeling like this?
Do you have a fever?
Have you taken your temperature?
Please sit on the table so I can examine you.
Open your mouth and say AAAhh!
Breath deeply in through your mouth.
I’m going to write you a prescription.
Here is your medical chart.
Take two tablets before eating breakfast and two before going to sleep!
Do you have your medical card?
I can grant you 6 days of sick leave.
I will write you a note to excuse you from work.
At the dentist
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
Open wide!
You have a hole in the tooth.
I am going to try and clean the stains from your teeth. Are you a smoker?
I’m going to have to pull a tooth.
You have to consider getting dentures.
Your son is going to need braces.
At the chemist
May I please see your prescription?
Do you have your medical card?
Are you insured?
Is it a problem if I give you generic medication?
Are you allergic to any medication in particular?
Please pay attention to the directions of use/dosage in the leaflet.
Grant, flu shot
Ache Acute Bruise Chronic Dehydrated Flu Illness Infection Injury Medicine Rash Side effect Sore Swelling Symptom Temperature
Hit, I get the hang of it, trusty, bag up, stuff, enticing, swipe, rings up, nifty, glitches
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