VNS L2 Flashcards
Part of VNS
-Syns : sympathatic nervous system
- PNS : para sympathatic nervous system
They effect almost every organ and most of the organs have sympathatic and parasympthatic innervtion
Each of which have opposite of dorctional influnace of the giving organ
What is the main function of the VNS
The man function its to mentain the constancy of the internal organ at deffrent influnce on the body
When external enviroment change what happend
Internal enviroment also change as well and this is the task of the vns
Explain the higher center of the SyNS
The higher center of the VNS is the hypothlamus
- in the post, ( as well as latral ) the higher nuclei of the sympathatic and its called Ergotropic
- actvation of the posterior nuclei leads typically sympathatic effects
Ex : dilation of the pupil , blood prusser incresses and heart rate incresses
Ergotropic or sympathatic system its adapts an organsim abiltiy to stress
What is the ergotropic mean
In greek ergo - action
Tropic - dircation
Explain the higher center in PNS
The higher center of the VNS is the hypothalmus
- in the front area of the hypothlamus the higher nuclei of the parasympathtic located
And its called trophotropic - stamulation of the front area of the hypothalmus coused actvition of PNS , or trophotropic , leading to restoring the energy in the organsim and perserving its reserve
Ex : actvation of the digestion , blood perssure decresse , heart work and breath suppersstion
What is the mean of trophotropic in greek
Its mean tropho - food
Tropic : dircation
Explain the lower center in the Syns
The first motorneurons are located in the latral horn of the spinal cord (C8-L1pr L3 )
-Main syns centers
The center of (C8-Th1 or Th2 ) segaments make widning the pupile (mydriasis )
Expanding the eye fissuer and cousing protubrance of the eye ball (proptosis or exophtalm) they implement this effect with the perticapation of the cervical sympathatic ganglion or (cervical sympathatoc nodes )
-the segaments Th1-Th5
Regulate the cardiac function and respiratory tract ( woth pertcapation of the stellate gangilon and upper thoracic gangilon of the sympathatic trunk
( stellata gangilon mean plexus celiacus )
- from c8 - L1orL2
All the sypmathatic part : regualtion centres of vescular tone and sweating of the whole body
( with partacipation of the ganglia of the thoracic and lumber parts of the synpathatic trunk ) - the segments th10 - L2
The lower thoracic and first two lumber segments of the spinal cord
Regulation centers of yhe secratory and motor activaty of the oesophegus , stmoach , intestine , liver , gall bladder , and pancreas ,
Here are the regulation centers if the activity of kidneys , urine bladde , , urethra , adrenal glands , genital glands , fallopian tubes , vagina , prostate gland
What is the bernard -horner syndrom , and the symptoms
Its syndrom coused by dameg along the oclosympathatoc pathway
-colosympathatoc pathway inclouds 3 nuornos
—Synptoms :
1-sympathatic nerve supply to over side of the face which resulte = miosis ( contrectes if the pupils )
2- ptosis : droopy eyeled
3- anhdrosis : which is abusns of the sweating of the face
4- enopthalmus = which is sinking if the eye ball into the bony cavity that protects the eye
1- hypothalmus
2 - cervical region of the spinal cord
3- in the sympathatic chain (superoir )
one with common carotid artery bc the sympathatic chain have 3 part sup,mid,lower
- damge to 1st nouron = strok , tumers , syrnomyleia : when there a lystor cavity in the spainl cord
- dameg to 2nd order nouron = pancost tumer : which is tumer in the top of the lings
- dameg to 3rd prder nouron = dessction of the internal carotid artery
Explain the lowe centers in PNS ?
In PNS nuclei are located in the mid brain ( oculomotor nerve ) pons medulla oblongata ( facual , glossophryngeal , vagus nervs as well as in latral horn of the sacral segments S1-s3
-Main parasympathatic centers Of PNS are located in 3 deffrent areas of the CNS
1 mid brain
2 medulla oblongata
3 Sacral part of the spinal cord
-mesanphalic (mid brain ) pns cbter nuclis of the 3rd pair of cranial nerves ( which is oclumotor ) it causes constraction of the pupil (myosis)
- Nucleus if the facial nerve 7th pair of cranial nerves (exactly the intermediat one of its parts ) its parasympathatic too and its innervates the sublingual and sub mandibular slaivary glands and increas the slaivation
—-PNS increases the slaivation ——
2- bulbar part ( medulla )
Nuclei of the 9th pair which is glossophryngeal and 10 pair vagus nerve
Glossophryngeal innervates the parotid gland
Vagus nerve the most poweful parasympathatic nerve bc its innervets almost all trunk organs
3- sacral part
Is persented by nourons underlying the latart horns of the spinal cord in the region of s1-s3 sacral segments
Theae neurons form regulation centers of pelvic organs : urination , defecation and genital functions ( erection , lubrication , ejaculation )
What the parasympathatic nourons of the brain stem nuclei regulat
Its regulat almost all the body funcation
Slaivation , vomating , sweating , lacrymation , heart activity , breathing and bronchial tone ,
Secrtory and motor function of the stomach and small intestines as well as bile prodcation and biliary ecxretion
VNS have 2 nurons strecture what is it and where its located
1st motornoun always located in CNS
2nd always lie on the prephry and form vegtatve ganglia
Explain the differenices between PNS and Syns in 2nd motornuron
-Syns : 2nd motor noroun locates near the spinal cord and from ( sympathatic trunk ) and bc the motor nuroun. So close to the CNS
Syns : have short pregangelionc fibers
And long pstgangilonic fiber
-PNS 2nd motor nuruon lie directaly in the stroma of those organs which they innervates and form (intermiral gangila )
And bc the motor nouroun so far from the CNS
PNS : have long pregangiloinc fibers
And short postganglionic fibers
NB: both sympathatic trunk and intermural gangila are vegtative gangelia
Explain the deffreinces between Syns and PNS in mediator and receptor
- in the PNS and SyNS between the first ans second motornouron the mediator is ACH ( acytaicholin ) secreted and in the 2nd motor nuorun N-cholenorecptor is located
-SyNS : in the effector organ noraladrenalin released and the receptor is adrenorecptor (a/r)
-PNS: in the effector organ ach ( acytaicholin ) released and the receptor on the effecotr organ ia
Is there any deferenceis between syns and pns in the senstive field or intercalary and efrent element ?
The answer is no bc the division into pns and syns is divison of motor nournoa of the cns
Ex- stamulation of cardiac activity infulanced by the Syns is lunched with actvition if the baroreceptor by low blood prusser while suppressing of the cardiac activty under the infulance of the PNS is lunched from the same receptor , but their activation by rising pressure